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#my art#captain underpants#tetocu#the epic tales of captain underpants#harold hutchins#george beard#melvin sneedly#melvinborg#Melvinborg: gets scared#Him: AHHH FUCK SHIT- ACTIVATE DEATH RAY#The most destructive fight or flight response#I'm also giving all of them grey hairs even though they're in like- their late 20s or smth#It's the stress of being an adult
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A Bunch of Unimportant Ramdomness
...That was odd.
It’s true that I, Ienorb Yenruoj escaped with my life thanks to a sudden evolution in my methods… However. There is something quite strange about these events.
First they wanted me away… And then I was attacked. And that person attacked alone: it took a while before those two went after me. A conflict of plans, of interests? Then the three were not working together.
That is good and all, but what about now?
If they didn’t know each other, then they’re definitely working together now. Almost a 100% guaranteed. But… Could it really be, a duo of incredibly powerful psychics discovering evidence of my crimes at the same time another psychic does the same? Or could it be that the second one was just passing by? That doesn’t seem very likely either…
Which means they probably did know each other, but there is some sort of conflict between them that stopped cooperation. Though, well, now that they experienced first hand the consequences of not working together, it might be that they decided to form an alliance… I really can’t say without knowing more.
“And I won’t be able to know more, because they’ve got me cornered in that sense...”
Thank goodness I decided to check that crow and kill it. I couldn’t really see much, but now that I know all about what’s presumably that woman’s construction, I understand my situation much better. Though I ran away, it should be the opposite: since the more time passes, the more they (or at least she) will discover about me, and the more at a disadvantage I’ll be, it should be best to stop them dead on their tracks right now.
Of course, I’m shaking in fear, quite literally. Perhaps because of that, I decided to give it a day or two. Thought it’s also because, if they’re working begrudgingly… then it’s possible that they won’t be staying together.
If so, there is my chance. All I need to do is go after those two… not only do I know where they live already, but I also admit that a bout against that woman is not something that I look forward to.
“But… If they prove too strong… Then I’ll need a plan b. And for that...”
(The prism spins, and senseless light is reflected with a different sense)
“...Wake up, sleepyhead.”
“Hey! Nim! Wake up already!”
“Ugghhhh… What time is it…?”
“Doesn’t matter. It-”
“If it doesn’t, I can go back to sleep… ahhh...”
“...We have things to do.”
“Uuuuuh… Goddammit...”
Novalue sat in the bed besides me and caressed my hair.
“(sigh...) Come on. You’re taking even more time than I do getting out of bed.”
“Mmmm… fine...” I replied, feeling as if my head was about to burst open, and someone punched me in the stomach. Also, heavy eyelids, but that is SO cliché.
“Hey, Novalue, can you like, open the window?”
His action was followed by the radiant rays of the sun, alongside a most pristine breath.
“...Lindíssimo!” I said, looking through the window.
“...Stop referencing Dom Casmurro and get out of bed.”
“Oook~ But like… What’s the thing we have to do again...?”
Novalue seemed as if he could facepalm, but then suddenly figured it would be too much of a bother, and just stared blankly at me before answering:
“We’re meeting up with Wims to hear ab-”
“Oh, fuck no!”
“Yeah, you’re going alone. See- ciao, adios! Hell, why did you even wake me up?! For fuck’s sake! UGH!”
(The prism spins, and senseless light is reflected with a different sense)
...Unreasonable, as always. I thought, while reminiscing over the events of the morning.
...In retrospect, I should have seen this coming.
Well, not like I care.
“Yo!” I’m suddenly greeted by a familiar voice
“...Well, aren’t you in a good mood.” I turn towards it, finding Wims looking at me.
“Well, I don’t have to meet Mr. Imsogreat, so that is certainly a reason.”
“Oh, good. I thought someone had died.”
Wims grimaced in response:
“Mind your tongue!” She said, clearly having took umbrage.
“Journalism is the work of gods! To spread the truth is like a sacred duty passed through universities by those who had mastered it! Life is just one big flow of events, and a society is a flow comprised of all the minor flows of the people living on it! It’s impossible, IMPOSSIBLE I say, to be able to witness the TRUE flow of a society, even when looking at large scale events! However, if you look at the individual flows of enough people living in it, and sum them up, then you’ll be able to reach it! A complete understanding! It’s got nothing to do with merely looking for drama and polemic like a damn vulture!” She then promptly summoned a guitar Hallucinogen, and started playing it:
“We are the fourth power, we rule this world!”
“Ever since people started talking, everything has whirled!”
“But some may seek it, a truth most priiiistiiiiine!”
“And among all of these, I’m the indisputable queen!”
“Oooooooooh YEAAH!”
(Guitar solo)
“Just try and stop it, the endless flow!”
“Fucking hell, go ahead and make a row!”
“But sorry to say this is the status quo!”
“Compared to information, you’re all slow!”
“Slow slow slow slow!”
“To be a journalist, one must dare to be a badass.”
