#Hope this is ok!!!
springbandit · 10 months
"Y'know, I ain't here to be y'friend!" Rocket barked, a hand outstretched in both equal parts exasperation and optimistic anticipation. "You and I both know you ain't gonna eat that whole thing. Why are you so afraid of a mutual transaction? I get what you don't eat and you get - whatever I'm holding behind my back here. Honestly, the mystery is ninety percent of the fun. C'mon."
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missdcalls · 9 months
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Charlotte Burton was many things, but one thing she wasn't was a fool. More often than not people mistook her as one, but she was much wiser than she looked. While her parents weren't the brightest crayons in the box (she would describe them as lovable, more than anything else), they had raised two kids who had grown up to be as sharp as tacks. Jacob had spent years in the military, building his rank, while she had gotten into one of the more prestigious medical schools in the country. Two successful children, trying to make their parents proud.
Partly due to her profession, Lola paid attention to some of the finer details. The ones that went unnoticed by most of society, as they were far too busy worrying about other things. Love. Wealth. Health. They didn't care to get to know those around them, unless it benefited them in some way.
So it was safe to say that she knew they had been lying to her. For weeks now, things had been different. Each lie got more sloppy, and less detailed. When she would ask questions, she would simply be shrugged off, told that there was nothing to worry about.
They are getting ready to leave for the evening when she stops them. Grabs their hand, pulls them back. "I know you're not working this late. When you leave, you do not take your boots, which last time I checked were necessary for your line of work." At least, what they had told her that they did. For all she knew, that was a lie, too.
Lola's standing face to face with them, partially on her tippy toes to reach their height (not that it helped much.) "There's something off about you. I don't think - you're not human, are you?" It was pretty far fetched, to accuse someone of belonging to the supernatural world, but she really didn't have any other explanation for how they acted. "What - what are you?" // @someotherdog
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mischiefmodig · 9 months
Tower Exploration \ / Starter @askstalks-in-shadows
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Of all of the sources in this realm to investigate, the very tower upon which they ( being all of these 'echoes' ) were summoned from. His last attempts to resolve his bewildering displacement left him battered and bruised, more than he ought to have been.
It seemed there was an order to this summoning. Every midday and weekend, the tower would illuminate, and every time still these temporal gardens would flood in green light and butterflies. These guardians appeared as well to alternate their greetings ( he always glared at the one who resembled a half horse - more of a cow than he was to be certain. )
It was another one of those investigations. The tower illuminated as always, but from it was brought an echo. He merely watched from a distance, seeing the same routine as usual. The device, the key, and the idiotic item were gifted, and that was that.
He observed the new arrival; she seemed confused about her surroundings. He quickly deemed she was not of Asgardian descent, and before long caught her eye.
He blinked.
Deciding he was satisfied, Loki then proceeded to walk away to his own home. He was in no mood to engage with a newcomer.
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orangeshinigami · 1 month
🍓 @riceball-galore | plotted.
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He hadn't been sleeping well, hadn't been able to pay attention while at school lately-- Not when there seemed to be a war going on inside of him. Was he turning into one of the very monsters he'd often fight? If so, that meant he would become a threat to those around him, to those he loved. That was unnaceptable, until he found a way to stop what was happening to him, to control the hollow within himself, he would have to keep a certain distance from his family and friends.
Obviously, that would be no easy thing.
He blinked a few times, Orihime's voice breaking him out of his thoughts-- Their last class for the day had just ended and she'd come up to him talking about the art project they had been assigned, and he thought he'd heard her ask if he already had a partner for that but maybe he'd heard it wrong, since the worries troubling him had kept him from giving her his full attention.
"Sorry, I didn't quite catch that-- what did you say?"
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thehumanpuzzle · 10 months
@hearsthephone asked: it did escalate severely after five minutes. (dealer's choice)
“Yeah, I CAN SEE THAT.” Frowning, Rigg adjusted his hat, glancing around the area to ensure it was secure — or as secure as it COULD be in this situation. He’d been sent here with very little information, but as a cop, he was pretty used to playing things by ear. “So, are you gonna be more specific and tell me what happened, or am I gonna have to send in my team and take you into custody? EASY OR HARD WAY, your choice.”
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fantasywritten · 10 months
@hvbris ❤️
THE PERFORMANCE had been incredible. Plus, seeing Coriolanus so happy and seeing the way Lucy Gray’s eyes had lit up upon seeing him… it warmed Sejanus’s heart. Approaching Lucy Gray felt strange, considering he barely knew her, but Sejanus figured that a break in the performances was a good time to do so.
“Lucy Gray?” He smiled, bowing his head respectfully, deciding to pretend he hadn’t watched her FIGHT FOR HER LIFE in the Games just a short while ago. “Your voice… it’s incredible. I-I mean, obviously I’ve heard it before, but…” Ugh, he was blowing this. “I’m just saying, it sounds even better here in Twelve. It’s… it’s obvious you were made for this stage.”
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gcldcnhour · 8 months
@muchallure muse: beau clapier plot inspo
they were keeping it under wraps, which if beau was being honest he didn't mind. it was fun, the sneaking around, the soft touches under the table. as their friend turns away, continuing on about whatever story he's on about, beau can't help himself and quickly meets their side, leaning down for a chaste kiss. "you know you're addicting." he smirks softly, stealing one more kiss before straightening up, eyebrow raised as their friend returns, unaware of what had just taken place, and failing to notice the way his hand gripped the back of their chair. "well that sounds like a loud of bullshit if you ask me." beau sighs, nodding along. "so you need any help with dinner or something? the others are on their way right?"
