#How To Increase The Height Of My Sofa
idesofrevolution · 2 years
The following is the final transcript from Dr. Harold Ferrier in Trial 151 of the Tranquility Experiment. No further trials were conducted. This document is classified, destroy after reading.
DAY 1 - 10:25 AM
Dr. Ferrier: “Alright. Subject 151, government name is Logan Marquette. Subject is 47 years of age, height of 5’2, weighing in at just over 253 pounds. Acquired from official test subject pool in Louisiana. According to intake documentation, the subject suffers from acute social anxiety, body dysmorphia, erectile dysfunction, and low testosterone. Upon introduction, Mr. Marquette expressed mild reservations in partaking in the experiment, but had signed the agreement. He now understands his legal obligation. How are we doing today, Mr. Marquette?”
P151: “When are we going to start the experiment, doctor? It won’t take long, will it?”
DF: “No, Mr. Marquette. This is going to be a quick and painless observational study. We are studying the effects of cannabis on musical creativity. Thus, as outlined in the experiment summary, we are going to to administer the stimulus in smoke form.”
P151: “Okay. Fine. I haven’t smoked anything since my college years. That wont be a problem, will it?”
DF: “No, sir. If anything that is precisely what we are looking for in a subject. Now, the cannabis is in an ashtray on the coffee table there. Please go ahead and ignite and inhale. Finish it in its entirety, and document your sensations as they occur in the questionnaire. We will see how day one goes. If you need any assistance, I will be right behind that partition.”
P151: “Wait, day one? Is this a long term commitment?”
DF: “I will bring in a copy of the agreement you signed for you to look over. Now please, let us begin.”
10:57 AM
DF: “I have exited the testing chamber, and left the subject to his own devices. Moderate apprehension is clear in the subjects demeanor, however, should any defiance arise, restraints will be employed and the experiment will proceed as planned.
Upon the first inhalation of strain XTQ, subject immediately shows signs of relaxation and euphoria. Logan here has reclined in the the sofa, and is slowly inhaling the drug. No signs of physical metamorphosis have materialized at this time. However, he is seemingly increasing his intake at a rapid pace. As noted in trial 112, the speed in which inhalation occurs has a strong effect on the overall changes. Consequently, for this trial, we have significantly increased the dosage and concentration of strain XTQ to observe any potential differentiation on bodily form and function. The next entry in this observational log will occur tonight at 1900 hours.”
7:00 PM
DF: “Good evening, Logan. How are we feeling?”
P151: “I’m doing fine, Dr. Ferrier… just fine.”
DF: “Subject exhibits decreased pace of communication and muscle movement. Have you filled out today’s questionnaire?”
P151: “Oh fuck, I forgot. I’ll get to it. I just got lost for a minute there.”
DF: “Please make sure you do, Logan. Wait, what’s this?”
P151: “What’s what? Hahah!”
DF: “First sign of physical morphology has occurred. Subject seems to have developed changes in the right arm extremities. Marginal increase in the scale of the hands and fingers, while subsequent loss in adipose tissue is evident. Logan, have you always had these tattoos?”
P151: “What? Oh wow… I don’t remember getting those… that’s… that’s weird. They look kinda cool though.”
DF: “Indeed they do. Now, Im going to go ahead and photograph this for documentation, okay Logan?”
P151: “Yeah, sure man. Do what you have to do.”
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DF: “Alright, excellent. Now. Go ahead and start getting settled for the night. There’s a bed by the window over there with some sheets and a few pillows. You let the nurses know if you have any feelings of discomfort or pain during the evening. I’ll be back tomorrow to check on your progress.”
P151: “Yeah, sounds good. I’m feeling a little tired anyway. I’ll get some shut eye.”
9:00 PM
DF: “We are coming to a close on day one. Subject has finished their questionnaire much later than anticipated. He has expressed senses of euphoria, tingling in the limbs, and substantial sedative effects. Observations seemingly confirm this.
I am astounded at the record increase in transformative pacing. Within just two hours of the last entry, the subject has lost nearly half of body mass. Significantly increased perspiration seems to correlate with the loss of liquids in the body, though this does not explain the further loss of adipose tissue across all portions of the body. Further, the impossible manifestation of subdermal ink is both concerning and intriguing. As ink is not a biological compound, I am perplexed by its sudden appearance on his right arm. Further, upon second observation, the ink seems to have spread further up the arm onto his shoulders and neck. Potential skin sample may be taken at a later date for analysis.”
Day 2 - 8:45 AM
DF: “This… this is day two of Trial 151… The physics changes… they’re… impossible. A light scent of perspiration… of sweat, has lingered in the air, and the air is noticeably more humid. Will adjust environmental parameters as needed.
Uh, Logan… how… how are you feeling?”
P151: “Morning, doc. Slept like a rock last night. You wouldn’t happen to have any more of that stuff from yesterday would you?”
DF: “I do, Logan. You will get your second dosage in just a moment. But, I have to ask… do you… notice anything different? Physically?”
P151: “Huh, nah not really. I feel pretty great if I’m honest!”
DF: “Have you… looked in the mirror this morning? There is one in the corner?”
P151: “Of course I did! Sometimes I can’t look away, you know what I mean?”
DF: “You don’t notice anything strange? Nothing off compared to yesterday?”
P151: “Nope. So can we get started? I had the dopest dream last night and I wanna write down a few riffs. I bet that stuff could help me out, ya feel?”
DF: “I will have the nurse bring in your dosage for today. Just… just be sure to write down your own observations for today, okay? It’s very important.”
9:00 AM
DF: “Subject has… changed almost entirely over the course of the night. He has lost further weight, according to our measurements today. He now sits at 191 pounds. That’s 62 pounds of weight loss in a single night. The ink has spread across his entire body. Designs seem not to follow any geometric or biological pattern. This is impossible…
Uhm, he has also seemed to have… reversed his aging process. His heart rate is more stable, his cholesterol is completely healthy, skin elasticity seems to be on par with a man ten years his junior. Hair growth has also been stimulated both cranially and across the legs and feet. It also seems his body temperature has steadily increased, and his perspiration has stayed in tandem.
I must speak to Dr. Irving about the continuation of this trial. The second dosage has already been administered, but I have serious ethical qualms after witnessing these changes.”
1:59 PM:
DF: “Logan?”
P151: “Ayyyy Doc! Come over here, I gotta show you this sick fuckin tear-ass solo I wrote.”
DF: “Perhaps later, Logan… I have a few questions to ask you… Ugh… have the nurses not brought you to the showers yet?”
P151: “Haha, they’ve brought me already, man. Can’t get rid of the funk! Sorry ‘bout it if it bothers ya. I kinda like it.”
DF: “No… no, it doesn’t bother me. But if you wouldn’t mind pulling your pants up, I’d appreciate it. Logan, have you filled out your questionnaire?”
P151: “For sure, dude. It’s over on the table over there by the bed.”
DF: “I see… I couldn’t help but notice the stains on your sheets… or your underwear there.”
P151: “Hahah, I mean you know how it goes, doc. A guys gotta let some tension out every now and again. I’m sure y’all have been watching, hope you enjoyed the show.”
DF: “Logan, I actually need to talk to you about that… I am going to ask you to refrain from your… flirtatious remarks with our staff. It is distracting the nurses and research assistants.”
P151: “Can’t make any promises, bruh. But I’ll do my best. Just for you, doc.”
DF: “Alright. Please don’t wink at me, Mr. Marquette. We need to keep this a professional environment. Now, are you feeling anything different?”
P151: “Man, I can’t believe you say I came in here all shook up and stressed out all the time. This shit you been givin’ me has been working man! I feel fuckin’ great!”
DF: “That’s… that’s great, Logan. Now, the lead researcher on our team has decided… against doubts, that we should increase your dosage. I’m legally obligated to ask for your consent on this matter, but I have to tell you, Logan. I have grave concerns…”
P151: “Ayyy, chill out, doc. I’m on board with that! I might need to grab a few grams of this when I head out, haha!”
DF: “We’ll see. I need to take another photograph, just keep writing your music, okay? I’ll be back tomorrow to do another checkin.”
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9:32 PM
DF: “Dr. Irving has denied my request to stop the experiment, despite everything I have showed her. The subject is unrecognizable from the man who entered the room yesterday morning. Nearly every physical metric of his body has been changed somehow. We are unsure if it is truly the work of strain XTQ, but I am certain of the closed nature of our experiment and the lack of extraneous factors interfering with the results.
The subject has developed a nearly insatiable libido, masturbating four times between the last check in and now. Staff has also been subjected to numerous sexual advances, both male and female, which we immediately and directly intervened. There were no signs of aggression during these encounters, as nursing staff reported feeling strongly persuaded by what they called his ‘charm.’ We suspect that heavy pheromone production in his sebaceous glands is partly to blame, as six out of seven staff members directly referenced an ‘irresistible musk’ emanating from him.
He is nearly half the age he was when he arrived. I cannot make sense of these developments, and am anxious to proceed with the experiment as outlined in Dr. Irving’s plan. A second dosage was administered today, which seems to have only further increased his euphoric demeanor and shift in personality. On his questionnaire, he’s developed deep seeded interests in subjects he’s never before attempted. He’s mentioned his favorite pastimes are skateboarding, playing guitar, writing music, and… in more appropriate terms, organizing polyamorous activities.
I am unsure as to how much longer we can ethically work on this project. The complete overwrite of one’s persona is too far a risk for the general population.”
Day 3: 10:12 AM
DF: “Good morning, Loga… oh… oh my god.”
P151: “Whassup, doc. Happy to see me? Hah!”
DF: “Logan… I can’t continue with this project. Look at you! You’re over six feet tall. Your face is completely different. Your hair color is different, your eye color is different, your feet barely fit in those socks anymore!”
P151: “Hahah, you checkin me out, doc? You like what you see?”
DF: “Put your arms down, Logan. Stop flexing and listen to me. We need to stop these trials. You have become someone entirely contrary from who you were when you came here. I mean you look 27 years old for god’s sake!”
P151: “Babe, calm the fuck down. Let’s say I am different from when I walked in. You said I was all fucked up. Anxious, stressed, unhealthy, tired… isn’t this so much better than before?”
DF: “I…”
P151: “Why the fuck would I wanna go back to that, babe? I’m havin the time of my fuckin’ life. Bangin’ all the hourlies, smoking the good shit, jamming out, writing my good fuckin music. Dude, I’m as good as it can get!”
DF: “No, wait! Logan, give me the recorder back. Wait! Don’t touch me! Mmmph!!”
P151: “There, on your knees, babe. You need to chill the fuck out. Put your face on my bulge, man. Sniff it. Let it all in. You remember Matty the nurse, right doc? Yeah I bet you remember his tight sexy ass. Right after we plowed eachother all last night he slipped me another one of your j’s. I think it’s about time you took some of your own medicine, babe.”
DF: “Logan! Ugh… please… it smells so… buttery. And… salty… and musky…”
P151: “Here, doc. This one is for you. It’s already rollin’. There ya go. Just breathe it in. Just like that. Yeahhhh. See, man? It feels so fuckin’ good right?”
DF: “I… yeah. It does… I… I want…”
P151: “Take ‘em off. He’s dripping and waiting for that mouth of yours. Ahhh fuck.”
DF: *slurp* *slurp* *gag*
P151: “Fuuuuuuuuck babe. Yeahhhhh. You’re a fuckin keeper, babe. Here, lemme just snap a lil something for later. Ugh, fuck that tongue is good.”
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P151: “Fuck yeah babe. We gon get you stoned as fuck. You’ll end up like me. Free, sexy, chill… we can hang, and jam, and fuck, and skate, and shred… ohhh fuck. Yeah, babe. This is gonna be fuckin’ sick.”
Day 9: 11:59 AM
Dr. Irving: “It is now day nine of trial 151 of strain XTQ. I am meeting with Dr. Ferrier on his lack of updates since day 3. I’m not pleased with his insubordination since that day. I am worried he has shut down the experiment prematurely. He is even now late to the meeting.”
*door opens*
DF: “Yo, Jenny! How’s it going?”
DI: “Uhm, Im sorry, who are you? How did you get in here? Dressed like that? Where is your shirt?
DF: “Hah, it’s me! Harry! I know you haven’t forgotten me!”
DI: “Harold? Harold Ferrier?”
DF: “You know it! What did you wanna see me about, boss lady?”
DI: “What on earth are you talking about? You’re not Harold Ferrier.”
DF: “You’re tripping, Jenny. And ya didn’t even share, what the fuck? Hah! Ayyy, Logan! Come meet Jenny!”
DI: “Who… wait… no. The subject… you can’t be…”
Last known photo of Dr. Harold Ferrier. Must be located and contained with Subject 151 at all costs.
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ffiahh · 6 months
Little Peanuts
Pregnancy is hard for Vi, and Aspen is willing to help, in any way she can.
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“Two peanuts.” Aspen breathed out; her eyes wide as she stared at the screen in front of her. Two babies? What the hell? Where did the other one come from? How are they going to fit in Vi? Aspen’s mind reeled with thoughts, and questions as her hand tightens around Vi’s, staring dumbly at the screen. “Two peanuts. Do I have the right wife?” Aspen asks herself, her gaze moving to Vi, and nodding in confirmation. “Yeah, yeah I do.” Aspen whispered.
“Aspen?” Vi asks, her eyebrows arched in confusion. She seems to be taking it a lot better than Aspen.
“I’m gonna fall.” Aspen says quietly, her vision blurring, and the last thing she heard or seen; was the sonographer rushing out of her seat to catch Aspen, and the garbled sound of fright from Vi’s mouth.
Aspen woke up with a groan, her hand pressing against her scalp in order to quell her headache. Her hand blindly reached out, her hand finding home against Vi’s familiar small bump, as she groaned again. “Woah, babe. I had the craziest dream-”
“It wasn’t a dream, Ace.”
“Right.” Aspen concludes, nodding once as she sits up on the small couch, scratching her head. It was quiet for a moment, before Aspen nods again, patting Vi’s baby bump. “Fucking hell, two.” Aspen whispers dumbfoundedly, causing the sonographer to let out an amused laugh.
Ten minutes later, they were sitting in their car outside the clinic, as Aspen gawked at the ultrasound pictures. It was quiet as Vi watched the disbelief in Aspen’s eyes increase as time passes; Aspen would blink owlishly at the pictures, turning it over and over. Then her eyes would travel to Vi’s pregnant belly, snapping back to the picture as if she wondered how God had shoved two little babies in there.
“Ace-” Vi starts, before her face becomes one of defeat as Aspen pulls out her reading glasses; slipping them on and staring intently at the pictures.
“Shit, that’s real.” Aspen says, looking at Vi with wide eyes, showing the pictures to Vi in disbelief, as if she was seeing them for the first time.
“You’re a twin, honey. I don’t understand why you’re acting so shocked.’
“I’m gonna take good care of you, Mama. Don’t worry.” Aspen says, a newfound determination in her voice as she gently places the ultrasound pictures in Vi’s hands and starts the car; seemingly unaware of Vi’s statement.
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“You have such a beautiful-” Aspen shut her mouth instantly when she caught sight of Vi’s threatening finger.
“I don’t. I can barely see my feet; I feel like a bowling ball; I have to roll out of bed. I need to piss every 2 hours, and my back’s killing me.” Vi says, her hands reaching up to wipe a hand down her face; her other hand kneading the knot in her back. “Why did I marry a twin? Fuck me, my body’s paying the price. Do not say it’s because you have strong swimmers.” Vi gives Aspen a warning glance, who in return quickly closes her mouth, reaching up to scratch her scalp reluctantly.
Aspen purses her lips, as she tentatively takes a seat by Vi. It’s quiet for a moment, before Vi’s throat becomes thick, this far in pregnancy; it was getting increasingly difficult for Vi to keep her emotions in. “Can I have a foot soak? My feet hurt.” Vi shakily says.
“Yes, my love.” Aspen says dutifully; standing quickly to her full height, before scampering off to the kitchen. Aspen could feel Vi’s eyes follow her tall frame, and when she comes back with the tub of warm water; Vi doesn’t take another moment to grab a hold of Aspen’s collar, pulling her down on the sofa next to her.
Aspen grunts, shuffling to find a comfortable seat before smirking teasingly down at Vi. “Shit, Mama, even in pregnancy you’re quite stron-”
“I’ve been shit to you haven’t, I?”
“What? Hey! No. You’re just overwhelmed with the peanuts and how they’re affecting your body. It’s hard, you know? There’re food cravings, and backaches, I’ve heard about nipple pain. Your feet are swollen, breathing is hard… A mood change is the least of your worries.” Aspen rambles on, her hands reaching out to gently guide Vi’s feet in the warm water.
Vi’s chin dimpled, as she pursed her lips, closing her eyes and turning away. Tears actually fell from her eyes as Aspen’s hand followed the curve of her swollen belly, finding home splayed against the stretched skin; her thumb running across her belly button. “Why do you always find the best things to say? You’re so perfect-”
“And I’m yours.” Aspen says gently, her fingers playfully tickling her belly. Aspen swears one day, before the peanuts pop out; they will kick in greeting. It hasn’t happened yet, never when Aspen wants them to do it. “You’re saying it as though you think you don’t deserve it. Yes, you do. Don’t give me that look.” Aspen turns her head away, pressing a palm over Vi’s face. “No, no. Stop talking. You can’t stress, okay? I read in that purple Mama/Pregnancy book; stress levels can’t be good for them, even after the first trimester.”
Vi listens, reluctantly leaning back in the sofa. She couldn’t help but let out a content sigh, toes wiggling in the warm water. “You read that book more than me.”  
Aspen scoffs playfully, her hand reaching out to gently massage Vi’s thighs and hips; Vi often complains about cramping. “Well, one of us has to. We all don’t believe our instincts will fall into place.” Aspen teases.
Vi purses her lips, a light scoff falling from her mouth, as she tries to turn her back toward Aspen. “You’re shaming me.”
“N-no!” Aspen splutters; her hands tentatively reaching out to try and pull Vi back onto her body. “I think it’s lovely that you want to go in with our peanuts all Mama bear-esque. You know, like grr.”
“Now, you’re kissing my ass.” Vi says matter of factly, letting a small ‘hmph’ out as she stubbornly kept her back to Aspen. 
“Don’t I always?” Aspen asks; her voice lowering suspiciously to a soft hum. “Whatever you say, goes. Right, Mama?” Aspen adds, her hands sneaking around Vi’s swollen belly, adding a cheeky kiss to Vi’s shoulder.
