#Hopefully this askbox will help my consistency drawing him :-)
buwheal · 9 months
spamton do you enjoy spinning in the microwave
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maverick-werewolf · 6 years
Greetings! I'm going to use the same numbers to keep this simple, since I'm asking about not one, not two, but THREE of your original characters. Hopefully this won't be too much of an imposition. Sir Tom Drake, Caiden Voros, and Plexaura Voros, please; with numbers 16, 17, 18, 22, 31, and hmm, 48 to round things off. Much obliged!
Still got some of these left in my askbox! And gosh darnit, I’m going to answer the last few that I have. Thanks for asking, Cappy. :D
Biggest and smallest long term goal?
Biggest - become a legend. Become one of these amazing, Golden Age of the Empire heroes, the ones who’ll survive forever in songs and tales, the ones people will always look back to, read about, and who will forever be inspirations and shining beacons of goodness. At heart, Tom really just wants to be a hero. Then lycanthropy happened and now he just wants to be human.
Smallest long term goal… keep his journal consistently updated. And yes, he has a journal.
Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
Preferred is his armor; the only ritual surrounding it is keeping it polished, shiny, and impressive. Otherwise, the only requirement Tom has is that he absolutely hates sleeves. Gotta be sleeveless. If it’s got sleeves, he’d probably prefer to just go shirtless, because who needs shirts, anyway?
Favorite beverage?
Tom’s not terribly picky about beverages. He grew up on cheap as piss ale and beer, then started trying out the more expensive wine. He likes it to have a bit of a kick, that’s his only real requirement for putting it among his favorites.
Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
DRAGONS. Dragons would happen. All kinds of dragons, immaculately detailed and incredibly drawn. Tom has spent way, way too much time thinking about, studying, and drawing dragons, and he is very good at it.
Most prized possession?
His amulet. The deepsilver heraldic dragon on a leather cord, always kept around his neck. He wouldn’t part with it for the world, and if someone takes it, he will absolutely start breaking necks if that’s what it takes to get it back.
How do they express love?
Well, I mean, this is Tom. He expresses love in very… ah… passionate, physical ways, if you catch my drift.
And if that’s not the kind of love we’re talking about, then lots of bear hugs, friendly shoulder-punches for some people, undoubtedly plenty of teasing…
Biggest and smallest long term goal?
Biggest long-term goal, find a way to make peace with himself. That, and let himself settle down somewhere nice, cozy, quiet, and preferably at least a little secluded. Hopefully with someone he loves (even if he’s now convinced he lost that chance). But he doesn’t see the settling down happening, either, because he can’t rest if he feels like there’s still work he has to do - and, let’s face it, there always will be.
Smallest long-term goal… Improve his reading skills. Caiden wasn’t ever properly educated, because he’s a commoner by birth and didn’t have time for all that. And while he’s now made time to teach himself how to be literate, he wants to get better at it and be able to read fast.
Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
One word: efficiency. Caiden prefers to wear what he considers his uniform at all times. He has a strong military background and that really stuck. Whatever he wears, it’s going to be protective and it’s going to be well-kept (and probably short-sleeved, even if that can fly in the face of the effectiveness).
Favorite beverage?
Whiskeys, easily.
Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
Something useful. Plans to build something, or maybe a rough sketch of the last monster he encountered, so he can have a proper representation for his next Venator report, especially if it was a less common monster.
Most prized possession?
His eyepatch that Plexaura gave him.
How do they express love?
Caiden’s unspoken (because most everything IS unspoken with him) motto is that actions speak louder than words. But since he isn’t the kind of guy to go around handing out bear hugs, either, it’d be in the little things. A touch on the shoulder, for instance. At least, unless he cares about that person so very much that he’s actually willing to cuddle. He’s a snugglebear (don’t tell anyone), and he’s ready and willing to snuggle for hours if needed.
Biggest and smallest long term goal?
Biggest long-term goal is to figure out how to control her magic, so that she can stop being a nervous wreck all the time and living in fear of lashing out and hurting someone - anyone - or destroying something… or otherwise landing herself in Karak du Vide, no matter how she would have been found out.
Smallest long-term goal, get one or more kittens and raise them, then keep the cats forever (she loves cats, never grew out of wanting one as a child).
Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
Anything that isn’t uncomfortable. She’s big on comfort, and otherwise not terribly picky. She generally gravitates toward clothes that’ll keep her comfortable while she runs errands and helps her mother around the house, and that usually involves pants instead of a dress (no matter how many looks she might get for it).
Favorite beverage?
Plexaura’s got a grudge against anything very alcoholic, thanks to her brother’s tendency to drink those with abandon. But given her family’s social status, they can’t afford clean water, so it’s often ale to drink anyway. That being the case - Plexaura’s favorite drink is just… water. Nice, clean water.
Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
Random shapes, or shapes based on some of the things she’s seen while studying/staring at/carefully leafing through the arcane tome she has. It’d be a page covered in some very strange-looking, intricate designs… that probably make no sense at all.
Most prized possession?
An ancient, arcane tome she was given by her mentor - one she can’t even read yet, but she’s learning to, with her mentor’s help.
How do they express love?
Plexaura is pretty straightforward about it. First of all, she hugs. A lot. So many hugs. Second of all, worrying over them constantly. Not in a motherly sort of way, but in the way of always wondering what they’re doing, where they are, if they’re okay, etc. It may be an odd way to show love for someone, but she’s always been a bit paranoid, and her big brother living a life in the military, the Venatori, or some other dangerous line of work has never helped.
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