#Houston scaffolding companies
scaffoldingtodayinc01 · 5 months
Scaffolding Safety Tips
The main priority when operating at a height is safety. It is concerning to note that every year, occurrences involving scaffolding cause over 4,500 injuries. In addition to commonly resulting in bodily harm, accidents can also bring major financial problems. This includes possible fines, increased insurance rates, and lost workdays expected to cost $90 million.
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Thankfully, there are several strategies available to businesses to shield staff members from these avoidable mishaps. When working at heights, the following scaffolding safety advice can help lower the chance of an accident.
1. Employ the Appropriate Safety Gear
Working in any industrial or construction environment requires the use of personal protection equipment (PPE), particularly while working at heights. When using a scaffold, it's imperative to wear a hard hat to prevent damage from falling objects. When working on platforms, non-slip footwear and, in particular, appropriate fall arrest equipment are also necessities.
To improve working at heights safety even further, tool tether lanyards and gloves that protect the hands must be used. Gloves with anti-slip properties increase tool grip and reduce worker drop rates.
Additionally, tool tethering lanyards safely fasten tools to employees, averting falls that can injure those below. This set of fall protection tools increases both operational effectiveness and safety.
2. Recognise Load Limits
Scaffolding equipment is designed by manufacturers with particular load-bearing capacities and load restrictions in mind. If you overload scaffolding structures above their specified design capacity, there could be a significant danger of injury to your personnel. Workers on or around scaffolding run the risk of suffering possibly fatal injuries if scaffold platforms crack, fail, or collapse. Thankfully, scaffolding components are built with a 4 to 1 safety factor that offers a sizable capacity safety cushion. However, before placing concentrated loads on the decks, it's always a good idea to find out the true load capacity of your scaffold structure. 
3. Be Aware of Applicable Rules and Guidelines
Every industry has unique rules and specifications of its own. Before building any platforms, make sure to understand the precise criteria set forth by OSHA, the industry, and the customer site. Scaffolding laws are typically governed by Federal OSHA for various Industry categories, and specific customer locations may additionally have project standards over and above OSHA.
Scaffold structures that are constructed and used by applicable standards and regulations can, at the very least, reduce the likelihood of accidents and employee hazards and shield the builder from liability for failing to fulfil standards. Furthermore, as mandated by the Competent Person inspection requirement for all scaffolding users, your employees must get training in identifying and mitigating the risks associated with the specific type of scaffolding you choose for your project.
4. Examine the Materials for Scaffolding
You need to check all of your stuff before you set up your work platforms. Verify that none of the components contain any flaws or damage that would jeopardise the scaffolds' structural stability. Mismatched parts can cause structural failure and present a serious scaffolding hazard.
5. Construct Well
When assembling your scaffold, according to the manufacturer's instructions. Make sure you're assembling the scaffold by the manufacturer's specifications by reviewing the kinds of bracing, fasteners, and anchor requirements. Avoid cutting corners or creating a haphazard design.
When constructing your scaffold, you also want to make sure the workspace is completely safe. Although it is ideal to have a level ground surface, scaffolding can be safely erected on sloping terrain with the correct parts. There are safety precautions to follow when working near power lines, but you must maintain a minimum distance of 10 feet or more from the lines. When working close to power lines, always get advice from a trained scaffolding specialist. Furthermore, it is mandated by rules that a Competent Builder Person be present to oversee the erection and dismantling of scaffolding. A competent individual possesses the title and authority bestowed by their employer, has completed training authorised by OSHA, and has been trained using scaffolding manufacturer equipment.
Check for the following, please:
Leg braces need to be correctly fastened to the scaffold's structure.
To produce a solid and secure scaffold structure for workers to perform work on, the standards, planks, decks, and scaffold structure are all "level, plum, and square."
Decks, planks, brackets, toeboards, and tubes must all be installed securely, and installers must also make sure that all connections are firmly fastened.
Base plates and mud sills should be fastened firmly to the scaffold frame and feet, and they should be the appropriate size.
OSHA regulations state that there must be a minimum of ten feet of space between electrical dangers and scaffolds. If the distance is less than ten feet, you will need to de-energize the line or have the electricity provider wrap it.
6. Inspect the Site and Equipment
Once again, when the scaffolding is up, inspections are still necessary. Regularly inspect the region for potential dangers, flaws, debris, and other issues.
Skilled User Every morning before work, people do inspections to make sure the location is safe for that shift. To make sure that all safety components are verified each day, think about utilising scaffolding safety check-lists.
7. Make room for cars and large machinery
Always keep heavy machinery and cars away from the scaffold base. Putting up barriers can prevent the entire building from collapsing. in circumstances where having large equipment close by is essential. Verify that the equipment is cleared.
8. Retain Order
"Good Housekeeping" is more than just a magazine you pick up at the grocery store register. Scaffolds must be kept neat and organised for everyone's safety. It is crucial to make sure the scaffolding is clear of any waste, surplus scaffolding planks, equipment, and debris.
These objects may present a trip hazard or put excessive strain on the scaffold structure, which could cause it to collapse. To reduce these dangers, plan regular clean-up days and urge employees to organise their workspaces.
9. Pay Attention to the Weather
When working at a height, you want to make sure the environment is safe. There is a higher chance of serious injury when working in inclement weather or in an environment that poses other risks. For example, strong winds may put workers on the scaffold at danger of harm. Another possibility for a scaffolding hazard is if a storm has brought down a power line.
Scaffold safety is seriously jeopardised by meteorological conditions such as lightning, snow, ice, and severe rain in addition to wind. Scaffolds should not be climbed, used, or built, according to OSHA requirements.
