7grandmel · 6 months
Todays rip: 06/04/2024
Tactical Three-Time Grammy Award-Winning Action
Season 2 Featured on: A HOT ONE
Ripped by Harmony Friends
It's funny: for a surprising number of posts now, I've been sort of writing "around" the works of the ripper Harmony Friends, without ever - excluding collaborative projects like Balcony Fusion Collab - actually covering one of those works for a post. Which is a damn shame!! Because in their four-year tenure on SiIvaGunner, Harmony Friends had a pretty notable impact on the channel's life, from making Donkey Kong a mainstay of the channel's identity through creating the Coconut Gun Rap as referenced in CG Man HD Remastered Edition, to directing the incredible King for Another Day Tournament and pushing the boundaries of the channel's scope as described in NIGHTMARESCAPE 〜Unrestrained HyperCam 2〜 (Final Boss Phase 2), and many ways more. But, most importantly of all, they led the trend for a series of very silly YTP-esque sentence mixing rips on the channel, of which Tactical Three-Time Grammy Award-Winning Action remains a personal favorite.
So what am I referring to with these "very silly YTP-esque sentence mixing rips"? Well, if you'll recall just earlier this week, the April Fools rip Our Sweet Parsley was made specifically in tribute to Harmon Friends' work of this kind - the ones that edit and twist easily-identifiable song lyrics, primarily from Sonic the Hedgehog games, to pure comedic off-the-wall effect. Sentence-mixing is an age-old skill of the YouTube Poop trade, yet it feels as if Harmony Friends' work with rips like Thunder, Rain and Lightning, A Ghost's Bean Soup, and of course The Coconut Gun Rap were what turned said work into a mainstay on SiIvaGunner in particular, to show the potential sentence mixing had as a method of effective bait-and-switching, messing around with the track *just* enough to feel wrong in a fun way whilst still being easily missable up to a certain point in the song. Yet this bait-and-switch appeal was, as I've mentioned many times before, something that primarily worked within Season 1 itself, within 2016, when the channel's mere existence was still so novel, unknown to so many. Season 2's shift to having more takeovers and events was a brilliant way to keep the channel fresh, whilst also directing several rippers in the team to try their hand at once specific joke within their individual style. And THAT is where Tactical Three-Time Grammy Award-Winning Action comes in: on the day of Smoothness.
It feels as if I've talked enough about the Grammy-Award Winning 1999 Hit Smooth by Santana feat. Rob Thomas of Matchbox Twenty for a lifetime already back in Haltmanna feat. Rob Thomas of Matchbox 20, but its appeal should be pretty obvious to anyone who's ever heard the song. Put succinctly, is at once incredibly memorable and well-composed, and has lyrics that are as memeable as can be. Pair those traits with the iconic status Snake Eater from Metal Gear Solid 3 already has in gaming circles, and with Hinchy's aforementioned knack for the silliness, and the result was a rip that felt destined to occur at one point or another. The moment the rip starts, the moment you start anticipating the James Bond-esque opening fanfare to Snake Eater, only to be met with the all-too-familiar first riff of Smooth, you KNOW exactly what the rip is going to be, and you KNOW just then and there how perfect of an idea it is. I'm already a huge fan of rips that do completely original vocal covers with new lyrics such as Maskettaman - Dr. Pavel's Fly​-​So​-​Good, but something about how Tactical Three-Time Grammy Award-Winning Action keeps ping-ponging from Snake Eater to Smooth's vocals scratches a very particular part of my brain - as if I'm waiting with every line to see how it could be merged with Smooth's lyrics. And at every turn, I'm rewarded oh so blissfully.
From outright replacing the bridge's bellowing "But you're so supreme!!" with Smooth's "'cause you're so SMOOTH", to the way that the pause in "not for honor but for you" is removed to give way for extra syllables on the part of Smooth's vocals, together forming "not for honor but / to suit your mood", each change feels oh so deliberately done to maximize both sides of the rip. Althewhile, just like My Sweet Parsley and its contemporaries, the original instrumental still plays - Smooth never overtakes the running Snake Eater melody, merely complimenting it with flourishes from its own vocals or guitar riffs. Yet by the time they actually DO overtake the song as the chorus builds, it all feels so natural already, the Snake Eater instrumentals fit Smooth's emotional high so well at this point - its shocking how well the balance is maintained throughout the whole rip. And because of that, Tactical Three-Time Grammy Award-Winning Action is more than just very funny: it's a genuinely great take on Snake Eater, as the contributions from Smooth in a way help punctuate the song's existing high points, althewhile of course still being very funny.
