#Hosted Call Center Solution
jasmine01 · 4 months
Affordable Hosted Call Center Services - SAN Softwares 
Discover the power of affordable Hosted Call Center Services by SAN Softwares. Streamline your communication channels effortlessly with our reliable solutions. Enhance customer interactions, optimize operations, and scale your business seamlessly, all at a cost-effective price point. Elevate your call center experience with SAN Softwares today.
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Call Center Solution for Small Businesses: Benefits And More
Many people think that a call center solution can be used only by the call centers or big enterprises. However, the fact is, a call center solution can be used by any sized business, including small businesses. Similar to enterprises and call centers, small businesses can also gain many benefits by using a call center solution. If there are any budget constraints, then small businesses can also use a hosted call center solution, which offers pay as go models.
In this blog, I will share some of the major benefits of a call center solution for small businesses.
1. Increase lead generation and sales
For any small business, one of the most crucial things is continuously converting leads to increase sales. If a small business fails to generate and convert more leads or if the pace of lead generation and conversion is too slow, then they are more likely to get stuck at a stage. This happens to many small businesses. A call center solution is an advanced tool, which can be used for cold calling as well as to handle the leads received from the website or other resources. A call center solution usually offers a wide array of features that can be used to handle calls more convincingly. Therefore, small businesses can increase lead generation as well as lead conversion by using a feature rich call center solution.
2. Retain existing customers
For a small business, even a small customer is big. All businesses need to retain their customers because it helps in assuring repeat business and a continuous stream of revenues. For small businesses, retaining all customers is an even more crucial job. Losing a customer is not just losing revenues, but reducing ROI and increasing expenses. Therefore, it is necessary for small businesses to retain their customers. A call center solution offers an amazing range of features that can help all businesses retain their existing customers by offering a prompt and on-time support services. Small businesses can gain a competitive edge and match the standards of big competitors by enhancing their customer care and post sales services by using a call center solution.
3. Maximize resource utilization
For any small business, one of the most important goals is to maximize resource utilization. Assuring the best possible resource utilization means that the business can take advantage of reduced expenses. The call center solution can make sure that all executives in a small business can attend multiple calls. This is unlike a traditional system, in which executives have to take calls one by one or they have to use personal phone numbers. In both cases, measuring productivity and fair utilization of resources become impossible. A call center solution lets small businesses monitor resource utilization and productivity as well as make measuring productivity easier.
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freepbxaavaz · 1 year
Cold Call Management Software
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Aavaz provide solutions for most of the call centers in India. We are one of the best and trusted cold call management software providers in India.
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teckinfosolutions · 7 months
Call Center IVR Software: Benefits, Uses, Best Practices
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If you're running a call centre, you know that customer satisfaction is key. You also know that managing a call centre can be a lot of work. IVR software can help take some of the load off the agents by automating certain tasks.
But what is IVR software? And how can it benefit your call centre? In this article, we'll answer those questions and more. We'll also give you some best practices for using IVR software and tell you whether or not it's the right solution for your call centre.
What Is IVR Software?
IVR systems are computer systems that interact with callers to guide them through a series of options. IVR systems are often used by call centres as a way to automate customer service.
Some common features of IVR systems include
●     The ability to play pre-recorded messages
●     Collect input from the caller
●     Route calls to the appropriate destination
IVR systems can be used for a variety of purposes, including customer service, sales, marketing, and even human resources.
How Can IVR Benefit Your Call Centre?
IVR systems can be a great addition to any call center, providing benefits such as increased productivity, improved customer satisfaction, and cost savings.
An IVR system can help to increase productivity in a call centre by automating customer service. This means that a lot of calls can be handled more quickly and efficiently, freeing up agents to deal with other tasks.
An IVR system can help to improve customer satisfaction by giving customers the option to reach a human agent if they are not able to resolve their issue through the automated system.
An IVR system can also help to save money for a call centre. This is because an IVR system can handle large volumes of calls without the need for additional staff.
In addition, an IVR system can help to reduce the amount of time that agents spend on each call, which reduces costs.
Is IVR the right solution for your call centre?
It depends on the specific needs of your business and your customers. However, there are some factors to consider that will help you decide if IVR is the right solution for your call center-
●     Size of Your Call Centre
If you have a small call centre with only a few agents, IVR may not be necessary. However, if you have a large call centre with many agents, IVR can help to increase productivity by automating customer service.
●     Type of Calls That Your Call Centre Receives
If most of the calls are simple and can be easily handled by an automated system, then IVR may be a good solution. However, if most of the calls are complex and require human interaction, then a multi-level IVR may be the best solution
●     The Needs of Your Customers
If your customers are comfortable using an automated system and do not need to speak to a human agent, then IVR may be a good solution. However, if your customers prefer to speak to a human agent or if they have complex questions that need to be answered, then the IVR solution would need to have the smart outing capabilities.
When determining if an IVR system is the best solution for your call centre, there are several factors to consider. The size of your call centre and the types of calls you typically receive are two important factors. Additionally, you need to take into account the needs of your customers when making a decision. By taking all of these factors into consideration, you can determine which IVR system is right for your call centre.
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siplinkin · 9 months
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callcenterstech · 2 years
How do I configure VICIdial Hosting?
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vicidial cloud server is a refined call community arrangement that satisfies the contemporary requirements for client administrations. The correspondence of your business should be continuous and all around planned in view of the everyday client information. VICIdial utilizes the client information beneficially. One can modify it according to the requirements of the business that lead to productive administration of clients and better business correspondence.
VICIdial on Cloud
gives a total call community arrangement that guarantees a steady help, upgraded efficiency and a never before productivity for your business. vicidial cloud server innovation has fortified its correspondence interface and in light of the imaginative highlights, the thoughts of better correspondence turns out to be seriously encouraging. How about we perceive how VICIdial* facilitating is demonstrating its true capacity in the call community climate.
Better Business Communication
VICIdial* guarantees a superior business correspondence between the specialists and the clients. The correspondence thoroughly relies on how successfully the specialists connect with the clients. A useful correspondence relies upon very much gathered client data and the measurements engaged with it.
VICIdial* is planned with a strong call structure. A very much organized call plan and directing choices give improved results to make the correspondence stage more outcome situated for the client as well as the specialists.
2. Cost Effectiveness
Cloud innovation and cost viability walk together. hosted vicidial* depends on cloud and that is the reason the financial aspects behind its dialer set up and execution are very lesser. Since VICIdial* depends on a product, its establishment is very simple and it tends to be introduced on any PC.
VICIdial* on cloud gives a total stage to the specialist client correspondence. A specialist needs nothing else to execute the client service process. The extra elements that accompany the VICIdial* don’t request additional cash.
3. Highlights that go with the Needs
Flexiblity and Scalability show up with the cloud innovation and due to a similar explanation VICIdial* truly do convey these properties too. The size of your client base and the quantity of specialists expected to manage it stay compatible with the elements of hosted vicidial. Highlights like programmed call directing, call recording, plan for a callback, getting the data from the client information base assist the specialists with having a useful discussion with the clients. You can without much of a stretch tweak these element as indicated by the necessities of your business and come by the best outcomes.
Alongside the essential arrangement of elements that each contact place programming ought to have, vicidial hosting likewise accompanies added progressed functionalities that assist with calling focuses to flawlessly work on their business and run their interchanges.
Facilitating hosted vicidial is additionally exceptionally adaptable with regards to the specialized determinations it holds. It is upheld by a wide range of gadgets, including electronic, work areas, android, and iOS gadgets. It is likewise adaptable to a wide range of organizations little, medium, or endeavor level.
Another thing that demonstrates its flexibility is the way that it tends to be coordinated with various sorts of business applications to make the interaction for specialists smooth.
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Top Tips to Choose a Hosted Call Center Solution
Call center software is in use by several companies and enterprises. To support businesses with a limited budget as well as companies that want to minimize the risk factor, call center software provider companies have started offering hosted call center solutions.
Hosted call center software means you pay for the software use and you do not buy it. Therefore, the monthly cost of using it compared to the license cost of a ready-to-buy call center solution is really low. It also reduces the risk factor as you do not invest too much. You are running a business cycle; paying fees yet making a profit. All these factors have increased the popularity of hosted call center solutions. In fact, using it is indeed beneficial for businesses. However, it is necessary to select the right hosted call center solution.
In this article, I will share 4 major tips to help you get the right hosted solution for your business.
1. Take a demo
A majority of businesses use this software as it is cheaper and feature-rich and expecting the same is necessary. To ensure that the software has all the required and other advanced features necessary. For example, even if you do not want to invest in an omnichannel call center solution at the moment, ensuring that the provider has it as part of a hosted solution will work in your favor.
2. Ensure it is hosted on the cloud
Generally, hosted call center solutions are set up in the cloud space only. Still, it is important to cross-check with the vendor. Also, check which cloud hosting platform they are using. This will help in ensuring the uptime of the software along with the quality of SLA (Service Level Agreement).
3. Ensure the ‘Pay as You Go’ model is available
This is one of the best benefits of using a hosted call center solution, but of course, only available if your provider has provisioned for it. As you use this software on a rented basis, you can increase seats and features as per your changing business needs. For example, if you are using only voice calling on normal days, but during the holiday season, you want to get call center WhatsApp integration, then your provider should be able to provide that. Furthermore, you should have the liberty of removing WhatsApp from the available communication channels if you do not need it anymore.
In all these cases, you get billed only for your usage. This and many similar examples define pay as you model. Without a doubt, it can maximize flexibility and ROI both at the same time.
4. Check the technical support contract
Generally, all expenses related to the call center software such as its hosting, maintenance, upgrade, etc. are taken care of by the company offering a hosted solution. Still, to ensure you are not getting charged for this, it is necessary to ask the requisite question and also examine the support contract. Moreover, it is also important to check the support contract because if in the future, you need this service, you know what the expense of it is and what would be covered. 
Are you looking for a hosted call center solution?
Elision offers the best hosted call center software with amazing features. To know more about this software, please visit https://www.elisiontec.com/cloud-call-center-service-saas/ 
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roguelov · 2 years
Hand of God
Summary: It’s late, and your thoughts are spiraling out of control. So, you decide to take a walk. A walk which leads you to the rec center where an AA meeting is taking place. But, will the thoughts be silenced for long? And what will happen if Father Paul reaches out to help, will you accept it?