“And this is a test, that not all may pass!”
“Countless obstacles await you...”
“If you wish to be part of the highest class!”
“Journalism! IS! Awesome! Journalism! IS! Awesome! Journalism! IS! Awesome! Journalism! IS! Awesome! WOO-HOOO!!”
“Did you write the lyrics beforehand?”
“Course not, dumbass. I’m a goddess, no, more than that, I’m an entity gods and goddesses envy. Improvising these was child’s play.”
“Ugh… Please, just… stop. It’s bad enough when it’s Nim, but now I have to deal with another egocentric...”
“Bah. We’re different types of egocentric, sucker.”
“Yes, and I much prefer his.”
Wims glared at me for a moment before shrugging.
“Well, look at me. Can’t even stop myself from picking a fight with you. How am I gonna’ cooperate with you two like that? I guess it’s better to just skip straight to business.”
“So. I’ve been getting lots of suspicious activities with my crows, but… that’s all par for the course. When I go to read the memories of those involved with Film Tape, I don’t get anything related to the killer.”
“Don’t you know of a little thing called “privacy”?”
“Don’t you know of a little thing called “bullshit”? Anyways, I don’t really have much to report… though that in itself is a report. Seems as if the killer is scared of us.”
“I wouldn’t say that’s good.”
“Because it isn’t. But it’s not all bad either: I’ll find him, eventually, but surely. And without a escape route, he’s doomed.”
(The prism spins, and senseless light is reflected with a different sense)
I, Ienorb Yenruoj, am walking towards work.
...Then all of a sudden, I pass through a trash can, and slip on a banana heel, falling inside.
(The prism spins, and senseless light is reflected with a different sense)
“Meaning… There are two worst case scenarios. ...If he manages to do something while you’re not looking… or if he decides to attack us suddenly.”
“The first case is possible, but too unlikely. He won’t want to risk himself, and if he does, it’s highly likely I’ll catch him, since I have crows at most points of interest of this city… As for the second one...”
It can’t possibly work. The obvious counter-measure.
“If we stayed together, the killer would be the least of our worries.”
“Yuuuuup. Glad you’re understanding… Incidentally...”
“Can’t you track him?”
“...Even a homing missile needs to have a target set.”
“Pfff, useless as always.”
“Yes, perhaps.”
Unexpectedly, Wims seemed to feel a bit bad.
“Oh, come on. Don’t say that. You’re an amazing person, and not a dick.”
I simply shrugged. This wouldn’t lead me anywhere.
“There’s something else that I wanted to ask you.”
“Do you have a crow around us?”
“Nah, I don’t. Ni- that stupid little shit, I mean, already does the crow’s job, and probably better. Or… are you saying you two would need my help?”
“I wasn’t saying anything. I merely asked.”
“Hah. Well… anyways, I don’t have enough crows for that. I need to spread them out and keep them as sentinels at various points, as well as have them conduct ordinary research. Speaking of that, Shiva found a demolition man slacking off on his job to go have sex.”
“Why is that important?”
“Well, it tried to peck the guy to death, as usual, and I had to stop it.”
“...Again, why is that important?”
“Ah, whatevs. Go away, shoo. Gotta’ feed some crows.”
“See? I bet Nim’s waiting for you, too.”
(Time passes...)
“Oh hey!” Nim greeted me.
He was enjoying the armchair while drinking what I think was grape juice. Though, once he saw me, he immediately went out of his relaxed position. Almost seemed like he would get up.
“I’m back. Nothing new, before you ask.”
Nim frowned.
“Man, c��est una desgraça. How much time will grand me have to wait before I get to the most awesome interview ever?”
“If I’m going to be honest…” I start saying while I sit in the armchair “I think you already did it that one time with radio host. You’re not topping that.” Nim perked up:
“Mm! True that. Hey, want some juice?”
“...You know I hate grapes.”
“...And I also know that my knowledge of the gustatory arts is ultimate and supreme. Here, drink!”
“Sigh… Fine- ! ...!” Nim suddenly forced the cup on my lips “...Huh. Ignoring you being you being you, that was actually pretty good...”
(The prism spins, and senseless light is reflected with a different sense)
“Viu? I told you, Novalue. Jeez, I’d figure eating my cooking every day would create an- H-Hey, don’t drink it all! I wanna’ drink too!”
“? You’ve already drank thou-”
“Shut up!” I picked the cup out of his hands and downed the rest of the juice. “Pronto! Nada más, nihil grape juice! Now let’s get to work!”
“It isn’t work, though?”
“Novalue, do you want me to defenestrate you?”
“Hah.” He gave his usual joyless, poker faced laugh “Should I start boarding up the windows?”
“No, you should start stopping the string of stupid dumb shit coming out of your mouth just to tease me!”
“Nah. You’re adorable when you’re mad. ...Well.” He added in consideration “Assuming you’re not ACTUALLY mad.”
