#Hogwarts legacy incorrect quotes
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son: mom's your first and only girlfriend? how did you not get bored?
sebastian: me and your mom fought overgrown trolls, fought dark wizards and goblins, covered up a crime that could've sent both of us to azkaban, and participated in a full-blown war that could tip the scales of power of the wizarding world forever
sebastian: and that was just the first year we met
sebastian: safe to say I am plenty entertained
#sebastian sallow#hogwarts legacy#sebastian sallow x mc#sebastian sallow x reader#hogwarts legacy sebastian#sebastian sallow headcannons#hogwarts legacy incorrect quotes
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Sebastian: I hear you like bad boys.
MC: Yeah, I suppose so.
Sebastian: (to Ominis) Tell her.
Ominis: He's literally the worst.
#hogwarts#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy incorrect quotes#hogwarts legacy imagine#hogwarts legacy drabble#hogwarts legacy prompt#hogwarts legacy headcanons#hogwarts legacy oneshot#hogwarts legacy funny#hogwarts legacy fluff#hogwarts legacy mc#hogwarts legacy sebastian#sebastian sallow#sebastian sallow imagine#sebastian sallow drabble#sebastian sallow headcanons#sebastian sallow fluff#sebastian sallow x reader#sebastian sallow x mc#hogwarts legacy ominis#ominis gaunt#ominis gaunt imagine#ominis gaunt drabble#ominis gaunt headcanons#ominis gaunt x reader#ominis gaunt x mc#ominis gaunt fluff#ominis x mc
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Sebastian: Hey MC, are you busy Saturday around 3?
MC: No? Why?
Sebastian: What about you Ominis? Are you busy Saturday at 3?
Ominis: No Sebastian, I’m not.
Sebastian: Perfect, because I am! You two go ahead to get butterbeer without me. Enjoy your date ;)
MC: did he just-
Ominis: yes, he did just set us up.
**I feel like Sebastian would be a great wingman to Ominis (when he really tries)**
#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy incorrect quotes#mc hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy headcanons#hogwarts legacy x reader#hogwarts legacy drabble#ominis gaunt x mc#Ominis x Mc#Ominis X reader#ominus gaunt x mc x sebastian sallow#sebastian sallow headcanon#ominis gaunt#ominis gaunt x reader#ominis gaunt headcanons#sebastian sallow#sebastian sallow x mc#sebastian sallow x reader#slytherin x reader#slytherin#slytherin boys#hogwarts#harry potter#harry potter headcanons#garreth weasley#hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry#ominis x sebastian#ominis x sebastian x mc#ominis x reader x sebastian#hogwarts legacy ominis#ominis x oc
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Sebastian: MC is pretty sweet to hang out with. Don’t you guys agree?
Garreth: Well, she is pretty cool. Brilliant at potion making too.
Ominis: I will admit that I rather enjoy her presence.
Sebastian: Yet, it simply isn't enough to be in MC's presence, is it?
Garreth: What are you implying?
Sebastian: I need to be inside of her...
Ominis: *sighs* Sebastian…
Garreth: That’s taking it too far…
I can just imagine Gar and Omi being so over Seb’s obsession with mc 😂
Needed something to lighten the mood today. 💚🖤
#sebastian sallow x mc#sebastian x ominis#ominis gaunt x sebastian sallow#hogwarts legacy sebastian#sebastian sallow x reader#sebastian sallow#ominis gaunt x reader#ominis gaunt x mc#hogwarts legacy ominis#ominis gaunt#ominis#ominis x mc#ominis x reader#ominis x sebastian#garreth weasley x reader#garreth x mc#garreth weasley x mc#hogwarts legacy garreth#garreth weasley#hogwarts legacy funny#hogwarts legacy incorrect quotes#hl mc#hl sebastian#hogwarts legacy meme#hogwarts legacy mc#hogwarts legacy imelda#hogwarts legacy sebastian sallow#amit thakkar#leander prewett#imelda reyes
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Sebastian: “Let’s make a pact: if either of us gets expelled, the other will smuggle us back in.”
Ominis: “If you get expelled, I’ll personally escort you out.”
