#His Liminality is reaching its limit because of the Portal opening
bet-on-me-13 · 3 months
Surface Pressure
So, I was listening to the Song Surface Pressure from Encanto, and I got inspired.
In this AU, Jazz was the one to get turned into a Halfa. She took Danny's place when he got nervous and took the Photo for Sam, but tripped on her way out and hit the Activation Switch. She manages to hide her Ghostly Form from her Parents for about a month, before the Ghost Attacks begin.
She does mostly the same stuff as Danny, but because of her interest in psychology, she manages to actually figure out and befriend some of her Ghosts earlier than Danny did. But it's still insanely difficult work.
Because unlike Danny who just had to deal with School, their Parents, and Ghost Attacks, Jazz has to deal with School, Cooking, Cleaning, making sure Danny is safe, telling off her Parents, dealing with their Inventions, and constant Ghost Attacks every day. The pressures of being the only responsible person in their house weigh on her more than ever before.
And she also notices one more thing. Danny may not have been in the Portal, but he was in front of it, and he has been raised around Ectoplasm his entire life. The Portal was just the tipping point. Jazz realizes that Danny is slowly becoming like her, and that is yet another source of stress on her Plate.
(Maybe Sam and Tucker become Liminals as well? So she has to worry over all of them?)
Eventually Danny says enough is enough, and he tries to help, but Jazz refuses it at every turn.
Then they have a similar conversation to the Song, where Jazz let's loose some stuff about how much pressure she has been experiencing her whole life being the Strong one in the Family, the one who deals with everything and takes care of everything, the one who practically raised Danny when her Parents were busy (always).
She has to shoulder all the burdens of their life so that he can live a happy one, because that is her job as an Older Sister, and she needs to fulfill it. She feels the pressure building up every day, but has to keep it stamped down every time it bubbles up or she could snap and he needs her so she has to force it down.
But she knows she is cracking, and she knows that once Danny fully becomes a Halfa, it will become too much for her to keep in check. So she needs to do the one thing she hoped she would never have to do.
She Calls the Justice League, and turns in her Parents as Mad Scientists and Villains.
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