#Hobby Japan EX 1998 Summer
figurecollection · 2 years
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Hobby Japan EX 1998 Summer: Sakura Kinomoto Garage Kit by Clayz & Miyagawa Takeshi, from Card Captor Sakura
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purplesurveys · 6 years
Around what temperature do you consider it to be too hot outside? 32C. That’s 90F. I start bitching at 30C, and flat out refuse to walk outside by 32. In what ways do you expect your life to be different one year from now? Oh man. First major change is that it is definitely gonna be different priority-wise. I would be a college junior applying for an internship at some company, which means by then I should already have an idea about what I want to do and where I want to be (because at this point, I still don’t). Second, I’d be extra busy with acads and by that time I would be swamped with only journalism majors. Lastly, I would most likely also be president of the internals affairs committee of my organization, meaning my work now would be doubled or tripled. 
You’ve got me scared, buddy. How often do you travel outside of the state/province you live in? I mean technically I live right on the edge of my region, and I drive everyday to the region/province next door.  What's a hobby you used to have, but don't anymore? Ice skating and roller-blading. What was the best part of your day yesterday? I guess just the fact that I was able to relax. I was finally able to watch Kitchen Nightmares yesterday which I never get to do, and also an episode of Black Mirror. I managed to read some of my readings as well so I’m glad I was able to do both the things I needed to do and wanted to do.
What has been your favorite job you've had so far? I’ve never had a job. Do you still live in your hometown? Not anymore. I moved from Manila to Antipolo when I was three. What's your favorite kind of salsa/dip to go with tortilla chips? Sour cream, because...you know...mayonnaise. Are you polite towards others? That’s a given. If I’m not civil towards someone I could at least be polite. Do you wash your car by hand or drive through a car wash? My parents wash it by hand. I can never take it to a car wash since I’m always headed somewhere with my car. What is/was your least favorite school subject, and why? I hated art because I never had any visual skills or creativity whatsoever. It just wasn’t my strength. It was a good thing they only kept it as a primary school class; I was out of art classes by Grade 4, but Grades 1-3 drove me insane. Are you afraid of spiders? No but that’s because the spiders here are not as large and don’t have legs as creepy as the ones in the States or Australia or anywhere spiders get a bad rep. Do you have any exercise equipment in your home? Yeah we have dumbbells and a rowing thingy that my mom uses. Where is the farthest north you've traveled to? Busan, South Korea. Farthest south? Bali, Indonesia. East? Fukuoka, Japan.  West? Singapore and Johor in Malaysia. If you have/want children, will you raise them similar to the way you were raised? I will raise them the polar opposite of how I was raised. I will use the way I was treated as the very basis as to how I will treat my kids just because I was raised so horribly that I know exactly what to avoid from there. How often do you run the dishwasher? We don’t have a dishwasher. Did you ever go to summer camp when you were a kid? No, I was too shy to meet anyone else beyond my neighbors. Do you wash your face at the sink or in the shower? Sink. Name a stereotype about your gender that you don't fit. Meh I don’t like reinforcing stereotypes. Name a stereotype about your age that you don't fit. Do you have any unusual decorations in your home? My mom has a collection of chef figurines that’s kept in a glass cabinet, since my dad works as an executive chef. That’s weird for anyone who first steps inside the house, but the collection has been growing since I was 4. What year were you born in? 1998. How many exes do you have? I have one but I usually don’t count her anymore because I took her back anyway. Do you have any uncommon kitchen appliances, such as espresso machines, waffle irons, etc? I don’t think so. You’d think by being a chef, my dad would want every kitchen appliance that exists lmao but no. He sticks to the basics. What did your parents major/minor in in college, if they went? Both of them took up hotel and restaurant management. Fact: Gabie’s dad also took up HRM and he was SO CLOSE to being my mom’s classmate. He was just a college year younger (when mom was a senior, he was a junior), but they were in the same school in the same period. I don’t know how one ended up graduating earlier than another, because they were both born in 1971. But it’s even weirder that it’s 100% possible that their paths crossed at least once. Has either of their careers influenced what career you chose or want to pursue? Not at all. I hate the idea of working in a hotel. I hate people.
Have you ever been on a motorcycle? Never been. What is the highest level math class you've completed? Calculus in Year IV in high school. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike? I don’t know how to ride a bike. How old were you when you learned how to swim? As early as I can remember. My family loved swimming trips before. How do you react when someone is rude to you? Give them a shot of my own, clearly. Out of everything you're wearing, which piece of clothing is your favorite? This black tank top I have on looks really good on me. Do you follow fashion trends, or just wear whatever you happen to like? I do a little bit of both. Do you live in a city, suburb, or a rural area? City. What's your favorite breed of dog? I accept every dog breed except pugs and chihuahuas. Are you more rational or imaginative? Rational. Have you ever had a friend who was too clingy? I know someone who is very clingy, but I don’t count them as a friend precisely because I find them too clingy and it takes me at least months to be fully comfortable with someone. Do you prefer riding on wooden roller coasters, or steel roller coasters? I hate roller coasters. What is your least favorite kind of weather? Sunny. Summer weather. How did you celebrate your last birthday? I treated my high school friends to dinner because back then they were still my only group of friends. Think back to when you first met your significant other (or ex). Was your first impression of them accurate? Hahaha yeah still holds. Gab was every bit sophisticated and first-class as I had thought. Is there anything other than keys on your keyring? Nope. I had a UP keychain on it once but it fell out. After that I stopped placing anything on my keyring. Do you have an ebook reader? (iPad, Kindle, etc.) I have an iPad but I raaarely use it these days. What is your most noticeable personality trait? That I’m shy. What kind of natural disaster is most common where you live? Typhoons, floods, landslides. Which of your family members do you resemble the most? My mom. Why is your least favorite season your least favorite? I hate summer because I always feel hot and sticky and slimy. And being in a city, you have to travel for to get to the closest beach. It’s the worst. Do you have a Netflix account? Dude. I ditched this survey just to finally sign up for Netflix because I’ve been putting it off for months. I saved this survey in my drafts for the rest of the day since I got fixated on Netflix lmao. So yeah, I guess I can say I do have an account now. Have you ever had an animal get into your attic? We don’t have an attic. Where is your favorite place to go on vacation? My family keeps it different each time. How long does it take to get there? Usually hours for every place. Who knows you better than anyone else? Angela and my girlfriend. When you're angry with someone, do you lash out, or keep yourself under control? I tend to do both. My borderline likes to surprise me every time. When was the last time you started a "new chapter" of your life? September, when I joined my current org. Is your hair long enough to tuck under your armpits? Yup. Weird question. What room in your home do you spend the least amount of time in? My parents’. What is the last random act of kindness you did? I sent a comforting message to an old high school batchmate when I saw that her tweets weren’t sounding too dandy. We don’t talk a lot, not even in high school, but maintain a mutual friendship on Twitter, so I thought it would be nice to check up on her and let her know there is at least one person that gives a crap. Are you more of a girly girl or a tomboy? Girly girl, I’m guessing? Do you do anything to reduce the amount of electricity you use? Yeah I limit my aircon use and also keep the lights in my bedroom closed all the time. And last but not least, what is your name? Robyn.
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