#Horrorfell sans
caycanteven · 7 months
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waif gets uppies
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smokbeast · 9 months
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commission done for @caycanteven of their horrorfell balsam, i love him so much it was a pleasure drawing him for you ;w;
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kevinzhechair · 4 months
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My version of the HorrorFell bros :D, I still need to give them nicknames
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magic-hcs · 10 months
If your requests are still open, can I ask for some hc's from the guys from HT and HF where the reader praises them and kisses their scars? these poor boys need more love 😭😭♡
These boys so do need more love! Thank you for being patient with me, I enjoyed writing this!
Warnings: light angst, insecurities, low self-esteem, mentions of trauma
Bear: Horrortale Sans
Bean: Horrortale Papyrus
Rust: horrorfell Sans
Thatch: Horrorfell Papyrus
Time to cast some magic and see what we’ll get!✨
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Bear: The purrs are loud with this one as your lips sweetly press against the little cracks and dents in his bones. At least, as long as you stay away from the gaping hole in his skull. It’s way too sensitive for your lips, not to mention, the edges are sharp. Bear would feel so bad if you accidentally cut yourself on it.
Don’t get me started on when you start to throw praises and doting on him with words into the mix, my will be man is a goner plain and simple.
Of course, in the beginning when you start to do this, Bear short-circuits and needs to process what you just did. But he will always accept any affection you want to give him. Only when you move on or leave Bear to his own thoughts do the intrusive little buggers start to plague him with insecurities.
They range from jabs at his conditions, his appearance and past. Trying to pick him apart and disprove all the praises and love you’ve just given him. Ever the stubborn man who struggles with it internally, refusing to burden anyone else with it, tries to push through it and ignore his thoughts. Which has never helped him at all - one would think he finally gets that it's not healthy or helpful behavior after so long of doing it and it backfiring in his face.
Luckily, Bean is observant and perceptive, knowing his dear brother like no other, helpfully nudges him open. (By playing the we-will-always-be-truthful-to-each-other-card…No one ever said that Bean doesn’t play dirty. If it helps his brother in the long run, he’s making use of it). And of course, it helps. Once he opened up to you about it and you two found a way to not trigger his intrusive thoughts - by spreading your praises and scar kissings throughout the day instead of all in one go - Bear will always readily accept any affections you give him.
Bean: At the start of the relationship - when monsters haven’t surfaced all that long ago - Bean noticed you had gotten way more affectionate towards him than you had been before. Which, of course, isn’t a bad thing; everyone is different and some people just get more touchy and lovey when in a romantic relationship. But it did lightly trigger his skepticism like a knee-jerk reaction.
Back in the underground…well, let’s just say that Bean has a good reason why he looks for meanings behind certain actions and behavior thanks to some who acted nice not out of the goodness of their soul or heart.
It’s not your fault of course, nor could Bean be at fault.
Just something from the past that Bean took with him to the surface.
You don’t have to worry however, he knows you well enough to know that you don’t have any ulterior motive with your affections. So for Bean it will be easy enough to push those reflexive skeptical thoughts aside, or rationalize them.
Once he gets used to it, he’ll return the favor. You want to kiss Bean’s scars? Go right ahead, while you’re doing that, Bean will place skelekisses on your marked skin. Tracing his phalanges sweetly over the dents and lighter or darker lines on your body, while he himself shivers slightly as your lips press against the cracks on his bones. It’s a very sweet and domestic quality time between the two of you. It becomes even better when either one of you had been having a tough day, building each other up with each tender kiss.
Bean cannot quite imagine a life without your sweet, sweet kisses. He treasures them and you deeply.
Rust: It’s a healing feeling that Rust at first didn’t know what to do with. He stood there, frozen while you kissed his scars. Trying to process what’s going on inside him and what you’re doing. There had been times when Rust stared at you with his sometimes unnerving unblinking gaze before asking “…why?”.
It’s a slow progress of him getting used to it, but it’s so worth it in the end.
Now, Rust knows and been with you long enough to know when you’re about to shower him in praises and kisses. To say he adores those times is an understatement. He wants to completely lean and sag against you as you nuzzle him. Whispering sweet nothings in his non-existent ear while you kiss every crack, scar and dent that litters his face.
But there’s a time that is his favorite when you decide to pamper him like this. And that is when the two of you lie in bed together, either when waking up in the morning, or going to sleep or just cuddling together. With you either snuggled up to his side or lying on his bare chest (yes he has shoved some pillows inside his ribcage to make it more comfortable for you. And yes it feels weird to have those things inside his ribs but anything for you, not that he would say it out loud.)
