#Hire software testing service team
narolainfotechus · 2 years
How Quality Assurance Can Uplift Your Business in 2023?
Do you feel that Quality Assurance (QA) and software testing are the same? If yes, we request you to read this article. It is possible you might confuse quality assurance with automated software testing, and that is absolutely fine. We understand they sound quite similar in meaning, In fact, many people use these interchangeably. However, there is a subtle difference between the two in scope and responsibilities.
While software testing focuses on the technical aspects of systems, quality assurance is concerned with software specifications. It is a comprehensive method for ensuring the quality of software. Furthermore, quality assurance practice assesses the development and testing cycles, as well as the methods, techniques, and processes.
What is QA (Quality Assurance)?
Quality Assurance is a process-oriented method. With sufficient quality reviews, a standardized quality assurance process confirms the standard of software components. Data collection and documentation procedures are also a part of the process.
Quality assurance solutions keep an eye on every stage of the development process. As a result, it consistently adopts a user-centric strategy to ensure quality, from the coding studio to the sophisticated testing cabins. Additionally, it aids in bug prevention during the development and maintenance of the entire software lifecycle.
Benefits of Quality Assurance Solutions
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1. Better User Experience
As a consumer, would you like to use an app that crashes frequently and has a poor design? Of course not! Users demand a seamless experience above all else. Consumers' tolerance for buggy, unintuitive software is waning as the world experiences rapid technological advancements. Users today will instantly switch to a competitor's product if it provides a better experience.
When quality is guaranteed, users expect a seamless experience. Organizations don’t want to rely on users to point out errors in an application. Instead, they would like to take care of it themselves with software application testing services before the app goes live. How smoothly users use the product has a direct correlation to how satisfied they are with it.
Quality assurance makes sure that a software application is functional, secure, robust, scalable, and reliable. It addresses every UI/UX-related problem to develop better customer experiences.
2. Increased User Satisfaction
For a moment, let’s think about the apps and websites we use daily. What is it about them that we just can’t do without them? Be it Netflix for movies and TV shows, Spotify for music, or Good reads for books. Seamless experience gives way to user satisfaction, and that is exactly what we get from these platforms.
Increased brand reputation and higher revenue are directly related to high customer satisfaction. As a result, developing high-quality software with automated testing service benefits both consumers and businesses.
With quality assurance, it is possible to create such a top-notch app that users will keep returning to it. In no time, it will become a significant part of their lives, just like the apps mentioned at the beginning of this point.
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3. Better Efficiency
Do you know that you can significantly reduce the risks associated with software failure by integrating quality assurance into the development cycle?
It is usual for developers to occasionally exercise some creative liberty while making software. However, they must make sure they don’t ignore customer requirements while doing that. A strategy for software quality assurance ensures that. A significant departure from the predetermined plan may result in a mismatch between the final product and the project requirements, requiring rework and going beyond the allotted timeline.
Software testing service providers monitor the entire Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) with QA, which also confirms regulatory standard compliance. Quality assurance practices not only result in higher efficiency but also save time and money by keeping the project on course and by ensuring compliance.
4. Preventive Action
Unlike most software testing practices that are corrective in nature, quality assurance takes a preventive approach to identifying bugs and resolving issues with functionality, performance, or security.
You can contact a software testing company in the USA that is responsive to error detection and reduces the likelihood of a failure. That enables the creation of high-performing, user-friendly, and stable software. Activities for quality control aid in locating and eliminating procedures that result in waste or fall short of requirements. By doing this, you can optimize SDLC and improve overall efficiency.
5. Facilitates Agile Development
In an Agile approach, the scope and deadline of every sprint are short. Therefore, sprint managers occasionally disregard the importance of QA, placing a significant risk in the potential of the software. However, you can hire a software testing service team and turn this risk into a well-planned project and execute it successfully. With this, you can provide high value to the customers by integrating quality assurance practices early on.
Keeping in mind the iterative nature of the agile methodology, you must make quality assurance an integral part of the development process from the get-go. After developers write the code, there is no time left for quality assurance. In order to avoid needless changes after work and avoid costly delays, it must be present from the beginning.
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In Conclusion
In our experience of more than 17 years and having worked with numerous clients around the world, we can say for sure that you can never take QA for granted. Building a culture of quality assurance is crucial for businesses if they want to completely eliminate the possibility of failure. To reduce the number of necessary corrective measures, they should put a higher priority on preventive measures.
Owing to our experience, we have developed a fool proof methodology to integrate QA into the development process. With the help of those techniques, we have successfully completed more than 2500 projects. Narola Infotech is one of the best software testing service providers and can help you build the most advanced and glitch-free software for your users and business growth. All you need to do is contact our experts, and we’ll take care of the rest.
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xcoderagnecy1 · 7 months
Software Security Testing Services
Guard your digital assets with Xcoder is the leading name in the realm of software security testing services. Our expert team meticulously evaluates and fortifies your software against potential vulnerabilities, ensuring a robust defense against cyber threats. Our comprehensive approach covers penetration testing, code review, and vulnerability assessments, providing you with a thorough analysis of your software's security posture. Secure your software with Xcoder and fortify your digital presence. To know more kindly visit https://xcoder.agency/services/software-security-testing/
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mariacallous · 2 months
KnowBe4, a US-based security vendor, revealed that it unwittingly hired a North Korean hacker who attempted to load malware into the company's network. KnowBe4 CEO and founder Stu Sjouwerman described the incident in a blog post this week, calling it a cautionary tale that was fortunately detected before causing any major problems.
"First of all: No illegal access was gained, and no data was lost, compromised, or exfiltrated on any KnowBe4 systems," Sjouwerman wrote. “This is not a data breach notification, there was none. See it as an organizational learning moment I am sharing with you. If it can happen to us, it can happen to almost anyone. Don't let it happen to you.”
KnowBe4 said it was looking for a software engineer for its internal IT AI team. The firm hired a person who, it turns out, was from North Korea and was "using a valid but stolen US-based identity" and a photo that was "enhanced" by artificial intelligence. There is now an active FBI investigation amid suspicion that the worker is what KnowBe4's blog post called "an Insider Threat/Nation State Actor."
KnowBe4 operates in 11 countries and is headquartered in Florida. It provides security awareness training, including phishing security tests, to corporate customers. If you occasionally receive a fake phishing email from your employer, you might be working for a company that uses the KnowBe4 service to test its employees' ability to spot scams.
Person Passed Background Check and Video Interviews
KnowBe4 hired the North Korean hacker through its usual process. "We posted the job, received résumés, conducted interviews, performed background checks, verified references, and hired the person. We sent them their Mac workstation, and the moment it was received, it immediately started to load malware," the company said.
Even though the photo provided to HR was fake, the person who was interviewed for the job apparently looked enough like it to pass. KnowBe4's HR team "conducted four video conference based interviews on separate occasions, confirming the individual matched the photo provided on their application," the post said. "Additionally, a background check and all other standard pre-hiring checks were performed and came back clear due to the stolen identity being used. This was a real person using a valid but stolen US-based identity. The picture was AI 'enhanced.'"
The two images at the top of this story are a stock photo and what KnowBe4 says is the AI fake based on the stock photo. The stock photo is on the left, and the AI fake is on the right.