It's really quite hard to go wrong with a Smooth rip in general, of course - but there is a real magic to listening to Tactical Three-Time Grammy Award-Winning Action after knowing already just how good Harmony Friends are at doing this particular flavor of rips from their work in the prior Season. It's the kind of rip that felt, perhaps not destined to happen, but like...with a Smooth rip underway and Harmony Friends on the team, it was such a natural extension of the joke to create, and one that was followed through on in spades of quality. And after having spent so many posts alluding to one particular ripper, I'm happy to have finally gotten to make one on the ripper behind it all.
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musicalueion · 27 days
Marina Madness (Mania Mix)
Artist: Hinchy
Original Composers: Junko Shiratsu, Mariko Nanba
Original Work: Knuckles' Chaotix - Seascape
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Hinchi Pinchi Hawa Dance
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op81s · 3 months
Please tell me you’ve heard Alex talk about attempting to get revenge on Conor for his golf cart prank. I was dying laughing when I first heard it. This man has never ever done anything by half, committed several attempted crimes for failed revenge. He talks about it in the Off Track episode The Failed Key Heist and the 500. I cannot believe he is so casual about it all lmao
i had not heard this episode but oh. my. god. i'm dead. (i have done a deep dive into alex's eventual respone to this prank tho and you can find it here)
tagging @nico-di-genova 'cause this is very much relevant to your alib alex i feel.
my reaction below the cut 'cause it got fucking LONG.
my favorite parts:
hinch: i'm standing in the gym, minding my own business and alex just walks in right behind me, gets really close in my ear and just goes 'you're fucking dead.' + hinch: i was trying to prove my innocence, which he did not believe, it took a full hour for me to convince him to the point where i was having to show him my text messages- he was like an angry girlfriend, he was like 'sHOW ME YOUR PHONE' *alex starts cackling in the background* ... and i was finally cleared in the eyes of- alex: you were aquitted. hinch: i was aquitted in the court of alex.
poor hinchie, his bestie didn't believe him 😭
alex: i'm not gonna explain the way that i found out with complete certainty. tim: wait- why- why not? alex: well, no because- ....screw it i don't like him that much anyway, i was in the engineering office with colton herta.
lol, i'm fully convinced alex doesn't like 3/4 of the grid 😂
alex: i found her on instagram. hit her up in the dm's and said 'hey there, sorry to reach out to you kinda randomly. i really need your help with something, i'm friends with conor and some of the people you know, get back to me asap if you get this'. twenty minutes later she responds like 'hey what's up?' and i send a picture of the golf cart tyres on top of my bus and say 'i'm trying to get conor back for a prank, can i call you?' i call her and i find out when they're going to dinner, where they're going to dinner. i try and get her to see, if when she's in his car, to kinda look for bus keys and we had a whole plan that she was like gonna try and grab them and drop them outside the car. or when she got out she was gonna leave the car unlocked when she got home. so like, she was completely on board. it wasn't really going well, she couldn't find the key initially at all. so i found out conor was going to a resturant, i drove downtown to that resturant, got the valet in on this situation and got him to unlock conor's car while conor was at dinner. ... and the keyes were nowhere to be found, i was crawling through his tahoe for ten minutes, searching for the bus key. could not find them.