Word Count: ~5.7k
Reader: Afab
Warnings: Smut (priest kink, praise kink, fingering), mentions of alcoholism and overwhelming thoughts (nothing specific)
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Damn it.
They were back again tonight.
Fear. Depression. Anxiety. Rage. Self-Loathing.
They have barged in as they do almost every night, right at the exact moment when the last bit of sun vanished behind the horizon, to tease and torment. To scream in your ears and drown out every other thoughts or feelings that remotely brought you an ounce of comfort or joy. To gleefully drag you down into unknown depths of yourself you had yet to explore.
For a long time, you had a simple trick to silence them, one that instantly worked: alcohol. But, it wasn’t a solution. No, it was a mere bandage on the gaping wound. So, you learned to cope. AA meetings, therapy, exercising, yoga and meditation, hobbies, you’ve done it all. And it worked, you started to live again - not survive.
The problem - the biggest one that no one cared to mention - was they never truly went away. Those volatile emotions lingered in the deepest, darkest recesses of your mind. You thought it was over. But, it never was or will be. They only became dormant, giving you a false sense of security.
That was all you could do.
But, tonight they were back.
And they were loud, they were demanding.
Laying in bed, you squeezed your eyes shut and plugged your ears.
Silence. Please, I just need silence.
But, they didn’t relent.
You huffed, and ripped off your sheets. In your light grey sweatpants splattered with old paint stains - another hobby you tried and failed at - and the oversized black shirt - that had faded to an off dark navy from its countless washes - you grabbed a jacket, shoved on worn down boots and darted out your front door.
Away. You just needed to get away.
You stumbled down your porch steps, and sped off into the night. You didn’t care where. You didn’t even mind the chilly air - the clawing remnants of winter fighting to stay. You just simply couldn’t get away from your house’s confining walls fast enough.
Zipping up your jacket, you flicked up the collar bracing yourself against the cold. You shoved your hands into your pockets and followed the rocky path. Even in the moonless night, you easily kept on the path. You walked it thousands and thousands of times, you knew every pebble, and every bend. Sighing, your spiraling thoughts tried to settle. It tried to shift more outwardly, than inward, to the biting cold worming its way under your clothes, to the late frost nipping at your fingertips and the tip of your nose. Your thoughts called out for your need for heat and survival.
But, those voices still lingered, still whispered against the night breeze.
You marched, following the winding path past houses and their sleeping hosts, skating around the surrounding ocean, and soon towards the church and the rec center. An inviting light from the rec center bled out into the darkness. Of course, a few candles were lit in the church, but you were never the religious type.
You paused, staring at the light. Curious, and with nothing else to occupy your mind, you changed course. Your footsteps softly padded against the sidewalk, silenced by the constant sound of waves crashing and nocturnal animals sprinting in the nearby thickets.
The front door was cracked open, almost as if beckoning you to come in.
Or as if fate, or God for that matter, was guiding you here.
You peered through the slim crack.
Two men, Riley Flynn and Father Paul Hill, sat somewhat uncomfortably across from each other in metal collapsible chairs. Just the two of them in this vast space made to serve the community. It was jarring, and a bit unsettling.
Why just them? Why those two?
Then it clicked: the new AA chapter of Crockett Island.
Your face scrunched up. This was not how you wanted your night to go. Taking a step back, you turned away. But, the voices purred, pleased by this cowardice act. You clenched your fists, gritting your teeth. AA meetings were not new to you. You had your fair share of staring at unfamiliar faces and spilling secrets not even your family knew of.
The voices were right. You were a coward.
But, not for tonight.
For however long it may be, they will be silenced, and for a short-lived moment you will be you again and not this shell - not this husk.
Knocking, you pushed open the door all the way. You poked your head in. Both men snapped their attention over to you. “(Y/N)?” Riley perked up, practically relieved to see another face.
You stepped into the warm building gently shutting the door behind you. Swallowing down your nerves, you said, “I’m sorry, but, uh, is there room for one more?”
Father Paul smiled, somehow overjoyed by all of this. “Of course, please, grab a chair and join us.”
You shuffled over and took a chair off the rack. Under the men’s watchful gaze, you awkwardly walked over, placing the chair between them creating a triangle rather than the typical circle in these meetings. You plopped down, desperately avoiding their eyes. It felt as if they were staring through you, tearing you apart for your secrets.
Riley cleared his throat. “I, uh, I didn’t know you had a uh -“
“Drinking problem? That I too was an alcoholic?” You cut him off with a bit more venom than intended.
Riley dropped his head, muttering, “Yeah.”
Your shoulders drooped down. “I’m sorry that was … yeah I’m sorry. But, yeah I did, well I guess I still do. Everyday is a battle as you probably know, and I still struggle to keep the demons at bay. Some days are easy and some like tonight … not so much.”
“Well, it’s good that you’re here with us,” Father Paul said with a chirper smile.
You wished you could conjure up a smile for him, but you couldn’t. Not now. You sighed, removing your jacket, then leaned back on the uncomfortably hard chair. “Thanks.”
“How long?” Riley asked, now looking at you.
You crossed your arms. “Almost five years sober, or I will be, come early summer.”
Riley nodded.
Father Paul smiled at you, “That’s good, you should be proud.”
“I am.”
He cocked his head. “You don’t really sound like it.”
“I’m sorry, I … I’m just not in the best headspace right now, but I am … I really am.” A smile twitched on your lips. It was a journey, still is, and you intended to see it through till the end.
Not wanting to sit in the pressing silence, you spilled into a story - a random more cheerful story of your youth - quickly feeding into this temporary distraction. Riley smiled, thankful for your presence, and added his own chaotic childhood stories. It all soon devolved from there.
Story after pointless story.
All the while, Father Paul watched you both, a silent third party. His hands were clasped together in prayer, fiddling with his rosary. Pride and joy buzzed in his chest. Two souls have been connected and now aided each other in their troubling times - a miracle, if he said so himself especially given your both utter lack in faith.
But, there was another reason. Another reason for why his chest hummed, another reason for why he smiled so brightly.
And as he watched the two of you, his thoughts drifted and so did his eyes.
They drifted down your face, over your cheekbones, to your parted lips, and then to your jaw, studying how the harsh overhead lights reflected off your angles.
His eyes drifted down further to your exposed neck, and the way you tilted your head listening to Riley’s tale. The Father was completely fascinated by your soft neck, and the surge of temptation which followed to mark and bruise, and draw out such beautifully sinful noises from you.
Then his greedy eyes drifted even lower to your baggy off black t-shirt. With your arms crossed, it accentuated your chest - your breast. He swallowed, shifting in his seat. No bra. You, however, paid no mind to it. And, given your clothing - shirt and sweatpants - you clearly had no intention of coming here beforehand; so Father Paul would chalk it up to either you were unbothered or forgetful. And, oh dear lord, when you moved, arching your back trying to find comfort in these hard rigged chairs, he could see your nipples slightly poking through the cotton fabric.
And still his eyes drifted lower, because there was more room to fall. Your legs were crossed with your mud caked boots pointed out, sometimes bouncing nervously or to a tune trapped in your head. You constantly fidgeted, crossing, uncrossing, and spreading your legs. Oh, Heavenly Father, the priest thought, if he could he would drop to his knees in a heartbeat just to bury his face between your thighs.
His eyes wandered back up.
You laughed lightly, shaking your head. A smile, small and almost unsure to be there, tugged across your lips. Riley chuckled along with you as he finished his story.
Father Paul clutched his beads.
Father Paul hardly spoke, and if he did he only pushed the conversation a little forward. You and Riley mostly carried it, Riley more than you. You suspected he was relieved to be talking about anything other than religious verse Father Paul might spout.
Yet, it was all winding down.
The only tell of passage of time, in this dark hour, was the faint ticking of the wall clock. You swore hours upon hours had passed, but it turned out to be less than one whole hour.
Riley yawned, stretching his legs out.
Father Paul chuckled. “I suppose it is late, it’s best we end this meeting for today.”
“Yeah, I guess, you’re right.” Riley huffed, getting to his feet. He picked up his chair, then looked at you waiting for you to follow.
You threw him a tight lipped smile, but stayed put.
Riley shrugged to himself and said his goodbyes, taking his chair to hang back on the rack.
Father Paul eyed you curiously for a second before standing up and walking Riley out. Their low mumbling bounced in the empty space, yet you couldn’t decipher a single word.
Sighing, you closed your eyes and tipped your head back.
It was starting again. Those damn voices.
“Are you okay?”
You cracked open your eyes. Father Paul stood at your side with a concern etched into his face. “Yeah,” you muttered.
“You don’t sound so sure of yourself.”
You laughed once, and leaned forward bracing yourself against your knees. Your eyes directed onto the recently mopped floors, and not on the Father’s insightful gaze. “I just need a minute. You can go, I promise I’ll lock the door behind me.”
It’s not like much stealing or breaking in happens in this tiny isolated community anyway.
You expected him to leave. Hoped, in a way, he would. Instead, a chair scraped across the floor. You quickly glanced up to see Father Paul back in his chair, now turned facing you head on. He leaned forward, mimicking your slouched posture. His rosary still entangled in his hands.
“Would you like to talk about whatever is afflicting you? You know I am here for you.”
Your eyes couldn’t tear away from the dangling cross. When you spoke it was quiet and dejected. “I don’t really want to hear any bible verses, I’ve heard plenty, and to be honest, I don’t think anything you say Father would help.”
Father Paul dropped his gaze to his hands. He absentmindedly rolled a bead between his thumb and forefinger, an old anxious habit. He huffed through his nose, smiling more to himself. He pocketed the beads into his cardigan. “Okay then,” he leaned back in his chair, “right now I’m not a priest. I’m just a concerned friend.”
You lazily dragged your eyes up, secretly taking him in, and locked with those hypnotically kind chocolate brown eyes. Eyes you dreamt about nearly every night since his surprising arrival.
He tilted his head, smiling softly at you. “So? What’s bothering you?”
The voices were not silenced, an unruly crowd shouting for your attention. However, a new one - a sinfully familiar one - started to take center stage. The new voice purred, absolutely elated in this changing development, and pointed out how close he was, how alone you were with him, how beautiful he looked, how -
Goddamn it.
The Father, as one would suspect, could not help you, not in this changing situation. Not with your demons. Not when this new voice was in the forefront of your mind.