Employees should be aware of these risks and refrain from using the scaffold in inclement weather. An unsafe workplace is guaranteed by keeping an eye on forecasts and obeying weather safety regulations.
See how Scaffolding Today In, the Scaffolding companies in Houston addressed concerns about strong winds during the scaffolding installation process on an aviation hangar.
10. Possess a complete licence
Injury prevention is aided by using contractors and employees who hold valid licences. This guarantees that everyone present is aware of safe scaffolding procedures. It takes education, time spent in training, and practical experience to obtain a licence. Your staff can carry out their responsibilities safely and competently thanks to this thorough preparation.
11. Climb Cautiously
Climbing techniques need to be carefully considered for scaffold safety purposes. Either two hands and one foot or one hand and two feet must always be at three points of contact with the scaffold for the worker.
If scaffold erectors tie themselves off securely, they can climb both vertical and horizontal bars during assembly or dismantling. For climbing, everyone else should utilise stair towers, ramps, or ladders.
12. Safety Tags for Scaffolding
The presence of scaffolding tags indicates if a scaffold is safe to use. The scaffold structure needs to be inspected and tagged by a competent individual, as stipulated by OSHA. Three varieties of scaffolding tags exist:
Scaffolds with green tags indicate that they have been examined and found to be safe for use by a qualified individual. The initial check should be finished, and each access point should have a green sticker.
Scaffold tags with a yellow colour indicate that scaffolds have had parts or structural changes made to meet specific work requirements. Still, there's a chance that these modifications will bring up new dangers or hazards. All users are required to abide by the usage rules or particular safety precautions indicated by the yellow tags.
Red scaffold tags: A red tag indicates that there is a risk and that using the scaffold is dangerous. These tags are frequently used by labourers who are building or taking down scaffolding.
Use These Scaffold Safety Guidelines to Reduce Risks and Accidents
Accidents and liabilities are considerably decreased when employees are trained to identify scaffolding dangers and adhere to safety precautions. To further reduce accidents, it is essential to give them quick access to tools and personal protective equipment.
Scaffold safety is something we at Scaffolding Today Inc, the best Houston scaffolding companies take very seriously. For compliance, our knowledgeable staff maintains up-to-date on the most recent standards and laws. Every crew member receives thorough training that gives them the skills they need to properly identify possible hazards and install scaffolding.
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scaffoldingtodayinc · 6 months
Scaffolding Maintenance Tips for a Safer Workplace
In the construction sector, safety and adequate maintenance are of the utmost importance. Scaffolding stands out as a critical component among the different tools used on building sites. Scaffolding is used by almost every worker to complete their tasks.
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As a result, understanding the best scaffolding maintenance procedures is critical to ensuring the longevity of your scaffold equipment and the safety of your workers. Scaffolding Today Inc. is one of the best Houston scaffolding companies and is here to assist you.
This post will go over how to maintain your scaffold equipment so that it remains effective and secure during your job. Continue reading to find out more!
Scaffold Maintenance Tips: How to Extend the Life of Your Equipment
Regular maintenance not only protects the scaffold but also ensures the safety of your workers and a cost-effective building. 
Don't underestimate its significance, and here are some scaffolding maintenance tips:
1. Before storing scaffolding equipment, clean it thoroughly.
Cleaning your scaffolding equipment properly after each usage is an essential habit. 
This is especially important when it comes to scaffolding, as materials such as stucco, mud, paint, wet cement, tar, and others can readily spill and coat the equipment. 
These compounds can harden and potentially damage your scaffolding if left unchecked.
Before cleaning your scaffolding, disassemble it fully to enable comprehensive dirt removal. 
To effortlessly remove stubborn dirt and debris, consider utilising a power washer. Sandpaper or a sander can be utilised effectively when a power washer fails.
2. Correctly dismantle, stack, and rack
When your scaffolding has been thoroughly cleaned, it is critical to store the parts in an area that is free of heat, humidity, and other environmental variables. 
Metal components can deteriorate and corrode faster if they are improperly stored.
Even though dismantling and storing scaffolding is time-consuming and exhausting, it is critical not to rush this operation. 
Carelessness can result in damages, inappropriate storage, and increased replacement and repair expenditures.
To reduce these dangers, make sure your staff are properly educated to disassemble and store scaffolding. 
Depending on your project, temporary storage options should avoid stacking items in ways that could result in dents or bending. 
Parts should be organised for simple retrieval and assembly when needed as part of proper training.
3. Prevent Rust and Deterioration using WD-40
As previously stated, scaffolding is subjected to the elements during construction, which can cause wear and corrosion. 
Fortunately, you may add extra protection to your scaffolding to extend its performance and safety despite this exposure. 
This can be accomplished by using WD-40 or other metal lubricants.
Lubricating bolts, nuts, and other moving and detachable components protects them from corrosion and deterioration, hence extending their lifespan. 
Lubrication also decreases friction between components, increasing the sturdiness and safety of the scaffolding and assuring its dependability throughout the project.
4. Cover wood and moving parts.
While scaffolding is mostly made of steel and other metals, it also has wooden components like planks that are used to make platforms and provide support for workers. 
Wood, unlike metal, is susceptible to warping and rot when exposed to moisture, while small metal pieces like bolts and nuts rust and corrode when left in the rain.
To avoid these problems, keep your scaffolding covered while not in use. Use tarps to offer temporary cover or store the equipment in a shaded area.
5. Replace any defective or worn-out parts.
Even though scaffolding equipment is made of strong and long-lasting materials, wear and flaws are unavoidable owing to the large loads and high traffic. 
During the disassembly and cleaning procedure, evaluate each part to determine which are still useable and which constitute a safety danger.
