#Honda Accord 2023 Price
liteautocars · 2 years
2023 Honda Accord ! Reviews, Pricing & Features
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The redesigned 2023 Honda Accord now has pricing and fuel economy numbers. As expected, it’s slightly more expensive than before, though the jump isn’t as drastic as some other Honda models because the base LX trim remains. Also, the hybrid version is more efficient than before, although the base turbo engine suffers a bit on economy. Read More
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captainsophiestark · 11 months
A Bad Idea
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
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Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Star Wars
Day 31 Prompt: "It's not your fault."
Summary: Obi-Wan and his best friend/fellow Jedi are getting Hondo's help on a mission. Predictably, things don't go according to their plan.
Word Count: 2,045
Category: Fluff, Humor
A/N: That's a wrap for Fictober gang! Thank you so much to @fictober-event for putting this whole thing on and to everyone who's read one of my stories! Honestly can't believe the amount of writing I got done for this event
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"I think this might be the worst idea we've ever had."
"If you don't count ideas that Anakin came up with and we agreed to, then yes, it probably is."
Obi-Wan Kenobi and I stood shoulder to shoulder on the ramp of our ship, waving as the one and only Hondo Ohnaka came towards us. We'd recently gotten information that the Separatists were using a different group of pirates to smuggle things out of reach of the Republic, and together, Obi-Wan and I had decided the best way to infiltrate a pirate base was with the help of another pirate. On paper, it sounded perfectly rational, especially since we had a pirate contact we could go to. In reality, it was probably going to get us killed.
"Kenobi!" called Hondo once he got within earshot of us. "It is wonderful to see you again! And who is your lovely friend? A girlfriend, perhaps?"
Heat and embarrassment rushed through me, and I felt a wave of discomfort coming off of Obi-Wan in the Force too.
"Jedi don't typically date," he quickly explained, waving Hondo off. "And it wouldn't be any of your business anyway."
"I'm a friend of Obi-Wan's," I continued. "We grew up at the Temple together."
Hondo gave me a quick once over, then evaluated Obi-Wan the same way. Then, he smiled and held out his hand to me.
"Well, any friend of Obi-Wan's is a friend of mine! It is very nice to meet you, I'm sure!"
I forced a smile as I took his hand and shook it. I didn't think he'd meant to, but Honda had hit a very sore spot for me. I'd harbored feelings for my best friend for years now, against the Code, and I'd done my best every single day to hide them from him and from anyone else. A hundred Jedi who'd known me since birth couldn't tell, but this Weequay had hit the bullseye within moments of seeing me for the first time.
"Come on," Obi-Wan whispered to me, leaning in close to my ear so Hondo couldn't hear him as the Weequay moved past me into the ship. "The sooner we start this mission, the sooner it's officially over."
"Can't wait," I muttered. "And you said this guy was your friend?"
Obi-Wan shrugged. "More like... acquaintance who tries to kill me sometimes. Although I think he unironically considers me his best friend."
I smiled a little at that, especially as Obi-Wan moved into the ship after Hondo and Hondo immediately flung an arm around his shoulders and pulled him in. Based on the conversation I could hear as I brought in the ramp, Hondo was trying to convince Obi-Wan to sell him some of our Republic tech at a frankly ridiculous price. To no one's surprise (except maybe Hondo's), Obi didn't budge. He was remarkably gentle in his refusal, though.
After a brief challenge where Hondo insisted on piloting the ship and Obi-Wan had to convince him to sit in the passenger seat instead, we were on our way. With Hondo's help, we quickly found the pirate base we were looking for.
"Do you guys just constantly share locations with each other?" I asked as we came in for a landing not too far from the gates. Hondo shrugged.
"We do business with each other from time to time. Helps to know where your business partners are."
"Hm. Makes sense."
Hondo grinned at me. He clapped me on the shoulder and started walking down the ramp, and a moment later Obi-Wan took his place next to me.
"Don't turn your back on him," he warned. I turned, coming face to face with Obi-Wan. We'd known each other for most of our lives; I'd seen him a million times or more. But for this mission, we weren't in the typical Jedi robes, in an effort to go undercover. And seeing him standing next to me in a dashing pirate costume made my heart beat a little faster.
"Don't worry, I wasn't planning on it." Obi-Wan stared off after Hondo, his expression clouded, so I reached out and gently squeezed his shoulder. "We'll be fine, okay? We've survived everything we've gone through so far. What's a couple pirates?"
"The last time I interacted with pirates, Anakin and I ended up handcuffed to Count Dooku."
I laughed as we started strolling down the ramp together to catch up to Hondo.
"Well, if we find ourselves in a similar situation, I promise to make fun of Dooku even more than Anakin did with you."
"That, I would look forward to seeing." He sighed, nudging my shoulder with his just before we caught up to Hondo. "I suppose there's nothing left for us to do but dive straight in."
"Like you said. Sooner we start, sooner we get to go back to Cody and other, saner partners in crime."
"The fact that Anakin is significantly more rational and predictable than Hondo is... concerning."
I chuckled, and Obi-Wan and I shared a smile. Hondo clapped us both on the shoulders once we'd caught up with him at the door to the pirate's fort, and then we headed inside.
The next thing I remember, I was waking up on a concrete floor, my head pounding. I groaned, lifting one hand to my head, and to my surprise something dragged my other hand with it. I opened my eyes.
I was handcuffed. More than that, I was apparently handcuffed to someone else. I turned to my right to see Obi-Wan, already sitting up and looking at me.
"Good morning."
"What happened?"
"We were played." I sighed and flung my head back. All that talk about having each others' backs and not trusting Hondo, and it had been for nothing. "We were jumped as soon as we made it through the gates. Hondo turned us over and went to collect a bounty for us from the other pirates."
"Oh wonderful," I sighed, slumping back against Obi-Wan. My heart sped up a little bit at our close proximity, but unlike every other time we'd been close, this time I couldn't chicken out. It was lean against him, or very clearly, obviously, and uncomfortably lean away from him.
"I should've known we couldn't trust him," Obi-Wan said. "I just thought that this time we were prepared, so Hondo wouldn't be able to get one over on us. I should've known better."
"It's not your fault. Even I'd started to believe Hondo was honestly going to work with us for this mission. The fact that he'd already double-crossed us, before we even got on the ship..."
I trailed off, shaking my head. Obi-Wan sighed, and we spent a few moments leaning against the wall and each other, hands close together and heads resting against each other. I could've stayed like that for a long time, if we hadn't been sitting in a jail cell.
"So..." I finally started, still not moving an inch. "What did you do the last time you were in this situation?"
Obi-Wan sighed heavily. "Bickered with the Count, mostly. And made a few escape attempts. We would've been successful from the beginning had it not been for Dooku."
I huffed a small laugh. "Well, it's a good thing I'm here instead of him then, isn't it?"
"I truthfully can't think of anyone else I'd rather be stuck with."
We shared a smile, a warm feeling quickly dominating my chest. I couldn't quite stop myself from leaning forward ever so slightly, like Obi-Wan had his own gravity pulling me in. In this place, out of sight and temporarily forgotten by everyone else, being close to him didn't feel as scary as it did in the Temple or aboard the Negotiator.
To my immense surprise and delight, Obi-Wan leaned in too, a moment after me. He huffed a small laugh, his blue eyes sparkling.
"This is... probably a bad idea."
I didn't need to ask what he was talking about. I gave him a small smile and shrugged.
"No worse an idea than the one that got us in here in the first place."
"You certainly make a good point."
