#HoloNetNewsReporter!Reader x Captain Rex
rexxdjarin · 2 years
Hi it’s me again
I’m here to be a menace
And I’m thinking about HNN reporter!Reader again and about how you and Rex finally DTR
You’ve been hooking up for awhile now. He basically comes over whenever he’s planetside and messages you almost everyday.
But you go out for drinks with some friends one day and they’re talking about how hot the clones are and about how they must get a lot of tail while they’re traveling
And now you’re sort of stressed because you haven’t had the exclusivity talk with Rex yet. So he could totally be hooking up with other people. And that makes your stomach turn. But you’re worried about coming off too clingy bc it’s bitten you in the ass before. What if he’s not looking for anything serious??
MEANWHILE Rex is having the same sort of thoughts. Like the 501st is camped out in a rare moment of respite between campaigns. Someone is bragging about the ladies he’s been messaging and Echo is totally scandalized.
“You’re messaging another girl? What about Zina?”
And the other trooper is like PFFFT we never said we were exclusive 😏
And echo is like 😦
And it’s got Rex thinking. And WORRIED. He’s 100% head over heels for you. This man does not do anything in half measures. And there’s a PIT in his stomach because he knows you turn heads. Every post on space Twitter has a ton of gross dudes hitting on you even if you’re posting about something serious. What if you don’t want him like how he wants you?
HNNReporter!Reader x Rex is quickly becoming one of my very favorite collaborative things ever.
You’re sitting there staring at him, desperately trying not to get all misty eyed and anxious in front of him. You couldn’t possibly scare him, he’s a fucking Captain and a pretty highly decorated one at that. But what you want to ask him could very easily be too much to expect of a man who already has too much weight on his perfectly broad shoulders.
Every time you try to bring it up, the right words just don’t come out. He can tell somethings up and there’s this suspicious look on his face like he might be worried too. Might. With feelings and emotions, any clone is pretty hard to read.
“I- uh- I went out with my friends the other night. Risha went home with Commander Wolffe. You know him, right?” You turned to Rex, studying his body language to try to gauge his reaction. He stiffened and his arm around you slid down to run his knuckles across the back of your shoulder.
He sighed, “Yeah, very well. Why? Something happen?” He tipped his head toward you, look up at you with those pretty brown eyes full of concern.
“N-no. Nothing bad. He just never called her the next day.” I glanced down at my hands in my lap and fiddled with my sleeve. “I guess a lot of clones get around a lot. That’s…what they were saying.”
Rex inched closer, his knuckles along your skin slowly turning into his entire palm resting on your shoulder. “Some do. I guess. Wolffe is…complicated.”
“He’s slept with like at least 5 girls I know. What’s complicated about setting intentions? Being on the same page?” You asked, putting on your journalism hat and immediately prepping yourself to have to grill the man you really, really liked. Just like you’d had to do so many times before with other men you also really, really liked. Before they acted like expecting feelings to be reciprocated was too much to ask.
“Nothing! That’s how it should be…but Wolffe has been through a lot. Lost almost his entire battalion a few years back. That kind of loss sticks with you. It’s hard to shake. So Wolffe doesn’t like being left alone to think about all that. He hooks up with women to fill the void in him that he doesn’t know how to fix.” Rex slid a soothing hand down your arm.
“That’s terrible. I didn’t know.” You whisper turning to look up at Rex and finding him staring off in space, like on some level he understood where Wolffe was coming from.
“I guess picking up girls and hooking up is a way to feel normal. Women are really good listeners. Accepting and comforting.” He laughed softly, flicking his gaze up to give you a pointed look. “Pretty and soft.”
You wanted to pull him close and hug him, kiss his whole face and comfort him like he apparently really appreciated. But you had to know before you fell so hard for him you’d never recover.
“And what about you?” You whisper, your voice trembling the way a HoloNet News Reporter’s never should.
You swallow, forcing yourself to make direct eye contact with him.
“Do you…are you seeing other girls? Anyone else?”
Rex’s eyes widen in surprise. At the worry pinching your brow and the wetness shimmering in your own eyes. Like he can’t believe you were asking him. Like he was as worried about where your relationship stood as you were.
He scoots across the sofa, as close to you as he can get and cups your cheek tenderly.
“No,” he breathes, “I’m all yours. Only yours.”
The way his face scrunches up as he smiles at you and his known inability to lie told you all you needed to know. You exhaled and felt all the anxiety and stress leave you like a dissipating dark cloud.
“Thank the stars above. I-I was so worried you wouldn’t be interested in something serious. And I didn’t know how to ask you without seeming so clingy. That’s happened to me so many times. I really didn’t want to push you away and-”
His lips crashed into yours harshly, the grip he had on your cheek holding you steady as he kissed you so desperately you were sure he was trying to take enough breath out of you to stop your heart from racing. You kissed back, practically whimpering in his mouth as you slipped your tongues together. Your hands holding securely onto the collar of his body glove.
When you pulled away he gave you that trademark tilted smirk that could make you smile on even the dreariest of days. “And here I was worrying that you’d get sick of looking at a face you’ve seen a million times.”
“Rex. How could I get sick of the perfect man?”
He shifted his gaze down to his boots, suddenly getting all bashful like he tended to when he was he heavily complimented. “I dunno. You have every guy in the galaxy falling at your feet to talk to you. You could have anyone you want. I’m just another clone.”
You pulled yourself into his lap and dragged your hands down his chest. “Not to me. You are so much more than that. There’s no one who will ever measure up to you. No one else matters. Let them all wish they could have me. Know that whenever you see me, I’m thinking about you. I’m all yours.”
He leaned his forehead onto mine and tangled his grip in my hair. “So let’s prove it. Show me how much you mean it, mesh’la.”
So you do. Over and over and over again. To the point that Rex is getting some suspicious glances at the purple marks littering his lower jaw and the skin just below his ears. And you’re getting the same look from your makeup artist who has to spend an extra 30 minutes color correcting and covering up every purple hickey and finger shaped bruise scattered across your usually perfect skin.
You ask your makeup artist to leave just one slightly visible on the side of your neck, so that the next time Rex watches HNN with his men they’ll put two and two together. And Rex can watch as you proudly wear the way he claimed you for the entire galaxy to see. You’re his girl now. You’ve got his bite marks on you to prove it.
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