The employee, referred to as "XXXX" in the blog post, was hired as a principal software engineer. The new hire's suspicious activities were flagged by security software, leading KnowBe4's Security Operations Center (SOC) to investigate:
On July 15, 2024, a series of suspicious activities were detected on the user beginning at 9:55 pm EST. When these alerts came in KnowBe4's SOC team reached out to the user to inquire about the anomalous activity and possible cause. XXXX responded to SOC that he was following steps on his router guide to troubleshoot a speed issue and that it may have caused a compromise. The attacker performed various actions to manipulate session history files, transfer potentially harmful files, and execute unauthorized software. He used a Raspberry Pi to download the malware. SOC attempted to get more details from XXXX including getting him on a call. XXXX stated he was unavailable for a call and later became unresponsive. At around 10:20 pm EST SOC contained XXXX's device.
“Fake IT Worker From North Korea”
The SOC analysis indicated that the loading of malware "may have been intentional by the user," and the group "suspected he may be an Insider Threat/Nation State Actor," the blog post said.
"We shared the collected data with our friends at Mandiant, a leading global cybersecurity expert, and the FBI, to corroborate our initial findings. It turns out this was a fake IT worker from North Korea," Sjouwerman wrote.
KnowBe4 said it can't provide much detail because of the active FBI investigation. But the person hired for the job may have logged into the company computer remotely from North Korea, Sjouwerman explained:
How this works is that the fake worker asks to get their workstation sent to an address that is basically an "IT mule laptop farm." They then VPN in from where they really physically are (North Korea or over the border in China) and work the night shift so that they seem to be working in US daytime. The scam is that they are actually doing the work, getting paid well, and give a large amount to North Korea to fund their illegal programs. I don't have to tell you about the severe risk of this. It's good we have new employees in a highly restricted area when they start, and have no access to production systems. Our controls caught it, but that was sure a learning moment that I am happy to share with everyone.
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itsbenedict · 1 year
okay, so- the past three days have been pretty insane, hence no to-do lists. did not know hour-to-hour what in the hell i'd have to do next.
monday morning, there was a company meeting, and it was announced that we were being sold. this was not... the most surprising thing in the world, because about a month ago there was this sudden hasty push by the top to reorganize the business into distinct independent units that didn't depend on shared services. like, what else would the point of doing that be, if not to sell off pieces of the business? sure, they said that wasn't happening, but who the hell was fooled by that?
so i used to do most of my work on these projects for this one specific business unit, building and running a bunch of middleware API integrations for our learning management system. but my boss, who used to be in charge of the dev team generally, got assigned to this totally different unit- and she liked me enough that she pushed really hard to get me reassigned to her unit.
so i was already conflicted about that:
i really like my boss- she's really understanding of my need for flexibility to work on my side projects, she only cares that i get the work done (and even with many side projects, i still consistently exceed expectations and get a full-time workload done ahead of schedule), and she was pushing hard to get me a raise against upper management who'd taken to using covid austerity as an excuse to never give anyone any raises ever. and the team assigned to this unit didn't have any senior devs who could handle a big infrastructure transition, and i'd just become AWS certified, and without someone like me, my coworkers assigned to that unit would be in some hot water. plus, after the transition, maintaining a reduced suite of products would probably be easier day-to-day.
but on the other hand, all my projects in the other business unit, with the LMS- those are pretty vital, and the nature of the contracts with those clients necessitates frequent maintenance and changes. my code for those integrations is bad, for various reasons but mainly that there is no dev environment for testing changes. it's fundamentally about managing production data in databases we don't directly control, so every change has to be done very quickly and carefully, with no room for big refactors to clean things up (and risk breaking stuff). it's a mess, and no one in the other business unit is prepared to take it over. plus- i liked working directly with clients, doing work where if i did the work someone was appreciative of the work. it was motivating!
ultimately, i decided to trust my boss and follow her to the other business unit. we weren't completely splitting from the rest of the business- i'd still be able to train up someone else to take over my projects, we'd still have the shared customer accounts management software, and- crucially- i'd still have the boss who understood my needs and had no interest in squeezing value out of me.
so i went on vacation for a couple weeks right after committing to that decision- and then i came back on monday, and that day they announce we're being sold.
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also that my boss is fired and being replaced by someone from the new company.
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also that we have two months to completely disconnect all our products from shared service infrastructure and rebuild our own.
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also no takesies-backsies, the acquisition agreement included terms that the former company not hire back any of the sold-off employees or even discuss the acquisition with them at all. no chance to react to the new information except to sign the new offer letter by close of business on Wednesday.
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i was unhappy about this! can you tell???
so my first thought was- okay, this is bullshit. i still want to work for the LMS people, the LMS people still want me to work for them, there has to be a solve here. so i go to the guy in charge of that division, who also wants me to keep working there, and he says okay i'll have our lawyers look into it.
and then... he gets back to me sounding like a robot, "i am unable to discuss this further with you at this time", which is so obviously out of character for the guy that i can tell legal's thrown the book at him. i talk to legal myself- it's a dead end. they can't- they're unable to even talk about why they can't talk about it, because obviously this deal was engineered to prevent me from doing exactly what i'm trying to do here.
so i go at it from the other angle. president of the sold company, now a wholly-owned for-profit subsidiary of a nonprofit organization (is that even allowed???), i explain to him, hey, this is a mistake, i'm only here because my old boss really wanted me to be on her team, surely you can let me go continue doing my actual job?
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so then i start playing hardball.
the salary they're offering me is, adjusted for inflation, less than the salary i was offered two years ago, which had come with the (entirely failed) non-promise that i'd be bumped up to a certain level very quickly after some formalities re: the employment structure. i explain, in detail, how upset i am with the entire state of affairs- and i threaten to walk, which i am allowed to do. i'm not required to sign their new contract- i'd need to go job-hunting, sure, but i have money in the bank, i can afford to do it, and i could definitely get a better deal somewhere else.
this is a tense situation! my old boss knew this team needed me- but they unceremoniously fired her while she was on vacation, so her opinion doesn't mean dirt to them apparently. it's unclear how vital i really am to this- they could maybe train up one of the other devs to handle the AWS stuff.
and on my side- if i walk, that's it. all that horrible messy code for the LMS stuff- i don't get two months to train someone else up and write documentation and do some housecleaning. i'm gone! my horrific dirty laundry (and hours and hours of regular maintenance work) gets handed off to some other dev who's totally unprepared for it, and that person inevitably puts a curse on my entire family line as retribution for me leaving them holding that intolerable bag. i don't actually want to walk, because then i end up the bad guy in the eyes of people i respect and care about.
(also i'd have to do a job hunt and that shit is so god damn annoying you have no idea you probably have some idea.)
so i tell the guy, look- i can do better. i'm basically starting over doing harder work at an unfamiliar company, and if i'm doing that anyway, why not do it for someone who'll pay me? if you don't give me X amount of money, i'm walking out, and now you don't have an infrastructure guy during the two-month window you have to migrate a shit-ton of infrastructure. i am a serious dude and you can't just fuck with me!
(and inside i'm like:
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because oh god i am not a serious dude i am so easily fucked with what if i'm pushing my luck too hard)
and he lets me fuckin' stew. 5:00 on wednesday i need to have either signed a contract or not signed a contract, and he hedges and goes to talk with the higher-ups and makes no promises, and i have no idea whether it's because i scared him or if he's trying to work out how to replace me or what. all this negotiation has been eating my brain for the past couple days and it's coming down to the wire-
and then a couple hours before the deadline he gets back to me with a counteroffer. it's less than i was asking, because that's how negotiations work, but it is more than i was making when i was brought on, by a good 10k.
