#Honu Point
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asrisgratitudejournal · 5 days ago
Halo, akhirnya aku menemukan waktu yang lumayan tepat juga untuk menulis duduk depan laptop. Seperti yang sudah kutulis di last post kemarin: BANYAK BANGET UPDATE KEHIDUPAN BUSET. Ok, mari kita list dulu satu-satu, baru kita detail-kan kalau nggak capek:
SUDAH SUBMIT THESIS! Akhirnya submit tanggal 25 Desember just because UDAH CAPEK ajasih dan pengen cepat-cepat kelar. Deadline aslinya masih minggu depan tapi udah gakmau stress lagi mikirin ni thesis.
SUDAH NONTON KONSER STRAY KIDS AKHIRNYA setelah cuma dapet icip-icip di MusicBank Paris, Lollapalooza Paris, dan BST Hyde Park. SANGAT HAPPY.
Mengulang point ke-2 dan caption post insta tadi siang: 3 WEEKS IN in Indonesia dan SANGAT HAPPY. Kayanya karena the sun. The cold dan seasonal depression winter di UK tuh nggak banget. Di sini walaupun selalu panas dan hangat, bisa JAJAN ES! Dan jajan banyak makanan lain, dan sesungguhnya ya tinggal masuk ke ruangan ber-AC aja juga buat mitigasinya (SUPER-PRIVILEGED AHH KID).
HABIS VIRAL TWIT KEMARIN https://x.com/nonioktvn/status/1876551553097879669 dan jadi banyak berdiskusi dan mikir bersama teman-teman, ada sesi muhasabahnya juga, bahkan ada teman yang bilang: “enak ya Non udah tahu apa yang dimauin dan dikejar di hidup ini, gak semua orang loh udah sampai di realisasi seperti itu”  respon dari aku ngotot aku tetap ingin ngajar di Indonesia despite… everything.
AKAN KEMBALI MENGAJAR DI UI SEMESTER INI. Can’t wait. Betul-betul excited dan dari sekarang sudah menyiapkan mental dan fisik.
DAPET TIKET DAY6. Alhamdulillah makasih Arum Rumaisa! Masalah yang muncul sekarang adalah di tanggal 5 Mei itu AKU AKAN LAGI ADA DI LAPANGAN WKWKWK jadi mari kita pikirkan baik-baik bagaimana best strategynya.
Happy banget juga karena emang ketemu lagi sama support system aja sih di sini: jalan sama Mas Rangga, Abi, Iqbal dan Ishaidir, ketemu Mita MAMA dan Alyx(!), kolega di UI (walaupun udah mayan upset dengan per-admin-an), Lambang dan Misly. Apakah tidak kangen dengan orang-orang di Oxford?? NGGAK TERNYATA WKWK. Alhamdulillah tapi aku anaknya self-sufficient banget gak gampang kangenan.
ENAK BANGET YA TINGGAL DI INDONESIA. Murah dan mudah. Ku barusan habis beli soundcore TWS di tokped baru aja nyampe, terus juga hari ini tadi keluar rumah ke Kemang naik feeder 2x BUAT JAJAN HONU, dilanjut jalan ke Thenblank. Mayan sedih Thenblank udah discontinue kerudung padahal ku suka banget. Bagi rekomendasi hijab dong teman-teman… Terus ke mana lagi ya kemarin aku teh… OH ke Tebet Ecopark karena sekalian mau ketemu Alyx EH TERUS KETEMU abang ketoprak yang aku lagi idamin di pinggir jalan! Sebelumnya ku ke UI siangan jam 10-11 gitu baru jalan, sorenya ke Gramedia Depok buat beli kanvas sama perlengkapan lukis, sama sempat ke Ace Hardware Margo juga buat beli shelf naroh hape ngecas di kamar (ceritanya dari kemarin tuh kalau mau pick-up hp harus selalu jongkok-jongkok gitu). Sempat jajan otak-otak goreng juga di pocin, terus batagor. YAAMPUN pokoknya senang sekali hidup di Indonesia aku amat bersyukur menjadi orang Indo. Oh! Si ATM BNI tu juga kedaluwarsa kan, jadi sempat ke BNI Tebet buat ujung-ujungnya ke mesin DigiCS juga dibantuin satpam. Sebetulnya udah sempat ke DigiCS di GI sih ditemenin Abi, tapi ternyata karena kadaluarsanya udah lama, yang dipilih menu kartu hilang, bukan kartu kadaluarsa. Weekend kapan gitu juga sempat nemenin mama ke AEON Tanjung Barat ke Uniqlo si mamah pengen beli jaket buat dia kalau naik ojek malem-malem dari Tebet ke Kemuning. Ku juga jadi kebagian rejeki beli sepatu sendal Skechers baru Alhamdulillah rejeki anak solehah. TERUs enak banget juga ke AEON ini betulan tinggal naik 1 feeder nomer 4B St Manggarai-UI huhu betulan taken for granted banget akutu tinggal di Pasar Minggu. Tadi pas pulang dari Kemang, di pombensin beli Bakpao, EH TERUS BAPAKNYA recognise aku??! Aneh banget?? Padahal kayanya udah 10 TAHUN nggak BELI BAKPAO di situ. Dia nanya: “ibu udah pensiun ya? Tapi sehat kan??” YAALLAH TERHARU. Terus beberapa kali setiap lewatin tukang es kelapa muda selalu kepengen karena haus terus jajan. Yang suka bikin mengsedih adalah si bis feeder tu suka kosong yang KOSONG BANGET LITERALLY cuma aku doang penumpangnya tadi. Tapi ya emang lagi di jam awkward juga sih itu literally jam 3 sore. Orang yang beneran kerja ya pada kerja juga Non. Itu yang kupikirkan awalnya, tapi kenyataannya jalan raya pasarminggu tuh RAME BANGET motor. Terus mayan sedih deh, jadi kan setelah halte tuh ada pombensin yah, terus ku menyaksikan sendiri depan mata ada kali 10 motor yang lawan arus beres dari pombensin dalam 20 menit ku nungguin bis feeder. Tbf tapi ku gabisa nyalahin mereka juga sih, karena ya rugi aja kalau abis isi bensin gak seberapa terus pulangnya harus muter JAUH sampai PASARMINGGU (bisa setengah jam sendiri) cuma buat balik lagi ke kampung mereka yang kalau lawan arus cuma take 30seconds! Yah intinya gitu deh, banyak banget mikir selama di sini. Sempat kepikiran juga “kok orang-orang gak naik public transportation aja yah, wong udah disediain gini kok, dan nyaman juga, dan murah, coba aja yang naik banyak, pasti frekuensi dan armadanya bisa dinaikkin”. TAPI KEMUDIAN KU SADAR betapa biasnya komentarku itu: ku bisa ngomong gitu karena rumahku literally ada di ya gak zona 1 amat sih, tapi zona 2 lah, di Jakarta. Bayangin kalau rumahku di pinggir Jakarta banget yang zona 5 gitu. YA MENDING naik motor ke mana-mana daripada ganti moda transportasi 3x. INI aja aku lagi pusing mikirin besok pagi ada ngajar olim di daerah perbatasan Depok-Jaksel GIMANA caranya ke sana sangat sulit unless aku naik grabbike langsung dari rumah tapi 50rebu banget buset. DAN bukan masalah uangnya sih, lebih ke pantat dan back aku SAKIT banget gaksi naik ojek >30menit. Yaudah mari kita lihat besok pagi gimana (kayanya harus leave home dari jam 6 pagi…).
Udah deh ini dulu updatenya. KALAU mau lebih detail lagi nanti dibuat lebih tematik dengan ide pemikiran yang matang (mostly bakalan hanya berupa keluhan dan complain ajasih, tapi gapapa, ku butuh thinking exercise-nya juga: mikirin “kenapa ya orang Indo suka ngelakuin x instead of y, turunnya dari mana ya, apakah itu bagus atau nggak, apakah perlu diubah atau nggak, caranya gimana kalau mau ngubah”, ku cukup yakin ku udah ada 5 fenomena di kepala yang kupikirin sekarang tapi nanti kukeluarin pelan-pelan.
Kesimpulannya: sangat senang pulang Alhamdulillah makasih banyak YaALLAH atas rezekiMu.