It feels warm, it feels intimate. The way you look at him in the eyelight, murmuring so sweetly as you stroke your fingers across his scarred ribs and bones. And you do without a motive, you just want to do this. Showing Rust love and care he had never thought he’d wanted, desired, craved or needed. And oh, how he needed and craved it. Your love is like a silky cloth that gets softly pulled across his bones like a gentle wave. It’s a liquid warmth that fills the cracks and mental scars putting him back together like one does a treasured vase with golden glue.
Thatch: Oh, oh gosh… Thatch doesn’t know what to do with this, honestly. His mind cannot really wrap around it? After all, how could he deserve such love from you that you just want to shower him with praises and kiss the cracks in his face and ribs? How is he supposed to function when you take his prosthetic arm and hand in yours and kiss the fingers and knuckles so tenderly? Never taking your eyes - that are full of so, so much love that he is undeserving of - off his own sockets.
You know of his past, he knows you do, he has told you himself that night full of so many tears and vulnerability. So Thatch can’t really grasp that despite it all, despite you knowing what he did, the monster that he is in every single way possible, you still hold him as if he deserves something. As if he deserves to be loved, that he deserves to be reassured.
You’re breaking him in even tinier little pieces, unraveling him at the seams, slowly but surely, until all that's left of him…and you’re putting him back together with such care and gentle hands and lips with every touch, with every kiss and words of praise.
It’s after a long time that Thatch slowly starts to be able to mentally accept the affections you wish to bestow upon him. And it’s after an even longer time that he manages to push the little voice in the back of his mind that whispers; ‘they don’t truly mean that, they don’t truly love you. It’s just pity,’ away.
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Thank you for participating in this spell, I hope it was to your satisfaction.
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didderd · 6 months
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just two doodles i felt like weren't enough to be their own post. first is @hearty-dose-of-ranch and Tac. :3 second is another doodle i made a while ago for @/sans-guy. of @caycanteven's Bal and a y/n (meant to be Milk). :>
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discreetlycyan · 3 months
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coming out of left field with this one folks.. its... an actual finished drawing?doodle? (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ im fr so happy with it guys
plus horrorfell sans is so cool. love him so much. maybe his nickname could be hellboy wouldnt that be silly cuz like horrorfell makes hell.. im so.. Silly for him
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majorpatheticcas · 11 months
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Bal here, Bal there, BAL IS EVERYWHERE-
This man fr got my heart wrapped around his phalanges 😩
@caycanteven, I blame you for holding my heart in hostage
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monsterroonio · 1 year
does roo have a type? asking for a friend
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no. Red by me :) Bass by me :) Tac by @didderd Cedar by @fruitsnackart Bud by @scrambledmeggys
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robobbin · 11 months
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Literally crying about @magic-hcs' Rust, he's the Most Teddy Man ever (ノ⸝⸝⸝༎ຶ 3 ༎ຶ⸝⸝⸝)ノ♡・:*♡・.。
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coolingrosa · 10 months
Why is Horrorfell bad??? You make Horror and Fell both good dads I don’t understand
Imagine this for a second, Anon
Imagine a Underfell where the monster aren’t only cruel, but desperately hunger too and driven to madness. Imagine a kingdom run by a Fell Undyne, who wanted to kill humans from the very start, and is now on a personal level, hurt by one, even if that human didn’t mean to. Imagine that rage that already has doubled. Imagine how that rage will be with a plague of hunger and loss of sanity.
The hunger is the worst possible situation for the Underfell characters. They already try to kill each other- and now they will attempt to eat each other. The closest thing to describe Horrorfell is AxeTale, and if you know that AU, you know how disturbing and messed up it is. Horrorfell is unsafe for all and past redemption, unfortunately.
It’s all about survival and eating. Nobody will care who dies in the process,
I never stated Horrorfell, or Bear, as I’ve seen many call him, was abusive in a sense of malicious intent. He doesn’t hit Aliza but he does berate her. Which he should not be doing. Belittling her and screaming in her face while holding her arm and dragging her around is unhealthy behavior and abuse.
However, he has his reasons for this. He doesn’t explode for nothing. Aliza is a teenager who is stuck in a world where if she steps outside without supervision or doesn’t chose to kill, she will get eaten. And because she’s a teenager and frustrated, she rebels and almost dies many times. Bear is aggressive in hopes she will stay quiet and agree, but Aliza, of course, does not listen.