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so now it's on to round two. i'm gonna stick around for this two-month period, make this transition work, clean up my mess and take care of things with my now ex-coworkers- and then if they haven't either proven their management is tolerable or given me a crystal-clear path to advancement, we're back to the standoff- except this time, they'll have a good idea of exactly what it is they stand to lose.
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. okay. okay. yeah. so that's dealt with for the time being. i can breathe now. we'll see how it goes. fuck.
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disolutions-world · 2 months
Transforming Businesses with DI Solutions: Innovative IT Expertise
Transform your business with DI Solutions
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In the ever-evolving digital landscape, businesses must harness cutting-edge technology to remain competitive. At DI Solutions, we specialize in driving business transformation through advanced IT solutions and expert services. Our dedication to innovation and excellence has empowered numerous clients to achieve their goals and excel in their industries.
Innovative IT Solutions DI Solutions excels in providing tailored IT solutions that meet each client's unique needs. Our services include custom software development, mobile app creation, web development, and UI/UX design. By leveraging the latest technologies, we deliver state-of-the-art solutions that enhance growth and efficiency.
Expert Team of Professionals Our team consists of highly skilled professionals—creative designers, experienced developers, and strategic problem-solvers. We emphasize continuous learning to stay at the forefront of industry trends and technological advancements, ensuring that our clients receive the most effective and innovative solutions.
Global Reach and Impact
With over a decade of experience, DI Solutions has made a significant impact globally, partnering with more than 120 clients across North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Our extensive global presence demonstrates our capability to provide exceptional IT services that address diverse business needs.
Client-Centric Approach
At DI Solutions, clients are central to our mission. We take the time to understand their business objectives, challenges, and requirements, enabling us to deliver customized solutions that surpass expectations. Our client-centric approach ensures we provide not just what is needed but what drives success and growth.
Comprehensive IT Services
Our service offerings include:
Custom Software Development: Tailored software solutions for optimal efficiency and performance.
Mobile App Development: Innovative mobile applications for Android and iOS platforms.
Web Development: Expert web development to create responsive and user-friendly websites.
UI/UX Design: Engaging user interfaces that enhance the overall user experience.
Quality Assurance: Rigorous testing to ensure the highest quality standards.
DevOps Services: Streamlined operations through integrated cultural philosophies, practices, and tools.
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Join Hands with DI Solutions
Partner with DI Solutions to harness the power of innovative IT expertise. Whether you’re a startup aiming to establish a presence or an established business seeking new heights, we have the solutions and expertise to propel you forward.
For more information, visit our website or contact us directly. Let’s embark on a journey of transformation and growth together.
Transform your business with DI Solutions – where innovation meets excellence.
Contact Us Website: https://disolutions.net/ Email: [email protected] , Call: 91-9904566590 ,  B-301, 307, 406 Apex Commercial Center, Varachha Road, Nr. Yash Plaza, Surat, Gujarat,India-395006.
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svappssoftsolution · 11 months
Calling unskilled students to turn skilled professionals- says SVAPPS CTO
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Calling unskilled students to turn skilled professionals- says SVAPPS CTO — Shivasai Adepu
In today’s fast-paced digital world, the need for skilled professionals is greater than ever. SVAPPS, a well-known company for the last 8 years specializing in web development, web design, and digital marketing, has taken up the mission to help unskilled individuals unlock their potential.
Introducing the SVAPPS Learning Centre
To bridge the gap between a growing industry and untapped talent, Venkatesh Adepu founder & CEO came up with a solution and launched the “SVAPPS Learning Centre.”This initiative offers a unique path for aspiring individuals, taking them from inexperienced beginners to skilled professionals. It’s an alternative to traditional education, a place of hope.
“ No Classes, No Tests, No Teachers “
The SVAPPS Learning Centre breaks away from the traditional educational mold. There are no strict class schedules, no intimidating exams, and no teachers. It’s a place free from the pressures of competition, where you can start your professional journey from scratch.
Learn from Senior Developers:
At SVAPPS Learning Centre, you’re not just a student, you’re part of the SVAPPS family from day one. You’ll be mentored by experienced senior developers who will share their valuable knowledge. You’ll be immersed in a corporate environment, gaining hands-on experience and insight into how the industry works, all under the guidance of SVAPPS.
Empowering Students and Companies:
The Learning Centre benefits both students and companies. Students transform from novices to professionals, equipped with the skills needed to succeed in the digital world.
For companies: SVAPPS offers the “Hire Our Expert Team” program. SVAPPS boasts a team of professionals with expertise in various areas, including web/UI design, app development, and digital marketing. These experts not only have knowledge but also real-world experience.
Quality and Performance:
If you value quality and performance, SVAPPS is the right choice. Their professionals are not just experts; they are visionaries, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the digital realm. Whether you need help with social media management, IT operations, software development, or any other business activity, SVAPPS is a dependable partner.
In a world with a high demand for skilled professionals, SVAPPS is lighting the path to a brighter future. The SVAPPS Learning Centre and the “Hire Our Expert Team” initiative are proof of their commitment to nurturing talent and delivering top-notch services. For those who believe in the potential for transformation and excellence, SVAPPS is the name to remember.
For more information Contact Us 
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bluelupinblogs · 11 months
Why Salesforce Developers are Unexplained Forces of Business (2023)
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According to the company’s own website, Salesforce is known to be the world’s number one customer relationship management (CRM) platform. It is a software whose sole purpose is to help businesses grow by helping them understand the specific needs of their customers by using certain cloud-based apps that are designed for sales, marketing, and service.
However, since no 2 companies are the same, their Salesforce requirements will be different as well. When this takes place, it is usually good to have a top Salesforce development company handy, a company that is well-versed will customise the software development and in providing tailor-made solutions.
If this is something that piques your interest or if you are someone who is already working in Salesforce but would like to up your skills, then this blog is for you.
So What Is A Salesforce Developer?
A Salesforce developer is any person who builds Salesforce applications across different Platform as a Service (PaaS) platforms. However, it is important to keep in mind that he/she does not need to work for Salesforce in any way, shape, or form.
What Do They Do?
 A developer dealing in Salesforce has a deep understanding of how it works along with sufficient experience with the platform. A Salesforce developer or a Salesforce development company is hired by an organisation to customise Salesforce to the unique needs of the hiring party. However, it should also be said that the developer can even be someone who is an in-house programmer who has the necessary skills to work with Salesforce. Some of the tools that are used by these developers include Visualforce and Apex and frameworks like Lightning Component.
Roles and Responsibilities of These Developers
One thing that can be easily noticed is that the roles and responsibilities of a Salesforce developer are pretty similar to those of any other professional developer working in a top software development company in India.
However, just for the sake of completeness, here are the roles and responsibilities of these developers:
·       Analyse user needs, and then plan, design, test, and develop software that meets their unique needs.
·       Come up with effective project plans and develop Salesforce solutions. Also add more value to the 3 stages of project work: definition, development, and deployment.
·       Provide useful suggestions regarding software upgrades for existing apps and systems.
·       Stay ahead of the transforming technological landscape of Salesforce, and .Net/Java platforms and also adapt quickly.
·       Develop every part of any application and then plan how those different parts can mesh together.
