#High-Performance Actuators
boinkingbattlemechs · 1 month
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Thresher MkII
The Thresher Mk II is a Heavy Clan BattleMech designed as a skirmisher by Clan Sea Fox. This is a remodeled/refitted version of the venerable Thresher. The Thresher Mk II came about when a number of these 'Mechs were produced during the Dark Age Era and Clan Sea Fox Merchants were unable to sell them. Negotiations with Clan Wolf Khan Alaric Ward paved the way toward a sale, but only if the 'Mechs were refitted to Clan Wolf's specifications, which included arm actuators that the original design never featured.
The 'Mech first saw action in 3149, when Clan Wolf pushed into the Worlds of the Republic Remnants on Chertan and Pollux.
While the 'Mech was not well-liked by the Wolves, it was purchased in quantity for the Battle of Terra and also saw action during the IlClan Trial. Despite his amazing performance during that climactic conflict, it was expected the Thresher Mk II would be phased out after the Terran operation had concluded.
The 'Mech features a 300-rated XL engine with MASC and a Supercharger, allowing it to reach high speeds normally found on lighter machines. Enhancing its mobility further are five jump jets, giving it a jump capacity of 150 meters.
The Thresher Mk II's armament features a mix of long range and short range options. Its main battery of guns consists of an Type 22 extended range PPC with a Type XV "Crossbow" 15-tubed long range missile launcher, supplied with two tons of ammunition. At shorter ranges, a Series 44h large pulse laser coupled with a Mk. 22 Type II 4-tubed short-range missile launcher and DuPont Ultra PM flamer are available for use.
Its ammunition is protected by CASE II, greatly decreasing damage to the right torso from ammo explosions and allowing the XL engine to continue operating with little fear of damage. Clan Sea Fox chose to protect the 'Mech with 9.5 tons of Gamma Special Reflective armor. This armor gives the 'Mech resistance to energy weapons, but makes it more vulnerable to artillery and some ballistic weapons.
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percheduphere · 10 months
Something I'm curious on (And definitely not having fanfic writing problems *cough*) is how Mobius would react to people talking badly about or reacting badly to Loki when they have reason to. Like the Hawkeye duo or Coulson or Fury. Loki, I imagine, would probably be neutral towards or just accept their hatred/anger and move on. But how would Mobius react to it? He has been shown to try to defend Loki to others, but he also recognizes the fact that Loki was a dick. Your opinion?
From one fanfic writer (*cough* currently on hiatus *cough**cough*) to another, I'm so honored to be the recipient of this question!
If we're talking about how Mobius would respond internally, I don't think he would be offended. Maybe a bit tired of hearing the same response over and over again, but his patience is his second greatest strength after empathy. I think he would only get truly pissed (which we know is scary to bear witness to) if Loki has proven himself trustworthy in front of everyone repeatedly and he is still treated like crap. Oh, man ... now that you got me started on this, I think an angry Mobius, defensive on Loki's behalf, would dig REALLY deep into the person's insecurities and biggest flaws, slowly pull it out like disembowelment, and force feed it back to the person as poisonous truth and expose their hypocrisy. Mobius has the capacity to do that, but the threshold to get there is pretty high. Loki would need to be visibly distraught.
If we're talking about how Mobius would respond verbally, on first meeting, we should remember Mobius is an Analyst. He chooses how to act and what to say based on what he knows about the individual he is talking to and the current emotional state they're in. I don't think he would have a one-size fits all response. I think he would use the angle of highest benefit and interest of the person negatively affected by Loki's presence, then drill down into his Loki's value in increments.
He does this with Ravonna first by arguing Loki would be a useful tool to the TVA, then proving his argument is sound by explaining Loki's apocalypse theory is correct, and Loki should therefore be brought out into the field. Mobius feeds two birds with one hand in doing this: he gives Ravonna what he wants and he gives Loki an environment in which he can be himself and thrive. His selfish desires are rewarded for his efforts as well: he gets to spend time with Loki.
This is highly utilitarian, I know, but it's smart. Mobius knows what most people think about Loki. They don't care about him as a person, only his potential usefulness. Trying to make a humanitarian case is not going to work, at least not in the beginning. He knows it's more effective to go through the motions of proving, with a benefit to the affected person as a bargaining chip for Loki's immediate safety.
I am convinced that if Loki hadn't chased after Sylvie (and let's be honest, in the long run it was a VERY good thing for everyone involved that he did), Mobius would have presented the case to Ravonna that they shouldn't prune Loki once Sylvie is captured. He would argue: He's reformed. He's a good person. He's my friend. The humanitarian argument would then come out alongside the utilitarian argument to move the listener closer to compassion for Loki while also giving them a tangible benefit outside Loki's personhood. Eventually, Mobius would be able to drop the utilitarian aspect. Mobius is very cunning in this way and has the patience to play the long game for the big picture.
If time is an issue because of high stakes, then I would say that Mobius and Loki would mutually agree to have Loki restrained while Mobius performs a mini TVA infodump, which may include a crucial event about the timeline that is nearing actuation and how to best respond to it. The proving of his claim will verify the TVA infodump as truthful and his claim that Loki is good likely.