As one, we smiled and closed the remaining distance to each other, our lips meeting in a kiss I'd thought about a thousand times. It was even better than I'd imagined it would be, especially as I could feel Obi-Wan through the Force. My best friend, the man I'd loved a thousand different ways before I even really knew what the word meant, glowed with a happiness that matched mine.
No one had ever really found evidence that soulmates were real, despite all the mystical forces that did exist in the galaxy. But as I sat on the filthy floor of that cell and kissed my best friend, our energies twining together in the Force, I thought we'd come pretty close.
"Oh, this is very gross. And yet, it's exactly what I'd hoped to find."
Obi-Wan and I broke apart to find Hondo staring at us through the bars of the cell, a grin on his face. We fixed him with matching scowls.
"Come now, what are those looks for? You should be happy, look at the two of you!"
"Happy might be a stretch, since you double-crossed us," I said. Hondo's mouth dropped open and a hand flew to his chest.
"Double-crossed? No no no, I have done no such thing."
"Then why did we wake up handcuffed in a cell?" Obi-Wan demanded. "In my case, again."
"Ah, you see, it was all part of my brilliant plan!"
Obi-Wan and I shared a very, very skeptical look. Undeterred, Hondo pulled a ring of keys out of his pocket, still beaming at us.
"You thought the two of you, two Jedi, could actually sneak in here unnoticed? Ha! It never would have worked. So, I pretended to double-cross you, and while the two of you were in here admitting feelings for each other, I found your documents! After collecting the credits for turning you two over as prisoners, of course."
Obi-Wan and I stared, dumbfounded, as Hondo explained his plan and removed our handcuffs. We stood, helping each other up, both a little stunned that the Weequay had really outplayed everyone here.
"Come on, we must hurry," said Hondo, waving us after him as he headed for the cell door. "It won't take them long to figure out what we've done."
We spared one last shocked glance at each other, then hurried after Hondo through the winding halls of the pirates' lair.
"If you got your money and information, why did you come back for us?" asked Obi-Wan, suspicion dripping from his words. "Why not leave us to be cashed in for a bounty?"
I wanted to smack him for asking that question before we were safely back on our ship, but Hondo just turned to us, looking hurt and outraged that Obi-Wan would even suggest it.
"Kenobi, I am hurt! I would never do such a thing to such a good friend!" He turned, ignoring Obi's raised eyebrow as we at last made it out of the hideout. "Besides, there were no more credits to be gained by leaving you here. The only thing that would've happened was a profit for my competition."
I failed to fight off a smile. Now it all made sense.
Obi-Wan and I trailed just behind Hondo the last bit of distance to our ship, and cautiously, I slipped my hand into his. He gave it a gentle squeeze, turning to fix me with a small smile.
"You know this is going to complicate our lives beyond belief, don't you?"
"Yeah. But I think it's worth it. Our lives are already wildly complicated anyway."
Obi-Wan huffed a small laugh. "I agree."
"With which part?"
"All of it. But especially the part about this being worth it."
He gave my hand one last squeeze, and we shared another tender look before reaching the ramp of the ship and returning to business mode. I let Obi-Wan lead the way, and as I closed the ramp, I could already hear Hondo bargaining with Obi-Wan for credits in exchange for the information he'd retrieved while we'd been in the cell. Despite the exasperation on Obi-Wan's face and in his tone, I could still feel that glowing happiness radiating off of him in the Force, a mirror to my own. We were going to be just fine.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
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automotorcenter · 2 years
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mariacallous · 25 days
China has positioned itself as the main car supplier in Mexico, with exports reaching $4.6 billion in 2023, according to data from Mexico's Secretariat of Economy.
The Chinese automaker BYD surpassed Honda and Nissan to position itself as the seventh largest automaker in the world by number of units sold during the April to June quarter. This growth was driven by increased demand for its affordable electric vehicles, according to data from automakers and research firm MarkLines.
The company's new vehicle sales rose 40 percent year over year to 980,000 units in the quarter—the same quarter wherein most major automakers, including Toyota and Volkswagen, experienced a decline in sales. Much of BYD's growth is attributed to its overseas sales, which nearly tripled in the past year to 105,000 units. Now BYD is considering locating its new auto plant in three Mexican states: Durango, Jalisco, and Nuevo Leon.
Foreign investment would be an economic boost for Mexico. The company has claimed that a plant there would create about 10,000 jobs. A Tesla competitor, BYD markets its Dolphin Mini model in Mexico for about 398,800 pesos—about $21,300 dollars—a little more than half the price of the cheapest Tesla model.
Prevented from selling their wares to the United States due to tariffs, Chinese EV manufacturers have explored other markets to sell their high-tech cars. However, as Mexico establishes itself as a key market for Chinese electric vehicles, officials in Washington fear that Mexico could be used as a "back door" to access the US market.
That tariff-free access is part of the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (T-MEC), an updated version of the North American Free Trade Agreement that, as of 2018, eliminated tariffs on many products traded between the North American countries. Under the treaty, if a foreign automotive company that manufactures vehicles in Canada or Mexico can demonstrate that the materials used are locally sourced, its products can be exported to the United States virtually duty-free.
According to official figures, 20 percent of light vehicles sold last year in Mexico were imported from China, representing 273,592 units and a 50 percent increase compared to 2022. Currently, most of the vehicles imported from China come from Western brands that have established manufacturing plants in that country, such as General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, BMW, and Renault.
Mexico is the second largest market for Chinese automobiles worldwide, behind only Russia, according to data from Linked Global Solutions, a company specializing in business between China and Latin American countries.
A Trade War Against China
Both the United States and the European Union have intensified a trade war against China, focusing on automobiles and semiconductor chip production, which have been the subject of investigations for predatory practices, tariffs, and restrictions. This new geopolitical strategy is prompting Western companies to look for alternatives to relocate their factories outside of China, a trend known as "nearshoring."
Concerned about the potential impact on domestic automakers, the US has raised tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles to 100 percent. Canada is also considering implementing its own tariffs on Chinese-made vehicles.
In July, the European Union began imposing additional tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles and, on Tuesday, proposed to increase the rate to 36.3 percent. Faced with this situation, BYD has decided to build a new factory in Turkey to avoid these tariffs.
For the Japanese manufacturers who are lagging behind, the North American market—where Chinese electric vehicles have had little penetration due to these high tariffs—is becoming more relevant. As demand for electric vehicles slows in North America, hybrids from Toyota and Honda are gaining popularity. However, it remains to be seen whether this new interest will offset declining sales in China and other markets.
China entering the Mexican market in the automotive sector is relevant because, for Mexico, automobiles are replacing oil in economic importance. The automotive industry contributes 4.8 percent of the country's GDP, and its exports are the main source of foreign currency income. In addition, it generates 1 million direct jobs and, due to its high impact, creates 3.5 million indirect jobs. In the third quarter of the year, 22 percent of the foreign direct investment (FDI) that entered the country went to this industry.
Mexico, the Export Powerhouse
Mexico rose from fourth to third place among the world's largest automotive exporters from 2022 to 2023, according to data from the World Trade Organization. This advance was driven mainly by a remarkable growth in automotive exports, which registered an increase of 14.33 percent, reaching a value of $189 billion in 2023.
The automotive industry has become the main driver of Mexican exports, accounting for 31 percent of the country's total exports in 2023. This sector has not only sustained economic growth, but has also demonstrated significant regional integration, especially under the framework of the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement, which has favored the competitiveness and modernization of the industry.
