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australiannetting · 5 months ago
Enhance Your Sports Experience with Netting.com.au!
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Looking for top-quality cricket nets and sports netting? Look no further! At Netting.com.au, we specialize in sales, parts, design, and repairs of all types of sports netting.
We proudly offer a full range of sporting and protective netting for: Stadiums, Sports centers, Golf courses, Tennis courts, Cricket training pitches, Soccer clubs, Homes and more!
Whether you need new installations or repairs, our expert team is here to help. Contact Netting.com.au today for a free quote on sports netting or protective safety barrier netting.
Related Post : https://posts.gle/2GtH4N
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ecartfashionindia · 11 months ago
E Cart Fashion Garden Shade Net All Quality All Size Available
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negreabsolut · 1 year ago
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Un follet.
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soclaimon · 11 months ago
‘แผงลอย-วิน-ไรเดอร์’ สะท้อนปัญหา‘แรงงานนอกระบบ’
#SootinClaimon.Com : ขอบคุณแหล่งข้อมูล : หนังสือพิมพ์แนวหน้า https://www.naewna.com/local/789418 ‘แผงลอย-วิน-ไรเดอร์’ สะท้อนปัญหา‘แรงงานนอกระบบ’ วันจันทร์ ที่ 26 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2567, 06.00 น. ในงานเสวนา “เปิดความคิด สร้างเครือข่ายความร่วมมือ เพื่อพัฒนาชีวิตแรงงานนอกระบบ” ซึ่งจัดโดย สภาที่ปรึกษาเพื่อพัฒนาแรงงานแห่งชาติ ร่วมกับ มูลนิธิเพื่อการพัฒนาแรงงานและอาชีพ (Homenet Thailand) และ…
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usernameisalltaken-blog · 1 year ago
My Research Project
I intend to study the AddHealth data set with a focus to understand whether there is an association between ‘Daily Activities’ of adolescents and their ‘career aspirations’. My hypothesis is that adolescents who pursue a hobby very diligently (3 or more times in a week) are more likely to be willing to go to college. For this study I will be using the Daily Activities (INH02PUB.pdf)  and Expectations, Employment, Income (INH38PUB.pdf) code books.
There is some research that has been done in related areas but not specific of correlation of hobby pursuing vs willingness to go to college. Some studies that I found by searching for adolescents hobbies and college going willingness were:
‘The impact of computer use on children's and adolescents' development’(http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0193397300000630)
The Relationship between out-of-school activities and positive youth development: An investigation of the influences of communities and family(http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ronald_Werner-Wilson/publication/7875813_The_relationship_between_out-of-school_activities_and_positive_youth_development_an_investigation_of_the_influences_of_communities_and_family/links/540dbbd50cf2f2b29a3a0184.pdf).
On searching for a broader question on daily habits of adolescents and career aspirations these studies were found:
The Origins of Children's Career Aspirations: IV. Testing Hypotheses from Four Theories ( http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/j.2161-0045.1995.tb00436.x/abstract)
Career development in adolescence as a family project( http://psycnet.apa.org/journals/cou/48/2/190/)
While the first study on impact of computer use covers adolescents development from a broader perspective (not focused on College going willingness). This study includes time use data along with the activities engaged in. The special role of the Internet in the lives of adolescents is brought out using data from the HomeNet study.[1]
The second study is more focused towards influence of social circles(like communities and family) rather than hobbies/areas of interests of adolescents. This study was conducted on a sample of 5th to 12th grade students at 14 different sites in United States.The overall sample of 304 youths were studied with almost similar numbers of males (44%) and females (56%), with ages ranging from 10 to 18 years. There was no linkage to any activities with the willingness to attend college.
Coming to studies on a broader scale, the first study has a  data set of elementary school children i.e. a completely different population. There were four theories that were tested in this study. One theory around association of interests with selection/rejection of careers was established. However, a number of aspects of each of the theories failed to be confirmed.
The last study is again more towards career and familial relationships of adolescents rather than hobbies. This research comprises of videotaped participation of 20 families with adolescents. After the 1st videotaping session,  career-related conversations between adolescents and the family were monitored for 6 months and were followed up with a 2nd videotaped conversation. On the basis of a systematic qualitative analysis, several dimensions were identified as facilitating the family career-development project, including joint goals, communication, goals-steps congruence, and individuation. [2]
I believe, this will be a unique study where correlation between 2 very different variables will be studied and will have an impact on adolescents current behavior and their aspirations.
Looking forward to come up with interesting outcomes on this research. 
