#Hologram.bin au
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moderator-monnie · 13 days ago
Hologram is a menace should he be stopped? yes
will he be stopped? no it's funnier that way.
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I don’t know what prompted this, but these kinds of jokes always reminded me of Sicon Sonic. Also look! Emi is here! (Alternate text and original image under the cut)
Hologram Sonic— @moderator-monnie
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moderator-monnie · 7 months ago
I made a smash or pass tier list of all ((current)) chararters I've either made, or collaborated on with other people.
Those people being.
Why? ... Why not is the real question, lmao I was BORED.
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There are 'two' chararters not included but for obvious reasons.
Techie Kaboom: VERY LIKELY around Tails age during the sonic games.
Brendaniel.exe: based on a youtuber so obviously no.
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Will make a V2, if I get enough new chararters to eventually do it lmao.
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Close up photo's of all the thumbnails.
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moderator-monnie · 9 months ago
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( artwork by @an-artist-place-for-extra-art )
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Completely canon moment planned in the future stories of Hologram.Bin
Happy Pride Month! enjoy the hate kissing and sad techie.
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moderator-monnie · 9 months ago
Is Shadow alive by the time this happens? In stasis? If he's not, then how'd he die? And if he's alive and active, would he and Silver ever team up to try and stop this?
I assume he's probably out of commission if Silver is the one focused on being the hero here, though I am curious to know if it was a fatal injury that took Shadow out of the scene or if he's gone into that 200 eepy time & no one woke him up even when a false Sonic began to destroy the world.
God Damn, these are some very intriguing questions, and really help get the brain juices flowing, your a very good asker! The questions you come up with are super fun to answer/read and think over.
This is something I've discussed a little with Max aka
This is purely just my au of course, max is just a nice friend, to bounce ideas with and has helped me with artwork.
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I honestly think Shadow would still be alive, and due to his black arms DNA still be alive even without being in stasis,
though I think over time, due to such a long time passing, his Black Arms DNA becomes more 'showy.' He still looks like a hedgehog but at this point in time he looks alot more alien in nature, and his wings are always out now.
Shadow is on a rebuilt version of the ark, moving there with Omega after the passing of his final friend. Not able to bare being on earth anymore and wanting to somewhat retire.
He is still willing to help if the situation calls for it, but so far he hasn't been needed.
I think at some point Silver would try to contact Shadow and get his help, but Hologram finds ways to stop that, like cutting off communication or hijacking the call, and mimicking Shadow's voice to mock Silver and make him think Shadow dosen't care in the slightest.
Hologram dosen't need Shadow getting in the way... Silver is all he wants, it's grown to an obsession level where he wants to toy with him as much as possible.
Of course at some point I'm sure Shadow would grow concerned after not hearing from Silver for a long time and come to earth.
And once he finds out about Hologram would help Silver in stopping him but... This is a horror au after all.
And that won't help Silver much, Shadow won't die per say but... He wouldn't be in the picture for long,
Hologram dosen't need two hedgehogs in the picture.
he only needs Silver,
He's Holograms "favorite" after all : )
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moderator-monnie · 9 months ago
Are there other descendants of Sonic's friends that get involved? And did Sonic get any sort of descendants (for a lack of better words) himself, either they be adopted, biological, or just distant relatives?
And did Eggman have any descendants at this point in time? Or well, is Sage still active in it? Did she "die" some way or another? Was she involved in any way in making Sonic become moreso an advertisement piece rather than a beloved, remembered hero?
Honestly I'm sure their are other descendants around of course! If only Tails had a descendant then that would be strange, but I wanted to focus on his, because Tails was the closest to Sonic.
I do not think Sonic himself has any though even if he ended up with someone, I think Sonic was more of the 'cool uncle' type liking to take care of kids, but never wanting any of his own.
Purely because I think it's fitting Eggman never had any either, one because he had sage he was satisfied enough with raising her as a daughter.
Two since Sonic never had kids of his own Eggman didn't like the idea of having any either. Because they'd have no rival to go against, and that man was dedicated to villainy till the very end.
And what's the point of having a biological kid of your own. When machines are better and they'd have no rival?
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Honestly it could be tempting to have Sage make an appearance at some point, I like to think she would still be around, giving herself a more physical form at that point.