Mexico managed to marginally displace Japan and the United States in the world ranking of automotive exporters, moving up to third place. Meanwhile, the European Union remained firmly in first place and China moved up from fifth to second place. This change is largely due to significant growth in vehicle exports from Mexico, which now account for 31 percent of its total exports, consolidating the country as a powerhouse in the global automotive industry. Strong regional integration under the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement has also been a key factor in this rise.
The European Union led automotive exports in 2023, reaching a total of $831 billion. It was followed by China with $170 billion, Mexico with $158 billion, Japan with $157 billion, and the United States, also with $157 billion.
These values include exports of light and heavy vehicles, as well as auto parts and automotive components, reflecting the dynamism and competitiveness of these markets. In particular, Mexico's growth in this sector has been remarkable, consolidating its position as an export powerhouse.
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superkilometerfilter · 7 months
Mileage Correction Tool: The Importance And The Purpose Of The Device
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Correction tools are pro devices that use smart software technologies to achieve the primary goal. They work by accessing cars’ electronic control units (ECU) and other crucial components. The ECU is a vital component of any modern automobile. It controls different aspects of the vehicle, such as engine performance, transmission, braking system, etc. These control units use special software that monitors and analyses data using strategically placed sensors. In the context of the correction tool, the ECU stores core information. The most important part of the whole process is to successfully establish the connection. Once it’s done, the tool communicates with the ECU and gets access to the mileage data. This is the moment after which you can modify the data and change mileage information according to your will. The mileage odometer correction tool will change the digits on the odometer whether you have Toyota, Audi, Honda, Ford, or GM. Hence, if you were worried about the manufacturer before, it is no longer an issue. Before you decide to utilize this tool, take into consideration that there are several variations of this tool.
In auto industry, there are various types of odometer correction tools. Of course, all of them have their specifications and work under different circumstances.
Portable, hand-held tools: these devices are easy to carry and have numerous features. In most cases, professionals use them for adjustment and diagnostic purposes.
Computer-based software correction: this method uses a laptop and the software. The software from the computer connects to the ECU via a cable or interface. This method includes a more detailed examination and is ideal for professionals who need advanced features.
Mobile Apps: some adjustments can be made by the mobile applications. This is possible via the app from your smartphone or tablet. This mileage correction tool for vehicles will not include advanced diagnostic features, however, it can be the cheapest solution for minor changes.
Specialized Hardware: such methods are usually used for mileage correction by professionals. This equipment offers in-depth corrections and additional capabilities.
Online Mileage Correction Services: with the ever-developing technologies, it is now possible to receive a service remotely. It enables experts to provide you with the service and make adjustments online.
A lot of people try to change odometers and display the different mileage on the dashboards. They have numerous reasons behind this decision. One of the most common reasons that push individuals toward using mileage odometer correction tool is the car’s resale price. Although it’s 2023, mileage still has a huge importance. Vehicles with lower mileage readings appear newer and better maintained. Consequently, it increases the prices on the market. The practice of manipulating and artificially changing mileage helps sellers maximize their profit. On the other hand, some may alter mileage information to meet warranty or insurance agreements. In such cases, mileage information is a crucial component. This is why people sometimes unethically change the information to avoid extra costs. In any circumstance, it is essential for everyone to use the correction tool for all cars ethically. Whether you are in the UK, the US or elsewhere, don’t use scanner devices or cheap gadgets for malicious reasons. This will not only be a proper attitude but also avoid further legal complications against you.
Mileage is the information that all car owners monitor carefully. It is also one of the first things that we all check before buying a new vehicle. However, unfortunately, a lot of people still don’t know the real importance of this data. It is not a simple number that only shows the distance that our vehicle has covered. This information contains crucial details for our auto, and it all can disappear after utilizing a mileage correction tool. Based on this, it is essential to know the results of OBD2 changing tools or software and the importance of miles on an automobile.
Maintenance and services: Mileage is a key indicator for numerous services and maintenance. Even car manufacturers provide such details based on the miles/kilometers. For instance, oil changes, brake check-ups and tire endurance are all can be monitored according to the mileage.
Safety: distance is also crucial to determine when you should inspect or replace your vehicle components. Misuse of mileage odometer correction tool can hugely influence the safety and reliability of the automobile.
History: correct mileage information demonstrates the vehicle’s overall usage. This information is valuable for detecting its wear and tear.
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The use of the mileage correction tool for all cars created debates about the legal side of the process. Many consider that the utilization of software or correction kits is against the law. Despite such ideas, there are several cases in which employing this gadget is not illegal. Repairs and Replacements: when the instrument cluster is damaged and does not work properly due to malfunction, it is necessary to replace it. In order to display accurate reading, correction tools are frequently used in the process.
Importing Cars: When a vehicle enters the country, it is crucial to convert the information into a proper, local unit via a mileage correction tool.
Restoration: Restoration of a classic auto involves changing and refurbishing many components. It surely includes an odometer and a whole control panel as well. In such scenarios, mileage adjustment is acceptable.
Remember, the unofficial use of those tools and artificially changing mileage in order to make a profit is unethical. Everyone should follow legal paths.
As you can see, there are a plethora of reasons why someone may decide to manipulate an odometer. This is why many ask if a mileage odometer correction tool is traceable. Companies have developed cheap gadgets that can programme car’s system. These devices are easily detectable by scanners and diagnostic tools. The Smelecom is no different from others. Professional car testers and scanner tools can easily detect any artificial interference that can cause serious future complications. In other circumstances, tracing is not the case, and gadgets cannot even successfully change the odometer. There are several ways that help testers detect the malfunction.
Electronic Logging: some modern vehicles have electronic logs regarding the mileage. If someone uses a correction tool, it will be shown in the log. Hence, diagnostic tools will identify the trace.
OBD Port: many tools need to physically connect to the OBD port. Experienced car technicians will quickly notice the external damage on the port.
Digital Footprints: if a mileage correction tool for all cars is connected to a computer (for software update or data transfer), it will leave its print in logs or records.
The automobile industry is a quickly developing and ever-changing field. Companies are constantly trying to create innovative concepts and implement them in their vehicles. Despite numerous attempts, only a Super Kilometer Filter could develop a device that alts mileage recording process. A Mileage Blocker is an innovative, small gadget that just prevents the system from recording new miles. It does not delete or roll back any already existing miles from the system. The German SKF company is the only one that can successfully master this product. Compared to previous attempts, this device does not leave a trace. This blocker is made of premium components that guarantee that the device works perfectly in any weather condition. Moreover, it has several modules, and you can choose which one suits you the most. Plus, this advanced gadget is exclusively only one which has its own mobile application. Therefore, you can control and change everything from your smartphone. Most importantly, Mileage Blocker is a highly efficient product that is suitable for almost all vehicle models.
Mileage correction tool is a device that changes the numbers on the odometer. It uses an OBD2 port or software to modify the data. Even though correction tools are effective, they have major flaws – scanner tools can easily trace them. However, a mileage blocker is a device that can stop mileage recording process and help testers properly optimize your vehicle. Fortunately, the device is available online, and you can purchase it from the official Super Kilometer Filter website. For further information, you can always contact its customer support.
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theultimatefan · 7 months
Motobyo® Empowers Buyers with Tech and Tools for Affordable Used Cars Amidst Rising New Car Costs
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The skyrocketing annual cost of owning a new car just set a fresh record as it climbed to $12,182 in 2023, up from $10,728 in 2022, according to the latest data from AAA. 
Based on those indicators, buying a used car is the way to go in today’s fragile economy. Of course, that hasn’t always been an easy route – the used car sector of the automobile industry can sometimes be as difficult to navigate as the new car market.
That’s the way it has always been – until now, until Motobyo. The tech startup has revolutionized the traditional and outdated process that used car buyers have grown accustomed to.