You shook your head, standing up - jumping to your feet. “I’m sorry, I should just go.”
Get out. Get out before you do something stupid.
Grabbing your jacket, you darted off. However, you only got halfway to the exit when he spoke again.
“Please, let me help.”
You froze.
His sweet velvet voice, one that usually commands and guides, was a whisper in such an empty hollow space. And he pleaded - begged to be of service to you.
Peering over your shoulder, he sat on the edge of his seat staring unwaveringly at you. You gripped your jacket, and sighed, “Father -“
“Paul,” he interjected. “I told you I was a friend now, not a priest.”
You bit the inside of your cheek. “Paul. I don’t think you can help me.”
“Just let me try. What do you want? What do you need right now?”
You almost scoffed. Twisting around, you faced him with a sad smile. “What I want is fairly simple, but very hard to obtain.”
“Which is?”
“To forget.”
“Forget what?” His eyebrows knitted together.
“Everything,” you breathed out. “I don’t want to think about anything, for just one moment I want to forget it all.”
The pains, the sorrows, the anger, the desperation, the guilt - all of it. You didn’t want to dwell on any of it.
How could he help?
How could this man make you forget?
He couldn’t. It was your only logical conclusion.
Yet, the priest had a thought, a thought which always stirred when he saw you, a thought which flared since you stumbled in tonight. “Come. Sit.” He licked his lips, sitting back in his chair. “Please.”
You tightened your grip on your jacket.
Go home.
You obeyed his simple command. You were too morbidly curious and hopeful about his possible solution. Your feet carried you over to him, pulled in by his captivating presence. You draped your jacket back across your chair. You moved ready to sit down -
“Not there.”
You blinked, furrowing your brows.
Paul leaned back in his chair with his legs spread apart, gazing up at you. He patted his thigh. “Here.”
Your body tensed up. Your heart, however, leapt into your throat. It fluttered, danced, flipped, sang, etc. Dizzy with a tidal wave of emotions, you whispered, “What?”
Father Paul wasn’t oblivious to it, to your attraction, oh no far from it.
He will admit, more to himself, that in the beginning he assumed your nerves were due to his profession. Most people walked on eggshells around him as if he held their damnation in the palm of his hand, or viewed his absolute devotion as nonsensical. But, those thoughts were swiftly put to rest when he caught you staring.
Always staring.
At a town event, the one of many, eyes burned into the back of his skull. Confused, he spun around and instantly locked eyes with you. You casually played it off, smiling at him then glanced away. Yet, you were undeterred. You continued to eye him hungrily, believing he was completely unaware of it.
Oh, how wrong you were.
And you simply didn’t comprehend the full scope of it. You failed to see how he returned the gesture. With your back turned, or when talking to friends, he drank you in - much like tonight - drank in the obvious temptation that you were.
So, no, he wasn’t oblivious. He knew of your attraction since the beginning.
And he reciprocated it.
“Sit,” he repeated, snapping you out of your daze. “You want to forget? Then sit.”
You didn’t move. Couldn’t. No matter how desperately you craved this. “You really want my dirty sweatpants on you?” You joked, trying to hide your nerves and steadily climbing heartbeat.
He chuckled. “I can assure you it’s perfectly fine. And if anything I fear that I am the one that might smell. I was on my feet all day; and I know I reek of incense.”
You laughed through your nose.
He was right. Your pants may be covered in old, determined to stay, paint stains, but you were also curled up in a scalding hot shower a few hours prior wanting, and hoping, to wash and burn away those voices and thoughts.
It didn’t work. Obviously.
He cocked his head. His eyes dragged up and down your body, then reconnected with yours. “Well?”
Your heart flipped in your chest.
Yes. God, yes.
But, you quickly shook your head. “I’m sorry, I can’t you -“
“Have already made you forget about all your worries,” he pointed out. “Have I not?”
You closed your mouth.
He had.
But, how could you think of anything else? How could you process anything with him sitting in front of you asking you to do things you’ve only dreamt of?
“You are thinking only of here and now and not of anything else, so if it is that simple then please sit.”
You almost hated how he was right.
You closed your eyes, inhaling and exhaling loudly. Opening your eyes, you met his calm, inviting ones. Yet, something flickered behind those sweet brown eyes. Worry? Mischief? Concern? Lust? It was indecipherable.
“Okay,” you whispered.
You straddled his legs, his knees more accurately, sitting as far away as you could even with this close proximity. Your hands dangled loosely at your side, unsure where they should go. Your heart pounded in your chest. A fire bloomed over your chest and to the tips of your ears.
This is ridiculous. Why am I doing this? And - and -
He tilted his head back a little to gaze into your eyes as you nearly loomed over him. A smile, so kind yet so dangerous, danced over his lips. His eyes held the key to both your salvation and damnation. “See? Not so bad.” He smiled up at you. “But, if I may …”
He bounced his legs.
Inhaling sharply, you toppled forward. Your bodies collided. Your hands flew up, bracing yourself on his shoulders. His sturdy hands latched onto your hips, keeping you in place, keeping you on his thighs and over his -
Don’t think about that - fuck don’t -
“I got you,” he hummed. He laughed at your wide eyes, and completely shocked expression. Smiling, he reached up, brushing his fingers over your cheek. “Better.”
You shivered.
Paul truly couldn’t bite back his smile and amusement. Sin or not, oh how he dreamt of moments like this. His thumbs rubbed hypnotic circles on your hips, putting his spell over you.
Your nails dug into his shoulders, trying to ground yourself in this new reality.
“Now, if at any point you want me to stop, just say so.”
Swallowing, you let out a low shaky breath and nodded. Reason had finally left. You wanted this, wanted to stay like this for an eternity, wanted to fall into depravity with him as your guide.
“Good,” he purred.
His hands snuck under your shirt, and started wandering up your back.
You immediately sighed, dropping your head forward and letting yourself get lost in his touch.
His calloused, slightly cold, fingertips sent waves of goosebumps over your skin. He slowly began to map out your curves, feeling how your body molded into his firm hands. He was trying to learn and understand what your body needed, to know where to touch to silence your thoughts and focus solely on him.
His blunt nails scraped down your back.
A soft groan rumbled in the back of your throat.
He slipped out one hand, leaving a chill across your hot skin. Using his index finger and thumb, he tipped your head up so you looked directly into his soothing eyes. He smiled. Your eyes were already glassy as lust poured into your veins. His thumb gently ran over your bottom lip.
Your tongue nearly chased over it.
“Please,” he muttered, his eyes dropped to your lips. “Do not be afraid to touch me, use me as you wish.”
Your hands unfurled and carefully, hesitant and unsure, glided down his chest inch by inch. The perfectly ironed dress shirt bunched and crumbled under your wandering hands. His eyes fluttered closed. A blissful sigh escaped his lips. Your hands moved back up his chest, stopping near his neck. You locked onto his starch white celery collar.
“I told you I was a friend now, not a priest.”
Your eyes slowly peered up at him. Opening his eyes, he met your questioning gaze and nodded. You swiftly tugged on it, on his symbol of faith, letting it fall to the floor. Reinvigorated, you undid the top of his buttons. Your hands eagerly ran over his chest, over his warm skin. With a single finger, you followed the curvature of his body and muscles. He shivered. Your hand paused, landing over his heart. It pounded, hammering excitedly against your palm. You smiled, a small one. Your hands trailed back up and curled behind his neck. Your fingers buried and weaved into the ends of his neatly combed back raven hair. Your nails gently scratched against him.
He hummed, craning his neck. Licking his lips, and losing part of his patience, his hand cupped your cheek and finally drew you in. It was soft, sweet even, as you both tested the water. Just a simple kiss. With one hand still trapped under your shirt, he ran a finger down your spine. You arched your back to the delicate touch.
You exhaled deeply.
More. You needed more.
Your fingers curled, then forcibly yanked on his hair. He gasped. His lips parted. The opportunity you needed. Your tongue slipped in, exploring his mouth, tasting your own personal forbidden fruit.
Paul moaned.
Oh, how wonderfully sinful it was.
He tilted his head, deepening the kiss. His tongue soon fought back desperate to have a turn. He begged to have a taste of temptation.
So, you willingly gave yourself over.
His hand fell from your face, and down your neck. Two fingers rested over your pulse. He smiled against your lips. Your heart rate matched his own chaotic one. His hand moved farther and farther, then snaked back under your shirt. His hands roamed all over your body, while his mouth - his oh so surprisingly expert mouth - left you in a mind numbing haze.
Your skin ignited - burned. His touch was fire against your needy skin, a fire far hotter than the nine circles of Hell itself. Your nerves screamed - sang an enticing new melody with Paul as your composer. Your heart hammered erratically, the resounding drumbeat, in your ears. So much so, you couldn’t hear the faint whimper humming in the back of your throat.
Paul pulled away, painstakingly slow, still savoring your lips.
His heavy panting was a lovely accompaniment.
Desperate, wanting, craving for more.
You took this moment to study him.
His head slightly bowed forward, chin tucked to his chest. A low muttering passed over his swollen lips. A prayer, if you had to guess. His eyes flickered up. Oh, how they sparkled with awe. Yet, when his eyes fell back to your lips, they instantly darkened, fueled by lust and sin.
Fueled by you.
He leaned in, hovering his lips over yours. “Divine,” he whispered, “absolutely divine.”
His hands reached up, cupping your bare breasts.
“Fuck,” you mumbled, dropping your forehead onto his shoulder.
He chuckled. It echoed directly in your ear, sending a pleasant shiver down your spine. His lips skimmed past your ear, and to your neck. He peppered gentle butterfly kisses up and down your neck. His hands, however, were more wicked in comparison. They cupped and kneaded your breasts, playing with them as he pleased. You bit your lip, moaning. You squeezed your eyes shut, falling apart to his touch. His thumb and finger pinched your perked nipples.
You moaned, loudly and unabashedly. And without thinking, acting only on your needs, you bucked your lips.
He groaned.
His lips curled into a devious smile across your skin. He opened his mouth, placing a kiss in the crook of your neck. You hummed, craning your neck. His teeth barely grazed over your skin. You muttered a string of curses under your breath. He nipped, blemishing your unmarked skin. Only to quickly soothe any pain with the flat of his tongue. He repeated the process, all over. All the while, he still teased your breasts.