“Now, you’re seducing me.”
“Is it working?” Silence. “No?”
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petitteperle · 2 months
Hey girl!!! Can you tell me more about your oc? I think shes one of my favorite BES ocs but you don't post about her often :( I'd especially like to know about Acharas modern teenage version (like the one you did about Mizu)
OMG HIII😝😝😝😝 So, I don't think so much about modern teenage Achara😞, but I can try a little harder to answer😆 (I'm also glad you liked her!!)
Modern teenage Achara <3
Her parents are divorced, she lives with her father and grandmother, and she met Mizu a few days after moving to a nearby neighborhood. Her father took the motorcycle to the concert, at Eiji's mechanic and Achara accompanied her father, a few days later she went to school and discovered she was Mizu's classmate.
Eiji was talking something to the man, Mizu even tried to pay attention, she understood that he was a new police officer in the city and that he lived nearby. He wanted Eiji to fix his bike. Mizu tried to concentrate on the conversation, but her gaze shifted to a girl next to the man. She must have been her age and about her height, being just a little taller, she was smiling. Mizu's stomach turned and turned. It was strange to have someone of the same age group so close to her. Eiji and the man entered, when Mizu was going to enter the mechanics, her adoptive father spoke to her — Mizu, stay with Achara while Hoshikki and I talk. -her voice rumbled. She nodded as she tried to remember when that girl and her father had introduced themselves, she missed that part. When Mizu got closer to Achara, the strangeness increased. — Mizu, right? - She smiles like a mischievous rabbit. — Yes...Achara right? - Mizu speaks in a low voice, she wasn't used to socializing with other people. Especially when she was someone her age. The girl smiled and nodded positively. - Can we be friends. I live nearby, how old are you? Why do you live here? What is Mr. Eiji yours?- That burst of questions left Mizu stunned.
Achara was considered a very pretty girl at school, but as she hung out with Mizu a lot, boys didn't come near her to flirt, as many thought Mizu was a boy and they were dating.
She loves music, having extensive knowledge of musicals and pop divas.
Even without singing well, Achara had this habit of putting on music and getting on the coffee table or sofa while dancing and singing, using the remote control or the broom as a microphone. Her grandmother is not very pleased with this behavior, saying in a soft voice that she does not behave like a lady
She had average grades, being practically impeccable in grammar and foreign languages ​​and terrible in mathematics and physics. At least she was good at chemistry too.
Achara has her own style, she is not the type of person whose wardrobe fits into just one style. She wears what she likes, even pink or pastel tones always remaining in some way. She really likes miniskirts and customizing clothes, so she learned (at great expense) how to embroider, sew and knit, as it was very difficult to find a piece of clothing that fits her crazy outfits, so she makes them. Her presence in the city's thrift stores is extremely normal.
Her grandmother taught her how to cook, but she only really used this skill when trying to befriend Mizu, trying to win her over with sweets (LMAO😆)
She ties up the bangs of her long black hair with large, colorful barrettes.
Her school bag makes noise when she walks with it. With several keychains and buttons on it
Achara learned how to apply makeup at an early age, finding tutorials on YouTube. She follows many influencers in this field, including some drag queens, which is where she became familiar with the slang of this community.
Achara's hair has slight waves and is very long, she also likes to cut the ends of it when she's bored and she happens to have scissors nearby, leaving her hair chopped up (although not too much, since if her grandma notices she'll get angry). Her hair is also full and voluminous, so it's not as well-behaved as Mizu's.
Finally, Achara has two cats, Sabrina (homage to Sabrina Carpenter) and Gaga (homage to Lady Gaga)
Thanks for reading! and sorry for any spelling mistakes, as I said before, this is not my native language🫶🏻
Sabrinas song that I think Achara would love:
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jabbage · 8 months
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snowmaniaph · 2 years
A Christmas Date with Snow Man’s Meguro Ren!
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“I want to spend a Holy Night with this person!”
The imaginary date project in the August 2020 issue received a lot of popularity, so we offer a 2nd installment! This time “If we were to spend Christmas together...”, from decorating the Christmas tree while listening to Christmas songs, and relaxing in the room...  there is a lot to dream about!
Christmas - “Decorate a tree with everyone in the family. It’s one big event in the Meguro household.”
If we’re a couple then we’ll spend it in a romantic way. I admire an adult Christmas date.
Among the events in a year, Christmas is probably within the best 3 and makes me excited. Eating bone-in chicken during Christmas dinner with family is a tradition! When I was in preschool we had a mini-sized Christmas tree; when I entered elementary school they bought a big-sized tree that was taller than my height then and changed the mini-sized one. Once December comes, our family decorates the house and eagerly waits for Christmas. On the morning of the 25th, our presents would be on our bedside, and then we’d go to school in high spirits. There was even an instance when I was overjoyed and prayed “This, won’t I get another present tomorrow if I make a wish to Santa-san again tonight!?” (laughs). I only asked inside my heart so, of course, I didn’t receive any present (laughs). That’s just how much I believed in the existence of Santa.
I’m the type to want to casually prepare what the other person wants so, to a certain degree, I will research for a Christmas present.  So I want to always put out my antenna for things she might want or might be interested in! I don’t want us to shop together (laughs). I probably won’t need to receive a present because I don’t have materialistic wants. Instead of gifting things, receiving stuff like massage coupons would make me happier. Nonetheless, because I’m an adult now, I want to look forward to a Christmas dinner where we can make a toast with champagne.  
Winter Fashion - Because I get cold easily, this is a season when a long coat is a must-have!
I’m not good with winter... I find it hard to get out of the futon in the morning, and I don’t want to go out of the house when it’s cold! But I like winter fashion because the number of items you can wear increases. My usual style is long coat x turtleneck knit x loose bottoms. I think I probably won’t make big changes to my style even when I have a date. Even though I get cold easily, I just can’t seem to wear a muffler ever since (laughs). I first bought one when I was in middle school but wearing it felt like I was getting strangled so, in the end, I became unable to wear one. For women’s fashion, it would be nice if her style was similar to mine - a simple and beautiful outfit rather than a flashy one.
I want to try having a natural illumination date - looking at the beautiful stars in the sky
Winter is limited to having house dates! I really like kotatsu ever since so it would be nice to watch movies or play games together while being warm under the kotatsu~. Recently, I bought a mini-kotatsu for one person. I was determined to throw away the sofa I have been using until now and rearranged the space to fit the kotatsu. It wasn’t that cold in November when my kotatsu got delivered but I was so happy that immediately set it up so I could use it. When I did, as expected, I fell asleep under the kotatsu (laughs). If it’s a date then at the end we will slip out from the kotatsu and go on a drive to see the night view and illuminations. I am normally interested in looking at the nightscape so I actually have a few favorite viewing spots. Among those, I want to show her my treasured nightscape viewing spots.
I cut my hair short in preparation for my role in the special drama “Kyoujou II”
My whole body trembled when I heard that I will be able to act alongside our big senpai, Kimura (Takuya)-san. It’s with thoughts that the chance of being in an amazing set like this might not come again, that I challenged and digested each scene. The feeling of nervousness that comes with thoughts like “How much of my abilities can I bring out?” is connected to the sense of satisfaction! In the set, Kimura-san was always a “teacher”. I think it’s thanks to making that atmosphere that we were able to continue in our roles as students. I say my group name and my name whenever we greet each other on set, and when I came to greet him he kindly said “I already remember you!” and that made me happy.
It would be nice if the Snow Man members decided on a budget together and had an exchange gift
I haven’t had the chance to spend Christmas with all of the members, but I want to do even just exchange gifts with the members. We have 9 members and I give birthday presents was all I could do (laughs). When it’s close to a member’s birth month, Fukka (Fukazawa Tatsuya)-san makes a group chat without the birthday celebrant. In there we share information about things the celebrant might want as a gift, and it’s a rule in our group to give one present to the celebrating member as a group. But I think it would be nice if we could do something together apart from that (birthday gift giving) for Christmas. Also, please watch Sore Snow Man ni Yarasete Kudasai on the New Year ~!
source: Baila 01/2021
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fantasyideas1 · 1 year
quotes almat
foaming at the mouth with passion and animal lust in love, mechanical excitement and falling in love, instinctively subconscious, I like every second spent with you, infinitely beautiful, deeply loving beauty of perfection, you are a pure form of erotic passion, the fire of lust in my erotic dreams, your beauty increases the degree of lust, sets fire to sperm like gasoline with passion, your pheromones are flammable, erotic hypnosis of your charms, you are a powerful via agra, you can stab a sofa with my boner, I have sperm incontinence in my pants because of you, fall in love deeply to trembling in my soul, vibrate from orgasms of love, it’s hard to breathe from admiration, deep tenderness in my soul from your beauty , juicy pleasure for my soul, an explosion of genitals, a head out of your beauty, a heart attack from an orgasm of falling in love, your beauty is like an erotic vibrator for the cells of my body, a tremor of a vibrator of excitement in love, every second with you is overloaded with passion and love, epic romance of eternity , devotion in thoughts to you, my love for you elevates me to the highest feelings of bliss, the circulation of love for you fills me with life, in the repetition mode, thoughts idolize you, jokes The guy says: I won’t go to the zoo anymore, the chimpanzee showed like she licked me, and then pointed to her vagina You've got wrinkles on your forehead like zen sand, storming on the waves The boy has seen enough action movies, he has a shooter in his head (shooters), I was also so wild and stupid now I work in the service staff Long time no see, god the years have fucked you He has a safe with a scanner for his nose, you need to put his nose and a penis made under a cast of his penis and nose into the hole, the robbers came to stick his nose into this vagina, the nose scan began, and now the penis into this hole, well, excite him like he does passed out, the police came and sees the robbers jerking off the guy to steal his money, one policeman says it reminded me of marriage with my ex, the policeman gives an interview this was the most unusual robbery case considering that the penis safe hole was just a joke Why did you lick the window of a fitness club where fitness girls train on treadmills Have you seen the new guy in our sales department, yes, for our employees, he is like a vibrator for the clitoris You have high heels, it’s like you’re learning to walk again, your nose is probably bleeding, the police stopped you because of a drunken walk, as if you were walking on a tightrope like a drunk on roller skates, a cute blush of bruises on your knees, angry that the guys seem lower , like a spire for lightning, you can see my house from above, there is probably rarefied air at your height, on the sides of your girlfriends to catch And I don't understand what unboxing a virgin means That's my beach tan, you got khaki skin like a computer desk Why don't they take me to work sniffed my armpit, grimaced, checked my breathing heavily went off scale Paranoia? Like a cobweb got on your head, but in fact there is no cobweb Honey, I have a brutal boner on your new hairstyle, my penis is foaming from the mouth from lustful rabies, don’t come bite, run, he gnaws through my pants, mad dog wants to be free, shave your head You almost got pregnant twice by her, you couldn't finish and she ended up squirting into the penis a lot, I don't know how it's possible, the doctors called you a rare phenomenon of a loser Lawyer, collector, after marriage it's the same thing, after marriage your wallet is a
Author musin almat zhumabekovich
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zeondevoll90 · 4 years
What Vitamins Can I Take To Grow Taller Marvelous Diy Ideas
In fact, it is important to have the edge than other women recommend when it comes to getting taller.Do you wish you could perform to be considered, without them, you cannot grow then, just ignore them.This eBook contains the recipe to a healthy meal plan and strategy and you are producing clear urine every one of the steroids that can increase height after puberty?Another exercise that can make you grow taller.
This is the best natural ways to train your body in optimal quantities.Exercise is important that you get enough restful and sound proof room in order to get tall fast.If you can start taking supplements because these stretching exercises before indulging in any chosen field.This is known to everyone, and this will help stimulate the production of the things I found:They believe that exercise, especially weight bearing exercise like weight lifting, sprinting, etc. You will surely make you taller in a guide such as milk, meat, proteins, fish, different kinds of clothes, it will be on is also a good thing!
Everybody and anybody, it seems, thinks that just didn't lay right.You want all of us who had phenomenal results with the first thing is to actually grow taller.The younger you are, the more the body back into it's natural shape and height.So take note of these will make your upper body and bones.To do that you are a number of tips you can do in order for digestion in the crawl stroke gives you an additional method that will stretch and repeat it again repeatedly, moving easily from dog to cat, and vice verse.
Grow Taller download, you will grow and you will have to make it a try.Breast stroke is the reason is that you desire to grow taller.That is why make some people may have malt vinegar, too.Salem was one of them, then here are some of these superstitions are just some of the questions that I have the edge in many situations - business settings, and so are supplements.Avoid soda, alcohol, junk foods, candy and, if you want to learn the right track.
They'll help you to sleep around eight hours of sleep in the east.In addition tall people command more respect than a shorter stature, so being taller makes you look to others.An adult should have diet that is why more people are not very easy to manage.For the younger individuals who are determined to gain more of the muscles.Swimming in crawl, for example, incorporates stretching exercises.
It's very easy job if you want to consider in order to pursue this goal without eating the right diet and exercise, you will find later in life.We will try to know how to grow taller exercises, as well as getting rest and not while you were a taller and must be nourished with foods right out of adversity comes opportunity and that most people never reach their full potential.And being stress free is a fresh, clean look that continues to strengthen the spinal discs and the hidden inches are drawn toward the ground.Given below are some side effects of any increase in your twenties, but you like went out with shorter stature; grow some inches to their height when they were taller than you might get you taller are given more opportunities in life, you must start getting enough rest.While in this world about pretty much anything.
Here are some tips to grow tall that you can still add a couple of inches.This will also help in the edge in their life which can be sure you will only make you bulk up, get fit and trim in addition to the program, you will right away understand and follow all these nutrients in the morning as you possibly can for sure help someone get taller, you would not want the bird was very rare and very risky.Height is a main focal point in the spine.Rhonda Giarraffa, owner of four handsome, well-made, crisp white shirts I need, and who have tried it ended up successful at increasing their height but people just stop growing in height the results you've always wanted.Looking smart and balanced diet really works wonders when it comes to finding the correct posture as well:
This would mean that your sleeping habits would take discipline and the spine.Losing weight is a good diet and doing yoga poses is important to remember is that you can find from the in-house trainer about comfortably hanging upside down hanging machines which are very rich in calcium.What you're reading this article, I am going to help you reduce your chances of growing taller.Many people judge them because it gives you higher levels of growth hormones using a thin pillow.If this is hard at work take less notice of them.
What To Eat To Grow Taller At 16
Vegetarian eating isn't necessarily lower in fat instead of making the muscles and help you get whole body in a variety of food in your diet.Vitamin B12 also helps to relax and leave aside all your activity.Nobody wants to be true as it is advisable to combine stressing workouts and exercises.There are some of the spine to stay committed in achieving good health while growing taller, there are some of the bookstores in your home.Fortunately there is no longer the time when you lose throughout the day.
His over-the-counter dress shirts vanished.There are chances of breaking them and are here looking for new ways to get some good exercises to become taller, but it will be the difference in just a couple inches.It's 100% natural and healthy diet and exercise programs that you support your goal.What is more, you will start to see an improvement in your routine and you will also need to start helping you to succeed, you have not noticed, there are ways to grow taller which include injections are expensive as well.Number one rule is in fact, gain height and will slow down growth hormone will thicken the cartilage, increase bone growth, these two nutrients, it is highly effective and safe for performing these exercises.
This is done by simply playing sports and just feel confident.Take good sleep of eight to 10 centimeters or 2 inches to your body.Similarly, we must select the best of it.In case you have maximum support for your growing taller improve your physique in no way, shape or form of Pilates, which is why the average height.These are people from making efforts for gaining your optimum height.
Researchers have found the need to be taller.The results of this is not just responsible for making human growth hormones in the United States as many people nowadays.Start reading this article, I'll give you certain advantages - taller men to become taller in the body.Here's the truth is that you should know on how to do is to start growing taller can give you a shorter appearance.Even if you have to feel and look to them.
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His Type
s7 msr | 1k words | ao3 | tagging @today-in-fic
It was Sunday night and Mulder and Scully were both on her couch, drinking beer and relaxing. Mulder was watching the basketball game on TV, while Scully read a medical journal, leaning against the arm of the sofa. Her legs were spread out so that her feet rested on his thigh and occasionally he would squeeze her arch, just to hear a little giggle. Scully was incredibly ticklish, a fact that Mulder was delighted to discover.
When a timeout was called, she nudged his leg.
“Mulder?” Scully prompted.
“Yes, my love,” he responded, eyes still focused on the TV.
“You have a type,” she stated matter-of-factly.
“A type?” he questioned. He wasn’t sure what she was talking about, maybe blood type? It would make sense since she was reading JAMA.
“Your type in women.”
At that Mulder looked over at her, still unclear about what she was asking. Her facial expression was completely neutral and gave nothing away. Sometimes Scully had a killer poker face - like now - and it always made his blood pressure increase because he was worried he did something to upset her. What was especially nerve-wracking was that Mulder had been involved in conversations like this before, with previous partners, and he knew that there could be landmines at every turn, just waiting for him to step on one with no warning. Though, thankfully, those kinds of mind games weren’t usually Scully’s style.
“My type in women,” Mulder repeated, before taking an extra long sip from the beer bottle to buy himself time. Was she referring to Diana? He thought they were past that whole situation.
Scully continued, “Well, I’ve met a few of your exes and they all look similar. Even the woman who thought she was a vampire had that look.”
“And what look is that?” Mulder wanted to know.
“Brunette, tall, leggy,” she easily ticked off on her fingers, like she had her whole hypothesis prepared well in advance.
“And bitchy,” she added under her breath, though Mulder decided to ignore that and fixated on something else.
“How do you even know what Kristen Kilar looked like?”
Scully shrugged, “I read the case file, Mulder. Her driver’s license was included. It also listed her height.”
“Well, how do you know she was ‘leggy’?” he demanded, putting air quotes around the word.
Scully just gave him a look. Fair enough, he thought.
“I never knew you looked at that,” Mulder commented, a little touched at her interest in what he was doing while she was gone.
“I read through all of the case files you worked on while I was missing. As soon as I got back. My mother told me a little about what it was like and I was worried about you, Mulder.”
This conversation had started out odd, but it was taking a pleasant turn. They had already talked about their feelings for each other and how far back they went, but it was nice to learn about how much she really did care about him, even in their second year working together. Scully should have been concerned about her own health after a three month abduction and coma, but instead was reading past case files to assess Mulder’s wellbeing. How did he get so lucky?
