#Hopefully this sates your boundless curiosity some dear ⏰.
pommenarrateur · 1 year
I Have a quick question for you, do you have a favorite fruit?
and just to give an identity hint, I have a sign off.
(I enjoy mysteries)
You're curious to know about my favorite fruit, of all things?
Why? Is this something you concern yourself with regarding everyone you speak to? Something you lie awake at night thinking about perchance, dwelling, wondering if you could possibly guess the right answer? Or maybe you see it as a better method of determining oneself than a horoscope? With your very own personality pop quiz?
...Excuse me please. You're just one of a good handful that have sent me absurdly specific questions and I'm still trying to wrap my head around the reasoning behind each. These aren't exactly the kinds of queries I expected opening this account, you see.
Nonetheless, assuming we're speaking of literal, edible fruit, the kind that grows from trees and vines and such, and this is not some horrible euphemism I'm unaware of, I'll say...
My favorite fruit would be avocados.
Or perhaps olives.
Pumpkins, maybe?
And if you read that and now wish to argue with me whether or not any of the listed are legitimate fruits, I advise you take it up with your favorite internet browser and/or your respective (or favorite) God.
If you do not have nor believe in either of those things, take it up with your parents.
If you don't have parents, I'm still not fighting with you about it.
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