You squirmed, moaning and whining - turning into a complete mess by a hand of God.
“Good, you’re doing so good for me,” he mumbled.
“Paul,” you whined, as pleasure coursed through you at his subtle praises.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, I got you. Just keep focusing on me.”
What the hell was he talking about? How could you not? What other possible things could you be thinking of when he was here giving you your heart’s deepest desires?
One of his hands slid down your body, and began to fiddle with your elastic waistband. He picked at it. Picked once, then twice. He waited for any signs to tell him to stop, to tell him no.
But, none came.
Instead, he was encouraged.
“Please,” you begged, lifting your hips.
He smiled, “Okay, I hear you.”
His hand easily slipped into your pants. His knuckles grazed, tantalizingly slow, over your damp clothed core. You buried your face into his neck, and tightened your grip in his dark locks. Instantly, you tried to grind your hips into his hand, but he moved away before you could experience just an ounce of pleasure - of relief.
You whined.
Embarrassment, or shame, should have flooded your senses. Yet, it didn’t. All your thoughts were on your wants and needs.
On him.
You need Paul, desperately.
“Shhh,” he cooed, “I’m here.”
His fingers pushed aside your underwear. A single finger swiped through your wet folds - a quick fleeting touch leaving you a wanting mess.
“Fuck,” you hissed.
He did it again, this time slower and more deliberate.
You wanted to beg and plead. You wanted to say his name. Hell, you almost wanted to pray. But, any and all words were lodged in your throat.
He, thankfully and finally, slid his finger in.
Just one.
He started slow. Easy, gentle pumps as he learned your body.
You clung to him.
“You’re okay, you’re okay, I got you. Oh, you’re doing so good for me,” Paul breathed out.
Oh, he was losing his mind.
Your breathy moans was the sweetest, most beautiful, hymn he ever heard. Your body, sculpted perfectly by God, ached for him. Your walls fluttered around him - around his one finger pleading for more. And he wished, prayed to be the best utmost service to you. His movement - each tame pump - became faster and more demanding.
Oh, he wanted more from you.
For Heaven to hear your beautiful songs.
So, he added another finger.
You arched your back, craning your head back as your mouth fell open. The fluorescent lights haloed around you. Your ragged breathing mixed with the sloppy wet noises of his fingers sliding inside of you. Your body acted on its own, grinding down on his deliciously full fingers.
Paul beamed.
That was exactly what he wanted to see.
His lovely angel.
You dropped your head, staring at him.
His eyes shined - twinkled with glee - watching as you drowned yourself in pleasure. Your hands, still entangled in his hair, yanked him forth. You kissed him feverishly, devouring him. He hummed against your lips.
His thumb rubbed your clit.
You broke the kiss, pressing your forehead into his as a moan escaped your swollen lips. Opening your eyes, his dark brown ones - the color of the welcoming immovable earth - were now a black void filled with desire and blasphemy.
He sucked you in, wanting you to fall from grace.
As if you truly cared.
He circled your clit again.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you whimpered, bucking into his hand.
He let out a shaky breath. “God, you’re doing so great.”
Your heart skipped. At every praise, every encouragement, it was dizzying. The way his voice wrapped around you. It was the only voice you could focus on. The only voice to guide you through the dark.
It was spellbinding, enchanting and soothing.
A calming, sweet deliverance from evil.
Yet, it was cut with the sinfully wet noises of his fingers buried deep inside of you.
He moved faster, ferociously working you to your release. He wanted to see it. He wanted to see how you would fall.
“Paul,” you grinded down on his fingers, “fuck - I’m close.”
“Good, good,” he hummed as his fingers slid in and out of you relentlessly. “Eyes on me.”
You opened your eyes, staring back into the void.
His fingers pounded into you.
You had to force yourself, using all your strength, to stay upright. You just wanted to collapse into him. To fall apart, to let your senses be overwhelmed by him. His free hand cupped your face, helping you to keep your eyes on him. He leaned in, kissing you softly. You melted.
His thumb flicked over your swollen clit.
You gasped.
He curled his fingers, beckoning you, calling you to fall.
Your walls clenched around his fingers. “Paul,” you moaned.
His fingers curled again, loving the sweet delectable noises you made. His thumb constantly rubbed your clit, bringing you closer and closer to the edge. Your forehead fell onto his. You hungrily chased your high and started to ride his fingers.
“Good, you’re so good - god you are truly divine.” He mumbled, straining to keep his composure. “I’m here, I got you.”
His words sent you tumbling over the edge.
You finally fell.
Your walls clamped around his fingers. Your lips fell apart with a silent moan. Bliss. Heavenly bliss coursed through you. Paul continued to whisper encouraging words. His fingers slowly worked you through your orgasm. You cursed under your breath, as it started to become too much.
Too much pleasure.
Too much sin.
He smiled, and finally stopped. Yet, his fingers were still buried deep inside of you.
Your heavy breathing filled the silence. You desperately tried to catch your breath. However, Paul slowly removed his fingers. Your breath hitched. A whine sounded in your throat - weak and tired.
He eyed his soaked fingers. He licked his lips. He looked up at you, while you lazily - with half closed eyelids - tilted your head in confusion. Your mind was cloudy, still in utter bliss. Maintaining eye contact, he raised his two fingers up and into his mouth. Your eyes widened. Your heart lurched into your throat. Oh dear lord. He hummed in delight. His tongue swirled around savoring your taste.
Your eyes locked onto his mouth. His spit and your juices covered his fingers and mouth. “Fuck, I thought you were a priest.” You muttered in disbelief.
He smirked. Saying nothing, he only cleaned himself and popped out his fingers. “So,” he adjusted himself in the chair, his hand resting back on your hips, “better?”
You blinked. Then it dawned on you - the reason for this once in a lifetime opportunity. The voices, and thoughts, had been silenced. You laughed once, smiling somewhat sorrowfully to yourself. “Yeah, I’m good.”
Your eyes dropped down to the obvious tent in his pants. It rubbed against you. You had to suppress a moan. “Don’t worry about me,” he said, gaining your attention. “This was about helping you.”
You wanted it.
Your body ached for how it would feel, how he could fill and stretch you. But, you didn’t want to push it. If he said not to worry, then you will take his word for it. You reluctantly moved off of his lap - Paul had to stifle a groan - and turned to grab your jacket.
Best to make a quick exit now.
Paul watched you intensely. Just like you, he wanted more. But, he was a patient man. He still had self-control, despite every fiber of his being screaming at him. To pin you against the wall, to fall to his knees and worship your body, to feel your bare body against his, to always hear your beautiful breathy moans.
He shivered, trying to reel himself back.
You looked at him as you tugged on your jacket. His hair usually slicked back, now pointed in odd directions. His top buttons were undone and exposed the top of his chest, and the tent strained against his tight jeans wishing to break free. He wasn’t the epitome of faith and celibacy.
No, right now he was just a man.
Like he said, for tonight, and probably for tonight alone, he wasn’t a priest.
Your eyes fell to the celery collar discarded on the floor. You shook your head, “Well, goodnight, I suppose.”
In and out. And forget this ever happened.
You spun around to leave.
“You know if you ever need my help again, you know where to find me.” His soothing voice called out. “My door is always open.”
As are the gates, he thought in a knee jerk reaction.
You peered over your shoulder. His eyes connected with yours. He was serious. A warmth, a giddy buzzing, spread over your chest. Maybe tonight was not a crazy chance, but the start of something forbidden. A smile spread over your lips. “Right, of course.”
He licked his lips. Your taste still lingered on his tongue, and he craved more - his new little addiction. “Maybe I’ll even see you in church.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “One miracle at a time.”
He smiled. “Right. Well, I wish you goodnight and I hope to see you soon.”
“Oh, you will.”
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An astronomical waltz reveals a sextuplet of planets
An international collaboration between astronomers using the CHEOPS and TESS space satellites, including NCCR PlanetS members from the University of Bern and the University of Geneva, have found a key new system of six transiting planets orbiting a bright star in a harmonic rhythm. This rare property enabled the team to determine the planetary orbits which initially appeared as an unsolvable riddle.
CHEOPS is a joint mission by ESA and Switzerland, under the leadership of the University of Bern in collaboration with the University of Geneva. Thanks to a collaboration with scientists working with data from NASA’s satellite TESS, the international team could uncover the planetary system orbiting the nearby star HD110067. A very distinctive feature of this system is its chain of resonances: the planets orbit their host star in perfect harmony. Part of the research team are researchers from the University of Bern and the University of Geneva who are also members of the National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) PlanetS. The findings have just been published in Nature.
The planets in the HD110067 system revolve around the star in a very precise waltz. When the closest planet to the star makes three full revolutions around it, the second one makes exactly two during the same time. This is called a 3:2 resonance. “Amongst the over 5000 exoplanets discovered orbiting other stars than our Sun, resonances are not rare, nor are systems with several planets. What is extremely rare though, is to find systems where the resonances span such a long chain of six planets” points out Dr. Hugh Osborn, CHEOPS fellow at the University of Bern, leader of CHEOPS observation programme involved in the study, and co-author of the publication. This is precisely the case of HD110067 whose planets form a so-called “resonant chain” in successive pairs of 3:2, 3:2, 3:2, 4:3, and 4:3 resonances, resulting in the closest planet completing six orbits while the outer-most planet does one.
A seemingly unsolvable puzzle
Although multiple planets were initially detected thanks to their transits, the exact arrangement of the planets was unclear at first. However, the precise gravitational dance enabled the scientists’ team to solve the puzzle of HD110067. Prof. Adrien Leleu from the University of Geneva, in charge of analysing the orbital resonances, and co-author of the study, explains: “A transit occurs when a planet, from our point of view, passes in front of its host star, blocking a minute fraction of the starlight, creating an apparent dip of its brightness.” From the first observations carried out by NASA’s TESS satellite, it was possible to determine that the two inner planets called ‘b’ and ‘c’ have orbital periods of 9 and 14 days respectively. However, no conclusions could be drawn for the other four detected planets as two were seen to transit once in 2020 and once in 2022 with a large 2-year gap in the data, and the other two transited only once in 2022.