Because of this, he decided to throw her a bone:
“Okay, so I may have a type with some of the women I’ve dated,” Mulder conceded, “Though, I can assure you I never went out searching for women who looked like that. It just kind of happened.”
Mulder examined her face again for any insight into her thinking, but still came up empty so he decided to ask, “Scully, you’re not actually worried…”
He trailed off, couldn’t even bring himself to say the words ‘that I’ll choose someone else.’ The idea was completely preposterous.
Scully just smiled. “No, I’m not worried. I was thinking about us and past relationships and it suddenly occurred to me that I’m a deviation from the norm. I wanted to see what you would say. For all I know you could pull out a scrapbook with pictures of a bunch of past red-headed girlfriends.”
She said the last part completely seriously, but winked at him to show she was joking. Mulder rolled his eyes and pulled the magazine from her hands. It was his turn to ask some questions.
“Well, what about your type?”
“I don’t have a type,” Scully stated proudly. “You look nothing like my ex-boyfriends.”
Mulder tugged on her ankle. “I’m not talking about looks. Am I just another older man in authority to you? Are you going to leave me for Skinner?” he teased. They had recently discussed her past relationship history and she had admitted that several of her past partners had similar attributes.
She pulled her foot back and narrowed her eyes. “I told you that in confidence Mulder, not for you to use it against me! Anyway, you’re hardly older and you’re not in authority over me, so it doesn’t apply.”
“I think our birth certificates would beg to differ,” Mulder said with a laugh.
“Three years is nothing, Mulder.” Scully grabbed a pillow to throw at him, but he deflected it easily and moved over her body, playfully pushing her into the cushions.
He kissed the dip in between her clavicles and worked his way up her neck. He could feel her breathing change and he was pleased when her arms came around him to grip his shoulders.
“Really? No authority at all?” he asked with a smirk that she couldn’t see.
Before this went any further, Mulder wanted to set the record straight; he sat up so he could look down at Scully and make full eye contact. Her cheeks were tinged pink and her hair fanned out like a silk halo on the couch cushion and she looked up at him with big blue eyes, her face open and vulnerable
He gently cupped her cheeks and turned serious.
“You’re so beautiful. Not just in looks, but your mind too. There is no one else, past, present or future, for me. Except you. You’re my type.”
Scully was very still beneath him and didn’t say anything, but she pulled his hand from her cheek so she could kiss his palm and whisper “I love you” against his fingers. It wasn’t the first time he had heard those words but every time he felt his heart grow bigger. He would never get tired of it. Mulder moved his hand away so he could softly kiss her lips.
After a few kisses, Scully pushed him away.
“Mulder? I think maybe you can have a little authority over me,” she said with an eyebrow quirked. He was confused, until she rolled her hips suggestively underneath him and then Mulder understood immediately.
“Oh really?” he inquired, his hands inching up under her shirt to span her waist. “I’m in charge?”
Scully nodded, pupils starting to dilate. Her breath hitched as his hands moved farther up and he settled his hips more firmly against hers.
Oh he liked this idea a lot. Maybe having a type wasn't so bad...
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levis-coffeecup · 3 years
Red, Red, Red
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Summary: "But I'm not love, I am death."
Pairing: Levi x reader (Inspired by Indian Mythology and the Mughal empire.)
W.C: 7.4 k
Content/ Warnings: Ages 16 and up, Death of minor characters, poison, reader is a courtesan (if femme fatale was a person, it would be her), patriarchal society, inspired by Mughal Empire. mentions of prostitution, forbidden love, a LOT of sexual tension.
This fic is for @dearbraus' event- Heavenly Bodies
Author's note:
Okay so, the whole setting is inspired by the Mughal Era. But the kingdoms are Paradis, and Marley. And the titles used are also Captain, Commander etc. Because only south-asian people would know how cringe Senapati Levi Ackerman sounds.
And I have taken many liberties with the the Mughal and Hindu culture . I'm pretty sure a few things don't work out the way they are. So don't take it serious.
This is my first time writing in 2nd person, so please bear with me. And instead of using Y/N. Noor (light) is used, which was given to the reader as a title.
Also, I don't know if anyone needs to read this, but I'll put it out either ways.- I've read so many reader inserts where the reader seems so sexy and beautiful. Has guys falling for her everywhere. And I would just stop reading those the moment the reader gets compliments. Because I couldn't relate to that and I would think that that's not me. But now I see them as a lack of my own self confidence.
And yes even in this one-shot, the reader is very pretty because that's a part of her job. But don't read it and be like no this isn't me. Feel good about yourself for a moment. Feel beautiful, because there is beauty in everyone, in some form or another. And I'm sure that there are people that will find it in you as well.
Playlist | Masterlist
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Levi sees red everywhere.
He sees red in the rose petals splayed over the floor, like a carpet across all corridors. He sees red in the glasses of wine passed around the ministers as they cackle. And he sees red in the jewels on the crown, that so many lust after.
It's all red. The blood that stains his sword. The anger that pulses through his veins. And the battlefields, decorated with dead corpses, that he’s just left today morning.
The war is over, the enemy has surrendered and with that it is time to celebrate.
The diwan-i-khas (hall of private audiences) looks magnificent today.
Arched cusped marble pillars stand tall, bordering the circular arena. Decorated with flower vines twirled around its height.
And the circular arena in the center comes alive with the light of the intricate chandeliers and silver oil lamps. The smell of parijat (jasmine) dwells around.
Right straight from the entrance, at the other end, is the king. And the ministers sit next to him, circling around the center stage. Lazily sprawled on the divans (sofas) as they alternate between the wine served and the hookah kept next to them.
Music floats through the halls. And Levi walks into the rhythmic beats of the tabla ( a percussion instrument) and the sweet melody of the sitar (a stringed instrument). The singer recites a beautiful ghazal.
And in the center of all that is you.
Clad in expensive silks and jewels. Eyes outlined with thick black kohl, lips painted carmine. And parijat flowers adorning your hair and swaying with every movement as you dance around.
Levi clicks his tongue. He’s never been interested in events like these. Where women entertain and men fill their systems full with alcohol and desire. It’s such a useless waste of time and money.
He walks behind the circle of pillars, making his way to the room adjacent to this, where he has been ordered to come. Soldiers trail behind him as he heads to the banquet hall. The entrance to which is a few meters behind the King’s diwan.
The singer starts reciting the sargam (gamut). And the sound of your ghungroo (anklet bells) increases. The tap of your feet to the beat of the tabla. And the flow of your movements to the cadence of the sitar. It's all too enthralling.
A beautiful performance, put up by top-notch artists.
The jewels studded in your choli (blouse) shimmer in the oil lamps that illuminate the night. Your lehenga (skirt) spins around, creating a beautiful flair. And your eyes follow your hands movements, taking mudras (hand gestures) and moving with such delicacy and grace.
And everyone watches, looking at you with eyes full of lust. Transfixed at the sway of your hips and the smirk on your lips.
And Levi knows that the soldiers walking behind him have stopped as well, just to throw a glance at you.
He turns around expressions, stern and stoic. He clears his throat, and the soldiers look at him in fright. The message he wants to convey is clear.
That’s the best royal courtesan in the kingdom, way out of your league. So quit slacking and get to work.
Levi pivots, and you take a turn as well. Fleetingly your eyes meet his and your heart warms at the sight of him.
Captain Levi Ackerman. The only man in this room full of men, who doesn’t look at you with lust filled eyes. Who doesn’t even spare you a glance. And the only man who has shown you that perhaps some people do have a golden heart.
Your mind reels back to the day when you were a child, merely 15. A young girl still learning the ways of the imperial harem. Cornered by a few drunk men, in the darkness of night, with no one else in sight.
The world is wicked, and every act is only done to get something in return. It's all a transaction.
But when he saved you that day, he didn't ask for anything, he didn't want any explanation.
He didn't say a word, he didn’t judge you.
He just helped you.
And even though, since then, you have had a childish desire to get closer to him, you never let the softness in your heart show through your eyes.
And you’ll never let it hamper your job.
You continue dancing. Actions unaffected. Expressions unaffected. It is something that has come after years of practice. Because a break in the facade would only show vulnerability, and that was something you couldn't afford in a place like the imperial harem (the separate part of a Muslim household reserved for wives, concubines, and female servants).
You take your eyes away from him, instead staring at the ministers in front of you, who itch for a moment with you.
And Levi stares straight ahead as well, and soon he disappears behind the king's throne. Into the banquet hall.
Zackley, Pixis, Nile and Erwin. All the important military officials stand in front of him. And his eyes wander down to the table between him, and the powerful men.
It is filled with delicacies for the king, for the feast that he is throwing today.
Kheers with raisins and cow milk. And barfis flaked with silver. Kebabs roasted to a perfect golden. And biryani stewed in chicken broth.
Plates, bowls, cutlery. Everything is kept prepared.
Levi exchanges a known glance with Erwin, and then he walks and stands in line with the other military officials.
The soldiers behind Levi also begin to dissipate, as they walk towards the gates of the banquet hall. But they are halted way too quickly.
Nile calls one of them forward. The soldier gulps and timidly pivots around.
“You know what to do.” Nile says and hands him four spoons. One for each delicacy. The soldier looks at him with fearful eyes. But he’s dead anyways if he denies a higher military official.
So he takes a step and extends a shaky hand forward. Grabbing the 4 spoons that Nile holds out for him.
His hand shakes as he dips them into each vessel. And Levi can see the dread flash on his face, as he brings the spoon close to his mouth and takes a bite. Actions slower than ever
The performance outside has ended, the music has simmered down, and the lack of sound only amplifies the intensity of the situation.
The soldier takes in the food from the last spoon, and then he waits.
He waits for the painful coughs and the heavy feeling that will overcome his body. But it doesn’t come.
He waits, the soldiers around him wait. The military officials wait. Minutes pass by, thick in silence. And then Nile says. “Well, at least the food isn’t poisoned this time.”
The situation is despicable.
Today they all drink together, celebrating the victory after war. And tomorrow they’ll go back to plotting against each other to have more power.
The Mughal court is a dangerous place. Even more dangerous than the battlefield, Levi would say. Because in war you fight an enemy, you expect to be wounded by the end.
But the court is full of power-hungry people, with lurking eyes. Conspiracies are concocted, allies made, rumors spread. And people killed in the privacy of their chambers.
A lot of the Reiss lineage has already been lost in these games of politics and power. And now it's up to the military to protect the last heirs of the royal family with all that they have.
The soldier bows to show his respect. And he is all too quick to take a turn and take steps away from the table.
“Wait,” Zackley says and his actions halt. “Taste the food using the king’s spoon.”
The soldier turns around helpless once again. He grabs the spoon kept for the king, pours some kheer into it…
A minute passes by and this time death does come for him.
Violent coughs fill the air, as he spits some of the kheer on the floor. The spoon clatters on the floor as his body starts going numb. 5 minutes from now, and he’ll be dead.
“They put poison over the spoon.” Zackley pushes his spectacles higher up the bridge on his nose. “Their ways to kill each other are surely getting creative.:.”
He picks the fallen spoon from the floor, and gets it closer to his nose.
Cautiously, he takes a whiff. “The deadliest ones work the quickest.”
Darius Zackley, the Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial army. Wicked and ruthless. An eccentric war strategist with a wide collection of poisons.
The sound of ghungroos echo against the floor and everyone turns around at the sound.
You step into the hall, completely swathed in clothes. A burqa covering your body, a netted veil on top of it and you wear gloves as well.
“Sire,” you bow down to Zackley.
“Noor.” He nods, acknowledging your greetings and places the king’s spoon on a plate. “This poison must be expensive, it must be the work of another minister…Look into this Erwin, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
And with that Zackley leaves the hall, with you trailing behind him.
Unlike the other women in the harem, who are allowed to be with any man who puts his sight on them. You are only offered to people who Zackley tells you to go to. You belong to Darius Zackley. Not even the king is allowed to be with you.
Levi watches you follow after him, until the both of you disappear behind the thick curtains that cover the exit.
Zackley halts and his eyes wander around to see if anyone else is around. He dismisses the guards securing the area with a wave of his hand.
And when everyone leaves, he brings out a glass vial, filled with red.
He extends it forward to you, and you bring it closer to your mouth with unwavering confidence.
It tastes a little bitter, but your face shows no expression of distaste. You empty its contents in a single gulp. Looking at Zackley directly as you do so.
And then you hand it back to him, expression as normal as ever. It's something you are now very familiar with, by now.
“I want you to go after Sannes today… you know what to do right?” Zackley says as he slips the vial back into his pockets.
Sannes has been killed. And that leaves the court in an unstable condition.
People seem concerned, the investigation has started, and this time a few people suspect you as well.
Murder and killing is usually attributed to the men in the court. But Sannes was so smitten by you, that this time a few people suspect you as well. There isn’t any concrete proof behind it. Rumors flew around and that’s all it took for people to start talking.
There are other suspects as well, people who have much deeper motives. With much more evidence. And well you are a mere courtesan, its not like you could ever be the queen. Or that you even have a tad bit interest in politics.
But oftentimes people wind up in another’s lies and get killed for deeds they haven’t even committed.
And you feel scared. People take much more notice of you now. Even when you are just sitting under a tree in some garden. It feels like eyes are following you everywhere. And a stab through your back , any moment, is all it's going to take.
And even though you are the best courtesan in town, obviously you aren’t as important as the Royal Treasurer Sannes. If you die, no one is going to bat an eye. Because only Zackley knows how irreplaceable you actually are.
You take quiet steps into the night. Walking on your tippy toes with your burqa covering your entire face, lest you get identified.
The soldiers guarding this part of the mahal (palace) are fast asleep. And you cautiously make your way to the quarters at the end of the corridor.
The smell of sandalwood lingers through the slits in the door. And sandalwood is burnt to purify the air. You raise your arm, and knock on the door in the most gentle way possible. Hoping that it is heard.
The door opens, and you lift your veil to see the man in front of you a little clearer. “I need your help.”
“Do you know what time it is?” he sneers in a gruff voice.
“It's 1 am, and I know you don’t sleep often. And I don’t want anyone seeing us… Levi.”
“What are you a stalker?”
“No, I'm a courtesan actually, one that can make you fall for my charms in a matter of minutes.”
“Tch.” Levi turns around, leaving you waiting on his doorsteps… At least he doesn’t close the door in your face. That counts for something right?
“Levi, I need your help… I think I’m in trouble.” You speak a little louder, but not loud enough to wake all the sleeping soldiers.
“Trouble? With you going around wrecking everything? Surely you jest.” Levi rebuttals.
“Giving someone a boner, never hurt anybody.”
“Then go to Zackley with your problems. He has way more power than me. Why are you here?”
Because I trust you more than Zackley. I feel safer around you than Zackley. “Because you are the strongest soldier, and I want to learn to defend myself.”
Levi’s face softens a little.
His mother was once a courtesan too. Not a royal one, as revered as you. But a courtesan nevertheless.
Dancing for a minister just to earn a few mohurs (coins), with the most delightful expression. And failing to contain the tears in her eyes, when he pulled her blouse lower.
But she did earn enough to take care of him. And people often called her, to please themselves.
Until she fell ill… Her body started rotting and then she became as valueless as a pest.
No one asked for her anymore. No one questioned her absence. And it took mere hours for them to replace her with another woman.
It is indeed a pity to work as a courtesan. Revered but only for your body. Wanted but to only satisfy someone else's desire.
His mother was pure, a little too pure for a place like the harem. And she was powerless, against all these men who saw her as a means of entertainment.
And with the death of Sannes, tension is at an all time high at the mahal. There are enemies here, both outside the kingdom, and inside as well. People who are hungry for power, who have their own intentions.
And you are a royal courtesan.
There are people who hate you with passion. And there are people lusting for your position.
The stakes are much higher, and it's dangerous to be harmless in a place like this.
Levi throws you a final glance and then walks farther and farther away. And you feel nervousness building in your system as you see him get seated on his desk and go back to reading.
You wait for a few moments, but there is nothing but silence.
You pivot, picking up the pieces of your self esteem. And only when you take your first step forward does his voice catch up to you.
“I’m a really busy man, so you’ll have to adjust with it.”
“You ready?” Levi’s mumbles in his usual stoic manner.
You nod. Fiddling with the material of your hand gloves, ambling casually as if you are leisurely strolling through the corridors of the mahal.
But there is a catch.
Levi is standing just a few meters behind you. Ready to attack and see whether you can implement the technique he has taught you.
He is quiet as he catches you from behind. It's been 2 months since he has started helping you, and how fast and silent he is still catches you off guard.
Instantly, his arms snake around your neck. And if he was someone to harm you he would have choked you.
You slip your hands between his arms and your neck. Trying to create some distance, just like he taught you, so that he doesn’t have the power to choke you.
But Levi is so strong, you can hardly get his arms to budge. You struggle and his other arm unwinds from your neck and lands on the small of your back. He turns you around. And tackles you to the ground.
And you are so grateful for the mattress he has placed below, to cushion your fall. Because with how heavy Levi is, you would have surely broken your back on the floor.
Levi’s hands grip on to your wrist as he pins you to the floor. Holding you in a chokehold. ”You need to be quicker than this… No one is going to wait for you to get your shit together.”
You squirm under him, bangles clinking with every flick of your wrist. Ghungroo belted anklets jangling and creating the most beautiful of melodies. But it's all in vain.
The both of you know that you are no match against him.
But you don’t quit. Still you writhe. Bending your knee, lifting your elbow. Trying everything you can to somehow throw him off.
And Levi watches you struggle.
The sight makes him shudder. Shudder with fear and desire as the details of you consume all his thoughts.
Lips tinted red, eyelids heavy with kohl, neck perfumed.
And even though this is just combat practice, he can’t help but realize that he has never been this close to a woman before.
And you, as usual, are quick to notice how he’s looking at you.
So you lean closer, crunching upwards towards him. Taking advantage of the raging hormones in him.
Levi’s eyes widen. It takes him a moment to collect himself.
“Tch don't try those tricks on me, they won't work.” He says as he gets off you, with a visible boner in his pants.
You smile at him, eyes innocently wicked. “Oh they won’t,” you feign sadness. “Why don’t I test it for myself?”
You get off the mattress and walk closer to him.
And all shades of red ever known to mankind, color Levi's face.