#sebastian sallow#hogwarts legacy#hp#harry potter#ominis gaunt#hogwarts legacy incorrect quotes#this def happend#ominis gaunt quotes#sebastian sallow quotes#funny#angst#garreth weasley#hogwarts legacy headcanons#sebastian sallow headcanon#sebastian sallow x mc#slytherin#mc hogwarts legacy#ominis gaunt headcanons#ominis gaunt x reader#poppy sweeting#poppy sweeting x mc#ominus gaunt x mc x sebastian sallow#hogwarts legacy drabble#hogwarts legacy x reader#hogwarts#hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry#slytherin x reader#slytherin boys#sebastian x mc#sebastian x reader
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MC: *About Sebastian* I could fix him. Ominis: He has like four other people trying to fix him. I'm one of them. MC: Wait what- Ominis: We're starting to look like a construction crew.
#hogwarts legacy#hl#sebastian sallow#hogwarts legacy incorrect quotes#ominis gaunt#hogwarts legacy mc#mc
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HL modern!AU
MC: I have decided I am a snack. People are just not hungry.
Sebastian, under his breath: I'm fucking starving
#tina speaks#hogwarts legacy#sebastian sallow#sebastian sallow x mc#sebastian x mc#sebastian sallow x you#sebastian sallow x reader#sebastian x you#sebastian x reader#sebastian hogwarts legacy#sebastian hl#hl#hogwarts legacy incorrect quotes#hl incorrect quotes#saw this text post and instantly thought of them
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HL Incorrect Quote #100
*in the Room of Requirement*
MC, bursting in: I finally did it!
Sebastian from the sofa: Did what?
MC, holding up the Field Guide: I finally found all the pages!
Natty, looking up from her book: THAT'S why you've been casting Revelio everywhere?
MC: Yep! And not only that, but I also found all of those Demiguise statues!
Poppy, while petting Highwing: ...is that why you've been taking cat naps all around Hogwarts?
MC: Yep.
Ominis, from a lounge chair: For the record, sleeping on the floors of Hogwarts are not as bad as you would think.
MC: Oh, and I found ALL of the Astronomy tables!
Amit, by a telescope: You did?! I hope it wasn't too dangerous...
MC: Nonsense! I've dealt with a whole lot worse than some mongrels and spiders. This was a piece of cake.
The group:
MC: And don't get me started on those bloody Merlin trials... But I did all 95 of them!
Sebastian, horrified: 95???
MC: Yes! It was not worth the pints of coffee and tea I downed, but I have done it all!
The group:
MC: I need to sleep. *keels over onto lounge*
The group:
Ominis: The more I hear about what MC does, the more concerned I get.
#As much as I want to 100% the game there's just so much#I wonder how worried the group would be if they did hear all these tasks the mc had to do#mc lives on coffee and spite#mc spite-completed the game lol#Hundredth quote yayyy#That's quite the milestone!#Thanks for reading my incorrect quotes guys#hogwarts mc#sebastian sallow#ominis gaunt#poppy sweeting#natsai onai#amit thakkar#hogwarts legacy headcanons#hogwarts legacy incorrect quotes#hogwarts legacy
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#hogwarts legacy memes#sebastian sallow memes#sebastian sallow#duncan hobhouse#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy incorrect quotes#hl shitposting#accio memes
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Ominis: What are you doing?
MC: Shh, I need complete concentration. I'm trying to pick a lock.
Ominis: Are you using Alohomora?
MC: No, I want to learn how to do it without relying on my wand. What if I forget it and we need to rescue someone from being locked up?
Ominis: I highly doubt any of us would be foolish enough to—
Sebastian: *banging on the door* Oh, Merlin! MC, something just brushed against my leg!
#we all agree that it will be Sebastian that gets himself in trouble right?#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts au#hogwarts legacy boys#hogwarts legacy funny#hogwarts legacy incorrect quotes#sebastian sallow#sebastian sallow x mc#sebastian sallow x reader#hogwarts oc#ominis gaunt#hogwarts legacy ominis#ominis x mc#hogwarts legacy sebastian#sebastian sallow x you#ominis x reader#ominis x you#so here’s the story#I actually thought of this because I ended up getting locked out of my house#I had to pick the door with a card and it worked!
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MC: I heard Ominis is in jail, is this true?