The solution to the puzzle for those four additional planets finally began to emerge thanks to observations with the CHEOPS space telescope. While TESS aims at scanning all of the sky bit by bit to find short-period exoplanets, CHEOPS is a targeted mission, focusing on a single star at a time with exquisite precision. “Our CHEOPS observations enabled us to find that the period of planet ‘d’ is 20.5 days. Also, it ruled out multiple possibilities for the remaining three outer planets, ‘e’, ‘f’ and ‘g’,” reveals Osborn.
Predicting the precise waltz of the planets
That is when the team realized that the three inner planets of HD110067 are dancing in a precise 3:2, 3:2 chain of resonances: when the innermost planet revolves nine times around the star, the second revolves six times and the third planet four times.
The team then considered the possibility that the three other planets could also be part of the chain of resonances. “This led to dozens of possibilities for their orbital period,” explains Leleu, “but combining existing observational data from TESS and CHEOPS, with our model of the gravitational interactions between the planets, we could exclude all solutions but one: the 3:2, 3:2, 3:2, 4:3, 4:3 chain.” The scientists could therefore predict that the outer three planets (‘e’, ‘f’ and ‘g’) have orbital periods of 31, 41 days, and 55 days.
This prediction allowed to schedule observations with a variety of ground-based telescopes. Further transits of planet ‘f’ were observed, revealing it was precisely where theory predicted it based on the resonant-chain. Finally, reanalysis of the data from TESS revealed two hidden transits, one from each of planets ‘f’ and ‘g’, exactly at the times expected by the predictions, confirming the periods of the six planets. Additional CHEOPS observations of each planet, and in particular planet ‘e’ are scheduled in the near future.
A key system for the future
From the handful of resonant-chain systems found so far, CHEOPS has highly contributed to the understanding of not only HD110067, but also of TOI-178. Another well-known example of a resonant-chain system is the TRAPPIST-1 system which hosts seven rocky planets. However, TRAPPIST-1 is a small and incredibly faint star which makes any additional observations very difficult. HD110067, on the other hand, is more than 50 times brighter than TRAPPIST-1.
“The fact that the planets in the HD110067 system have been detected by the transit method is key. While they pass in front of the star, light also filters through the planetary atmospheres” points out Jo Ann Egger, PhD student at the University of Bern, who computed the composition of the planets using CHEOPS data, and co-author of the study. This property is allowing astronomers to determine the chemical composition and other properties of the atmospheres. Since a lot of light is required, the bright star HD110067 and its orbiting planets are an ideal target for further studies to charachterize the planetary atmospheres. “The sub-Neptune planets of the HD110067 system appear to have low masses, suggesting they may be gas- or water-rich. Future observations, for example with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), of these planetary atmospheres could determine whether the planets have rocky or water-rich interior structures,” concludes Egger.
TOP IMAGE....A rare family of six exoplanets has been unlocked with the help of ESA’s Cheops mission. The planets in this family are all smaller than Neptune and revolve around their star HD110067 in a very precise waltz. When the closest planet to the star makes three full revolutions around it, the second one makes exactly two during the same time. This is called a 3:2 resonance. The six planets form a resonant chain in pairs of 3:2, 3:2, 3:2, 4:3, and 4:3, resulting in the closest planet completing six orbits while the outer-most planet does one. Cheops confirmed the orbital period of the third planet in the system, which was the key to unlocking the rhythm of the entire system. This is the second planetary system in orbital resonance that Cheops has helped reveal. The first one is called TOI-178. Credit © ESA
LOWER IMAGE....Tracing a link between two neighbour planet at regular time interval along their orbits, creates a pattern unique to each couple. The six planets of the HD110067 system create together a mesmerising geometric pattern due to their resonance-chain. Credit © , Thibaut Roger/NCCR PlanetS
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storiesbyjes2g · 8 months
3.46 Flames
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I didn't bother doing a second class because I had a business matter I wanted to explore. The management team at the rec center would always have my gratitude for allowing me to host my classes, but as I said previously, it wasn't a sustainable solution. It rained too much in the autumn, and soon winter would be upon us. I needed an indoor solution, so I went downtown to Anchorpoint Wharf to see if I could find an unconventional space to rent, since I couldn't afford an entire building yet. If there was a backroom, basement, or attic I could use, or even an unfinished space, I could make it work.
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I began my reconnaissance at the library. If it didn't say "library" on the sign, I wouldn't have known it was one when I walked in. The atrium was more like a mini art gallery, displaying works from local artists, I assumed. The rest of the downstairs was more like a community center with a breakroom outfitted with amenities for infants and a kids' play area. Upstairs looked more library-like, but unfortunately, it didn't have any obvious spaces I could rent.
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I got hungry, so I found a street cart and had lunch. San Sequoia was definitely no sleepy town with its bold colors surging life into everything. Most of the colors didn't even match, but it worked so well, especially with the bridge towering over the city, tying it all together with its rusty hue. I loved how you could see it literally everywhere you went. San Sequoia had definitely become my favorite place I'd lived.
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After lunch, I walked around the area, continuing my search for spaces. I stumbled upon an old movie theater and decided to take a break and see what they had going on. The movie was so boring, I couldn't even tell you what it was about. I was just so mad I wasted good money on that. Luckily, Yasmine called just as it was ending, so I ran out of the theater to answer.
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She said she wanted to clarify our conversation from the other day. She liked me a lot and hoped her proposition didn't change how I felt about her. Then she asked me out! It was kind of thrilling to be on the other end of a date. I definitely needed some fun after that movie attempted to suck the life out of me, so I agreed to meet her at the pier in Copperdale.
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I went home to shower and put an outfit together. It was only the pier, so I didn't make too much of an effort. Good thing too because it was so cold there. I had on my coat the whole time; I hated wasting good outfits.
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I found Yasmine by the photo booth, and her outfit was definitely something to note. I never put much thought into my outerwear before, but the way she put her coat, hat, and jeans together had me second guessing my style choices.
"You look nice," I said.
"Thanks. Wanna take a pic with me?"
Me and Yasmine squeezed together in a tiny booth... I braced myself for whatever she planned to do to me in there because, if there was one thing I knew about her, it was she was bold and always went after what she wanted, and she definitely wanted me. She took full advantage of the lack of space and hugged up on me for our picture. We stepped out and waited for the picture to print, and just as I suspected, we looked like a very happy couple.
"Awww! We are so cute," she shouted. "I'm keeping this one."
I guess she should have a keepsake of our time together because that was the closest she was going to a relationship with me. Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed spending time with her and was totally down for some casual, unattached adult fun. But that's all it could be.
"I hope you're not scared of heights," she said.
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Yasmine and Luca trapped in a slow-moving hanging basket... The story wrote itself, and I fully expected her to suck my face off, but she behaved.
"Look," she yelled. "There's my house."
I looked at whatever dark blob of trees she pointed at, but saw nothing resembling a residence. Copperdale looked like a black forest from up high at night. I bet the view was spectacular in the daytime, though.
We got off the ride, and she checked in with me.
"Are you having fun?"
"Yeah, thanks. I didn't ride anything when we were here last, so I'm glad I got the chance."
"Come on!"
She grabbed my hand and pulled me toward our next destination. Her excitement about the rides was just like a child's; it was adorable.
"This is one of my favorite ones."
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It had a scary, Spooky Day theme, and I wondered what we were about to get ourselves into, not that I was scared or anything. On the other side of the door was the line. When we finally made it to the ride, it was kind of like a mine cart we sat in. It took us around this haunted house while animatronics and actors in costume jumped out at us, attempting their best scare tactics. It was cute; I guess.
The next ride was similar except it was love themed, and we rode around in a boat. Every time I looked in her direction, she was looking at me with a twinkle in her eye. It seemed they made the ride for moments like that, and with the number of teenagers who frequented it, I probably was one of many who'd experienced their first kiss in there. But I didn't want to make any assumptions, despite knowing what she wanted from me. I scooted closer, letting her know I was into whatever she had in mind. Instead, she playfully smacked me on the shoulder and laughed. I didn't like that one bit.
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She was still laughing when we got off the ride, but I was not.
"Come on, I was just kidding, Luca!"
I was a very confident sim, except when it came to romance. A joke like that could sever all shreds of confidence I thought I had. There was no way she could have known that, but still.
She stepped to me within whisper distance, and my entire body felt like it was engulfed in flames. Here it comes!
"I've been wanting to do this for a long time," she said, yanking me into a deep, hungry kiss.
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At first, I couldn't believe it was finally happening despite anticipating it all night. Once the shock of her lips colliding with mine wore off, I kissed her back just as hungrily. Every thought and dream that haunted me over the last few weeks fueled my hunger, and I could not get enough of her. I hoped this wasn't another cruel joke because my pants were getting too tight and I needed to go all the way.
"Come back to my place," she whispered.
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I hoped she didn't live far. This was definitely not how I imagined my day ending, but I was totally down for the detour.
Need to catch up? See what you missed or start reading here!
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Knight in Training | A Night of Bloodshed
Read on Ao3 Part 1 Part 2
Warnings: minor character death, ptsd, panic attacks, sword fights (not the sexy ones, literal steel)
Pairings: none
Word Count: 4236
Don’t grip the pommel, this is not a situation where you are expected to fight.
Keep your head on a swivel. The Prince is the center of the room for a reason, best not let your eye be the last to see something coming for him.
Shift your weight every so often to prevent your muscles from locking up and getting stiff. You must be able to move with only a split-second notice.
“More wine, ser?”
Janus blinks, turning to look at the servant standing next to him. He smiles politely and shakes his head. The servant nods back and goes to tend to some of the senior knights seated at the long table next to the prince. Janus takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, allowing his eyes to roam over the crowded hall once more.
The feast started about three hours ago and shows no sign of ending anytime soon. He supposes he can’t find too much amiss with that; it wasn’t every day a rival kingdom agrees to an end to the rivalry between them in favor of a thoroughly negotiated peace treaty. It had taken weeks, months, even to get everything settled so that both sides would agree with it. Many nights of Janus staying awake to the sounds of mumbled curses and the scratching of quills as the prince labored long into the small hours of the morning. Many hours sat at the prince’s side as he explained why the simplest solutions were in fact, far more complicated than Janus could have ever feared and he was certain that statecraft was never something he would dare call ‘easy’ ever again. Many afternoons of watching the prince be a little too flashy in training because he’d been staring at the same piece of parchment for three days and ‘if I look at it for another second, Janus, I’m going to end up ripping the whole thing to shreds.’
He slept well those nights out of sheer exhaustion.