Kemuning 00:23 11jan2025
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year ago
Advent Day I ~ Old and New @respondedinkind
Christmas means a lot of things to Beth, but mostly it means peace and family. She remembers eagerly awaiting for the ships to bring pines and spruces in refrigerated containers, and some neighbours simply decorating palm trees in their yards. She remembers stopping and visiting the bearded and red suited Santa Claus bearing his chest to the tropical sun and raising his hand in a universal greeting ~hence why he's called Shaka Santa~ while beside his statue, one of Tutu Mele {Mrs Claus in formality} wearing a grin, her square eye-glasses and her finest mu'umu'u. She remembers feasts down on the beach where members of the community pulled together to bring food and drink enough for everyone, and no one was turned away. There would be carols sung along with the soft strains of ukuleles. There would be Aunties sharing pumpkin crunch bars. Hulas would be danced, presents exchanged. But star ships don't really have anything that can compare. Most of the time, the crew seem to ignore the ceaseless flow of time, marking it all down not as days and nights but strings of numbers that create a stardate. Beth remembers. Keeps track of time as far as earth-dates in her personal journal.
~*~ Weeks ago, she'd taken the liberty to escort Khan back to his quarters. And while he never offered her entry, she couldn't help but notice the barren state of it. She saw no photographs, no hint of anything personal to him. And maybe that made sense in the time when he politely inclined his head, his face an unmoving and expressionless thing, reminding her of nothing so much as an achingly haunting classical statue. She bid him a good evening, and turned back down the corridor. Mind lost in thought as she thought to herself how sad and lonely it all seemed. Not that he would admit to anything like that. But surely, even Commander Spock was prone to sentimental things. Then it occurred to her that maybe… maybe Khan had nothing of his old life. Nothing of home, of kin. Maybe nothing at all. She recorded these thoughts as she did most of her opinions. In letters she would never again get to send to her brother. She tells the idea of him that in some ways she is starting to identify with her mysterious patient, or at least empathise with him. How he and Khan might have been friends. A lot of little things that held no bearing on her assignment or the man's place on the ship. And then after making herself comfortable, she began her secret project. The first order that would take the longest was the blanket. The outermost border was knitted in white. Then cream, then alternating cream and a neutral sort of brown. These colours represented dry and wet sand from her beaches and the way the colours blended down by water's edge. Brown gave way to a thin sort of blue. The kiss between land and sea. That blue became the turquoise and deeper shades of the sea as the ocean fell away into itself, and finally turned to the colour of his eyes that she has no name for and doesn't have the paint to try and replicate it in any other medium. Knitting the cover took all of her time so that it would be ready in the time she wanted to have it. Wide enough to span the size of his bunk, long enough to wrap him shoulder to toe. She doesn't think Khan gets cold like she can, but that isn't the point really. It is a gift. Something for him to own, something that is his and no one else's. So what if she sacrificed a little sleep in order to finish it? Beth has never needed much rest to be fully capable, and she wanted to be kind. The second gift is much more personal in nature perhaps. Or at least in an entirely different way. When Beth was little, her grandfather had given her a little scroll case necklace. The clever design incorporated her 'aumakua ~a family guardian~ in the form of turtles swimming endlessly. Honu are seen as a symbol of wisdom, of long lives, of perseverance. All things he wished to impart in her, and all things she sees in Khan the more she gets to know him. It does make her smile a little when she thinks of the incredibly hard outer shell that protects the soft living heart within. She can think of nothing more appropriate to describe him. What Beth didn't account for, though, was getting caught trying to be a secret Santa. She'd talked her way into getting his quarters opened. She'd set the ribbon-tied blanket on the foot of his bunk, the necklace settled atop of it, and she was fully expecting to make good her escape when she turned…and came face to face with the man in question. Beth blinks. Her cheeks are fire and she lowers her gaze. "I…I can explain."
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two-bit-tarot · 3 months ago
October the 11th, 2024 Dose: 10mg edible, Indica, Honu brand
Effects felt within 90 minutes. I prepared a comfortable space with music to ease into the experience.
The burning question I had was if I needed entheogens to have a spiritual experience. This was a profound experience as a result. I learned a great deal about the nature of faith and discovered the roots of my own hubris, a great offense to the Gods.
I’m getting ahead of myself. I lay down and established connection with my coven. This turned out to be a grounding rod I desperately needed. In the past, I am alone and have often felt cast adrift on an ocean I cannot fathom, helpless in the surge of energies and power that I feel. Wearing my coven shirt + flannel pants (something I think of as supreme comfort) was very soothing and helped ground me. I called on the protection of my coven from the beginning and I do think that helped my have a better experience.
Within 90 minutes I began feeling effects, the slow taffy pull of my consciousness expanding. It feels like a slow draw, like honey creeping across a plate. It is not unpleasant.
My Gods were waiting for me, and they had much to say. I was afraid that I needed entheogens to experience them - and yet, they reminded me, I have had spiritual experiences since I was a child and certainly didn’t have any drugs on board. They made the point (this was mostly Athena) that true faith requires no proof. That means that my assuming I had to have entheogens meant, in some way, that I didn’t have any faith in the truth and reality of my own experiences. By assuming I needed that…source? Outlet? Crutch? I was not fully exulting in the spirit. I was limited myself.
Furthermore, I have squandered the gifts of times previous. In the past I took no notes really; I did no reflection the next day of what I’d been charged with (there are always things the Gods tell me, exercises to do or undertake) and no performing of services or ritual. I did no introspection. On reflection of how greedy I’ve been and how gluttonous, I’m humbled and blessed that the Gods speak to me at all! But scorn and ostracization is for humans; the Gods don’t engage in such small thinking. I’m not sure they’re even capable of it.
So, I was given new charges. The ritual from here on out is:
I am to choose one day in the month that is the night for Communion like last night. This can be a weekend; for it to be restorative to myself, holding this ritual for myself on a work night would not be as effective.
I am to get healthy, whole foods; nothing processed. Water or tea to drink only, although one small vial of Mead is allowed and no more. Place offerings for the ancestors, nature spirits, and Gods. These bowls can be placed on the dresser or nightstand, or the windowsill.
Have music prepared, earbuds charged.
I may start the ritual with a ritual bath/cleansing; use of Khernips to anoint yourself is encouraged (this works for me as I am primarily a Hellenic priest, but you are free to use what you wish for anointing of course)
Wear clothing that is comfortable and non-restricting. Flannel pants and a flannel tunic would be perfect, but my coven sweatshirt and flannel pants are just as good, if not better. (Prior to next ritual, ask covenmates to touch/imbue the shirt with their sympathies.) Place an offering bowl for each of the four corners: North, South, East, West. These bowls can be on top of the dresser or the nightstand. Salt lamp is encouraged.
Choose talismans to wear from collection; use your intuition in choosing. What feels right is right.
Follow your gut and participate where you are led. If that means to get up and dance, get up and dance. If it means drumming while seated before altar, sit before your altar and drum. Do what feels right; this is to build power for the journey ahead.
Once your skin is tingling and you feel like you’re about to burst free, you’re on the threshold. Lie down (in Zero G if possible) and put in earbuds (if you haven’t already). It’s time to listen - shut out distractions. Use a blindfold if you wish. Cover your body with a comforting fabric if you wish.
Have a way to record your experience. You can do voice recordings, sit at your computer, write in a notebook - whatever you feel drawn to. I will likely do voice recordings for the future so that I do not interrupt my positioning and sensory deprivation. That’s just what works for me. Having a covenmate or loved one record your utterings is also an option.
Record everything until you feel “clear”. I don’t know how else to describe it; you’ll know it when you feel it. Then it’s time to seek wisdom. This could be in the form of a tarot spread, rune casting, or other introspection. I like to contemplate things like the Havamal or the Delphic Maxims. Whatever is right for you is what is pleasing to the Gods and honors your ancestors.
Take notes on your learnings. For instance, on this night I read much about the syncretism of Christ and Dionysus, followed by learning more about alchemy. I had a flash of a symbol while I was communing; when I went to find it on the internet, I discovered that it was the alchemical symbol for the philosopher’s stone! (See attached picture for an image).
Until the next Communion, it is imperative and your responsibility - your duty - to examine your last ritual. Do research, pray, seek introspection. It will take more than a few days; my goal is to spend one moon cycle contemplating each. That means you will have essentially a schedule that follows the lunar year of 13 moons. The hypothesis on that is still blossoming; for now, the symbology seems pregnant with potential.