Now, if the issue is not immediate plot conflict but immediate emotional conflict, I think Mobius would be more subtle in how he gets people to pause before listening to him. No one can touch Loki without being harmed, at least that's the wisdom people have with pre-TVA Loki. Mobius might touch Loki's elbow, his shoulder, his back--points of contact that are casually intimate and normal for him and Loki, but shocking to anyone not-in-the-know given who is being touched. In that moment of shock, Mobius might say, with a sigh, "Y'know, we've heard this all before. We're not gonna argue with you. We get it. But do you really want to waste time going through three hours of backstory, or do you want to focus on figuring out how to deal with the bigger problem right now? Because I'll be honest with you: you dont have a lot of time. We've seen it."
The follow up to any of these initial responses would likely be a private moment between the character and Mobius, with Mobius hinting at or outright sharing the true nature of their relationship, and why he's stuck by Loki's side so long.
I hope this helpful, anon! Thank you for your question!
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Study identifies high-performance alternative to conventional ferroelectrics
Lighting a gas grill, getting an ultrasound, using an ultrasonic toothbrush—these actions involve the use of materials that can translate an electric voltage into a change in shape and vice versa. Known as piezoelectricity, the ability to trade between mechanical stress and electric charge can be harnessed widely in capacitors, actuators, transducers and sensors like accelerometers and gyroscopes for next-generation electronics. However, integrating these materials into miniaturized systems has been difficult due to the tendency of electromechanically active materials to—at the submicrometer scale, when the thickness is just a few millionths of an inch—get "clamped" down by the material they are attached to, which significantly dials down their performance. Rice University researchers and collaborators at the University of California, Berkeley have found that a class of electromechanically active materials called antiferroelectrics may hold the key to overcoming performance limitations due to clamping in miniaturized electromechanical systems.
Read more.
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diabolus1exmachina · 1 year
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SSC Tuatara (1 of 100). 
The jet fighter inspired teardrop canopy, which is suspended within the dynamic fuselage body, is complemented by vertical stabilizing fins at the rear, revealing the cars stunning speed capabilities. The streamlined design has been tuned to produce a near perfect front to rear aero balance, incredible thermal efficiency to ensure stability at all speeds up to its terminal ground velocity along with unrivaled high speed acceleration. The design of the Tuatara goes further than visual appearance. The intentional design of the body was meticulously crafted to carry the car through the air with unprecedented ease. Boasting an industry leading coefficient of drag of 0.279, the Tuatara is well balanced between unmatched aerodynamics and precision downforce at top speed.Rear static winglets, side mounted buttresses, forward static wing, and a rear active wing manipulate the smooth flowing air to distribute precision down force on the wheels. Air is also diverted to intakes that efficiently cool the powerful drive train, then expelled through perforations in the body to sustain the deliberate airflow. Downforce is systematically applied across the hypercar, providing perfect balance at all speeds.The heart of the Tuatara is an engineering masterpiece in and of itself. Years of meticulous design and engineering at SSC North America culminated into unadulterated power generated from an engine built from the ground up exclusively for the Tuatara. The smooth, balanced power produced offers both incredible performance and a unique hypercar experience. To ensure the engine met the standards of quality, performance, and durability that the hypercar market demands, SSC North America partnered with Nelson Racing Engines to fabricate and manufacture the V8 engine that powers this next generation hypercar.The Tuatara’s unprecedented power is transferred to a CIMA 7 speed transmission, integrated with a state-of-the-art Automac AMT system that operates the engagement and selection of movement in the gearbox. The system includes hydraulic driven components and sensors to produce high force engagement, position accuracy, and load control within milliseconds. The clutch and gear selection actuation are electrically operated, providing high precision and strategic operation. The core of the system is powered by a powerful automotive microprocessor, ensuring exceptional safety and performance.
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0tt00ctavius · 1 year
Octogoblin October day 1
꧁Growing pains꧂
Norman and otto were fighting on patrol one night. They always stayed together after being reunited with their peter and the other peters and they never got too far away from each other. Thought tonight was different. Otto decided to split up with two of the peters and norman stay with one of the peters. Of course norman being the worry worm, he did not like that at all. He hated being away from otto. Even if it was just for a few hours, norman would always get a nervous/ panicky feeling when he was away from otto for too long. One, he was scared that goblin would take over and go back to his old ways and hurt people, plus norman didn’t want otto accidentally hurting someone. They were like each others protective system.
Norman went with (Toms peter) peter, trying to tell him to stay close and not stray to far away since they were on patrol. Peter though, didn’t listen and immediately went off of his own path. That’s when norman became worried and a tad scared. Yes he was really strong due to the performance enhancers but at the same time he was still that scaredy cat from high-school. He hated being scared. Otto loved scaring him though. Hiding behind walls at home, putting a spider or a rubber snake on his desk or in the floor, otto loved it. Norman was waking around, scared but trying to be brave when he heard footsteps, he turned around but it was too late….he was hit with some sort of magic.