With Motobyo, the consumer—both buyers and sellers—takes precedence.
With over 250 used cars listed for sale on the Motobyo marketplace daily (a number that is expected to reach over 400 available this spring), Motobyo has become the go-to resource for anyone looking to purchase a top quality used car without the markups and hassles associated with middlemen.
Motobyo boasts a remarkable selection of high-quality used vehicles, providing both better value and superior choices. The revolutionary Motobyo platform enables buyers to go directly to the source, the private party used car seller, bypassing the traditional dealer model and the undesirable inventory brought on by the stressed industry supply chain.
Buyers are connecting directly to sellers – individual consumers peer-to-peer – to find great used cars at a price point that works for both parties.
“For used car buyers, Motobyo puts everything at your fingertips, from presale inspections to automobile insurance to loans, making it easier than ever to get any car bought or sold,” said George Lekas, Founder and Chief Operating Officer at Motobyo. “We offer resources for used car buyers that they’ve never had access to before unless they went through a dealer.
“Recently we helped a woman who needed to replace her Toyota 4Runner after a tree fell on it and totaled it,” Lekas continued. “She found a 2013 Jeep Wrangler on Motobyo that the original owner was selling on our marketplace, exactly the kind of car she was looking for. Through Motobyo, she was able to order a pre-sale inspection and a vehicle history report before buying that Jeep Wrangler for a lot less than the retail value. She then purchased an extended warranty program through Motobyo to protect her investment.”
Buyers can choose from hundreds of quality used vehicles each day on Motobyo, with brands including Toyota, Jeep, Ford, Chevrolet, Volkswagen, Nissan, Honda, and more – providing buyers with a diverse selection of available inventory.
Motobyo has designed a platform that saves used car buyers time, money and hassles by eliminating inefficiencies embedded in the auto industry with technology that delivers value for everyday consumers.
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ascendfx · 9 months
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🚗💨 Tesla is revving up its game in the US car market! According to Cox Automotive, Tesla's market share jumped to 4.2% in 2023, with a whopping 25.4% increase in sales. It now surpasses Volkswagen, Subaru, and BMW. #TeslaPower #EVRevolution 📈📊 GM leads the way with a 16.5% market share, followed by Toyota (14.4%) and Ford (12.7%). But watch out, Tesla is making moves! Who said electric cars couldn't compete? ⚡️ #GameChanger #ElectricRevolution 🔝💯 Honda, Mazda, and Volvo are the real MVPs, with significant sales gains in 2023. They're driving their way to success! 🏆 #SalesSuperstars #DrivingForce 💰💸 While Tesla's sales are soaring, their average transaction price took a tumble. From $60,000 to $50,051 in a year! Time to bring those prices back up, Elon! 💸💥 #PriceDrop #ElonNeedsACheck 🔮🚀 Brace yourself for the EV revolution! Over 70 new electric vehicles are set to hit the roads in the next two years. Get ready for a jolt of excitement! ⚡️🌟 #EVRevolution #ElectrifyingFuture
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tenacioususedcars · 10 months
Most (And Least) Reliable Small Cars
Used car prices have soared in 2023 for several reasons, including the limited supply of fairly new models and the demand for cleaner used cars for sale for use in low-emission zones. 
That means it’s more important than ever to choose your second-hand car wisely, and reliability is a crucial factor in keeping costs down – especially if you’re buying an older car that’s no longer covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.
A dependable model shouldn’t land you with anything other than routine servicing and maintenance bills for the foreseeable future. However, if you pick a car that’s prone to faults, you could end up facing a constant barrage of expensive repair bills.
To help used car buyers select the best models aged from six to 20 years old, WhatCar? asked nearly 25,000 car owners to tell them how reliable their cars had been over the previous 24 months. This data forms their annual What Car? Reliability Survey which is compiled in association with MotorEasy.
The most reliable small cars 
1. 2015-2020 Honda Jazz
Reliability rating 100%
The third-generation Jazz offers the low running costs you’d expect of a small car and the space and practicality of a mini MPV. On top of that, it’s very unlikely to let you down because it’s extremely robust. In fact, not a single older Jazz suffered any faults at all, according to the owners who completed our survey. 
2. 2011-2020 Toyota Yaris
Reliability rating 98.6%
Toyota has a rock-solid reputation for building dependable cars – it’s been in the top three brands in our newer car reliability survey for the past six years, so it’s a great choice if you want a car that won’t let you down. Just 5% of the cars we were told about had a problem and the only area concerned was the suspension.
3. 2010-2017 Suzuki Swift
Reliability rating 98.1%
The Swift might not be the most popular small car, but it’s got a lot going for it, including great driving manners, a reasonable amount of space and a high rating for safety. Like other Suzuki models, it’s also bulletproof, even as it ages. Only 6% of the Swifts in our survey developed a fault, and the battery was the only component affected. 
The least reliable small cars
3. 2010-2016 Nissan Micra
Reliability rating 66.4%
The Micra suffers more than its fair share of problems, according to owners, who told us 47% of their cars had gone wrong in the previous 24 months. The most common gripe was about the suspension, affecting 29% of faulty cars, followed by the engine’s electrical systems (18% of faults). Problems rendered 50% of cars undrivable and kept a similar proportion in the garage for up to a week. Cars were often costly to put right. 
2. 2002-2008 Ford Fiesta
Reliability rating 65.5%
The Fiesta is cheap to buy and fun to drive, but it’s no joy to live with if you get one that suffers a string of costly faults. And that is a possibility because owners told us that 46% of their cars had suffered an issue. The most frequent trouble spot was the suspension, affecting 18% of broken cars, but there were also issues with the air-con, bodywork, exhaust and gearbox. Two-thirds of faulty cars could still be driven, and 45% were out of the workshop in less than a week, but some repair bills were pricey. 
1. 2010-2016 Citroën C3
Reliability rating 53.0%
A wide range of issues affected the C3s we were told about, but the most frequent were with the air-con and braking system. They rendered more than 50% of cars undrivable and kept 40% of them in the garage for more than a week. 
Find a quality used car for sale in Stellenbosch at great prices.
Article shared from https://pre-ownedsmarts.postach.io/post/most-and-least-reliable-small-cars
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 10 months
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November 21, 2023
Yesterday the United Auto Workers ratified their new contracts with General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis. The new contracts include wage increases of at least 25% over the next 4.5 years, cost of living increases, union coverage for electric battery plants, and the reopening of a closed plant. “These were just extraordinary wins, especially for those of us who’ve been studying strikes for decades,” Washington University labor expert Jake Rosenfeld told Jeanne Whalen of the Washington Post.
Union president Shawn Fain told Rachel Maddow of MSNBC, “It’s a sign of the times…. In the last 40 years…working class people went backwards continually…. There’s this massive chasm between the billionaire class and the working class and…when those things get out of balance, we need to turn it upside down. When 26 billionaires have as much wealth as half of humanity, that’s a crisis….”  
Fain said the automakers strike was “just the beginning…. Now, we take our strike muscle and our fighting spirit to the rest of the industries we represent, and to millions of nonunion workers ready to stand up and fight for a better way of life.”
President Joe Biden, who stood on the picket line with UAW members, congratulated both the auto workers and the companies for their good faith negotiations. “[W]hen unions do well, it lifts all workers,” he said. In the wake of the agreements between the UAW and the Big Three automakers, nonunion automakers who are eager to prevent unionization, including Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, Nissan, and Subaru, also announced wage increases. 