Other tasks I have been charged with/ thought dump: Learn an instrument. Stop quailing and waffling and just do it.
Make my house a home: a way to honor my Gods is to make a household they are part of. Our home is chaos - but from chaos rises potential!
I saw Chaos as a primordial mother, a person with breasts and a womb made of the universe. Xe cradles xir belly, which is rotund with the imminent birth of a sun.
Dionysus is the Lord of the Dance, and oh, does he love bad dancers. Good dancers have nothing to risk; they will be admired for their skill, and they can bask in it. But a bad dancer dances purely for the love of it, for the joy of moving the body. It is true devotion to the God who is one of us. “Dance like no one is watching” is a mantra to keep in mind if you wish to commune with Dionysus.
I’m going to write a book called “Familiar” and say it’s about finding your spirit familiar, but it’s really about getting familiar with yourself. That’s what the word comes from - you have to be familiar. That’s the real and true way to shape and create your familiar - because that’s what you’re doing. That’s what the power is; humans are capable of creating a spirit from chaos, much like Tulpas are created. Really want to explore this idea further.
“You don’t need a Dumbo feather”. I want to get a tattoo to remind me that I don’t need a magic feather to fly. In this case, the magic feather is entheogens. I don’t need them to commune with my Gods; it just makes it a little easier. It’s also a gift, so I need to treat it as such.
My reaction to pot and resultant feelings were a test - I’m happy to say it’s a test I failed. If I hadn’t failed, I wouldn’t have had this experience; instead, I was able to confront my own hubris and narrow thinking, and now I feel increased power and connection. You will always fail; the tests you fail at are the most powerful of all - depending on what you do with it.
Learn more about alchemy.
Learn more about hermeticism. I don’t know if I agree with all the tenets there; I’m more of a Neoplatonist, but Hermeticism fascinates me. So, learn more in a concerted effort. Write about it. It’s time to share my writings about faith with others. Use my tumbler.
I was asked to wear my rings, so I am to WEAR MY RINGS. They are magickal tools. I do need to probably cleanse them in salt and moonlight; their energy feels like the wires are crossed a bit!
Need to remember to wear my replica bear claws; these are a fetish from the nature spirits. Need to consecrate them as such somehow, so dreaming up a ritual for that is special and important.
I am to become ordained. The Gods are sick of my shit and are coming to some tough love “put up or shut up” messages! Read the original Golden Bough (multiple volumes) and find YOUR truths.
I want to write a true gospel of Dionysus. Maybe a devotional?
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robertnelson2-blog · 8 months ago
A Guide to Rocking New Aloha Looks 2024
Aloha Vibes All Summer Long
Aloha! Summer is just around the corner, and that means it's time to unleash your inner islander. Aloha shirts, those vibrant emblems of relaxation and tropical flair, are back in a big way. But how do you wear them in a way that feels fresh and modern? Don't worry, this guide will be your compass to navigating the latest Aloha shirt trends and creating summer looks that are both stylish and undeniably you. Hawaiian collar shirt
Aloha Shirts: A Timeless Classic with a Modern Twist
Aloha shirts, also known as Hawaiian shirts, have transcended their beachy origins to become a versatile summer staple. Sure, they'll always be perfect for lounging by the ocean, but with a touch of creativity, they can be dressed up or down for various occasions.
Hawaiian Aloha Shirt Styles for Every Adventure
The beauty of Aloha shirts lies in their variety. Whether you crave a bold statement piece or a subtler touch of island life, there's a perfect Aloha shirt waiting for you:
Modern Aloha: Think of contemporary cuts, geometric patterns, and unexpected color combinations. These shirts are ideal for adding a touch of island flair to your everyday wardrobe.
Aloha Shirt Dresses: Flowy and feminine, these dresses are perfect for a breezy summer day. Look for ones with statement sleeves or ruffles for added oomph.
Mastering the Aloha Match: Prints, Patterns, and You
Aloha shirts come in a kaleidoscope of prints and patterns, each telling a story. Here's how to find your perfect match:
Floral Fantasia: Plumeria, hibiscus, and other tropical blooms are Aloha shirt staples. Opt for a bold, all-over print for a statement or a smaller-scale pattern for a more subtle touch.
Island Dreamscapes: Bring the beauty of Hawaii to your look with shirts featuring palm trees, beaches, or volcanoes.
Mythological Majesty: Many Aloha shirt prints incorporate traditional Hawaiian symbols like turtles (Honu) representing longevity and peace, or waves (Nalu) symbolizing change and power.
Beyond the Beach: Hawaiian Shirts for Every Occasion
Aloha shirts aren't just for beach days. Here's how to incorporate them into your summer wardrobe for different events:
Casual Fridays: Aloha shirts can add a touch of personality to your workwear. Pair a classic Aloha shirt with chinos or a skirt and blazer for a relaxed yet office-appropriate look.
Island Chic Vacation Style: Embrace the full Aloha spirit by rocking a matching Aloha shirt and shorts set, or a flowy Aloha shirt dress with sandals. Polyester hawaiian shirt
Unexpected Aloha: Don't be afraid to experiment! Aloha shirts can add a touch of fun to themed parties, summer weddings, or even a night out with friends.
This is just a starting point for your Aloha shirt adventure. With a little creativity, you can create countless summer looks that are both stylish and comfortable.
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lacefuneral · 9 months ago
i'm assuming that honus honus essentially has a gun pointed to his head and can't tell us why the man man tour was canceled but i'm assuming it has something to do with a record label conflict. he seems to have very genuinely wanted to do the tour and was very excited about the album
man, fuck corporations. every day i feel angrier about how creatives are screwed over again and again in the name of profit
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louisvillebusinesspage · 9 months ago
The Louisville Slugger: A Baseball Icon
For over a century, the Louisville Slugger baseball bat has been synonymous with excellence, innovation, and the spirit of America's pastime. The story behind this iconic bat is one of ingenuity, craftsmanship, and a deep-rooted connection to the game of baseball.
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A Legacy Begins
The Louisville Slugger story began in the late 19th century when Bud Hillerich, a young woodworker from Louisville, Kentucky, crafted a bat for Louisville Eclipse star Pete Browning. Browning, struggling with a slump, used the bat in a game, and his performance improved dramatically. Impressed by the bat's quality, Browning commissioned Hillerich to make him more bats, and the Hillerich & Bradsby Company was born.
From the outset, the Hillerich & Bradsby Company set itself apart with its commitment to innovation and quality. The company pioneered the use of white ash wood for baseball bats, which offered a perfect combination of strength, flexibility, and durability. This innovation quickly caught the attention of players and helped establish Louisville Slugger bats as the gold standard in baseball.
The turning point for Louisville Slugger came in 1905 when Honus Wagner, one of baseball's greatest players, signed a contract to endorse the bat. Wagner's endorsement catapulted Louisville Slugger to national prominence, and the bat became the weapon of choice for many of baseball's greatest hitters. Over the years, Louisville Slugger bats have been wielded by legends such as Babe Ruth, Ted Williams, and Hank Aaron, solidifying its place in baseball history.
The Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory
In 1996, the Hillerich & Bradsby Company opened the Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory, a tribute to the history and craftsmanship of the Louisville Slugger bat. The museum offers visitors a glimpse into the bat-making process, from the selection of the finest wood to the shaping and finishing of each bat. It also features exhibits on the history of baseball and the impact of the Louisville Slugger on the game.
Evolution and Innovation
While the core principles of quality and craftsmanship remain unchanged, Louisville Slugger has continued to innovate and evolve. In recent years, the company has introduced new technologies and materials to enhance the performance of its bats, while still staying true to the tradition and heritage that define the Louisville Slugger brand.
Today, the Louisville Slugger bat remains a symbol of excellence and a testament to the enduring legacy of America's pastime. From Little League fields to Major League stadiums, Louisville Slugger bats continue to be the weapon of choice for players of all ages and skill levels. With its rich history, commitment to quality, and unwavering passion for the game, the Louisville Slugger bat is truly a baseball legend.
Member Business Profile
Grace Psychological Services - Louisville
350 Evergreen Road, 
Louisville, KY 40243
(502) 203-0838
Ready to strengthen your relationship and build a happier, healthier future together? Schedule your Louisville couples counseling session with us today. Our experienced therapists are here to help you navigate challenges, improve communication, and rediscover the joy of being together. Take the first step towards a stronger relationship and book your appointment now.