THEY WAY HE MANAGED TO DRAG A COMPLETELY INNOCENT WOMAN HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW INTO HIS REVENGE 😂 (which also... does kelly know you slide into random women's dm's alex?? 👀😂) AND A VALET??? just how persuasive are you alex?? 'cause that valet could lose their job???? (okay, they're friends with the valet. that makes more sense...)
cont: so then i decided to drive to his house and i tried to break into his house.
alex: colton comes up to me and he's like 'i know where conor's bus keys are. they're in his front right pocket.' and i was like '...okay, cool? how would you like me to get those?' and he was like 'i don't know man, just make a mold of them.' and i said 'uhh, you're still not explaining to me how i'm getting the keys out first of all.' and he's like 'just put a bunch of putty in their and make a mold.'
colton...............i can't figure out if you were fucking with alex or if you're just a little dumb
alex: so that night, we were just going to get him back with his golf cart ... but that night, his golf cart was nowhere to be found. so not only was he claiming to be innocent, he felt the need to hide his belongings. and when i say it was nowhere to be found, i mean i had doug boles looking for the golf cart, the president of indianapolis motor speedway. tim: and his step-dad. alex: -and his sted-dad. i had mechanics. hinch: it was a search party. there was an apb out for conor's golf cart and it could not be located on the grounds. alex: nowhere to be found. and then i was like 'okay. we're not going to do it tonight, but his golf cart is gonna be in pitlane on carb day and while he's in the car there's nothing that he's gonna be able to do.' and sure enough, conor was so concerned his golf cart never surfaced and he rode to pitlane with either his teammate or his team owner. he stopped commuting all at once. 'cause he was so concerned about what was gonna happen. tim: he went to such great lenghts to inconvenience himself to stop you from minorly inconveniencing him. you were gonna mess with the golf cart so he was just like. no golf cart!
the way i can just imagine alex going through the entire fucking ims looking for conor's golf cart and roping in everyone around him to look for it too.
tim: i feel like we could do something else to him. hinch: yeah, i mean we could burn his house down but it's attached to other houses so that's risky. alex: so literally- i literally threathened that, i was so mad at him. 'cause he also, on media day took my golf cart key and hid it. and i literally walked by him and said 'i'm literally going to blow up your house.' i was SO PISSED. hinch: ...wait...i though hunter-reay hid your key? alex: well- hinch: hunter-reay took my key. alex: -still gonna blow up conor's house. tim: i think you've admitted to a couple of felonies on this podcast. alex: i mean. whatever at this point.
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seadrreams · 4 months
murachinchi ships hantan. their post was CLEARLY labeled as hantengu x tanjiro. poporamen is a rentan shipper that only posts rentan and their art was tagged and labeled as rentan. you don't really have an excuse if you don't know how to block tags lol
people make mistakes, anon. You don’t have to be rude about it but thanks for telling me anyway.
I assumed Mura*hinchi’s post about Tanjiro’s fight with Han was them saying how cute tanji looked when explaining. I never read the tags or went through there blogs, so I’d appreciate if u please stop assuming things, however I do take fault for not checking tags and profiles as I do that a lot.
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And I know how to block tags bestie ❤️ again I’m incredibly inactive here to even care to avoid these things
have a good day I guess
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falazaria · 8 months
So I have been reading up on Hijra History during the colonial time of India for a school paper and I am not sure why but this passage from "Governing Gender and Sexuality in colonial India" by Jessica Hinchy had me wheezing
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biggreenstache7 · 1 year
what's the lore behind nick's creation? are there any other woodpeople?
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So, basically, (or not so basically because I can take a while talking about this), Nick came from a huuuge domino effect where if basically anything that has happened didn't, she wouldn't exist.
I'm probably gonna lose my thread here so sorry if this doesn't make sense at some point. But, to figure out where nick came from i first have to go back to when i realized john was a Cool Character (to say the least) to me.
so i've been a siiva fan for about 4 years now (if you really want to know, since Exactly january 31st 2019) and i quickly grew to be a fan of the lore. and my favorite character was woodman, and you don't really need to know this because this story starts in 2020, but it sets it up a little, probably. i've always Liked woodman and at first he was the only real character attachment i had to siivagunner.