Parts with bending, splitting, or other evidence of wear and tear, as well as fractures or breakages in weld regions, should be avoided.
How to Deal with Defective or Damaged Scaffolding
When you discover broken or damaged scaffolding pieces, you have many alternatives for repair:
Replacement: For severely damaged pieces, replacement may be required, or a new scaffolding set may be required.
Downgrading: If the damage is isolated and does not impact the entire portion, think about reusing it. A warped metal plank, for example, can be cut and reshaped into a soleplate.
Scrapping: If downgrading is not an option, scrap the damaged components.
Some defects are repairable, minimising the need for replacements. Welding and re-binding are two techniques that can be used to repair defective parts.
Parts can be saved in some situations by reducing their length and reshaping them. For example, a tube with damaged ends can be shortened to remove the faulty pieces.
Important Takeaways
Scaffolding maintenance is more than just extending the life of your equipment; it is also about providing a safe and productive work environment for your construction team.
Following these maintenance guidelines guarantees that your scaffolding is in good shape, protecting your workers and lowering unnecessary building expenditures.
Proper scaffolding maintenance is an essential aspect of daily operations for individuals in the construction sector. 
It is about creating a foundation of safety and efficiency that will allow projects to be completed successfully.
Choosing the Right Supplier
It is just as important to choose a trustworthy source for scaffolding equipment and accessories as it is to maintain your equipment. Trusted vendors provide high-quality supplies and frequently offer advice on optimum maintenance and safety procedures. Scaffolding Today Inc. is a well-known company in this industry, delivering high-quality scaffolding equipment and accessories throughout the United States. 
With their high-quality goods and unrivalled knowledge, they serve as a lighthouse for anyone looking for the best in the scaffolding industry. When it comes to purchasing or rebuilding scaffolds, turning to industry specialists like Scaffolding Today Inc. guarantees that you're getting the most bang for your buck.
Scaffolding maintenance is a must for individuals working in the construction industry. Following these vital suggestions and collaborating with reputable suppliers like Scaffolding Today Inc. the best Scaffolding companies in Houston guarantees that safety and efficiency are prioritized in your building projects.
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scaffolddistribution · 3 months
Leading Scaffolding Companies in Houston - AAIT Scaffolds
Discover top-notch scaffolding solutions in Houston with AAIT Scaffolds. Explore our range of high-quality scaffolding equipment, including tubes, couplers, and accessories, ensuring safety and efficiency on your construction site. Trust AAIT Scaffolds for reliable, expert scaffolding services in Houston. Contact us today.
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scaffoldingtoday01 · 1 year
Six guidelines for working on a scaffold
In the construction industry, collaboration is essential. This means that in addition to being accountable for your personal safety on the job place, you must also consider the safety of your coworkers. This is particularly true if you perform a height-required job, like scaffolding. Accidents should be prevented at all costs, such as falls from the scaffold. Scaffolding Today Inc is one of the best Houston scaffolding companies. We provide the best scaffolding services or scaffolding guidelines for working on scaffolds.
The first good step towards working securely at heights is already being taken with a high-quality scaffolding system. To make sure that everyone returns home safely at the end of the day, however, your conduct while working on the scaffold is as important. The following six guidelines will help you and your team assist one another in working on the scaffold securely.
1. Fall prevention begins before stepping up the scaffold.
At all costs, avoid falling off the scaffold. Before stepping onto the scaffold, precautions can be taken. Make sure the three-part side guards are present on each scaffold level you will be working on before you access the scaffold. This comprises the central rail, the guardrail, and the toe board.
As soon as you begin working, the scaffold should be free of any potential trip risks. For instance, open hatches providing ladder access fall under this category. Close them before moving around freely on the scaffold.
2. Keep away from dangers from falling things.
It's true that it's better to avoid doing anything like throwing a piece of equipment that is no longer needed from a scaffolding to the ground, yet accidents sometimes happen. That is, after all, the quickest method. You should still choose the longer path and refrain from hurling stuff from the scaffold in order to make sure that you and your team can operate there safely.
Working on numerous scaffold levels simultaneously, directly below and above one another, increases the chance of falling things, whether they are dropped on purpose or unintentionally. To prevent injuries from falling pieces, try to avoid this as much as you can.
3. Make proper use of ladders and stairs
Each scaffold must have the proper ladders, stairs, or stair towers to allow you to safely climb up and down the scaffold. To avoid injury, refrain from jumping from one scaffold level to another or even from the scaffold to the ground.
4. Pay attention to the scaffold decks' ability to support their own weight.
A sturdy scaffold can withstand a lot. The load-bearing capacity of the scaffold decks is something you and your team should be conscious of at all times. Bring only materials onto the scaffold that the decks can support. Additionally, you should make sure that the pathway is broad enough to prevent tripping hazards from being created by your work supplies.
5. Don't alter the scaffold while it's being used.
Your scaffold must always be guaranteed to remain stable when in operation. As a result, you shouldn't alter the scaffold while it is in use. You shouldn't attempt to remove side guards, scaffold decks, or anchors on your own, for instance. Additionally, the subsequent assembly of the rubble chutes should not be done right away.
If the scaffold has to be modified, it cannot be used again until it has been examined by a qualified someone with the necessary training. 
6. Immediately report any scaffolding issues.
It's possible that you'll find flaws or damage in the scaffolding. You should notify the responsible scaffolding business or your supervisor right away.
Scaffolding Today Inc is one of the best Houston scaffolding services providers at an affordable price. Do you still have concerns regarding the security of a scaffold? We'd be pleased to provide you advice! 