Otto got an alert on his phone. He looked at it and saw it was from (toms peter) peter. He then listened to the voicemail Peter had left him. ‘Hey Mr Octavius, uhm you need to get over here right now, Mr Osborns…uh…been changed? Basically I heard a loud noise and when I came over there was a little kid just sitting in Norman’s clothes. They’re obviously to big for the kid but I have him wrapped in my sweat shirt right now….I’ll send you my location..’. Otto immediately checked the location and he used his actuators to make him go faster. He finally arrived to the location and saw a red headed, blueish greenish colored eye kid curled up in Peters sweatshirt. He kept saying he wanted his ‘papa’. Otto then thought…what if Norman’s memory was messed up? Does he even know who otto is? Otto then went over to norman and bent down.
“…hey kiddo…you alright? This one here said you were scared…” Otto said gently as he moved some of Norman’s hair out of his face. “papa!” The little version of norman shouted as he hugged otto. His memory was definitely fucked up. Otto just looked down at the kid and blinked a few times. Thinking that he’s now gotta take care of a kid. “(Oh shit…I’ve never been good with kids…what do I do…)” Otto thought as he held the kid version of norman. “,…I’ve missed you papa! I was scared…..I no know where I was at and you weren’t here…” The kid said as he sniffled and held back tears. “oh buddy…..I’m sorry I wasn’t with you…” otto mumbled as he petted Norman’s coppery colored hair. “I’m sowwy p-papa I’m don’t want cry…” Otto came to his senses as he heard the kid whimper those few words out. Otto wanted to be as nice as possible. “You can cry buddy….there’s no shame in crying….” Otto whispered as he tilted little Norman’s head up and kissed his forehead. Otto couldn’t tell you how long he just sat there, comforting this kid and trying to figure out how to help norman.
That night after they had went shopping and otto bought him a few outfits, otto was getting his bed ready for norman. Otto was gonna sleep on the couch, so he didn’t bother the kid. “Papa?….” Little norman whimpered out as he stared up at his ‘papa’. “Mhm? What is it bud?” Otto said as he didn’t look up from fixing Norman’s blanket. “….my legs really hurt……” The poor kid whined as he tried stretching out. Otto then remembered that norman told him that he used to have horrible growing pains as a kid, and that his mom used to rub his legs for him. He gently sat on the bed and rubbed Norman’s little legs, trying to soothe his pain. It wasn’t soon after that the kid was asleep. Falling out due to how comfy he was from otto rubbing his legs. Otto just smiled, covered him up and kissed his forehead. “G’night buddy….” Otto said as he turned off the light in the bedroom and went to the couch to try and get some sleep.
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valworx24 · 4 months
Explore a wide selection of high-quality valve limit switches and monitors at Valworx. Our reliable and durable products are designed to provide precise valve position feedback for a variety of industrial applications. Ensure optimal performance and control with our easy-to-install and maintain solutions. Shop now for competitive prices and excellent customer support.
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electronic-component · 4 months
Arduino Due vs. Mega: A Comprehensive Comparison
What is Arduino Due and Mega?
The Arduino platform has revolutionized the world of DIY electronics, providing hobbyists and professionals alike with versatile and powerful microcontroller boards. Among the myriad of options, the Arduino Due and Arduino Mega stand out for their advanced features and robust performance. The Arduino Due, introduced in 2012, is the first Arduino board based on a 32-bit ARM core microcontroller, the Atmel SAM3X8E. In contrast, the Arduino Mega, built around the 8-bit ATmega2560 microcontroller, is known for its abundant I/O pins and memory. Understanding the differences between these two boards can help in selecting the right one for specific projects, enhancing both functionality and efficiency.
Processing Power and Performance
The processing capabilities of the Arduino Due and Mega are distinctly different, primarily due to their core microcontrollers. The Arduino Due, with its 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 processor running at 84 MHz, offers significantly higher processing power compared to the Arduino Mega's 8-bit ATmega2560, which operates at 16 MHz. This difference in architecture and clock speed means that the Due can handle more complex calculations and tasks faster and more efficiently than the Mega. For projects requiring high computational power, such as real-time data processing or handling multiple sensors simultaneously, the Due is the superior choice. However, for simpler tasks, the Mega's processing power may suffice.
Memory and Storage Capabilities
Memory is another critical aspect where the Arduino Due and Mega diverge. The Arduino Due is equipped with 512 KB of flash memory for code storage and 96 KB of SRAM for data. On the other hand, the Arduino Mega has 256 KB of flash memory and 8 KB of SRAM. Additionally, the Due features a Direct Memory Access (DMA) controller, which allows for efficient memory operations, freeing up the CPU to handle other tasks. These memory enhancements make the Due more suitable for applications requiring large codebases and significant data handling, such as advanced robotics or sophisticated control systems. The Mega, with its more modest memory, is ideal for less demanding applications.