But at last, it was over. The treaty had been drafted and signed by both Prince Roman and the prince of the other kingdom—Janus can never remember his name, not when everyone insists on calling him some variant of ‘Prince’ and ‘the Other Party.’—and now they were here, hosting the delegation in a celebration of peacetime.
In short, there’s not much for Janus to do except stand at the prince’s shoulder and wait for the night to end.
The prince himself looks…happy. Truly, he does. His cheeks are slightly red from the wine flowing like a river from the kitchens, but the light in his eyes is as clear as ever, and judging by the way the table keeps laughing, his sense of charm hasn’t been disrupted for a moment. Janus finds himself smiling too. After all the work he’s put into getting this moment, he deserves the chance to celebrate it as much as anybody.
A flash of movement out of the corner of his eye and he scolds himself for getting distracted. He turns and watches another servant walking along the outside of the hall, back towards one of the doors leading to the corridor beyond. He frowns.
He’s never seen this servant before.
Now, that in and of itself ought not to raise his hackles, but he takes in the way they’re walking. Smooth, fluid steps that are at odds with the slightly hunched shoulders. Their head turns almost casually but they do a full sweep of the hall in less than a second. He averts his gaze when the sweeps covers him, using the burnished shield on the wall to see when they aren’t looking anymore.
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees them take one last look around and vanish through the door.
It’s probably nothing, but over the years he’s learned to trust that part of him that says that something’s not what it seems. So he glances around to make sure no one else is staring at him and makes his move.
With his heart in his throat, he inches over to the Prince’s other shoulder, positioning himself so he can glance at the burnished mirror and keep an eye on the door. He forces himself to take battle breaths again, slowing his heart rate and focusing on the room, not what could go wrong. The visiting men are still smiling and toasting with their knights, the prince is still laughing, the rest of the feast is still proceeding as planned.
The hairs on the back of his neck prickle.
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees movement in the reflection of the mirror and hears the unmistakable sound of footsteps. He takes a deep breath, counts slowly backward from three, and—
—turns just in time to smack right into the servant, spilling the jug of wine everywhere.
“Forgive me,” he demurs immediately, bowing low as wine drips off of both of them, shattered porcelain on the floor, “I didn’t see you there.”
“It is my fault, ser,” the servant says, their smile just a touch too tight, “I should have notified you that I was coming.”
Janus bends down as they do, withdrawing a handkerchief from his breastplate and mopping up some of the wine. From over his shoulder, he sees another set of servants approaching—these ones he does recognize—and the prince’s voice calls out.
“Leave it,” he says, and Janus does, tucking the sodden handkerchief away, “it’s hardly the first wine we’ve spilled tonight.”
The visiting prince has a booming laugh that makes Janus’s ears hurt. “Are you saying I can’t hold my wine?”
“I made no such observation, my friend, only that the table is clearly benefitting from your generosity, as do all your people.”
The hall rings in an uproar of laughter and Janus smiles politely. He watches the mysterious servant stand up, heading back along the wall toward the other end of the room, and just manages to catch sight of the concealed sheath he’d felt when they’d bumped into each other.
One skill he knows he needs to work on is his ability to look around frantically while pretending he’s not frantic about anything at all. But he’s not sure how many people are looking at him right now—and he can always try to pass it off as being flustered at the spilled wine—and he needs to find the Spymaster sooner rather than later.
Luckily, he catches sight of a swirling black cloak near one of the pillars at the far door and the purple eyes beneath. He looks at the Spymaster, glances at the servant, and back. He’s too far away to make out whatever minute expressions might pass across his face, but he sees the slight nod and the way he turns to watch too.
Great. I’m not the only one looking.
It’s a good thing too, when the servant vanishes from his sight into the mass of people amidst the feast. He catches sight of someone who might be them every so often, but without craning his neck and making it very obvious he’s looking for someone, he can’t do anything but peer around the crowd.
The prince catches him looking once, silently raising an eyebrow. Janus shakes his head subtly, morphing his expression into one of bemused wonder, and the prince smiles and turns back around.
The hairs don’t go down.
The moon is high in the sky when the visiting prince raises his goblet, stumbling slightly from the head table down into the well of the court, turning to face them. The Prince stands too, smiling, holding his own goblet aloft.
“To the future,” the other prince says as the rest of the knights rise—his knights, Janus realizes, not theirs—“to the wonders of two kingdoms, and to Prince Roman!”
“You’re too kind, my friend,” the prince says as the servant comes up behind him.
Janus moves before he can think about it.
The servant lets out a muffled cry as he forces the dagger from their hand. It clatters to the floor. Prince Roman turns and Janus is already between him and the knights drawing their swords.
He sets his weight and lets his training take over.
Parry. Block. Thrust. Push. Keep them away from the Prince. Wound, don’t kill. Just hold them off long enough for the others to arrive.
A flash of silver out of the corner of his eye and his arm moves on instinct—
The dead knight falls to the floor with a thud.
He hears the roar of footsteps and the rest of their knights surround him, forming a protective wall around the prince. They have the others at sword point, forced down or against a wall. The blood pounds in Janus’s ears as the Prince slowly sets down his goblet.
Janus doesn’t hear the words that are exchanged. He only sees the people who get carted off towards the cells, the servants who quickly come to clear away the feast, and the knights who help him usher everyone away to safety. The world is a blur of candlelight and worried voices, of muffled cries and soft touches, of whispers and looks as he moves through the castle.
He does not stop moving until he is back at the prince’s side in the war council room, standing patiently as the rest of the council assembles.
People are talking. The meeting has started. Right, they have to figure out what to do in the aftermath of an assassination attempt. There was an attempt on the prince’s lift at the feast., The people behind it are sitting in the cells right now. The treaty…what about the treaty? They’re talking about the treaty. Janus can’t hear any of the words. There are words being spoken. He can’t hear any of them. Why can’t he hear any of them?
He turns. The Spymaster looks at him. He nods toward the door.
”You noticed the assassin before anyone else,” he says, “how?”
“I didn’t recognize them.”
“This is a castle of hundreds of servants. How did you know that they weren’t just another one? Or that they were part of the retinue brought?”
“They didn’t move like a servant.”
The Spymaster is quiet for a moment, then a slow smile spreads across his face. “You’re going to be very good at this.”
“At what, sire?”
“And of course, we mustn’t forget to thank your knight,” one of the lords says, and they both turn back to the tables, “without his quick reflexes and skill with a blade, I dare say this council would be having a very different conversation.”
Heat comes to his face but it feels distant. He nods his head in as much of a bow as he can do right now. “Thank you, My Lord.”
On a few of the faces, though, he sees the familiar guarded suspicion. His hand trembles.
”I can’t imagine that was their first plan,” another says, clearly continuing the conversation that had been going on when Janus was unable to hear anything, “it seemed far too rushed.”
“Perhaps that has something to do with why a jug of wine was spilled earlier in the evening,” the Spymaster says wryly, glancing at Janus.
The lord breathes in sharply. “Poison?”
“It would make sense.”
“It’s probably been cleaned by now, no doubt,” yet another lord says, “we won’t know for sure.”
Janus reaches into his breastplate and pulls out the handkerchiefs. The Spymaster’s eyes widen for only a moment before he chuckles low in his throat.
”You’ve been paying attention, haven’t you?”
“I’ve been trying, sire.” He inclines his head toward the prince, who watches him with a mix of disbelief and something Janus sin’s coherent enough to name right now. “The prince is a very good teacher.”
”I have a wonderful student,” the prince replies, before his expression turns firm and he stands up taller. “Take that to the alchemist, see what she can determine.”
“As you say.”
“The rest of you are dismissed. We will see what we can determine in the morning.”
The chamber slowly empties with the last of the murmurings. The Spymaster is the last to leave, giving both of them another nod before vanishing into the shadows. The door closes with a low thud as Janus turns back to the prince, awaiting instruction.
As soon as the door closes, the prince sighs. He leans on the table, his head bowed. For long seconds, he hardly moves.
“I was a fool to believe this treaty would bring a true peace,” he says lowly, and Jnaus’s chest twists at how defeated he sounds, “wasn’t I?”
“Believing in people isn’t foolish, My Lord.”
The prince raises his head slowly with a quiet scoff. Something flickers across his face again, too obscured by shadow to be named, before he looks up at Janus.
“You saved my life tonight, Janus.”
Janus swallows and bows slightly. “Just doing my duty, My Lord.”
Another scoff, this one closer to a huff of laughter. He looks at him for another moment before straightening up and sighing. “Come, let’s retire for the night. I think we’ve had far too much excitement.”
Janus bows his head and falls automatically in step behind the prince as they walk through the halls. They both nod to the guards stationed outside the prince’s rooms and the door closes behind him. He moves automatically to help the prince with his finery but he’s stopped with a gentle hand.
“I don’t doubt whatever was put in that wine was meant to be ingested to be lethal,” the prince says, “but sodden plate is uncomfortable whether it’s poisoned or not.”
Janus nods, going to undo his armor, only for the prince to move behind him and deftly undo the straps before he can reach for them. He blinks in surprise. The pauldron almost falls from his hands before he can catch it, fumbling with his gauntlets.
“Here, give it to me. Thank you.”
“M-My Lord, I—“ the prince gives him a look— “Roman, Roman, I can—I can do this myself, you needn’t—“
Roman just takes off the other pauldron and ruffles his hair. He does not squawk, squawking is unbecoming of the Prince’s Knight, and he does not yelp. Yelping is for dogs.
“I think that’s the first time I’ve actually heard you make that noise.”
His cheeks burn in embarrassment as they take off the rest of his armor, leaving him in a wine-damp under tunic. Roman turns around from setting out the armor and winces at the splotch across his chest.
“Do you want to get out of that too?”
“It’s fine, I can help with—“
“Surprisingly enough, I’m pretty wine-free.” Roman spreads his arms to demonstrate, then gestures to the door. “It’s okay, I’m capable of undressing myself in the time it takes you to switch to something that isn’t covered in wine.”
Janus just nods and heads for the door. His own chambers are lit with only a single candle on the bedside table. The faint smell of the wine tugs at his nose as he pulls the tunic over his head. He throws it in the laundry basket and goes to pull a fresh one from the chest when he moves a little too close to the flame.
He stops.