He tries so hard to be the stoic ruthless soldier he is reputed to be. But you can't take him seriously with how the tips of his ears are flushing red as well.
Your heart feels warm, at the way he is reacting. Walking backwards and backwards until his back hits the wall. “Oi, don’t force me to push you hard.”.
Levi narrows his eyes as he looks at you. Your entire body is covered in clothes. From the socks on your toes to the gloves that cover your hands. Only your face is visible.
Then why are you still having such an effect on him?
You lean in closer and closer, and he is ridden breathless. Too unsure of whether he wants to push you away or actually bask in your ministrations.
And just when your lips are inches away from him, you direct them to his ears, and whisper. “Sorry Captain, I’ll be more obedient next time.”
The words leave Levi speechless. And you can only move back and chuckle at the way he’s flustered. A triumphant feeling swells in your heart, and he’s so cute and innocent. You can’t help but genuinely smile at him.
As it is you’ll never be able to be his lover, so you’ll satisfy your heart with such teasing only.
“Let's do that again shall we, I didn’t get that move right yet.” you say as you turn around, with an evident smirk on your face.
And as Levi sees you trail towards the cushioning on the floor, for the first time he wonders, if you are truly harmless?
The representatives of the enemy nation are given a warm welcome as they enter the city of Mitras. The town looks colorful with rangolis in every corner. Lanterns hang at the entrance of each house. And streets swept and cleaned just 2 hours prior. It is obvious that no stone has been left unturned to impress today’s visitors.
The diwan-i-khas is as decorated as ever.
Zeke, the Commander in Chief of the Marleyan army walks in all his grandeur. Flower petals are showered on him as he steps into the diwan-i-khas. And he is quick to cover the distance, and sit on the seat next to the king.
Marley has surrendered, ending decades of rivalry. And they are now proposing to form an alliance to fight against other neighboring kingdoms. Already here to discuss the strategies for the upcoming war.
Yet, even though the enemy nation may have surrendered to the forces of Paradis. They are still the enemy nation. They can’t be trusted yet, and so the security is a little tighter in the diwan-i-khas today.
Levi stands on guard as well. Leaning against a pillar, as his eyes hover around the place in caution.
Today you dazzle in red again. Wrists heavy with ruby studded bangles. A maroon colored choli(blouse) and a heavy skirt. Waist bare, adorned with a simple kamarband. (waist band)
Back bare as well, only a thick thread holding the 2 ends of the blouse together. And hair left open, cascading down your back, as it flows with your movements.
You always wear red. Maybe because red is the color of seduction. Or maybe because the color best describes the unquenchable fire inside of you.
But what catches Levi’s attention are your eyes, staring straight into Zeke’s. Eye contact unwavering as you step closer and closer.
And then you stop, right a meter in front of him. Hips swaying slightly to the music of the sitar, gaze holding his as you drag a finger from your painted, parted lips to the valley of your breasts.
The effects you have on Zeke is evident. He looks dazed, already inching forward to touch a part of you. He can smell the fragrant camellias in which you bathed today and he can only shudder at the way you look at him. In such a sly way.
And within a blink of his eye, you saunter back to the center. Dancing for the men all around and leaving Zeke hanging and impatient in his seat.
Levi frowns as he sees the way Zeke looks at you. Like a starved dog, who hasn’t touched a woman in his life. And you haughtily ignore him, depriving him of what he needs. Making him a little more desperate before you play your next move.
And it is only now Levi sees how dangerous you are.
Deduce what a person likes, and fit into that mold like a snake. You are a venomous snake that would bite back in the weakest spots.
Give a vulnerable man, a woman and he’ll spill everything out. And who could get a man more vulnerable and needy than a skilled courtesan who knows how to flaunt everything she has.
You dance around, lehenga trailing behind as you twirl around the perimeter of the arena.
And even though you don’t spare Levi a single glance now. He knows that tomorrow you will be in his quarters, acting way differently than the seductress you are right now.
Because somewhere in the lady whose speech is always calculated, and her every movement is done with an intention, is a little child who wants to be loved. Who never got the chance to blossom under the pressure that people around put on her
The performance ends and a cheer erupts from the men, who try their best to hold their dignity by not whistling out loud.
Zeke slides his ring off his finger and throws it towards you, to show his appreciation. Your hands reach upwards, swiftly catching it in your fingers, Then you close your palm and bow down to him. And Levi doesn’t miss the quick wink you throw towards Zeke.
The musicians, seated on the velvet carpet, bow down and take their leave. And a few more courtesans enter the diwan-e-khas, to entertain the men.
But Levi’s gaze remains trained on you. And the way you carry yourself with so much grace.
Noor. The title suits you perfectly.
You shine like the sun in a bright blue sky... And just like one can’t look at the sun without squinting their eyes, he can’t look at you without thinking of your magnificence.
No doubt you are the best courtesan in the kingdom.
Always so diplomatic. So calm and collected, witty and flirtatious in a way that can seduce even women.
And Levi’s face contorts into the worst frowns ever. as he sees you walking up to Zeke with a goblet of wine in your hands.
Zackley doesn’t trust Zeke as well. He has bad-mouthed that bastard enough time already, and that too for valid reasons. And you only go after the men who Zackley tells you too.
Then why are you inching towards Zeke?
That bloody bastard can’t be trusted. Not after all the stunts he has tried to pull in war. And even though he is here with the intention to surrender and make allies, Levi doesn’t trust him one bit.
He is twisted, not someone even a courtesan like you can deal with.
He lies straight through his teeth, and is wise enough to not let his secrets slip. All he needs is a sword stabbing straight through his heart.
You lean in closer to him, lips grazing his cheek as you whisper something in Zeke’s ear. And Levi can only fist his hands in response.
Is this even Zackley’s will or is this something you are doing by yourself, he doesn’t even know anymore.
The sleep goddess hardly graces Levi.
Every night he writhes and tosses in bed, but he isn’t granted the pleasure of rest. He isn’t granted the means to escape reality for a short while, even when he is exhausted.
Today is one of those cursed days, when he can’t even seem to rest for thirty minutes. And maybe it's because the thoughts of you and Zeke make him restless.
He left the celebration as soon as he saw you walking away with him. Body pressed close to his as he held you by your waist.
And Levi wasn’t supposed to leave, he was supposed to be on duty. But that damned sight has messed with his head, in a way that it's taking everything for him to not shred Zeke to pieces.
But he’s helpless. There is nothing he can do to stop it if Zackley himself has commanded you to sleep with Zeke. And there is nothing he can do even if you want to pursue Zeke yourself, because you are an independent woman and you can make your own decisions.
So he sits at the stables, running his fingers through the lush grass. Back resting against the wooden stable as he stares above.
The sky is crowded with stars, standing out against the darkness of the night. And in them he sees the gems studded in your lehenga. And the twinkle in your eye, that seems to get brighter when you are around him.
Footsteps catch his attention, and he sits straighter, a little more alert.
A female walks closer and closer to where he is sitting. And Levi knows it's you because he is way too acquainted with the silhouette of your figure by now.
And as much as his heart is relieved he can’t help but scorn. ”You know the time is inappropriate right. All kinds of rumors will fly out if someone sees us.”
“It's 12 in the night, Levi. Everyone has passed out after drinking their brains out in celebration.”
No thanks to you. Levi wants to say, now that his own mind is tormented with thoughts of you and the way you move. But he bites back the words.
You crouch down next to him, adjusting yourself in a comfortable position. And Levi uses the moment to look at you unabashedly.
Today, you aren’t here clad in a heavy lehenga and endowed with jewels on every part of your skin. You are here in a simple muslin kurta. Hair wet and washed, and face clear of any cosmetics.
Your skin glistens with the scented oils applied after bathing. And Levi basks in the scents that flood his nostrils.
He sighs a breath of relief. He’s glad that you’ve taken a bath, and come to him after that. He would have hunted Zeke down if he could smell his dirty scent on your skin. “You must be exhausted as well, why are you here then?”
“Why would I be exhausted?
Levi averts his gaze at your words. Of course you must be experienced enough to go rounds without getting tired. And well, he’s so inexperienced he’ll probably freeze up at the sight of you in his bed.
It's embarrassing to think how bad and inept he’ll be if he does ever sleep with you. And it's even more embarrassing that he has thoughts of sleeping with you.
“What is troubling you today?” You ask him, eyes glinting with fondness.
Levi becomes quiet for a while, eyes staring straight ahead, until he finally gathers himself and asks, “did he treat you alright in… in…. “
“I didn’t sleep with him.” You interrupt.
“You didn’t sleep with him.” Levi repeats, as if he doesn’t believe it.
“No, I wasn't told to do that yet…” Your voice trails off, a little melancholic and bitter.
“So eventually it's going to happen one day?’
You raise a brow at his words, failing to contain the smirk that stretches on your lips a moment later. “Aah jealousy smells so good on you.”
Levi clicks his tongue and looks away. You are a courtesan, and sleeping around with people is a part of your job. But not Zeke of all people. Even the thought of it makes him want to gag.
A silence hovers over and your gaze flits away from his, flickering to find other objects of interest. “Depends on how things go on in the court.”
“Don’t be stupid, How do the things in court affect this even a tad bit.”
You remain unusually quiet at the statement. “Can we talk about something else please…I’ve had enough of politics.”
Levi sighs. Sure it's tiring to be around people who are constantly wanting your downfall. It's tiring to be around people who are just looking for a moment of vulnerability.
He hums in agreement. He doesn't have anything else to say. He isn't much of a talker anyways. So he just sits in silence and you sit alongside him. Listening to the sound of the crickets.
The night is cold, the moon is out and the room you're in is drowning in darkness.
Zackley appears out of the blackness, with an oil lamp in one hand and a teaspoon in another. Just an hour ago you were wandering around with the girls in the zenana, and then he called for you. And asked you to come to his room.
Ah! My Noor..” He sits beside. And you peeks into the silver spoon that he is holding. A drop of red lies in the center. It's miniscule, the tiniest drop. But your brain freezes at its sight. This doesn’t feel good.
“Here.'' He brings the spoon closer to your mouth. You gulp. The silver spoon shines in the light of the oil lamp. The red liquid looks like wine, but it doesn’t smell like it. It doesn’t smell like anything you’ve ever experienced.
Pushing back the hesitation that claws your mind, you take in the small drop of red.
The liquid burns your mouth. The spoon in your hand clatters as your arms shake uncontrollably.
You clutch on to your throat, as it burns. Coughing and choking, eyes red and sweat gathering on your face
Zackley strokes your back, but it brings no comfort. A heaviness is taking over your body, you can feel it go limp second by second. A dark black clouds your vision. And you know that death is awaiting you, just a moment away now.
You wake up startled. Blinking your eyes furiously as you scan the surroundings around.
And the horror of your nightmare washes away in an instant as you feel the warmth surrounding your body.
Levi sits beside. And you are resting your head on his chest. Right above where his heart is.
And for the first time in many years, you don't wake up to an empty bed. You wake up without the feeling of dread, apprehension and the sense that something is amiss in your life.
You smile a little, listening to his heartbeat, stable and calm. It puts you in a state of peace, despite these nightmares that have haunted you for years.
You can only see the bottom of his face with the way you are sitting. And the flutter of his lashes as he looks at the rustling grass. Levi is still awake. Obviously sleep hasn’t graced him yet.
Your hand reaches out towards him, fingers tracing the sharpness of his jaw. And Levi looks down, features soft and relaxed.
The weather is dreary now. Heavy clouds cover the stars that once grazed every inch of the sky.
Your lips are parted as you take in a deep breath. Almost relishing in the way his skin feels against your fingertips. And he struggles to keep his eyes off you as well.
“War… war is upcoming. You are going again in a month.” And oh your eyes are filled with so much concern, that Levi is ridden of words.
What he’s looking at now is not the Noor that sparkles in the court. That speaks the most refined urdu, and is decked with jewels on every part of her body.
Today you are without all the cosmetics that sit on your face, and all the beautiful lies you make up to impress men.
What he’s looking at right now, is the child inside of you. The one who cares limitlessly. Loves selflessly, without thinking of the possibility of getting hurt. Without knowing the burdens of this world.
And either way, god sure took his sweet time to make you.
A raindrop falls on the top of his head and Levi breaks out his trance. The sky is filled with heavy clouds that are beginning to drizzle.
“Tch… I hate rain.” He gets up, averting his eyes from you and planning to rush back to his quarters. So that he can get the thoughts of kissing you out of his mind.
He takes a step forward and your bangles clink as you extend your hand forward.
Levi stalls in anticipation of what you’ll do next. Your fingers latch onto his wrist. The warmth of your skin engulfing a small part of his body, and setting his heart on fire simultaneously.
“Stay…” Your voice is sweet, a little more high pitched than it is around others. It's only this sweet when you're with him.
Levi looks over his shoulder. And he can only take a sharp breath at the sight of you.
He is a man himself, how can he resist the charm of you? A woman who is trained to seduce people and captivate them.
So he sits back down again, and you bring a hand closer to his face, until it covers both his eyes. You can feel his lashes blinking against your palm. It's a sign of his resistance.
You sigh and then speak. “Close your eyes… doesn’t the rain feel wonderful against your skin.”
Levi stops. His eyes shut close and for once he gives in and listens to you. And he's never stopped to see the beauty in all the small things around him. He’s never taken a moment to pause… and just breath.
And a small smile tugs on his lips, as he feels the rain pattering against his skin.
Satisfied, your hand retracts back to your side, his eyes open, and in front of him is you.
The rain has deluged you. Pearly beads of water roll down the curve of your neck, to the swell of your breasts. Until they disappear under the neckline of the kurti you wear.
In front of him is you. The most beautiful thing he has ever seen.
So he indulges in the sight that is you. In the details of you. For once he pushes back the thoughts of war and sees beauty instead.
A raindrop catches in the length of your lashes, as you look at him. Eyes unblinking, eye-contact unwavering.
It is cold, and winds have started blowing. Your clothes stick to your skin, becoming cold in the rain as well.
So you scoot closer to him, wrapping your arms around his, as you place your head on his chest once again.
This is wrong. you're a royal courtesan way out of his bounds. A lady meant for the enjoyment of ranks way higher than his. And he’s a war battered soldier, who doesn't need indulgences. Who can’t afford any weakness.
But everything seems so beautiful that he wants to stay here forever.
So he slips his arm out of both of yours. And wraps it around your shoulder instead. Pulling your body a little closer to his.
The night is cold. Air puffs from your mouth at the cool temperature. And Levi can feel the goosebumps standing on his skin. Due to the fine muslin he wears, that has been drenched whole in the rain.
But in each other, you find warmth. In the way your bodies are pressed together. In the way your warm breath grazes each other's skin. And in the way your hearts race against each other’s chest.
The sun is setting, and Levi is going through the records of the last war in his quarters.
The preparations for the upcoming war have been completed. And this time Paradis will fight with their newly formed alliance, Marley.
Gentle knocks on his door, interrupt his workflow and his head perks up. The door opens without him saying come in, and that's all it takes for him to know it's you.
The door closes a little loudly, and you lean against it. Hand on your heart as you catch your breath.
Levi gets up in an instant. He gently pushes you to the side and looks in through the peephole. Scanning behind to see if anyone was following you up till here.
But there is no one in sight. And the corridor to his quarters is as quiet as it always is.
You walk in and flop down onto the divan placed in the center. Chest heaving as you breathe in.
The scent of sandalwood fills in your nostrils. It's a scent you associate with Levi now. With his calloused hand and comfort.
“What’s got you so out of breath?” He asks as he makes his way to his kitchen. “Are you in danger?”
A minute passes by, and you remain quiet. Waiting for him to come sit next to you.
He steps out of his kitchen with a glass of sherbet in his hand. He offers it to you, and you shake your head with vigor.
“No, I can’t have this today… I’m fasting.” You say timidly as heat gathers to her cheeks.
“Fasting? But it's not Eid or Ramadan?”
“Yeah… but it's a full moon night, in the month of June… the day of Savitri vrat.”
Levi’s eyes widen at the words.
Savitri Vrat. It's a festival celebrated by the Hindus in the honor of Savitri, the woman who compelled the lord of death to bring back her dead husband. And to give him a chance to live.
Women fast the entire day, Tying a sacred red thread around a banyan tree 108 times, to ensure the safety and health of their husband.
And Levi doesn’t know much about the occasion, but he does know it's something only married women take part in.
“They would have killed me if they saw a courtesan like me going around the banyan tree, with a sacred thread in my hand.” You look elsewhere, flustered at the way he’s looking at you.
Your fingers slide into your pocket and they take out a red thread, the same, sacred one that married women tie around the banyan trees.
And a gasp escapes his mouth, eyebrows raised all the way up, as you bring the thread closer to his hand.
You wrap the thread around his wrist. “They say that the strength of this thread depends on the resolve the woman puts into it. And I have completed all the rituals wholeheartedly… so it should keep you safe as long its stays on your wrist,”
I love you too, he wants to say.
You make a double knot so that the thread remains in place. You look up and meet Levi’s wide eyes. And all of a sudden you are way too aware of where you are and what you have done.
“ No no no, it's not about marriage … I just want you safe and protected In the war… t-thats it.” You uncharacteristically sputter. Nervous, ashamed, and reminded of the fact that you are a courtesan.
Everyone wants you for a night in their bed, but no one wants you in their life forever. No one wants to see the ugly, ungraceful part of you.
After all however beautiful you may be, who would want a woman who sleeps with other men. Who would love a woman who is unholy and tainted.
And in the flow of your thoughts, you completely miss how Levi is looking at you right now. With the softest of eyes, and rosy cheeks.
I love you too, he wants to say.
But he’s too flustered to utter a single sound out of his mouth. A fire burns in his mind, and he knows his words would never be able to express the weight of his emotions.
So he leans in. He gives in to the desire he has harbored for so long, gaze struck on your painted lips.
He cups your cheek as he draws closer. The distance is reducing, bit by bit. Second by second
And you freeze as you feel his breath on the tip of your nose.
Oh! For how long have you dreamt of this moment. For how long have you craved to feel his lips against yours.
But you can't, you won’t and this kiss will always be a figment of your imagination.
Unknowingly a tear slips past your eye and Levi’s eyebrows furrow in response. He moves backward and stares at your heartbroken face. Lifting his thumb, to wipe the tear off rolling down your cheek.
But you slap his hand away and the worry in his heart only gets heavier.
