#Hot Water Heater Columbia
bestchoiceplumbers · 2 years
Best Choice Plumbers is offering a depreciated water heater in Columbia. We provide appropriate ventilation, pressure/temperature relief valves, fire hazards, carbon monoxide detection, etc. For more information visit our website- https://bestchoiceplumbers.com or contact us- 301-774-4800 or 866-382-5878 (Toll-Free)
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nasa · 19 days
25 Years of Exploring the Universe with NASA's Chandra Xray Observatory
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Illustration of the Chandra telescope in orbit around Earth. Credit: NASA/CXC & J. Vaughan
On July 23, 1999, the space shuttle Columbia launched into orbit carrying NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory. August 26 marked 25 years since Chandra released its first images.
These were the first of more than 25,000 observations Chandra has taken. This year, as NASA celebrates the 25th anniversary of this telescope and the incredible data it has provided, we’re taking a peek at some of its most memorable moments.
About the Spacecraft
The Chandra telescope system uses four specialized mirrors to observe X-ray emissions across the universe. X-rays that strike a “regular” mirror head on will be absorbed, so Chandra’s mirrors are shaped like barrels and precisely constructed. The rest of the spacecraft system provides the support structure and environment necessary for the telescope and the science instruments to work as an observatory. To provide motion to the observatory, Chandra has two different sets of thrusters. To control the temperatures of critical components, Chandra's thermal control system consists of a cooling radiator, insulators, heaters, and thermostats. Chandra's electrical power comes from its solar arrays.
Learn more about the spacecraft's components that were developed and tested at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Fun fact: If the state of Colorado were as smooth as the surface of the Chandra X-ray Observatory mirrors, Pike's Peak would be less than an inch tall.
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Engineers in the X-ray Calibration Facility at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, integrating the Chandra X-ray Observatory’s High-Resolution Camera with the mirror assembly, in this photo taken March 16, 1997. Credit: NASA
When space shuttle Columbia launched on July 23, 1999, Chandra was the heaviest and largest payload ever launched by the shuttle. Under the command of Col. Eileen Collins, Columbia lifted off the launch pad at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Chandra was deployed on the mission’s first day.
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Reflected in the waters, space shuttle Columbia rockets into the night sky from Launch Pad 39-B on mission STS-93 from Kennedy Space Center. Credit: NASA
First Light Images
Just 34 days after launch, extraordinary first images from our Chandra X-ray Observatory were released. The image of supernova remnant Cassiopeia A traces the aftermath of a gigantic stellar explosion in such captivating detail that scientists can see evidence of what is likely the neutron star.
“We see the collision of the debris from the exploded star with the matter around it, we see shock waves rushing into interstellar space at millions of miles per hour,” said Harvey Tananbaum, founding Director of the Chandra X-ray Center at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.
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Cassiopeia A is the remnant of a star that exploded about 300 years ago. The X-ray image shows an expanding shell of hot gas produced by the explosion colored in bright orange and yellows. Credit: NASA/CXC/SAO
A New Look at the Universe
NASA released 25 never-before-seen views to celebrate the telescopes 25th anniversary. This collection contains different types of objects in space and includes a new look at Cassiopeia A. Here the supernova remnant is seen with a quarter-century worth of Chandra observations (blue) plus recent views from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (grey and gold).
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This image features deep data of the Cassiopeia A supernova, an expanding ball of matter and energy ejected from an exploding star in blues, greys and golds. The Cassiopeia A supernova remnant has been observed for over 2 million seconds since the start of Chandra’s mission in 1999 and has also recently been viewed by the James Webb Space Telescope. Credit: NASA/CXC/SAO
Can You Hear Me Now?
In 2020, experts at the Chandra X-ray Center/Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) and SYSTEM Sounds began the first ongoing, sustained effort at NASA to “sonify” (turn into sound) astronomical data. Data from NASA observatories such as Chandra, the Hubble Space Telescope, and the James Webb Space Telescope, has been translated into frequencies that can be heard by the human ear.
SAO Research shows that sonifications help many types of learners – especially those who are low-vision or blind -- engage with and enjoy astronomical data more.
Click to watch the “Listen to the Universe” documentary on NASA+ that explores our sonification work: Listen to the Universe | NASA+
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An image of the striking croissant-shaped planetary nebula called the Cat’s Eye, with data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory and Hubble Space Telescope.  NASA’s Data sonification from Chandra, Hubble and/or Webb telecopes allows us to hear data of cosmic objects. Credit: NASA/CXO/SAO
Celebrate With Us!
