#Hoverboard Properly
radiance1 · 6 months
Danny has a hoverboard, one he and his parents built for family time simply because he said he wanted one of them because he thought they were cool.
The Fentons, also, own a takeout business.
Now you see, the Fentons pulled away from being scientists after Danny revealed himself as Phantom, so they obviously had to do something to secure their new source of income that would allow them to spend more time with their kids.
So they decided to open a restaurant.
Now, his parents could cook, yes. But they had a habit of injecting so much ectoplasm into their food that it came to life and didn't see it as a problem, Jazz and Danny, however, saw it as a problem. Except, they didn't really know how to cook either.
So who did they turn to with, a rather large, amount of hesitance?
Sure yea, he was chilling out and on his 'redemption arc' or whatever but still. Did they want to get him involved? No. Did they have any other options? Also, no.
Right decision in fact, because Vlad was so offended by their lack of lab-safety that he somehow managed to strongarm them into doing something Jazz and Danny couldn't for years in a few months. He also, decided to help them out with the funding of their restaurant and, after finding their food not up to his taste (Which is weird since he would take every opportunity he could've to compliment Danny's mom. So maybe he is actually doing that redemption thing.) also took over teaching them how to cook properly.
So yes, Danny has a hoverboard, his family owns a takeout business, and Danny has decided to help out said business via hoverboard. It was either that or Jack doing it so, you know.
Anyways, for whatever reason, they get an offer all the way over in Gotham of all places. Danny, never one to back down from a challenge, decided to take it anyway and leave Amity park in Jack's (worrying yet capable) hands.
He rides all the way over to Gotham, thankful for his parents' invention to keep the food fresh and hot, while doing tricks and entertaining himself on the way over.
All to drop said takeout in the hands of some dude in a red helmet who wants to pay him over credit. Which, uh no dude? They clearly stated that they only accept cash!
Danny doesn't care if it was a joke, and he didn't expect him to actually come here!
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wileys-russo · 10 months
we need a dj leah fic
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i know nothing about dj-ing so this is all y'all get lmao hobbies II l.williamson
"lee? baby i'm home!" you called out, kicking off your shoes and shrugging off your jacket at the door. though when you received no response you frowned, walking further into your home.
"babe? leah?" you continued to call out, popping your head into the bedroom and the living room but finding no trace of the blonde. her car was in your driveway and unless you'd missed something you weren't aware of her having an event or plans tonight.
"oh here you are." you sighed in relief finally finding her in the kitchen. "baby?" you called out, dropping your bag on the counter. "lee?" you called again, the girl bopping her head focused on something else, headphones covering her ears.
you paused for a moment eyes falling to the sliver of her abs visible where her shirt had ridden up, waistband of her boxers poking out from her pants as her tanned and toned arms flexed while she messed about with whatever was in front of her.
"leah!" you yelled louder, smacking your hand on the counter a few times as your girlfriend finally glanced up, flinching a little in shock at the sight of you stood there. "hi gorgeous, didn't hear you come in." she pulled her headphones down to her ears with a smile.
"missed you." she attached to you right away with a soft smile, attacking your face with kisses before finally rewarding you with a real one, tugging you around the counter to where she previously stood.
"yeah no wonder you didn't hear me. what the hell is all this?" you frowned seeing her messing about with her laptop and some sort of board full of buttons. "dj pad." leah gave you a toothy grin, wrapping you in a hug, your head resting against her chest as you stared down at her latest hobby.
"oh leah." you sighed as she let you go, tenderly kissing the side of your head. "what?" she smiled, ducking down to kiss you properly, sending your head into a spin as her tongue swiped your bottom lip but you forced yourself to pull away.
"you always do this!" you pulled yourself up to sit on the counter beside her laptop. "do what!" leah frowned, crossing her arms with a raised eyebrow sent your way.
"you invest in some sort of hobby, do it for a week or two and then it joins your graveyard of dead interests and you move onto something else. then the cycle repeats!" you shook your head knowingly.
"i do not!" leah scoffed in offence as you now raised an eyebrow at her, jumping down from the counter. "come with me my love, let's go on a little house tour." you smiled holding our your hand, leah pulling off her headphones with a roll of her eyes and leaving them by the dj pad as her slender fingers interlocked with yours.
"example one; the hoverboard." you gestured to the item sitting abandoned in the corner of the living room, untouched for years now. "babe everyone bought those during lock down!" leah defended as you hummed.
"example two; the indoor golf set." you kicked the box sat with her trainers. "i still use that." leah protested as you fixed her with a firm look. "you've used it like four times if you're lucky."
"example three; the knitting!" leah followed you into her study as you yanked open one of her desk drawers and pointed to the abandoned bundle of wool and needles. "excuse me? i made you a blanket and that blanket was made with love." leah scowled as you shut the drawer.
"a baby blanket maybe it was like four poorly finished squares lee it could cover my ankles if i'm lucky." you chuckled moving to the large wall to wall bookshelf as leah scoffed. "psychology!" you continued, waving to the five or six huge textbooks your girlfriend was yet to even touch let alone crack open.
"hey i could still read those, that doesn't count." "but will you? signs point to no." you sighed with a shake of your head, ignoring your girlfriends hand swatting at your bum with an unimpressed huff at your tone.
"the VR goggles?" "they gave me a headache!" "the drumming pads?" "okay those were an impulse buy." "gardening? the veggie patch?" "our garden is immaculate!" "yes it is, because i'm the one who looks after it and actually keeps it alive baby. the video camera?" "hey i made the cutest video with that last year, it isn't my fault i lost the charger."
"do i need to continue baby or are you seeing the pattern now?" you challenged with a smile, swinging leahs hand back and forth which was still linked with yours.
"okay maybe i can be a little bit impulsive. but life is too short not to enjoy simple pleasures babe, even just for a moment." using your interlocked hands she tugged your body into hers, hands cupping your cheeks as her thumb pulled down your bottom lip before it snapped back up with a small pop.
"did you learn that in one of your self help books?" you grinned right as she leaned in to kiss you, head flicking back to the bookshelf. "shut up, but i'm getting pretty good! come." with that she lead you out of the office and back to the kitchen.
"leah!" you laughed as she effortlessly picked you up by the waist and sat you back on the counter. "listen." she carefully slid her headphones over your ears, pecking your lips a few times and focusing back on the dj pad.
your lips curled into a smile as you adjusted her headphones, wincing a little as a loud beat sounded in your ears, and you tried not to laugh at how your girlfriends eyebrows furrowed together as she pushed and prodded at the different buttons.
"see? not too bad eh!" leah stopped after a few minutes and you tugged the headphones down. "wait that was it?" you frowned, leahs mouth dropping into a small o at your words. "that was like someone beat boxing without a sense of rhythm. babe that was so bad!" you laughed honestly, covering your smile with your hand.
