#Hot Brown Morning Potion Podcast
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halyasgirl · 3 months ago
 I think we got the canon depiction of Runaan and Ethari’s wedding.
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From the Hot Brown Morning Potion Podcast Episode 5 - The Deluxe Elf Interview with Devon Giehl and Iain Hendry:
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an-actual-attack-helicopter · 1 year ago
I have a yummy little Viravos breadcrumb for you. A real sweet one.
57 minutes into episode 27 of Hot Brown Morning Potion Podcast and the ship is brought up. The interviewer offhandedly calls Aaravos’s ritual scandalous. “Why is it so scandalous for a thousands of years old semi-deity elf and a perfectly lovely human man to have a cosmic connection,” Aaron Ehasz responds with a hesitant tone, “and for that connection to create a love child with sparkly wings and
yk?” He then went on to say he didn’t really think of it in the dirty way some other people do.
I’m dying
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apogean-tides · 2 years ago
Rayla: Runaan, he saved my life! Runaan: That doesn't mean anything! He's human he's probably playing tricks on you. Rayla: How could someone possibly fake jumping off the storm spire?! Runaan: Dark magic is a powerful thing, Rayla. You're not associating with that thing. End of discussion. [Later] Ethari: Oh look Runaan, it's that Earthblood elf I was talking about! Can we keep him? :D Runaan: Y-yes, of course darling...
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apogean-tides · 1 year ago
I fucking love Devon Giehl she's such a ruthari enthusiast and advocate
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there has been 0 days since i've thought about this.
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ac0531 · 7 months ago
Listened to the latest podcast from HBMP and gathered some amazing things Aaron said about Rayllum!!
“Apologies are important and they are a way of communicating that you did something which affected the other person and shows you are changing. But the key part is do you know how you hurt someone and are you changing! Show it!! And Rayla sees it and it is clear overtime that she acknowledges her mistake.”- Aaron
“Callum is ‘I love you so much! How did I not just embrace you and sort it out after you came back.’. People wrong each other when defending themselves, and I think they’ve grown through it and they’ve gone back to the place where their bond is stronger, and now here they are.”- Aaron
“You love a person and you messed up, there’s a little bit of give and acceptance of those moments.” “- Aaron
Seriously, Aaron you are amazing!!!
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raayllum · 1 year ago
AARON: I mean, like you kill a Magma Titan and take its heart. You saved, you know, thousands and thousands of starving people. Like, maybe that's worth it. Maybe you make that trade, or maybe, maybe it's wrong. No matter, there's no way to put a you know—it's trolley problems, right? It's like, you know...
KUNO: Yeah, it's a trolley problem.
AARON:  But yeah, I think you're—you're right in characterizing it as it's certainly a more complex, you know, justification that is required to pursue dark magic. And there are some people who would not accept that justification. But what's interesting about it is, you know, the questions, there are questions, you can you can come out on either side of it. You know, there are cases, you know, would Rayla have died if Callum hadn’t used dark magic? Yeah. I think she would have.  So did he have to? Are we thankful that he did? Thank goodness—well yes, we love Rayla! Well of course we needed him to do that. You know what I mean? Then there’s some kind of morality that sometimes is based on your attachment. Now if you said, should Callum use dark magic to save one person, knowing that he'll—he may be corrupted for the long term and his potential to be, you know, a hero in the future may be altered and his potential to be manipulated or you know, go down the wrong path, all that risk to save one person? Well, now you might say, “Oh no he shouldn’t—for one person?” But then if I go, “But it was Rayla!” then you go “Oh no, [laughs] yeah, he needs to do it!” [KUNO laughs] So I don’t know. But it’s also even that, right? It comes down to “well, in that moment, what did he do?” Well in that moment, he took like a—I-I think the ingredient is a piece of a snake rattle—
KUNO: Or something. Yeah, something like that.