Ignoring anything that happened in between then and 2020 (very ironically, since those were the last appearances john ever had and i totally ignored them while they were coming out, lol), we flash forward to march 2020, where i started reading a book called the priory of the orange tree (this has NOTHING to do with siiva, but it's really important and nick wouldn't exist without it as i'll explain later, so bear with me. also really good book i recommend it thoroughly btw) this will be important soon enough
OK THE FIRST ACTUAL IMPORTANT MOMENT was. april 1st (2020). where harmony friends (aka hinchy) hosted a sort of character voice request thing on the siivagunner discord since it's john's VA and idk, probably just felt like it. And i was there, and i requested some goofy "be gay do crime" line, which she said, and idk why but i think that sort of meaningful-esque interaction caused me to go back and look at john's previous appearances and have him like, slowly become a meaningful character to me.
so we're around april to may now. i'm still reading the Book (which i'll shorten to tpotot for convinience) and thinking about john like maybe once every few days and, the thing about this book is that it has like, multiple character povs. and one of them, which is the main focus here, was this sorta cowardly sorta morally grey 60-ish year old gay man called Niclays Roos. Who i was mildly fixated with because his pov spoke to me Immensely, and still does.
so what i started doing was sorta projecting that sort of character onto John, with a few other traits i had picked up on from what little content she has. (silly interests despite being supposedly uptight and professional coming from her interest in eddie murphy's haunted mansion in spooktacular iii, etc) also the moment i became interested in him i Knew he had to be gay like that was almost an immediate click and maybe why i connected him to niclays in the first place, which brings us to our next moment.
so here's another thing about niclays. he had a lover. (ex-lover, but i don't wanna dwelve too much into it cause tpotot is cool and you can find out abt it on ur own) called jannart, who was a general contrast to niclays in the short segments he appeared in, being much more relaxed, much bolder and open about himself, and also. a painter. who took an interest in niclays because he wanted to attempt to capture the beauty he saw in him onto canvas)
DO YOU GET IT NOW!!!!!!! i saw this sort of almost relationship template, and when faced with the fact that john had no contrast funnyman in siiva that i could put together with him like a kid knocking dolls against eachother to make them kiss, well, you can imagine the rest.
so after a while of just thinking about it, on a 40 minute car trip on may 16th 2020, while listening to color my life by chicano batman on loop, i came up with nick, loosely and vaguely, decided that i wanted him to be a woodman too because it just felt. Right (did consider human for maybe a minute before shutting it down) and began drawing him the moment i arrived to my destination.
i still have the sketches which is cool but not on me rn and it might take a few months to get the notebook back but i'll remember to update this post when i do for a fun little snippet. it even has the word "jonnick" right next to them, which i believe i chose at the time because "johnnick" already had like, 2 results, and i wanted something original. i sorta regret it now because it almost sounds like a typo but i got too attached to change it lol
also nick's canon birthday is actually may 17 to me but only because that was the day i actually decided i wanted to pull through with this Very self indulgent thing (not as a bit) (real) and also the day i drew his ref (under a read more at the end of the post cuz its UGLY ASF)
so yeah, a few people already knew about this, but i don't think i ever wrote it out fully in a public space before yayyyyy.
tldr got attached to john in april 2020 for little reason and it spiralled and i projected part of another character's personality onto him and that character had a partner which caused me to give the same thing to john and then that went from being half joke to a fully realized character who's like a real living person in my head. yay! and it's been 3 years since their very stupid goofy beginning and they've grown to become almost an extension of myself with how much i've developed them and think about them. also yay!
to answer your other question (lol); i didn't make any, save for like one time where i made a woodsona as a bit, but according to my own fuckin story robots (including woodmen) are massproduced and only in rare occasions grow sentient but like, yeah it's totally 100% possible that there r other sentient woodmen out there just livin their lives n shit. you can make one if you want! i grant you my knight's permit 🫡
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this exact drawing is still on my tumblr if you scroll far enough down, lol.
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here's another one that came before it that i could find and that i reference pretty often as being the first (atleast digital) jonnick drawing. i remade it in 2021 and included it as a photograph in another painting i made last year. yay! that was so many fun facts just in one day. but now i have to get back to playing animal crossing new leaf on my nintendo 3ds
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scarlett-iwonne · 1 year
Lyz' 5 - Focus
Focussing-Upon Something is to be focusing on a thing or upon such a thing, while any sort or kind of focus loss and the such, as in the process of losing a focused state or condition of cognitive accuracy, is said to be plainly unfocused, or otherwise unfocusing or having unfocused said thing or, it might also be said to have lost a focus, maybe together with on or upon followed by it, such so often is the said thing.