Following a tradition normalized in the 1980s, Biden also pardoned the turkeys Liberty and Bell yesterday, marking the unofficial start of the holiday season. The birds will move to the University of Minnesota’s College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences where they will become educational ambassadors for a state where turkey production provides more than $1 billion in economic activity and more than 26,000 jobs. 
At the ceremony, Biden urged people to “give thanks for the gift that is our nation.” He offered special thanks to service members, with whom he and First Lady Jill Biden shared a Friendsgiving meal on Sunday. 
Falling prices for travel and for the foods usually on a Thanksgiving table are news the White House is celebrating. Gas prices have dropped an average of $1.70 from their peak, airfares are down 13%, and car rental prices are down about 10% over the past year. 
According to the American Farm Bureau, the price of an average Thanksgiving dinner has dropped by 4.5%. The cost of turkeys has dropped more than 5% from last year, when an avian flu epidemic meant nearly 58 million birds were slaughtered (this year, growers have lost about 4.6 million birds to the same cause). Whipping cream, cranberries, and pie crust have also dropped in price. 
But plenty of grocery prices are still rising, and Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) has taken on the issue, documenting how “corporations are making record profits on the backs of American families.” In a public report, Casey noted that from July 2020 through July 2022, inflation rose by 14%, but corporate profits rose by 75%, five times as fast. A family making $68,000 a year in 2022 paid $6,740 in that period to “corporate executives and wealthy shareholders.” In 2023, that amount will be at least $3,546. 
The report notes that the cost for chicken went up 20% in 2021 as Tyson Foods doubled their profits from the first quarter of 2021 to the first quarter of 2022; Tyson has been ordered to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in penalties and restitution for “illegally conspiring to inflate chicken prices.” PepsiCo’s chief financial officer said in April 2023 that even though inflation was dropping, their prices would not. He said “consumers generally look at our products and say ‘you know what—they are worth paying a little bit more for.’”
President Biden has launched a campaign to push back on corporate profiteering, including cracking down on the practice of so-called junk fees—unexpected hidden costs for air travel, car rentals, credit cards, cable television, ticket sales, and so on. (The airline industry collected more than $6.7 billion last year in baggage fees, for example.) 
But Tony Romm of the Washington Post explained on Sunday that corporate lobbyists are warring with the Biden administration to stop the crackdown. An airline lobbyist testified at a federal hearing in March that changing the policy would create “confusion and frustration” and that there have been “very few complaints” about the extra costs for bags. The same lobbying group told the Department of Transportation that the government had no data to “demonstrate substantial harm” to passengers. A lobbying group for advertising platforms including Facebook and Google agreed that the Federal Trade Commission had failed to present “sufficient empirical evidence” that junk fees are a problem. 
Much of the fight over the relative power of ordinary Americans and corporations will play out in the courts. Those courts are themselves struggling over the role of money in their deliberations. After scandals in which it has become clear that Supreme Court justices—primarily Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, but a real estate deal of Neil Gorsuch’s has also been questioned—have accepted gifts from exceedingly wealthy Republican donors, the court on November 13 finally issued its own ethics guidelines. 
That code of conduct echoes the obligations of judges in the rest of the U.S. court system, but it takes away the requirements for behavior imposed on the lower courts, and—crucially—it has no methods of enforcement. Legal analyst Dahlia Lithwick noted that the code appeared to be designed to assure the American people they were confused about the need for an ethics code. It appeared, Lithwick said, to be “principally drafted with the intention of instructing us that they still can’t be made to do anything.” 
The Supreme Court has been packed with lawyers from the Federalist Society, established in the 1980s to push back on what its members believed was the judicial activism of federal judges who used the Fourteenth Amendment to defend civil rights in the states. Federalist Society lawyers were key to creating legal excuses for Trump to overturn the lawful results of the 2020 presidential election, and yet the society has never addressed how their people have turned into such extremists. 
In the New York Times today, leading former Federalist Society lawyer George Conway, former judge J. Michael Luttig, and former representative Barbara Comstock (R-VA) called out both the Federalist Society for failing to respond to the crisis Trump represents, and “the growing crowd of grifters, frauds and con men willing to subvert the Constitution and long-established constitutional principles for the whims of political expediency.” 
They announced a new organization to replace the corrupted Federalist Society, a significant move considering how entrenched that society has become in our justice system. The Society for the Rule of Law Institute, made up of conservative lawyers, will be “committed to the foundational constitutional principles we once all agreed upon: the primacy of American democracy, the sanctity of the Constitution and the rule of law, the independence of the courts, the inviolability of elections and mutual support among those tasked with the solemn responsibility of enforcing the laws of the United States.” The authors say that the new organization will provide a conservative voice for democracy and that they hope to work with much more deeply established progressive voices. 
For now, the Biden administration continues to try to rebalance the economic playing field. Today the Treasury Department announced the largest settlements in history for violations of U.S. anti–money laundering laws and sanctions. Cryptocurrency giant Binance, which handles about 60% of the world’s virtual currency trading, settled over violations in transactions that laundered money for terrorists—including Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al Qaeda, and ISIS—and other criminals, and violating sanctions, including those against Iran, North Korea, Syria, and the occupied Crimean region of Ukraine. 
Binance will pay more than $4 billion in fines and penalties.
At the same time, the Justice Department obtained a guilty plea from Binance chief executive officer Changpeng Zhao, a Canadian national, for failing to maintain an effective anti–money laundering program. Zhao amassed more than $23 billion at the head of the company; he will pay $200 million in fines and step down. He could face as much as 10 years in prison, but his sentence will likely be less than 18 months.
U.S. officials say this is the biggest-ever corporate resolution that includes criminal charges for an executive.
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renaultamour · 11 months
Why You Should Get A Renault Kiger CVT Turbo
Anyone would be mighty excited to decide on a new car for their family. Here’s one such journey laid bare with regards to the Renault Kiger for sale.
We have owned the Hyundai Accent, Maruti Swift and lastly Hyundai Xcent (all petrol manual variants). Driving a manual car in intense traffic was taking its toll and hence we decided to look for a new automatic car that would, hopefully, bring back some ease into the commute. What’s more, the Xcent was having problems with some part or the other every year driving up the ownership cost. After having owned two Hyundai cars, I have come to realize that after three/four years it’s a downhill experience with Hyundai and Hyundai replacement parts are not cheap!! Thus began our search by browsing the internet to find the most VFM automatic car in 2023.
I went through most reviews of every car in my budget on YouTube and forums on the internet. From what I could absorb, NA engines with 4-cylinder engines were the best bet according to the experts, which swayed me towards the Honda Amaze CVT and Brezza VXI AMT.
We first headed towards the Honda showroom and having driven the Honda Amaze CVT, I must say it is a car worth every penny for city bumper-to-bumper driving. Googling, I found that a new facelift is to debut in 2024, which kind of killed my interest in the current generation because there were quite a few features missing in the present car including TPMS.
Next, we headed to the Maruti showroom. Brezza VXI AMT has quite a lot of features missing for the price it commanded. I thought the car was OVERPRICED big time and came to the decision rather swiftly of getting a three-cylinder engine with turbo if it offered better value.
We first headed to Hyundai to test drive the Venue DCT and I was not at all impressed with its looks or driving, moreover the rear felt crampy, but my wife liked it and as she was going to drive it every day who was I to complain. Still, we decided to explore and see what else is available in the market.
Next, we headed to KIA, which in my opinion has the best-looking car out there both exteriorly and interiorly in the automatic range Kia Sonet. With the premium price it commanded and having read the horror stories about the DCT gearbox in city bumper traffic, we decided that it was not for us.