"baby!" leah whined, smacking your leg and crossing her arms. "what? do you want me to lie?" you grinned as she pulled her headphones off you with a huff. "don't quit your day job for the ibiza circuit just yet sweets, you're no fred again." you continued to tease as you patted her shoulder.
"hey it's really hard okay! these stupid programs i downloaded are no help either." leah pouted with another huff. you held up a finger for her to wait, lifting your hips to pull your phone out of your back pocket.
"here baby, one more for your bookshelf." "how to dj for idiots and dummies."
"cheeky girl." leah tutted, slotting herself in between your legs as her hands slid up and down your legs which wrapped around her waist. "have you figured out your dj name yet?" you grinned, getting your words out in between the lingeringly soft kisses the taller blonde was leaving on your lips.
"no, got any suggestions?" leah chuckled, closing her eyes as your mouth pulled away from hers and focused on her neck, her hands gripping your hips and pulling your body closer into hers as you inhaled the intoxicating scent of her favorite perfume.
"i think dj hold the mayo williamson will do numbers in ticket sales." "oh really? think i might need a tour manager love." "aren't you lucky, you've got the best in the business right in front of you." "mmm i haven't done any gigs yet gorgeous, afraid i can't pay you." "oh don't you worry williamson, i think we can work some sort of arrangement out."
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klonoa-at-blog · 1 month
If debug mode is enabled in the Phantasy Reverie Series version of Klonoa 2, you can use it to see an unused cut scene in the movie viewer where Momett congratulates you for achieving 100%. It is unknown why this scene never plays or if it existed in the PS2 original.
Debug mode will also let you re-watch several cut scenes that were left out of the movie viewer menu. Most of the scene names are translated save a few left in Japanese.
List of scenes hidden from the menu unless re-enabled:
Sea of Tears
Now that's Double Jumping! (Popka explains double jumping.)
[確認] サンキュー、ジョナさん (Klonoa jumps off Polly the bird-like creature. The scene is labelled "Thank You, Jona-san" but the creature is referred to as Polly in the strategy guides.)
Ishras Ark
Ark, Onward! Part 2 (The Ark moves across the Lake of Seclusion.)
Dark Sea of Tears
Ark Ascendant (The Ark is reborn and teleports away.)
Empty Sea of Tears
Tree Spirit (A scene that doesn't appear to display properly as it is very brief and shows only a black screen. Disabling the UI shows the camera is placed someplace beneath the sand. It is likely this was meant to be the short scene where the Fordon cannon shoots Klonoa up towards the Ark.)
Embryo Compass
Into The Gate (The Ark descends into the Empty Sea of Tears.)
The Ark Revisited
To Destroy an Ark (Beginning scene with Popka and Klonoa understanding their goal to shutdown the Ark.)
Nice Catch (Tat catches Klonoa with the Crimson Iris. Klonoa says there's only one engine left to go.)
Kingdom of Sorrow
Spying the Spire (Klonoa reaches the top of the Kingdom of Sorrow and sees the Terminus of Tears.)
Terminus of Tears
The King of Sorrow - Part 2 (Klonoa finds himself riding his hoverboard to confront the King's shell form.)
Momett House
[確認] モメット 全部集めた ("Momett, I've collected everything". Aforementioned 100% completion scene. )
[確認]Extra1 クリア ("Extra 1 Clear". Klonoa reaches the top of the Chamber o' Fun. The goal sound effect will play rapidly nonstop if viewed here.)
[確認]Extra2 クリア ("Extra 2 Clear". Klonoa reaches the top of the Chamber o' Horrors. The goal sound effect will play rapidly nonstop if viewed here.)
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inksandpensblog · 3 months
My feelings about Red in Lucky Block Staff continue to evade coherence so instead I'm gonna chronicle every in-game block that has been used in the staff to date and how the staff uses them.
The first block we ever saw used in the staff was a command block, specifically an impulse command block (as opposed to a repeat command block or chain command block; Sammy's post explains the difference in mechanics between the three and why the impulse command block is the best choice for the staff). When used, the staff allows the wielder to execute commands via the block instantaneously, without having to properly code or input or activate them. . (The ability to use the command-block staff as a flying broomstick or air scooter or hoverboard or what-have-you is also a command, specifically "data modify entity @/s abilities.flying set value 1b" without the "/" which I had to include so I wouldn't keep accidentally tagging someone, which appears when flight first begins but disappears shortly after despite sustained flight. I don't know what this means but I assume the staff uses the command block to bestow flight capabilities upon either the command block itself, the staff itself, or the stick wielding it, without necessarily needing to aim. Whichever it is, it has some interesting implications regarding the connection between staff and wielder. Sammy has since informed me that this is not, in fact, a real Minecraft command. "Data modify entity" indicates that the command is to modify the NBT data of a mob or item, "@/s" without the "/" indicates that the target of the command is the same person who's running it, "abilities.flying" was made up for the series; however Bedrock edition does have an ability tag called "MayFly." This makes me wonder if the staff considers itself a part of its wielder.) . Jury's out on whether the wielder has to know the commands they want the staff to execute, or whether they just have to project what they want to happen and the staff makes the command block make it happen. .
Next is a block of gold. When used, the staff seems to allow the wielder to destroy nearby blocks by striking them with the gold block, which makes sense as gold is one of the materials that can be used to craft tools. . But the destructive capabilities of the staff when equipped with a gold block are far milder than when it's equipped with some of the other blocks. Which also makes sense, as gold In fact, they're mild enough that the orb apparently doesn't deem it a worthwhile block, as neither the sticks nor the orb ever use a gold-equipped staff during the entirety of the Lucky Block Staff episode. . Armors crafted from gold offer less defense and have lower durability than armors of any other material, apart from leather. Pickaxes and shovels crafted from gold likewise have a lower durability, but also offer a higher mining speed than any other material. . Gold is also used in the crafting of clocks and powered rails, alongside redstone. . Another interesting thing about gold as a material is its enchantability. All in-game weapons, tools, and armors have an enchantability level, which is one of the factors used to determine which enchantments will be available for it through an enchanting table (other factors being the player's experience level and the enchantment levels offered by the table in accordance with how many bookshelves are within range). It is notable that weapons, tools, and armors crafted from gold have a higher enchantability level than weapons, tools, and armors crafted from any other material. Gold armors have a level of 25, with the next highest being leather and netherite armors at 15. Gold tools and weapons have a level of 22, with wood and netherite in second place at a level of 15 again. . If the staff utilizes the enchantability or speed or conductibility of gold as a material at all, then we have yet to see this demonstrated. .