Input/Output Capabilities and Expansion
Both the Arduino Due and Mega are renowned for their extensive input/output (I/O) capabilities, yet they cater to different needs. The Mega boasts a whopping 54 digital I/O pins, 16 analog inputs, and 4 UARTs, making it ideal for projects that require multiple sensors, actuators, or communication interfaces. The Due, while offering fewer digital I/O pins at 54, includes 12 analog inputs and 4 UARTs, along with additional features like two DAC outputs for analog signal generation and enhanced PWM capabilities. These features provide the Due with superior analog output capabilities, making it suitable for applications like audio processing or advanced signal generation.
Power Consumption and Compatibility
Power consumption and compatibility are practical considerations when choosing between the Arduino Due and Mega. The Due operates at 3.3V logic levels, which makes it more power-efficient than the Mega, which uses 5V logic levels. This lower voltage operation is beneficial for battery-powered projects where energy efficiency is crucial. However, the 3.3V logic also means that the Due is not directly compatible with 5V components without level shifters. The Mega, with its 5V logic, offers broader compatibility with existing Arduino shields and components, making it a versatile choice for a wide range of projects. Understanding these power and compatibility nuances can help in making an informed decision based on the project's specific requirements.
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apenitentialprayer · 1 year
I have described as a 'magician's bargain' that process whereby man surrenders object after object, and finally himself, to Nature in return for power. And I meant what I said. The fact that the scientist succeeded where the magician failed has put such a wide contrast between them in popular thought that the real story of the birth of Science is misunderstood. You will even find people who write about the sixteenth century as if Magic were a medieval survival and Science the new thing that came to sweep it away. Those who have studied the period know better. There was very little magic in the Middle Ages: the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were the high noon of magic. The serious magical endeavour and the serious scientific endeavour are twins: one was sickly and died, the other strong and throve. But they were twins. They were born of the same impulse. I will allow that some (certainly not all) of the early scientists were actuated by a pure love of knowledge. But if we consider the temper of that age as a whole we can discern the impulse of which I speak. There is something which unites magic and applied science while separating both from the 'wisdom' of earlier ages. For the wise men of old the cardinal problem had been how to conform the soul to reality, and the solution had been knowledge, self-discipline, and virtue. For magic and applied science alike the problem is how to subdue reality to the wishes of men: the solution is a technique; and both, in the practice of this technique, are ready to do things hitherto regarded as disgusting and impious — such as digging up and mutilating the dead. If we compare the chief trumpeter of the new era (Bacon) with Marlowe's Faustus, the similarity is striking. You will read in some critics that Faustus has a thirst for knowledge. In reality, he hardly mentions it. It is not truth he wants from the devils, but gold and guns and girls. 'All things that move between the quiet poles shall be at his command' and 'a sound magician is a mighty god' [citation]. In the same spirit Bacon condemns those who value knowledge as an end in itself: this, for him, is to use as a mistress for pleasure what ought to be a spouse for fruit [citation]. The true object is to extend Man's power to the performance of all things possible. He rejects magic because it does not work; but his goal is that of the magician. In Paracelsus the characters of magician and scientist are combined. No doubt those who really founded modern science were usually those whose love of truth exceeded their love of power; in every mixed movement the efficacy comes from the good elements, not from the bad. But the presence of bad elements is not irrelevant to the direction the efficacy takes. It might be going too far to say that the modern scientific was tainted from its birth: but I think it would be true to say that it was born in an unhealthy neighborhood at an inauspicious hour. Its triumphs may have been too rapid and purchased at too high a price: reconsideration, and something like repentance, may be required. Is it, then, possible to imagine a new Natural Philosophy, continually conscious that the natural object produced by analysis and abstraction is not reality but only a view, and always correcting the abstraction? [...] The regenerate science I have in mind would not do even to minerals and vegetables what modern science threatens to do to man himself. What it explained it would not explain away. [...] Its followers would not be free with the words only and merely. In a word, it would conquer nature without being at the same time conquered by her and buy knowledge at a lower cost than that of life itself.
C.S. Lewis (The Abolition of Man). Bolded emphases added, italics original.
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usafphantom2 · 11 months
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F-104 Starfighter Veterans on the Ongena Touch-Roll-Touch Maneuver
August 14, 2013 Vintage Aviation News Articles 19
Aircorps Art Dec 2019
You’ve probably seen this video before, Legendary Belgian Air Force Silvers Aerobatic Team member, William “Bill” Ongena performing a touch-roll-touch in a Lockheed F-104G Starfighter, a plane that was infamously difficult to control at lower speeds. Until Bill actually performed the maneuver, it was said to be impossible, though clearly it wasn’t. Bill was the first of very few pilots to successfully perform it, though many subsequently tried, with some dying in the trying. Bill tragically passed away, in of all things, a car accident, well before his time. We’ll admit to being a little Starfighter-obsessed here at Warbirds News, and having a contact list full of ex-Starfighter pilots, we thought it would be interesting to send them the video and ask them to comment on the maneuver. The response was overwhelming.
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Lieutenant Colonel William “Bill” Ongena in an F-104 cockpit.