He must have squeezed the tunic when he was taking it off. There’s a slick of liquid across his hand. It gleams in the dancing fire. It’s dark. The poison rakes itself across his nose again. It burns. His hand turns upwards to face him, drops of it rolling thickly across his palm.
He just killed a man.
It was to save the Prince’s life. It was in self-defense. It was his duty. It was on instinct. It was only after he’d wounded them and they didn’t stop. It was—it was—it was—
A quiet knock on the door and a soft call of his name. He turns toward it slightly, but the candlelight flashes across the dark streak and he freezes.
“Janus,” he hears again, much closer, and then a hand is cupping his and pulling it away, “come, here…”
Something soft brushes against his skin and he almost startles from it. It does it again—a cloth, that’s what it is, just a cloth—and Roman cleans his hand carefully until the wine is gone. That’s all it was, after all, just wine.
He was that fucking stressed over some fucking wine?
“Come,” Roman says softly, cutting through the tirade, “let’s get you into something more comfortable.”
Hands take him gently by the shoulders and walk him over to the bed. He’s sat on the edge as Roman takes one of his nightshirts and bids him to raise his arms. He does, letting out a small breath as the cool fabric settles over him.
He shouldn’t be doing this, part of him thinks faintly, shouldn’t be sitting here while the prince dresses him like a babe. But everything is behind a roar of nothingness and Roman is still speaking to him softly.
“This is going to be the hard part.”
“The hard part?”
Roman nods. “It’s time to decompress.”
He furrows his brow. “Decompress?”
“Yes. Time to get out of the state where it’s life and death and turn your battle reflexes off so you can safely process what just happened.” Roman’s hand covers his shoulder. It feels warm. “Look at me.”
Janus tilts his chin up.
“Can you tell me what happened tonight? Not as a knight giving me a report,” he says as Janus opens his mouth, “just you. Just you tell me what happened.”
Janus closes his mouth. He opens it again. He closes it again. Roman doesn’t say a word, just waits patiently until Janus can get himself together. Or, not get himself together. He’s not supposed to be giving a report. He’s just—what is he supposed to do?
“Take your time.”
“I was guarding you at the feast,” he says. “There was a servant I didn’t recognize. I…bumped into them?”
Roman nods encouragingly, the hand on his shoulder rubbing back and forth.
”They, um, they spilled wine all over me. I told—I tried to tell the Spymaster that I thought there was something wrong because they had a dagger.” He swallows. “They—they came back when the other prince was giving a toast. They tried to stab you and I stopped them, but then the other knights started to attack you so I tried to keep them away. Then I—“
Wine. Red wine in candlelight.
“Then,” Roman prompts softly, “then what?”
The words stick in his throat. They stain it until they run down to his chest. They spread over the pale skin covering his heart. He chokes.
Roman’s hand slides up to cup the side of his head, giving him a gentle shake to regain his focus. “Say it,” he bids gently, “say it, Janus.”
“I…killed someone,” he whispers.
Roman nods. “Yes. You killed someone.”
He killed someone. He killed someone.
“Stay with me now,” comes the soft voice as the hand tightens ever so slightly, “there you are. Hey, hey, just look at me. Look at me, only me.”
Roman’s face swims as he tries desperately to listen. The wine—the wine—
“It’s over now,” Roman whispers, too gentle for someone who just killed a man, “it’s over. We’re in your chambers. It’s just you and me. You won’t hurt me and I won’t hurt you.”
What does he say? Does he say he’s sorry? For what? He’s not sorry he saved the Prince’s life. He’s not sorry he defended him. He’s not sorry he did his duty. He’s not sorry that he did it, but should he be? Should he be sorry? He’s going to be sick. Should he be sick?
“Hey,” Roman murmurs, and when Janus blinks he’s on his knees, cupping his head in both hands, “what do you need right now?”
What does he need?
He needs to clean his armor. He needs to make sure the sample got to the alchemist. He needs to clean the blood off his sword. He needs to hang his sword up and never touch it again. He needs to pick it up right now. He needs to scrub his hand clean. He needs to wash his tunic. He needs to wash his soul. He needs his soul. He needs his father. He needs no one. He needs everyone. He needs—
“Help. H-help.” His lip wobbles like a child’s. “Help.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” he hears, and then he’s bundled against something big and warm and soft and he’s being moved, “come here…come here, Janus, come here.”
He’s crying. Is he crying? His lungs feel like they’re on fire. His face hurts. His head hurts. His face is tucked against something soft. There is something around him. There are two somethings around him. There’s a heartbeat thudding underneath his ear. That’s Roman’s. Roman’s heartbeat. Roman’s alive. Roman’s alive because he saved him. He saved him. He killed a man to save him.
Oh, god—
Roman just holds him through it. They’re cuddled up in the middle of Janus’s too-big bed, his hand carding through Janus’s hair, the other wrapped snugly around his waist. If Janus had the wherewithal to be ashamed of having the prince cuddle him like a baby, he’s sure it would kill him. But all his brain can think of is soft-warm-safe-hold-Roman-safe-safe-safe-oh-god-Roman-warm—
The night slips away to sobs and candlelight.
He has no idea what time it is. He doesn’t know how long ago he stopped crying. He’s still in Roman’s arms, drifting through a dull grey haze, the world prickling at the very edges of his awareness as the heartbeat thuds comfortingly under his cheek. He thinks he might be close to asleep.
Far away there’s a knock on the door. Equally far is Roman’s voice saying come in.
“How Is he?” Spymaster, his distant brain recognizes.
“Shaken,” Roman murmurs, “as is to be expected.”
The Spymaster hums, footsteps drawing closer. “He noticed before anyone else.”
“Of course he did. God knows his instincts were going haywire the whole night.”
“You noticed?”
“He didn’t eat or drink anything until three servants had to tell him it was alright.” The hand cards through his hair again. “And then…well.”
The Spymaster hums again. After a pause, a shadow falls over Janus’s face and the voice is far closer. “Seventeen, hm?”
“Yes.” Roman’s chest moves as he sighs. “I’m torn. I’m…relieved is not the right word. But his first kill came now, when he’s still trying to learn how to turn everything off. In some way, perhaps it’s better.”
“But he’s still a child.”
Another sigh and the distant voice grows terribly sad. “Yes. Yes, he is.”
“He’s not what I expected.” At Roman’s questioning hum, the bed dips under the Spymaster’s weight. “I was expecting the cockiness we normally get from the new ones. Or the starry-eyed idiots.”
“Don’t call my knights idiots, Virgil.”
“Well, it’s what they are.” Roman huffs but doesn’t deny it. “This one’s almost as bad at pretending to be asleep than they were.”
With great effort, Janus drags his eyes open. The Spymaster smiles at him, which is weird, tilting his head a bit so Janus doesn’t have to sit up at all.
“Hey, kiddo,” he says quietly, “you look comfortable.”
Roman chuckles, adjusting his grip when Janus shifts. “He’s teasing, Janus, you’re alright.”
Janus swallows. His tongue feels like leather. “Is…is everything…okay?”
“I should be asking you that.” When Janus doesn’t say anything, the Spymaster sighs. “Don’t be a knight for the rest of tonight, okay? Just be a boy and let Roman look after you.”
A soft chuckle from Roman draws his attention. “I’ve just had my diplomatic efforts over the better part of a year blow up in my face. Please, let me do something right.”
“You have to let him,” the Spymaster stage-whispers, sounding much more like a mischievous child than, you know, the Spymaster, “he’s a menace when his pride is wounded.”
Despite himself, a soft huff of laughter escapes him and he can feel the way Roman relaxes. The Spymaster smiles and stands up.
“You did very well today, Janus,” he says, bowing his head slightly, “now, rest.”
“‘M not good at that.”
“Roman can teach you, he’s an excellent sloth.”
“If I wasn’t cuddling Janus right now, I’d show you how good of a sloth I am.”
The Spymaster just grins and bids them a proper goodnight, closing the door behind him. Janus’s eyes grow heavy once more.
“You can sleep,” Roman whispers, encouraging him to roll into a more comfortable position, “I won’t mind.”
”…you’re sure?”
He’s rolled onto his stomach, head pillowed just below Roman’s chin. Roman guides him to look up, a slightly rueful smile on his face.
“You’ve saved my life,” he says gently, “the least I can do is help you get to sleep.”
”I still don’t think I’m going to be very good at it.”
“You were dozing off in my arms a moment ago, what happened?” Roman shakes his head and bids him to lie back down, get comfortable. “Follow my breathing, okay? Just try and stay with me.”
The two of them slip slowly to sleep as the night closes protectively over them.
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Benefits of a Call Center Solution for Small Businesses
Many people think that a call center solution can be used only by the call centers or big enterprises. However, the fact is, a call center solution can be used by any sized business, including small businesses. Similar to enterprises and call centers, small businesses can also gain many benefits by using a call center solution. If there are any budget constraints, then small businesses can also use a hosted call center solution, which offers pay as go models.
 In this blog, I will share some of the major benefits of a call center solution for small businesses.
1. Increase lead generation and sales
For any small business, one of the most crucial things is continuously converting leads to increase sales. If a small business fails to generate and convert more leads or if the pace of lead generation and conversion is too slow, then they are more likely to get stuck at a stage. This happens to many small businesses. A call center solution is an advanced tool, which can be used for cold calling as well as to handle the leads received from the website or other resources. A call center solution usually offers a wide array of features that can be used to handle calls more convincingly. Therefore, small businesses can increase lead generation as well as lead conversion by using a feature rich call center solution.
2. Retain existing customers
For a small business, even a small customer is big. All businesses need to retain their customers because it helps in assuring repeat business and a continuous stream of revenues. For small businesses, retaining all customers is an even more crucial job. Losing a customer is not just losing revenues, but reducing ROI and increasing expenses. Therefore, it is necessary for small businesses to retain their customers. A call center solution offers an amazing range of features that can help all businesses retain their existing customers by offering a prompt and on-time support services. Small businesses can gain a competitive edge and match the standards of big competitors by enhancing their customer care and post sales services by using a call center solution. 
3. Maximize resource utilization
For any small business, one of the most important goals is to maximize resource utilization. Assuring the best possible resource utilization means that the business can take advantage of reduced expenses. The call center solution can make sure that all executives in a small business can attend multiple calls. This is unlike a traditional system, in which executives have to take calls one by one or they have to use personal phone numbers. In both cases, measuring productivity and fair utilization of resources become impossible. A call center solution lets small businesses monitor resource utilization and productivity as well as make measuring productivity easier. 