Then we see a block of neterite. When used, the staff seems to allow the wielder to obliterate any block struck by the netherite block, as well as kill survival-mode enemies in one hit or knock creative-mode enemies so far out of range that the boss battle reaches its next phase. Interestingly, any block within a certain radius of the impact point will be obliterated as well, as if by a shockwave; though this effect is not evenly distributed and is more potent in the direction of the strike. The general strength of these effects is also inconsistent, and may depend on momentum. . The netherite block is also shown to be heavier than the command or gold blocks, once equipped to the staff. . (It's also proven that striking with any other part of the staff doesn't produce these effects. Impact must be made by the block itself. Presumably this applies to all the destructive blocks.) . I don't think the orb ever makes a netherite staff, but if one was made it was either destroyed or contained in a chest before the orb got a chance to use it. .
(That is interesting to note, in and of itself: Blue gives several chests the "awakening" potion effect, and any staffs that get glomped by these chests are out of commission for the rest of the fight, regardless of the blocks equipped.) .
That's all I have time for tonight, next time I'll get into King's research.
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greenlightbulbonawire · 2 months
Misfits (yeah like the Arcane song)
Author's note: Steam has some lovely sales these days and my library is definitely not filled with new games nuh uh
Twenty fifth chapter
"I fixed it."
You said, motioning to the arm. Ekko grabbed it and turned it from side to side, looking it over. Scar closed the entrance door and left you two alone.
"I know only one thing that can do this."
He let your arm go and wiped his face with his hand. You just stood there, quiet as a mouse.
"My room. Now."
The leader commanded you. You didn't argue, you could see how mad he was, so you listened. This time you each went there on your own board.
When you stood firmly on the balcony he grabbed your arm again and shoved you into his room, slamming the door behind you.
"Are you out of your fucking mind?"
You stood in front of him and he let his grip go, pushing you back a little.
"Do you know what that stuff does to you? And more, you can't just wander off like that! I'm starting to think you don't take me seriously!"
"I'm sorry."
Honestly, mad Ekko was really scary, but also kinda... He sighed and ran his hands through his hair.
"You can't do that [reader]! We're a team here! And what I say goes."
"But I did what you told me, I let my hand heal properly."
"Don't use my words against me."
He was pacing around his room and his face portrayed a mix of emotions.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you mad. I just... I don't want to be a nuisance because of a broken arm."
The boy stopped and scoffed, shaking his head before he looked at you again.
"You're making it really difficult for me to stay mad at you."
His lips displayed a little smile. You tore your eyes away from the floor and turned them to his face.
"I'm really sorry."
You muttered and watched him come closer. He grabbed your arm again, pulling you into a hug, one gloved hand holding the back of your head and the other snaking around your shoulders.
His face fell beside yours and you let your hands hold him too.
"I was just worried about you."
Ekko whispered into your ear and burried his face into the crook of your neck. You stayed like that for a few moments, you were scared to let go, as not to offend him and the boy not wanting to let go just yet. He finally pulled you away from him by your shoulders and held them with stretched arms.
"But seriously, if you ever do something like that again, I'm gonna cuff you to myself."
You nodded to let him know you understood and his hands left your shoulders.
He opened the door to his room, letting you out.
"Go get something to eat."
"I took something on my way back here."
The boy sighed and chuckled quietly, shaking his head.
"Why am I still suprised."
He grabbed his board and jumped off the tree. You followed, just a little more carefully. He stopped on the ground in front of the painted pillar, putting his board aside and waiting for you with his arms resting on his hips. You landed skillfully before him, sending dust flying his way. You put your hoverboard next to his and looked at him, wanting to know what comes next.
"Since you've decided to heal up your arm, why don't we just pick up where we left off?"
He said and assumed a fighting pose. Great. But okay, fair enough.
You hesitantly walked to your destined place and took a fighters stance too. The boy didn't waste a second and charged at you. He managed to hit your face, but you just took the punch and slid a little back. His outstretched hand gave you an opening and you took it. You finally managed to land a hit on him, onto his side. He didn't expect it, another opening. Face. Strike.
He wiped the skin under his nose and readied a other punch. You stepped aside. He missed and stumbled. You swiped his legs with yours and he fell to the ground. You didn't know how you even managed that, you knew he had to be holding back, you saw haw he fought on the bridge, this was vastly different. But still, there he lied, and you stood on your feet. How?
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cauldron-of-oddities · 7 months
After all the amnesia talk, this little idea wouldn't leave me alone. 
There she was, cackling, enjoying the fight, with wild abandon. And while not on the same side, she was also in no way attacking him or the firelights.
Where had she been? After the last time…, he shook it from him.
The boy's distracted, so much so that one of those too chunky dressed enforcers was about to take him down. Now, that would be a loss, she decided as something pulled her to him.
A single bullet, lightning fast, ends the fight. It leaves them standing across from one another on an empty roof.
“Hey there, handsome, was a good fight, right? Taking down those too stuffy Pilties, think they have the run of it here, huh? Also, really cool board, can I see it? How does it work, oohhh can I look inside it?”
“Jinx…” it comes out a bit hesitant, a bit broken. He's on his guard even as relief fills him.
“Ooohh you know my name, my reputation precedes me” That makes her happy for some reason.
He's confused for a moment. Why was she acting like she didn't know who he was? As he looks at her willing her to acknowledge him, there's no recognition in her eyes, and for all the chaos she revelled in, her eyes were light, unburdened and so very different from the last time he'd seen her.
Realisation was sinking in and with his eyes stung with rising tears.  
The pretty boy in front of her isn't looking too hot, no, he looks terribly sad. 
“Hey, you need a hug? hugs always make me feel better, not that I get them much, but they do.”
What was it about this boy that made her ramble so?
Suddenly, she was wrapped in strong arms, warmth envelops her, and the scent of something like wood and cinnamon and motor oil filled her nose, and she's dizzy for a moment. 
It was the best hug ever her rather stumped mind provided her, even if she could feel tears in the crook of her neck. She lets him sink into her. Seemed like he needed it, and maybe she did, too.
His grip relaxes slowly, the strange relief washing over him even as the realisation her memories are gone properly hits. She also feels a bit too slight, and he worried.
She's not protesting at how long he's been holding on. No, she thinks she would be mad if it ended too soon. This person didn't want to hurt her, and he smelled nice.
Eventually, he pulls away, and she feels utterly bereft and pouts. He doesn't move away entirely, though. He runs his hands down over her arms to her hands and holds them. 
Wet warm brown eyes look at her, and she thinks she'd happily drown in them. 
“Are you happy?” he asks her suddenly, and what a question to ask. Why wouldn't she be? 
“That's good” it's an odd feeling to have your heart break and soar at the same time. She's forgotten him, but to see her so unburded, he'd take it. 
He raises her hands to his lips and leaves a soft kiss, like in those saccharine sweet novels she found and would never admit to reading or enjoying. A giddy blush rises to her cheeks. This was a good development. 
But why does he look like he wants to cry again? 
He lets her go and suddenly everything is entirely too cold and some niggling feeling at the back of her mind. Did he know her before?
