#Hiveclan: Scuttlekit
goosehascats · 9 months
Moon 4: Part 2
Primrose kneaded the ground anxiously, looking up at Duskstar, perched on the overhang to the leader’s den with the moon behind him. Primrose was only a moon old, and would still need to wait a while to be given an apprenticeship. But this wasn’t for that. This was to reward Primrose for being a strong kit, for surviving without a Queen in the Clan. He’d been told time and time over how he was expected to die. Every morning, Mosquitofur bathed him and told him how thankful she was that he was still alive. And now, he was being given a Clan name. A real name. 
“Hiveclan,” Duskstar started, with a honey smooth voice and a warm purr. “Tonight, under Starclan’s watch, we officially welcome new blood into the Clan.” Duskstar’s gray eyes turned to Primrose, and the small kit felt himself freeze, straightening his posture. “Primrose. You were found, abandoned, in a rabbit run. Newborn and alone. You were taken in by the ever caring Mosquitofur.” Primrose glanced over at his mother, eyes wide with adoration as he saw her highlighted by the moonlight. Duskstar’s voice pulled his attention back. “To honor your endurance and health, your Clan name henceforth will be Scuttlekit.” 
“Scuttlekit! Scuttlekit!” The small handful of cats in the clearing called. Primrose- Scuttlekit- puffed out his fur, jumping onto all fours in excitement. The top of Mosquitofur’s muzzle pressed into his side, her purring shaking his small body. 
“For truly, the most enduring creatures under Starpelt’s watch scuttle underfoot.” Scuttlekit’s eyes shone, sharing eye contact now with Duskstar. However, the kit’s excitement was too much to bear for long. He leapt up on his back paws, turning to Mosquitofur, planting his forepaws on her face. He pressed his forehead to her nose, letting out a soft squeak of excitement. Mosquitofur chuckled, a comforting tone filled with nothing but affection and pride. 
“We’ll have to get you talking here soon, little one,” she mewed in a playful tone. “But I’m happy you’re excited.” Scuttlekit purred hard enough that his whole body seemed to vibrate with the sound. Mosquitofur chuckled again, nudging him with her paw a little. “Why don’t we go greet your Clanmates now with your new name, hm?” 
Scuttlekit looked up at her, and then back at the small collection of cats sitting near each other. He looked back at Mosquitofur, pelt puffing out again, and took off in a wobbly sprint for his Clanmates.
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goosehascats · 9 months
Moon Update
Moon 7:
Patrols: Snaillake takes Leechpaw on an herb gathering patrol to replace the herbs she used. Duskstar suggests now would be a good time to teach Mitepaw new fighting techniques. Both cats have a nice practice session, swapping their best tips and tricks with each other. Beeflick goes hunting alone and catches a mouse.
Roachchirp has a running nose. Duskstar names Mitepaw Mitebreeze and honors her strong will. The infection in Norman's wound has abated and he has healed from the strain of having a litter. Beeflick appreciates how Scuttlekit always seems to ask how she's doing. Mitebreeze stands tall when Leechpaw walks by. Mitebreeze tells Scuttlekit she caught the prey just for him when she delivers it.
Moon 8:
Patrols: Duskstar and Mitebreeze find a kittypet who wishes to join the Clan. He takes little convincing. (French joined Hiveclan) Frenchfern and Beeflick go on a border patrol together. Frenchfern falls when a tunnel below him collapses in, but Beeflick reassures him while she digs him out. Leechpaw trains alone while Roachchirp is seek, thinking about her last vision. Training puts her into an almost meditative state, and she both works out her vision as well as improves upon her skills.
French changed his name to Frenchfern. Ryepaw is apprenticed to Duskstar. Hootpaw is apprenticed to Mitebreeze. Snaillake's tail was badly injured by a dog. Ryepaw has gotten a runny nose. Mitebreeze mews congratulations to Beeflick for a job well done. Duskstar thinks Frenchfern hasn't been doing very much work lately. Ryepaw finds a bit of fluff that smells like Norman and adds it to his nest. Hootpaw dies of kittencough.
Moon 9:
Patrols: Duskstar and Ryepaw find an opening to a new set of tunnels. They determine that a wolverine has made it's home there and leave quickly. Mitepaw and Leechpaw find a fox eating a whitetail fawn carcass. They try to chase it off but fail, leaving without injuries. Beeflick and Frenchfern find a fox eating a calf carcass. They try to chase it off, but a coyote yip sends the fox and the cats both running.
Scuttlepaw is apprenticed to Beeflick. Roachchirp is no longer ill. Beeflick finds a bit of fur that smells like Roachchirp and adds it to her nest. Mosquitofur jokes about exploring Two-Leg place with Duskstar. Duskstar is surprised by Ryepaw being thoughtful. Scuttlepaw has been listening to Beeflick talk about how difficult herb memorization is. Frenchfern bickered about something trivial with Duskstar.
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goosehascats · 9 months
Moon Update
Moon 4
Patrols: Duskstar and Mitepaw find a loner who offers his healing skills in exchange for shelter. The new medicine cat is welcomed into the Clan along with their litter of kits. (Norman, Ryekit, and Hootkit joined Hiveclan) Roachchirp and Beeflick hunt together while Leechpaw is sick. They find an odd smelling burrow, and Beeflick covers the burrow with plants and sticks so they can check to see if anything uncovers it later.
Snaillake bickered about something trivial with Roachchirp. Mosquitofur sees that Duskstar's piece of prey looks tastier and asks to swap. He agrees happily, saying he likes her prey better. Roachchirp thinks that Duskstar hasn't been completely honest lately. Leechpaw is having a wonderful time discussing recent Clan news with Mitepaw. Primrose's name is changed to Scuttlekit now that he has survived his first moon. Scuttlekit saw Mosquitofur show off a skill he never knew she had.
Moon 5
Patrols: Duskstar and Mitepaw go hunting, Mitepaw successfully catches a squirrel. Beeflick and Roachchirp go on a border patrol together and encounter a small dog. Beeflick begins to hiss first, and Roachchirp joins in. The dog falters, and the two set off after it, caterwauling and screeching till the beast is running for the hills.
Snaillake has gotten heatstroke. Norman tries not to hiss as his litter suckles, but the area has become swollen and infected. Mosquitofur stands tall when Scuttlekit walks by. Duskstar has a difficult conversation with Beeflick and they have a deeper understanding of each other now. Ryekit comes up with a plan to sneak out of camp with Hootkit.
Moon 6
Patrols: Beeflick and Roachchirp find more abandoned nests, but these smell empty. As the patrol spreads out to hunt, Mitepaw admits to Duskstar that she thinks she may have had a vision from Starclan. No one can make sense of the vision.
Snaillake has recovered from heatstroke. Leechpaw is breathing normally again, the water in her lungs is gone. Mitepaw is mocking Ryekit. Roachchirp goes for a nice long walk with Beeflick. Norman just noticed how beautiful Duskstar's eyes are.
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