In order of response to our query:
(on an editorial note, some of these responses were translated, so please assume any errors are ours)
Wolfgang Czaia, a pilot with more than 27,000 hours of flight time began flying gliders while still in high school in his homeland of Germany, progressing through a variety of aircraft, from the L-19, Dol-27, FW-149, T-6, T-37, T-33, T-38 and a Skyfox (a modified T-33), to a MiG-29, an Iskra Polish jet trainer and a Pilatus PT-9. He has served as a test pilot for the Messerschmitt 262 reproduction project at Paine Field in Everett, Washington. Of all of the planes he’s flown, the F-104 Starfighter stands out as his all-time favorite. He has served as a military flight instructor in F-104s, training German, Dutch, Belgian, and Italian NATO pilots at Fighter Weapons School 10 at Jever Air Base.
Wolfgang’s Comment: “This one shows Belgian Air Force pilot Bill Ongena doing the so-called ‘Touch-Roll-Touch’, but other pilots of other air forces have done it as well. He approaches the runway with gear and take-off flaps extended, touches down briefly, applies full power, and pulls up to about 50 feet while initiating a roll on his upward trajectory. Then comes a power reduction, possibly speed brake extension to slow down, and descent to another touch-and-go. With the landing gear down, full aileron travel (20°) is available, producing a sufficiently good rate to complete a 360° roll without the nose dropping dangerously low. (With landing gear up, the aileron throw is only 10°). It was strictly a “show” maneuver to demonstrate the controllability of the airplane and had no practical application. After Belgian pilot Jacobs was killed during a practice flight, the maneuver was prohibited.”
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Wolfgang Czaia
US Air Force Captain Harold Alston of the 435th, TFS 479th was the first pilot to fly 100 combat missions in Vietnam flying the F-104C. Harold’s Comment: “The important thing is that the pilot did not actuate the landing gear. When the gear and doors are moving it creates a lot of drag. For us old air show pilots we either do an aileron roll with the gear up or gear down, but not with it transitioning. I was impressed with the demonstration.”
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Harold Alston in 1965, at George Air Force Base in Victorville, California, as a newly combat-qualified F-104C pilot.
Howard “Scrappy” Johnson served as a fighter pilot flying over 7,000 hours in fifteen different fighter planes during his career. In 1953, Major Johnson transferred to Hamilton AFB where he had the first opportunity to hear about the Air Force’s newest, fastest airplane, the F-104A. In 1958, with only 30 hours of flight time in the Starfighter, he shattered the World’s Altitude Record zooming to 91,243 feet. In recognition of the record, Vice President Richard Nixon presented him with the Robert J. Collier Trophy for aeronautical achievement. “Scrappy’s” Comment: “When I was an advisor to the West German Air Force, from 1960-1963, one of my fellow advisors did this same thing, landed A/B (After Burner), take off, roll and BAAAM! crashed. His name was Captain Tom Perfilli. This maneuver was then prohibited.”
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Test pilots Walt Irwin and Jim Low congratulate “Scrappy” after his record-setting flight.
Ferry Van Der Geest flew the RF104 in the Royal Netherlands Air Force until the last day of F-104 operations. His squadron got the 104 in 1963 and she was replaced in in 1984 by the RF16. He was with the 306 Squadron from September 1983 until May 1987. He only flew the 104 for 1.5 years with a total of around 320 hours. But according to him, as a young fighter pilot, he had enough adventures with the “Spillone” (Italian for Needle) to fill a book.
Ferry’s comment: “This famous touch-roll-touch was only performed in Belgium, one day a pilot had an afterburner (AB) blow-out and he crashed on the second touch, killing himself in the process. It is an extremely dangerous maneuver with no room for error whatsoever. The average touchdown speed is at around 175 knots and the use of AB is totally mandatory. So far no one has ever done something like this afterward.”
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Ferry Van Der Geest flying the slot of a four-ship formation
Hans Van Der Werff flew the 104 in the Royal Netherlands Air Force, his total flight time on the F-104 is 2400 hours, though it’s worthwhile to note that the RNAF uses actual flying time instead of block time, so for an apples-to-apples comparison with other pilots from other air forces, adding 10% is in order. Hans flew the 104 from 1968 till 1980, he was instructor-pilot, instrument rating examiner and test-pilot. From 1974 until 1979 he was the official demo pilot for the F-104G for the Royal Netherlands Air Force and he participated in over 100 flying displays.
Hans’ Comment: “I did this maneuver (touch-roll-touch) a couple of times myself during training for my airshow. As you probably know I was the F-104 demo pilot for the Royal Netherlands Air Force from 1974 until 1979. Air staff prohibited me from doing the maneuver after a USAF pilot crashed doing the same thing. Subsequently, I would do a “dirty roll” without touching. To do the maneuver it actually takes as much guts as skill. The low speed/low altitude was the main problem. And then the extended gear made the roll rate a lot less. Also, because the roll was started in a climbing attitude, you had to take care that the roll ended slightly nose down to start the landing within the limits of the runway.”
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Hans Van Der Werff in his F-104G at the 65th anniversary commemoration of the founding of the Royal Netherlands Air Force in 1978.
