ask-the-phox-gang · 6 months
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Abbey Road Phoxing
Based on the famous Abbey Road album cover.  Cirrus is dead.
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flaxen-phoenix · 7 months
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Cirrus fucking DIES
RIP Cirrus. We're not quite sure how a ghost managed to die, but you did it anyway.
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ziri-z3r0 · 1 year
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Wish Come True- Hisuian Zorua TF
This was for an event in a discord server, where you'd draw yourself as a pokemon you wanted to get a plush of (if you won). Sadly didn't win, but a certain someone (You know who you are) ended up sending me a Hisuian Zorua plush afterwards, which I cherish to this day <3
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kumihajay · 9 months
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gingykfox · 3 years
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Happy Halloween! Have a snow fox spirit..? That's Halloweeny, right..?
Wanna support me and get rewards like WIPs, exclusives, and the Discord server? Pledges on Patreon are greatly appreciated and means a lot! <3 https://patreon.com/gingy_K_fox
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flaxen-phoenix · 8 months
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Cirrus banging out the tunes
I had another idea after doing the one with Topaz, so here's Cirrus banging out the tunes. Emphasis on banging.
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flaxen-phoenix · 8 months
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Rockin' out
A ghost and a mermaid walk into a bar... and they perform the best damn concert you've ever heard. I like to think their band name would be "E=M-Sea Squared" or something like that. It sounds like "C squared", because both of their names begin with C, and also "sea" because the lead singer is a Primarina/Floatzel hybrid. Also, Clarion blows out bubbles that look like music notes when she sings.
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flaxen-phoenix · 8 months
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Cirrus for scale
And here's Cirrus's "true" form, next to the plushie, for a sense of scale! They're both small :3
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flaxen-phoenix · 8 months
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Seer of Breath: Ascend (again).
I decided to redo my old drawing of Cirrus as a Seer of Breath, so here they are! Those baseballs are brimming with ghostly energy!
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flaxen-phoenix · 8 months
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My new banner! (01/27/2024)
The gang's all here! I wanted to make a banner featuring all of my pokesonas holding up signs that spelled out my username, and I finally got around to doing it!!
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flaxen-phoenix · 8 months
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Cirrus's Nightmare
Their ass is NOT resting in peace 💀💀💀
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ask-the-phox-gang · 6 months
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Et tu, Cirrus?
Beware the ides of March... It's not often that Cirrus gets to indulge in their more spiteful tendencies as a Hisuian Zorua, but when they heard there was a plot to assassinate the emperor, they just couldn't resist! Looks like they're turning someone ELSE into a ghost today...
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flaxen-phoenix · 11 months
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Cirrus's Halloween Ascension!
Cirrus is a ghost, and ghosts are at their most powerful on Halloween! Although, maybe Cirrus became just a little bit too powerful... Oh well, looks like the Professor will have to find someone else to go trick-or-treating with tonight! Happy Halloween 2023!
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flaxen-phoenix · 8 months
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En garde!
Cirrus usually fights using snowballs, but in their plush form, they decided to eschew the snowballs for a bit in favor of a new weapon: a needle! They can use it by either swinging it around like a rapier, or they can stab themself with it like a voodoo doll to cast curses!
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flaxen-phoenix · 8 months
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Cirrus's Nightmare (but the part inside the dream cloud)
Cirrus enjoys playing Pac-Man, but it gives them nightmares where Pac-Man chases them around, and you know what he does to ghosts! I did such a great job on this that I didn't want to relegate it to just being inside Cirrus's dream cloud, where parts got cut off, so here it is in all its glory!
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ask-the-phox-gang · 3 months
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Will it Blend? - Gelphox
"I think I'll press the 'Fusion' button..." Gelphox is practically a liquid already, so to him, getting blended just feels like a nice massage. Also, Alopex and Cirrus having a nice chat while Clarion is chilling in a pool. Is the Wailord a painting, or...? This art was done by Juice! (@juiceforpresident on Discord) They did such a wonderful job, I love how they added Alopex, Cirrus and Clarion as well!
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