In a nutshell, a call center solution offers many benefits to a small business. Some companies like AC InfoSoft offers a call center solution with a small number of agent seats. They also offer a hosted solution. To know more about one of the renowned hosted call center solution, you can visit 
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freepbxaavaz · 1 year
Call Center Solution Comparison
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Additionally, customers can contact the call center problem and solutions with Aavaz, and their issues can be resolved immediately if the call center has been monitoring in real time.
0 notes
teckinfosolutions · 7 months
Good Cloud Call Center Software Capabilities
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Cloud call center software offers essential features for efficient customer communication, including Interactive Voice Response (IVR), Automatic Call Distribution (ACD), call monitoring, live call transfer, CRM integration, and omnichannel communication. IVR acts as a virtual receptionist, ACD ensures timely routing, and CRM integration provides a 360-degree view of callers. The ability to transfer live calls seamlessly and accommodate various communication channels enhances customer experience. Cloud call center solutions streamline business communications, contributing to enhanced customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.
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pencil-peach · 9 months
GWitch Onscreen Text: Episode 7
This is part eight of my attempt to transcribe and discuss all the monitor text in g witch! Because I got worms! We're on episode 7, "Shall We Gundam?"
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Now then. Shall we? (Gundam?)
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Not text, but in the opening, Vim tells the Peil Witches that it's despicable of them to breach the Cathedra Agreement, only for one of them to respond that she believes he would know something about that himself. This is our first hint towards the existence of the Schwarzette.
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Now to the real text, we see a mockup of the Pharact of it's systems in this opening as well.
Here, we see that the Pharact is 19.1m and 57.1t.
The Blue and Red labels are tough to make out, but they each respectively say the same thing. I'll make my best guess: Blue labels: G-O | SYS-GUND CHH Red Labels: GUND FORMAT | CORAX UNITS
The Corax Units are the name of the Pharacts GUND Bits, and we know those use the Gund Format, so that checks. We saw 'CHH' on 4's data graph, still not sure what it means though.
I think the floating red text says GA - MS//RACT, but I can't be sure. The big label in the center says GUND-ARM FP/A-77.
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Not text, but I think Sarius and Delling is another relationship I wish we got to see more of. Delling actually worked directly under Sarius within Grassley before eventually becoming President of the entire Group.
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During the scene in the greenhouse, we get a look at the program on Miorine's monitor. No way to read the actual text on it from this shot, but we do see Miorine verify the name of one of the brands of fertilizer before presumably typing it on the screen, so it's probably safe to assume it's tracking the general maintenance of the tomatoes.
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We never get a completely clear shot of the Incubation Party Invitation (Because it just can never be easy) But I'll make my best estimate of it from the shots we DO get.
INVITATION The Benerit Group has the great honor of inviting you to the 15th Incubation Event.
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Off topic but this scene has one of my favorite Miorine Noises in the whole show. It's so good. Take a listen. She is Flabbergasted.
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The Mobile Suits on display aren't named, but the one in the back right is actually the YOASOBI Collaboration Version of the Demi Trainer.
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(YOASOBI are the musical duo that composed Shukufuku)
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I wont bore you with a 1 to 1 transcription of the text of this first presentation, so here's the general overview.
This is PRESENTATION No. 001 for the Incubation Party from TENGRIFF SOLUTIONS. They're asking for 100,000,000 to develop an INTEGRATED FIRE CONTROL SOFTWARE. What that means generally is that they want to develop a software that can automatically correct/redirect an MS's aim to a specific target, in both Individual and Team based MS Operations. The benefits of this system are: AUTO TRAJECTORY CORRECTION AUTO CORIOLIS CORRECTION AUTO GRAVITY CORRECTION FIRE CONTROL FORMS BATTALION HIGH SPEED TARGET DATA LINK HIGH PERFORMANCE SPOTTING SYSTEM ALL ENVIRONMENT CONTROL SYSTEM
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Unfortunately this project did not meet the 75% formation requirement and DIED
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Funny Shaddiq Expression. I don't think he ever makes a face like this for the rest of the series.
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[Pointing] One of the two times throughout the series we see any pat of Notrette. The only other time is in the second season opening.
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We see VIM JETURK on Lauda's screen when he's calling him. (The "Accept" button actually darkens when Lauda taps it)
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This scene is our first look into Nika's role as a go between for Shaddiq, and also how it'll be a main point of conflict between her and Martin, as he's the one who sees the two of them talking.
(Also, Shaddiq has a habit of abruptly lowering the tone of his voice to signify a change in his demeanor. If you ever rewatch the series again, try and listen for it ! He does it all the time)
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Miorine's phone when she requests access to the Stage Screen
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When she gets approved and begins connecting, her phone displays this loading screen called SYNCHRONIZE
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And the stage screen is displaying that same loading screen for a split second before fully connecting.
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Miorine explains what this all means in the show proper, so I feel it'd be redundant to explain it, but here's the presentation anyhow.
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We also see the UI of the program Mio is using in the presentation. She only uses the MEMO tab, but we see that there's a TEXT and PICT tab as well.
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When Miorine takes the phone back from Delling, the investment status has reached 3%, meaning he invested 7,200,000,000 in the company. Mama Mia !
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Business Successfully Formed!
But it seems that they only reached the bare minimum amount, 75%. So of the 240,000,000,000, she requested, the company earned at LEAST 180,000,000,000
We also see that Miorine’s presentation is only the 5th one of the night.
And that's all! Thank you very much! Unfortunately I can't leave anymore images because I've somehow reached the image limit :(
Instead I leave you with this: Go back and watch the scene where Miorine and Suletta see Prospera and Godoy. After the scene where Suletta greets him, they keep drawing his face wrong. Okay! Goodbye....!
Click here to go to Episode 8!
Click here to go to the Masterpost!
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callcenterstech · 2 years
What is a prescient dialer?
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As the name recommends, a predictive dialer hosting predicts the accessibility of the live human specialist for going to the calls and afterward sets the calls as needs be. This protects the dialer, who is the possibility or client of the brand from any kind of pressure connected with the disengaged numbers, occupied signals, voice messages, no-answer calls, and that’s just the beginning.
The free predictive dialer is adequately brilliant to invite the calls from the dialer just when the call place specialist isn’t excessively occupied with different calls or discussions. Did you had any idea about that toward the start of their presentation on the lookout, prescient dialer was essential for equipment business arrangements? Be that as it may, today, they have changed into a product instrument ruling the call community market.
What is facilitated prescient dialer?
facilitated vicidial predictive dialerA facilitated virtual predictive dialer is a cloud-based programming answer for give expanded security, upgraded adaptability, straightforward control, cost effectiveness, and quick organization to the call place. Since this is a cloud-based framework, it is open whenever and anyplace consistently. It executes every one of the errands of the ordinary prescient dialer framework separated from not many extra elements. With no particular equipment need, facilitated dialer acquires expanded efficiency and the right arrangements as highlighted call checking, call recording, CRM joining, and significantly more.
How might facilitated prescient dialer be a unique advantage for your call place?
Cloud-based predictive dialer free trial or facilitated dialer is a 360-degree arrangement supplier for raising the efficiency of outbound brings in a call community. Here is a rundown of motivations to help the decision.
It saves time
Dialing a number isn’t so natural as it sounds to be the point at which it is connected with the call community business. 30 seconds squandered in manual dialing of a number and afterward trusting that the call will get associated with no conviction, influences efficiency unfavorably over the long haul. Consequently, to keep away from such critical manual blunders, organizations need to set up call place programming that is incorporated with a prescient dialer module. This cloud dialer strategy utilizes specific calculations to lead the occupation of dialing the numbers from the data set subsequent to bypassing the lethargic calls, replying mail, and occupied lines.
It sets aside cash
There are many immediate and aberrant expense saving parts of facilitated free trial predictive dialer framework. It requires no particular equipment gear plan, saves money on the expense of HR as it is effectively functional by means of far off representatives, works on the pace of a call association, and furthermore ensures a better call transformation rate.
It prompts a decrease in call drops
How disappointing it is for a specialist to recognize and physically dial a number, to simply find a solution by a computerized replying mail. This even outcomes in the wastage of time and cash at the organization’s end. Auto dialer programming, be that as it may, helps in defeating such unfortunate circumstances by sifting the don’t upset or unanswered calls from the wide range of various calls. At the point when such useful calls are sifted through, the specialists get full-time to zero in just on calls that convey positive outcomes. Additionally, they can go to the most extreme number of brings in an hour and that too with no call drop.
We can undoubtedly coordinate it with organization CRM
Facilitated  predictive dialer trial programming is not difficult to coordinate with the organization’s CRM programming. This is useful for the specialists when they need to call clients, as they are helpful with the separate client data in advance. Aside from this, they are additionally mindful of any past discussion record, request status, or some other unique note to be considered while accepting up the call with the individual client. This prompts improvement in lead change and speedy goal of questions. Additionally, the specialist can additionally refresh the continuous discussion information on the Call Center CRM for future reference and calls.
It gives a client driven approach
Open source predictive dialer free programming is not difficult to coordinate with client driven programming modules like CRM and IVR. This implies the calls get navigated on the right course generally. Thus, the specialists handle inquiries consistently brilliantly, with complete consumer loyalty as an inevitable outcome. Facilitated dialer programming additionally monitors the line length, dropped calls, specialists accessible for calls and that’s just the beginning, for appropriate call place the executives.
It guarantees expertise based steering
According to the convention of the facilitated  predictive dialer hosting programming, not the most readily accessible specialist handles the call, however the right talented specialist in the end goes to the call. Few out of every odd specialist has similar degree of delicate abilities or specialized abilities to accept up the calls. For this reason, facilitated dialer programming follows the expertise based directing for a superior client experience. Likewise, expertise based directing aides in first-call goal, which is a huge boundary in concluding the achievement pace of any call community.
Now that you are very much aware of the relative multitude of advantages of having a facilitated prescient dialer programming, you should know how to track down the best programming on the lookout. Programming Suggest is all here to help you in choosing the most proper facilitated dialer programming for your call place. Thus, bid farewell to the times of manual dialing and shift to mechanically progressed programming support for better client connections and maintenance.
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