But that is just something to consider for later, I don't know what her lore would be, but no she had no involvement in the Sonic Holograms, if anything? I think she lobbied against them since she finds them distasteful too.
Though she wouldn't be on Hologram or Silver's sides but would at least become fascinated by Holo since he's alot like her. And would want to study him.
The reason why she wouldn't choose a side is because. She just senses the energy between the pair, and wouldn't wanna get in the middle of that.
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moderator-monnie · 9 months ago
So do you have any hcs on who or what killed Sonic 200 years ago in your hologram.bin AU? 🎤
Canonically, Sonic lived a long happy life, it's very likely he died from old age, he died a hero, and that's why in Silvers time their are statues of him, and his image and voice is used in advertising.
It's not directly stated but Hologram might be more then an ai based on Sonic.
He's alot more... connected then that.
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moderator-monnie · 9 months ago
How does Hologram move around? And I'm guessing he can't really well- run or anything, so does he feel kind of...trapped? He can't experience the joy of touch or the feeling of his muscles moving, so does he struggle with that mentally?
Was gonna send this with multiple questions but I realized that may be a bit overwhelming so I'll cut them up into separate asks so you can get to any of them at any other times you want
Seriously genuinely thank you for these asks, please do not be afraid to ask anything, these genuinely help me alot and I'm so very thankful and happy to get them, also yeah spacing them out with multiable asks genuinely helps more.
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Hologram can't really... move on his own technically? his emitter has a pretty good range, but he needs his emitter carried around, so he's not stuck in one place.
He feels extremely trapped and it's likely due to that, why he went down the path of a murderer, not to mention seeing all the things people used him and other copies of him for, awful things... it broke him and snapped him into being self aware.
It's why he has Techie Kaboom at first, Techie was a normal bat eared fox, but due to Holograms extreme control over anything technology related, he made an accident happen in his workshop, and thus now can stop his heart, or choke the fox at any point due the cybernetics.
Hologram and Techie have a very abusive relationship, most of the time Hologram treats him like he would tails, and Techie still sees him as the real Sonic like he wants.
But if he makes too many mistakes, or get's too clingy Hologram will remind Techie, that he isn't his ancestor he will never be Tails, and that breaks him so it's kind of a mixture of loyalty and fear why Techie helps Hologram move from place to place.
Though Techie isn't completely innocent, even before Hologram came into the picture he was a pyromaniac, of course no one got hurt before Hologram but their were alot of times, where they came close to.
His last name came from the fact he had alot of accidents in his workshop.
But yes, basically the short version is... Hologram moves from place to place, thanks to Techie carrying his hologram emitter in a backpack.
The furthest he can get away from his emitter is 5 feet.
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moderator-monnie · 7 months ago
How would hologram react to sicon?
Hologram: dawwwwwww, lil bunny man? lil boooooooooot? just a lil guy huh? just a sad lil man? Oh 'boo hoo' I'm not the 'Real' Sonic!
But I like to act like I am! but in reality I'm just a narcissistic psychopathic freak, see that? that's my impression of YOU! because that's how pathetic you are.
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Moderator Monnie:
That's him.
But also throw in some depression ice cubes, to make it a cocktail.
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moderator-monnie · 7 months ago
How would Hologram react to Oddity
Hologram in all honestly would just mock him.
"Oh WOW! another computer program that chooses to take MY image? so cooooooooooooool! HEY why don't you go back to dial internet poser? sheeeeeeeesh."
Hologram honestly dosen't respect most people.
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moderator-monnie · 7 months ago
Does blaze know about hologram?
Maybe silver could ask her for her help
I slightly answered this before, (here)
But I have no idea if Blaze, would be alive by Silver's time, genuinely that's alot to consider, I haven't thought about using blaze for this but it is a fun idea.
Honestly I do also want to limit chararters for the hologram au, because the au is meant to be about the 'loss' of Sonic's friends it's a tragic horror story, also inspired by many famous computer based villains.
I do wanna make more content for it at some point, I'd just need todo some thinking/planning.
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moderator-monnie · 7 months ago
Does hologram like to do pranks?
Very much so, but often his pranks are deadly/just dick moves, minus the bunny girl costume that one time.
Pipe bomb in your mail box, bear trap outside your door, stealing all your money and replacing it with chocolate versions, then burning all the acutal money.
that kinda stuff!
