imthepunchlord · 3 years
Many don’t know the two sides of the moon, or are even aware that there are two sides. Most know of the more positive aspect of the mysterious luminary. The gentle beauty, here to lighten up the night, shapes shadows upon its whim, and illuminate paths for those who wander in the night. 
Many have forgotten that it was a luminary associated with mischief, unknown, and danger. How it empowered the supernatural, and brought about the thirteenth hour, just for the magic of the world to thrive in. 
It was something Luuna always mentioned, but never elaborated on. It made Luka wonder from time to time if the two moon bound miraculouses that he and his partner had, did they experience the extra hour the moon brought? Did time ever come for a stand still, just for them and the fey?
He truly couldn’t say. 
What he can say is that, post getting the rabbit miraculous, Luka’s found himself to be more active at night. Feel a need to be out, under the moon and the stars and to simply listen to the world. 
In truth, it suits him just fine. 
The melody of the night was a peaceful one, and the rabbit just added to his hearing, stretching it out farther, letting the soothing, relaxing song of the sleeping Paris fill his head. And walking along the Seine, it just added to the tune. 
Luka paused a little when he felt movement underneath his jacket, looking down to see Luuna peeking out, seeing her sniff the air, her long ears perked, blue eyes alert. The white kwami spared him a fast look, whispering, “Jagrr is close.” 
Luka perked at that. 
Lupine was about? 
Immediately, he went to the roofs, seeking out the wolf, noting that yes, it did appear the moon had dimmed down a little, nervous of the active wolf, possibly in memory of the one that chased it across the heavens. 
Not that Lupine would. 
The only thing she was interested in hunting was trouble. 
Under the dim light, he saw the bit of red of her suit, and when she turned towards him, he saw the glow of her eyes, locked right on him. The extended coattail of her blazer seemed to twitch, and he could see her considering him, observing him. 
The wolf decided to prowl closer, and Luka stood still, watching as she came to him slowly. Benevolent as she was, all got nervous at the approach of a wolf. Even Luuna mentioned once that, while she and Jagrr got along, she felt twitchy around her lunar counterpart. Its instinct for the rabbit to want to flee, and for the wolf to chase. 
While Luka felt no need to flee, knowing he was safe near her, he couldn’t deny how still he stood as she came near, more marveled by her than afraid. 
While shorter than him, she moved with great power and grace, stopping before him and peering up at him with bright yellow eyes, a friendly smile on her lips. Before him, he could catch a bit of her song, familiar, but disjointed with her miraculous, securing that he couldn’t figure her out. 
“What are you doing so late at night?” she wondered, mindful to not get too close. 
With a smile, he answered, “Couldn’t sleep. An evening walk felt too tempting.” 
“I get that,” she said, sparing a glance to the moon above. It appears she was on the same page, unable to sleep, having a need to be out under the moon as well. 
“Do you want to walk with me?” he asked. 
“Happily!” There was a wag in her coattail before it went still, and she awkwardly corrected, “I need to, ah, see you home safely anyway.” 
His smile grew and he drew near, allowing the two to walk side by side. A content quiet settled between them, Luka listening to the melody of the night while Lupine would breathe in deeply. He spared a glance her way, watching how her hair bounded with her movement, her red faux ears twitching about, catching every sound around them. When her bright yellow eyes flickered to him, he instinctively looked away, turning his gaze to the moon above. 
Absently, he wondered, “Do you experience the thirteenth hour?” 
There was a curious amusement in her tone. “I don’t. I can move faster than time if I want to though.” 
And he could pause time for a very short while. 
The quiet resumed, relaxing and at ease, with the lull of the Seine filling the air between them. They took a slow turn on a bridge, heading back to where his mother anchored the Liberty. He absently wondered if Juleka finally retired or if she was going to still be awake. 
Lupine let loose a loud sigh, her ears flopping down. Giving her a concerned look, he got his answer as she commented in a slight whine, “I’m going to be dead tired tomorrow.” 
He gave a dry chuckle. He’ll be sharing that pain. 
“I’m not even tired after this, I still feel like moving.” With a pout, she reached up, tracing the little crescent moon pendant she had hanging around her neck, all five slots glowing red with power. “I think it's one of the worst things about this, it doesn’t help with my sleep schedule at all.” 
“Are you more of a night person?” he asked. 
“I’m more of a sporadic sleeper, so I sleep whenever.” She had a pout on her lips, and he chuckled at the sight, finding it cute on her. “You?” she asked. 
“More of a night owl, myself.” With a shake of his head, he admitted, “And not a morning person.” 
She cracked a grin. “I can be awake in seconds.” 
“How?” he wondered, genuinely wanting to know. “What sort of power is this?” 
She puffed up, looking proud. “My drive to be busy,” she said dramatically. “It’s both a blessing and a curse.” 
“You can give me some of that energy.”
“I would love to.” 
Unconsciously, they both drew closer and closer until they brushed each other, making them both jump. Flustered smiles were shared between the two, Lupine’s cheeks a little pink as she turned away, delight shining in her eyes. Luka’s eyes were filled with warmth and content. 
All too soon, Liberty was in sight, and with it, their time coming to an end. Lupine let out a wistful sigh, tail drooping flat against her back legs. Then she perked herself up and hopped away, turning back to Luka. “Try to get some sleep,” she requested, “at least one of us could be better prepared for tomorrow.” 
He gave her a wry smile. “You’re expecting a little too much there.” 
There was a thoughtful hum before she gasped, bringing forth her palette and brush. “Brushstroke,” she murmured, and the top of her paintbrush glowed. She slid it over her palette and music notes drifted into the air. 
“I’m not much of a musician,” she warned as the notes drifted closer to Luka, who cupped them in wonder. “But I like to think I’m decent enough to leave you a little lullaby.” 
“I, thank you,” he whispered, listening as they let loose a soft tune, one that sounded close to Jagged’s softer songs, but with enough tweaks to make it a lullaby. 
“Goodnight, Luka.” 
With a great leap, Lupine left him alone. Luuna darted out, giddily spinning around the music notes, brushing against one had it twirling faster in the air, the note going a little higher. “How marvelous!” she gushed, a giddy chime in her eyes. 
“Hey, this is supposed to help me sleep,” he said, easing her back a little. He can say that he already felt himself relaxing at the melody. His hands cupped around the floating notes, he carried the quiet song to his room, finding that yes, Juleka was out and asleep. Letting the notes drift over his bed, he settled down, listening and watching the notes above him till his eyes grew heavy… 
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xavipostsfan · 3 years
RT @Rubengzamora: 3 beer de mi rank cerveza sin de @OKasionalBeer rica Hopollo 😋🍻 https://t.co/L9uBoXh38b
— 𝙾𝙺𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝙱𝚎𝚎𝚛 (@OKasionalBeer) Sep 18, 2021
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