She's pulled from her thoughts at the soft hum of the hoverboard starting up. He's going to leave, this wonderful feeling of a person is going to leave.
He can't stay. He needs to be somewhere safe, somewhere to work through all the feelings where he won't be tempted to turn around and wrap her back in his arms. He flies off and desperately tries not to look back. Before he's out of earshot, though:
“If you need another hug, come find me handsome!” (and what he didn't hear, “please”)
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broke-art · 2 years
Monkey King x broken reader
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You walked out your door and plastered on your fake smile. All of your friends would be concerned if you came over with tears spilling down your cheeks. You couldn't explain the ache. It was so much simpler to force a smile, fake a laugh, and play ok.
Everyday was an uphill battle. Monkey King was especially difficult to fool. He never pressed the matter, but when no one else was looking he would shoot you a knowing glance.
You weren't sure he knew, but he had definitely been acting strange lately. More nervous, and falsely confident. He would act like nothing was off but you didn't miss how his tail flicked nervously.
It was at that moment you noticed what was in your mailbox. A bouquet of your favorite flowers lay in it's depths peeking out. With a confused tilt of your head, you walked to the box and pulled the flowers out. They smelled lovely, and almost made you feel a touch better.
Suddenly, snickers and mocking giggles touched your ears. Your head snapped up from the bouquet. And your gaze fell on your bullies from college.
They whispered amoungst themselves and gestured to you.
Your cheeks burned with embarrassment and you turned away quickly. All the painful emotions crashed back into you and you walked back towards the house. You shut the door behind you leaning your back on it as the sting of humiliation bit at you. Then you glanced down at the bouquet still in your hand.
It would be a shame to take out your frustrations on such lovely flowers. But you didn't have the heart to take care of them properly. Instead, you tossed the bouquet onto your couch and walked out your door. You were heading for flower fruit mountain.
Still the flowers pressed at your mind. Had your bullies put the flowers there? But why? A prank most likely. Sure it would be an expensive prank but, heaven knew they could afford it. You pulled up your hood and tried to forget the prank and humiliation as you walked to Sandy's.
You took a deep breath before boarding the ship. A moment was all you needed. You collected yourself, forced a smile and walked aboard.
"Hey, Sandy!" You called looking around. No one stood on deck so you looked around. "Sandy?" No response came and you silently chided yourself for not texting ahead. But you turned into the living room only to pause. A box was lying on the table. Curiously, you glanced around but when you saw no one, you gave a shrug. Sandy wouldn't be offended if you took a look as long as you didn't touch anything. So, you opened the box.
Inside were your favorite chocolates with a note. A real smile tugged at the corners of your mouth.
"I didn't know, Sandy has a secret admirer. How adorable! He deserves it." You mused walking towards the door. You would leave so he could discover the chocolates himself. After all, there were other ways to get to flower fruit mountain.
A touch reluctantly, you hopped on your hoverboard Mei had given you. You were a tad wobbly, but you could maintain your balance for the most part. You gave a firm push off the beach and guided the board in the direction of flower fruit mountain.
When you finally arrived, your nerves eased some. You stepped back into solid ground eagerly only to be swarmed with monkeys. You watched them jump up and down excitedly and giggled.
"Aw hi guys!" You welcomed them fondly only to have some of your favorite fruits shoved at your face.
You jerked backwards a bit to keep from the fruits smashing against your face.
"Oh! Uh....looks like you guys found yourselves some food." You praised awkwardly, patting their heads.
"What's a guy gotta do for you to take a hint, huh?" Monkey King demanded making you jump. He stepped from the tree line with his arms folded across his chest.
You blinked in bewilderment.
"Kid, I have been leaving you stuff all over town. Sandy helped me out even. I wanted to surprise you." He sounded a touch a annoyed but more disappointed than anything.
"But why?" You asked tilting your head in confusion.
"Because I wanted to...." Monkey King froze for a minute the sighed. "I wanted to tell you I love you, y/n."
You stared at him in disbelief. Then, all of the doubts came crashing down. Would he really mock you with that too? Memories of your ex filled your mind and you had to fight to keep your false smile.
"That's a funny joke, Monkey King." Even as you said it, your voice started to break. "Well I actually do have to go so-" You attempted to walk past him but he caught your arm.
"I wasn't joking." Gently Monkey King pressed you back against a tree. "Why do you think I would joke about that?"
Suddenly, your facade became very difficult to keep up. Monkey King's gaze was firm but confused.
"Oh well I-" Your vision blurred with hot tears and your bottom lip trembled as panic exploded in your chest. How was it crumbling so quickly?
"Peaches?" Monkey King took your chin in hand. "Talk to me."
In an instant your facade shattered. Your tears began to spill freely, as you explained that the truth you'd kept to yourself for years.
Monkey King looked shocked as you told him about your ex. Then a hint of anger crossed his features, when you told of how often people repeated his original offence.
You had several horrible experiences to share, which Monkey King listened to patiently. When you finally finished Monkey King pulled you against this chest protectively.
"I'm not going to let that happen to you again." He promised gently.
You pressed away to see his eyes.
"You mean it?"
Monkey King smirked.
"Would I lie to you, peaches?"
A blush filled your cheeks as you shook your head.
Monkey King chuckled.
"That's my girl. Now, come on. I think you need some time to relax."
The rest of the day was spent up in Monkey King's hut watching his animated series. This was where you finally relaxed into his arms and fell asleep.
(Bonus bit)
Weeks had passed since Sun Wukong's confession. But everything still felt new. And much easier. While at school you noticed your bullies didn't bully you anymore. Infact, you hadn't seen them in weeks.
Realization dawned as you arrived at Monkey King's hut. You burst through the door.
"You killed them?!"
Monkey King's head snapped up from reading a book.
"Woah woah woah easy, peaches. I haven't killed anyone......recently." The last bit he muttered under his breath.
"Then what did you do to my bullies?" You inquired leaning over the back of his couch.
Monkey King chuckled darkly.
"I only told them who you are."
"And who is that?" You asked curiously.
Monkey King grinned at you.
"My girl." He informed swiping a kiss.
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Field Check
Continuity: IDW1
Rating: General
Relationship: Megatron/Ratchet
Characters: Megatron & Ratchet
Summary: In which Ratchet runs Megatron through a quick neurological check after an injury.
Warnings: Ambiguous relationships
Crossposting: AO3 | DreamWidth
Fic below cut.
“Ratchet, this is entirely unnecessary.”
The medic decided to disregard Megatron’s protest as he passed his finger in front of the captain’s optics to see if he could follow it. An unfamiliar psychosomatic weight pressed down on his spark as he leaned down into Megatron’s personal space.
Just a quick neurological check, to see if Ratchet needed to haul him off to the medbay rather than leave him on the floor of the hallway.
Attentive red optics followed the finger just as expected.