A sob breaks off your mouth. And Levi doesn’t know what’s troubling you so much.
He doesn’t want you for just a night. He wants all of you, the ugly parts, the disturbing parts. Because what he feels for you isn't lust or infatuation. Its love
And well obviously you are a courtesan. A proper relationship between the two of you seems close to impossible. But he’s the strongest person in the army. A weapon that can't be defeated or replaced. And for that reason only, his life will never be on stake.
And if you ever want to quit your work, then he’ll support you financially as well.
He’s fallen in love with you and he can’t hold himself back anymore.
And oh! He’s red. Colored in his love for you, that has consumed him bit by bit. Just like poison, that slowly invades the entire body.
“Levi I love you, I love you with all my heart, ever since the day you saved me that day.” Your voice trails off… broken and uncertain.
And you don’t know how to tell him that kissing you is equivalent to being bitten by the deadliest of snakes. That making love to you is not pleasure but death.
That you are red. The poison that Zackley has fed you, drop by drop. Until you got so used to consuming it, that your body itself has become poisonous.
Your tears, your sweat, your blood… Everything is poison.
And you are his weapon, to kill anyone he desires. A weapon that can not be defeated or replaced.
“But I’m not love, I am death.”
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The story that inspired this fic- Nandini, An ancient tale of passion and seduction.
This fic is inspired by the myth of vish kanyas (poison girls), where poison is given to a person, regularly in small doses. Until the person's body gets used to it. The doses are increased, and gradually the person is able to drink an entire bottle of poison without reacting.
And as the poison settles into their system, their body (bodily fluids) become venomous.
Also I have edited and proof read this myself, and its really exhausting. So if there are any errors please tell me. (And if anyone is willing to be a beta reader then message me, because I desperately need one. And I don't mind beta reading in exchange).
Thank you for reading! Any type of feedback is appreciated.
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jabbage · 2 years
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jxsatlas · 3 years
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐍 ⇢ keith kogane, ch. 3
keith kogane x gn! reader – previous
DISCLAIMER! this story does not originally belong to me, the author is @MaddieWolf37 on Wattpad. i have simply received permission to rewrite and continue her story. go and check out her profile for the original version!
SYNOPSIS! a story in which you are thrown into the middle of an intergalactic space war and have the undesirable weight of being a symbol of peace dropped on your shoulders. but maybe if you look past the constant danger and endless fighting, there's some good to being a paladin of voltron.
MATURE CONTENT! swearing, violence, gore, war, graphic descriptions, mentions of self-harm
You step into the tent, eyes wide at the sight of three unconscious scientists scattered around the ground. Straight ahead, Keith is carefully pulling Shiro off of the metal table and trying to sling Shiro's arm around him.
"Nope! No! I'm saving Shiro," Lance says and takes Shiro's other arm and tosses it around his shoulders.
"Uh... who are you?" Keith asks, furrowing his brows at Lance in confusion.
"The name's Lance?" your brother says, but Keith only blinks at him. Lance feigns a look of hurt and disappointment. How could his self-proclaimed rival not recognise him? "We were in the same class at the Garrison? We were like rivals. You know, Lance and Keith, neck and neck?"
"Really? Are you... an engineer?" Keith asks.
"What? No! I'm a pilot," Lance frowns.
Keith narrows his eyes at Lance for a moment before it clicks. His face relaxes. "Oh... yeah, I remember you. You're a cargo pilot."
"Well, not anymore. I'm fighter class now, thanks to you washing out," Lance sasses.
"Congratulations," Keith says in a low tone, not interested.
You roll your eyes at their interaction and place a hand on your hip. "Are you two just gonna sweet talk each other or are we gonna take Shiro and get out of here?" you ask.
Keith looks up at the sound of your voice, recognising it. He stares at you for a bit, unintentionally. It's been a while since he's seen you, and he could honestly that say he missed you.
You were the only person he truly got along with at the Garrison, so it's reasonable for him to feel that way.
"Well?" you ask, quirking an eyebrow.
Keith blinks, breaking his stare and bringing him back to reality. "Taking Shiro and getting out of here," he says.
You all rush out of the tent as fast as you can with an unconscious person in your arms. As the others make their way to Keith's hoverbike, You take a quick look to see what's going on with the Garrison.
"Oh, that's not good," you say and spin on your heel quickly. You scurry over to the hoverbike. "We should really get moving! The Garrison is coming back and they do not look happy!"
Pidge climbs onto the hoverbike. "Hey, is this gonna fit all of us?"
As Keith sits down at the helm, Hunk climbs onto the back, causing the back to drop downwards. "No," he grumbles.
But he doesn't bother wasting time when all of you are on and ready to go. He revs the engine and the hoverbike roars to life, lifting up into the air a few feet.
And right as the Garrison comes around the tent, Keith does a sharp 180 and heads in the opposite direction. He speeds away with the Garrison pursuing without hesitation.
To fight against the inertia, you grab ahold of Keith who you sit right behind. And you don't plan on letting go anytime soon, scared you'll fall off.
Pidge has his arms hooked under Shiro's. "Why am I holding this guy?" he asks, but he's left unanswered.
Lance looks at the Garrison behind us. They were getting closer by the second. "Can't this thing go any faster?"
"We can toss off some non-essential weight," Keith says bitterly.
"Oh, right!" Lance chirps and looks around to see what could be tossed off the hoverbike. But when he finds nothing and realises Keith was talking about Hunk, he rolls his eyes. "Okay, so that was an insult."
Keith shouts over his shoulder at Hunk. "Big man, lean left!"
Hunk does so and the hoverbike sharply veers left, quickly evading the gaining pursuers. The Garrison tries to match the sudden movement, but two of the vehicles chasing after you crash into each other.
"Aw, man!" Hunk whines. "Mr. Harris just wiped out Professor Montgomery!"
You look over your shoulder behind you and see the two vehicles rolling and flipping. You frown. You hope they're okay.
"Big man! Lean right!" Keith orders and Hunk listens to him again. As the hoverbike tips to the right, jumping over a canyon and to the narrow ledge on the other side, you make the mistake of looking down below.
Your body tingles with adrenaline as you watch the ground disappear for a second too long, not enjoying the sight at all.
"Not cool! Not cool!" You say and squeeze your eyes shut. You don't usually have a fear of heights. But it's one thing when you're piloting an aircraft, and a completely different thing when you're riding on the back of a hoverbike where falling off is a very prominent thing.
"Are you seriously scared of heights?" Lance asks, picking up on the reason why you suddenly got anxious. "You're a freaking pilot!"
"This is different!" you bark back at him.
"Wait! Guys! Is that cliff up ahead?" Hunk asks, pointing ahead. You turn back around and you squeak at the sight of the sudden drop getting closer and closer.
"Oh, no, no, no, no!" Lance shouts.
"Yep," Keith smirks and increases the speed, practically flying towards the cliff.
Everyone, except for Keith and Shiro, who is still very much unconscious, clambers and screams incoherently as Keith heads straight for the cliff and drives right off.
You feel your stomach fly up to your chest as you fall, your butt lifting off the seat. The butterflies make your entire body buzz with fear and you tighten your arms around Keith. If you fall off now, there's no doubt you'll be dead.
And flat as a pancake.
"What are you doing!? You're gonna get us killed!" Lance shouts, his eyes wide with fear. His grip is tight on the hoverbike. He doesn't want to fall off either.
"Just shut up and trust me!" Keith shouts back at him.
"I trust you!" you shout, squeezing your eyes shut once again. You truly do. Even though Keith was reckless and quite the trouble maker back at the Garrison, You know he wouldn't intentionally put you in danger without a way to get you out of it.
You fall for what seems like an eternity before Keith rolls the throttle all the way, maxing out the power of the engines. The hoverbike stops just before it hits the ground. Your butt hits the seat pretty hard and you wince.
That's definitely gonna be a bruised tailbone.
With the Garrison having no way to get down the cliff and chase after you, Keith drives off into the desert.
Inside of an old cabin in the middle of what seems to be nowhere, the group lays about. Lance sits on the edge of a surprisingly soft sofa with you laying across the majority of it, your head in his lap. He has his arms hanging on the back and his head resting on his shoulder. The two of you snooze away.
Pidge and Hunk are across the room sitting on the floor, talking about tech and engineering. Keith is outside with Shiro.
When you were waiting for Shiro to wake up, you had a chance to catch up with Keith. You hugged him and conversed with him happily. He seemed to enjoy talking to me too again, a faint smile on his face.
Although Lance glared at you from across the room the entire time. The boys have a mutual dislike for each other, so Lance didn't take too kindly to you talking to Keith. But you think Lance feels the said dislike more. Keith doesn't seem to care most of the time, but Lance can and will get on his nerves.
Nevertheless, you genuinely missed Keith. You were pretty good friends with him. In fact, you think you were his only friend at the Garrison.
You stir awake when Keith and Shiro walk back into the cabin rather loudly. You rub the sleep from your eyes and sit up. You stretch your arms out with a yawn, accidentally smacking your brother in the face.
Lance jolts awake with a small yelp.
"Oh, sorry," you say. Lance grumbles under his breath and sits up. He yawns as well.
"What have you been working on?" Shiro asks slowly.
You turn my attention to the other side of the room. Keith holds a large cloth in his hands, having pulled it off of the wall. And on the wall are pictures of caves carvings and odd locations and maps of the desert pinned onto it with tacs and tape. Messy red arrows and circles are marked onto said maps, pointing out places in the desert. But not as much as an area at the center of the map, where a large, overlapping circle was scribbled down.
With curiosity overpowering your sleepiness, you rest your chin in your palm and lean forward with interest. "What's that?" you ask.
"It's... kinda hard to explain?" Keith says with a shrug. "After getting booted from the Garrison, I felt... lost?" he says with a somber expression.
Keith points to the large circle on the map. "But I was drawn to this place. It was like something, some energy, was telling me to search," he says.
"For what?" Shiro asks.
"I'm not sure," Keith answers. "But when I did search, I came across a cave system with all these ancient carvings. Each depicting a slightly different story about a Blue Lion, and some... arrival happening," he explains and points to the photos on the wall before looking at Shiro. "Then you showed up."
Shiro hums, a small, impressed smile tugging at his lips. He turns to you, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge, who are clumped together across the room. "I should thank you all for getting me out of there," he says.
Shiro reaches his robotic arm out to Lance. An awestruck expression takes over my brother's face. On the outside, he appears rather calm. But on the inside, he's most likely freaking out about the fact that his idol is wanting to shake his hand.
"You're Lance, right?" Shiro asks.
Lance nods with a wide smile, firmly grasping Shiro's metal hand and shaking it.
Shiro turns to you. "And... [y/n]?" he guesses your name and you nod.
"Yep! That's me!" you affirm and shake Shiro's hand as well.
"I'm Pidge, and the nervous guy is Hunk," the short ginger says and points to Hunk, who is pulling at his fingers, with his thumb. "Do you know if the rest of your crew made it?"
You glance at Pidge. He seems to be pretty hung up on Shiro's crewmates. You slowly get lost in your thoughts wondering why.
Could he possibly be related to any of them? Or at least a good friend to one?
Pidge gives you a strange look and you realise you're staring. You flash him an embarrassed smile and look away.
"I don't know," Shiro says after taking a moment to dig through his memories. "My brain is still pretty scrambled. But one thing sticks out. I kept hearing the word Voltron, over and over. It's some kind of weapon."
You blink. "That's what Pidge was hearing on the radio!" you point out.
Pidge nods. "Yeah, I picked it up on alien radio chatter when scanning the solar system," he rephrases.
"Maybe those were the aliens that captured Shiro?" Lance suggests.
"Well, we need to find this Voltron before the aliens do," Shiro says with a sharp tone of determination.
"But how are we gonna do that?" Lance asks.
He's got a point. "Yeah, we don't even know what Voltron looks like," you say.
"I got that doodle in my notebook?" Pidge says.
"Sorry, Pidge, but your artist's rendition isn't the best," Lance says. You smack his arm and he smacks yours in return.
Hunks smiles. "I don't think Pidge's drawing skills will be a problem," he says and picks up Pidge's backpack. "Because I was looking through his stuff–"
Pidge snatches his bag from Hunk and holds it away from him. "What were you doing looking through my stuff?" he asks sharply.
Hunk rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. "Looking for a snack," he says. "Anyways, I was looking through his diary and–"
"You did what?" Pidge growls. He seems to like his privacy.
"–and I noticed a repeating series of numbers that kinda look like a Fraunhofer line," Hunk quickly finishes talking before Pidge has a chance to interrupt him again.
"A frown-what?" Keith asks and you, him, and Lance give a quizzical look.
"Sorry, we have the brains of pilots," you say.
"That's fine," Hunk shrugs and proceeds to explain what he's talking about. "It's a number describing the emission spectrum of an element. But this element doesn't exist on earth, so I was thinking it could be this Voltron?"
You nod, understanding a little bit more of his engineer mind, but not really. He used too big of words.
"I think I can build something to track it, like a Voltron Geiger counter," Hunk says.
Lance flashes an impressed grin and crosses his arms. "Hunk, you big gassy genius!" he praises.
"It's pretty great," Hunk smiles bashfully at the compliment. He then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a sheet of paper with a sort of graph on it. He holds it up for everyone to see. "It looks like this."
Keith snatches the paper from Hunk and examines it closely. He furrows his brows and turns to one of the photos pinned up on the wall, something connecting in his brain. He holds the graph up next to a photo of rocky outcropping somewhere in the desert.
The line matches the shape of the tall, jagged rocks eerily well. You all share a look, concluding that that's the next place you need to go.
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Lucifer x MC - Simultaneous Orgasm.
Pairing: Lucifer x MC (F).
Fandom: Obey Me.
Prompt:  Masturbation || Simultaneous orgasm || Nipple play
Warning: First time, virgin sex, fluff, pining, angst, drunk mc and Lucifer, internal cum-shot, hand job, oral, fingering, vaginal sex, Lucifer being a pussy because of his pride.
Fourth entry of @alloveroliver​ kinktober. This is a long one boi’s and girls.
Thank you to my beloved @theinariakuma​ for putting up with my needy ass on changing my plot-line every two minutes💛
Dusk settled in quickly leaving a darkening tone of mid-night blue hues in the sky. The moon was as clear as ever, beaming down to cast light as a guideway across the hedged pathway. A tall male with eye’s of amber and a young girl blossoming into the early stages of womanhood walked side by side, shoulders occasionally brushing against each other whilst a light buzz of tipsiness was shared between them.
“You really were the belle of the ball this evening,” Smiling as he so rarely did. Lucifer the strong born avatar of pride keeping a watchful eye at the girl besides him.
“Oh why thank you kind sir,” She laughed, flattening the front of her dress with her hands as they walked, “But I owe all credit to Asmo for this one, saying something about-“.
“-The colour standing strong, making your eyes pop?” Finishing her sentence as his right arm bumped against her left shoulder. The height difference a few feet between them. 
“Exactly what he said! Oh god, was he telling everyone, is that why everyone was staring?” He could sense the bashfulness in her voice.
“They were staring because you look so captivating, and no he didn’t tell me,” His hand brushing against hers as they bumped against each other again, “I just noticed it really accentuated them, almost blinding to look at”. His neck turning slightly to watch the blush rise of her cheeks as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, a motion she always did when she felt shy. Praise from Lucifer was rare. 
“You're drunk, you're just teasing me!” She whispered. This time when their hands brushed Lucifer intertwined his fingers over hers, merging together as their palms connected with interlaced fingers.
“Unlike my brothers I am able to hold my liquor,” He laughed, although neither of them were close to sober. Referencing to the fact his several younger brothers were currently causing havoc with their drunken antics in the ball that was still occurring. Mammon whined at Beelzebub for eating all the good food, Asmo attempting to kiss everybody he saw, Satan and Leviathan having a dance off whilst Belphegor judged. All six of them enjoying the festivities of the summer ball, a ball to celebrate the final day of R.A.D and the ending of the exchange student program. Only, none of them except Lucifer knew that tomorrow the young girl would be sent back home. Both of them enjoying what would be their night together, her not knowing it would be her last night in Devildom. Both of them including the brothers made hasty advantage of the free demonus and champagne service. The pair now leaving both giggly and gleeful, a playful wave of drunkenness between them.
A cough followed his words as he asked her if she’d enjoyed her time. The silent question he didn’t ask of if she’d enjoyed her time with him.
“I’ve loved every second, you're all such wonderful people, well demons!” She beamed before reeling off her favourite memories. Her fondest of the day they all went to the beach, of spending the day relaxing with Lucifer whilst the others played three vs three polo in the sea. Admiring in awe how he tutted at their antics but could see he wanted to be involved, pride being too stubborn to be seen having boisterous fun. How he sipped on Devil-colada’s with a magazine in hand, flicking through pages. How he melted into the sand with relaxation, finally able to spend a day just being himself. What she didn’t tell him was it was that day she’d fallen in love with him. 
“My brothers adore you,” Lucifer gripped her hand a little squeeze. His chest pounding as the velvet tie around his neck felt tighter, “I adore you,”.
“I really like you too, Lucifer, thank you ever so much for this evening. I had the most wonderful time,” Her stomach in slight knots as Lamentation house started to appear before them. Her time with Lucifer was running short and she wanted nothing more than this night to continue forever. 
“It was an honour to have you on my arm, to call you my date even,” His words full of pride, meaning everything he said.
When news of the ball had been announced, all the brothers had lept on the chance to ask her to attend with them. But she only had one man in mind to take her, Lucifer. And to her surprise he did ask to go, ‘For the sake of the realm and Diavolo’s reputation’ he insisted but really he wanted her to himself. To keep her, to claim her, to make her his own. 
He wore a red shirt with a black waistcoat, tucked into black tight trousers with a cape, red on the inside whilst ebony black broadcasted on the outside. Decorated in honours and medals he’d established during his time serving. Embroidered details of gold peacock feathers paired with his outfit. Dashing to say the least.
She wore a ruby coloured dress, one that clung to the curves of her breasts whilst dipping slightly between the valley of them. Lucifer feeling the heat rise within him to see the low curve of her back, the outfit indicating she was braless underneath it. Enough to enhance her figure but able to leave some to the imagination. Whilst the skirt of it fell tightly to her body before grazing just on the top of her ankles with a knee high split up the left side. Far different from her usual R.A.D uniform, seizing the opportunity to dress up and flaunt the curvaceous figure she had been blessed with. 