About us:
Grace Psychological Services - Louisville is a team of dedicated psychologists in Louisville specializing in Couples Counseling (premarital and marital), Individual Counseling, and Christian Counseling. Our therapists are experienced in addressing a wide range of mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, OCD, eating disorders, relationship problems, PTSD, panic attacks, phobias, and many others. We are committed to providing compassionate and effective therapy to help our clients navigate life's challenges and achieve emotional well-being.
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vacationsoup · 5 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://vacationsoup.com/living-with-social-distancing-on-kauai-sea-lodge-beach-and-more/
Living With Social Distancing On Kauai - Sea Lodge Beach And More
It is a strange and unsettling time living with social distancing on Kauai. After all, being social is what small-town living is all about. I miss the hugs that have become our welcome greeting since moving to the Garden Island. I miss the barbeques, the dinner parties, the fundraisers. I miss having friends over to play cards. I miss playing pickleball.
Even though the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus on Kauai has remained at 21 since last weekend, with 17 recovering, the state and county orders are still in place as Oahu battles to lower the curve. Our night curfew is in place, most businesses are closed, very few people are working, and face masks are required when in public. Fortunately though, Governor Ige and Mayor Kawakami understand the need for residents to exercise. Outdoor activities are a huge part of life in an area of the world where weather is pretty perfect year round.
So, surfing, swimming and hiking are still doable as long as social distancing is practiced. With this in mind, on Sunday Tom and I decided to leave Bandit, our cat, and the hens behind for an afternoon of adventure. We drove to Honu Point, our vacation rental (now closed for business), parked, and hiked down the hill to Sea Lodge Beach. The last guests who stayed at the house told us about a waterfall they discovered. We were determined to find it.
As we approached the ocean, instead of going left to Sea Lodge Beach, we turned right. After climbing across some rocks and walking down the coast for a few hundred yards, we found what a lot of people want to see when coming to Hawaii, a beautiful waterfall.
Not knowing the source of this stream or what it crossed in it's path, we stayed our distance and admired the beauty as the water flowed into the ocean.
Turning around, we headed back toward the beach. As we rounded the point, a look up showed Honu Point proudly perched on the bluff.
Only one, lone woman, reading her book, was on the beach so social distancing was not going to be a problem today. Once on the sand, thoughts of the virus or it's affects were quickly swept from our minds. The waves, the sun, the clouds, the breeze .... this is Kauai at it's best. Sometimes in our hectic life, we forget to take time off and enjoy it.
As I walked down to the tree stump, Tom hollered behind me. A seal! Sure enough, I turned back around and staring me right in the eye was a monk seal swimming up to shore. I backed up to keep our social distance as it turned to swim slowly in the shallow water. The whole time we were there, it bobbed in the water just off shore, sticking it's head up every now and then to get air. At one point it looked like it might come up on the sand for a nap, but then thought otherwise. I took quite a few videos, but this one was the best.
How fun it was to watch this guy for the couple of hours we were there. The lone woman had left and we had the beach to ourselves, except for our new friend, the albatross flying overhead, and this blue heron who flew in to do a little fishing.
But, alas, it was time to go. So, we trudged up the hill until we got to the neighborhood. At this point I heard the unmistakable sounds of courting albatross. Sure enough, there were two adults definitely trying to impress each other while two more were standing by to observe this curious ritual. In the background sat a chick, Kobe, born in January. As many times as I have witnessed this scene, it never ceases to amaze me.
What an afternoon! For the first time in over a month, I was able to focus on the moment and not worry about the future. There are so many reasons to be grateful. We are healthy and live on one of the most beautiful places on earth. We may not be able to physically interact with people right now, but we always have the ability to interact with nature. And I can not think of a better place to do that than on Kauai.
Don't get me wrong, I can not wait until social distancing on Kauai is a thing of the past. I miss those hugs!
For more information and updates about what is happening on Kauai regarding this crisis, go to https://www.kauai.gov/covid-19.
For more of my blogs or to subscribe, go to the right-hand side of this page (not phones). For more information about our Kauai vacation rental, Honu Point, go to any other page of this website. Mahalo!
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eakawika · 4 years ago
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elle-smells · 4 years ago
1, 7, & 19 :)
(i might just make everything Skam related bcs-)
1. if you could hit any character without repercussions, who would it be?
I don't condone violence-
Kato 100%
7. name a character you wouldn’t mind naming someone after.
Ok no joke, I'm being completely serious jshdjsjs this was way before he became my comfort character btw:
✨Sander✨ <- bro don't even start, it just sounds like a cool name ok?
But also, I like ✨Lorelai✨ from Gilmore girls
19. if you could be a part of any story, which story would you want to tag along in?
Skam España bcs that squad is everything or Harry Potter bcs....magic 🙃
character/fandom ask game with questions similar to ^^^
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tinytourist · 3 years ago
This Doesn’t Suck
A month late, but still worth writing about, here’s the Maui blog:
On Peggy’s actual birthday, we flew from Kaui to Maui. We spent the afternoon admiring the Westin and relaxing before rushing out to the beach for sunset. Naturally, we had a quick photo shoot before the sun went down. We took a 10 minute walk along the beach to Japengo for dinner. There we had a fantastic sushi dinner and Peggy blew out the final birthday candles of the trip.
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The next morning we woke up early to begin the Road to Hana. We stopped at a little café/shop to get brekkie to-go before making it to Ho’okipa Beach to watch the surfers.
Soon after that, we were twisting and turning through the rainforest on the skinny cliff side path that is the Road to Hana. From the car we were able to see rainbow eucalyptus trees and many waterfalls. We were able to get out of the car and admire one of the bigger waterfalls.
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Our driver secured us a permit to Waianapanapa Beach in Hana. It was a beautiful way to enjoy the turnaround point - black sand and clear blue water framed with tropical trees and plants. To say we swam is a bit of an exaggeration. We all treaded water for a while and I did a short walk along the beach before we headed back.
For lunch we stopped at a water-side operation, run by our guide’s friends. The vegetarian option was quite unsatisfying, but luckily I had leftover banana bread. The serene view and happy ukulele music almost made up for it. While we changed in the car, our guide quickly wove us each a trinket coconut leaves. We stopped in Nahiku for some coconut brittle from a cute roadside stand.
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When we got back, we were so wiped that Peggy got dressed in sweats and a fleece for dinner. We stopped at the lounge to take advantage of our complimentary drinks. Too tired to find a place for dinner, we decided to eat there. The menu was relatively small and we were pretty hungry, so we decided to go for it and order the whole menu! The food did not go to waste. We finished everything. We were also lucky enough to enjoy a hula dance and music from a local family while we ate.
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The next day we moved hotels for the last stay of our trip. We had a very late lunch, very sad lunch at the burger shack on the grounds. Afterwards, dad and I went on a scenic beach walk, worthy of being in the heat for.
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For dinner, we went to an Italian restaurant just a 5 minute walk from the hotel. Jon didn’t have any Lactaid pills, and avoiding dairy there wasn’t really an option, so he and I walked back to the hotel to get them after we ordered. The trip was unsuccessful but we enjoyed the adventure.
The next day, we went on a helicopter ride with Maverick Tours and got to see the road to Hana from above. That perspective showed us just how green and uninhabited most of Maui is.
We landed in the forest and our guide took us around and taught us all about the variety of plants on the island. He showed us the mimosa plant that shrinks when you touch it. We were able to see how bananas grow, admired African trees, tasted ginger flowers, and ate fresh lilikoi, or passion fruit.
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We stopped for lunch on the way back from the helicopter tour and had a bit of a sketchy walk back to the hotel. When we arrived, Jon and I tried to watch Succession together, but the TV was broken.
After some relaxation, we got dressed up to go to a Luau at the Royal Lahaina. This was up there as one of the best parts of the entire 2 week long trip. Watching the hula dancing and listening to the Hawaiian music was mesmerizing. The performers captivated the audience, telling the story of the Polynesian people through song and dance. They even did a few numbers representing New Zealand’s indigenous Māori people which I (of course) got excited about. Jon, still hungry, had us stop for some post-Luau poke.
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We spent our last day of the trip exploring the Lahaina Historic District. The first stop was lunch at Honu. The food was fantastic. We had oysters, tuna bruschetta, and of course poke!
After lunch we had a leisurely stroll along Front street, popping in and out of shops and galleries. I was tempted by the art but not quite ready to buy. A Pacific Northwest fall photo caught Dad’s eye and we all encouraged him to get it.
