#Hob can and will overcome the existential crisis that will come from this cosmic knowledge
littledreamling · 2 years
Okay here’s another Religious Hob post (because that’s apparently my niche, not that I’m complaining at all):
I don’t think Hob has given up his religion. And I could end the post there, because for those who grew up religious or have found a true faith in religion, my point has already been made. But I won’t, because I know most of us don’t fall into either of those categories, so here’s what my true point is: people who truly have faith, a blind, all-encompassing, trusting, and deep faith don’t give up on their religion. Anyone who has ever talked to a Jehovah’s Witness can attest to this; religious people are stubborn as fuck. And this comes from the very essence of what faith is; it doesn’t need proof. It’s a blind leap into a veiled chasm with only the word of an invisible entity to rely on that you will be caught at the bottom. If Hob was truly religious (which I think he was), then his blind faith, combined with his indomitable stubbornness, means that he hasn’t let go of a religious conviction even once in his life. The man cannot do it. Even in the face of every awful thing that has happened to him and those around him, his faith would’ve been a constant. He is convinced that he is going to heaven, that his everlasting devotion to the Almighty will grant him peace and perfection at the end of it all, whenever that may be.
And you know what? He’s probably right! The Creator exists in the DC universe; Dream mentions them in episode 4! God exists, Lucifer exists, Hell exists, so Heaven must exist too, right (logically, anyway)? And while Hob doesn’t need any reassurance (that’s how faith works) that his devotion will pay off, can you imagine how overjoyed he would be when Dream told him about the Creator, about the Creator’s absolute existence? He’s never had doubts, not enough to lose his faith, and with knowledge like that, he never will either. So no, I don’t think Hob ever lost his religion, I think he’s stubbornly and faithfully clung to it, knowing that all good things in his life have come from his inability to give up on them
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