#Hiveswap Dammek Strideer
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sickfires · 2 years ago
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hes still my fave
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sodapops0lstice · 1 year ago
I think we should go back to calling Dammek "Strideer" that would be fun
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dammek-time · 2 years ago
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Oh boy! Time for another unpopular headcanon! Jake English Troll is my favorite X;)
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spicyrose69-blog · 7 years ago
Hiveswap theory: Dammek is mentally ill
I would just like to warn you real quick, this is a lot of reading... So if you don’t like that then skip over this or get Siri to read it for you or something idk.
Also I would like to mention I am no therapist I am just going off of my own experiences and my research of it so keep and open mind. Oh also this has spoilers but if you didn’t know that I don’t even know why you looked at this.
So I have been looking at the fandom’s response to the fact that Dammek is actually an asshole and is abusing Xefros. I have heard multiple outlooks on this and how people view it. That it’s all one sided, that he is really using Xefros to basically make himself look better in comparison and even one that he is a double agent it’s insane. My point is, is that we all dunno what to think about this and if you are sitting there like “YES I DO DONT TELL ME WAT TO DOO U PEESS OF TRASHNEOGNROIGJOIRGNORGNO!!!!!111!!!1!” Then shut up and rethink it or at least read this and rethink.
Now I have heard some people just write this off as Vriska 2.0 or just a ctrl C + ctrl V of the Vriska situation and I am just going to go ahead and say that while their situations were similar they were not the same. But I will touch on that later with a bit of gravity falls input. So I’m just going to skip to the point and say that I believe he has severe paranoia.
I know that 90% of you are sitting there like: “YEAH WE ALREADY KNEW!” And the other 10% already left but for the 2 of you who are still here let me elaborate.
I’m not going to say the situations I was in because they are all kinda personal, but I will say that I have dealt with many people with Paranoia and Little parts of Dammek remind me of all of them.
One of these symptoms being Hypervigilance the feeling of being unsafe, and some go to an extent of an extreme of security and hoarding weapons that most people would view as DUMB OR UNNECESSARY!
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One of these also include the sense of fear, mistrust or suspicion.
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But the most important that I view, is the fear of being taken advantage of (Which I’m sure having a fish dictator dose not help.) and it can lead to even more fear, anger, betrayal AND MISTREATMENT OF OTHERS.
this one stuck out to me, because that is exactly what happened to Xefros. We can easily write off that he doesn’t care about Xefros or that he is getting but isn’t giving, because it is shown that he has pictures of him and Xefros all over his hive, He kept the birthday cake that Xefros made for him, Spent the time to make a mic for him and even made one of his personal passwords linked to his band with Xefros.
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Going back to the Vriska incident, I believe that where it ties in is where they both genuinely cared about their pupils (In Vriska’s case it was Tavros in Dammek’s it was Xefros) it’s just that their methods were more than questionable, harsh and made it look like they didn’t care while they are only trying to help.
And that got me thinking about a show called Gravity falls where a similar incident happened. In the second to last episode of season 1, Dipper (One of the two main characters) was starting to think that his great uncle didn’t love him anymore because he felt like he was just his punching bag because he was being so tough on him. Later on in the episode he finds out that he was trying to help him so that one day when the world fights, he fights back. He was only using a bit of tough love. And that made me feel a connection to this problem.
The area where I think Dammek messed up is where his Paranoia was getting the better of him. And it turned into him abusing Xefros instead of helping. But yeah those were my thoughts on it and I really wanted to make this because while granted I did kinda wanna punch his face and still do and that this is not an excuse to mentally abuse your moirail but I also don’t think he is some villain either and that people with mental illnesses should never be named monsters because of it. I know this was serious as hell for a videogame but I do think this could be a lesson to teach people that yeah it is no excuse but it is no crime either. 
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dammekofficial · 3 years ago
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mullet fuck
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deusadastra · 4 years ago
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Day 1, because this is a daily art blog now
Dammek in hs2 style. He rap, kinda, close enough.
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ssnakebytes · 5 years ago
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A Dammek, because I already love this bastard… He better start being nicer to Xefros by the end of the series though or I’ll throw hands >:(
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dailyjudeharley · 5 years ago
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au stuff :P
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grimxark · 5 years ago
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elbytron · 6 years ago
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background taken from the Hiveswap game, drawn by rah-bop (i think?)
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homestuckkinhelp · 5 years ago
May I please get a pendulum reading to see if I'm kin with Dammek? And if so, was I in a quadrant with Mallek?
Hi dammek!!! Moonpie says yes!
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edgyhomestuckkin-archive · 5 years ago
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An aesthetic for a Dammek who had survivor's guilt after being stranded on a liberated earth with Joey with night and space images.
Mod Bro
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swtz-ee · 6 years ago
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spicyrose69-blog · 7 years ago
The difference information makes...
The fandom (Including me) Before and after we found out Dammek was an asshole.
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pepperwolf · 6 years ago
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aphrolyxide · 6 years ago
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it’s for security.
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