Dedicated teams of engineers, designers, test technicians, and analysts at Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, are celebrating with partners at the Chandra X-ray Center and elsewhere outside and across the agency for the 25th anniversary of the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Their hard work keeps the spacecraft flying, enabling Chandra’s ongoing studies of black holes, supernovae, dark matter, and more.
Chandra will continue its mission to deepen our understanding of the origin and evolution of the cosmos, helping all of us explore the Universe.
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The Chandra Xray Observatory, the longest cargo ever carried to space aboard the space shuttle, is shown in Columbia’s payload bay. This photo of the payload bay with its doors open was taken just before Chandra was tilted upward for release and deployed on July 23, 1999. Credit: NASA
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space: http://nasa.tumblr.com
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monsieuremjaydee · 2 years
The Squatty Potty
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I’ve been living with Staceyann and her husband Rick in New Jersey ever since I left my dorm at Columbia back in January. They don’t charge me rent as long as I chip in on the groceries and electrical bill, so it’s good deal. I met them at an AA meeting some years back.
Typical north Jersey trash. Staceyann’s in her mid-40s. Purple-black hair, tattoos on her arms, on her legs, on her chest, on her neck, smokes Newport 100s, molested by her junkie father’s buddies as a child. Rick about the same age, a little on the heavy side, long hair, likes to gamble, not too quick in the head because he spent more than half his life smoking PCP mixed with crack. Loves Bob Dylan.
I live in a little annexed room where the hot water heater is down in their basement. I’ve got a twin size bed with a mattress so worn out that every time I shift in my sleep the springs poke through and wake me up. I’m confined to the downstairs bathroom because one of their kids is—
I should also mention that Staceyann and Rick have three kids. All boys, somewhere between the ages of ten and sixteen. I find it impossible to accurately guess a child’s age and never once found myself anywhere near sufficiently interested when listening to people yap about their kids to even attempt to commit such useless information to memory. I never understood why people make such a fuss about their children. They inadvertently end up making you hate them by acting like they’re the best kids to ever walk the earth. Right. And when they grow up to be dimwitted imbeciles, out come the excuses. ADHD, Asperger’s, anxiety, depression, a chronically itchy sphincter. How about bad parenting? Ever try that one? You wheel your strollers around acting like you’ve got the queen of England in there, demanding that everyone get out of your way, growling at anyone who doesn’t move or make a big deal about your boring child — excuse me, don’t you see I have a baby here? Yes, I can see your mediocre baby and I’m deeply unimpressed. Now please, stop acting like you’ve achieved something extraordinary by plopping out a fetus. Congratulations. A standing ovation for doing exactly what human beings have consistently done since long before they knew how to start a fire. We only apologize for not applauding each time you remember to breathe. What I’m really trying to say here is that one of Staceyann and Rick’s kids isn’t fully there. I’m not exactly sure what’s wrong with him but let’s just say that if this was happening in ancient Sparta, he’d go flying off a cliff.
And so, as you can imagine things can get a bit messy in the bathroom and that’s why I use the one downstairs. No worries there, it lacks nothing. I mean, it did at one point lack a squatty potty and that’s the whole point of this story, but otherwise no complaints. Now, as a broke recent college grad who studied the most useless major on the planet, I wasn’t exactly in the position to buy myself one due to my obvious financial constraints.  
Until one morning right around my birthday when Rick barged into the basement. “Wake up!” he started shaking me. What the hell? “Wake up, wake up, wake up,” he wouldn’t quit. “You wanna make two bills?” he says once my eyes open.
But I was in such an immensely deep sleep, the kind that makes your eyelids feel like a million pounds. The kind that if you manage to somehow open your eyes, your vision refuses to focus, you’re disoriented, your mind refuses to align—where am I? is all you can think—your entire body just refuses.
“No thanks,” I mumbled, then turned around and instantly began dreaming about a brown horse who’s lying in bed on his back under the covers reading the February edition of Seventeen Magazine. Hot chocolate steaming on the nightstand.
It’s not that I didn’t NEED the money… It’s that it was 7am on Sunday. Who the hell gets out of bed at 7am on Sunday!
“Five,” I heard Rick’s voice echoing inside the horse’s small but trendy bedroom. “You don’t wanna make five hundred dollars? It’ll take you thirty minutes for god’s sake.”
That calculates to one thousand dollars an hour, which in turn calculates to over two million dollars a year if working forty hours per week. The horse looked at me from under his spectacles, waiting.
“Yea,” I sat up.