“I am gonna’ be, if you keep this u-gah!” Suddenly, he hugged me.
“See? Not mad anymore.”
“...That’s cheating.”
“When you’re actually mad, this doesn’t work. So, not really cheating.” he said, letting go of the hug to my disappointment.
“Anyway…! We should get going. Though we don’t have a construction useful for this, we still need to prove our superiority! March!”
“Where to, though?”
I opened the door, jumped outside, opening my arms and laughing maniacally.
“Worry not, my little disciple! For I, the great Nim, whose greatness is uninterrupt, devoid of any and all transience, have a ploy that will breach the heavens, teaching to all who is the almighty being in this world, and striking a most deep fear in the depths of that vile killer’s mind!”
“...What’s your plan?”
“Secret~ Just follow meeeee~!”
I could tell Novalue was bothered, but he still followed me when I started walking.
(The prism spins, and senseless light is reflected with a different sense)
I could tell that Nim could tell that I was bothered, and he probably could tell that I could tell that. Yet he still went on walking… Sigh… So selfish…
Well, for now, I might as well follow him.
On our way, we passed through a large building which I barely recognized. And just a few more steps afterwards, we came face-to-face with a man.
He was of average, though quite healthy build, with above average height. Blond hair and green eyes, the very epitome of bishounen, wearing an ordinary white suit, a striped green and red tie, a wristwatch and a horrified expression.
(The prism spins, and senseless light is reflected with a different sense)
This is…
“Hey, you’re the killer, right?” I asked. In response, the man dropped his jaw even more and ran away. “Yup, sure is~ So, Novalue, let’s drop the ploy that will breach the heavens, teaching to all who is the almighty being in this world, and striking a most deep fear in the depths of that vile killer’s mind and instead run after him!” I started running after the killer, but a hand grabbed me:
“Hold on. Shouldn’t we communicate with Wims?”
Communicate with her… Neither of us has her cellphone number (if she even uses one) and any psychic messages will be too flimsy and random: these can probably be intercepted by the killer, and he could even use them to pinpoint her location.
A crow? But, alas, there were neither a crow nor a drunkard in sight.
“Damn. Guess not.” Novalue said, having followed my train of thought and started running after the killer.
“H-Hold on!”
(The prism spins, and senseless light is reflected with a different sense)
...Out of all the moments! Out of ALL the moments!
But then again… This could be good. I’ll have my opportunity to take them out. I might be a little inexperienced in combat, but I’m stronger than both of them. And inexperienced I may be, but uncreative I am not. Just wait and see… I won’t be running away to escape you… I’ll be running away to make sure you can’t escape me…
I already have a plan. And the first step…
...Is to enter this apartment building uninvited!
(The prism spins, and senseless light is reflected with a different sense)
“Where is he?”
“Save your breath.”
“...He went... in there...” ...How… How the hell can people keep this up…?
“That apartment? That’s odd...”
We bust the front door open and looked at the attendant.
“Wher-” Novalue started.
“Upstairs, room 216” I finished for him.
“I know it’s efficient, but you sure are lax with mind reading...”
“Shuuush. He can’t... escape now...!” Then again… Why would he come here if he can’t escape? ...Better stay cautious…
We ran up the stairs, with me feeling like I would collapse at any moment, although, mercifully enough, room 216 was just after a turn in the corridor near the stairway. I could also feel a presence inside it, and the door was evidently unlocked. With that obvious fact, Novalue moved his hand towards the doorknob… but…
(The prism spins, and senseless light is reflected with a different sense)
I put my hand on the doorknob to open the door, but I am suddenly interrupted by a screaming Nim:
“Don't!” I looked at him to find his face filled with panic “That doorknob is a trap!”
I look back at the doorknob, confused, and find that the doorknob was actually a knife.
And looking back at my fingers, I discover that they were bleeding.
“...What...? ...He... Took out the doorknob, put a knife on the then empty hole and created an illusion…”
“Yeah... I only realized it because of the design. The door had a very distinct design that was quite famous 40 years back, but the doorknob, while following the design, was flawed. The lines were too thick, and it's body too big…”
Perceptive. But more impressively...
“...Though he could only do it because it was a small sensorial thing, he still infiltrated an illusion on our minds... What power... And this knife... Looks like a pretty sharp butcher knife. If you hadn't warned me... I might have lost these four fingers…”
“Yeah, no shit dumbass! Try and pay more attention for fuck's sake! I'd pummel your head in if that were any other situation!”
...Yeah, as if. Still, he's got a point... This serial killer is way more than I bargained for. I can't keep underestimating him...
“What? You worried?” ...though that wouldn’t stop me from having fun.
“I’m not worried! You should be worried! UGH, shut up!”
“Um, if you didn’t fall for my trap, can you get a move on? It’s not really time for romance and all, and I’m afraid I might end up being late to my night shift...” we could hear the serial killer’s voice coming from the other side of the door.
“Oh, shut up.”
“Oh, shut up!”
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