#Hiraoka vs Yamamoto
naturezoneunite · 4 years
King Arthur’s Legacy Vol. I Ch. IV: Rosalia Sky Temple|Chikara True Power Awakens
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(Few months later, Chikara invited Ayumu to her room alone to tell him something important, she couldn’t tell her family, they didn’t believe her. Ayumu came to her room alone because his parents in a meeting, Ayumi is in Hakimaya Tribe with Haki exploring the entire Tribe.)
“I’m here Chikara Chan.” “Ayumu Kun, I invited you to tell you something important.” “What is it?” “You have to believe me when I tell you this.” “I promise.” (Chikara took a deep breath and began speaking.) “There is a mythical dragon in the Sky Tower on the west side of Rosalia Tribe, I told everyone about it, but everyone thinks I’m delusional and emotional, no one believes me.” “I see...” “You don’t believe either.” “That’s not true, I believe you, lead the way.” “Okay, follow me.” (3 hours and 30 minutes later) (Chikara and Ayumu arrived inside the Rosalia Sky Tower, they checked every room on the first floor, nothing but traps. They checked the secret room, Chikara opened it and obtained the map to inside the Sky Tower.) “Ayumu Kun, is this your first time to clear a tower?” “No.” “My first time was at the Hiraoka Tower in my tribe.” (They had a little chat and continued clearing the Sky Tower.)
(Chikara and Ayumu cleared the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floor. Chikara obtained the compass on the 4th floor, and obtained the gold boss key on the 5th floor in the secret room. Chikara unlocked the boss door, both of them went inside the boss room, once when they meet the boss, Ayumu was trapped in a barrier. The 7 headed Corrupted Dragon charged at Chikara, Chikara gets hit and crashed against the wall. She was worried about Ayumu being in danger.) “Ayumu Kun, I’m coming to save you!” (Ayumu tried to break through the barrier but ended up getting electrocuted, Chikara was sad that Ayumu was in pain. She tried to to save Ayumu but it will electrocute him more. She had no choice to fight the 7 headed Corrupted Dragon, she tried to to fighting it so many times but got a lot of bruises and she is at her limit.) [“Ayumu Kun, I’m sorry that I couldn’t save you...”] [“II should...”] “Don’t give up!” (Chikara looked up at Ayumu.) “I don’t want to see you giving up, my father taught me to believe in myself, to believe in others, I know your strong, you are my friend right? Friends stick together in the end, we stick together and get stronger, you remembered when I unleashed the power within me!?” “I want you to unlocked the true power within you, I know you can do it because I believe in you!!!” (Chikara heard everything he said, she got up, the room is full of air, she absorbed all of the air, she transformed her left eye was grey, her right eye was emerald green. she grabbed the sacred weapon, the Rosetta Bow, Silver Quiver attached to her back, 50 arrows,1 spear arrow in the silver quiver. Her hair silver and emerald green.) (The 7 Headed Corrupted Dragon charged at her, but she was too fast for it, the powerful monster tried to keep up but failed to. She used the spear arrow to kill it and it worked, she snipped all 7 heads and see it dead in the air. After that, she obtained the Rosalia Spell Book.) (In the afternoon, Ayumu and Chikara trained together, both was so fast, same speed, different abilities. They gotten stronger, their bond begin to grow.) (Later at night) “Thank you for accompanying me Ayumu Kun.” “Anytime.” (They had a long chit chat, Ayumu placed his hand on her shoulder, she noticed that he was too close to her, her faced was red.) “A-A-A-A-Ayumu Kun.” “Hmm?” “I-I-I-I-I..” “Yes?” “Y-You are too close!” “Oh! Sorry about that.” (They had a fun time together as friends, and decided to explore together to the next tribe tomorrow.) (To Be Continued)
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