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scaffoldingtoday · 1 year
Scaffolding Companies in Houston
STI is one of the best Scaffolding companies in Houston. We have hight quality of scaffoldings. We provide the best scaffolding rental services, pick up and drop services etc. We also provides the best scaffolding accessories.  STI System Scaffold, frame scaffold and shoring equipment. Scaffolding Today Inc has hinged its business on quality.
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scaffoldstore1 · 9 days
Beam Clamps in Overhead Lifting and Rigging Operations
In the construction and industrial industries, safety and efficiency are critical. When it comes to lifting and hoisting huge loads, one critical component is the beam clamp. Scaffolding Beam clamps are adaptable and durable devices that securely attach to a beam or scaffolding structure, giving a dependable anchor point for lifting equipment. In this blog, we will investigate the significance of beam clamps in overhead lifting and rigging activities, with a special focus on their uses in the scaffolding sector in Houston.
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Applications of Scaffolding
Beam clamps are required for the building and maintenance of scaffolding constructions. They provide a secure connection point for various lifting equipment, assuring the overall stability and integrity of the building. By firmly connecting scaffolding components to beams, beam clamps help to prevent incidents such as scaffolding collapses or shifts, hence protecting workers' safety. In Houston, where the building is flourishing, beam clamps are commonly used in scaffolding operations.
Scaffolding Houston companies rely on beam clamps to keep their scaffolding systems stable and structurally sound. These clamps are specifically designed to suit the various beam diameters usually encountered on construction sites, allowing for simple installation and adjustment. Scaffolding firms can use beam clamps to build durable and secure scaffolding systems, allowing workers to accomplish their activities at elevated heights without compromising safety.
Importance in overhead lifting operations.
Another essential application for beam clamps is overhead lifting. Lifting and transporting big goods is common in the manufacturing, warehousing, and logistics industries. Beam clamps provide a stable attachment point for lifting equipment, making lifting operations more efficient and safe. Beam clamps allow workers to rapidly and securely attach lifting equipment to overhead beams, reducing the need for complicated and time-consuming rigging operations.
Beam clamps are intended to distribute loads evenly over the beam, eliminating stress concentrations and lowering the danger of beam breakage. They are frequently outfitted with safety measures such as locking mechanisms or adjustable jaws to provide a steady and secure hold on the beam. These features give operators further peace of mind by ensuring that the loads they are lifting are securely connected and will not constitute a safety threat during the lifting operation.
In Houston, where the shipping and manufacturing industries thrive, beam clamps are critical to enable fast and safe overhead lifting operations. From lifting large gear in factories to moving items in warehouses, beam clamps are a dependable and versatile option for lifting and rigging tasks. Their ease of use, durability, and ability to firmly attach to overhead beams make them a must-have item in the material handling sector.
Advantages of Beam Clamps
Beam clamps provide various advantages, making them the favoured option for overhead lifting and rigging tasks. For starters, they offer a quick and simple way to attach lifting equipment to beams, avoiding the need for complex rigging arrangements. This saves significant time and improves operational efficiency.
Second, beam clamps are adjustable, so they can accept a variety of beam diameters and forms. Because of their adaptability, they can be used for a variety of lifting applications. Furthermore, beam clamps are built to handle high loads and difficult working circumstances. They provide sturdy and dependable performance because of their high-strength steel construction. Their ability to distribute loads evenly throughout the beam reduces stress concentrations and extends the life of both the shaft and the beam clamp.
Safety is crucial in overhead lifting operations, and beam clamps have elements to improve safety. Many beam clamps include locking devices that prevent the load from being accidentally released, adding an added layer of safety.
Adjustable jaws or gripping mechanisms provide a secure attachment to the beam, limiting the possibility of slippage or disengagement during lifting operations. These safety measures instil confidence in operators, ensuring that they have reliable equipment to complete their tasks safely.
Beam clamps in Houston's scaffolding industry
In Houston, where the building industry is growing, the scaffolding business is an essential component of many projects. Scaffolding firms use beam clamps to assure the stability and safety of their scaffolding systems. The use of beam clamps enables the secure attachment of scaffolding components to beams, resulting in a sturdy and solid framework for workers to perform their activities at elevated heights.
The availability of beam clamps designed to fit different beam diameters usually found on Houston construction sites makes them versatile and ideal for a wide range of scaffolding applications. They are even more convenient and useful because of their simple installation and adjustment processes. Scaffolding firms can use beam clamps to build scaffolding systems that meet safety rules while also providing a stable platform for workers.
Beam clamps scaffolding are essential components for overhead lifting and rigging operations.Their applications in the scaffolding industry and material handling industries such as logistics and manufacturing are critical to guaranteeing operation stability, safety, and efficiency. In Houston, scaffolding businesses frequently use beam clamps to build dependable and secure scaffolding systems.
Their capacity to firmly attach to beams of varying diameters, distribute loads evenly, and provide additional safety measures makes them indispensable tools in the construction and industrial industries. Operators may undertake lifting and rigging jobs with confidence because beam clamps provide a stable and secure attachment point for their equipment. 
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Trusted Houston Scaffolding Companies
STI- Scaffolding Today Inc is one of the trusted Houston scaffolding companies. In Houston, we provide premium, high-quality scaffolding at an accessible price. Our team is dedicated to providing high-quality equipment and services.
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We are happy to be a well-known scaffolding firm in the United States, and we are available to support projects across the country. With smart placements and effective logistics, particularly for customers looking for scaffolding companies in Houston, we ensure that your projects are delivered on schedule and with consistent assistance, no matter where they are.