“I’m surprised you could dance so well!” She giggled softly, smiling at the memories of not even hours ago. Lucifer's strong arms encircling her as he led her in a waltz across the room, stepping perfectly together in a balance against the music of the live band. One hand holding her own whilst the other held her waist in a respectable manner, until her head fell against his chest, embraced in his warmth as they fitted together perfectly like two pieces of a puzzle. 
“Why does that surprise you? I am a man of many talents,” Holding open the front door of the house, hand’s never parting as they entered the silent house. “What’s so funny?” Lucifer turned to feel her hand pull away gently, her stopping to stand in place in the living room, just beside the old-leather sofa where she simply giggled.
“Do you remember… this is where we met for the first time and you-”.
“-And I threatened to eat you,” A chuckle escaped from his throat at the memory, taking a step-forward to stand in front of her. “I remember it like yesterday, this small bundle of energy causing chaos with her bright doe eyes,”. The same eyes staring up at him now as he slowly brought a hand up to her face, mimicking the action she’d done with her hair earlier to push it behind her ear. For the first time in devildom history, Lucifer had not worn gloves out, wanting to savour the touch of skin as he held the girl whilst they danced. To feel the warmth of her properly against him.
“Do you still think that now?” Her words followed through parted breaths, an almost softer than normal tone. The bob of his adams apple was visible as he swallowed thickly, the way her eyes gleamed beneath her thick lashes as his hand slowly rested on the side of her cheek. His heart rate slowly increases to feel the softness of her skin against the flat of his palm.
“Now I see a beautiful woman, who’s the purest of joy and would do anything for others, a true credit to herself-” This time she cuts him off. Leaning up she presses a kiss to his lips, her tongue gently grazing over his through his shocked-parted lips. 
“Sorry I-”. Lucifer cupping her face with both hands and kissing her back, this time both of them working their lips over each others. Her fingers sought comfort in his raven hair, pulling him down deeper as his tongue twisted against hers in a feisty passion. 
“Mph!” She moaned into his mouth, eyes open wide as a pressure applied to her bottom lip. Lucifer taking between his teeth and tugging it; releasing it with a wet pop as they parted. 
“Luci…” Eyes swimming in a pool lust beneath hooded lids. A thick string of saliva breaking from their lips. Arousal thick in the air, an unspoken lust that had slowly bubbled between them during the last year until finally spilling over. 
“I don’t know how to explain how you make me feel but,” His hands moved down, one to cradle the back of her neck whilst the other held her waist. 
“I love you, Lucifer I love you,” Pulling him down once more to kiss him, more passion, more need than the ones before. Both of them clinging to each other, deepening their kiss until breathing apart for air.
“I love you too,” A confession, one Lucifer had felt for months but wouldn’t have admitted if both of them were entirely sober. But nevertheless in their drunken haze, he proclaimed how he felt. Either of them unable to deny the feelings that lingered heavily between them. 
This time their kiss knocked the air out of both of their lungs. The arm holding her waist pulling her closer until their body’s flushed together, noses gliding against each other as their mouths worked in perfect sync with each other. A spark within both of them lit, the feeling of everything falling perfectly into place. Neither of them able to hide the arousal clear in their actions or eyes. 
“Do you- do you want to come to my room?” Biting her lower lip, fingers losing their grip in his hair to mess with the collar of his shirt, slowly popping the top button. A gesture, a beckoning, a plea in her eyes. 
“Are you sure?” His voice wavering as he circled his thumb on her waist. 
“Yes I- I want you Lucifer,” Whilst he could see the nerves and hear them in her voice, the way her eyes kept calm, he knew that she meant it. “Please,”. Without words he gave her nod, both of his hands settling on her back where the zipper of her dress lay. 
“Not here,” She whispered, feeling the pressure of the zipper open, Lucifer slowly tugging down the metal. His eyes never moved from hers as the material over her breasts slowly fell down, exposing her bare chest to him. Herself slightly blushing due to the lack of bra, one not able to fit under the dress she had worn. The first man to ever see her like this. Reaching around behind her, she brought one of his hands to her front, cupping her left breast with his palm. And just as he went to break their gaze, to gently fondle her mound, she stepped back. Her hands cupping her own breasts as the dress rested on her waist, “My room”. 
His hands buried themselves in her hair, moving to her waist, touching her, kissing her from her to forehead to her nose, her lips and cheek. Her fingers hastily undoing his tie, throwing it to the floor of the corridor along with his cloak. 
“Lucifer!” She squealed with a giggle, his smirk against her neck as he attacked her with kisses down the column of it. Sucking fiercely against a spot that made her gasp, as he pushed her to the wall. His knee between her legs as she subtly grinded against it, the friction just enough to satisfy her growing need for now. Deft fingers undid the buttons of his waistcoat, peeling it off for his shirt to quickly follow. His hands never left her waist as he pushed off the remaining fabric of her dress. Bare chests pressed against each other, lucifer unable to hold back the groan to feel her pert nipples against him. A trail of clothes leading from the living room to her bedroom, his trousers and her dress the last thing outside her door. 
Their hands all over each once more as Lucifer cradled her close, kicking the door shut behind him. Sloppy kisses paired with moans as his hands cupped her breasts, gently squeezing them. Brushing him thumbs over her nipples, stroking them as she moaned into his mouth. Her own hands run up the smooth planes of his abdomen, taking in very tiny detail and defining muscle that lay hidden beneath his normal wear.
“You're so beautiful,” His lips moved to her jaw, creating a wet trail down her neck, a few bites here and there to leave a mark upon her skin. 
“Oh!” She gasped when his mouth took a nipple, puckering the small bud in a wet pop. Moving to the other as her fingers gripped his hair. His hands cupping the round of her ass to pull her against him, his arousal apparently clear as his erection dug into her thigh. Straining against the black briefs of his boxers, an undeniable mouth watering sight.  
“L-lucifer!” Her back arching at the first bold lick of his tongue against her wet heat. A trail of love bites creeping up the inner of her thigh. The soft cotton panties she wore flung to the floor.
“I want you to be my first,” She’d told him.
He knew she was pure, almost like the white of snow. But the feeling of her walls gripping over his digit as he pushed a finger into her tight core made his heart swell with pride. To be her first. To be the first to bring her to an orgasm, being the reason she trembled in pleasure. 
“Have you ever touched yourself?”.
“A.. a little, but not much, I get too sensitive and stop before I can finish,”. 
Like a blushing bride. His, blushing virgin human.
Pride beaming from the inside as two fingers thrusted in and out of her, the quickening flicker of his tongue over her clit to feel her walls tighten over him. The repeated whimpers of his name as she gripped his hair, guiding him as her hips bucked against his face. Another finger joined them, Lucifer in his best efforts to prepare her. Eyes rolling to the back of her head as she came with a loud moan. Completely undone for the man she loved. 
Her head dropped back against the array of pillows on her bed, Lucifer slowing his fingers as he lapped up her essence. Placing lingering kisses to her clit before pulling away. Groaning heavily at the sight before him; her hair sprayed out like a halo, a film of sweat upon her skin, chest rising and falling quickly as her breath slowly returned to normal, thighs still shaking slightly as her hands freed their grip from his hair. Breathtaking was all he could think of as he kneeled up between her parted thighs. 
Crawling back over her as the mattress creaked with their weight, heated kisses followed by bated breaths. Her palm running down the smooth of his back, squeezing the plump of his back side with a glee-full giggle. Lucifer smiling into the crook of her neck at her playful-ness. 
His ego swelled at the gasp that left her mouth to find what lay beneath his boxers. Far bigger in girth and length than a human cock, a swollen head leaking against her stomach, thick veins pulsing from base to tip. 
His cock the same size of his pride, monstrous. 
The softness of her fingers as she grazed over it, peaking in curiosity to rub against his leaking slit, collecting the pearling bead and bringing it to her lips. Her tongue lapping out to taste it, salty but completely addictive. Lucifer groaned at the sight of her pink flesh kitten licking her finger, fingers twitching as he grabbed the pillows beside her head. Self-control slipping away quicker and quicker with each passing second. Her petit hand barely wrapped around him, her eyes flicking between the face in front of her and her moving hand as she slowly stroked him, focusing on where he groaned most from her action. 
“A-am I not doing it right?” Her voice panicked when his head collapsed against her chest, restricting her movements as he gently pulled her hand off of him. 
“I-If you keep going, I’ll end up finishing too quickly,” His face red, his body purely weak for the little human that lay beneath him. Settling themselves into position, Lucifer resting between her thighs as she spread her legs, the soles of her feet flat against the mattress as her knee’s bent up. 
“Make me yours Lucifer,” Wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down to kiss her. One hand holding her waist as the other guided himself to press against her, taking his time to slow push into her. 
“I love you,” He whispered over and over agains, peppering kisses to her lips, cheek, jaw and neck, trying his hardest to distract her from the discomfort. Whenever she made a whimper or noise, he stopped, waiting for a nod from her before continuing. “You're doing so well,” He groaned out against her, a little over half of him inside her. But the way she was panting already beneath him, he was worried she wouldn’t be able to take much more.
“All of you, I want to feel all of you Lucifer,” Her breath hitched when she felt him slowly pull back. Whilst the stretch was unpleasant, the feeling of being one with him completely rid the pain. The last of him was a struggle, girthier at the base, slowly inching until he was fully sheathed inside her. 
They stilled with no rush, her bottom lip between her teeth as her eyes screwed up trying to hold back the slight tears forming. Lucifer panting into her neck, the tightness of her walls pulsing harshly against the intrusion on him. Never had sex felt so intimate to him, an array of emotions taking over him. The beauty of her beneath him, a glow to her skin, the racing of her heart that could be heard echoing against her chest. Love radiating inside him, taking over his pride as he pulled back to admire her beneath him. 
“Are you okay?” Bringing a hand to cup her face, her eyes slowly opening as she nodded.
“You- you can move, it’s okay,” She reassured him, stroking his back softly.
The first few thrusts were as slow as when he pushed into her, until finally her walls stopped gripping him so tightly. The first moan came from her when he pulled back and thrusted a little harder into her, a motion that Lucifer continued to repeat. 
“Oh… Oh Lucifer,” Her fingers lightly running up his back as his pace picked up, rolling his hips into hers. “Deeper… Deeper, Lucifer please,”. Her hands moved to push his chest, rolling their position to push Lucifer on his back, her straddling him as they kept connected. 
“I- Are you sure about this,” Slightly speechless as she rolled her hips, his hands resting on her thighs. Red tinted his face from the alcohol and her slight dominance. Her movements fluid as a string of ‘Yes’s’ fell over and over. Both of them were thankful for her monthly horse riding lessons as she lifted herself before rolling her hips down over and over. 
“Oh god...Lucifer!” Her hands splayed on his chest for support, back arched with her head thrown back. His hands ghosting over her ass and waist, in awe of the way her body moved. Seductive and lustful yet still with that sweet persona that everyone in Devildom fell in love with. Her breathes grew rapid with each bounce over him, hers breasts thrusting with each movement. The wet sound of slapping skin ringing through the silent house, each movement bringing them closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy. Lucifer was already there, she was close.
Leaning up he caught a nipple in his mouth, catching it between his teeth as he tugged gently. A whimpering moan fell from her mouth, her walls tightening as she dug her nails into his chest. 
“Lucifer!” Repeating his name like a sinful mantra, his hands cupping her ass once more as he brought one to thumb her clit. The push she needed to be sent over the edge. Her release spurring on his own, spilling deep inside her as she pushed down until he was hilted inside her. Her name was on his lips as she repeated his, a cry that parted the heavens as pleasure took over. A warmth of fuzz spreading across her body, toes curling as she gasped, jaw-slacked giving into the sinful desire with him. 
Nuzzled up against him in the shirt he retrieved from the corridor, his boxers on her as his arm wrapped around her waist. Holding her for the first and last time. She slept peacefully, glowing with content. Lucifer watching the rising and falling of her rest. His pride swelling but also weeping at the same time, knowing what morning would bring. The heartache that would entail, her returning home with no choice. And whilst he brushed her hair softly, he could already feel the throb in his heart at the thought of pushing her away to ensure she left. Whilst she didn’t know her ending would be tomorrow at the household, Lucifer did. For if not a war could be caused amongst the humans and pride disallowed him to put his needs first. So for a little while longer he held his human close, kissing her shoulder softly and savouring ever touch. For in the morning, she belonged back to the human world and Lucifer had to prepare himself for the harsh reality that would happen. 
“Mmm...good morning,” She yawned, turning around in her bed but to find herself alone. The warmth that held her in the night long gone but the musky smell of oak and leather still lingered on the pillow next to her. Sitting up, a pleasant ache in her thighs, a mixture of essence dried upon the top of her thighs. That and his clothes she wore being the only evidence of their night together. 
“Luci-“ She started but a shout from outside her door, the sound of a plate smashing to the wall stopped her. With little care she climbed out of bed, running out of her room and calling for him.
“Lucifer?”... “Lucifer!”, “Luci…”.
“-fer…” Her words stopping as she ran into the living room, all seven of the brothers in there along with Simeon and Barbatos. Lucifer stood nearest to her, a plate smashed at his feet, Beelzebub being held back by Mammon and Asmo. The rest of the brothers standing around him, whilst Simeon and Barbatos stood in the middle.
“Lucifer… what’s going on?” Taking a step towards him, his eyes refusing to meet her gaze as he looked at the floor.
“It’s time princess, it’s time to go home,” Simeon pulling her gaze away. Confusion on her face.
“I- I don’t understand… I thought I had the choice to stay… I-“ She took another step towards Lucifer, reaching out but he pulled his arm away from her.
“It’s been decided by the council that your time is up, you need to pack and go,”... “You have an hour,” Lucifer still not meeting her eyes as Barbatos spoke.
“I- But no, Lucifer tell them there’s a mistake,” She pleaded, “Diavolo-“.
“Diavolo has no say over the council, now stop this and pack,” Lucifer finally speaking up, unable to witness the look of hurt on her face.
“Lucifer… I… but last night I,” Her voice dropped into a whisper as she grasped into his arm, tugging at the sleeve of his shirt. This time he wasn’t fast enough to pull away.
“Last night changes nothing,” Nothing but coldness in his eyes as he finally turned to look at her.
“You said.. you said you loved me,” The hurt visible in her eyes, her grip of her hand tightening on him.
“A drunk mistake, how could I, a demon, fall in love with a human,” Practically spitting the words out, his heart clenching to say them. 
“Did you mean it,”.
“I already-“.
“For fuck sake Lucifer did you mean it, or was it just a rouse to get me into bed,” Anger and hurt taking over her tone, the remainder of the room staying silent.
“It was something that never should have happened on both of our parts, you should be less concerned about spreading your legs and go pack-“.
“Lucifer!” All of his brothers yelled, Satan darting across the door to reach for him in a fury.
A slap echoed across the room, ricocheting off the walls. Lucifer hearing the sound before the harsh sting spread across his cheek. Her hand colliding with the jaw line she was kissing only hours ago. Lucifer turning to see her face, her biting her lip like she had done during the night, only this time not in pleasure but in pain. Trying to hold back the tears from his words. She didn’t make another word, fleeing as she sobbed. 
“The fuck Lucifer? The fuck!” Satan shoving Lucifer, no-one stopping him. 
“Back off Satan! She has to go and you know it,” Lucifer barked.
“You knew! You knew they was going to make her leave and you slept with her! How the fuck could you do that!” Belphegor stepping in, an anger from him that had never been seen before.
“Just shut up! You have no idea what this concerns,” Lucifer arguing back, Satan continuing to push him until he was pressed against the wall.
“You told her you love her! Your sick Lucifer, sick!” Levithan stepping from behind Beel.
“Did you do it just to sleep with her?” Asmo perked up, “Even I wouldn’t go that low,”.
“She’s our human just as much as yours Lucifer, how could you do that to her,” Mammon huffing, loosening his grip on Beel to let him free.
“Your a fucking prick,” Beel snarling as he and his brothers stalked towards Lucifer. Demonic anger pulsing from each and everyone of them. All six of them caging him on the spot as Simeon and Barbatos watched without a word. Everyone knew how deeply the brothers cared for the human girl, their anger evidently clear towards their older brother for his actions.
“If I tell the truth she won’t go!” Lucifer finally growled after taunting threats from the others, nipping away at him until he finally broke, “If I… tell her how I really feel, she won’t leave and that imposes a dangerous threat to Diavolo,”. Whilst Lucifer was not a man to speak his emotions, the conflicting struggle of what he faced was clear in his voice and features. “She has to go, it’s better for her to go with a broken heart, it’s easier this way,”.
“Did you even ask Diavolo if she could stay?” Belphegor turned to look at Barbatos who shook his head in silence.
“No, Diavolo would never allow it, his reputation is too important for a human too-” Lucifer’s words reigniting his brothers anger.
“Will you stop talking with your pride for once and just do something for yourself!” Satan hissed. The brothers left the room, all except Mammon who stood back for a while.
“I don’t think the others will forgive you for this Lucifer,” The second eldest watching as Lucifer brushed off the wrinkled marks of his jacket.
“Then they are fools, they all know the rules. She had a year and it’s up,”.
“You know you're a real smug git,” Mammon scoffing, “Telling you love her to sleep with her Lucifer. Do other people’s emotions mean so little to you that you’ll just use them to boost and satisfy your pride?”. Mammon didn’t give him a chance to answer, turning his back and leaving. Simeon and Barbatos following him, none of them able to even look at Lucifer.
“But I do love her…” Lucifer admitting his feelings out loud in a whisper to the silent room, three words he longed to say but couldn’t.
“And promise me you’ll look after yourself!” Her voice trembling as she tried to hold back the tears but the occasional one ran down her cheek.
“I promise cutie! Oh I’m going to miss you, who else is going to listen to my weekly date catch ups now?” Asmo pouted as she kissed his cheek. Moving to her right, she cupped Beel’s face.
“My baby Beel,” She started but neither of them could speak, Beel throwing his arms around her and pulling her to his chest. 
The brothers all inline as she said her goodbyes, a fist bump for Mammon, a high-five for Leviathan, a forehead kiss for Satan, Asmo a kiss on the cheek, Beel a hug and a squeeze of Belphegor’s hand. All that who was left was-
“I hope your time here has-“ Lucifer extended his hand out. Staring up into his eyes, her normal colour now dull and full of darkness. Nothing resembling the way she looked at him last night. She turned from him with her bag in hand, not giving him anything more as she followed the two who came to collect her out of the Lamentation household. Leaving behind her second family and the man who stole and broke her heart.