(Image Credit: 916-Starfighter.de)
General Bruno Servadei served with the Italian Air Force flying F-84Fs and F-104Ss. Now retired, he performs in European airshows flying the Fl 100 RGf with the famed Blu Circe Aerobatic Team. General Servadei’s Comment: “I saw Ongena perform this maneuver, live in Turin at Caselle Airport in the 60s, back when I was flying with the F84F. It was amazing, especially for me with piloting the F84F, where Ongena would be able to take off, roll, and land in less distance than it would take my plane to just get its wheels off the ground. On the maneuver itself, it undoubtedly required technical ability but it especially required guts, because the aircraft is flying very close to the ground. I think with a little practicing it could have been done by others, probably with the F-104S variant it would be easier with the plane having 2000lbs of extra thrust. If I were to have attempted the maneuver myself back in the day, the commander on the base would have kicked me out! At the time of Ongena, there was still a free-spiritedness in effect that allowed pilots to do crazy shit like that. In my time I’ve seen many pilots of the 6th Aerobrigata (Now 6 Stormo) doing crazy things. I have seen pilots in the Red Devils (the aerobatic team of the 6 Aerobrigata) flying upside down with their canopy and tails just a few feet from the grass!”
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Bruno Servadei in an F-104 back in the day
Dave Skilling spent 3 years as an instructor on the F104 at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona, in the training program for German 104 pilots, and almost 7 years in two separate tours of duty in Europe, flying the 104 with 6 NATO air forces in a strike training role as a part of the NATO Standardization Team for strike wings (the “DOON Team”) for three years.
Dave’s Comments: “First, that sort of maneuver close to the ground takes a lot of practice at that slow speed at a higher altitude, then bringing it down lower and lower until you can do it after a takeoff. I was never in a situation where I could practice sufficiently to make it safe. It takes some unusual yaw “to the top” at the beginning and end, and some zero to negative G’s over the top in order not to lose altitude (I’ve done it at altitude). The US Air Force would ground you for trying such a maneuver after takeoff (except for the Thunderbirds and Blue Angels, who practiced it a lot before their solos did it). By the time I flew in Europe, where it might be more admired, I was a guest pilot at the F-104 bases (even though I was an “inspector”), and wouldn’t have tried such stunts as a guest. I think any 104 pilot who really wanted to do this could have trained in it – but not all would not have wanted to! But few ever got the chance. In my next life, I may be a Thunderbird (and lots of other stuff I didn’t have time for in this life).”
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Belgian Air Force F-104 Starfighter at the Kleine-Brogel Air Base.
Because you can never have too many pictures of the Starfighter.
Well there you have it, analysis of one of the most daunting and dangerous maneuvers on record for the F-104 Starfighter by seven men who flew and knew the craft, including one who’s actually performed it and lived to tell the tale. We’d like to thank all those who took the time to contribute by responding to our query, as well as for providing the photos.
@WarbirdNews via X
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executo-blogs · 1 year
The Basics of PLC Programming: A Comprehensive Guide
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If you're interested in the field of industrial automation or looking to enhance your skills in the industry, PLC programming is a crucial skill to possess. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are widely used in manufacturing and process control systems, and understanding how to program them is essential for ensuring efficient and reliable operation.
In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the basics of PLC programming, covering key concepts and providing valuable insights for beginners in the field.
1. What is PLC Programming?
PLC programming involves creating a set of instructions that control the behavior of a programmable logic controller. PLCs are used to monitor inputs from various sensors, process that data, and execute specific actions based on pre-defined logic. By programming a PLC, you can automate complex industrial processes, making them more efficient and reliable.
2. Why Learn PLC Programming?
PLC programming offers numerous benefits in the industrial automation realm. By acquiring this skill, you can:
Improve productivity: PLCs enable automation, reducing manual labor and increasing overall productivity.
Enhance efficiency: Automation minimizes human error and optimizes processes, resulting in higher efficiency levels.
Facilitate troubleshooting: Understanding PLC programming allows you to diagnose and fix issues efficiently, minimizing downtime.
Expand career opportunities: PLC programming expertise is in high demand, with many industries seeking professionals with these skills.
3. PLC Programming Training Courses:
To learn PLC programming effectively, it's essential to enroll in specialized training courses. These courses provide a structured curriculum, hands-on exercises, and expert guidance. Here are a few key aspects to consider when choosing a PLC programming training institute or center:
Comprehensive curriculum: Look for a training program that covers both theoretical concepts and practical implementation.
Experienced instructors: Ensure that the training institute has qualified instructors with industry experience to guide you effectively.
Hands-on practice: Practical exercises and projects are crucial for gaining proficiency in PLC programming.
Industry relevance: Verify that the training course aligns with current industry standards and practices.
Certification: Opt for courses that offer certifications upon completion, as they enhance your credibility in the job market.
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4. Key Concepts in PLC Programming:
Ladder Logic: Ladder Logic is the most commonly used programming language for PLCs. It employs graphical symbols to represent logic functions and control sequences, making it easy to understand and implement.
Inputs and Outputs: PLCs interact with the physical world through inputs (sensors) and outputs (actuators). Understanding how to read inputs and control outputs is fundamental in PLC programming.