·       Create programs for use over the internet and for in-house users over the company intranet.
·       Properly handle inconsistencies in data and come up with processes that can counter any deficiencies.
·       Collaborate with other programmers by creating flowcharts so as to instruct them on how to write additional software code.
·       Ensure that a program runs efficiently by performing routine maintenance and testing.
·       Keep a record of the inventory of the company’s systems and applications for future reference, especially when it comes to upgrades.
·       Team up with other computer specialists to develop optimum software.
Other than the above-mentioned points, one must also remember that a Salesforce developer should always maintain a cordial rapport with the client to understand their operation and Salesforce implementation needs. For example, the developer must make it a point to figure out how the customer is trying to use the software and also identify the core functionality. This means paying extra attention to user needs that go well beyond the scope of the software, issues concerning security, and system performance.
Therefore, you should understand by now that a Salesforce developer has a lot on his/her plate. Their work is extremely challenging, however extremely rewarding as we are going to see below.
What Is The Salary Of A Salesforce Developer?
The average salary of a Salesforce developer in India is somewhere around Rs.500,000 per annum including both profit-sharing and bonuses. It only goes without saying that the bigger the company the more money they will pay for your services. Digital technology solution companies usually pay around Rs.10, 00,000 per annum. Big names in the field like Deloitte and Cognizant pay well above Rs.6, 00,000 per year.  
Salesforce developer salaries also vary according to the experience of the individual. An entry-level developer can expect his/her salary to be around Rs.3, 00,000 per annum. However, after gaining an experience of about 2-5 years the compensation can get close to Rs.5, 00,000 per annum. And if someone gains an experience of around 9 years the hefty paycheck can get close to Rs.10, 00,000 per annum.
It is also useful to remember that the salary of a Salesforce developer also varies according to the location of the individual and his/her job as well.
What Are The Benefits Of Hiring A Salesforce Development Team?
The benefits of hiring a dedicated Salesforce development team for your business are many. Let's look at some of these benefits as listed below:
1)      Building a core business
One of the best ways of managing your in-house resources is by outsourcing your Salesforce development needs. Instead of having an in-house team, you can find experienced and thorough professionals in the field of Salesforce development taking care of your workload.
2)      Skilled expertise
By having a quick look at the portfolio of the companies delivering dedicated Salesforce development services, you can get an idea of their expertise then and there. Therefore, by choosing a dedicated Salesforce team you can be certain of the fact that you have hired people with the right amount of expertise and skill set. They can not only understand your business processes but can also come up with the most apt cloud-based CRM solutions that are tailor-made for your business specifically.
3)      24/7 Availability
Needless a dedicated Salesforce development team will be ready to render their services round the clock. Nowadays, we live in a world where remote working has become the norm, and so have customisations and testing. Therefore, a team that will offer continuous support should always be sought out for. This way, even when the in-house team is sleeping, you will have a team of experts taking care of your CRM.
4)      Cost-efficient
You can also save on costs by hiring a dedicated Salesforce development team in India. As a matter of fact, you can save up to 60% of your total costs. You can make use of this saved money to build your core business and pay more attention to business growth.
Nevertheless, here are a few wise words from Josh Kaufman on outsourcing, it goes like this - “For everything we don’t like to do, there’s someone out there who’s good at it, wants to do it, and will enjoy it.”
And that pretty much sums it all up. If you are really looking to get the best benefit from Salesforce, outsourcing is the best thing you can go for.
 How to Become a Salesforce Developer?
After such an elaborate discussion on the roles and responsibilities of a Salesforce developer and the hefty compensation that comes with being one, you might ask “But how to actually become a Salesforce developer?” read on to find out about it!!
First, to begin with, most software developers including Salesforce developers have a bachelor’s degree in computer science, and software engineering along with excellent knowledge of computer programming. It is also useful to have knowledge and skills in the industry where these Salesforce skills can be put to the best of use. Moreover, you also need to have an understanding of Model-View-Controller design patterns, Object-Oriented Programming Principles, and Java, or .Net Programming.
Having an internship experience in a software business right after graduating from college also goes a long way. Arrangements like these can provide essential connections, skills, and much-needed experience. If you find it difficult to get a job as a developer, it is recommended to start as a programmer and then slowly work your way up to becoming a Salesforce developer.
In case, you want to become a Salesforce developer after a long time from graduating college, make sure to take an online course focussing on Salesforce development as it can teach you essential skills that are needed to get a job in a Salesforce development company. Certifications like these are crucial as they confirm to employers that you are armed with the skill set needed to do the job they want you to do.
What Are The Skills Required To Become A Successful Salesforce Developer?
In order to become a Salesforce developer there are certain specific skills that one needs to have and they are as follows:
·       Analytical Skills: Having sufficient analytical skills assists in analysing the client’s needs and also in developing the requisite software.
·       Communication Skills: These come in handy when dealing with customers as it might include explaining to them how an app works. It is also helpful in giving your juniors clear instructions on what needs to be done.
·       Computer Skills: It goes without saying that excellent computer skills are a must-have for a Salesforce developer.
·       Interpersonal Skills: a good Salesforce developer has to be someone who is doing teamwork at one point or another.
·       Problem-solving Skills: This skill is probably the bread and butter of every developer. Being a developer you are in charge of overseeing every stage of the software development, and you can be assured of the fact that there are going to be problems at one stage or another.
In addition, it is also helpful for developers to be detail-oriented and be able to think out of the box. The former means developers need to be creative and in the latter case, a great developer must be able to deal with all the small details.
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softgridcomputer · 1 year
Advantages of Hiring a PHP Development Company over a Freelance PHP Developer
Introduction: When it comes to developing PHP-based projects, businesses often face the dilemma of whether to hire a PHP development company or opt for a freelance PHP developer. While freelancers can offer flexibility and cost-effectiveness, there are several compelling reasons why hiring a PHP development company proves to be a wiser choice. This article explores the key advantages of hiring a PHP development company over a freelance PHP developer, highlighting the benefits and value they bring to the table.
Team Expertise and Collaboration:
Access to a Diverse Skill Set: PHP development companies have teams of professionals with diverse skill sets, including PHP developers, designers, testers, and project managers. This collective expertise ensures comprehensive solutions for complex projects.
Collaborative Environment: PHP development companies foster a collaborative work environment where team members can brainstorm ideas, share knowledge, and leverage collective experience, leading to better problem-solving and innovation.
Robust Project Management:
Structured Project Management: PHP development companies follow well-defined project management methodologies, ensuring a systematic approach to development, timely deliveries, and effective communication throughout the project lifecycle.
Dedicated Project Managers: These companies assign dedicated project managers who act as a single point of contact, responsible for coordinating project activities, addressing concerns, managing timelines, and ensuring smooth progress.
Quality Assurance and Testing:
Rigorous Testing Practices: PHP development companies have dedicated quality assurance (QA) teams that rigorously test the developed software, ensuring it meets industry standards, functionalities, and security requirements.
Comprehensive Bug Fixes: With a professional PHP development company, you can expect prompt bug fixing and continuous support, thanks to their structured approach to QA and maintenance.
Scalability and Resource Availability:
Seamless Scalability: PHP development companies can easily scale up or down their team as per project requirements. They have the flexibility to allocate additional resources, ensuring the project's timely completion without compromising quality.