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smoothskiesservices · 5 months
Revolutionizing Roof Inspections in Houston, TX with Drone Roof Inspection Services
In the ever-evolving world of technology, industries are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance efficiency and accuracy. One such breakthrough in the field of roofing inspections is the integration of drone technology. Houston, TX, a city known for its sprawling skyline and diverse architecture, has embraced the use of drones for roof inspections in Houston TX, revolutionizing the way professionals assess and maintain roofing structures.
Benefits of Drone Roof Inspection Services:
Cost-Effective: Traditional roof inspections often require extensive manpower, equipment, and time. Drone roof inspections significantly reduce costs by minimizing the need for scaffolding, lifts, or other specialized tools. This cost-effectiveness translates into savings for both homeowners and businesses.
Time Efficiency: Drones are capable of covering large areas quickly, allowing inspectors to assess the entire roof in a fraction of the time compared to conventional methods. This increased efficiency is crucial for addressing potential issues promptly and preventing further damage.
Enhanced Safety: Roof inspection in Houston can be dangerous, especially on steep or high structures. Drones eliminate the need for inspectors to physically climb onto roofs, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. This makes the entire process safer for both the inspectors and the property owners.
Detailed Imaging: Drones equipped with high-resolution cameras can capture detailed images of the roof's surface. This allows inspectors to identify even the smallest cracks, leaks, or other issues that might go unnoticed during a traditional inspection. The high-quality imaging provides a comprehensive view of the roof's condition.
Data Accuracy: Drone technology allows for precise measurements and data collection. This accuracy is crucial for identifying potential problem areas, estimating repair costs, and planning maintenance. The detailed data obtained through drone inspections facilitates better decision-making for property owners and roofing professionals.
Environmental Impact: Traditional inspection methods often involve the use of heavy machinery, which can hurt the environment. Drones are more environmentally friendly, as they operate on battery power and produce minimal noise pollution.
Local Adoption of Drone Roof Inspections in Houston, TX:
In Houston, where the demand for efficient and reliable roofing solutions is high, the adoption of drone roof inspections has gained momentum. Roofing companies in the region are leveraging this technology to offer faster, safer, and more cost-effective services to their clients.
Drone roof inspection services are transforming the way Houston, TX, approaches roofing assessments. The combination of cost-effectiveness, time efficiency, enhanced safety, detailed imaging, data accuracy, and reduced environmental impact makes this technology a game-changer for the roofing industry. As the adoption of drone technology continues to grow, we can expect more widespread use in various sectors, ensuring that Houston remains at the forefront of innovative and efficient solutions for maintaining its diverse architectural landscape.
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kemetic-dreams · 2 years
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Tuskegee Airman Howard Adolphus Wooten was born on April 20, 1920 in Lovelady, Texas. His father was the principal of the "colored school" in Lovelady, a town 100 miles north of Houston, and his mother also was a teacher there.
Howard A. Wooten entered Prairie View College on a football scholarship. His main interest, however, was in aviation and he attempted to enroll in flight training programs. His father objected because he didn't think airplanes were safe and because he wanted his son to finish college.
Wooten dropped out of Prairie View College in 1940 and enlisted in the U.S. Army as a private assigned to a Field Artillery unit. He rose through the ranks, becoming a Staff Sergeant in the 46th Field Artillery Brigade by January 1942.
He applied to the Army Flight School at Tuskegee, Alabama in 1944 and graduated in December of that year. After graduation he was assigned to the 15th USAAF Brigade as a fighter pilot, in the 332nd Fighter Group.
In January 1945 he was reassigned to the 477th Bombardment Group, where he was one of a select group of Tuskegee pilots who would train to fly North American B-25 Mitchell bombers. Wooten was transferred to Mather Field, California for additional training. Yet Wooten and the other men training on bombers would never see combat, as the war ended before they were sent overseas.
Wooten was mustered out of the U.S. Army Air Corps in 1946. He then decided to become an attorney and moved to Seattle, Washington with four brothers and a sister, so as to get as far away as possible from "Jim Crow" Texas. Soon after he arrived, he was hired as a production worker at the Boeing Airplane Company and joined the Aeronautical Machinists Union. While working on the assembly line he met Josephine A. Stratman, another Boeing production worker. They were married in 1947.
In 1948 the Machinists Union went on strike at Boeing. Because he and his wife had an infant, Wooten joined the Painters Union and took work painting bridges around Seattle. He died on August 20, 1948, at the age of 28, after he fell 70 feet from a scaffold while painting the 12th Avenue Bridge at the base of Beacon Hill.
Long after his death, Howard A. Wooten was memorialized by the U.S. Air Force when his World War II pilot’s photograph was chosen by an advertising agency to represent the famed Tuskegee Airmen. His photo was first seen on Air Force recruiting posters in the 1990s and was later adopted as the official image of the Tuskegee Airmen Foundation. The photograph from the National Archives has also been seen in public media including ESPN, Flight, Ebony, Sports Illustrated, and other periodicals.
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fatehbaz · 4 years
How does such purposeful forgetting shape black geographies? [...]
Today, Sugar Land’s landscape is identifiable through its master-planned communities comprised of modest to opulent single-family homes and   several corporate headquarters. [...] Fort Bend County has a population of 787,858 [as of 2018]. That population is almost equally distributed among all racial and ethnic groups [...]. The difficult heritage wasn’t apparent [...]. Instead, marketing materials promote the county as a successful, growing melting pot. The City of Sugar Land [in Fort Bend County], Texas,is a Houston-bedroom community with a population of 80,000 people in 2011, was up to 118,600 by 2018. [...] In Sugar Land’s landscape of plantations, prison farms, refinery complex, worker “Quarters” original purposes -- racial violence and bondage -- [...] have been purposefully forgotten. [...]