“Here.” Rick handed me a flat black box about the size of a frozen dinner. “Take this and drive down to Dunkin’ Donuts in Clifton.”
“There’s like five Dunkin’ Donuts in Clifton,” I yawned.
“The one on Clifton Avenue.”
“The one across from the police station?”
“Exactly,” Rick confirmed. “A guy’ll meet you there. Black Range Rover. Just hop in, hand him the box, he’ll give you cash. Eighteen grand. Count it.”
“Now?” I asked, rubbing my eyes.
“He’ll be there in ten minutes. I can’t go myself, otherwise I would.”
I peaked in the box. “Okay.” I got up, got dressed, got in Rick’s beat up ’98 champagne Maxima, drove to Clifton, forgot to brush my teeth.
Everything went smooth. Back in 28 minutes.
“Here,” I handed Rick the cash. He peeled off five bills. “Pleasure doing business with you,” I said while putting the Washingtons in my pocket. Then went downstairs and back to sleep.
The next day I bought myself a squatty potty as a birthday gift. The thing is great. Nothing gets left behind if you know wat I mean. Nothing.
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princesingh74883 · 26 days
heat pump installation services
Maximize Your Savings with Heat PumpRebates in Lower Mainland
As the Lower Mainland prepares for another hot summer, Veteran Heating and Cooling offers the perfect solution with our heat pump installation services. Not only do heat pumps provide efficient year-round cooling and heating, but they also come with significant financial incentives. Homeowners can take advantage of up to $16,000 in rebates through the CleanBC program, making it an ideal time to upgrade your HVAC system.
Benefits of Heat Pumps: Energy Efficiency and Savings
Heat pumps are celebrated for their energy efficiency, with the potential to reduce energy bills by up to 50% compared to traditional heating and cooling systems. This is a considerable saving, especially during the peak summer months when energy consumption typically increases. Moreover, heat pumps contribute to a greener environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, perfectly aligning with British Columbia's sustainability goals.
Enhance Your Home Comfort with Heat Pumps
Beyond cost savings and environmental benefits, heat pumps significantly improve indoor comfort. They maintain consistent temperatures, eliminate hot and cold spots, and enhance air quality by filtering out allergens. Additionally, their quiet operation ensures a peaceful home environment, making them an excellent choice for maintaining comfort all year long.
Veteran HVAC: Your Trusted Partner in Heat Pump Installation
At Veteran HVAC, we pride ourselves on our commitment to customer satisfaction. Our team guides homeowners through every step of the process, from selecting the right heat pump model to navigating the rebate applications. We strive to make your transition to a heat pump as smooth and rewarding as possible.
Act Fast: Take Advantage of the CleanBC Rebate Program
The CleanBC rebate program is a limited-time offer, so it’s crucial to act quickly. Whether you’re replacing an old furnace, upgrading your air conditioning, or installing a new heat pump, now is the perfect time. The substantial rebates not only make the initial investment more affordable but also provide long-term savings on your energy bills.
Comprehensive HVAC Services by Veteran Heating and Cooling
In addition to heat pump installation, Veteran HVAC offers a wide range of HVAC services, including furnace installation, air conditioning repair, and water heater services. Our experienced technicians deliver top-notch service, backed by a satisfaction guarantee. We are committed to providing reliable solutions that enhance your home’s comfort and energy efficiency.
Schedule Your Heat Pump Consultation Today
For those interested in exploring the benefits of heat pumps and the available rebates, Veteran HVAC offers comprehensive consultations. Our experts will assess your home’s specific needs and recommend the best solutions to enhance your comfort and efficiency.
Don’t let the summer heat catch you off guard. Take advantage of the cool savings offered by Veteran Heating and Cooling and enjoy a comfortable, energy-efficient home. Visit our heat pump rebate blog post to learn more and schedule your consultation today.
heat pump installation services
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All Water Heater Plumbing TX
All Water Heater Plumbing TX offers high quality water heating solutions for homes and businesses including tankless whether it is gas or electric. storage tank 50 and 40 gallon and heat pump models. we use advanced technologies for optimal performance and energy efficiency and our team gives exceptional customer service.
Transparent Pricing We believe in transparency when it comes to pricing. Before starting any work, we provide you with a detailed estimate, so you know exactly what to expect.