In the meanwhile, I chanced upon a white Renault and the car was really eye-catching. I made a note of Renault Kiger as it passed by me. I did an extensive search on Renault Kiger and it seemed the most VFM and even more in comparison to its rivals. There were quite a few complaints about mud problems with the car, but it seems with the new Kiger 2023 the company had it all sorted out. When discussing with friends and colleagues, they all dissed the car like it was some sort of China-made product even though one had ever owned a Renault car. I wonder why people have this negative connotation about Renault. What’s more, initially I was having a hard time differentiating between a Renault Kwid and a Renault Kiger. My wife decided there and then that she did not want to even look at the car, let alone drive it. But going through all the comparisons, it seemed a no-brainer that this is the most VFM car out there. I eventually managed to coax her to at least see and drive the car before giving up on it.
When I first saw the Renault Kiger in the showroom, I was absolutely gobsmacked! It really is beautiful and stylish with a whole load of space inside. It really felt big on the inside. They didn’t have the CVT Turbo to test drive at that moment and asked me if they could get it to my home, which was a downer for me. Anyway, when I did finally get hold of it, the drive was a pleasure. We took it on a steep incline with four of us onboard and in normal mode it had no problems pulling itself up. We, or rather I, immediately knew “This is it!” That is how good the test drive felt.
It checked all the boxes with regards to CVT reliability in bumper-to-bumper traffic, and ease of driving, and from a learned source the CVT mated to a turbo is the best combination that one can have for city drives. All this while, friends and relatives were still lecturing us on resale value and how Renault might wind up pretty soon. But the car had felt good to drive and we decided that our safety and convenience within our budget should take precedence. With that in mind, we decided to bite the bullet and go ahead with booking the car and now - the rest is history.
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One-month ownership experience:
It’s been a month since we got the car and the car is truly a gem! It has got some road presence and people do stare a bit longer at your car -- I don’t know if it is because you do not see so many Kigers on the road, but I guess it definitely helps. The sound of the turbo spooling is exhilarating. There is also no more fatigue from driving through traffic, which is a blessing. A lot of people have been complaining about the AC's effectiveness, but I find it more than adequate. The temperature is always set at 26 with ACC switched on and I have never had a chance to complain.
The audio setup is good and should suffice for most people. With the heavy rains that we have had recently, I have had the chance to thread through flooded subways and the car performs a charm. Full marks to Kiger on getting the ground clearance right, the only downside being some minimal body roll.
Special mention again to the space management inside the car as although the vehicle looks smaller from the outside, it feels big on the inside where it really counts. How they have managed that with such a big boot space is a marvel in automobile engineering. This is truly the USP of the car.
Shared from https://www.team-bhp.com/news/
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Honda has announced that it will now accept Bitcoin and Ethereum payments.  BTC looked mostly bullish, but ETH investors might have a few concerns.  The crypto market recently gained some momentum as the king of cryptos, Bitcoin [BTC], witnessed a price rise. Not to be left behind, Ethereum [ETH], too, boasted of a few developments, which could have an additional positive impact on the overall market. Read Bitcoin’s [BTC] Price Prediction 2023-24 Bitcoin is showing bullish signals BTC has finally managed to breach the $27,000 mark, which it earlier failed to sustain. According to CoinMarketCap, BTC was up by more than 4.5% over the last seven days. At the time of writing, BTC was trading at $27,557.89 with a market capitalization of over $537 billion. However, the good news was that, as per the latest data, things could get even better. Seth, a popular crypto influencer on X (formerly Twitter), revealed that Bitcoin just closed above its 20-day Moving Average (20MA) for the month. This was a bullish signal, suggesting that the king cryptos’ price might pump further in the days to come. Moreover, the tweet also talked about BTC’s Relative Strength Index (RSI), which could also turn bullish soon, provided other metrics support BTC’s growth. 🚀📈 Bitcoin just closed above its 20-day moving average (20MA) for the month, hinting at a potential bullish trend ahead! 📈🚀 The RSI is also flirting with crossing into the bullish zone, adding fuel to the excitement. 🐂🔥 Are we about to witness a major #Bitcoin rally?… pic.twitter.com/nmu0EK6t1F — Seth (@seth_fin) October 3, 2023 Which way is the market headed? A deeper look at Bitcoin’s ecosystem pointed out quite a few other bullish metrics as well. For example, BTC’s Exchange Reserve was declining as of press time, meaning that the coin was not under selling pressure. This fact was further proven by its Exchange Netflow, which revealed that BTC’s net deposits on exchanges were low compared to the 7-day average. Source: CryptoQuant Moreover, long-term holders’ movements in the last seven days were also lower than average. This clearly suggested that the long-term holders had high hopes for BTC, which is why they were willing to hold their assets. Like the aforementioned metrics, BTC’s derivatives market metrics also remained bullish. Notably, CryptoQuant’s data revealed that BTC’s Funding Rate was green at the time of writing, which meant that derivatives investors were buying the coin at its higher price. Buying sentiment in the derivatives market was dominant as well, as evident from BTC green Taker Buy/Sell Ratio. Interestingly, Bitcoin’s Open Interest registered an increase along with its price. Typically, a rise in this metric means that the ongoing price trend will continue. Source: Coinglass Bitcoin, Ethereum adoption rises  While BTC’s metrics looked bullish, an interesting development happened that suggested that crypto adoption was rising on a global scale. Honda, one of the world’s leading car manufacturers, opened its doors to crypto payments. To be precise, it announced that it will now accept payments in BTC and ETH. 🚨 Breaking News 🚨 🌱 Honda now accept #Bitcoin and #Ethereum as payments! 🥳📈 Honda leading into the Future with #Crypto payments! 🫡🔥#Honda @Honda pic.twitter.com/Xvkr1W89Ef — Seth (@seth_fin) October 2, 2023 How did ETH behave? As per CoinMarketCap, Ethereum’s weekly chart was also in the green as its value spiked by more than 2% over the past seven days. At the time of writing, Ethereum was trading at $1,649.12 with a market capitalization of over $198 billion. The crypto market’s sentiment around ETH also improved last week. This was evident from LunarCrush’s data, which revealed that bearish sentiment around ETH dropped by 40% last week, while bullish sentiment surged by over 20%. Not only that, its AltRank also improved, which was a development in the buyers’ favor. Source: LunarCrush Is your portfolio green? Check out the ETH Profit Calculator   
Though the metrics were bullish, the same was not true for ETH’s market indicators. For instance, both Ethereum’s Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Money Flow Index (MFI) went down and were hovering near their respective neutral marks. ETH’s Chaikin Money Flow also looked bearish, another metric which signaled that the token’s price could fall in the coming days. Source: TradingView
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prajwalseo · 1 year
Diethanol Monoisopropanolamine Market Research Reports 2023-2030
The Diethanol Monoisopropanolamine market report provides a detailed analysis of global market size, regional and country-level market size, segmentation market growth, market share, competitive landscape, sales analysis, the impact of domestic and global Diethanol Monoisopropanolamine market players, value chain optimization, trade regulations, recent developments, opportunities analysis, strategic market growth analysis, product launches, area marketplace expanding, and technological innovations. According to our latest study, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the global Diethanol Monoisopropanolamine market size is estimated to be worth USD million in 2023 and is forecast to a readjusted size of USD million by 2030 with a CAGR of Present during the forecast period 2023-2030. Independent Retailer accounting for present of the Diethanol Monoisopropanolamine global market in 2023, is projected to value USD million by 2030, growing at a present CAGR in the next seven years. While Online segment is altered to a present CAGR between 2023 and 2030.