[Active erasure and censoring]
The county’s social and political institutions instead engage in racialized purposeful forgetting of this heritage (Rose 2016). For mainstream historical organizations, forgetting often takes the form of purposeful destruction (Connerton 2008 ...). Marie Hernandez (2008) writes about an instance of historical repression in Cemeteries of Ambivalent Desire. She describes how the George Ranch Historical Park in Fort Bend County hired Carrier Grundy as a consultant to initiate research and interpretation of the African American presence at the site. Funded through the U.S. National Endowment for the Humanities, Grundy wrote plays based on her four years of research in the former plantation’s archives. After one performance, the play was canceled, and George Ranch said her services were no longer needed. Why? The play included mention of the [K.K/K] and presented the family of a local County leader in a negative light. [...] Local leaders pressured the organization to scrub the play of [...] evidence of racial terror [...].
[Marketing; neighborhood and street names; symbols/signs]
Some measured amount of the historical evidence of Black lives and struggles [...] is instead evoked in glorified narratives of a white past and prominently displayed in Sugar Land. Subdivision and street names in Sugar Land are nostalgic holdovers from the area’s Antebellum Past. Names like “Imperial” Sugar connote not only the popular sugar company but also the dominion such welfare capitalists wielded over land and bodies who worked that land. Sienna Plantation, New Territory, Settlers Way, Colony Bend, Sugar Creek, Oyster Creek Plantation, and Lexington Settlement are names of subdivisions constructed on former plantation land and prison camps. With these names, developers and City governments create an identity or Sugar Land that simultaneously hides and conspicuously displays its exploitative pre- and post-antebellum foundations through advertising, marketing, and signage. These names are part of Sugar Land’s perverse ability to emphasize its sweetness, to keep the scaffolding of silence erected, and embrace a guiltless mythic past. [...]
[Silence and absence]
[T]he popular Blues songwriter and singer Huddie Ledbetter -- better known as Leadbelly -- was incarcerated at the Imperial Prison Farm until his pardon in 1925, where he wrote the well-known song: “The Midnight Special” (Ledbetter 1935). [...] Leadbelly, like many African American inmates at Imperial State Prison Farm, looked for the “midnight light” of the train, believing that if the light were to shine into an inmate’s cell, that inmate would receive a pardon within a year. [...] Leadbelly’s stories of life in Imperial Prison Farm are conspicuously absent from public spaces in Sugar Land and throughout the Fort Bend County and Texas as well (Yancy 2008).
[Paternalism; master-and-contented-slave narrative]
Sugar Land’s public history is one laden with the valiant paternalistic efforts of welfare captialists. Isaac Kempner and William Eldridge [the early-20th-century owners of the sugar refinery using convict labor] had a hand in providing everything from housing to recreational space to employees at the refinery from 1905 until the merger with other sugar business in 1989. On Sugar Land’s City website, an interview with a former Mayor of Sugar Land exemplifies this paternalistic, mythic distortion of the relationship between labor, the town, and industry embedded in land-use decisions. Former Mayor Bill Little (1961-1964) recalls that:
When Mary and I came to Sugar Land in 1957, it was a segregated community. Today it is known as one of the most diverse communities in the United States. I think we helped in breaking that segregation. In Mayfield Park [...] the homes were owned by the sugar company. Black American and Latin American employees lived there. The City realized that the people couldn’t live in those houses, which had outdoor privies and a cold water faucet on the back side of the house. One of the things the City did was put a bridge across from Mayfield Park to Main Street so that all kids could get in and out of Mayfield more easily. (”Rebuilding Mayfield Park” 2013)
According to Little, who supported the latest development of the Imperial Sugar site, such conditions allowed for a smooth transition into integration [...].
[Recuperation and image-reform]
The myth of the contented slave and good master is alive and retold by government engines to reproduce their power. These habitual tropes are indicative of the fact that racialized and racist memory is socially constructed and persistent.
Plantation owners morph over time into welfare capitalists.
Today, developers represent the benevolent leaders of the county. [Local planned community developers] and other local master plan community developers are gentlemen covering the puddles of slave and convict blood beneath Sugar Land’s dermis with iconography that commemorates the antebellum past. For example, faux Roman columns and elaborate fountains frame the entrance of most subdivisions. Convict cemeteries sit in the middle of new developments [...].
Andrea R. Robert. “Haunting as Agency: A Critical Cultural Landscape Approach to Making Black Labor Visible in Sugar Land, Texas.” ACME. 15 April 2020. [Bold subheadings added by me.]
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
Armageddon Chapter 2 (Dean x Reader)
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Title: Armageddon Chapter 2
Summary:  Space. The Final Frontier. But for Dean Winchester, space was the last place he thought he would ever go. His family life isn’t perfect, his job isn’t ideal, but he has (Y/n), the woman he loves. Sam Winchester never thought his life would turn out the way it did. He is divorced, alone, and his brother most likely hates him. Working for NASA was not going to be easy. But, when a threat to the earth has him calling on his family for help, what can he do? can Sam and Dean push past his family issues to keep the Earth spinning another day? Based on the movie of the same name.
Pairings: Dean x Reader; Sam x Jessica
Warnings: Mainly language for this chapter
AN: The song for this chapter is Under Pressure by Queen & David Bowie
Winchester Oil Rig
(Y/n) was showing the clients around as the men worked on the rig. Her eyes drifted to Dean as he worked on the drill and smiled when she saw his face. He was calculating what would happen after he had the drill working last night. He rushed to the top of the rig putting on his helmet as he went up the scaffolding. (Y/n) went back to speaking in Chinese to the clients as shouts began to surround her. With a quick motion she found John and the clients gave a thumbs up to him.
“What’s he smiling about?” John quipped, giving them a thumbs up back.