We Will Be Happy To Answer Any Inquiries. Our Response Will Be Immediate. Call Us At :- 945-292-2303
Services:- Electric Water Heaters Tankless Water Heaters Replacement Water Heater Water Heater Maintenance Emergency Water Heater Repairs Hot Water Heater Water Heater Repair Water Heater Installation
$ 25 Off On Repair $ 25 Off For Any Plumbing Service Of $ 250 $ 50 Off For Any Plumbing Service Of $ 500 $ 100 Off For Any Plumbing Service Of $ 1000 $ 40 Off For Any Leak Repair $ 100 For Water Heater Installation
CONTACT US :- [email protected] 5535 Columbia Ave, Dallas, TX 75214 Working Hours From Monday To Friday 6 AM : 8 PM 24 Mobile Service
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waterheatersonlysblog · 4 months
Water Heater Repair Maple Ridge: Ensuring Comfort and Efficiency
When it comes to your home's comfort and convenience, a reliable water heater plays a crucial role. In Maple Ridge, British Columbia, homeowners understand the importance of having a well-functioning water heater, Water Heater Repair Maple Ridge especially during cold winter months. If you're experiencing issues with your water heater or simply want to ensure its optimal performance, Water Heaters Only is your go-to solution.
Expertise in Water Heater Repair
Water Heaters Only is a reputable service provider specializing in water heater repair, installation, and maintenance. With years of experience and a team of skilled technicians, they have built a solid reputation for delivering top-notch services to homeowners in Maple Ridge and surrounding areas. Whether you have a traditional tank-style water heater or a tankless system, their experts have the knowledge and tools to handle any issue effectively.
Prompt and Reliable Service
One of the standout features of Water Heaters Only is their commitment to providing prompt and reliable service. They understand that a malfunctioning water heater can disrupt your daily routine and cause inconvenience. That's why they prioritize swift response times and efficient repairs to get your water heater back up and running in no time. Whether it's a minor adjustment or a major repair, you can count on them to deliver quality workmanship and lasting solutions.
Quality Replacement Options
In some cases, repairing an old or severely damaged water heater may not be the most cost-effective solution. Water Heaters Only offers a range of high-quality replacement options from leading brands. Their knowledgeable technicians can assess your current system, discuss your needs and budget, and recommend the best replacement unit for your home. With their expertise, you can upgrade to a more energy-efficient model that saves you money on utility bills while providing reliable hot water.
Benefits of Choosing Water Heaters Only:
Expertise in water heater repair, installation, and maintenance.
Prompt and reliable service to minimize downtime.
Quality replacement options from leading brands.
Skilled technicians with years of experience.
Commitment to customer satisfaction and lasting solutions.
Contact Water Heaters Only Today
Don't let a faulty water heater disrupt your comfort and convenience. Contact Water Heaters Only today for professional water heater repair, installation, Water Heater Repair Maple Ridge or maintenance services in Maple Ridge. Visit their website at https://waterheatersonly.ca/ to learn more about their services and schedule an appointment. With Water Heaters Only, you can enjoy reliable hot water and peace of mind all year round.
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articlesub410 · 5 months
Artisan Retro Trailers
Artisan Retro Trailers
Step into a world of unparalleled RV customization craftsmanship and artistic expression at Ace of Spades Custom RV.
We are passionate about turning RVs into masterpieces that evoke awe and admiration wherever they roam.
From handcrafted cabinetry and exquisite finishes to meticulous attention to detail, every element of our custom work showcases the artistry and skill of our talented team.Whether you desire a sleek and modern design or a timeless and elegant aesthetic, we will collaborate closely with you to create an RV that stands as a true work of art.
James West, a seasoned professional in the RV industry, has been a Certified Red Seal Master RV technician since 1999. His expertise spans across 18 trades within the industry, making him a versatile and highly skilled professional.His proficiency includes RV electrical systems, wiring, plumbing, propane, welding, and the installation of various components such as solar panels, hot water heaters, appliances, inverters, converters, batteries, entertainment systems, and much more.
He also specializes in carpentry, a skill that has proven invaluable in his line of work.
West’s journey in the RV industry began with four years of professional training in British Columbia, Canada.
This comprehensive training equipped him with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in various work settings, including RV dealerships, independent RV repair shops, and as a self-employed professional.
 In 2014, after years of working in mediocre RV dealerships, James decided to take a leap of faith and opened his own RV Repair shop in Langley, BC Canada.
 The shop, which he owned for five years, offered a variety of services, including RV repairs, maintenance, and upgrades.
 However, after experiencing a significant increase in small business taxes in Canada,  James decided to explore opportunities elsewhere.
 James and Teri applied for a small business work visa and decided to relocate their business to Las Vegas, Nevada.
