#His second eye is deyassified
slushky-22 · 2 years
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love how this panel implies that Espresso only puts makeup on his one eye because you can’t see the other usually
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7xwc · 4 months
honest opinions about the intro (that nobody asked for or cares) - driver by driver:
sargent: what does he even do? thank god it was just a second of him. 1/10
kmag: ok? like… you aint got nothing better to do? 1/10
zhou: baby we know you can serve. where's the energy girl? but gotta admit the second camera angle did something to me. 5/10 purely for the second shot
daniel: looks dumber than my left toe. 2/10
hulk: ngl that was pretty good considering he usually looks like a mcdonalds drive thru 5/10
bottas: slaaaaaaay!!!! love the energy, coming out of the shadow. love the hair. the only bitch that is not afraid to show off. 7/10 also bonus point for the stache 8/10
yuki: im disappointed. baby, we know you eat always and you never ever leave crumbs. what happened? who hurt you? poor baby looks like a cardboard cutout of himself i hate it here. 4/10
alex: stop. get some help. and a haircut. they deyassified him. also. what are you staring at buddy, look away pls. 2/10
ocon: SLAY! rent was due and the bills needed to be paid! the twinkle in his eyes, the strut, the bisexual lighting going across his face. this is cinema right there. 8/10
pierre: first of all: scoot back, buddy. why you trying to fight the camera? it wont bite you, yknow? absolutely not. 3/10
stroll: no rizz just a head full of head and brown eyes. didnt serve, didnt eat, matter of fact he aint even shown up to dinner. 2/10
piastri: ok buddy, next 2/10
george: omg hiiii sid from the ice age!!!! wtf is that middle part fix that shit right up pls. also why does he look like he is doing a cowboy walk? like, yknow the one, with the hands on the gun thingy. no. 2/10
carlos: boring as always. he literally just stood there. like okay girl you're so unique 1/10
lando: should've had more screen time. i wanna see them hips swinging boy. struting like rent was due. could have served face some more, he looks bored. 6/10
charles: YES! absolutely yes. he had two seconds and made the most of it. they just dont want to show a bad bitch for too long. side profile on point. cunty. shouldve winked. 9/10
alonso: i hate to say it but he served. the cunty stare? big beautiful green eyes? wow. the first angle not so much it did nothing for him but the second was GOOD!! 8/10
lewis: i mean. do i even need to say it? the rent was due, the bills needed to be paid, they took bono away and they were coming for his dog next, like… he cooked, served, ate AND did the dishes. like. wow. he's looking at the camera like he's about to jump and beat the shit out of it (metaphorically) like yes sir, kill them all. he got three different angles cuz they know they gotta feed the masses. 1000/10
checo: jumpscare. no. get away from my face. 1/10
m*x: was he cracking his knuckles? who are you about to fight my guy? the racism accusations? like? also how are you gonna have such beautiful eye color and still do nothing for no one? why you gotta be so fucking boring. you're the reinging champ my guy, it's not that hard to serve a cunty look into the camera??? guess you cant cheat your way into that one. -1/10 this one actually piss me off
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