Programming Instructions: PLCs execute a set of instructions to perform desired operations. These instructions can include timers, counters, mathematical operations, logic gates, and more.
Program Execution: PLC programs are executed in a cyclical manner. The PLC scans inputs, processes logic, updates outputs, and repeats the cycle continuously.
5. Programming Tools and Software:
PLC programming software provides an interface to create, edit, and debug programs. Familiarize yourself with popular software tools such as Siemens TIA Portal, Allen-Bradley RSLogix, or Schneider Electric Unity Pro, as they are widely used in the industry.
PLC programming is an essential skill for individuals aspiring to succeed in the field of industrial automation. By learning the basics of PLC programming, you open up a world of opportunities to streamline processes, enhance productivity, and contribute to the advancement of various industries. Enroll in a reputable PLC programming training institute or center, explore the key concepts, and start your journey towards becoming a proficient PLC programmer.
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Exploring the Marvel of Piezoelectric Tubes in Modern Engineering
In the realm of advanced engineering and technology, piezoelectric materials stand as exceptional performers, fueling innovative solutions across various industries. Among these fascinating components, piezoelectric tubes hold a special place due to their unique properties and applications.
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In this blog post, we will dive into the world of piezoelectric tubes, exploring their working principle, versatile applications, and the profound impact they have on modern engineering.
For More Information Please visit, piezo tube
1. Understanding Piezoelectric Tubes:
Piezoelectric tubes are cylindrical structures made of piezoelectric materials that exhibit the piezoelectric effect. This remarkable property enables them to convert electrical energy into mechanical motion and vice versa, making them highly versatile and sought-after components in the realm of precision engineering.
2. The Working Principle:
When an electric field is applied to a piezoelectric tube, it undergoes dimensional changes, either expanding or contracting. This phenomenon is known as the "d33 effect" and is responsible for the generation of mechanical motion. Conversely, when the piezoelectric tube experiences mechanical stress, it generates an electric charge, known as the "d31 effect."
3. Precision Actuation and Control:
Piezoelectric tubes are renowned for their exceptional precision in motion control. Due to their ability to respond rapidly to electrical signals, they can achieve sub-micrometer level displacements, making them invaluable in applications that require fine adjustments and positioning with unparalleled accuracy.
4. Applications Across Industries:
The versatility of piezoelectric tubes has led to their adoption in various industries and fields, including:
Medical Technology: In ultrasound transducers, piezoelectric tubes facilitate high-resolution imaging, enabling non-invasive medical diagnostics.
Mechanical Engineering: Piezoelectric tubes find applications in precise positioning systems, micro- and nanopositioning stages, and vibration control devices.
Industrial Automation: They are used in ultrasonic cleaning equipment, flow meters, and high-precision pumps, enhancing efficiency and productivity.
Aerospace: Piezoelectric tubes play a vital role in active vibration damping and structural health monitoring of aircraft components.
5. Energy Harvesting and Acoustic Applications:
Piezoelectric tubes are also employed in energy harvesting systems, converting mechanical vibrations into electrical energy. Additionally, they serve as components in acoustic devices like speakers, providing clear and crisp sound reproduction.
6. Miniaturization and Integration:
Due to their compact size and high functionality, piezoelectric tubes are ideal for miniaturized devices and space-constrained applications. Their integration into various systems allows for streamlined designs and improved performance.
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7. Advancements in Material Technology:
Continuous research in material science has led to the development of innovative piezoelectric materials, further enhancing the capabilities of piezoelectric tubes. These advancements open up new possibilities for even more efficient and powerful devices in the future.
Piezoelectric tubes stand as a testament to the wonders of piezoelectricity, offering unparalleled precision and versatility in motion control and sensing applications. As industries continue to evolve, these remarkable components will play an instrumental role in driving technological advancements, paving the way for a more connected, efficient, and innovative future.
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New ferroelectric material could give robots muscles
A new type of ferroelectric polymer that is exceptionally good at converting electrical energy into mechanical strain holds promise as a high-performance motion controller or "actuator" with great potential for applications in medical devices, advanced robotics, and precision positioning systems, according to a team of international researchers led by Penn State. Mechanical strain, how a material changes shape when force is applied, is an important property for an actuator, which is any material that will change or deform when an external force such as electrical energy is applied. Traditionally, these actuator materials were rigid, but soft actuators such as ferrroelectric polymers display higher flexibility and environmental adaptability. The research demonstrated the potential of ferroelectric polymer nanocomposites to overcome the limitations of traditional piezoelectric polymer composites, offering a promising avenue for the development of soft actuators with enhanced strain performance and mechanical energy density. Soft actuators are especially of interest to robotics researchers due to its strength, power and flexibility.
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diabolus1exmachina · 2 years
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Bentley Mark VI Majestic Major Hemi V8 Special (one-off). 
When you first see a Bentley Mark VI in all of its stately proportions, high-performance isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. The Mark VI is now often used as a wedding car along with its Rolls-Royce stablemate the Silver Wraith, and what they lack in outright speed they make up for with elegance, dignity, and opulence.
