#Hina has trust issues and insecurities she'll face at some point!
arthaven-hina · 5 months
"Why am I really here?
I'm here because I'm a person of ambition.
I'm here because I've got goals that exceed my station in life and the best way for me to go about that is to fling myself endlessly into side-quest after side-quest after side-quest until finally I can find something that I'm good at... which, right now, happens to be, how can I put this... contractual labour?? On behalf of third parties.
Right now, that contractual third-party labour requires me to locate or learn about some of your guest houses? That part was true.
Ummm, and eventually, one day, I would like to have the freedom to travel around from House to House, as I please, under my own power, with as much money as I can possibly have in my purse, and um... be somebody.
So the closer I can get to multiple people from different Houses, the better, and it's kind of a funny coincidence that I'm able to talk to you and have this conversation, because the reality is? I'm nobody! So if you didn't let me walk out of here? Probably nobody would notice for a really, really long time."
"-laughter- Why didn't you say so?"
"Because my companions would've heard all that."
"I like you already."
"I'm glad to be likeable!"
"Pardon my suspicions. Come, have a drink!"
"What'm I toasting to? You're the lady of the House. Sorry. Didn't mean to be rude, that's just how I am."
"Finding something you're good at."
"Well clearly it's not lying my face off to try and get information! Cheers!"
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