Reduced Dependency Risk: By hiring a company, you mitigate the risk associated with relying on a single individual. If a freelancer becomes unavailable or unable to continue the project, a development company can quickly provide replacement resources, minimising downtime.
Long-term Support and Maintenance:
Post-Development Assistance: PHP development companies offer long-term support and maintenance services, ensuring your project remains up-to-date, secure, and functional even after the initial development phase.
Efficient Issue Resolution: Companies have established support channels and processes to handle issues effectively, offering timely resolutions to any problems that may arise in the future.
Conclusion: While freelance PHP developers have their merits, hiring a PHP development company brings numerous advantages, such as team expertise, robust project management, quality assurance, scalability, and long-term support. These benefits ensure that your PHP-based projects are developed efficiently, meeting your requirements and exceeding your expectations. By opting for a PHP development company, you can leverage their collective knowledge, experience, and resources to deliver high-quality, scalable, and reliable solutions for your business needs.
For more information about this blog visit us at https://www.softgridcomputers.com/php-development/
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mohamedosman0 · 2 years
What Does Software Development Entail?
The process of producing a software application is called software development. It includes the steps of design, development, and testing. Upon completion of the final product, it is deployed into a UAT or production environment based on the customer's specifications. This procedure can be divided into three major phases: design, construction, and monitoring. During the design phase, the software team collects, bundles, and tests the application's required components. After this is complete, the software program is released into production. In the monitoring phase, the software is utilized live to measure system performance, user satisfaction, and security flaws. In addition to bug hunting, the monitoring phase may also involve other activities.
The history of software development is intricately intertwined with the evolution of computers. The first computers, sometimes known as analog computers, were mechanical devices. Joseph Marie Jacquard invented a mechanism for guiding patterns on a loom using cards with punched holes. Later, this technique was utilized to program early computers. John Mauchly designed the first computer programming language, C++, in the 1950s.
When developing software for a business, the software's properties are crucial. These qualities consist of portability, adaptability, and utility. Each trait is essential for a distinct type of application. A well-designed software satisfies these needs, is intuitive, and anticipates future modifications. Additionally, the program must be modular and scalable.
The software's architecture and problem-solving techniques are specified in the design phase of software development. In addition, it includes the selection of programming languages and technology. Next, the team writes code. A professional tester subsequently evaluates the software. Developers and testers interact throughout the process to ensure that the application functions as intended.
Typically, the initial software delivery increment contains the main product, which stakeholders can test. The following iteration then builds upon this basis by giving additional functionality. In this manner, the features with the highest priority are developed first. For instance, the most significant elements of a social media platform may be user login and profile building. Moreover, it may add additional capabilities in the future.
The service provider must have a well-defined project scope when a client hires a development team. The client should clearly understand the desired characteristics and how to accomplish them. Additionally, the team should have a well-defined budget so that the service provider can charge accordingly. It is essential to note that software development costs vary depending on the client's desired features. The project's price will increase according to the specificity of its needs.
There are various applications for software development outside of the traditional IT business. According to studies by the Brookings Institution, the IT industry represents only a quarter of software development organizations. However, the ICT sector accounts for $133 billion in company R&D expenditures.
Prototypes are an integral part of any software development project, and to create successful and usable software, software engineers must understand their users' demands. This procedure frequently results in issues, such as inadequate specifications or a limited version. In addition, people may mistake a prototype for the final product and expect it to perform identically.
The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a specific quality assurance procedure software development businesses use. It follows a defined methodology and entails numerous actions that must be performed logically. It begins with the software project specification and concludes with the deployment of the finished product. Also included are software testing and maintenance.
In brief, software development is the process of creating computer software. The procedure involves using specialized programming languages to develop software that addresses an organization's business objectives. There are numerous stages in software development, but planning is often involved. When a software development project is complete, it is released to a testing environment. The testing environment examines the software for errors, flaws, and other issues.
The creation of applications is another sort of software development. These forms of software are intended to provide users with functionality and can run on personal computing devices, cloud servers, or within an organization's IT department. In addition, there is development for media streaming, system software, and embedded software.
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rootwaysinc · 1 year
eCommerce Website Development Services by Rootways
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Rootways Inc. began operating in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada (Greater Toronto Area), in 2001. Despite our modest beginnings, we are pleased to report that we now have a clientele of over 2500. We appreciate our customers for allowing us to assist them, their confidence in us, and for helping our learning and development. We have created solutions for clients in various industries, including eCommerce, wholesale, real estate, finance, legal, cosmetics, travel and tourism, non-profit organizations, government, and many others. Please check our work page for a complete list and a closer look so you can get a better sense.
Our company initially focused on developing websites, but today we also design web applications, e-commerce software, mobile apps, bespoke software, social media apps, web hosting, and domain name registration, and offer internet marketing services to small, medium, and large businesses. In the Greater Toronto Area and across the Canada, we are experts in developing WordPress® websites and the Magento® online cart. Our goal has always been and always will be to provide our clients with the finest possible service.
Through comprehensive testing and your feedback, our team of skilled designers, developers, and project managers will create creative, personalized solutions.
Give us a call at 416-879-8623 or send us an email at [email protected] if you're looking for a local expert in Mississauga or the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). We can offer you a free first consultation for your web project.
Adobe Bronze Solution Partner  
We are happy to announce that Rootways has joined the Adobe Bronze Solution Partner programm. Our membership in the Adobe Partnership is a testament to Rootways' reputation as a prestigious business. At Rootways, we are thrilled to offer our customers only the best Adobe products together with our skilled personnel.
Although Adobe's ecosystem is simple to use, many applications require expert expertise, which is where Rootways comes in. Adobe products have a lot of power. Rootways can assist our clients in realizing the full potential of Adobe products for a better user experience because we are now an Adobe partner.
Magento ECommerce Services  
ECommerce Website Development Services by Rootways: Magento Website Development
Rootways is a licenced partner of Magento Solutions. We have produced several packages for your online business. Select the package that best satisfies the requirements of your online store, and our team will work with you to bring it online so that you may start selling. Specific requirements? Contact us to know more.
Starting at $985.
ECommerce Website Development Services by Rootways: Ecommerce Website Packages
solutions that combine website design and hosting with e-commerce management. We design your Magento-powered web store, host it for you, and manage it. Maintaining servers, troubleshooting software problems, updating shopping carts, and many other tasks are not your responsibility. You aren't required to work with an IT company or person.
Starting with a monthly minimum of $59.
ECommerce Website Development Services by Rootways: Hire a Magento developer
Work on your store can begin right away, thanks to our team of Magento experts. Depending on your needs, you can buy Magento developer hours or choose fixed monthly ones.
Starting at just $27 an hour.
ECommerce Website Development Services by Rootways: Monthly Magento Support and Maintenance Packages
Contact us anytime through the 'Support' section of Rootways Inc. if you have any questions or issues, and we will deal with your problem immediately. Likewise, please contact us if you have any questions before buying the module.
Starting at $260 for 8 hours each month.
ECommerce Website Development Services by Rootways: Upgrade Magento 1 to Magento 2  
Since June 2020, Adobe has stopped providing support, bug fixes, or security upgrades for Magento 1. Your online customers' data and online business are at risk if you continue running your online store on Magento 1 without the bug fixes and updates. Let our team of qualified Magento developers work with you to update the most recent version of Magento 2. We have upgraded numerous Magento versions.