To make up for the bad lunch service and broken TV, the manager told us that he would be “hosting” us at the Banyan Tree Restaurant. What exactly hosting meant, we did not know. When we arrived, we were taken to a beautiful private table with its own fire pits. Our waiter took our drink orders and then told us that he ordered the appetizers for us. At that point I thought that they were going to cover the apps, drinks, and dessert. We had a great dinner and had fun debating what was going to happen at the end of the meal. Sure enough, the waiter showed up with a bill. Only the apps and dessert were comped. Later, Jon used his knowledge of the industry and negotiation skills to get the whole meal taken care of. It was a memorable end to a fanciful trip.
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flowerfan2 · 4 years ago
Love Is The Seventh Wave
McDanno, A03, 2400 words
Written for the H50 Writers Club Discord “Danny Deserves Better” challenge
“Are you serious?”  she says, and all eyes in the writer’s room turn towards her. “That’s just cruel.  And it makes no sense.”
 “It’s dramatic, Lola.”
 “Lilla,” she corrects, surprised that the douchebag even came close, given that he hasn’t spoken more than those three words to her since she started working for him a month ago. “Just hear me out.  What if instead of having totally out of character bathroom sex with Joanna....”
 Danny’s sipping idly at his drink when he notices the woman sitting nearby.  She’s pretty, her dark hair a contrast to her light silky blouse, and she’s about as out of place at this bar at ten o’clock in the morning as Danny is.
 She looks up at him, and Danny cracks a smile.  “You looking at me?”
 The woman shakes her head.  “The television’s behind you.  And I desperately need a distraction.”
 Same here, Danny thinks.  “Well, if you’d rather have a live distraction than whatever’s on the news, I’m happy to oblige.”
 The woman smiles and moves over to the seat next to him, bringing her coffee with her.  “At this point I’m willing to try anything.”
 “Buy you a drink?  Wine, beer, scotch on the rocks?”
 “Nah, I’m good.  Not quite desperate enough to drink the hard stuff before noon.”  She glances at Danny’s glass.
 “Club soda,” he admits, and she grins.
 “We’re practically twins.”  She sticks out her hand.  “I’m Joanna.”
 “Danny.”  Her hand is soft, but her grip is firm and doesn’t linger.  “It’s nice to meet you.  So, what do you want to talk about?”
 “Oh, anything but my love life.”
 A laugh bursts out of Danny. “Get right to the point, do you?”
 “No sense wasting time.  For all I know, you’re a reporter doing a story on bars that open before noon and you’ll have to dash off to the next one any minute now.”
 “No chance.  I’m a detective, actually.  But I’m taking a personal day.”
 She gives him an appraising look. “A cop?  But you seem so nice.”
 “Ha, ha, ha.  Very funny.”
 “So,” Joanna says, “why a personal day?”
 Danny takes a moment wondering how to answer this – he’s not really sure himself – when his phone rings. It’s Steve, of course, and the fact that hearing his voice makes his whole body light up just adds fuel to the giant dumpster fire that is his life.  He hangs up after a few minutes and turns back to Joanna.
 “Who was that?”
 “My partner.”
 Joanna looks at him appraisingly, and then nods.  “Yeah, I’ve got one of those.”
 “You’re a cop too?”
 She snorts.  “Um, no, that’s not what I meant.  I’m a lawyer, actually.”
 Danny’s confused.  “So you have, what, law partners?”
 Joanna takes a packet of sugar and adds it to the fresh coffee the bartender has set down in front of her. “You’re a little oblivious, aren’t you?”
 It’s said with such amusement that Danny isn’t mad, and he’s happy to play along.  “Oblivious about what?”
 Joanna sighs and takes a careful sip of her drink, then stirs it some more.  “You’re telling me that guy you just spoke to is your work partner?”
 “Yes, who else would he be?” Danny has his own answer for this, but it’s a fantasy he hasn’t entertained in, oh, at least an hour or so.
 Joanna shrugs noncommittally.
 They slip into a more or less comfortable silence, and Danny contemplates his club soda.  It’s just as boring as it was when he started it. He’s not even sure why he’s here, at a random bar on the north shore.  When he woke up this morning, knowing he had a day free to do anything he wanted, a day off from work and all of its headaches, the first thing he thought of was checking the weather report to see what the waves would be like – because surfing with Steve is one of his favorite things to do to de-stress.  But then he realized that Steve didn’t have the day off too, and it all seemed pointless.
 A day without obligations is hard to come by for a single working dad, and Danny knows in theory he should be enjoying it.  But he’s not.
 “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to push.”
 Danny is drawn out of his thoughts by Joanna’s comment.  “No, you’re fine, it’s not you.”
 Joanna leans back a little and runs a hand through her hair.  “Want to know what I’m doing here?”
 Danny takes in her flattering outfit, her carefully done make-up.  “Waiting for a client meeting?”
 She laughs.  “Nope.  One with my partner.”
 “Your law partner,” Danny clarifies.
 Joanna laughs again.  “Yes.  Except that’s the problem.”
 “What’s the problem?”
 Joanna takes a deep breath.  “The truth is, I’d like it if my law partner were a little more than that.”
 Danny feels a rush of shame, and looks quickly around the bar – still empty, except for the bartender.  “Is this some kind of joke?”
 She reaches out and puts a hand on his arm.  “Relax. I’m really not pulling your chain. I’m telling the god’s honest truth.” She takes her hand back and swipes at her phone.  “Here, see? We go out for drinks every Thursday night, everyone in the office.  Thirsty Thursday kind of thing.  Last night went on a little longer than usual, since we just got some really good news on a case.”
 Joanna shows him a photograph of a tall, blond woman with her arm around Joanna, both of them in business suits and holding glasses of champagne.  Several other people are crowded around them.  All of them are making happy faces at the camera, except for Joanna, who has eyes only for the woman at her side.  
 “Oh,” says Danny.
 “Yeah,” says Joanna.  “And I’m pretty sure Jasper – he took the picture – sent it and about twenty other equally embarrassing ones to everyone who was there, including my partner.”
 “Is that good or bad?”  Danny asks.
 “I’m not sure.  But I’m going to find out.”
 “What do you mean?”
 Joanna taps her fingers on the bar, clearly a little nervous.  “Okay, you’re probably going to thing I’m nuts.  I went for my usual run this morning, through my neighborhood and down to the beach.  It’s the same route I’ve run hundreds of times, and there isn’t much beach there, just some scrubby trees by the water’s edge, but you know any bit of beach is beautiful here, so it’s all good.  And this morning, for the first time ever, I saw a honu on that little beach.
 “A turtle?”
 “Yeah.  I’ve never seen one there before, but today there was a honu right there, a really big one.”
 “Honu are a symbol of good luck, right? I’ve realized that if I don’t say something to my partner soon, I’m going to lose my mind, or have to quit my job, or both – and once I saw that honu, I knew I could tell her how I feel. I’m going to do it today.”
 “Wow,” Danny said, feeling buoyed by Joanna’s excitement.  “You really are?”
 “I really am.”  Joanna stands up from her chair and straightens her skirt. “I finally realized it’s too important to keep hiding from.  The way I feel about her… I think I love her, you know?  And I can’t believe I’m telling you all this, maybe it’s easier because I don’t know you…”
 “No, I get it,” Danny says, and he does.  Sitting in this random, sunny bar, with a woman he’s never met before, with no preconceived assumptions, no rules or requirements, Danny suddenly feels like he’s opening up, too.  
 “I just don’t want to let a chance for love pass me by, not any more,” Joanna continues.  “Not if we could really be something, and I think maybe we can. So I asked her to meet me at one of our favorite restaurants for lunch, in Haleiwa.  Away from the office, somewhere private… and I better go, I don’t want to be late.”
 “Of course not,” Danny says, standing too.
 Joanna regards him for a long moment, and Danny squirms a little.  “I think today is your lucky day, too,” Joanna says.
 “Why’s that?”
 “Because you met me,” Joanna says, grinning as she leaves.  Danny thinks she’s right.