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sens0r · 6 months
𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗋𝗍𝖾𝗋   𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗍𝗎𝗌   closed,     feat.   utp!   (   @tvrmoils     ) 𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾𝖿𝗋𝖺𝗆𝖾   +    𝗅𝗈𝖼𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇   evening,   event   one   -   governor's    ball
effortlessly   blending   into   her   surroundings,   veronica   conceals   the   impending   turmoil   that   threatened   to   disrupt   the   biomedical   division.   with   precision,   she   ensures   that   her   fellow   agents   from   all   divisions   remained   discreet   about   the   contents   of   the   memo,   stressing   that   the   the   bond   between   sentinel   and   mercy   is   paramount. 
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seizing   the   opportunity   to   network   and   strengthen   the   ties   between   the   two   agencies,   veronica   navigates   the   governor's   ball   with   purpose.   she   had   little   time   to   indulge   in   the   festivities,   intentionally   disregarding   those   she   deemed   unimportant   in   her   quest   to   forge   and   solidify   alliances. as   a   passing   waiter   caught   her   eye,   she   deftly   snags   a   champagne   flute,   her   first   drink   of   the   night.   "whatever   it   is,   you   better   make   it   quick."
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crowdedmidnight · 6 months
closed starter for: @fxcdboys
muse: Amelia Kane (Lily James 34 yrs old)
plot: based on T-Shirt by Thomas Rhett
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Amelia's laughter echoes through the hallway as she stumbles back, her body slamming into the front door with a thud. "Come on, babe!" She gasps between giggles, "We can't be late for drinks with our friends." The overpowering scent of his cologne engulfs her, sending her senses into a frenzy. She can feel herself becoming intoxicated by his presence, a dangerous and exhilarating sensation.
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dualitytransformation · 8 months
@monmuses asked: "i just think you formed a bad relationship." (harriet to jekyll ; i gotta throw her at the BIG MAN now)
“Oh, IS THAT IT?” With a light scoff that held more sarcasm that genuine amusement, Jekyll’s gaze moved from Harriet to the window. He leaned back in his armchair with a soft sigh, allowing the silence to continue for a few seconds before he spoke again, though he was still staring out the window. “I think it’s… PROBABLY a little more than just a bad relationship.”
Everything that had happened was his fault. He couldn’t blame anyone else. Not even the beast. In the end, it all came down to HIM.
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avamhollis · 1 year
     context: the pink flamingo      with: @ariaboughton​
     Being able to pretend she’s interested in whatever someone is saying comes with the territory -- Ava does it all the time with patients, co-workers, with Sam... Naturally, women are always more interesting than the alternative. “Mhmm,” she hums and sips on her pink cocktail through her paper straw. “Has anyone ever told you... You have great bone structure?” Eyes trails over the other’s jaw, cheekbones, eyebrows. Hm. “Ever thought of becoming a model?”
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springbandit · 10 months
It was William's first day back to his workshop since his most recent accident. He was still tender, but, had taken a few days to recuperate and was feeling much more capable to continue working on his new security system. Fortified Foxy, patent pending, was his new state-of-the-art security bot. As soon as it could tell the difference between William and intruders, it would be unstoppable. With the plastic shelling removed, he was deep into the innards of the mech, tending to wiring that he believed needed adjusting. He heard the door behind him opening, but was in no position to turn and greet whoever was there. "If this is about an order, can you sit at the front desk? I'll be out in a minute."
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@fcdcdmcmories (For Vanessa)
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ash-blythee · 4 months
Where: Some Bar Who: @sntsgutierrezs
If there's any pack that Ash can say Harford is closest with, it would have to be Eventide. Small, barely even heard of - a band of misfits, which is how Harford often feels to Ash as well. But of course, being the owner of a motel and a pack leader has its advantages. It's easy to pick up on gossip- to hear of up and coming packs, of tidal shifts within Port Leiry and beyond the outskirts where the trees end.
Ash settles into a stool with a glance at Rowan. A raise of eyebrows, and a lean into stacked arms. He dwarfs most in his stature - intimidating perhaps at 6'5", with long hair, a somewhat stoic expression... but it lifts easily into a little grin as his beer is placed in front of him.
Around a warped tongue, he asks, "How... goes it, Ro?"
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trafalgrs · 1 year
@kaizokugaris /
". . . FULL OFFENSE, but i would not follow you anywhere." 
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everseens · 10 months
spotify wrapped starter from song #42 requested by @silkwisps . meme found here . song : end of the earth by marina .
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"if we're torn apart, then i won't let go; 'cause wherever we are, it feels like home."
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magiccuco · 10 months
Cucumber had been very hesitant to leave the area where he lived. It was nice, cozy, welcoming .... safe. But he couldn't stay in his house forever, if he was going to be a hero then he had to work on his courage more ( at least, that's what Almond would make him do )
At the very least, he would start off easy-ish. A mall was a familiar enough location, and he was hoping to try and do some shopping too. He was lucky he came with winter clothes when it was cold here.
The mall was very loud, full of people shopping, talking, and generally meandering around. Cucumber was much smaller in comparison, doing his best to dodge and weave between the legs of the people who didn't seem to notice the little red-haired bunny.
He was doing well ... until-
He collided right into the legs of a stranger.
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"A-AH!" He cried out, falling backward from the surprise. "Oh gosh, I-I'm sorry!! It was an accident!" He apologized quickly, looking up at the person he ran into.
@duel-king ~ Running into Legs
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