“Could be that you might be about to strike oil,” (Y/n) drawled. “No thanks to the son you almost tried to shoot.” John groaned.
“Don’t give me that (Y/n)!” John growled. She was like a daughter to him, and honestly, she deserved better than some roughnecks. In fact, if she wasn’t so good at her job, he would’ve found a way to get her away from the oil company. (Y/n) made her way through the rig showing the clients around.
“I can’t believe you John!” (Y/n) turned to face him. “You are NOT my father, thank god.”
“No, but I promised him I would protect you,” John argued. John and (Y/n)’s dad had been buddies during the war. They had both went to Vietnam with young kids waiting at home for them. They came back and stuck together. And when he died, John had promised to take care of (Y/n).
“Yeah, so you’re protecting me from your own son?” (Y/n) crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow at him. “You are unbelievable! Dean and I have been seeing each other for two and a half years now!”
“You what?” John shook his head as he rubbed his face. How the hell had he not seen that?
“Knowing Dean for as long as I have? You must have been blind.” (Y/n) turned to the clients and pointed at a chart she had mapped out with projections. She spoke in Chinese for just a moment gesturing to the rig and smiled. She turned back to John, “Between you and Dad, I was raised on this rig along with Dean and Sam, you know that!”
Before John could respond, there was a shout for more help on the rig. The drill had hit a gas pocket and the rig was struggling to hold the pressure. John watched as Dean went rushing to get everything stabilized and started to get the drill out as the pipes began to shake. Before anyone knew what was happening, (Y/n) had the clients huddled in safety as John ran up to help Dean stabilize the pressure but it was too late. The rig began to shake as the drill hole began sprouting oil.
“Get down, everyone down!” John yelled as more men tried to stabilize the pressure, but it built up too strong. A couple of them fell down and everyone was covered in the thick, black oil.
“Woooo, We hit oil! Dean was right!” Garth cheered.
“Yeah but right now we need to get down!” John growled.
John slid down a ramp that was slick with oil followed by Dean as they hid from a fireball that erupted. Dean gave a slightly defeated but happy look. He was angry because he had miscalculated the gas pocket and how strong it would be and how the rig could handle. But he was elated they had struck oil. His calculations were right about that. But John’s face was not happy. All his happy feelings melted away as he saw John’s glare.
“Are you happy? You could have gotten someone killed!” John growled.
“I miss calculated the gas pocket but I new there was oil in that spot! I tried to fix it!” Dean argued.
“And (Y/n), she goes back on the crew ship tonight, understand?” John walked away as he walked with his second in command to assess the damage.
“Dad, we have more clients coming in the morning. Who’s going to deal with them if she’s not here?” Dean reasoned.
“I’m her employer, and yours. No office romance, especially out here.” John ran a hand down face. “Let’s just get this cleaned up,” John drawled.
“Winchester you the man!” one of the clients said giving John a thumbs up. (Y/n) walked up to Dean, handing him a rag and helped him clean his face, “You ok?”
“Yeah.” He sighed. “If my name was Sam though, I’m sure he’d be happy right now.”
NASA Headquarters
Houston, Texas
It was morning, at least, that’s what Sam thought it was. He hadn’t slept in over twenty-four hours and he was trying to catch a few winks at his desk. They had been all hands on deck since the piece had hit the east coast. Sam’s eyes had been hurting and he just needed a little rest. And that let him have a moment to dream.
Sam was ten, Dean was fourteen. They spent their summers out on the rig with John. It might not have been the best way to spend the summer, but Dean always looked forward to it. Sam really wanted to stay home instead. He was taking summer classes as part of the gifted program, and he wanted to be at home in his own room as he read through the textbooks instead of in the small room he shared with Dean, where Dean always got the top bunk and snored a little too loud.
“Okay boys, I’m going to show you this, because some day, you might be taking over this company and I want you to be out here helping like I do.” John told them. He showed them how to control the drills, how to do different things. “Some of the gas that comes through there is like a bomb. It can be pretty flammable. Someone told me once that there’s enough gas in there just to rip the planet apar…”
Sam woke up with a gasp then. Quickly, he scrambled for a piece of paper and a pen, jotting down his idea. He couldn’t lose this.
Charlie Bradbury knocked on Sam's door. She watched a he was scribbling furiously on a paper.
“Did you have one of your, Winchester ideas?” she came in and say down.
“What is it Charlie?” Sam looked over the math and sighed. He rubbed at his head. He was notorious for headaches.
“Rufus and Bobby are calling a meeting to see what we've come up with,” she played with one of his desk toys. A vampire bobblehead that Dean had gotten him many years ago.
“OK…” He sighed as he stood up. “it's the best idea I could come up with.” He didn’t show Charlie it though. He wanted to be told from the higher ups that his idea was stupid. They made their way to the other scientists who were pitching their ideas and yelling at each. Sam went up to Bobby and Rufus then.
“This is ridiculous!” Rufus grumbled. “the best minds in the world all gathered and not one of you can come up with a plan? Bunch of bullshit if you ask me,” Rufus day back in his chair. “Winchester!”
Sam flinched slightly. He gave a nervous smile.
“I'm glad you could fit us into your… busy schedule,” Rufus drawled.
“In his defense, he has been up for going on,” Bobby looked at his watch. “Thirty-six hours.” Sam slid the piece of paper towards Rufus, who looked it over.
“You’re joking, right?” He looked at Bobby. “He’s joking.” Some of the scientists gathered around.
“This is stupid.” One of them said. “There’s no way that this is remotely a good idea.” The chattering started going on among them as Charlie leaned over to get a look at Sam’s idea.