 The process was challenging, but they were thrilled when Homeland Security approved their application.
 They successfully moved and set up their new shop in South Las Vegas, marking a new chapter in their professional journey.
 In addition to running the repair shop, James and Teri also built their own personal tear drop trailer, a 13-foot travel trailer with a log cabin theme.
 This trailer, equipped with every imaginable amenity, serves as a testament to their craftsmanship and attention to detail.
 They have plans to reproduce replicas of this tear drop trailer, but with a vintage retro vibe, and in four very different styles. Our Retro Vintage teardrop trailers are inspired by the iconic designs of the mid-20th century, evoking a sense of wanderlust and adventure.
From the sleek curved lines to the polished aluminum exteriors, every inch exudes classic sophistication.The carefully selected color palettes and vintage-inspired accents add a touch of nostalgia, making these trailers a true head-turner wherever you go.
While our teardrop trailers pay homage to the past, we believe in blending vintage aesthetics with contemporary amenities.
Inside, you’ll find thoughtfully designed living spaces that maximize comfort and convenience. From cozy sleeping quarters to compact kitchens equipped with modern appliances, our trailers offer everything you need to make your journey enjoyable and memorable.
West and his team are planning to market their trailers at Barrett Jackson auctions as vendors.
However, they are also open to direct inquiries from individuals interested in owning one of their unique trailers.
The RV industry has seen significant growth over the years, with RV ownership increasing by over 62% in the last twenty years.
Currently, about 11.2 million U.S. households own an RV, and this number is expected to rise.
As a seasoned professional in this growing industry, West is well-positioned to provide high-quality services and products to RV owners and enthusiasts alike.
His journey from a trainee in Canada to a business owner in Las Vegas is a testament to his dedication, skill, and entrepreneurial spirit. 
Please check out our instagram account to see all of our RV projects. Our account dates back to 2018 where we showcase most of our RV renovation and customization jobs including a tiny house from a 5th wheel to the ‘expedition like earth roamer’ replica that our client requested. A truly high end, modern build to date.
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waterheatersc · 1 year
Water Heater Wizards
Address: 104 Saluda Ridge Court, West Columbia SC, 19269 Phone: (803) 784-1514 Business Email: [email protected] Water Heater Wizards is a leading water heater replacement company serving the community of West Columbia, South Carolina. With a team of highly skilled technicians and a commitment to exceptional customer service, we are your go-to experts for all your water heater needs. At Water Heater Wizards, we understand the importance of a reliable and efficient hot water supply in your home or business. Whether you need a new water heater installation or a timely replacement, our experienced technicians have the expertise to get the job done right the first time. As your local water heater specialists, we offer a wide range of services, including water heater inspections, repairs, and complete replacements. Our team is well-versed in working with various types and brands of water heaters, ensuring that we can find the perfect solution tailored to your specific requirements. What sets us apart is our commitment to providing top-notch customer service. We prioritize clear communication, transparency, and professionalism in every interaction. Our friendly team is always ready to answer your questions, address your concerns, and guide you through the entire process, from initial assessment to final installation. When you choose Water Heater Wizards, you can expect prompt and reliable service that exceeds your expectations. We strive for complete customer satisfaction, and we take pride in our reputation as the trusted experts in water heater replacement in West Columbia, SC. Contact Water Heater Wizards today to schedule an appointment or learn more about our services. Let us ensure your hot water needs are met efficiently and effectively, leaving you with peace of mind and a reliable water heater system.
#water heater replacement West Columbia #water heater replacement
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plumbtimesc · 2 years
Whenever it comes to appoint the right professionals for water heater repair and installation services then don’t forget to make a call to Plumb Time Plumbing & Drain Services. You can get high-end and affordable services by making a call to our professionals.
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bestchoiceplumbers · 2 years
Are you looking for sewer repair in Columbia? Best Choice Plumbers' video inspection cameras can find cracked or damaged pipes that are causing or contributing to clogs. The sooner these issues are resolved, the better, as they can only get worse. For more information visit-https://bestchoiceplumbers.com or Contact-301-774-4800, 866-382-5878 (Toll Free)
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wanekon749 · 2 years
In just two simple steps, reset an electric water heater
Think about it. Monday morning is bitterly cold. Six times have been used, and a seventh would have been used if your spouse hadn't threatened to suffocate you while you slept. As an alternative, you sigh deeply, pull the covers back, and dash to the bathroom. Once the shower is running and the glorious steam has reached the shower curtain, you step inside. Your nice, hot shower practically turns to sleet two milliseconds after you finish soaping up. “GAAAAAAAAH! ", you exclaim. What in the bleep happened to the hot water? ”
It's true that one could have worse plumbing "situations," but still. Yet that one? the one whose eyes are being splashed with shampoo? Which one do you mean, the one where you're fumbling around in the dark for a towel to stop your teeth from chattering? That undoubtedly ranks among the Top 10 Unfunny Home Ownership Experiences.