“You’re the one who managed to get taken out by a minibot on a hoverboard.” Ratchet scoffed.
Luckily, most potential spectators had vacated the area when Megatron hit the ground. Only Tailgate lingered nearby, holding his hoverboard awkwardly like he was debating apologizing.
 “If we’d known that was all it would take, the war would have ended much sooner. Now stick your tongue out.”
Ratchet sighed.
“Well, you’re yapping, so your hypoglossal circuitry is probably fine. Swallow—Good.”
Megatron was talking without issue, could hear, and the optics and focal rings behind the glass seemed to be operating correctly. The focal rings were even rotating in a slow, clockwise spiral, a sign that Megatron was not actively in any distress.
If Ratchet wanted to be completely thorough, he would also pull out something pungent to check his sense of smell. However, under the circumstances, there were a few checks he could skip given the good signs he was already seeing.
“Turn your head and shrug—Good.”
It wasn’t Ratchet’s fault that Megatron had been knocked out cold for a few seconds when Tailgate’s hoverboard went wild and collided with the back of his head. No obvious external damage thanks to the helmet, but it should have also prevented a concussive reboot.
“Ratchet, I’m quite alright—“
“That’s up to me to determine, unless you want Velocity to pity you while looking you over.”
She was a good doctor, but her desire to comfort others sometimes outpaced her empathy.
Ratchet took a step back and gestured for Megatron to stand.
“Now on your feet. I need to check your balance and motor functions.”
Megatron got to his feet, but not quickly. He didn’t move with the same alacrity these days. Ratchet could sympathize.
Tailgate slunk away down the hall in Ratchet’s peripheral vision. That was for the best.
“Clap your hands—“ Megatron frowned at him in disapproval. “Yes, it looks stupid; just do it. You’ll have to do more stupid looking things before we’re through.”
Reluctantly, Megatron followed Ratchet’s orders, despite the embarrassing postures they would put him in: first clapping his hands together and then balancing on one foot, touching a fingertip to his nose and—
Well, the last step would be checking that the transformation cog was working properly, but Megatron’s had been medically locked in place to limit strain on his fragile internal components. Barring a new body, he would likely never transform again.
One more check Ratchet could skip.
The only thing more Ratchet could do would be to open Megatron up and make sure none of those delicate internals had been jostled too roughly. That would have been excessive and unnecessarily invasive for a bonk on the head. That and Ratchet had seen Megatron take far worse damage in the course of the Lost Light’s ridiculous adventures over the years than falling down in the hall.
He was fine.
 That unfamiliar weight on Ratchet’s spark lifted.
“Alright,” Ratchet said, finally setting his hands on hips. “I’m satisfied that you’re not in need of immediate medical attention.”
“I did tell you that from the start.” He did but he had also cooperated with whatever Ratchet had asked of him. “But I appreciate your concern.”
What Ratchet found odd, however, was nothing about Megatron himself, nothing about his seemingly good health.
What was odd was his own unexpected relief that Megatron was not injured.
Not that he had wanted Megatron to actually be hurt, but that sometimes it was still strange to be putting him back together.
All those years on opposing sides…. Ratchet hadn’t been sure he would ever truly be able to put that all aside, but perhaps he didn’t have to.
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jadeunstablexx · 1 year
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…..Curiosity killed the spider….
After discovering that her charming, quirky, and severely depressed coworker lived a double life as an arachnid superhero, she plans to keep the new information to herself. Until one evening after work, she's thrown into an entire new universe and held at the mercy of an insane man on a hoverboard.
Thankfully she’s saved from the villain by the famous web slinger himself. Well, one of them…
Maia’s lack of preparation and forethought has always been one of her biggest flaws, especially in situations as dire as this one. Why she chose today of all days to forget to pack mace in her purse, she hadn’t a clue. Not to mention she isn’t the fastest runner, so more than likely all she was doing was prolonging the inevitable. Which was death.
How she went from stalking her spider-like coworker, to being hunted like an animal was an actual mystery to her. All she had been doing was running along the sidewalk, trying futilely to keep up with his swinging that did not obey the laws of gravity or physics, when a strange orange glow was cast over her body.
It blinded her and silenced her senses for almost two seconds, and then it was over. She opened her eyes to see the same street from before but… different.
Mr. Cortez’s Elote stand wasn’t there anymore, there were way more cars than normal, and perhaps the biggest difference, it was daytime. Although Maia was positive that it had been almost twelve AM, she blinked wildly as she took in the very bright and full streets before her.
A shuddering breath left her lips, and she had to continue to do so until she could properly breathe in and out.
She walked mindlessly along the street, attempting to avoid the bodies that weren’t there before when a loud chilling cackle came from above. Maia looked around wildly, taking in the green flashes of the flying figure trying to figure out what it was. Menacingly, the figure slowed to a stop and remained still, watching the citizens scatter and run away.
They all clearly had better reaction skills than Maia because she remained glued to her spot. Unable to take her eyes off the monster in the green suit.
“ Hello Honey!” The monster shouted, crouching and turning his floating device toward her. He zipped his way toward Maia, his growing proximity to her jump started her heart and without another thought , Maia took off down the now clear street.
Again her lack of forethought but her in the butt, as she fumbled through her purse. Unable to find the mace that she had left on her dresser that morning, “ Sh*t!” She swore, running as fast as her legs could carry her.
She was not making any progress in her getaway, and to her horror the collar of her cheap Old Navy dress was being yanked. The strength of the pull, lifted her into the air, she didn’t need to turn around to know that whatever that was chasing her had caught her.
Now dangling fifty feet into the air, Maia let out the loudest most gut wrenching screech she had ever heard from any living creature ever. Mindlessly she reached up to try to release her dress from the flying device, but quickly she recognized that if she were to do that she’d plummet to either her death or to serious injury.
Now crying in fear she pleaded with the creature to spare her, let her down. His only response was another bone chilling cackle that told her she would evoke no sympathy from this lunatic.
Prepared to surrender to whatever he had in store for her she stopped fighting, and allowed herself to sore through the stinky New York air on her kidnappers contraption.
“ HEY GOBLIN! LEAVING WITHOUT SAYING GOODBYE?” A voice shouts, Maia’s head snaps in multiple directions, trying to decipher whether or not she had hallucinated it when she saw nothing.
Suddenly, a familiar sticky string shoots out and attaches to her abdomen, snatching her free from the strange creature's board, and sending her flying once again.
Before she can even comprehend what happened she feels an arm around her waist and finds herself face to face… or face to chest, with none other than Spider man.
She’s much too scared to thank him and resorts instead to gripping his neck so hard he lets out a little cough.
“ Little too tight there, miss.”
She can’t feel bad at the moment due to her life being at risk and all, so she quips back,
“ You're a superhero, you’ll be fine.”