By being focused on focusing bound with either an on or an upon something, however, means the meaning of staying focused exactly that is, though not to forget that if not instead, metacognitive thinking is the actual context instead, changing the actual meaning of the entire situation again of the poor forgotten thing we've said and only if and that's what a focus is actually meant for
either lense up or lents down get your hold over your hands and your hinchy head again. Force France Frenzy frown Fans Fins Thumbs Forethrown thin tin can Firecat Cutfella Focus Fez Fossils Fuzzy Fis Cussings Things Locus Lotus Focal Fatal Local Far-Right Referential Frugal I Find easy to bethieve a faith Faucault is his name incorrectily misremembered and improperly written by me, or is it? Let uns feel, steal nothing like F words anymore let's concentrate on rehearsive appeal.
It's sounding somelike akin to gobbledygook, Corporate Cantonese Chinese chit-chatter, Jackie Chan in a checkish kung-fu family film featuring this fanservice just so it lands tonguey expressiveness lisp of his it is, as it is presented to his audience.
And the focus within, - also with an on or upon, of course - to observe the Great or Single, fair to feit letterwise Wrong and Right as well, pro or contra it's numerous consequences are hidden even deeper within and nothing, never ever having any one of these stuffs, but cognitive resources well shockshit, too insufficient, just not a single unretarded card landing up at hand to think through chaos yet certain cold anxiety noises easier than reason to listen to but for colorful light shimmer engorgery brain is not enough brain? great to enjoy inavailable the world in raw unorder That is not right.
It is wrong.
In the end, what is so significant then what's the point to poker a pot which pays you no vendor and burns more like real shit than hashish and card metaphors turned to stoned it boils down to the question I beg analyzing an art is not really wrong, I admit, it is hard and more often than not impossible.
Elaborations, unneccessary creations word generations, delusional the most my meta rule engines the dull flesh my laziness bears.
When is it whole paragraphs too long where was awareness gone what sounds wise who am I,
and are you fellow gendered stranger in front of that curious letter user are you more important than me you so called Missesy Lady Madam Bibabuttens who is, from, her, their and your Majesty of Royally?
Abnormally nobel and novel a genie of next stationing away from obsession to forthflowing content!
Really, content, stay to it avoid going nuts from overreacting about the wrong thing this is your rail.
Just imagine, against the facts clearly not at hand Assume: your curse protects from, say Adverse effects perverted defects murdering insects
religiously the fallacy acts the Pope's racial pedigree bibles brible library liar blessphemy chapter apes shape the chapel pslam verses Christian Territorial hissings clashings and death wishings Let me be please preach Guess that's a way.
So, what is this tiny little tale's lesson here learnt?
Ech, who am I asking there anyway as if I and my own, wonderful echelon besides me, entirely made out of all of my positive traits were out on a hustle for some hustling or is that me? Part genie, art genie a gentle data editor sprite
or taken off masks a human being resolving a spite the cure through hard drive overrides.
What might my friends be thinking now, without knowing how much I think about them now and simply hope to appeal to them, not to disappoint them, precisely because I trust them as deeply as they trust me too why must love always hurt so much and nevertheless, no one is ever to look away from the pain of others those close to you and about your pain of aware sight, who simply stand around just like you?
Who is taking the reins when and who is taking amiss when about whom who decides when is what to be done how and where who is telling us where we come from and why we do whatever we do?
Is that love. Is this love? This is love? That's love. Friends are the loveliest. They are simply the lovely ones lovely. Screw sex for a second or two, one does fuck one another the best way mentally anyway before chilling out on those ours well-equipoised equivalents of the cigarette after. Oh, friendship, wicked substance but who is the alchemist and who the philosopher or the physicist? Or our medical prodigy today? I prefer one role about all the brains, perhaps, white coffee for me.
The Focus and the Ego who I am, as a sum out of all of you, or you, sum of them and us,
It is defined through the current condition of that approximately relevant situation since whatever it is directed on or upon so much a mathematical function alike and spits out essentials in numbers and clock gear cogs and odds so that the thankful you, for these volitional line breaks over everywhere, are left gobsmacked your turn to jaw my drop even downer,
and eventually everything that you want that you are, that you eat, that you're willing to be and to become is yielded by what you're seeing and others are seeing about you thatever you've seen and nothing else but the comparison, this one special process, operation between letters and thinked thoughts
as final component to the last trick for the quiry to insights which still might be left lacking, and a huge fun it's going to be to untangzzigle, iron and refubrish after the after the Lysergical what pity, has to leave again soon but still is quite a while around here and there until then
let's enjoy the symmetry of that duck over there!