Joanna’s excitement is infectious, and Danny feels himself standing a little straighter as he leaves the bar. Maybe her plan would work for him, too. He hasn’t wanted to say anything to Steve for all the obvious reasons – he doesn’t know if Steve feels the same way despite how close they are, he’s never heard Steve express any interest in men at all, and he doesn’t want to ruin their friendship.  But this constant pining is wearing away at him, and he isn’t getting any younger.  What if he waits another ten years and then it turns out Steve was up for something more after all – what a waste that would be.  Or what if he doesn’t have ten years to make up his mind – what if Steve’s conversation with Eddie’s veterinarian this morning turns into asking her out for a date, and they hit it off and live happily ever after?
 There are millions of ways that Danny can miss his chance with Steve, and only one way to find out if he’s still got one.
 Danny makes a few stops on his way back to Steve’s place.  He texts Tani a few times to keep tabs on the team and make sure he knows when Steve’s heading home.  He’s got a caprese salad drizzled with balsamic vinegar on the table and wine opened and breathing on the counter when he hears the front door open.
 Steve appears in the doorway to the kitchen, and Danny’s jaw falls open.  Steve’s wearing a dark gray button-up shirt, collar open at the neck, and black slacks that hug his ass like his cargoes never quite manage.  He even looks freshly shaved.
 “Hey, Danno,” Steve says, voice low, and Danny shivers.  He takes a step towards Steve but somehow trips over his own feet and the carving knife in his hand goes flying to the ground.
 Steve sucks in a breath, and they both stare at the knife, stuck in the floorboards about an inch away from Danny’s bare right toe.  “Huh,” says Steve.  “Lucky.”
 Danny sucks in a breath and shakes his head, trying to grab on to anything at all that makes sense. “Why’re you dressed up?”  he finally comes up with, which isn’t particularly witty but is somewhat better than oh my fucking god what is going on here, which is a close second.
 Steve smirks.  “I’ve got a date.”
 Danny’s heart sinks.  He’s too late, he’s just one goddamn day too late, this is his life every single time.  He was a fool for thinking otherwise.
 “With that vet?”
 Steve looks determined.  “No, not with the vet.”  Steve crouches down at his feet and retrieves the knife, then places it in the sink.  He’s right up in Danny’s space.  “You look nice too,” Steve says, and at first Danny think’s it’s a non sequitur, but then he takes in Steve’s expression, that cocky confidence with an undercurrent of uncertainty, and the way Steve is lining up his own very nicely clad shoulder with Danny’s, and suddenly the clouds part and all is clear.
 “Wait,” Danny says.  “What do you think… How did you…?”
 Steve’s face does something that seems to be a cross between a smirk and a hopeful grin.  “Tani said you texted her a few times today.”
 “She said you were buying wine.”
 Danny bites his lip.  “Again, so?”
 “You never buy wine, unless you’re cooking a fancy meal.”
 “I buy wine all the time.”
 “When was the last time?”
 Danny has to think pretty hard about it, and that’s when he knows he’s losing this particular argument.  He still has hope for winning the war, however, so he stops talking about wine.
 “Can we go back to the part where you said you had a date?  Because you’re not acting like you have a date.”
 “No?”  Steve asks.  “How should I be acting?”  Steve somehow moves even closer to Danny, tilting his head, waiting for Danny’s answer.
 Danny can feel his heart pounding in his chest, and he thinks he might be getting light headed.  
 “Come on, Danny,” Steve says, his breath puffing against Danny’s skin.  “How should I be acting?”
 Danny just blinks up at him, and then he’s saved from having to come up with an answer by Steve’s lips pressing against his own.  Danny thinks he lets out something like a moan as his mouth opens under Steve’s, and he slides his hands up Steve’s back under his ridiculous shirt and pulls him close.
 “You can’t possibly have known what I was going to do just from Tani telling you I was buying wine.”
 Steve flops over onto his back. The sheet is pulled up just over his stupidly attractive hip bones, and Danny sneakily reaches out a finger to slide it back down again.
 “Honestly, all I knew was that it seemed like you were getting ready for a date,” Steve says.  “And it made me realize that I could lose my chance with you, anytime.  You could meet someone, maybe even that woman you were talking to at the bar this morning, and it would be too late for us.  So I changed into the spare clothes I keep at the office, and figured I’d give it my best shot.”
 Danny pushes up on an elbow. “Have you eaten a radioactive spider lately?  Drank some kind of serum?”
 “Because the mindreading shit is frankly disturbing…  I literally – and I mean the actual meaning of literally, not the one the kids are using these days – I literally had that same thought today.  That you’d finally get up the nerve to ask out that vet again, or fall in love while buying ammunition, or save some gorgeous lady’s pet parakeet from terrorists, and I’d lose my chance with you.”
 Steve turns towards Danny, his face brimming with affection.  “I guess today really was our lucky day, then.”
 Danny grins into Steve’s kiss. He’s gonna send Joanna a fruit basket. And maybe give a great big donation to whatever organization looks out for the honu, because he owes them, too.
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honuboardco · 4 years ago
Why Paddle Boards Are So Much in Demand?
Along with all kinds of land sports, water sports have also come to the leading forefront. This is where paddle boarding is much happening and it necessitates the need for the different kinds of paddleboards. Now if you are always on the move and need to hit the waves often, why don't you look online for the cheap inflatable sup? In fact, there are many websites that sell these kinds of conveniently usable stand-up paddleboards but the Honu Board Co is one of the leading best in the world. The prices are also pretty affordable which makes the customers buy from their website only. In fact, there is a lot of thinking to be done before you can actually buy one of these paddleboards. It is your decision that makes your river adventures awesomely memorable. It has become a happening sport all over the world. You can paddleboard in shallow water or even in deep waves. Just the right kind of board and paddle is needed. Even while choosing the board which is inflatable, you need to make sure that the base is strong enough to bear the weight. Also, you would need to notice in what kind of water and weather the person is going to board. All these factors determine the purchase of the inflatable or regular board. Now read on below for more relevant details. It may seem like a small thing but when you are risking your life on the waters, every small detail counts about buying the boards.
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  One of the major factors about a stand up paddle board is the stability and the amount of weight that it can carry. It is something which you should consider and also keep in mind. Now the other things include the size and the budget, among various aspects. Even if you are buying a regular stand-up paddleboard in Australia of an inflatable one, it should be done carefully. The paddle should also be at par with the length dimensions of the board to steer through the water. It sounds besides the point but one should also be a good swimmer, to keep yourself safe in the waters. Honu Board Co is one great company that provides you with a lot of informative updates on the latest in stock about the paddleboards. A stand-up paddleboard comes in many different shapes and purposes which details are necessary to know for the user's convenience. If you are a beginner at paddleboarding, you can use All-around shapes. There are many kinds of paddleboarding which include paddle surfing, river or rapid paddle boarding, and many more. Every honuboards is designed for the specific purpose of a different kind of paddleboarding. This is where the paddleboard choices come into play. Hope this article was helpful in giving you some useful insights. Have a great time beating the waves and waters. Honu offers a wide range of high-quality Standup paddleboards, sup boards and SUP surfboards at https://honu.com.au/. Honuboards can be used and enjoyed by people of all ages. Order now and get super-fast and free delivery throughout Australia.
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ahumansvoid · 5 years ago
Obi-wan and Wish’s Caff
So, short story of Obi-wan and Wish’s Caff told from Omen’s perspective.
This could happen at any point within the Interviews Universe, before the Follow up, after it, idk whenever. So I’m posting it here because it’s just a sweet little story.
This story takes place in my Interviews Universe and Omen is introduced in the third installment of the series Obi-wan is Not Happy
Story is under the cut.
Characters: Omen- Clone OC, Juniper - Clone OC, Obi-wan Kenobi
Words: 1279
Something was wrong.
General Kenobi was drinking tea out of a thermos. 
That wasn’t unusual. 
But one of the shinies had delivered it to him.
That was.
General Kenobi was very particular about his Tea. He would drink any the Troopers brought him, but the General really only trusted himself, Admiral Kitos and Commander Cody to brew it properly.
And after getting his tea, the General had said ‘Just as I requested. Thank you.’
Which meant he requested a Shiny to bring him tea. 
Which was wrong.
Omen should probably be paying attention to the battle plan, but this was bugging him.
“Hey General?” Juniper calls, disturbing the meeting, “What kind of tea are you drinking?”
General Kenobi looked confused but answered, “Black.”
Juniper nods and switches to internal comms, ”He is not drinking Black Tea.”
Omen, also on internal comms, asks, “The Fuck do you mean?”