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moderator-monnie · 7 months ago
Is eggman nega in the hologram.bin au
I won't lie, I forgot he even existed and know barely anything about him, so most likely no?
Honestly not sure if Blaze is alive during holograms time either, but it be funny if the same thing happened to her in her dimension, and theirs a Blaze version of Hologram.Bin HA.
Since she is meant to be the 'Sonic' of her dimension.
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moderator-monnie · 9 months ago
Small Little Tidbit
Mod Monnie:
Hey just making this little post now, because well maybe at some point people would think this.
No Techie Kaboom is not related to Rouge in anyway. I'm saying this because he's a Bat Eared Fox, and in reality thoes are an acutal species of fox and have nothing todo with acutal bats.
He is only canonically related to Tails being his decadent in Silver's timeline.
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moderator-monnie · 2 months ago
Are you still doing stuff on the hologram.bin au?
yes I still want to, but I'm not the best at writing stories, when it comes to my aus, I'm better at creating chararters and background stuff.
it's hard for me to think of what to write, or story concepts themselves.
if you genuinely have something you want me to write about for Hologram.Bin, I'd appreciate that and try and get it out for you by the end of the year!
I find it's easier to write when I have a clear idea.
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moderator-monnie · 7 months ago
What would slammer think about hologram if they met?
Even Slammer would think he's just a prick, also would likely not consume him, not because his rule of sparing sonics and killing everyone else.
NO not at all, he wouldn't consume hologram out of pure spite.
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moderator-monnie · 8 months ago
Five Random Facts! (Sonic Horror Aus. Edition)
This Post will have five random facts EACH about!
Hologram.Bin, Slammer Worm, Isaguy, Walker Of The Void.
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1: Hologram and Techie Kaboom have canonically done the "there is a pipe bomb in your mail box" dance and sent a pipe bomb to Silver's house set up to activate when he opened it.
2: Hologram thru out the story has a body count of 500 in total.
3: Silver at some point tries to help Techie get away from Hologram, but Hologram notices quickly and shut down Techie's heart forcing Silver to give Techie back to him, much to both his and Techie's dismay.
4: Technically speaking Techie 'dies' several times throughout the story thru Holograms abuse but Hologram can always reactivate his heart and brain.
5: Hologram would wear a playboy bunny costume PURELY just to fluster the fuck out of Silver, and get away with a murder.
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Slammer Sonic:
1: One of the Slammer copies isn't even evil, and is disconnected from Slammer Prime, Her Host is Amy Rose and acutally splits control with Amy and hasn't consumed her organs, however She does force amy to eat live Flickies.
2: Slammer Prime Isn't the original copy that has met the Rot, however once confirming the rot wasn't going to try to hurt his host body, took the copies place and sent Slammer Metal Sonic somewhere else.
3: Slammer Sonic has met Coldsteel and despises him.
4: Slammer Sonic misses sparkle dogs and get's excited anytime they sees someone made a new one.
5: Playground Slammer is the ONE exception to the "Slammer only takes one sonic host" One of the Slammer Copies tried to enter the playground universe and automatically got a Sonic Body.
The copy is unable to leave, and is also disconnected from Slammer Prime.
Playground Slammer is just a sick kid who has worms crawling in his quills, but he still bites.
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Dirus Harold Hog:
1: By the time Dirus meets Charmy, Dirus is able to speak in a normal manner again, but dosen't because he kinda prefers to talk the way he does, and he may or may not, find it funny to fuck with people.
2: Dirus has a Garfield pair of pajama pants, and a Garfield mascot head but never has worn it.
3: Dirus has met MX and made him cry, purely just for existing.
4: Dirus loves baking.
5: Dirus often get's confused for another Sonic by any other Sonics or horror Sonics he meets, but never corrects them.
(Bonus Fact: has likely met a version of Scourge and that version calls him brother and treats him with respect, due to his weird ass aura)
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Inanis Weolcon:
1: Can not speak, only gurgles or makes other strange noises.
2: Can no longer age and time passes by differently in the void, vs the real world. For anyone including him. A single hour in the mortal world = one week in the void.
3: Simple minded and get's very easily over stimulated.
4: Due to how long he's been in the void, he technically has lost all his memories, but if he sees someone familiar. Will instantly remember who they are by their face.
5: One of few memories he has left, is his hate for strawberry shortcake so if he sees a victim of the void with one, he will draw a frowny face on a near by wall.
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