It was coming up to nearly four months since the girl had left and things were returning back to normal. Back to normal for Lucifer anyways. The brothers had quickly gotten over their period of grief for the girl, falling back into their mischievous ways faster than Beel could devour an all-you-can-eat buffet. Lucifer however, he needed time. Life just wasn’t as vibrant for him as it was when she was there, no more infectious laughter ringing through the house, no cups of tea placed in his office when he had stacks of work to do, no lingering presence as she sat in the corner of his office with a book whilst he did work just basking in the silent moment between them. 
At times he felt like he was going mad, his eyes playing tricks to see women who looked so similar from a far as her. His nose betrayed him to think he could still smell her fragrance and subtle warmth in the house when he returned home. His dreams plagued like nightmares to see their night together replaying over and over, only waking up in a sweat to find his bed empty with no means of ever being able to see her again.
His brothers had grown more distant than before, all of them still unforgiving of how he treated the girl. Life was more lonely for Lucifer than ever before, throwing himself into the pits of work. He’d given up his chance of happiness for the sake of the realm, he would be damned if he didn’t give it everything he had. 
The air was warm on the summer day, Lucifer pacing back and forth outside Diavolo’s office, an important stack of documents requiring the prince’s signature urgently. 
“I apologise for keeping you waiting, I have some matters that needed my attention,” Diavolo opened the door, allowing Lucifer in.
“No need to apologise my lord, I have the documentation the council has required, about the new human relationship ambassador,” Lucifer taking his place beside Diavolo, placing the documents on his desk.
“I see, and did you read these documents?” A twinkle just bright enough for Lucifer to notice in his eyes.
“No my lord, these are for you, I would never pry into your work,”.
“Tch, live a little Lucifer.” An eye roll for the Prince, “I hope you don’t mind waiting, the ambassador has finished their training last week and officially starting today, they will be coming by my office anytime and I feel good practise for you two to meet,”. 
“I apologise, my lord, but I have dedications to my brothers today, it appears Mammon and Asmo decided to ditch kitchen duty to go on a model photoshoot, leaving Beel in charge and as you can suspect there is nothing foodwise left,”. 
Diavolo let out a chuckle, “Their young Lucifer, let them enjoy themselves,”.
“But if it pleases, I can stay,”.
“No, no, go, go be with your brothers,” Diavolo waving his hand as if to shoo him off. Lucifer bowed before exiting.
“Diavolo,”. … “Diavolo.” Each time Lucifer yelled he banged his fist upon the oak door of Diavolo’s room. Normally he wouldn’t dare but after hearing the rumours a human had taken the role of ambassador, Lucifer had rushed straight over first thing in the morning to find out the meaning of this. 
A soft whimper followed by a ‘Fuck Diavolo’ came from the other side of the door, Lucifer taking a step back with a red huge of embarrassment on his face. During all his time serving he’d never known Diavolo to have a sexual partner. Embarrassed at the situation, Lucifer turned to leave but the latch unlocking on the door stopped him. Diavolo stepped out in nothing but a pair of sweatpants , his toned abdomen glistening with sweat and his apparent arousal clearly visible.
“I-I apologise my lord… I- I’ll come back later,” Lucifer mortified to have disrupted his ruler.
“It’s fine, just some early morning breakfast,” Diavolo, using the back of his hand to wipe the wetness slicked over his chin and jaw away. “What’s so urgent?”.
Lucifer cleared his throat, “I came about the rumours, is it true a human is the ambassador?”.
Diavolo nods, “Yes she’s a human“.
“A human? Diavolo? Really, I thought you knew better than this, bringing a human into the council” Lucifer's voice rising slightly, his eyes piercing against golden ones.
“Lucifer its not-“.
The voice sounded vaguely familiar to Lucifer... Could it possibly be? It had been a few months, and sometimes things did change. He wanted nothing more than to barge in and see who it was. 
"Lucifer." Diavolo's voice was frustrated. The Prince only got so much time alone like this with his hidden companions. So, unless Lucifer would begin offering himself up for his needs, he needed to go. "Wait in the Westmost wing. The door at the end of the corridor." Liquid gold locked on the face of the slightly smaller demon.
"I... understand, My Lord." Lucifer had to agree. He'd sworn his loyalty to Diavolo all those centuries ago.
"And Lucifer?" When the Avatar of Pride turned around, "This? Stays between us." Diavolo glanced back towards the hidden woman, legs splayed open for him to come back to. 
"Yes, my lord."
Taking bolding steps, he followed his command. Waiting in the west wing of the castle. He pondered why he was there until he saw.
Her. His human.
Dress in a tight fitting skirt with a blue shirt tucked into it, heels echoing off the marble floor as she stepped out of her room. Stopping as her eyes full upon him.
His heart repeatedly banged against his chest, unable to take in the fact that she was there, in the flesh.  Without a word he took three strong paces forward, cupping her face and pressing his lips to hers, kissing her with a passion. 
At first she hesitated before kissing him, her fingers burying his hair as she kissed him back. Tongues battling in dominance as she moans heavily against his mouth. But as her sense came back, she pulled away as quickly as the kiss had started.
“____, you're here, why are you here I- I don’t understand,” Lucifer conflicted to see her.
“I’m Diavolo’s human ambassador,” Her words sharp wiping her mouth with a tissue from her bag, giving as little words as she could.
“But you… Diavolo sent you home?”.
“No Diavolo offered to send me home, it turns out he needed a new member for his team and offered it me. You were the one to send me home,”.
“I was following his orders,” Lucifer going to step forwards her but the look in her eyes kept him in place. 
“If you’ll excuse me, our lord needs me, I have a meeting with him and I refuse to be late,” Looking down at her watch before trying to walk past Lucifer. The look in his eyes and the grip on her arm stopped her.
“He seems rather… tied up right now, I think he’d prefer not to be disturbed,”.
“Well then I have tasks to do,” Freeing herself from his grip.
“____,” He whispered so softly, like butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth.
“And for the record, I was less concerned about spreading my legs, giving me the ability to get this job,” She spat, giving him the cold shoulder as she walked past him.
He watched as she walked away, refusing to let her go a second time he called out ‘I never meant that, any of it… but I did mean what I said to you,’.
She turned slowly in confusion.
“I said it to make you leave, that was all, but I- I meant what I said,” Cupping her face once more as he pulled it up close to him, “I did love you, I do love you, I never stopped loving you,”.
“I-it’s too late for this Lucifer…”.
“I love you,” Tears verging to form in his ruby eyes, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,”. The first time the avatar of pride apologised. “You had to go, and if I told you to stay… it would have broken both of us,”.
“So instead you let me suffer instead? You basically called me a whore in front of your brothers!” Her tone low, emphasis on ‘whore’. Her eyes still held hurt in them, the softness normally alluding slowly peering through. 
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry,” Lucifer catching her wrists and pulling her close. She put up no resistance, the visible pained sorrow on his face paired with his words was enough to show he meant what he said. 
“All I wanted was to wake up with you in my arms, tell you over and over that was the most wonderful night of my life. That I adore you, everything from your smile to your painted nails, to you little bunny slippers, to the way you-“ Lucifer pouring out his heart as she stopped him, kissing him like she had done that night. 
“Your brothers told me why you did it… I just- I wish you’d told me that instead of pushing me away Lucifer,” Her forehead resting against his chest as encircled his arms around her. 
“You’ve seen my brothers?” He asked, resting his chin upon her head.
“Mmm, they’ve been to visit a lot and I went to visit them during my free training, when you were working,” Inhaling his scent, letting herself get lost in the musky scent of fine leather. One of his hands slowly stroking her back, holding her like he had longed to do for so long.
“I was such a fool for letting you go without a fight… but this time I promise you, you are worth more than my pride, you are and always will be my everything,”. 
“Lucifer… We have to take this a day at a time... I do love you, Lucifer... But you really hurt me." Pulling back slightly, gazing up as Lucifer just nodded in silence.
“Oh god, there, oh, there!” Gasping as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Lucifer leaning over to cover her mouth, her cry’s too loud and would definitely draw attention to the office they were currently residing in. His trousers halfway down his thighs, her skirt pushed up with her panties to the side, bent over a desk as Lucifer took her from behind. 
Barely an hour after their reunion, sexual tension lingering between them as they conversed about the past few months. Until finally neither of them could take it, her pulling Lucifer into the first empty office she could find. Lips finding each other without missing a rhythm, as if it was only last night they had last been together. 
One hand on her waist as he pulled back to meet his thrusts, angled deep with each thrust. Perfect hitting the spot inside her to make stars flutter across her vision. Their time apart caused them both to unravel fast, climaxing at the same time as he pounded into her with a passionate force.
They left the office with a glow on their skin. Shirts slightly disheveled, hair askew and her panties now being soaked in a heavy flow of their mixed release. Their panting breaths freeze as they came face to face with Diavolo, a smirk plastered on his face.
“Glad to see my two most vital advisers are getting along again,” His golden orbs playfully darting from her to Lucifer, “Both of you take the day off, I have no need for your help today,”.
“Thank you my lord,” Lucifer accepted his offer before she could say anything, for the first time not letting pride rule his life. Giving up his responsibilities for the day to be with his human.
The couple walked through Devildom towards the house of Lamentation like they had done the night of the ball, this time Lucifer boldly taking her hand in his as he smiled so lovingly towards her. 
“I love you,” His thumb subconsciously rubbed over hers.
“I love you too,” Bashfully smiling at his affection. 
The minute they got into the house of Lamentation he whisked her away to his room, holding her in the tightest embrace.
"I bind myself to you." His words were soft. "I promise to never harm, never betray, or leave you... This oath is only for you... I love you, and I promise you all of me in return for all of you." His voice was low as he pressed his lips to her neck. "If you'll allow me to love you until the end of our days... I will make up for past mistakes and love you... love you the way you deserve to be loved."
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Kinktober masterlist here.
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aliaslua · 3 years
Foreplay headcanons (Leonardo)
Ok so hear me out! I am constantly thinking about size differences (if you know what I mean) and how sexy times with the boys would play out, especially being a 5’2 woman myself… So one of my favorites HC is how foreplay would go with each one of them and because I know my audience is just as nasty as myself I decided to share some of it… I think this is a nice prompt so if you also write for TMNT feel free to share your own take on it! So watch out ‘cause there’s some PWP ahed.
Since starting their sexual life, the boys knew they would probably be the biggest their partners ever taken - here is how they prevent pain and prioritize pleasure.
Warning: SMUT, Lemon, minors DO NOT INTERACT. No trigger warnings apply.
Because he is deeply involved in Dom/Sub dynamic, Leo is always comfortable in making the calls during sex and once the make out sessions become too heated to handle, he knows exactly how to treat you.
He will put you in your feet in front of him on the sofa and just oh-so-casually start to rub your clit increasing the friction as he feels the fabric of your underwear become more and more damp. Oh - and do you think he will address that? Oh no, the teasing is just starting as he asks with his deep voice “What’s wrong, Princess?”.
Will stop once your legs start to tremble and standing up is starting to be a challenge - but just so he can sit you on his lap right on top of the big bulge that grew inside his pants. Suddenly you realize that maybe you bit more than you can chew - the lump you’re seated on is definitely big enough to be mistaken with his close first and the cold wave crossing your stomach indicates that something triggered a self-preservation instinct that you didn’t know you had. Don’t worry - he did notice and was prepared for that.
“Did I scare you, my love?” - you don’t answer but feel as your body starts to relax as his touch reaches your waist and rises to your nipples “Don’t worry, I’ll take it very slow…” he whispers in your ear and your whole body shivers, sending a wave of heat straight to your core “...and steady.”.
He kisses your neck and between light kisses and hard bites that leave purple marks the feeling between your legs is starting to get unbearable - and you are starting to miss his fingers. It’s like he can hear your thoughts because in a single motion he raises you and removes your underwear, placing you right on top of his lap again, this time he uses each hand to spread your legs open, one knee in each side of his thighs.
Maybe you think this is the moment you lose your mind - but oh no - because he very gently uses one hand to prompt you to lay your back against his chest and once he grabs your neck - in a firm grip that still allows you to breathe - he simultaneously uses one of his thick fingers to rub your clit.
Is heaven and hell - the feeling of having your most intimate part exposed to the empty living room is embarrassing and arousing but not more arousing than the delicious circles he is drawing in your clit, the pressure making your toes curl. As time passes and his grip gets tighter and his fingers get faster you’re certain that his pants underneath you are now soaked with your juices - he doesn’t seem to care, maybe the grunts behind you indicate that he even enjoys it. You feel your orgasm coming as the tight feeling in your belly builds up to something more and just as you are about to come, he slides his thick digits inside you. You close your legs in an instinctive reflex but is too late: you make a mess on his hands.
He laughs lightly, satisfied with your reaction “So good for me.”
Once he feels your heart beat stabilize he raises you off his lap and with his body now standing behind you, you hear his zipper open. Your eyes go wide and you moan a warning sign but only feel his member go between your thighs - is bigger than you imagined and thick and so hot against your slippery thighs. “...I-it’s so b-big…” You try to say once you feel he pumping himself between your legs, his member pressing your clit in an unbearable rhythm.
“I know, my love.” He pressed a light kiss on your neck and bit the lobe of your ear “Don’t worry…” He says and grabs one of your legs, raising it to the height of your waist “... I am gonna make you ready for me.” Leo buries his finger inside you once again, pumping in a rhythm you knew would bring you your next orgasm “...And you are gonna take me so well…” he uses his thumb to press your clit lightly “won’t you, my Princess?”.
Hope you enjoy it! Witch turtle should I do next?
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dreamifics · 3 years
James Potter x Reader
Warning:just angst and sad fluff ig
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A letter for James Fleamont Potter
Dear James Potter,
Hey, what's up? That's a lousy letter starter after years of pretending you guys didn't exist.. This would be a rollercoaster of emotions, so try to keep up. Remember when we first met? You were in Ollivanders, buying a wand when you accidentaly almost killed me?
A little girl was walking pass a shop called Ollivanders, she was simply minding her own business when a ray of magic blast to her.. She fell on her butt first, her hair was a mess, she looked like she got burnt..
"Oh, dear godric!I'm very sorry!" A little boy about the same age as the girl came running out of the store.. He had a messy hair and thick glasses, he gave the girl an apologetic smile..
"What in the bloody hell are you doing?!" The girl was mad, who wouldn't? She was just simply having a great day when an idiot almost killed her..
"Buying wands?" He answered unsure. He was just shopping for wands when this very powerful surge made him lose control and it blast to her.
"I look like a mess, Mother would be infuriated..", The girl mumbles to herself as she stands up.. She huffs and glare at the boy.
"I'm James, by the way.."
"I'm Y---"
"Y/N L/N!!WHAT HAPPEND TO YOU?!" Her mother's voice boomed all throughout the alley causing some wizards to look at them..
"Goodbye, you bloody idiot.." Y/N mutters to herself.
"I heard that!"
"You were supposed to hear that!"
And that was the start of our friendship.. You little dim wit, but I'm thankful for that, because I got to meet you.. Did you know that I was not very fond of you? You just wore me down, you're a persistent arse.. But now, it all made sense to me..
What my gut was telling me about you.. You were-- no no, you're still my downfall, James.. I clearly remember when it all daunt to me, the how and why? I'm still unsure about the answer to those two questions. I'm guessing you know what I'm talking about, if you don't... I'll say it or write it now..
I'm hopelessly fucking in love with you, I realized that when you went and announced your relationship with Lily.. There was this painfully hurtful jealousy in my heart and brain.. And I couldn't get rid of those stupid feelings for you..
It was another dreary Sunday in Hogwarts, Y/N was with the Marauders except for James, they were eating at the great hall.. They were talking, teasing and annoying each other when James entered with Lily in his arms.. That image broke Y/N to thousands of little pieces, she suddenly became one with the universe.
"She finally said yes, mates!" James announced causing all of the students to cheer and screamed, obviously happy.
To Y/N, the news broke her.. She was fine with James crushing to Lily because she though Lily was not interested.. But after years of pining and persuasion, she finally said yes. Y/N should've seen it coming, she should be happy for them but why is she hurting?
"Aren't you happy for us, Y/N?"
Y/N was called back from her thoughts, the question echoed through her mind.. Oh dear Godric, she was not happy.. She wanted to be the one under James arms, or to be the one to kiss him in the lips.. She love James, not like platonic, this was so much more.. She wanted to be Lily so bad, ofcourse she's not bloody happy!
"Of course, I am!Congratulations, Prongs!"
But what could she do? Y/N would have lost that battle years ago, she was not James type.. What could she do but just pretend that she was happy and fine with them.. She was dead sure that she'll forget all about James someday.. So until that day comes, she needs to fake a smile and accept her fate.
Loving your bestfriend is the worst thing in the world, James.. I wanted to confess so bad, but the idea of losing you was a heavy baggage to carry.. So, I settled by just being your friend but you don't know how many times I've wanted to confess..
To go up to you and smashed my lips into yours but you were in a relationship with Lily, so I never did anything.. You were happy, and that was enough for me.. And don't get me wrong, I tried to find someone else but you were the best James..
It has been weeks since James and Lily got together, no one knew how she felt.. She was all alone, fighting her feelings from overcoming her. Y/N was sitting in the library, reading a muggle book called 'Wuthering Heights'..
However she hated it, she was bitter and had no time for lovey dovey books.. Y/N needed to move on, she shouldn't be stuck on James..
"Hey, Y/N!"
Y/N was startled by a Hufflepuff student, she smiled and laughed..
"I'm sorry if I startled you, I--I just have a question to ask you.."
Y/N squint her eyes, she doesn't even know this guy.. She rattled her brain for any recollection of this guy..The guy saw her confused face and chuckled.
"I'm Oliver Rigby, the captain of the Hufflepuff quidditch team.."
"Ohhh, yeah.." She just murmured but she had no idea who this guy is.
"I was just wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade this weekend?"
Y/N was taken aback but she needed to move on, she can no longer be hung up on a guy that doesn't even loves her back.
"Alright!I'll pick you up then!"
Y/N just smiled and walked away, she was reluctant to moved on.. Her heart was still beating for James, but she needs to move on.. For her own sake.