”Look at the Generals face when he drinks it, the vague disgust and displeasure, he only looks like that when he drinks something General Yoda gives him. It doesn’t matter how bad a shinies tea is, he never makes that face. Especially when he’s drinking Black Tea. He has a more content look.” Juniper explains.
It takes a lot not to look over at Juniper, because What the fuck?
“And you know this shit how?”  It was nice that Omen wasn’t the only one seeing something wrong. But that was weird.
”Look we all have things to keep ourselves sane. Mine just happens to be tracking the General’s reactions to Tea. Why would he lie about what Tea he’s drinking?” Juniper asks, pulling the conversation back on topic.
Omen looked around the bridge and saw the shiny who had given General Kenobi his tea hanging by the door. ”Give me a sec.” Omen walked over to the Shiny and pulled him out into the hall away from the Bridge, and switched off internal comms. “Did you brew the tea you gave to General Kenobi?”
“No.” The Shiny shrugs.
“Who did?”
Omen almost had a conniption. 
That conniving little fuckwit.
Omen is making that bastard do a million pushups. 
Seriously Wish?
 “Does General Kenobi know?”
“He asked me to get Wish to brew him Black Tea using caff in place of water.”
Omen bangs his head against the wall.
Of course the General would do that.
For fucks sake.
Omen groans and heads back onto the bridge, removing his helmet as he does. He makes a beeline for the General and pulls the Tea Thermos out of his hands. The General, not expecting it, allows it to happen. And then looks at Omen shocked.
Well, the entire bridge is looking at Omen shocked.
He doesn’t really care.
“The Hell Omen?” Cody calls.
“Who made your tea General?” Omen asks, ignoring Cody. He sniffed it, it smelled like any other Black Tea. Despite the copious amounts of caff in it. Weird.
“Wha- A shiny did at my request.” General Kenobi was an impressive actor, Omen could give him that. “May I have it back?”
“Just leaves and water?”
Omen keeps eye contact with General Kenobi as he takes a drink of the thermos.
And immediately after swallowing it coughs into his arm. “The fuck General?” Omen feels the Tea Thermos being taken out of his hand but he doesn’t really care.
That’s not just tea brewed with caff. That’s caff brewed with caff brewed with caff brewed with caff concentrate. 
The fuck Wish? No wonder he banned from making Caff.
“It’s tea.” 
“It has Wish’s caff in place of water.” Omen honestly felt closer to death now than he ever did on the battle field. The General was planning on drinking that entire thermos?
General Kenobi cleared his throat, “Enough about my drink, we were discussing siege plans?” 
No one responded. Everyone on the bridge was just looking at General Kenobi with a mix of horror and concern.
“Sir,” Cody starts, “When was the last time you slept?”
“That’s not really relevant.”
“Well, unless you tell us, I’m afraid I’ll have to change our course and inform Master Unduli we won’t be able to assist.” Admiral Kitos states. 
“Wha- but Luminara-”
Admiral Kitos raised an eyebrow, “Then you best tell us when you last slept.”
Omen had never seen General Kenobi look so offended. “It really is none of your concern.”
Admiral Kitos nods, “Very well. Private Honu, drop us from hyperspace ASAP and change our destination, Private Mund please ready a message to send to General Unduli about us being unable to assist.”
“Wha- No! Hold on. Belay all of that.” Both Privates hesitate. Kitos outranks General Kenobi. But they’re supposed to obey the Jedi.
“Are you ready to tell us when you last slept?”
“Slept. Not meditated.” Omen nearly laughed when the General expression turned to an annoyed pout.
He huffs a sigh, “Eighty hours ago.”
“Private Honu how long until we arrive?”
“Two hours sir!”
Admiral Kitos nods, “Master Kenobi, go nap. We will wake you when we have a 30 minutes ETA, and brief you.”
“No. I will-”
Admiral Kitos ignores General Kenobi’s protests, “Captain Omen, Lieutenant Juniper, take General Kenobi to his quarters. If he refuses to rest, take him to the med bay.”
“Yes sir!” Omen and Juniper chorus. Omen pops his helmet back on then grabs the Tea Thermos from General Kenobi, handing it over to Cody before grabbing the General’s arm and physically guiding him off the bridge, Juniper grabbing his other arm.
“Is this necessary? I don’t believe I’m being arrested.”
“We just want to make sure you get to your rooms sir.”
“I really don’t need to. I am perfectly fine.” General Kenobi protests.
”Med bay?” Juniper asks over internal comms.
”Call up Scream.” Omen shifts their course from General Kenobi’s rooms to the medbay.
The General, upon realizing where they were going dug in his heels, “Nononono, we’re supposed to be going to my room!”
“Only if you agree to rest sir. You seem against it.” Omen and Juniper continue to pull the General along.
“I’ll rest in my room!”
“It seems safest to guarantee your rest by taking you to the medbay.”
Omen had never heard his General whine before. “Noooooo” 
“You’d think we’re taking him to his execution.” Juniper notes.
” Well. Considering our medics, we kind of are.” 
The General continues to dig his heels in and whine, clearly unhappy.
Really, he should’ve thought of this before he stayed up for eighty hours.
This is his own fault.
Scream was unimpressed when Omen and Juniper showed up with a General who was clearly trying to get away from the pair. Scream shook his head and grabbed a short-term sedative. “Honestly General, eighty hours?”
General Kenobi had the decency to look reprimanded and guilty at the very least.
But something pushed Omen, to be a little petty, for no clear reason.
Maybe because the General accidentally kicked him when trying to getaway. 
Or because the General threw him off a cliff during their last mission.
Well, really it wasn’t even petty. As a medic, Scream should know, right?
Regardless, Omen opted to be (potentially) a little petty by informing Scream, “He was also drinking Black Tea brewed with Wish’s caff in place of water.”
Omen did not think it was possible for General Kenobi to look more betrayed. Scream looked outright pissed.
Oh no.
“We’ll leave you to it.” Juniper says, pulling Omen out of the medbay and down the hall before Scream starts shouting. Omen couldn’t make out any words but it was loud.
He didn’t feel all that bad about informing Scream.
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rvexillology · 5 years ago
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Hawaii Flag Redesign
from /r/vexillology Top comment: In this redesign, the colors are representative of the United States, but with a bit of change in the shade of blue for a more ocean feel. On the ocean-like canvas is a turtle (or in Hawaiian, the Honu), which represents good luck, strength, and endurance. Each point on the 3 stars represents all of the 15 islands of Hawaii.
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haderberkman · 4 years ago
Wait, Me?
Clark Honus X F Reader
Warnings: None
Y/B/F = Your Best Friend
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Requested by: @unlikelybeardsublime1212
Y/N was super excited to go to the Blue Jean Committee concert tonight. She was a huge BJC fan, and she had front row tickets for her and her best friend.
They arrived at the venue, and they fought through the crowd of people to getting their seats. They sat down, and they waited for the show to begin.
Clark was backstage with the rest of the band doing their routine vocal warmups. A stage assistant came on told them it was show time. They huddled into a group hug then made their way to the stage.
As they walked out on stage, the crowd began cheering for them. Clark smiled and waved at the crowd before grabbing his guitar. He out the strap on his arm and glanced up at the first row. He stopped when saw the most beautiful woman staring back at him. He smiled and winked at her, and she blushed a grabbed her friend.
Y/N could not believe that the Clark Honus just smiled and winked her. The band began to play, and Y/N sang to all the song they performed. The band said goodnight, and they left the stage as the crowd cheered.
The crowd began to slowly make their way out of the building. Y/N and her friend were still talking about how good the show was when some tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and saw a security guard standing behind her.
“Excuse me, miss. Mr. Honus would like to see you.”
“Wait, me?”
Y/N pointed at herself and slowly blinked in confusion.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“The Clark Honus wants to see me? I can’t believe it. Y/B/F, are you gonna be okay if I go?”
“Yes, I’ll be fine.”
Her friend smiled and pulled her into a hug. She pulled back, and Y/N smiled at her.
“Y/N, seriously. Go meet Clark, now.”
Y/N said goodbye to her friend, and she followed the security guard backstage. She was super nervous to meet Clark, and she still couldn’t believe that he actually wanted to meet her. The security guard led her to where the band was hanging out around their limos.
Clark looked up, and he stood up as soon as he saw the security guard walking towards them with the woman from the crowd walking with him. He walked over to them, smiling the whole way there. As soon as he reached them, his eyes were glued to her
“Mr. Honus, here she is.”