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distantlaughter · 2 years
hinchy calling straights straightaways hehe
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Maker of stalkerware and spyware fined Bill Budington reports on Patrick Hinchy, a New York resident who made software that made it easy to compromise others' hardware and spy on them. Fined $410,000, Hinchy must also update the software to alert all the victims. Stalkerware, a type of commercially-available surveillance software, is installed on phones without device users' knowledge or consent to secretly spy on them. — Read the rest https://boingboing.net/2023/02/13/maker-of-stalkerware-and-spyware-fined.html
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demianblog · 2 years
Desarrollador de Stalkerware multado con $400,000
El desarrollador de varias aplicaciones de stalkerware ha recibido una multa de casi medio millón de dólares y se le ha dicho que modifique el software. Un consorcio de 16 empresas propiedad de Patrick Hinchy produjo las aplicaciones de espionaje Auto Forward, Easy Spy, DDI Utilities, Highster Mobile, PhoneSpector, Surepoint y TurboSpy. Estos permitieron a los clientes monitorear en secreto una…
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7grandmel · 1 year
Todays rip [First 30 Archive] - 15/05/2023
File Select Fusion Collab
Season 1 Featured on: GilvaSunner’s Highest Quality Video Game Rips: Volume 7 Also on: SiIvaGunner: Starter Kit & Essentials
Ripped by toonlink & The Gang
The last post made me nostalgic for Season 1’s ending, so fuck it, here’s another rip from back then - the File Select Fusion Collab, a rip with close to 20 creators involved. What a “Fusion Collab” entails has changed quite a fair bit over the years, as the collaborations have grown larger in size with each year. Nowadays, they now tend to focus on individual artists rendering a specific track in their own style across a longer video, such as with Season 2’s Wood Man Fusion Collab. But with Season 1, the meaning was a lot more nebulous - they were almost all made under the direction of toonlink (otherwise goes by “tunedlink” and “toonlinkirl”), and were made more in the style of YTPMVs, having a base song to build off of with an everchanging barrage of styles and sources intermingling at once.
These were released every now and then over the course of Season 1 and were always appreciated, yet today’s choice in particular stands out among them. Being released during what was effectively presented as the ending of the channel, it has a unique kind of emotional baggage to it, it leans into celebrating the entire legacy of the channel and all of its inside jokes. The full-circle moment of getting Joel Vinesauce himself to narrate a section in the middle of the track was perfect - the person whose joke got the entire channel started, now gets invited to formally close it out, with a speech still very much rooted in that niche joke culture SiIva itself thrives in. And it just keeps going in that direction - the rip builds in a congratulatory, yet bittersweet way to truly signal that the channel is about to end, a giant thank-you letter to the entire community that had been fostered over the channel’s small 9-month lifespan.
Of course, its rendered a little bit moot by the channel…not ending, which some folks are still bitter about. Yet I still think this rip works wonders as part of a sendoff to the original era of SiIvaGunner - we’re never going to get anything like Season 1 again, and I’ve grown to accept that.
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hostor-infotech · 2 years
New York attorney general orders stalkerware maker to notify hacked victims • TechCrunch
A New York-based spyware maker has agreed to notify the individuals whose phones were compromised by its mobile surveillance software, following a deal with the New York attorney general’s office announced Thursday. Under the agreement, Patrick Hinchy, whose 16 companies promoted apps like PhoneSpector and Highster, will also pay $410,000 in civil penalties for illegally promoting the mobile…
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Kids Are Going Wild Over This New "Hinchi Pinchi Hawa" Dance Craze!
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op81s · 27 days
people who know the commentators that AREN'T hinchy. who the fuck said 'i like santino' ???????
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katieamazeballs · 4 years
Shout out to BWTGH and Hinchy out there packing up Meals On Wheels 😍😍. Seniors are at such a risk right now of hunger, isolation, and fear. Props to them for packing up nutritious food so no senior goes hungry 🙌🏼🙌🏼
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