Get Free Sample PDF Copy of Latest Research on Diethanol Monoisopropanolamine Market 2030 Before the Purchase: https://www.infinitybusinessinsights.com/request_sample.php?id=1344065&PJ08
The major participants in the Diethanol Monoisopropanolamine Market is: Audi, Bmw, Ford, Honda, Mercedes Benz, Nissan, Toyota, Public, Volvo, Byd, Buick, Haver, China Faw, Auspicious, Cadillac, Kia, Chang'An
These companies can provide you with items, relevant financial data, recent trends, SWOT analysis, and strategies.
A global potential assessment and business predictions for the years 2023-2030 are included in the Diethanol Monoisopropanolamine Market research. The study's base year is 2023, with a projection covering the years 2023 through 2030. A market report is a succinct summary of the worldwide industry that includes a thorough assessment. This Diethanol Monoisopropanolamine market is separated into various parts, each of which is provided a full geographical analysis during the study period. The research provides a thorough examination of the industry, covering definitions, categories, uses, and the industry value chain structure, which will be useful to companies of all sizes and revenue levels. This survey study covers the essential business insights and industry strategy for COVID-19 in the coming years.
In 2023, the top players accounted for the majority of the global market, even though the Diethanol Monoisopropanolamine market is diversified with numerous large and small players. Many large corporations are creating strategic agreements to boost their market share in this intensely competitive industry. 
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Diethanol Monoisopropanolamine Market segment by Type, covers:
Turn Fur
Genuine Leather
Carbon Fiber
Diethanol Monoisopropanolamine Market segment by Application, can be divided into:
 Passenger Vehicles
Commercial Vehicles
In the Diethanol Monoisopropanolamine market study, each regional market segment is analyzed and studied in terms of the key regional spectrum of market reach. Import, export, growth, supply, and usage are all covered in detail in the report. This research study covers Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, and Australia), Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia, and Italy), North America (USA, Canada, and Mexico), South America (Brazil, Argentina), and the Middle East and Africa (UAE, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa).
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narwatharsh01 · 1 year
US LI-ION Battery Market is Expected to reach ~USD 40 Bn by 2028: Ken Research
United States is facing a huge demand of Lithium batteries due to growing electrification in west with growing at the rate of 25.36% by 2028. Demand for lithium batteries in the US is expected to grow translate into $40 billion per year by the end of 2028, but still the country is expected to depend on imports for supply.
According to Ken, the US lithium-Ion battery is expected to reach ~USD40 bn until 2028.
Factors driving the US Lithium-Ion battery market are increasing degree of hybridization and electrification, heavy demands and sustainable development.
Trending technological advancements like Lithium Ferro Phosphate in batteries is making it accessible and easily transferrable.
Safety and storage is a major challenge in the way of Lithium ion markets in USA.
1. Growth of Lithium-Ion market in America is sky rocketing with ~25% CAGR.
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Click to know more about US Lithium-Ion Market
The US Lithium-Ion market is expected to grow from in ~14 billion in 2023 and grow at a CAGR of ~25% by 2028.USA is the largest country market with the maximum production of Lithium-Ion batteries in North America.
US Lithium-Ion market is growing due to high demands of e-vehicles and it act as the sustainable solution of major transport system. Also major car companies are switching from traditional batteries to Lithium ion batteries, which act as a major change for lithium ion batteries.
2. Which are the driving factors for the growth of Lithium-Ion market in USA?
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Other driving factors of US Lithium-Ion Market
The usage of lithium batteries is expected to raise due to the penetration of electric vehicles. It is anticipated to provide a massive impetus for the industry's growth in North America. The launching of various types of HEV’s and EV has led the increasing of hybridization and electrification. Until 2021, according to IEA, US has over 1.7 Mn EVs and over 500000 HEVs in 2019 and they continue to increase.
US is also to be expected to launch a range of EV models. In addition, falling lithium-ion battery prices and improving technology are expected to bring price-competitive electric vehicles to the market, creating demand for lithium-ion battery technologies in the near future.
High demand for sustainable development is also a leading factor for the growth of the market.
3. Is Lithium Ferro Phosphate is the new trend in US lithium battery market?
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Click to know more about in US Funding on Electric vehicle recycling
The surge in demand for lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries in devices such as which are portable in nature and growing need for durable and efficient batteries are driving the growth of the segment.
Automotive lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery demand increased by about 65% to 550 GWh in 2022 making the market a highlight is USA. CAFE standards mandated fuel economy standards for passenger cars and Light Commercial Vehicles resulting in the expansion of electric drive technologies.
Government’s policies on environment friendly transportation is also a trending factor in rise of lithium battery products. The US Department of Energy announced in June that it was allocating more than $192 million in new funding for recycling lithium-Ion batteries from consumer products.  In recognition of its ongoing importance in informing larger battery recycling efforts, DOE is announcing $7.4 million to fund a new Breakthrough Contest, as well as Phase IV of the Prize.
In February 2023, Ascend Elements announced a basic agreement with Honda Motor Co. Ltd to collaborate on stable procurement of recycled lithium-ion battery materials. Ascend is a United States-based battery recycling and engineered materials company. Yoshino Technology announced the development of solid-state lithium-ion batteries with outputs ranging from 330 W to 4,000 W designed for home backup, off-grid applications, and powering small industrial machinery.
4. Which are the obstacles in the growth in lithium-Ion market in US?
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Click to know more about restraints in Li-ion market
Safety and storage in Lithium-Ion batteries is a major drawback in the lithium-Ion market. Heavy pricing of the vehicles using LI-ion batteries leads to the abstain in the market growth.
The production of Li-ion batteries is resource-intensive and can generate significant environmental impacts. In addition, Lithium, cobalt, nickel, and other key materials used in Li-ion battery production have faced significant supply chain disruptions and price fluctuations in recent years.
Aging of lithium-ion batteries and issues with overheating of lithium-ion batteries are projected to challenge the lithium-Ion battery market. Key players in this sector are Panasonic Corporation, Duracell Inc., Samsung SDI Co. Ltd, LG Chem Ltd and Tesla Inc.