He grunts in response and swings them to an area far from where the monster was, she curiously wonders why he chose to not fight the bad guy that seemed eager to fight with him. But when her feet hit the solid wet concrete of the alleyway she forgets about her questions and begins expressing her gratitude.
“ Thank you so much!” She rushed out raggedly, her throat felt scratchy after all the screaming she had just unleashed.
“ Don’t mention it.” The masked hero spoke, his voice being much different than she remembers.
She had contemplated whether or not she should clue him in on her knowledge of his identity, because who knows how he would react to something that was clearly a secret being known by someone he had only known for three months.
Be that as it may… she was scared. In a foreign place after having just been hunted like a deer, and almost murdered. He was the only person she knew, and he might have some answers to her questions.
“ Peter?” She says hesitantly, his head snaps up in surprise, and tilts when he asks, “ You know who I am?”
His reaction was much more tame than what she thought it’d be. It ignited a little courage in her as she
continued speaking.
“ Yeah… I found out yesterday… or a day ago? I’m not really sure, I was walking home from the lab and then suddenly there was this bright orange light, and I wasn’t in queens anymore. I know we’ve only known each other for three months and we hardly speak but I really would appreciate it if you helped me find my way home-.” Each word tumbled out of her mouth like a faulty gumball machine, she was for sure going to turn purple from lack of oxygen when he interrupted her.
“ Whoa whoa! Slow down and breathe, alright?” She nodded, taking a deep breath, while fanning her warm face. “ I’m sorry I understand you're scared but I’ve never met you before and I need to know your name.” He said, sounding more like an inspirational speaker than the quick witted man she’s familiar with.
“ What do you mean? You’re Peter Parker right?” Could she have been wrong? Did she really mistake the man climbing that building for her co-worker? It couldn’t be, she was almost one hundred percent certain that it was Peter behind that mask.
“ Yes ma’am I am, but I don’t think I’m your Peter Parker.”
“ That doesn’t make any sense Peter, please stop joking around. I'm anxious enough as it is.”
He said no more as he walked a few more steps forward, and then quickly pulled off his mask. He was definitely not her Peter, and he wasn’t the man from the building two days ago either. This was someone else entirely.
“ Who are you?!” She asked accusingly, he had to be playing a joke.
“ Peter Parker. Who are you?” He asked, in the same tone.
She squares her shoulders firmly, squinting her eyes at the stranger before her.
“ I’m Maia-Janelle, and you are not my Peter Parker.”
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dyingofcookies · 1 year
Avatar/Recoms as Quensadilla vines
yes or no
OMg YEs that'll be pretty funny HAHA- (im also gonna do other vines cuz why not)
lyle: where my hug at?
y/n: ...in the past..
walker: she's such a snake..
*zdog rolling around her hoverboard on the floor like a snake*
ja: BRO HIT THAT WHIP HIT THAT WHIP *brown not doing the whip dance properly*
ja: ...what?..
quaritch: where were you during summer, why didn't we hangout, i miss you
y/n: *twirls* stop
zdog: why you mad? why you sad, when you can be glade *sprays*
lopez: can i get yo number?
y/n: it's 1800suck my ass
zhang: happy april fools day!....... aka happy trust no fucking bitch day because everyone is fake as shit..
y/n: i am...A BAD BITCH
*lyle calling y/n on the phone*
y/n: *annoyed with his clingy ass* ahem.. the person you're trying to reach to is unavailable, please shut the fuck up and never try again BEEE-
walker: *sings* a b c d e f g imma cut you hoe, dont fuck with me
general ardmore: you swear too much..
y/n: bitch bitch bitch i do not know what the fuck fuck fuck you're talking about about bitch
warren: i am not ugly...i am unique
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purpleturtle9000 · 1 year
bayverse boys and their candy preferences
Donnie is more of a pretzel guy but fruit snacks? He will eat through a box of fruit snacks for dinner and everyone else will have to know about it because Leo yells at him for not eating properly. Need a guy to eat a mango whole with his hands at two in the morning? Here.
Leo's a gum guy. He used to be really good at blowing bubbles and then one popped on his face and they mocked him relentlessly for it cause that's what brothers do. Now he just goes for Big Red cause it's too hot for Mikey to keep stealing.
Mikey loves candy sticks like the kind at Cracker Barrel. Once Donnie found a hundred-count of his favourite tutti frutti ones that came in a wooden box that said Ye Olde Candy Shoppe on it in fancy engraved letters. Mikey kept the box and keeps parts for his hoverboard in it.
Raph loves those mints that get crumbly and kinda chewy. He can't stand the texture of the hard ones but he has gotten very good at spitting them at Leo so they stick on his face. He bothers Donnie into buying Red Bird mints in bulk and will hit anyone who touches them.
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mullets · 1 year
respectfully i don’t think YOU are using ur brain properly 😭 i totally get what anon means like u can blame it on the song being „too sexual“ all u want (as if its not literally abt cookies like…) but at the end of the day i think it’s just internalised misogyny babe… ik its hard to accept but some ppl thrive during their teenage yrs dont be mad at them for looking better than u at 16…
LMAOOOOOOO ... ur right 😢 im sorry korean isnt my first language or my second or my third so when i read up the lyrics for cookie i assumed it was abt consumerism which is a topic too grown for children to cover tactfully. but actually maybe ive been conditioned by our patriarchal society to hold women at a higher standard than men. how dare i excuse the boys on hoverboards yet criticise the poor girls on foot... they were not even granted hoverboards like their male counterparts... a shame
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outpost51 · 1 year
🍸🎳🤦‍♀️ foooooor Kadmos, Atria and Dillon pls?
OC Emoji Asks
🍸- Favourite drink?
Kadmos: brandy in a warmed glass, or whisky on the rocks — if cocktails are being served, he likes an Old Fashioned.
Atria: she doesn’t drink because she watched what it did to her dad :’) but! She and her Squad™️ have a mixed drink they’ve affectionately dubbed an “engine sludge” — half a can of any energy drink, half a bottle of Tupari, a few spoonfuls of frozen juice concentrate, one (1) energy shot, and a handful of off-brand Skittles. Idk how they’re not all dead, honestly.
Dillon: Anything that “comes with a snack” (edible garnish)!
🎳 - Do they have hobbies? If yes, what are they?
Kadmos: he’s got a few, actually! He loves being out on the water, whether it’s on a yacht or a kayak or a little fishing boat — he’ll fish off a dock, even, and keeps a portable grill with his tackle box. Loves camping (in cabins) and hunting with his uncle. He’s picked up a few active hobbies while researching roles, too!
Atria: tinkering! She loves scrapping together random shit in the garage to make functional gadgets, sometimes to the detriment of her own health (broken bones from the hoverboard, electrical burns on her hands, Torch’s gun arm wound up and pinched her finger real good, etc)
Dillon: answered here!