Sebastian: yeah, for something he didn’t do
MC: what didn’t he do?
Sebastian: run fast enough
#this poor blind boy#this is the last time he follows Sebastian#hogwarts legacy#sebastian sallow#hogwarts legacy incorrect quotes#hogwarts legacy sebastian#hogwarts legacy mc#ominis gaunt#hogwarts legacy ominis#hogwarts legacy meme
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ominis: put a finger down if you were nice to a girl to use them for your own gain then played yourself, caught feelings, and is now horrendously obsessed with them that you got sick because they chose Amit Thakkar for one charms project
sebastian, on his last finger: i don't like this game
#sebastian sallow#hogwarts legacy#sebastian sallow x mc#hogwarts legacy sebastian#sebastian sallow x reader#sebastian sallow headcannons#hogwarts legacy fanfiction#ominis gaunt#hogwarts legacy incorrect quotes
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Sebastian: Yeah, we're just friends but I would shag you if you asked.
MC: (looking up from her essay) Pardon?
Sebastian: (blushing) What?
Ominis: He said he'd shag you if you asked.
#hogwarts#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy incorrect quotes#hogwarts legacy imagine#hogwarts legacy drabble#hogwarts legacy prompt#hogwarts leacy headcanons#hogwarts legacy one shot#hogwarts legacy funny#hogwarts legacy fluff#hogwarts legacy mc#hogwarts legacy sebastian#sebastian sallow#sebastian sallow imagine#sebastian sallow drabble#sebastian sallow headcanons#sebastian sallow one shot#sebastian sallow fluff#sebastian sallow x mc#sebastian sallow x reader#hogwarts legacy ominis#ominis gaunt#ominis gaunt imagine#ominis gaunt drabble#ominis gaunt headcanons#ominis gaunt fluff#ominis gaunt x reader#ominis gaunt x mc#ominis x mc
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**MC staring longingly at Sebastian across the room being idiotic**
Poppy: So why aren’t you and Sebastian dating again?
MC: Because I’d destroy him…
Ominis: Trust me, he’d definitely be into that.
#garreth weasley#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy headcanons#hogwarts legacy incorrect quotes#sebastian sallow#sebastian sallow headcanon#sebastian sallow x mc#slytherin#harry potter#mc hogwarts legacy#ominis gaunt headcanons#ominis gaunt x reader#ominis gaunt#poppy sweeting#poppy sweeting x mc#ominus gaunt x mc x sebastian sallow#hogwarts legacy drabble#hogwarts legacy x reader#hogwarts#hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry#slytherin x reader#slytherin boys#sebastian x mc#sebastian x reader#gryffindor#hufflepuff
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Sebastian: Ominis, did you know that sage can be grown both indoors and outdoors?
Ominis: Everyone knows that, Sebastian.
Sebastian: Alright, Mr. Know-it-all, tell me something no one else knows.
Ominis: Garreth has been sneaking into MC’s dorm almost every night this week.
Sebastian: Everyone kn— Wait… what!?
Sebastian: Oh, I’m going to kill him!
#hogwarts legacy incorrect quotes#hogwarts legacy sebastian#sebastian sallow x mc#sebastian sallow#sebastian sallow x reader#hogwarts legacy ominis#ominis gaunt x mc#ominis gaunt#ominis gaunt x reader#ominis gaunt x sebastian sallow#hogwarts legacy funny#hogwarts legacy garreth#garreth weasley x mc#garreth weasley#garreth weasley x reader#hl mc#hogwarts legacy meme#hogwarts legacy mc#seb sallow#sebastian x ominis#ominis x mc#sebastian x mc#sebastian x reader#garreth x mc#ominis#hogwarts legacy fanfic#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts legacy sebastian sallow#imelda reyes#leander prewett
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Sebastian: Please say words of encouragement to me so I don't murder someone right now. Ominis: There are no books in prison. Sebastian: *sighs* Thank you.
#you can't tell me this didn't happen at some point#like Sebastian is canonically a heavy reader#and after how far he went and how his life was going#he definitely needed some Ominis support#hogwarts legacy#sebastian sallow#ominis gaunt#hogwarts legacy incorrect quotes#hogwarts legacy memes
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