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carlesobiols · 1 year ago
Coup de chance
Ara fa tres primaveres de l’hivern escrivia sobre la que fins ara havia sigut la darrera píldora cinematogràfica del benamat Woody Allen, aquella apologia al cine genuí de tots els temps que desplegà servint-se de l’esquer del Festival de Sant Sebastià amb la peça de “Rifkin’s Festival”. En aquelles línies esbossava aforismes tan arxiconeguts en la seva colossal obra com ho han sigut les sensacions produïdes per la cinquantena obra d’aquest homenet d’estirp jueva -en efecte, no vull desaprofitar l’ocasió per remarcar la prodigiositat d’un entre tants- que ens torna a situar en aquella arcàdia parisenca del refinament estètic i intel·lectual, amb personatges embotits de tots els estereotips que permeten al director immiscir-se, d’antuvi, en la comèdia romàntica, per després desfilar per cert suspens innocu i acabar desembocant en un mar enrevessat que sols els cops de sort, les ironies de la vida, les fatals casualitats i la jocositat acaben lligant un desenllaç sorpresiu i capriciós.
“Coup de chance��� -sí, torna-ho a llegir amb la boca encaramel·lada de carnositat francesa encara que no garlis l’idioma; el Woody tampoc parla la llengua de Baudelaire i ha rodat eminentment en francès aquesta penúltima delícia-, reprèn la línia d’un Match Point menys sinistre i glauc que el de l’humit Londres, potser a mercè de la fulgor del geni Vittorio Storaro, abrigant-se més aviat en la llum beige d’un París, és clar, tardorenc. Niels Schneider no és aquell Jonathan Rhys-Meyers de rictus impertèrrit, mirada gèlida i tendència mefistofèlica talment com si del Faust de Goethe es tractés, sinó més aviat un alter ego d’un director que es veu cinquanta anys enrere deambulant per allà on la seva indòmita avidesa per ensumar la vida el portava. Igualment, Lou de Laâge tampoc és aquella Scarlett Johansson desbordantment voluptuosa que a molts adolescents, tot just sortits de l’ou, ens va posar enfront el nostre primer mite eròtic. Però ambdues cintes conflueixen en l’adulteri, les vides paral·leles, les passions arrabassadores, les enveges desfermades, el delicat camí per la llibertat com a sinònim de conviure amb el desordre del desig, i en la constatació que el verb estimar sempre ha sigut el de més difícil conjugació: el seu passat no és perfecte, el seu present només és indicatiu i el seu futur sempre és condicional (Jean Cocteau).
Parafresajant ara a Salvat-Papasseit, em considero també -i modestament- com a home de lletres, d’imaginació escassa, més aviat elemental, puix tot ho he vist o viscut, segurament com el gran director, qui sabem que ha sigut i seguirà sent fins el darrer bri d’aire, pertinaç en les cristal·litzacions cinematogràfiques de les seves cabòries vivencials. I precisament per tot això i molt més faig apologia del seu cine, i m’agrada escriure’n; no fingeix amb circumloquis ni amb grans trames argumentals, menys encara amb atrezzos superflus i colossals posades en escena, sinó que narra amb absència de moralisme, respectant la intel·ligència de l’espectador i situant-s’hi al mateix pla per dir-te -a voltes posant més pa que formatge i sucant-hi el pa amb l’olor- que ell, com tu, com tots, sabem que en el trànsit vital l’atzar i la casualitat juguen el seu paper, i que en el joc de l’amor i el desig, tots som mortals fins el primer petó i la segona copa de vi (Eduardo Galeano). 
I el més enlluernador és que aquest vis à vis, aquest desacomplexadament fidedigne mirall, te’l posa algú que el proper 30 de novembre assolirà la fita de les 88 tardors. I res del que t’interpel.la aquest quasi nonagenari flaira a vellesa intel·lectual, a formol argumental, a esclerosi creativa, sinó que segueix encarnat de frescor, finíssima ironia, agudesa i picantor a cabassos. En aquest film, per fer-te veure que els capricis de l’atzar fan brollar allò més incontroladament salvatge en una mar on sembla regnar l’ordre. Per explicar-te que la conveniència d’una situació familiar aparentment sòlida i manifestament privilegiada, que el llampant estatus social parisenc farcit d’anodina significació i notorietat, que al cap i a la fi, la previsibilitat i comoditat d’una vida ordinària i conforme als estàndards convencionals, sucumbeixen a l’efervescència carnal, als camins tortuosos, als contraguions de la vida que mai ens han ensenyat a casa.
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betterlifefoundation · 1 year ago
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We had the privilege of attending the Homenet Nepal NGO's convocation ceremony for the Hand Knitting Training - Sustainable and Decent Livelihood Program at Jaharsingpauwa, Kathmandu Nepal. Witnessing the empowerment of numerous individuals with the skills to create sustainable livelihoods for themselves and their families through the art of hand knitting was truly inspiring. This program stands as a testament to the transformative impact that education and training can have on communities. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the trainees for their hard work and dedication.
#internationalstudentsexchangeprogram #BetterLifeFoundation #homenetnepal #NGOcollaboration #nepal #kathmandu
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tor-pu-tao · 1 year ago
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iyoopon · 2 years ago
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homenetik · 3 years ago
After cleaning, you can see your face in the dishes.
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australiannetting · 6 months ago
Enhance Your Sports Experience with Netting.com.au!
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Looking for top-quality cricket nets and sports netting? Look no further! At Netting.com.au, we specialize in sales, parts, design, and repairs of all types of sports netting.