🤦‍♀️ - Something that continues to embarrass them to this day
Kadmos: he’ll claim he’s never done anything embarrassing ever, then change the subject. His family, on the other hand, has plenty of stories that prove quite the opposite. When he was still just a twiggy little drake (i know, kadmos? little?), he was uhhhhh feeding a snitch to the snapjaw in the lake behind his grandfather's house and wasn't paying attention to the stake he was tying the bait rope to. The snapjaw grabbed its meal, the rope pulled taught over the branch, and that stake he tied the rope to? His spur. Not the stake. He got yanked all the way up into the tree feet first, broke his spur, and lost his pants along the way. Poor Kaddy was only stuck up there for about ten minutes before someone came to check on him, but he'll hide in his cowl if any of his aunts bring it up.
Atria: so while she’s recovering after the events of BRHP, she and Torch both get to hang with uncle Hericus all day — partially for physical therapy, partially just to get them out of the house. Hericus, being the weird hippie brother that lives in the woods behind his dad’s house, has always been pretty big on conservation and ensuring the food chain stays balanced; as such, this means he keeps track of the local shatha population since they’re nonnative to Taetrus — I’ll probably go into that worldbuilding some day. ANYWAY. He has a database and tags the ones he comes across in the Wildlands, so he took the girls out with him! Atria doesn’t like guns, so she was on tagging duty while Torch and Hericus handled the tranq darts. Periodically, the tags need to get scanned to ensure they’re still tracking properly and to snag some extra data off them, and that’s precisely what Atria was doing with M-41 (who they think might be Pudge’s dad, or an uncle) when the big bastard took a deep breath and she went ass-over-tea-kettle off his flank, right into the swamp water. Yeah, not her proudest moment.
Dillon: You'd think it would be The Incident that mortified her out of wearing skirts, but no, it was the time when her parents had taken her and Daisy out to a decent restaurant to celebrate Daisy getting a solo at the dance studio -- mind you, Dillon was only five and Daisy was eight. Cheryl took baby pickle to the bathroom, and when they re-emerged, Dillon announced to the entire restaurant (at the tippy-top of her little lungs) what she'd accomplished upon the porcelain throne. Cheryl still tells the story any time Dillon gets a little too cocky.
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quirkwizard · 2 years
Hi there wiz will be possible for you to do an original quirk based on a shooting star that's projecting them and riding on them. Thank you
I've already done a Quirk about projecting stars with “Star Swarm”, but I can a Quirk about riding one.
I see it working as an Emitter type Quirk activates whenever the user clicks their heels together. When they do, they may form a bright yellow star underneath their feet. The user may cause this star to move and float around on it like a hoverboard and leave a sparkling trail behind it. The star is controlled by the user leaning on it, letting the user move and stop as they wish. Leaning more towards a direction can make it move as fast as cars and leaning back can make it stop. If the user is ever removed from the star, they can quickly make a new one by tapping their feet. This gives the user a solid mobility Quirk, letting them maneuver around without worry. They can attack enemies from above, quickly grab allies from danger, float above everything to survey it, lean out of the way of attacks, or just try to blind people with their star power. Though the user's ability to move relies heavily on their balance and control, requiring some practice to properly move with the star, especially at higher speeds. They will need to take account of things that upset that balance, like trying to carry extra weight. The trail can make the user easy to follow. A possible name for the Quirk could be "Shooting Star" or "Star Rider".
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womanofwords · 1 year
STEM Kids Shenanigans (Chapter 15)
Chapter 15: Flight
Angelo was in deep trouble. He'd slept in and had missed his alarm, meaning he was now very late for school. (Usually he was barely on time for school, but now he was going to be truly, properly late.) After grabbing a fruit bar and haphazardly putting on clothes, he raced out of the house and to school. His backpack flew towards him, catching up fast. It was always good to have a backpack you didn't have to carry.
Fifteen more minutes before I get a late mark, Angelo thought to himself. Fifteen minutes before I would get a lateness detention. This isn't looking good. He watched the clock as he got closer to the school gates. He was inside by 8:23.
Seven minutes to spare.
"Squeaking by again, Mr Riva?" Mr Oluwatola asked, as he collapsed into his seat at the back of the room, same as always. The backpack was no longer flying and was held tightly in his arms.
"I suppose," he said. Dante smirked at him.
"Lose track of time, Mr Riva?" he taunted.
"Shut up," Angelo muttered. Dante sniggered.
"I'm just playin' with you, I swear." Dante poked him in the ribs, grinning as he stifled a squeak. "Oi, Riva. We're going to be meeting up in the labs after we eat lunch. Want in?"
"Quiet at the back of the room!" Mr Oluwatola snapped.
"Sorry, sir!" they stammered, straightening their backs as the rest of the class giggled.
"You four had better be," Mr Oluwatola muttered, as the bell rang for the first lesson of the day and the four split up.
They met up in the school laboratory to draw up plans for chaos. "So, what are we doing?" Layla asked.
"Messing with Angelo's backpack," Dante asked.
"What do you want with my backpack?" Angelo asked.
"The ability to fly makes it interesting," Layla pointed out.
"And if you can make a backpack fly, I wonder what else you can make fly," Yujin replied.
"How about a skateboard?" Angelo grinned, getting out his notebook. "Although I do wonder how large the thrusters would have to be."
"They could be retractable so nobody gets suspicious about it," Yujin suggested.
"Maybe a scooter would be better," Layla pointed out. "Easier to steer."
"At this point, just get yourself a bike," Dante groaned. "It would be easier to-"
"Easier to what?!" The shadow stretched across half of the room, although the figure casting that shadow was far smaller. Melanie Sainsbury was staring at them from the doorway, flashing a prefect's badge in their direction and smirking. Another prefect stood behind her, unsure about what she was looking at. "Answer my question!" Melanie snapped.
"What do you want now?" Dante groaned.
"I heard you making your plans, you little brats!" Melanie snapped. "I knew you were going to use your intelligence for evil! Now what have you been planning, huh?"
"Nothing! It actually got pretty off topic," Layla lied.
Melanie raised an eyebrow. "Really?"
"Yep," Angelo said. "We ended discussing whether it would be faster for someone to use a hoverboard, a scooter or a bike to get to school and how effective it would be in stopping someone like me from being late."
"A likely story!" Melanie scoffed. "I bet you're going to create a kind of flying hoverboard, aren't you? And cause wilful and gleeful chaos everywhere you go?"
"What?" Yujin spluttered.
"Mate, we're just trying to have a meeting in peace," Dante groaned.
Melanie rolled her eyes before giving another lecture. "First of all, don't call me mate. We're not mates. I would never be friends with anyone like you. And second of all, I don't believe you." Melanie paused to laugh. "What was this meeting about, pray tell? Before you got 'off topic'." She punctuated the word off-topic with air quotes.
"It was about revision for the upcoming exams," Dante said.
"Melanie, they're just having a meeting," her supervisor said. "What do you see in them?"