Start by inspecting your electrical panel. Go to your electrical panel, which is typically in the garage, basement, or storage room, and look for the "water heater" circuit.
If the breaker is currently off, turn it on. If it stays there, you can probably assume that everything unpleasant was an accident and carry on with your life. Call an electrician, however, if it quickly or suddenly switches back to OFF.
Flip the breaker to the off position if it is currently on.
(573) 240-8464 [email protected] 5150 Interstate 70 Dr SW, Columbia MO 65203 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 7 am-5 pm
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nahastips · 2 years
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princesingh74883 · 28 days
heating and cooling
Maximize Your Savings with Heat PumpRebates in Lower Mainland
As the Lower Mainland prepares for another hot summer, Veteran Heating and Cooling offers the perfect solution with our heat pump installation services. Not only do heat pumps provide efficient year-round cooling and heating, but they also come with significant financial incentives. Homeowners can take advantage of up to $16,000 in rebates through the CleanBC program, making it an ideal time to upgrade your HVAC system.
Benefits of Heat Pumps: Energy Efficiency and Savings
Heat pumps are celebrated for their energy efficiency, with the potential to reduce energy bills by up to 50% compared to traditional heating and cooling systems. This is a considerable saving, especially during the peak summer months when energy consumption typically increases. Moreover, heat pumps contribute to a greener environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, perfectly aligning with British Columbia's sustainability goals.
Enhance Your Home Comfort with Heat Pumps
Beyond cost savings and environmental benefits, heat pumps significantly improve indoor comfort. They maintain consistent temperatures, eliminate hot and cold spots, and enhance air quality by filtering out allergens. Additionally, their quiet operation ensures a peaceful home environment, making them an excellent choice for maintaining comfort all year long.
Veteran HVAC: Your Trusted Partner in Heat Pump Installation
At Veteran HVAC, we pride ourselves on our commitment to customer satisfaction. Our team guides homeowners through every step of the process, from selecting the right heat pump model to navigating the rebate applications. We strive to make your transition to a heat pump as smooth and rewarding as possible.
Act Fast: Take Advantage of the CleanBC Rebate Program
The CleanBC rebate program is a limited-time offer, so it’s crucial to act quickly. Whether you’re replacing an old furnace, upgrading your air conditioning, or installing a new heat pump, now is the perfect time. The substantial rebates not only make the initial investment more affordable but also provide long-term savings on your energy bills.
Comprehensive HVAC Services by Veteran Heating and Cooling
In addition to heat pump installation, Veteran HVAC offers a wide range of HVAC services, including furnace installation, air conditioning repair, and water heater services. Our experienced technicians deliver top-notch service, backed by a satisfaction guarantee. We are committed to providing reliable solutions that enhance your home’s comfort and energy efficiency.
Schedule Your Heat Pump Consultation Today
For those interested in exploring the benefits of heat pumps and the available rebates, Veteran HVAC offers comprehensive consultations. Our experts will assess your home’s specific needs and recommend the best solutions to enhance your comfort and efficiency.
Don’t let the summer heat catch you off guard. Take advantage of the cool savings offered by Veteran Heating and Cooling and enjoy a comfortable, energy-efficient home. Visit our heat pump rebate blog post to learn more and schedule your consultation today.
heating and cooling
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winter reminiscence pt . 2
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Summary: Upon meeting Timothee on the bus, Y/N goes to her favorite bookstore, while Timothee goes out to his study place, to get their minds off of each other. Unfortunately, for both of them it is a small world they live in and luck was not on their side, or was it?
word count: 1,967                                                                                     reading time aprox: 7 mins
timothee's pov
From the turn the bus had taken after she had gotten off to a few stations down, I sat despairingly in my seat, cooped up in evident mental suppression. I ran my fingers through my curls, while my other hand played with the ‘Columbia University’ tassel that hung from my side pocket, scanning the surroundings and finding the bus a ghost town. 
“Kid, this is the last stop” The bus driver announced over the loudspeaker, the wheels screeching to a halt, catching my attention.