We proudly offer a full range of sporting and protective netting for:
Stadiums, Sports centers, Golf courses, Tennis courts, Cricket training pitches, Soccer clubs, Homes and more!
Whether you need new installations or repairs, our expert team is here to help. Contact Netting.com.au today for a free quote on sports netting or protective safety barrier netting.
Related Post : https://posts.gle/2GtH4N
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ecartfashionindia · 11 months ago
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negreabsolut · 1 year ago
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useless-catalanfacts · 2 years ago
What are the tales about faeries in the catalan region?
There are different beings in Catalan legends that could be equivalent to fairies.
I think the beings that are closer to faeries are the many kinds of "small peoples". The most famous ones are follets (a word that derives from "little crazy people"). Follets are usually tiny beings, similar to fairies but without wings and usually imagined as male. But they can also be human-sized sometimes. They are naughty and will torment you just to have fun, but they can also be very tidy and clean. Sometimes it's said that they fly because they're tiny enough to get carried by the wind, so they ride the wind breeze.
There are other kinds of small beings related to follets, for example minairons (so tiny that hundreds of them are stored in a needle tube, they ask for work and if you don't give them work or put them in the needle tube again they'll kill you), donyets (who braid horses' tails), or negrets (they turn into coins if a mortal touches them with a candle). I've talked about those three before on the blog, so click the links if you want to see those posts. There's also a more in-depth post about follets.
There are many more kinds of follet-like creatures, for example homenets / donetes de sa colzada ("cubit little men/women") in the Balearic Islands. They're people who are as tall as a cubit (30-40  cm). They have long white hair and beards, wear silk dresses and are very hard workers. They live underground and appear from caves and wells, or can appear when they're called. They always move in groups and can do work that is impossible for humans. They often appear in Balearic tales and are helpful to the main characters. After their work, you have to pay them fairly and then they go back to their underground.
A separate being that could be considered related to faeries are dones d'aigua ("water women"), also calles aloges, encantades (derivation of the word for "spell"), paitides, or dones de fum ("women of smoke") depending on the area. They are women who live in the ponds, stream pools, the fountains at the birth of a river, caves with underground streams, or any other places with water that are hidden in nature. They have very long lifespans and the appearance of beautiful women with long hair. Sometimes the long seaweed in the rivers and streams is said to be water womens' hair, so you have to be careful that your feet don’t get trapped in them because they can pull you down and drown you. It's said that they can be seen washing their clothes or combing their hair, most easily on full moon nights or on Midsummer night (the night of Sant Joan, according to Catalan legends that's the most magical night of the year and when you're most likely to run into magical beings), but you have to be careful and stay hidden. From time to time, one of them falls in love with a human and they get married and move in together, sometimes even have children together. However, the dona d'aigua always ask the man to keep a secret that she's a water woman, but eventually the man tells someone and the water woman runs away taking the child.
Oh! And there's also our equivalent of the Tooth Fairy. In the Catalan Countries, it's the angelet de les dents ("Little Tooth Angel") or simply the angelets ("Little Angels"), or the follet de les dents ("Tooth Follet"). Sadly though, I think in many families these traditions are very quickly being lost over just one generation. While most people in my parents generation had their milk teeth taken by the Little Angels, in my generation and the younger ones many have replaced it with the Spanish version, which is ratoncito Pérez ("mouse Pérez" in Spanish). I say "sadly" because this is part of a general trend of losing some Catalan traditions that become associated with old people, while the Spanish or North American ones are seen as cool and trendy because of the media influence and the underlying ideas resulting of the historical discrimination of Catalan culture.
As for fairies in the English understanding of the term, I think they became popular later when upper class people read the Germanic tales. There is one, though, and she's relevant. I'm talking about Flordeneu (the name means the edelweiss flower), a character in Jacint Verdaguer's 1886 epic poem Canigó. This is one of the most important books in Catalan literature, which talks about the birth of Catalonia in the Pyrenees during the Carolingian period, but it's told through characters from legends.
In the book, the main character is a knight called Gentil who hears about the fairies that live in the Canigó mountain. He decides to go up the mountain because he believes he will be able to find a talisman that will allow him to be with the girl he's in love with, a shepherd called Griselda who Gentil's father banned him from seeing.
Gentil is received by Flordeneu, the queen of the fairies of the Pyrenees, but she is disguised as Griselda and fools Gentil. Gentil abandons his search for the talisman and instead follows Flordeneu to the underground palace of the fairies, made with crystal columns and marble arches, with freshwater streams and ponds running through it. Then they fly over the Pyrenees on a chariot pulled by deer and come back to the Canigó to get married. Flash forward to the end of the book, a cross is planted at the top of the mountain and the fairies are expelled, because then they are understood as evil beings who are enemies of Christianity.
I hope this was interesting to you and answers your question. You can find more about Catalan mythological beings and legends in this blog's tag #llegendes.
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hackernewsrobot · 3 years ago
What domain name to use for your home network
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isma99 · 4 years ago
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