AARON: “He didn’t even kill it, it was already dead, it was already dead man, what did he do?” Well, I don’t know. He supported the system, so it is complex. It’s worth arguing about, a bit. There’s not a clear right or wrong. There are risks. There are long term consequences. Those are baked into it. But I don't know. When—when it’s your Mom in trouble, what do you do? You do the dark magic! You save Mom, right? I do.
—Hot Brown Morning Potion Podcast interview with Aaron Ehasz and Villads Spansberg
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beautifulterriblequeen · 11 months ago
listening to HBMP's S5 Interview with Aaron and Villads and I'm at the part where they're talking about Rayla's ability to maim Claudia as character growth
it's true too
she used to not be able to harm people, but for love of Zym she tackled Viren to his death, and in S5, for love of Callum and Ezran she sliced off Claudia's leg. that's definitely growth
thing about growth: it's not all positive. you ever seen a seed get confused and grow the wrong direction?
my favorite parallel to Rayla growing through hurting people (to defend those she loves) is Claudia growing through resurrecting people (by committing dark magic sins for the spell components)
they're growing.
what a lovely garden.
anyway it's a great episode, give it a listen!
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kuno-chan · 3 months ago
Hot Brown Morning Potion Podcast, Episode 31 - Season 7 Spoiler Review
It's here! We've got quite a bit to say about the highly anticipated season 7 and what we think could come next now that we have all seven seasons. Check it out!
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no-cinnamon-for-synonym · 9 months ago
Unrelated to the drama, but I've read bloodmoon huntress and other than that and the show is there any more else runaan related content that I can consume? (sorry if this is weirdly worded english is not my first language)
The Dragon Prince's official website has all sorts of stuff on it that are fun to read. Here's some Runaan related content from there:
Character lineup coming the heights of different characters
Runaan's birthday post
Lunabloom: A Story from the Silvergrove
Reflections: Inheritance
Everyday Xadia: Digital Comics (Vol. 1)
Reflections: Deep Below
@kuno-chan and Hailey also have a podcast, Hot Brown Morning Potion, that contains some Runaan stuff. Specifically Episode 5, The Deluxe Elf Interview. My personal favourite. There's also Episode 7, Interview with Jonathan Holmes, the English VA for Runaan. I've been meaning to listen to Episode 20, Bloodmoon Huntress Review, for a while now. You can listen to them for free on Spotify, Anchor, Apple Podcasts, and other places iirc.
This is all I can think of off the top of my head. There's always fanfiction, though!
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thugamerica · 7 months ago
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jkjmkkchljc · 7 months ago
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Beautiful dress. Party
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no-cinnamon-for-synonym · 8 months ago
There was never concept art because it got shot down early on (due to tdp being a kids show, you know; Runaan is illegally hot), but I believe it was revealed either on twitter or the Hot Brown Morning Potion podcast (perhaps the Deluxe Elf episode?) that Runaan was originally supposed to have thigh slit pants.
runaan better get a new outfit in season 7 and it better serve CUNT
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an-actual-attack-helicopter · 1 year ago
Alright I know y’all are starving for dragon prince news and I’ve got something that will help.
New one. Great for all us Viren fans. I’ll add my thoughts on this post after I’ve listened to the whole thing.