“Actually, I think it can be done.” She said. “I read about diamond drill bits. I’m not saying we call up Tiffany’s and get them to make us a custom one, but see if we can construct something out of the same makeup. And we would need one hell of a powerful bomb. And the right crew to do it all.”
“We have astronauts.” Rufus said. “They should be good enough.”
“With the space stuff, yes.” Bobby said. “Any of them ever run a drill of this magnitude?”
“So we train the astronauts how to use it and we build a big ass bomb?” Rufus asked.
“It’s going to take too much time.” Bobby explained. Sam took a glance back down the hallway to his office. Where Dean’s masters thesis for Sam to edit for him. That thesis contained a bomb that Dean said could make or break mankind. Sam looked back at Bobby and Rufus, while the scientists all talked to figure out what to do.
“I’ve got the plans for the bomb.” Sam explained. That silenced everyone quickly. “It’s all hypothetical, of course. But we can take these plans and build it.”
“Okay that’s one problem down.” Rufus grumbled. “What about our other one?” Sam smirked a little.
“I think I have just the right guys in mind.”
Winchester Oil Headquarters
Austin, TX
(Y/n) winced as the muffled voices came through the closed door. She hated when they fought. But John and Dean were both stubborn men. Dean hadn’t gone to college right away like Sam did. Dean had decided to come up with extra cash to help Sam with his books and supplies. Of course John got mad that Dean had halted his own studies to rough it out for the extra cash. (Y/n) had helped Dean up until Sam had made it past his Masters and into the NASA program with a Doctorate. By then, Dean was working on his bachelors in Mechanical Engineering. (Y/n) helped him with his late night studying and with some of his papers. But he didn’t need it, he was brilliant all on his own. When he graduated she was right there cheering him on, while John was getting a tour of NASA with Sam. She hated that, it was Dean’s best moment and his own father missed it.
That very night was when they shared their first kiss. With a bit of help from a bottle of whiskey. They had kept their relationship a big secret. How it lasted they couldn’t tell, but they were lucky to have two and a half years of being together. (Y/n) had just gotten off the phone with the Japanese investors when the door to John’s office burst open and Dean stormed out.
“I mean it Dean, this is not acceptable. People could have gotten hurt!” John pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Don’t you think I know that?Which is why when I realized my mistake I tried to fix it! I didn’t cower, I didn’t stay back,” Dean yelled just as fiercely. “I bet if I was Sam you wouldn’t be on to me like this!”
“Dean...stop it.” John growled.
“No, I won’t. I stand by my actions.” Dean crossed his arms over his chest.
“Then I stand by mine. You’re suspended.” John snapped at him.
Dean clenched his jaw and his cheek twitch, “Fuck you dad! I quit!”
Dean turned on his heel and marched out of the door. (Y/n) looked to John who stood there frozen. She shook her head and ran out after Dean.
“Dean!” (Y/n) rushed to him grabbing his arm making his stop. “Dean, you can’t mean that? You love this company.”
“I don’t know any more (Y/n)/N,” Dean whispered as he shook his head. His eyes staring at the asphalt.
“What don’t you know, Dean?” (Y/n) placed her hand gently on his stubbled cheek as he got him to look into her eyes. “What aren’t you telling me?” (Y/n) searched his eyes, she saw a small hint of guilt in them. “Dean?”
“(Y/n), I don’t want to get into this right now.” Dean sighed.
“Tell me right now Dean Winchester!” She crossed her arms, “We promised no secrets.”
“I got offered a job at McLeod Oil.” Dean said. “I’d be running it. And their based out of Louisiana, not Texas.”
“When were you going to tell me this?” (Y/n) whispered, “Were you just going to leave me behind?”
“I wasn’t even sure I was going to take it. I was going to tell you after I turned it down. But that asshole,” Dean motioned towards where John was. “He screwed it all up.”
“You wait here.” (Y/n) turned on her heel and marched back towards the office, “We are not done discussing this!” she yelled over her shoulder.
Throwing the door open, she marched right up to John as she grabbed her purse. Standing right infront of him she raised her hand giving him a hard slap.
“I hope you’re satisfied,” She growled, “You didn’t just lose Dean,” She shook her head as her eyes filled with tears, “You lost me too.”
(Y/n) turned around and walked out towards Dean. not stopping she grabbed his hand and dragged him to the Impala.
“You better call McLeod and tell him we’re a package deal,” She grumbled as she climbed into the passenger seat. As they drove away from the building, a few US government vehicles pulled up. MP’s got out and headed inside.
“We’re closed.” John grumbled, not looking up from what he was doing. He was so pissed about the whole thing.
“We’re not here as clients.” One of the MP’s said. John looked up. “You need to come with us Sergeant Winchester. It’s a matter of national security.”
“What’s going on?” John asked.
“We will explain everything in due time. We have to go now.” John looked around, feeling the hair on the back of his neck stand up.
“Okay, let’s go.”
Forever Tags:  @anathewierdo @dekahg @marvel-af @feelmyroarrrr @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogaruke @xxwarhawk @sandlee44 @shatteredabby @caswinchester2000 @supernaturalwincestsblog @lauravic @nanie5
Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles Tags: @queenslandlover-93 @screechingartisancashbailiff @strab0 @maaryisafangirl @deathofmissjackson @hellabrothers@luciathewinchestergirl @sheris532 @bobasheebaby @bella-ca @akshi8278
Supernatural Tags:  @bandobsession98 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @fangirlsencyclopaediaofweirdness @ilovetardis @missihart23 @cloudyskylines @flamencodiva @sams-serialkiller-fetish @theas-bedtime-stories @huntingfreewill @ocholove
Armageddon Tags:  @thefaithfulwriter
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