Upgrading your Magento version for as little as $1,579.
ECommerce Website Development Services by Rootways: Magento Version Upgrade  
Upgrade the Magento version before it’s too late. You run a greater chance of being hacked using an outdated Magento version of your e-commerce platform, which can quickly end your company. On the other hand, improvements to Magento's security, scalability, and new features result in improved store speed. To avoid problems and fully use the latest version, experts advise upgrading the eCommerce store as soon as possible.
Starting at only $ 549.
ECommerce Website Development Services by Rootways: Web APIs Creation for Magento 2  
One of Magento's most important features is its web API, which enables developers to use online services that interact with the Magento system. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and REST are the two architectural types of web APIs that Magento 2 offers (Representational State Transfer). In addition, based on your needs, we are offering unique Magento APIs.
Starting from as low as $99.
ECommerce Website Development Services by Rootways: Magento Extension Customization
Bring a unique service for Magento extension customization. Our developers adhere strictly to project deadlines, have years of experience, and are experts in developing Magento websites. According to the requirements of your business, we are offering our extension. We guarantee the highest standards of extension customization at the most affordable costs.
Starting with an hourly rate of $40.
ECommerce Website Development Services by Rootways: Magento Security Patch Installation Service  
We assist you in effectively installing security updates for your eCommerce store with our Magento Security patch installation service. Since you can strengthen security and pinpoint holes in the system, you can defend your Magento stores from hacker assaults. We offer a service for installing the Magento Security patch and to perform this service, we require certain information from your end. Depending on the intricacy of the website, the installation procedure can take anywhere from two to four working days to finish.
Starting at only $249.
And many more services; check it out on our website www.rootways.com/magento-services  
10 Reasons to Choose Rootways  
Adobe Solution Partner
Rootways is a recognized Bronze Solution Partner for Adobe Magento.
Magento 2 Certified Developer  
A certified Magento 2 developer creates an extension.
Secure Payment Process  
We employ a secure checkout procedure and don't keep any delicate consumer credit card information.
Simple Licensing  
Use a single Magento installation for an unlimited number of stores and websites.
Professional Installation Service  
We will be pleased to offer you expert installation services. For expert installation, please contact us.
No Cost Update
We provide free updates for a lifetime on your purchased products from Rootways Inc.
Complete Open Source
No encoding, open source extensions code, and no disorientation. It is simple to customize.
Following Magento® Standards
While coding any of our extensions, we constantly adhere to Magento standards.
Modules tested by professionals
By testing the functionality and performance of our extensions across different browsers, our QA staff does its best to preserve the quality of our add-ons.
Significant Documentation
An Installation guide, User Guide, and FAQs are all accessible, with a complete description of every extension.
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mobiosolutions · 2 years
Maximizing Your Mobile App Success: Factors To Consider When Hiring a Development Company
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Mobile applications have become an integral part of the digital world, and businesses of all sizes are rushing to develop mobile apps to cater to their customers' needs. The process of developing an app, from conceptualization to launch, can be long and challenging, and choosing the right mobile application development company is a critical decision. However, with so many companies offering mobile app development services, selecting the right one can take time and effort. Many companies make mistakes that cost them time, money, and sometimes their entire project. In this blog, we will explore common mistakes to avoid while hiring a mobile application development company.
1. Not Doing Proper Research
The first mistake businesses make when hiring a mobile application development company is to do more research. Many companies need to take the time to research potential developers before jumping right into the process. When choosing a company to work with, it is crucial to do thorough research to ensure that the company is the right fit for your project.
Factors you should consider when researching a mobile application development company include their portfolio, client reviews, and ratings. A good portfolio will give you an idea of the type of work they have done in the past and whether they can handle the complexity of your project. Reading client reviews and ratings can give you an idea of the company's expertise, professionalism, and communication skills.
2. Focusing Solely on Cost
Another mistake businesses make is focusing solely on the cost of the development process. While it is essential to keep costs in mind, choosing a mobile application development company solely based on the cost can be detrimental to your project. Companies that offer services at a lower cost may need more expertise or experience to develop a high-quality app that meets your requirements. Ultimately, this can cost you more money and time as you may have to hire a new company to fix the issues.
When choosing a mobile application development company, it is essential to consider the quality of their work, their expertise, and their communication skills. A good development company will work with you to understand your needs, provide regular updates on the progress of your project, and ensure that the final product meets your expectations.
Also Read:  How Does Flutter Help To Reduce The App Development Cost?
3. Not Having a Clear Scope of Work
Having a clear scope of work is essential to the success of your mobile application development project. The scope of work should outline the app's features, functionality, and design. It should also include timelines, budgets, and milestones for the project.
One of the biggest things businesses need to improve is needing a clear scope of work. It can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and cost overruns. Therefore, it is vital to work with the mobile application development company to define the scope of work, ensure that everyone is on the same page, and that the final product meets your expectations.
4. Choosing a Company with Limited Expertise
Mobile application development is a complex process that requires a team with a range of expertise. Therefore, when hiring a mobile application development company, it is vital to choose a company that has a team with diverse skills and experience. It will ensure that the team can handle all aspects of the development process, from design to development to testing.
Choosing a company with limited expertise can result in a poorly designed app with functionality issues, ultimately impacting the user experience and your business's reputation. Make sure that the mobile application development company has experience developing apps similar to your project.
5. Not Considering Maintenance and Support
Mobile application development does not end with the launch of the app. Like any software, mobile apps require maintenance and support. Therefore, choosing a mobile application development company that offers ongoing maintenance and support for your app is essential.
When choosing a company, make sure that they offer ongoing maintenance and support services.
In conclusion, hiring the right mobile application development company is critical to the success of your mobile app project. Avoiding common mistakes such as not doing proper research, focusing solely on cost, not having a clear scope of work, choosing a company with limited expertise, and not considering maintenance and support is essential to ensure your project is completed successfully. By doing thorough research, clearly defining the scope of work, and choosing a company with the necessary expertise and experience, you can ensure that your app meets your business's needs, provides a great user experience, and contributes to your business's success.
Mobio Solutions is a leading Mobile App Development company in UK. We ensure to create of a proper functional mobile application for your business that will give an accessible experience and satisfy your customers’ needs, creating fruitful revenue for your business.
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Benefits of Team Building Activities
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Are you know what are the Benefits of team building activities? Team building activities have proven to be quite effective for remote teams. An engaged team is a happy and motivated team and this has been tested and proven ever since the remote working culture started to take off. In today’s time where businesses are increasingly hiring remote teams for their software development services, Team Building activities and games have become crucial for them for varied reasons. Top benefits of team building activities for remote teams As we understood the importance of online team Building activities and games, it’s time to talk about the main benefits of team building activities next. So, read on as we discuss the benefits of team building activities for remote teams.
1 . Build friendships
2. Boost company culture
3. Less burnout
4. Inspire productivity 5. Better communication
6. Conflict resolution and problem solving
7. Promote creativity
8. Invokes healthy competition
9. Encourage collaboration
10. Better team dynamics
11. Focus on team issues
12. Create memories
Closing words
Although Team Building games on Zoom, team Building activities and fun team games are quite helpful for remote teams, it’s important to note that the effectiveness of team building activities for remote teams will depend on the activity itself, as well as the size and composition of the team. Keeping this in mind will help you come up with interesting and impactful virtual team events and activities for the best interests of the remote team.