“Sorry, thank you” I apologized, apprehensively waving a hand to gesture my atonement. With that I stepped off the bus and made my merry way to the coffee shop where I would buy my daily dose of caffeine. 
The sign read “bon café” in luminescent script, surrounded by cartoons of miniature succulents and vines that draped across the cafe’s door frame. The aesthetic of the place reminded me of the trips to Marseille with my dad whenever I’d fly to France to meet him. The greek inspired textured walls, the little ornaments of boats, and the paintings of water would be what my father called “la plus belle époque architecturale”.
Standing by the counter, I took my place in line while listening to the muted tracks of ‘Jingle Bells’ and ‘White Christmas’ that battled against the chatter that filled the atmosphere. As soon as I got to the front, I ordered a hot chocolate and a buttered bagel, knowing that I was going to be here for a while. 
I picked up my order from the counter, and chose a two-seater in the corner where a single ficus stood, an overhead light illuminating the table. I rested my Anthropology textbook in front of me, opening to the review page as I studied for my Midterms. 
The rings of the welcome bell by the front door would take me out of my concentration, although I tried to focus on the material in front of me. But what really did it for me was the change of music in the place, the cheery seasonal playlist was swapped out for a Beatles song, specifically, ‘Here Comes The Sun’, more specifically:
her favorite song
It seemed as if I suddenly forgot how to read as my eyes scanned the same phrase over and over again. With this, I closed the book aggressively, shutting my eyes in irritation and dragging my hands over my face. In addition to this, as the song ended, ‘She Loves You’, another song from the beatles, came on. 
With a groan, I rested my head on the surface of the table, banging my head in attempt to physically shake out all the sensations and memories I wish I regretted. 
“She’s my best friend Y/N! Why can’t you understand that” I muttered in a low tone, pinching the bridge of my nose as I tried to keep this stupid and unreasonable fight to rest. 
“I’m not saying I don’t understand Timmy, I get it! She’s your best friend and I understand that completely. But how do you expect me to react when she’s telling all her little friends that you, quote on quote, told her you wanted to kiss her” She counteracted, crossing her arms while shaking her head at me, which seemed to fuel me even more.  
“That’s how we joke around and it was through text. Gosh, can you even take a joke?” I justified
“So that’s joking around, huh. Right Timmy? That’s joking around” She asked, sarcasm dripping off every word she spoke. “But whenever another guy dm’s me, suddenly, you want to log into my account to check them out and then magically they get erased from my message box. Right Timmy?” 
I stood silent as anger began bubbling through my veins, traveling upwards towards my face as rouge began to show through my pale skin. With clenched fists, and gritted teeth, I managed to get out “So what do you want me to do, huh, do you want to stop being friends with her?” 
“That’s not what I’m saying Chalamet, I’m literally just here confronting you on a situation that I’ve heard of” She stated, letting out a breath as her passive-aggressive words slipped out from her lips. 
“But that’s what you want, don’t you? You want me to stop talking to her?”
“That’s not what I’m sayi-”
“No you tell me” I stated firmly, cutting her off mid-sentence. “If that’s what it takes for you to drop this, I will” I confessed, staring at her blankly, my lips frozen in a line. 
“Yes” She nodded, sighing as she rubbed the side of her temples. “But I don’t want you to do it, if you really don’t want to. I don’t want to sacrifice your convenience for mine” She added on, her natural compassion trickling into her speech. 
Taking out my phone, I searched up the contact that I had of my best friend and with a little hesitation, clicked the block button and placed my phone back in my pocket. 
“There” I replied dryly. “Anything for you” 
y/n’s pov
Trudging through the melted ice, I made my way to a modest bookstore that nobody really knew about. It was in a quaint neighborhood in Brooklyn that had old fashioned cobble streets, filled with extraordinary and history filled antique shops, charming eateries and cafes, museums, and statues of people long gone.
Quickening my pace, I pushed against the glass door and into the, fortunately, heated space filled with countless amounts of literature. What I loved about this secret library was that it was a hidden gem in the area as it isn’t particularly visible compared to the garnished and well-decorated buildings beside it. 
The plain peach walls and the small reading benches created a cozy atmosphere, a perfect place to sit down and embark on adventures through other people’s written words. 
Shimmying through the aisles, my fingers ran to touch the spines of the old books as I, once again, found myself in between the ‘coming-of-age’ and ‘historical dramas’ section. Closing my eyes, I continued to feel the books until I landed on a random novel, plucking it out of the shelf, I opened my eyes to see printed “Little Women” as the title. 