“Thank you, Jerry.”
The security guard nodded at him and walked away, leaving them alone. Y/N was trying her best not to freak out as she stood in front of Clark. She began to breathe a little rapidly, and Clark noticed.
“Hey, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I-I just can’t believe that I’m actually standing in front of you right now. Like, this is a dream come true.”
“Well, I’m glad I could help. Do you have a name, beautiful?”
“I-It’s Y/N. You think I’m beautiful?”
“Totally, you’re like hot. As soon as I saw you, I couldn’t keep my eyes off you. Would you like to sit with me and have a beer?”
“Yeah, sure.”
Y/N and Clark sat down, and they talked and drank for awhile. Gene walked around the corner and shook his head a she saw Clark with a woman. He approached them and tapped Clark’s shoulder.
“Hey, man. It’s getting late, and they venue people are getting ready to lock the building.”
“Alright, thanks Gene. Oh, this is Y/N.”
“Hi, Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.”
Gene stuck out his hand, and she smiled and shook his hand.
“It’s nice to meet you too, Gene. I love the BJC.”
“Aw, well, thanks a lot. Alright, so I’m gonna go. You two have a good night, and I’ll see you in the morning Clark.”
Gene walked away, and Clark looked back towards Y/N. He smiled as she looked towards him when Gene disappeared around the corner.
“So, uh, would you like to go back to hotel with me?”
“I’d love too.”
Clark lead Y/N to his limo, and they both climbed in. The drive to his hotel was short, and Y/N followed Clark up to his room. They had an amazing night together. They shared passionate kisses and lustful touches.
When morning rolled around, Clark woke to sun shining through the window. He was happy to see that Y/N was still in his bed sleeping peacefully. He smiled to himself as he watched her sleep. He was drawn to her, but he didn’t know why.
Y/N shifted in the bed, and she squinted her eyes as she barely opened them. She rolled over and instinctively cuddled into Clark’s chest. She looked up at him, and he smiled down at her.
“Morning, beautiful.”
“Good morning to you too.”
“How’d you sleep?”
“Amazingly. How abogot you?”
“Pretty good with you next to me.”
Y/N chuckled quietly, and Clark wrapped his arms around her. He loved the feeling of her in his arms. He kissed Y/N’s head, and a thought came to him.
“Hey, Y/N. Can I ask you something?”
“Of course, Clark.”
Y/N sat up so she could look at Clark as he spoke. He shifted himself, and he looked into her eyes.
“Is there any way I could see you again after today?”
“Really, you want to see me again?”
“Yeah, I feel like we have this undeniable connection, and something inside is telling me that you’re the right person for me.”
“You can definitely see me again. I feel like you’re the right person for me too.”
Clark leaned in and captured her lips in a kiss. He pulled away and smiled at her. He was happy that she felt the same way about him. He really liked her, and he wanted thing to work out between them. He just had to wait to see what the future would hold for him and Y/N, and he knew that he’d wait forever if he had too.
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vacationsoup · 6 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://vacationsoup.com/kauai-helicopter-tour/
Best Kauai Helicopter Tour? Try Blue Hawaiian Helicopters
I oftentimes get asked the question, "What is the best Kauai helicopter tour company?" I have been hesitant to answer in the past because I have not personally been on a Kauai helicopter tour since the 80s. Last week, however, a good friend of mine who owns a condo in Princeville, went on the Blue Hawaiian Helicopter Tour out of the Princeville Airport and came back raving about it. "We FINALLY experienced this March 2019 – and WOW!  It is by far the BEST way to get a sense of the whole island.  It was spectacular!"
Kauai is unique in that there is no road which circles the island. Therefore 70% of the lush interior, along with the Na Pali Coast is inaccessible by car. This is, without question, the most beautiful part of the island. The tropical rain-forests, lush valleys and cascading waterfalls are what dreams are made of. Parts of the Waimea Canyon can be seem by driving to the west side of the island and up to Kokee State Park (about a two hour drive from Princeville). The 17 mile Na Pali Coast, with 3000 foot sea cliffs, is stunning by boat. However, ocean swells often keep boats from touring during winter months. A Kauai helicopter tour, on the other hand, will give you a bird's eye view of this spectacular scenery and Blue Hawaiian Helicopters fly year-round, weather permitting of course.
Most Kauai helicopter tours start from Lihue, very close to the Lihue Airport. Blue Hawaiian Helicopters gives you two options. A 50 minute, round the island tour out of Lihue or a 45 minute north shore and interior island tour out of the Princeville Airport (5 minutes from Honu Point). Destination maps of each tour can be seen on the Blue Hawaiian Helicopters' website. Either way, the company claims to have been "Hawaii's air-tour leader for 34 years."
Kauai Helicopter Tours with Blue Hawaiian Helicopters:
Discover Kauai - Princeville Airport
"On this awe-inspiring helicopter tour of Kauai, you’ll experience the legendary natural views that encompass the Garden Isle. Explore stunning Manawaiopuna Falls, often called “Jurassic Park” falls, surrounded by rich native flora in the gorgeous Hanapepe Valley. Fly over the spectacular views of the Olokele Canyon before hovering above the majestic Waimea Canyon, dubbed the “Grand Canyon of the Pacific.” Lastly, explore the magical 3,000-foot sea cliffs of the Na Pali Coast and the pristine turquoise-blue waters of Hanalei Bay, a truly unforgettable sight."
$299/person (includes taxes and fees) - 45 minutes
Kauai Eco Adventure - Lihue Airport
"With over 70% of the island being inaccessible by land, Kauai is truly best seen from the sky. On this incredible helicopter tour of Kauai, you’ll experience views so beautiful they will take your breath away. Explore the stunning Manawaiopuna Falls, also known as “Jurassic Park” falls, wedged in between the emerald green mountaintop of the Hanapepe Valley. Fly over the amazing views of the Olokele Canyon and majestic Waimea Canyon, often called the “Grand Canyon of the Pacific,” where you’ll catch sight of dozens of cascading waterfalls. Then, Kauai’s magical North Shore reveals the sculpted green valleys and 3,000-foot sea cliffs of the Na Pali Coast, the pristine turquoise-blue waters of Hanalei Bay and the Princeville Resort area.
Lastly, weather permitting, your pilot will fly you to Mt Wai’ale’ale, a dormant shield volcano with over 450 inches of rainfall each year, making it the second wettest places on earth. Here you’ll witness the most beautiful emerald green vegetation draped over the mist-covered mountain, with 3,000-foot cascading waterfalls filling each crevice—a truly awe-inspiring finish to your ECO Adventure over the Garden Isle."
$249/person (includes taxes and fees) - 50 minutes
All tour narration is by pilots who are State of Hawaii Certified Tour Guides
Blue Hawaiian Helicopters uses state-of-the-art helicopters (Airbus A-Stars and Airbus Eco-Stars), offering incomparable passenger comfort and the latest in cutting-edge technologies.
For an additional charge you may purchase a high-definition video recording of your flight. This way you may relive your experience and share it with others once you are back home.
Cancellation Policy:
Blue Hawaiian Helicopter requires 24 hours notice in order to change or cancel your reservation. Cancellations and no-shows within 24 hours will be assessed a 100% cancellation fee. If you need to change or cancel your reservation please provide them with 24 hours notice prior to your tour time and they will be happy to accommodate you.
For each guest weighing 260 pounds or more, an adjacent, empty seat purchase is required to safely balance the aircraft. The charge for a comfort seat is reduced to 50% off of the regular tour price.
Blue Hawaiian Helicopters Kauai
(808) 245-5800
Website: https://www.bluehawaiian.com/kauai
There are many other Kauai helicopter tour companies and I know that at least one specializes in "doors off." So, by all means do a little research, especially if you are not staying on the north shore.
Kauai helicopter tours are not for everyone. But, if you want to see some of the most spectacular scenery on earth and can overcome any fears you might have, I don't think you'll be disappointed. As you must be aware, there is always a risk involved with flight, but hundreds of visitors see the islands by air every day. Personally, if staying on the north shore, I would choose the Discover Kauai helicopter tour. The time you spend driving to and from Lihue is better spent enjoying the beach or sipping mai tais by the pool.
For more of my blogs or to subscribe, go to the right-hand side of this page (full screen computers). To see more photos and information about Honu Point, our luxury vacation rental, check out the other pages of this website.  Mahalo!
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