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shantitechnology · 2 years
Top 5 ways to fix a failed ERP Implementation for your Organization
Top 5 causes of ERP implementation failure
Lack of clear goals and objectives: Without a clear understanding of what the ERP system is supposed to achieve, it can be difficult to properly plan, implement, and measure the success of the system.
Insufficient training and support: Employees need to be properly trained and supported in order to effectively use the new system. Without adequate training, employees may struggle to use the system, which can lead to adoption problems and a lack of productivity.
Inadequate data migration: Migrating data from legacy systems to the new ERP system can be a complex and time-consuming process. If data migration is not done properly, it can lead to data loss, errors, and inaccuracies.
Customization issues: Many ERP systems are highly configurable, but if customization is not done properly, it can lead to compatibility issues and system errors.
Inadequate testing: Testing is an important part of the implementation process, as it helps to identify and resolve potential issues before the system goes live. Without adequate testing, issues may not be discovered until after the system is in production, which can lead to downtime and other problems.
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How to Fix a Failed ERP Implementation
Fixing a failed ERP implementation can be a complex and time-consuming process. Some steps that may help include:
Identifying the root cause of the failure: Conduct a thorough analysis of the implementation process to determine what went wrong. This may include interviewing stakeholders, reviewing project documentation, and analyzing system logs.
Develop a plan to address the issues: Based on the root cause analysis, develop a plan to address the issues that led to the failure. This may include revising the project scope, revising the implementation timeline, or adding additional resources to the project.
Communicate with stakeholders: Keep stakeholders informed of the progress of the recovery effort, and involve them in the process as much as possible.
Identify and Mitigate risk: Identify and mitigate any risks associated with the recovery effort, including those related to data integrity, system availability, and compliance.
Continuously Monitor: Continuously monitor the progress of the recovery effort and make adjustments as necessary.
Consider professional help: Consider hiring a consultant or a specialized ERP software for engineering companies implementation team to help you with the recovery effort.
Post-Implementation review: Conduct a post-implementation review to identify any lessons learned that can be applied to future ERP implementation projects.
Top 5 ways to fix a failed ERP Implementation for your Organization
Identify the root cause of the failure by conducting a thorough assessment of the implementation process, including project scope, timelines, resource allocation, and communication.
Develop a clear action plan for addressing identified issues, including specific steps for rectifying problems, timelines for completion, and roles and responsibilities for team members.
Communicate effectively with all stakeholders, including employees, management, and vendors, to ensure that everyone is aware of the problems and the steps being taken to fix them.
Prioritize business objectives and align the ERP software for engineering companies solutions with them.
Continuously monitor and evaluate the progress of the remediation efforts to ensure that the issues are being resolved and that the ERP system is meeting the needs of the organization.
STERP (Shanti technology) offers the most distinct services for ERP software for engineering companies in India.
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moscheamara · 2 years
Do you intend to create software for your company?
Do you have a tight spending plan?
If so, offshore software development companies can be your best option.
There are several benefits to hiring an offshore development agency, including competent software engineers, lower costs, quicker software deployment, etc.
However, as a business owner, you might have a lot of questions on your mind, such as:
Which is the best offshore development firm? 
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Don't worry, though.
All the questions mentioned above' answers can be found on this blog. We will go over the top 5 offshore developers who have established their names due to their outstanding services.
List of The Best Offshore Software Development Companies
Founded: 2007
Clutch Rating: 4.8
Hourly Rates: $25-$49/hr
Prominent Clients: Coca-Cola, Huawei, Motorola, HP, etc.
SparxIT is a leading offshore software development company based in the USA. The firm offers various offshore development services, including fast onboarding, dedicated account manager, team outsourcing, staff augmentation, virtual CTO, developers cost optimization, etc.
The company has delivered its services to Fortune 500 businesses, SMEs, and well-known brands. SparxIT offers complete web and mobile app solutions across various industries, including travel, fintech, logistics, healthcare, real estate, etc.
Other Services Include:
Blockchain Development
Artificial Intelligence
IoT (Internet of Things)
NFT Development 
2. BairesDev
Founded: 2009
Hourly Rates: $50-$99/hr
Prominent Clients: Urban Outfitters, SiriusXM, ViacomCBS, Chime, etc.
They are the top providers of offshore software solutions. They design and create scalable, high-performing software solutions for their client's businesses. 
BairesDev translates digital transformation into digital acceleration using technological know-how and cross-industry experience. 
They offer time zone-aligned services to enable Fortune 500 organizations and top brands. The firm has more than 5,000 seasoned developers in 36 countries.
Other Services Include:
Inventory Database Software Solutions
Healthcare App Development
Real Estate Data Management Software
Blockchain and Education
3. iTechArt Group
Founded: 2002
Hourly Rates: $50 – $99 / hr
Major Clients: ClassPass, Freshly, Merkle, DealCloud, etc
iTechArt is a mobile app development company in the United States. It is a digital product consultancy firm that helps businesses reach their goals. The company has over 3,500 developers with vast experience in mobile, web, DevOps, cloud, and emerging technologies.
Services Include:
Real Estate
Business intelligence 
4. Innowise Group
Founded: 2007
Hourly Rates: $50-$99/hr
Prominent Clients: Terraces.io, Voka, Belyagdar, Instatsport, etc.
Innowise Group is an IT outsourcing and staff augmentation firm in the United States. The agency provides its services to large and small-scale industries. 
They specialize in custom software development, cloud migration, testing, and quality assurance. 
Other Services Include:
Team Extension (Staff Augmentation, Dedicated Teams)
IT Outsourcing
Custom Software Development
Enterprise Application Integration
Web & Mobile Development
5. Resourcifi
Founded: 2016
Hourly Rates: $25 – $49 / hr
Major Clients: Stanford University, Proximity Learning, FitFiends, etc.
Resourcifi is a leading technology solution partner in the USA. They assist businesses in building user-friendly, creative and robust software solutions. 
The firm has experienced software engineers and extensive compliance protocols to build top-notch solutions tailored to business needs. 
Services Include
Healthcare Software Development
Mobile App Development
Healthcare Software Development
Website Development
Choosing a reliable offshore development company can be challenging as so many exist. To make a unique software solution that draws more target audience, you should hire app developers with relevant industry experience and impressive portfolios.
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Unlocking the Power of AI with iMark Infotech's Chat GPT Services 🤖✨
In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are continually seeking innovative solutions to enhance customer engagement, streamline operations, and improve overall efficiency.
At IMark Infotech, we recognize the transformative potential of artificial intelligence, particularly through our tailored Chat GPT services. By integrating cutting-edge AI capabilities into your business model, we empower you to connect with customers more effectively, automate responses, and gain valuable insights.
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What is ChatGPT? 🤔
ChatGPT, powered by OpenAI's advanced language model, is a conversational AI that can understand and generate human-like text. Whether it's answering customer queries, providing product information, or even engaging in casual conversation, ChatGPT is designed to mimic human interaction seamlessly. It’s a tool that can enhance customer service, boost productivity, and free up human resources for more complex tasks.
Why Choose iMarkInfotech’s ChatGPT Services? 🚀
At iMarkInfotech, we offer a range of customizable ChatGPT solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. Here’s why you should consider us as your AI partner:
1. Personalized Solutions 🛠️
We understand that every business is unique. That’s why we provide personalized ChatGPT solutions that cater to your specific industry requirements. Whether you’re in e-commerce, healthcare, education, or any other sector, our team works closely with you to implement a system that aligns with your goals.