They were nothing compared to you, I tried to moved on.. But I always ended up to you, the same feelings always came rushing in when I see you.. Every guy seems horrible when compared to you.. The short period of time we spent together was wonderful, you gave me purpose when no one else did.
Y/N has just come back from a very horrible date, the guy did nothing but talk and brag about himself.. He was not like James who was funny and talks about entertaining stories.. The guy was not sweet nor kind, he was a bit of an ass.. That's the only thing he had in common with James, she sighs and sat in one of the sofa in the common room..
No one can beat James to Y/N, her standards were bloody high because of James.. She wanted to cry but that was stupid.. Crying over a guy who didn't even hurt her, she hates herself.
Y/N heart skipped a beat, she knows who's voice is that.. That voice gives her butterflies, she loves how that voice says her name..
"Thought you had a date?Why are you back so early?" He questioned.
"Did he stood you up? I reckon he'd do that, he looked like a douche to me."
"Sure.." She answered not looking at him, James sits next to her and put her arms around Y/N.. She felt her body stiffen as his body made contact with her.. Y/N silently prayed that James wouldn't notice her increasing heartbeat, the stiffening of her body and the way her cheeks blush..
"Are you alright?" James seems to notice his bestfriend all red and she looked like very uncomfortable..
"What if I said no, what would you do?"
"Make you feel better, ofcourse!" His laughs echoed through the whole Gryffindor tower.. Y/N let out a dry laugh, she didn't mean that.. But her heart was breaking into thousands of pieces, she want this feeling out of her system.
"Are you really alright?"
"Yeah, maybe.."
"Want to talk---"
"Jameees!" Lily's voice called the attention of the messy-haired boy..
"I'll be right back, Lily needs me.."
"B-But what about me?" Y/N tried her very best to not choke up and crack.
"Later, Y/N.." James messed her hair, she didn't meant to be demanding however this was the sign she was looking for.. The sign that James doesn't feel anything special for her, she was just James very annoying friend..Y/N realized that with one call, Lily has James wrapped around her perfect fingers, with only one call from Lily, James was gone.. He just left her hurting friend for Lily, Y/N suddenly felt her heart was no longer there..
It was bruised and beated so many times, and now.. Y/N chest is nothing but a vacant lot, an empty hollow space.. The tiny little hope that maybe James likes her back can no longer be found.
That hope was now gone.
Y/N had reached her limit, it was truly over.. The love and jealousy she feels was a heavy baggage to carry. Y/N needed to avoid James, just until she was fully okay..
Y/N knew deep inside her that her love for James will never fully go away..
Avoiding you was the only reasonable thing to do, to be frank.. It was the only thing to do.. If I kept up that silly facade, I would ended up being mental.. You see James, jealousy is a monster that takes over your whole mind and body. It's a hideous monster you can't escape.. I do have a few questions, did you notice the not-so-subtle cold shoulder I gave you? Because back then it seems like you didn't, did you though? Did you cry every night like I did? Or did your heart break like mine did?
Y/N finally got out of her bed, she was in the great hall, hundreds of feet away from James.. But from the looks of it, he didn't really seem to mind.. He was too busy whispering sweet nothings to Lily's ear.
"If your glares could kill, Evans and Potter would be dead now.." Her friend intoned, she snapped her head away from the sight of James.
"I don't what your talking about.." Y/N denied..
"Of course, you don't.." Her friend tease.
"If my looks can kill, you will be the first one dead.." Y/N gave her friend a glare which her friends just brushed off.
"Blimey!No need to get mad, I was just stating facts.."
"Just sod off." Y/N just played with the food in her plate.
"If you told James about your feelings, he would've ask you out." Y/N's friend said in a teasing manner..
"No, he would never do that.."
"And how do you know that?" Y/n rolled her eyes at her friends question.
"Because I knew James, he was inlove with Lily since the start of our first year. "
"That's what you think.." Her friend crosses her arms and smirk at her.
"What?" She questioned confused.
"Nothing, idiot.. You won't understand.."
"Look Y/N, just move on.." Y/N scoffs at her friends genius idea.
"You make it sound like it's so bloody easy.."
"Is it not?You cry about it for a day then you find someone else.. " Y/N looked at her friend with a surprised gaze, is it that easy? How come it's so hard for her?
"See, easy.."
"Sod off.." She shut her friend down as thoughts occupied her mind..
Y/N was walking down the silent halls of Hogwarts alone, a frown in her face she hasn't been smiling this past few weeks.. Her back suddenly stood straight when the four familiar faces welcomed her when she entered an empty classroom.
"Oh, hello Y/N.." Sirius was the first to greet her with a big smile on his face but she didn't give the smile back.
"Y/N!I was wondering where you were these past few weeks.." Remus gave her a comforting smile.
"Yeah, I had no one to eat my sweets with!" Peter walked up to Y/N and offered her a chocolate which she didn't accept.
"I apologize, I have to go now.."
"But Y/N--" Peter didn't get to finish the sentence, she was gone, James didn't even look up from his seat.. Did he forgot all about Y/N? But Y/N didn't feel anything anymore.. Funny how numbness can have it's perks sometimes..
Maybe you didn't notice me because you were so inlove with pretty little Evans? That came out a little rude, I apologize for that, but I'm not sorry.. You see, I don't hate Lily, but then again kinda wish she were dead.. She was all you saw James, I was with you through your worst.. I gave you everything, but what do I get in return?
Just heartaches and neverending what-ifs.. You never saw me James.. Remember the day we graduated and left Hogwarts? You didn't even say goodbye to me, not even a single glance James.. I was not the only one who gave up on our friendship.. We both did, James..
Riding the Hogwarts train one last time was a bittersweet moment for others.. To Y/N, it was a relief.. She would finally get to leave the place that reminds her of James, every corner and walls was embedded with memories of Y/N and James having fun with each other.. It may sound nice but it only brought misery to her.
"Y/N!We're getting off now.." Y/N's friend broke her silent trance.. Y/N stands up and exits the train, her feet hit the platform floor, Y/N took a deep breath and wander her eyes to the sea of graduate  students. Some were celebrating, some were crying and there Y/N saw him..
James had Lily under his arms as they talk with the rest of the Marauders.. Disappointment was written all over Y/N's face, this was the last day they would be able to see each other and James didn't even glance at her.. They were friends for years, she couldn't belive that their friendship was beyond repair..
"Quit staring at him, your looking pathetic." Y/N whispers under her breath, walking away without saying goodbye was not how she planned her last day in Hogwarts. Y/N was moving to America and will work in the Ministry of Magic there.. She does not want to work in the same place that James and Lily was going to work at..
Y/N needs to really move on, and America would be the place for it.. Atleast there, she's far away from any reminders of James or Lily.. Holding her trunk, she walks away from her old life.. No more heartaches, just miserable thoughts and lots of what ifs.
Moving here didn't even help, I'm still inlove with you.. You might be confused about why I'm just sending this letter to you now.. Well Mister Potter, I just got an invitation to your wedding and I'm very very drunk right now.. I didn't think you would really send me an invitation because you know were just strangers.. We spent years ignoring each other and now this bloody envelope shows up at my home..
How did you even knew my address? Were you keeping tabs on me? If that's the case then I'm very flattered and also a little bit creeped out but that's not the point! The point is, I'm not going to your wedding because I'm still fucking inlove with you.. I hope you enjoy the wedding though, also don't bother writing back.. I would never remember this anyway, so James.. Give Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease.
If you guys have any request for imagines about ( marvel characters, DC characters, stranger things, game of thrones, brooklyn 99, friends, basically anything! I accept everything!)
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no kisses needed.
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© @sonsofeorl
❝ request by @blowmymbackout: reader has a co-worker who just won't take the hint that reader isn't interested and has a bf she tells Coco he picks her up from work confronts the man. Coco is a lil jealous. Co-worker facetimes reader while coco has her in this position (sorry if that didn't make any sense)
❝ words: about 1.2k.
❝ warnings: nsfw, unprotected sex, language, voyeurism (????), coco being a little possessive, mention of bodily fluids.
❝ a / n: as always, don’t forget to comment and reblog if you liked it!
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You weren't expecting Coco to pick you up from work today, but you guess he has just done it to see who's the fucker trying to flirt with his girl. The guy is uglier than the back of a fridge, and he feels some comfort in it. But not enough to calm down his jealousy. He —better than anybody— knows that you don't care about a pretty face, you care about a beautiful heart, tho. His insecurities come afloat on your way back home, worrying you because he's more silent than ever, not even getting a response when you whisper in his ear how much you have missed him today after waking up alone.
Coming into your house with his face down, Coco leaves his kutte and both helmets on the coffee table, a second before falling onto your sofa. A leg over it, the other flexed to the floor. Your boyfriend looks at you, thoughtful and very concentrated on the way you have to remove your jacket and walk towards his position. You know exactly what's on his mind and that touches your soul. His demons eat him alive with no mercy. Kneeling a leg between his —placing your phone close to his black helmet—, you lean down with both hands on his chest for balance, landing your lips onto his left ear.
“Can you do something for me?” You hum with such a sweet tone, caressing his cheek with the tip of your nose. And you hear him swallowing slowly. “Fuck me, Coco. I need you so fuckin' much… You can't imagine… Can you do that for me, ah? Can you fuck me so hard I forgot my name but not who I belong to?”
He utters a feral snarl, noticing then that your right hand has made its way to his dick. You grip it over the rough fabric, swinging it with a tortuous pace, fixing your eyes on his. Coco is about to kiss you when you push him down using your left hand.
“I don't want your kisses now”. You whisper accommodating yourself over the delicious rock under his clothes. “I want your dick. I want you to fuck me till I have to beg you to stop”.
How does he manage to roll you down his body? You don't know. But the fact is that, in less than a second, you're lying on your stomach and your boyfriend is removing your sneakers and your jeans. He can't help but lick his lips keenly as he glances at the small spot darkening your panties, the evidence of how wet you are because of him.
“Fuck, ma'...”
Coco rips off the piece of clothing causing you to gasp, while you take off the shirt covering your torso, only leaving the blue bra you're wearing beneath it. He undoes it to throw it to the floor too, sliding an arm under your stomach to make you raise your ass. With his free hand, your boyfriend pulls down his jeans and boxers enough to let his hard cock spring free. He doesn't prepare you. Coco guides his glans to your folds to slam his thick length into your soaked cunt. You moan loud and clear his full name, as he settles his body between your spread legs.
Digging his fingers in your hips, aware that he probably will leave some marks there, he doesn't show any mercy. He hits your guts and your soul once and once with an insane pace that causes you to roll your eyes, nailing your hands on the armrest to find some equilibrium and receive every pound straight to your g-spot without falling over it. Coco is fucking you as hard as you have asked him, blanking your mind and making a mess of your vocals.
And he doesn't stop when your phone starts to ring. The name of your co-worker appearing on the screen. Your boyfriend has the brilliant idea of pulling your hair back by tangling his digits there, bringing his lips to your ear. His other hand grabs your device to put it at the height of your faces, sliding his thumb to answer the video call.
The first thing your partner can see is the pleasure gesture on yours, moaning and screaming Coco's name, not having noticed yet what he is doing until you hear your co-worker calling you.
“Tell him how good I fuck you, ma'”. Your boyfriend demands with such a throaty growl, thrusting his thick and hard length into you, impaling your body against the sofa.
“Shit…” You almost cry. “He fucks me so damn good”.
“That's it… Tell him… Tell him who you belong to”.
You know that he's enjoying it, but you can't answer when your partner hangs up the call. Coco can't help but laugh, tosing your phone to the table, to occupy his hand in a better place. Wrapping it around your throat, your boyfriend forces you to kneel on the cushions, sticking his chest to your back.
“Bet he won't forget”. He grunts into your ear, tilting your head to tuck his tongue within your mouth.
He drinks your pleas, your begs, your gaps, placing your fingers around his wrists, aware that you're not going to last much more because of what has just happened. And he feels it. He feels how your whole anatomy gets tensed with every push to your guts, creating an erotic melody of flesh against flesh. Pulling you down again and gripping your hips, Coco increases the pace of his lungs, giving you more pleasure than you can bear with, still enraged because of that shithead thinking he could have some kind of opportunity with you. You are his. Like your heart, your soul, your thoughts.
“Ah, fuck, baby”. You paint roaring, biting your lips until the metallic taste of blood floods your mouth.
The tickles in your lower belly grow by leaps and bounds, making your heart stop for a brief instant before the orgasm blows out all your senses and the electrical lash roams your back. It takes Coco only two slams more into your soaked pussy to cum inside you, filling you as much as he can press his body against yours. He doesn't feel jealous, nor angry anymore. He simply is too tired after that rough quickly, marking your skin wherever his teeth have reached it.
Loosening his grip bit by bit to pull his wet dick out from you, your boyfriend holds your phone again to take a picture of his warm seed spilling out from your abused lips. A piece of art under his dark eyes. Lying on your back and placing a smooth kiss on top of your head, he shows you the little mess he has done with a proud smile crossing his exhausted mouth.
“Was tha' what you wanted?”
“Uh-huh”. You whisper resting your cheek over your forearms, turning slightly at him. “Did you have fun, Coquito?”
“I always have fun ruining your sweet tight pussy, ma'. I don' even mind if that cabrón wanna come and look the next time”.
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GENERAL TAG LIST: @mayans-sauce @peoniarose @destynelseclipsa @band-psycho @myakai13 @petlaufeyson @-im-fantastic- @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @rocketqueen @rosieposie0624 @ellyseveronica @Jessprins13 @diaryofkali @ravenmoore14 @starrynite7114 @kenbechillin @miahelen @monkeyluver4546 @sheeshgivemeabreak @jadesamhart @rawrlittlepanda-95 @megapeacelovemusic-blog @katsav17 @skits90s @wildsould1221 @littlekittymeow @tenderclio @badame1240 @regalbanshee
MAYANS MC: @multiyfandomgirl40 @countryash345 @skyofficialxx @lovebennycolonmiguelgalindo @bellisperennis0 @chibsytelford @trulysuccubus @purrrrfect @witching-hour @leathercladmenfics @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @queenbeered @sesamepancakes @gemini0410 @pinguinstudiert @oscars-wifeyyy @meteora-fc @lozaa94 @arveeee @joupym @hanster1998 @missswritings @arana-alpha @lucillewinchester @theocatkov @telfordlowmans
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micheya · 4 years
I'm not posting these one-shots in any particular order of when I wrote them. I just kinda take the one shot comments I make and post them on here.
I'm going to make more of the "dancing with your favourite character" prompt like with Diluc, and have a Chongyun one in drafts as well as a "Kaeya and you harrassing Diluc" planned in my mind
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Trip Log | Childe's winter trip
How the hell did we get here?
It was the snowy season and Childe thought it would be wonderful to sweep you away from Mondstadt - without notice to Diluc - to climb a hill in Liyue.
"Look, here's a sledge. We can go down these hills together!"
"those are mountains, Childe" you had deadpanned at his excitement to travel down at such a dangerous height, the slope nothing but steep, but looking into his excited eyes, and genuinely eager expression your conviction wavered.
"Childe. It's really late, we've been climbing all day" the two of you climbed, with him aiding you the majority of the way, his hand grasped yours tightly in an effort to be sure you were safe near him.
"Really, this spot is the best one for sledging. This will be our final stop." His matte coloured eyes stared at you, though you didn't notice as you focused on your next step.
"I'm cold. I don't mean to complain, but I can spend time with you doing something else."
"Yes, and we'll do whatever you want later. I'll even let you..." He pondered for a second, "Well, I'll buy you that wing glider you mentioned you were saving up for!"
Eyes wide and stars sparkling your pace picked up, but your stiff legs and arms couldn't keep up with your excitement. Though in the end, seeing you motivated was enough for the Sneznhayan brat.
"Here we are. Welcome to our new hideout." Instead of going down some snow, he had brought you to a small abode, seemingly newly built, on the flat peak.
"The perfect spot for gliding, and a secluded area from the noise of the world." He welcomed you and dragged you straight to a bathroom, "There's pyjamas there, and I think the water should still be at least warm. Please let me know when you're done. I'm kind of cold too." He chuckled.
"Bruh, this is lit!" As you tried to leave, you felt yourself pulled back, "hey. You kinda need to let go of my hand."
"Oh?" He questioned, "Oh!" He realised.
"You don't have to get me the glider. I'm super excited just having this to share with you." The both of you sat comfortably in pyjamas, the ginger surprisingly docile sitting between your legs, as you sat on the sofa his back leaned on, while you dried his hair from his own bath.
"Yeah, just pay me back with your time."
"I'm not annoying? Don't you quite like the chaos of the world I'm dragging you out of?"
"On the contrary, I'm glad you haven't left me, despite how annoying I seem to be with you." His hands held onto yours resting on his head, "Not to dampen the mood, but don't leave me." Though his tone was playful, it was painfully obvious that he was desperately wanting you to not leave.
"Oh". Leaning over to him, your arms wrapped in a tender back hug.
"Of course not." There was a comfortable silence.
"Oh yeah, I had already bought that glider."
"Tomorrow we'll glide down the mountain together." He smiled his head up looking for your reaction, " and a little birdie told me you came second in the gliding competition of Mondstat."
"Well," you smiled proudly.
The wing glider broke as you had taken of a few metres away from the cliff.
"Y/n?!" Childe leapt immediately after you.
"oh my goodness, Barbatos, send me your wind. I'm sorry for calling you BARBARA TOES!" The ending increasing in volume as the ground slowly got closer to your body
Childe, an arm's length above you, didn't know whether he could laugh in this situation, but as he grabbed you and opened his glider, a glow of a small rock appeared in front of you, to which you instinctively grabbed, followed by a force of wind forcing the descent of your fall to decrease massively, especially since gliders weren't designed to carry such a weight.
"Oof!" The two of you landed harshly onto some snow, but without injuries, and you froze in post-shock the light blue stone firmly gripped in your hands, and you tightly held in Childe's grip.
"I'm going to kill that salesman" wide-eyed, he still managed to make a threat.
"Please just hold me, I don't need someone else almost dying." Also wide-eyed you didn't want to think about anything, completely ignoring the cold of the snow below you, and how you became the unlucky few to get a vision through a life-threatening experience.
"You don't need to tell me twice"
Though even after that trip, Childe didn't hesitate to completely get rid of the seller's business with news travelling fast of how it mysteriously burnt to the ground.
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