He’s not a good father. But nobody can be in Horrorfell. The fact that he hasn’t eaten her yet is already a commendable feat in Horrorfell, as many parents turned to their kids first. Bear has not. He loves her wholeheartedly. He’s just lost his mind, is constantly hungry and angry, and paranoid she will die at any minute because she refuses to listen to him.
Which is why when Core Chara came and offered to take Aliza away to a safe place, it was the first time his anger and paranoia cleared enough to allow him to cry in relief. He let her go easily. Because he knew she’d be okay and wasn’t as far gone as he was. She could heal. She could live. He could not. Sans was gone a long time ago, and no amount of healing could ever bring him fully back, especially when his brain is permanently in survival mode.
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e-icreator23 · 8 days
Ok, So this is a post about the Possessed Struggles AU
Yes it is inspired by other games, shows, and the GB (Gaster Blaster AU)
An unknown person had become aware of the multiverse through a vision and wanted power for themselves. Due to this, they looked around to gain control of someone or some people and then found a "small book with a broken crescent moon and sun on it." After reading what was in it, they decided to use it on one of the Guardians. They found loopholes when portals opened into other multiverse and once they saw a pattern, they used it to their advantage. Dream had been walking with Cross and Moon when they used a spell, The Possession. Shortly after, Error, Ink, and Nightmare were sent threatening messages and they met up in a graveyard like the message said. Once they were there, a burst of green light came from underground and the person was there. But the thing that caught them off guard was Dream, Cross, and Moon were there but no longer looked like they used to. They were corrupted, and their clothes were in a darker, more menacing style. They fought shortly after they refused to submit to them. The person lost and The Possession was calmed down in the three, however, that caused it to split itself into unknown amounts and possess random aus.
After the fight, the three passed out and stayed like that for a few days. One of them disappeared, Moon, but a few things of his were left. Ink took Cross, Error went back to the Anti-Void but was now more paranoid, and Nightmare took Dream. After 4 days, they woke up but their appearances did change. They got bigger, something black was constantly leaking from eyes and mouths. Dark bags were under their eye sockets but they were to their main color. Dream is more yellow/gold, Cross is purple, etc. They helped them out during the day but at night, horrible pains would take over around 8:30. 3 days after waking up, the pains came worse and the animals mixed with other animals or things showed and slowly, their bodies contorted to become what the mark was. They realized that the Possession wasn't gone and it won't be gone for a long time. This has its issues because it can happen at random sometimes. Other things relating to the book summoned other things around the multiverse and became enemies.
How the Possession works:
The possessions are usually vengeful entities that want to cause harm but need a main host/leader. Once they have a leader, they listen to them but are more reluctant to people who want to do good unless they like the leader or ones they personally like.
If they don't have a leader or host, they quickly try to look for one, and the ones they are most attracted to are ones with previous trauma or ones that they deem too innocent or kind to corrupt.
Quick note: There are others like I have said before, Nightmare, Ink, and Error are some of the more key players, the possessed one's siblings also try to help out with them but sometimes create conflict with them.
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He was the main target to get possessed/controlled. There are percentages to how possessed someone can be and he is around
Possessed: 80%-89%.
OG Height: 5'5 (167 cm)
Current Height: 5'9 (179 cm)
Peronsality: Still kind, helpful to certain people, more paranoid, can't hide his feelings/lie, less talkitive to random people.
Weapons: Bow and arrow, Double bladed dagges, golden clawed rings, alternate form, magic.
Powers: stronger magic, Speed, light magic/light manipulation
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He happened to be with Dream when he was attacked. After, he was more relutctent to be around Ink for perosnal reasons but bore with it.
Possessed: 75%
OG height: 5'7 (173 cm)
Current Height: 5'11 (180 cm)
Personality: Distant with certain people, active, constant training, only around certain people, caring, a bit absent minded
Weapons: Huge blade, Steel Claws, Double Daggers, small chain whips, Blasters and bones
Powers: Nightvision, Strenght, healing magic improved/slight regeneration
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He was one of the first to be found out to have been possessed. He didnt realize until his brother pointed out his appearance. Nightmare found out about him like this when he became scared of himself
Possessed: 58%
OG Height: 5'3 (161 cm)
Current Height: 5'7 (173 cm)
Personality: Absent minded, chill, slightly paranoid, curious about learning more, slightly lazy
Weapons: Blasters and bones, two daggers, claws
Powers: Floating, telekinesis stronger, far sight, slight speed
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He was found out when he started acting off, like getting even more hungry and the massive height change. Nightmare confronted him and he was honest with it.