"Nothing but trouble," Melanie snarled. "Come on. If we walk quickly, there'll be a couple of kids eating in the stairwell that we can give detentions to." They walked away, and the four breathed a sigh of relief.
"Thank goodness she's done terrorizing us," Angelo sighed.
"My heart was pounding with fear," Yujin said.
"What did we do to deserve this?" Dante asked.
Silence took over, and then the four burst out laughing. "Honestly, Melanie just won't stop, will she?" Layla laughed.
"Not while we're in school," Yujin pointed out.
"Although it doesn't help that she is actually kinda right this time," Dante pointed out.
And they laughed together again.
Two weeks later, after plans had been made and the contraption constructed, the four went to an abandoned skate park to test it out. "This is going to be amazing," Dante said, his voice excited and rambling.
"This is the coolest kind of 'study session' ever!" Layla replied.
"I've never been so happy to take the place of a crash test dummy in my life," Angelo laughed, putting on a helmet and elbow pads.
"Angelo, you actually do know how to ride a skateboard, right?" Dante asked.
"Sure I do! I do it plenty! What do you think I spend my free time doing?" Angelo laughed.
"Being your little sister's personal butler," the others chorused.
"Other than that stuff," Angelo said. His face turned red, and Dante laughed.
"Look at you, all red. Your sister has you wrapped around her little finger," he laughed. "You made a flying robot ladybird friend just for her!"
"I can't help it, OK? She's so cute and she has these big brown eyes and I just can't say no!" Angelo groaned.
"You are hopeless," Layla groaned.
"Sweet, but hopeless," Yujin added.
"Can we just get on with it?" Dante snapped.
"Sir, yes sir," Layla, Angelo, and Yujin said in unison, and they got to work. Angelo got onto the skateboard, which was perfectly nondescript, strapped himself in and started skating.
"Ready!" Angelo yelled.
"Good. Now go!" Layla said, as Yujin filmed the entire thing for research purposes. Layla pressed the button, and Angelo flew. Hovering at first, he giggled and laughed as he turned and twirled.
"This is so cool!" Angelo laughed. "Turn it up higher!" Layla turned it up higher, and Angelo did a full front flip. Yujin laughed, and Dante cheered.
"Dude, you're awesome!" Dante whooped. Layla turned it up higher, and Angelo went faster and higher.
"I declare this experiment to be a complete success!" Angelo yelled, as the other three cheered and he did a back flip in mid air.
"Angelo, it's running out of battery. Get down," Layla yelled. Angelo sighed and descended slowly.
"That. Was. Awesome!" Angelo cheered. As the four nerds cheered and congratulated each other, nobody noticed the clicking of a camera.
"So, how was the meetup with your little friends?" Angelo's mother asked him, when Angelo came back. His helmet was in his bag, safe from prying eyes and nosy uncles.
"How was the nerd meetup, you little dork?" Santo taunted.
"SANTO!" everyone yelled.
"It was nice," Angelo said, feeling the knee pads he was still wearing and smiling. "It was great."
To read the other parts of this fic, see Masterlist.
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greenlightbulbonawire · 3 months
Misfits (yeah like the Arcane song)
Author's note: I got the summertime depression stuff and I'm not a fan, 2/10, do not recommend
Twenty first chapter
The leader was with Heimerdinger in his room and you were in yours, their voices seeped through the wooden ceiling and filled the silence. They were talking about the blue marbles, Heimerdinger called them gemstones. You were bored out of your mind, your broken arm was held in fixation and there wasn't much you could do. Thank god it wasn't your main arm. You slumped over your desk, doodling. You weren't particularly good at it, but at the moment, it sufficed.
Someone knocked on your door.
"Come in!"
You stood up from your chair and stacked the papers with drawings, laying around your desk. Scar's oldest daughter opened the door and shyly went in.
"Hi [reader], I was wondering if you wanted to come play with us!"
She chirped and you nodded, coming closer to her.
"I mean, sure!"
You agrees with her and her face lit up. She grabbed your healthy hand and begun pulling you out of your room.
"We changed the rules, so it's fair for you!"
"Oh really? Tell me."
"We can't use the hoverboards and everyone has to hold one of their arms behind their back!"
You chuckled and followed the girl down the stairs around the tree's trunk.
Few more kids waited near the painted pillar for you to come to them. It was so sweet actually. The kids cheered and ran over to you, one of them slapped you on the leg and begun to ran away from you.
"Tag, you're it!"
The others fleed from you in all directions, you picked one and gave chase, catching up to them quickly and gently tapping them on the shoulder. They turned around and smiled, turning again and chasing someone else. All of them had one hand behind their back and you played until everyone started to get exhausted.
You placed your healthy hand against a nearby wall and breathed quickly, trying to catch your breath. Few of the kids were sitting in a circle and flicking marbles around. You came over to them and asked a girl with curly brown hair what the game was. She explained that they have one marble in the center and they take turns trying to get the closest without touching it.
"Do you wanna play too?"
"No, I'm gonna go do something else for now, but if you miss me too much, come and get me!"
You smiled at her and she nodded, you left them to their thing and walked around, looking for something to do.
You thought of going to look into the kitchen, but it didn't take you long to change your mind, cooking just wasn't for you, especially not when you had only one hand available. But maybe you could keep company to someone, you just had to find who. Yet before you could, your name rang through the air.
Came from the top of the tree in a familiar voice. You looked up and layed your eyes on Ekko, waving at you, before he jumped off on a hoverboard and flew down to you.
"How's the arm?"
You held up your arm and he inspected the cast.
"It's fine, I'm just so fucking bored."
He chuckled a little at your words and nodded.
"I get that, but you gotta let it heal properly."
"I know, I know, there's just not that much I can do with one arm ya know."
He nodded again and let your arm go, then he grabbed his board and jumped on, again stretching one arm towards you.
"C'mon, I wanna show you somethin'."
You gladly accepted his arm and hopped on too, letting him hold you by your waist before flying up towards his room.
You were pretty much used to it by now and skillfully hopped off when he stopped on his balcony. He followed you and opened his door, letting you in before closing it. He pushed you lightly towards his desk and came to your side. You looked over the various gadgets lying on it, he picked one of them up. It was a pocket watch, the same he used in the fight with Jinx. But it looked less broken then before?
"You fixed ittt or?..."
He smiled and handed it to you.
"Yeah, bit I had to replace some damaged parts. Though I didn't let those go to waste eighter."
He rummaged through the mess again and pulled out a chain with a circular locket on it, made out of various small scraps of metal
"Consider this as payment."
You looked at the necklace in his hand and then back to him confused
"Payment for what?"
"Oh you know, just for saving my life, nothing important."
Ekko replied sarcastically and turned you by your shoulders so that your back was now facing him, before uncliping the chain and putting it around your neck and closing it back up.
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