With a curious smile, I read the blurb eager to set upon another expedition. Maybe one to get my mind off of my own trying times. It seemed to be about four sisters, set back in the Civil War Era, that described the values of poverty and family. 
Approving the book, I read the first few pages and walked over to the counter, where a brittle old lady with an obnoxious hat and humongous reading glasses sat idle. 
“Good afternoon” I greeted, handing her the copy I had taken from the shelf, waiting patiently as she tried finding the barcode for the book. 
“Little Women I see, I remember when I was about your age I would find myself gravitating towards this book again and again” She grinned, releasing a hearty chuckle that ended up in a coughing fit. “Pardon me, I guess the old lungs don’t work like they ought to” She admitted. 
Throughout her spiel, numerous scans had been demonstrated and nothing but a red bulb light up, indicating there was some sort of error. “Oh golly me, I apologize for the inconvenience young lady. I guess I’m not the only one getting old” She joked. 
I politely joined in, but ultimately grimaced as she proceeded to bang on the machine with unknowing force. “This might be a while” She bashfully disclosed. “If anything, please feel free to browse, this’ll be about 15 to 30 minutes”
With a courteous nod, I notified her of my return later on as I stepped outside of the store, basking in the imposing village around me. With a breath of fresh air, my eyes landed on an archaic coffee shop embellished with shrubbery across the street to where I was. 
I squinted my eyes at the outside menu plastered on a chalkboard near the entrance, although my nearsightedness limited me as I only recognized blots of white chalk and of what looked like script. 
An abrupt grumbling noise broke the quiet air and I felt a twist in my stomach. Suddenly, I felt the craving for a chocolate croissant and maybe a brownie or three. The scent traveling from the crepe cart near me didn’t help with the situation, my sense of smell lolling in the piquant aroma. 
I walked across the street clutching my stomach as I was rather not keen in being cold and hungry. The glass front came into view, squaring in on various college students chatting about or studying and business men absorbed into typing furiously on their laptops. 
Opening the door, I was instantly hugged by the smell of coffee and the warmth provided by the old fashioned heaters, finding a spot on line to order a few things.
timothee’s pov
The ringing of the cafe bell snapped me out of my thoughts, bringing me back to reality, where I suppressed those memories in the back of my head. Opening my textbook once again, I forced myself to invest my full fledged attention to the course. 
At least that was the initial plan, when a phone dropped in front of my table for the second time today, causing me to do a double take as the scene from my memories has discernibly come to life in front of me.
y/n’s pov
“Shit!” I cursed gracefully, tripping over an old rug and hearing the sound of my phone’s impending doom. With a sigh, I turned around with a croissant stapled to my lips and a brownie bag in one hand. “I’m so sorry-” I mumbled through the baked good, but stopped when found my phone in the same place as it was before. 
Realization hit me and mortification soon inundated my stance, my current appearance giving a sharp blow to my dignity as Timothee sat handsomely in his seat. 
“You seriously need pants with deeper pockets” He quipped, handing me my phone with an uncomfortable smile. Gazing at my state with condolence. 
“Thank you...” I paused, “Again for, you know, saving my phone” I replied stiffly. Never meeting his fixed stare, I focused on the tips of my shoelaces, reminiscing on my favorite episode of Phineas and Ferb, my thoughts carelessly diverting my attention to these fond memories. 
“So, um, how have you been?” He asked with a tight smile, folding his textbook close. 
“I’ve been great” I replied a little too enthusiastically like I had something to prove. I looked at him chastely, noticing the flecks of brown in his irises, something I’d spend hours fixated on when we’d lie in bed. “How’s college going on for you?” I asked, referring to the book in front of him. 
“Oh yeah, college, it’s difficult, I guess” He answered with a dry chuckle, scratching the back of his head. 
Sensing the unpleasantness in the air, I nodded at him and smiled, the chattering voices in the background unable to fill the awkward silence between us. “Um, anyway. I best be going” I said, the words basically fumbling out from my tongue. 
I hastily reeled around, making a full 180 as my heartbeat threatened to fall out of my chest with the pace it’s been going at. Tucking my phone in my back pocket, I pursued an escape route from the arduous ambience. 
However, the action was pulled to a halt when I felt an all too familiar hand grip my wrist falteringly. 
Timothee spoke with a dawdling and reluctant voice, in which I turned around prudently, looking into his unreadable eyes. 
But at least this time, he was looking back at mine. 
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waterheatersonlysblog · 4 months
Water Heater Replacement Maple Ridge: Ensuring Comfort and Efficiency
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