Possessed: 84%
OG heightt: 5'8 (176 cm)
Current Height: 6'3 (192 cm)
Personality: Usually calm, massively hungry, stern with strangers, helpful to ones he cares about, angrerd more easily than before, more harsh on criticism
Weapon: Bones and Blasters, Corrupted Axe, claws, bitting, scycles, alternate form
Powers: masssive strength, x-ray vision, retractable claws and teeth, blood control, massive eating/endless eating without gaining anything
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(yes its not like the others)
He was found out when he was wondering around in the city and Killer saw him slighly turing.
Possessed: 86%
OG height: 5'10 (177 cm)
Current Height: 6'7 (207 cm)
Personality: Rude to random people, angered easily, drinks often, smokes often, blunt, slightly helpful
Weapons: Bones and blasters, Claws, bitting, needles and syringes, guns, alternate form, massive corrupted axe
Powers: massive strength, retractable claws, hypnotic eyes, blood boosts, slight shadow manipulation
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He was found later on around the river by Dream. He had been there since he was freaked out but the pains and noticed Dream had the same leaky eyes and mouth.
Possessed: 58%
OG Height: 5'6 (170 cm)
Current Height: 5'10 (177 cm)
Personality: quiet, not trusting, anxious, panics often, stays to himself
Weapons: bones and blasters, fur spikes, throwing knives, flash bombs
Powers: water maniplation, emotional manipulation, water breathing, speed
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His brother got freaked out after he came back home and noticed his eyes right off the bat. He asked around and thats how Nightmare found out
Possessed: 73%
OG Height: 6'4 (195 cm)
Current Height: 6'8 (207 cm)
Personality: Laid back, tired all time, Constant smoking, Figity, suspicious of people easily
Weapons: bones and Blasters, bitting, corrupted scycle
Powers: smoke density, poison smoke, never ending cigarette, retractable fangs
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He woke up seeing something leaking out of his eyes and panicked and told his brother. They bumped into Horror and he noticed it and told them.
Possessed: 80%
OG height: 6'2 (188 cm)
Current Height: 6'6 (201 cm)
Personality: Skittish, quiet, very anxious, scared easily,panics easily, incredibly angry at people who insult his brother
Weapons: bones and blasters, claws, sudden spikes from back, guns, throwing stars
Powers: sonic screams, exploding spikes, infinte storage, invisibility
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He went to Ink after seeing his clothes and vision was different from before. Ink quickly notified the others. So are he is the last one to be know as possessed
Possessed: 83%
OG heights: 6'0 (182 cm)
Current height: 6'5 (198 cm)
Personality: still acts dumb, paranoid, gets quiet randomly, will become threatening randomly
Weapons: bones and blasters, smoke bombs, parsite tentcles, small throwing spikes
Powers: parsite growth, scarf like tentcles, night vision, metal manipulation, illusions
I might add more but when I do, I'll update it so yee
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caycanteven · 1 year
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Here ya go, take some Bal sustenance.
You feel like you're being judged...but he just really appreciates how awesome you look today.
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mintyiron · 5 months
what deal?
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I still plan on expanding my horrorfell au even though I haven't drawn horrorfell in a while
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kevinzhechair · 3 months
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All the stickers and emojis I have created for my discord server
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magic-hcs · 1 year
💵 c,,, can I have a lil smooch from Rust? (⁄ ⁄>⁄ 3 ⁄<⁄ ⁄)
Rust grins as he watches you shyly stutter out the words. His one intact socket was lidded while his bone cheek rests in his clawed hand. His chest rumbled as he talked with a slight slur to his voice. “…course ya can, sweet cheeks.” Rust rises from his seat, slipping the hand from his bone cheek as he reaches out to you. Despite his large stature and intimidating aura and looks, his sharp phalange trails underneath your jaw with the utmost care. As if he was touching a baby rabbit.
“…lil’ smooch comin’ right up.” He purrs as he leans down. The rust colored orb in his destroyed socket seemed almost fuzzy at the edge as he got closer to you. But he didn’t place his sharp teeth against your lips, he presses them to the ridge of your nose instead. Gently nuzzling a skelekiss onto your skin. And you swore you heard him purr like a kitten.
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capricioussun · 1 year
Oooo for those expression prompts, could I see Eclipse with 3C 👀 (assuming that’s open for asks ofc, feel free to ignore this is not)
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This is how he looks at the rotisserie chickens at the grocery store
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