2. 24/7 Customer Support 🌐
Imagine having a customer support agent that never sleeps! With our ChatGPT services, your customers can receive instant responses to their inquiries any time of the day. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also builds trust and loyalty.
3. Cost-Effective 💰
Hiring and training staff for customer support can be expensive. By incorporating ChatGPT, you can significantly reduce operational costs while still delivering high-quality service. This AI-driven solution allows you to allocate resources more efficiently and focus on strategic initiatives.
4. Scalability 📈
As your business grows, so do your customer interactions. Our ChatGPT services are designed to scale with you, handling increased volume without compromising quality. This means that whether you’re experiencing a surge in inquiries during peak seasons or steady growth over time, our AI can keep pace effortlessly.
5. Data-Driven Insights 📊
ChatGPT doesn’t just answer questions; it learns from interactions. Our system can analyze customer data to provide insights that help you understand user behavior, preferences, and trends. These insights can inform your marketing strategies, product development, and customer engagement efforts.
Seamless Integration with Your Business Systems 🔗
One of the standout features of our ChatGPT service is its ability to integrate with your existing systems. Whether you use CRM platforms, e-commerce websites, or customer support software, we ensure a smooth integration process that doesn’t disrupt your operations. This allows for a cohesive workflow where all customer interactions are logged and easily accessible.
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Implementing ChatGPT: The Process 🛤️
Here’s how we make the implementation of ChatGPT hassle-free for your business:
1. Consultation and Needs Assessment 🤝
We start with a thorough consultation to understand your business needs, goals, and challenges. This helps us tailor our ChatGPT solution specifically for you.
2. Development and Customization ⚙️
Our team of experts develops and customizes the ChatGPT model according to your specifications. We ensure it resonates with your brand voice and adheres to your guidelines.
3. Integration and Testing 🧪
Once developed, we integrate the ChatGPT system into your existing platforms. Rigorous testing follows to ensure functionality, accuracy, and user-friendliness.
4. Launch and Monitor 🚀
After successful testing, we launch the ChatGPT service. Our team continuously monitors its performance and makes adjustments as needed to optimize results.
5. Ongoing Support and Training 🎓
We provide ongoing support and training to your staff, ensuring they are equipped to manage and enhance the ChatGPT system effectively.
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Get Started with iMarkInfotech’s ChatGPT Services Today! 📞
Harness the power of AI and elevate your customer service with iMarkInfotech’s ChatGPT solutions. Our commitment to innovation, customization, and support ensures that you’re not just adopting a tool, but a partner in your business growth.
Contact Us Today! 🌟
Ready to transform your customer interactions? Reach out to us at iMarkInfotech and discover how our ChatGPT services can benefit your business. Let’s embark on this exciting journey together!
With iMark Infotech, elevate your customer engagement to new heights with the power of AI!
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farait · 4 days
Top 7 Best Software Development Companies in Bangladesh
Software is a set of instructions, data, or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks. Unlike hardware, which refers to the physical components of a computer, software is intangible and exists in the form of code that tells the hardware what to do.
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Types of Software
System Software: This includes operating systems (like Windows, macOS, and Linux) and utilities that manage hardware and provide basic functionalities, allowing other software to run.
Application Software: These are programs designed for end-users to perform specific tasks, such as word processors (e.g., Microsoft Word), web browsers (e.g., Google Chrome), and games.
Programming Software: These tools assist developers in creating, testing, and debugging software. Examples include compilers, text editors, and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) like Visual Studio and Eclipse.
Middleware: This software connects different applications or systems, enabling them to communicate and share data effectively.
Key Functions of Software
Automates Tasks: Software can perform repetitive tasks, analyze data, and provide outputs without human intervention.
User Interaction: Application software allows users to interact with computers to achieve specific objectives, such as browsing the internet or editing a document.
Hardware Control: System software manages the internal functioning of hardware components, ensuring they work together efficiently.
Why Need a Software Development Company?
A software development company is essential for businesses, organizations, and individuals who need custom software solutions, technical expertise, and innovative applications to meet specific needs. Here are some key reasons why software development companies are necessary:
1. Custom Solutions for Unique Needs
Off-the-shelf software may not always fit the specific requirements of a business. Software development companies create tailored solutions that align perfectly with an organization's processes, goals, and challenges, ensuring a more efficient and effective operation.
2. Expertise and Technical Knowledge
These companies have skilled professionals, including developers, designers, and project managers, who bring deep technical knowledge and experience to the table. They stay updated with the latest technologies and trends, ensuring the software developed is modern, secure, and scalable.
3. Cost-Effectiveness
Outsourcing software development to a dedicated company can be more cost-effective than hiring an in-house team. Companies can save on recruitment, training, infrastructure, and ongoing support costs while accessing high-quality development services.
4. Focus on Core Business
By outsourcing software needs, businesses can focus on their core operations without diverting attention and resources to managing software projects. The software development company handles the entire development process, from planning to deployment and maintenance.
5. Quality Assurance and Testing
Software development companies have dedicated quality assurance (QA) teams to rigorously test software for bugs, security vulnerabilities, and performance issues. This ensures the final product is reliable and performs well in real-world conditions.
6. Ongoing Support and Maintenance
Beyond initial development, these companies provide ongoing support, updates, and maintenance to ensure the software remains up-to-date, secure, and functional. This is crucial for adapting to changing business needs and technological advancements.
7. Innovation and Competitive Edge
Software development companies help businesses innovate by integrating new technologies such as AI, machine learning, blockchain, and cloud computing. This innovation can give businesses a competitive edge, enhance customer experiences, and open new market opportunities.
8. Scalability
As businesses grow, their software needs may change. Software development companies design scalable solutions that can evolve with the business, accommodating new features, users, and increased data without major overhauls.
Top 7 Best Software Development Companies in Bangladesh
Here are seven of the top software development companies in Bangladesh, known for their expertise, quality of service, and impact on the tech industry:
Fara IT Limited
One of the largest software development companies in Bangladesh, offering a wide range of services, including web and mobile app development, AI solutions, and cloud services. They work with international clients, including Fortune 500 companies.
BJIT Limited
BJIT is a leading software development and IT service provider with a strong presence in both Bangladesh and Japan. They offer custom software, enterprise solutions, and offshore development services, specializing in embedded software and IoT.
Datasoft Systems Bangladesh Limited
Known for large-scale government and private sector projects, Datasoft provides end-to-end software development, IT consulting, and system integration services. They are a pioneer in IoT and embedded systems in Bangladesh.
Dream71 Bangladesh Ltd.
Specializing in mobile app development, game development, and enterprise solutions, Dream71 has gained a reputation for innovative and creative projects in both local and international markets.
Kaz Software
Kaz Software offers custom software development, web, and mobile app solutions, focusing on usability and design. They cater to clients in the U.S., Europe, and Australia, providing quality service and innovative solutions.
TigerIT Bangladesh Ltd.
TigerIT is renowned for its work in identity management, biometric solutions, and secure software. They have a strong portfolio of national and international projects, including large-scale government and security systems.
Southtech Limited
Southtech is one of the oldest software companies in Bangladesh, offering services in banking software, ERP solutions, and custom software development. They have a significant footprint in the financial technology sector.
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