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wiackcom · 1 year
The Honda Accord enters its second model year after undergoing a full redesign for 2023. As a continuation of the 11th generation Accord, the 2024 Honda Accord is not expected to see any major updates. This overview will cover expected details on the 2024 Accord's styling, technology, performance and pricing based on carryover from the current model. 2024 Honda Accord Exterior Preview Since the Accord was just redesigned for 2023, Honda will likely keep exterior styling unchanged for 2024. Key exterior elements such as: Streamlined headlights and front grille shape Distinct crease flowing along the body side Sloping rear roofline and integrated trunk lip spoiler Full-width taillight design with LED lighting Should all carry over to maintain the current Accord's modern, upscale look. Wheel designs and paint color options will likely also remain similar to the 2023 model. Overall, the 2024 Honda Accord aims to provide the same refined exterior aesthetic and proportions as the well-received current generation car. Interior Layout and Features The 2024 Accord’s interior can also be expected to mimic the 2023 model's layout and features, including: Layered dashboard with honeycomb accent trim Large touchscreen perched atop the dash HVAC controls along lower console Available digital gauge cluster Leather seating surfaces on higher trims Standard and available tech should hold over as well: 7-inch display audio Optional 12.3-inch HD touchscreen Wireless Apple CarPlay/Android Auto WiFi hotspot capability Head-up display Wireless phone charging Honda strives for consistency from year-to-year. So the 2024 Accord cabin should provide the same upscale feel and tech features as the well-equipped current model. 2024 Honda Accord Powertrain and MPG The 2024 Accord will likely continue using the same two powertrain choices as 2023 models: 1.5L Turbo 4-Cylinder 192 horsepower and 192 lb-ft torque Paired with CVT automatic transmission 30 mpg city/38 highway/33 combined estimate 2.0L Hybrid Engine 204 total system horsepower 247 lb-ft electric motor torque eCVT hybrid transmission 44 mpg city/41 highway/43 combined estimate These powertrains offer a balance of responsiveness and efficiency. All-wheel drive is not expected to be offered. 2024 Honda Accord Trim Levels Honda will likely carry over the same Accord trim lineup: LX - Entry-level trim with 7-inch display audio Sport - Adds styling and feature upgrades EX-L - Leather seats, moonroof, premium audio Touring - Full suite of tech features, 12.3-inch display Pricing should stay in the same realm with LX models starting around $27,000 and range-topping Touring versions at approximately $37,000 before destination fees. Expected Release Date and Pricing The 2024 Honda Accord will likely follow a similar rollout timeline as the 2023 model: On sale early 2024 Base LX price around $27,000 Top Touring trim approx. $37,000 Official pricing will be announced closer to the 2024 Accord’s market launch. Accord Safety Features and Crash Test Ratings All 2024 Accord models should come standard with the Honda Sensing suite of driver assistance tech: Collision mitigation braking Forward collision warning Lane keeping assist Adaptive cruise control Traffic sign recognition Optional features will include blind spot information and rear cross traffic alert. The IIHS and NHTSA have not crash tested the 11th generation Accord yet. But it should achieve high safety scores on par with the safe 2022 Accord. 2024 Honda Accord: What to Expect While the 2024 Accord may not see substantial changes from the 2023 version, it will retain all the strengths that make it alluring. The refined styling, roomy interior, hybrid option, and abundance of tech should help the 2024 Accord hold appeal versus rivals like the Toyota Camry
and Hyundai Sonata. Interested shoppers can likely expect an Accord experience very similar to the current model when the 2024 hits dealerships. FAQs What's new for the 2024 Honda Accord? There are not expected to be any major changes, as Honda just fully redesigned the Accord for 2023. The 2024 should carry over with the same styling, features and powertrains. Will there be a new Accord hybrid model? Yes, the Accord Hybrid should continue for 2024 using the same 2.0-liter hybrid powertrain as the current model. Will the Sport trim continue to be offered? Honda should carry over the same LX, Sport, EX-L and Touring trim levels for the 2024 Accord based on the 2023 lineup. What safety features come on the 2024 Accord? All Accords should come standard with the Honda Sensing suite of safety features including collision mitigation braking, traffic sign recognition and adaptive cruise control. When will 2024 Honda Accord pricing be announced? Official MSRP pricing and final details likely won't be released until closer to the 2024 Accord's on-sale date early next year. The 2024 Honda Accord promises to deliver solidly on the current model's strengths of efficiency, technology, performance and value. Shoppers can expect an Accord very similar to the impressive existing version. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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kayla1993-world · 1 year
After a brief respite, Brampton has regained its dubious place as Ontario’s most expensive car insurance. The city west of Toronto has long reigned as the priciest to insure a vehicle. However, Vaughan in the north took the crown for the fourth quarter of 2021. Brampton stood forth in that report. But according to a recent report from RATESDOTCA, based on data from RATESDOTCA’s Auto Insurance, an online tool that measures average car insurance premiums in postal codes across the province, Brampton is back. Average Brampton premiums were up 37% from last year’s report. This was with an average premium in 2023 of $2,707, up $731 from Q4 2021. This was $963 more than the provincial average of $1,744. The provincial average has risen 12% since Q4 2021. A rise in claims as people return to pre-pandemic driving habits combined with inflation and ongoing supply chain issues has caused numerous Ontario insurers to apply for rate increases from the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA). Rate change requests began last year, and some were hefty, with the provincial regulator approving some as high as 15%, the report said. A past SUN story linked high insurance fraud. Large numbers of new drivers in all cities with high rates also play a role, that article said. The estimated price for insurance was found by estimating premiums on a 35-year-old male who drives a 2019 Honda Civic four-door with a clean driving record. They remind us that insurance premiums are custom products based on a driver’s unique driving and insurance history and coverage needs. Your rate could be more — or less — than the one displayed for your postal code. Vaughan fell to the middle of the list this time around, but 11 York Region cities were included in the rankings. Toronto ($2,325 per year) and Mississauga ($2,311 per year) displaced Ajax and Richmond Hill for the second and third spots. Mississauga is often in the top five, but this is a first for Toronto. The average rate is 19%. Hamilton dropped out of the top 10 in 2021 after placing 10th in 2020. However, it has reemerged as the ninth most expensive insurance city at $1,810 per year. Premiums are up 14% in the city.
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regard-luxury · 1 year
top 10 Fastest Automobiles On The Earth: Bugatti Chiron To Pagani Instances Of India
The fourth-generation 2023 Honda Pilot is about to go on sale, and Honda considerably upgrades it over the favored third-generation mannequin it replaces. Honda will offer the redesigned 2023 Pilot in Sport, EX-L, TrailSport, Touring, and Elite trim ranges in December 2022. The 2023 Accord is the 11th-generation version of the car that first went on sale in America in 1976, and it is a far totally different automobile from the one that made the nameplate a family name. Technology has introduced us far with these significant improvements.
The cabin is trendy and chic, yet easily switches between relaxed cruising and high-performance track work. With the SmartCluster display located immediately on the steering wheel, some house has been liberated on the primary dashboard. Koenigsegg has developed an analogue G-force meter that can be fitted on this koenigsegg jesko house. While the Smartcluster display screen physically rotates with the steering wheel, the central zone – and the key information inside it – all the time remains stage. Having the display rotate with the steering wheel means it is never obscured by the steering wheel spokes because the wheel is turned.
In that way, the Koenigsegg Jesko is a unicorn and reveals that standard gasoline-powered hypercars can compete head-on with the electrical ones like the Rimac Nevera. Koenigsegg says that the primary body of the Jesko resembles a fighter jet and the pronounced rear hood is a part of that. With a low drag of 0 koenigsegg jesko top speed.278 CD, the Jesko is type of a slippery projectile designed to plaster large numbers on its digital driver display. Other measures to keep aerodynamics in examine includes covered rear wheels, entrance closed air duct and removing front wheel louvres.
The 9-inch SmartCenter touchscreen provides control over various infotainment and management techniques installed within the automobile. The Jesko and the Jesko Absolut’s new wheels are fitted with Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 tires as normal. Michelin’s all-new Pilot Sport Cup 2 R is an available possibility for dry climate use only koenigsegg jesko price. The transmission’s intelligent UPOD system will immediately detect optimum gear and engage that gear. In a world of instant gratification, that is energy on demand like by no means skilled before. The Jesko and Jesko Absolut characteristic Koenigsegg’s strongest engine thus far.
The physical package deal is less than 50% of the length of Koenigsegg’s previous-generation 7-speed CIMA transmission. This small dimension keeps weight closer to the center of the automobile, improving weight distribution and dealing with. The Koenigsegg LST represents a revolution in the way multi-clutch transmissions drive your vehicle. Jesko options not solely essentially the most highly effective Koenigsegg internal combustion engine ever made, but additionally koenigsegg jesko absolut – we imagine – the most highly effective inside combustion engine of any homologated production automotive in history. This mix of wholesale changes and incremental technology improvements leads to an increase in the engine’s rev limit – to 8500rpm – and a rise in energy to 1600hp on E85 fuel .
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