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raayllum · 1 year ago
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The way he's not but then he looks at her, and sees that she's okay, so at least momentarily, he is too. His eyes / expression just getting perpetually softer. And this is, I think, the one time in the season other than the stargaze "head on shoulder" touch that Rayla initiates in the whole season as well
But like - of course, he's not okay
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And the final hesitation before he takes his hands - unclasping them, now 'stained' more than ever - and hugs her back, because he won't refuse her comfort
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After all, he did this for her:
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AARON: But yeah, I think you're—you’re right in characterizing it as it’s certainly a more complex, you know, justification that is required to pursue dark magic. And there are some people who would not accept that justification. But what’s interesting about it is, you know, the questions, there are questions, you can you can come out on either side of it. You know, there are cases, you know, would Rayla have died if Callum hadn’t used dark magic? Yeah. I think she would have.  So did he have to? Are we thankful that he did? Thank goodness—well yes, we love Rayla! Well of course we needed him to do that. You know what I mean? Then there’s some kind of morality that sometimes is based on your attachment. Now if you said, should Callum use dark magic to save one person, knowing that he'll—he may be corrupted for the long term and his potential to be, you know, a hero in the future may be altered and his potential to be manipulated or you know, go down the wrong path, all that risk to save one person? Well, now you might say, “Oh no he shouldn’t—for one person?” But then if I go, “But it was Rayla!” then you go “Oh no, [laughs] yeah, he needs to do it!” [KUNO laughs] So I don’t know. But it’s also even that, right? It comes down to “well, in that moment, what did he do?” Well in that moment, he took like a—I-I think the ingredient is a piece of a snake rattle [...] “He didn’t even kill it, it was already dead, it was already dead man, what did he do?” Well, I don’t know. He supported the system, so it is complex. It’s worth arguing about, a bit. There’s not a clear right or wrong. There are risks. There are long term consequences. Those are baked into it. But I don’t know. When—when it’s your Mom in trouble, what do you do? You do the dark magic! You save Mom, right? I do.
—Hot Brown Morning Potion Podcast interview with Aaron Ehasz and Villads Spansberg
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beautifulterriblequeen · 11 months ago
I recently listened to Hot Brown Morning Potion Podcast's Deluxe Elf Interview again, and with more seasons and insight, something new popped for me.
It really doesn't sound like Ethari is from the Silvergrove. The village is described as being very shadowy and goth, perfect for Runaan and full of assassins. It also seems to be the only Moonshadow village that's quite this way.
With Ethari dressing so differently, sounding different (more on that in a tic), and having a very different personality, I don't think he grew up in the Silvergrove. He's not really a gothy kind of guy. It seems far more likely, as in some of our old headcanons, that he moved there when he married Runaan, or thereabouts. As an adult, anyway, with his accent in place.
About accents: this is a new thought I have not heard anyone say but it just hit me while writing this post: if Rayla and Ethari both came to the Silvergrove from outside it, then maybe the Silvergrove Accent is British.
Runaan's assassin team have a mix of accents, and it makes sense that not all assassins come from the same village but they would go there to train with the best of them. But my favorite detail is that Andromeda has a British accent. She's a local! Which means I can dovetail this hc with my "Andromeda and Runaan are half siblings and Lujanne is their mom" headcanon.
Further thoughts: if Ethari moved to the Silvergrove for Runaan, I'd love to see them both leave. Literally and metaphorically. Let's get Runaan living in a nice soft place that fits Ethari next time they need a village to live in. I think it would be good for both of them.
Ethari cries easily. He wept alone from stress over Lain and Tiadrin and Runaan's mission, and he cried silently, covering his own mouth as if even the mere sound of sorrow is not allowed in the Silvergrove, when Runaan's lotus sank.
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The Silvergrove is where Ethari moved, for love. But every choice has a cost, and it's whatever you're giving up at the same time - whatever you cannot simultaneously choose. Ethari seems to have given up some things that were important to his emotional health. I'd love to see them settling somewhere that allows for more expression of individuality, for both their sakes, or at least that Ethari has spent the past two years in some kind of place where he could have that for himself.
An emotionally open and stable Ethari could fix me. I mean Runaan. 😇
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mo-nmage · 1 year ago
@tategaminu yes he said it in a hot brown morning potion podcast and i haven't been able to sleep well since then LMAOOO
interviewer: “will we be revisiting that relationship in terms of where he kinda would do anything for her?”
aaron: “we might [...] would she do anything for him? and what would he call upon her to do if that was the case. that's a question we'll ask next season”
The fact that the first images of S6 are Callum and Rayla makes me really really happy about their moments but really really concerned about their safety at the same time.
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