For the uninitiated, a Bentley Special is a car that started life as a Bentley, often a Mark VI, that then has its chassis shortened and lowered. A new more sporting body is usually fitted on top, possibly influenced by the Bentley Le Mans racers of the 1920s and 1930s, and new engines and transmissions are frequently fitted for a more sporting driving experience.
In essence, Bentley Specials are hot rods for the kind of people who fare on a first name basis with all the Ritz-Carlton concierges from London to Los Angeles.
When delivered to customers most of the Bentley Mark VIs that were made were fitted with steel coachwork with four doors, and they were powered by either the 4.3 or 4.6 liter straight-six sending power to the rear wheels via a 4-speed manual gearbox.
The Daimler Majestic Major 4.5 V8 engine is perhaps not as well known as it should be. It was designed by legendary British engineer Edward Turner in two forms that look remarkably similar from the outside – the 2.5 V8 and the 4.5 V8.
The 2.5 V8 was produced in far higher numbers as it was fitted to both the Daimler SP250 sports car and the Daimler V8 250 four-door sedan. Surprisingly given the difference in displacement the external dimensions of the two engines are fairly close, the 4.5 is slightly wider, longer, and deeper.
Turner had made a name for himself designing motorcycle engines for Ariel and then Triumph earlier in his career, including the famous Ariel Square Four, the Triumph Speed Twin, the Triumph Thunderbird, and the Triumph T120 Bonneville.
In 1959 he designed the two automotive V8 engines for Daimler, using a very similar design for both engines, which included hemispherical combustion chambers and an overhead valve cylinder head design influenced by his earlier work on high-performance Triumph motorcycle engines.
The V8 has a 90º vee angle, an iron block with sandcast aluminum-alloy heads which contain two valves per cylinder actuated with pushrods from the camshaft which is located high in the block. The design of the engine has been praised by many over the years, including Jay Leno, however the fact that it was most famously fitted to the Daimler SP250 sports car – a vehicle that was not at all well-received – did dampen its reception somewhat. The 4.5 liter version of the V8 was fitted to the Daimler Majestic Major, a large and luxurious four-door sedan with a curb weight north of 4,000 lbs. The engine was said to produce 220 bhp and 283 lb ft of torque however this has been challenged in intervening years as the Daimler dynamometer was somewhat antiquated and was unable to produce readings above 220 bhp.
Whatever the actual power of the engine was it was prodigious, it was capable of propelling the hefty Daimler Majestic Major to a top speed of 120 mph, almost unheard of in such a vehicle at the time, and it gave the car performance that could rival many sports cars of the era.
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softrobotcritics · 2 years
Magnetoactive liquid-solid phase transitional matter
Magnetically actuated miniature machines can perform multimodal locomotion and programmable deformations. However, they are either solid magnetic elastomers with limited morphological adaptability or liquid material systems with low mechanical strength. 
Here, we report magnetoactive phase transitional matter (MPTM) composed of magnetic neodymium-iron-boron microparticles embedded in liquid metal. MPTMs can reversibly switch between solid and liquid phase by heating with alternating magnetic field or through ambient cooling. 
In this way, they uniquely combine high mechanical strength (strength, 21.2 MPa; stiffness, 1.98 GPa), high load capacity (able to bear 30 kg), and fast locomotion speed (>1.5 m/s) in the solid phase with excellent morphological adaptability (elongation, splitting, and merging) in the liquid phase. We demonstrate the unique capabilities of MPTMs by showing their dynamic shape reconfigurability by realizing smart soldering machines and universal screws for smart assembly and machines for foreign body removal and drug delivery in a model stomach.
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A brief review on miniature flexible and soft tactile sensors for interventional catheter applications.Soft Sci. 2021; 2: 6https://doi.org/10.20517/ss.2022.05View in Article
Endoscopy-assisted magnetic navigation of biohybrid soft microrobots with rapid endoluminal delivery and imaging.Sci. Robot. 2021; 6: eabd2813https://doi.org/10.1126/scirobotics.abd2813View in Article
Reconfigurable magnetic liquid metal robot for high-performance droplet manipulation.Nano Lett. 2022; 22: 2923-2933https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c00100View in Article
Reconfigurable magnetic slime robot: deformation, adaptability, and multifunction.Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022; 32: 2112508https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202112508View in Article
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Article info
Publication history
Published: January 25, 2023
Accepted: December 5, 2022
Received in revised form: October 28, 2022
Received: August 18, 2022
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marketing-features · 2 years
Introduction of Needle Valve Manufacturers
The needle valve is also known as a plunger valve. It helps to control pressure in the pipe and prevents the pipe from being damaged by the pressure. The needle valve is located at the end of the pipe and has a small hole in it. The Needle Valve Manufacturers in Mumbai are used to control the pressure in the pipe.
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It is a small, dislike-like device that is inserted into a pipe to close it. The needle valve is better for small-diameter pipes, such as those found in a shower or a toilet, because it doesn't require any additional parts to work. It is also better for pipes that are already closed, like those found in a sink or a bath, because it doesn't require any additional work to open them.
This allows the builder to pre-pressurize a pipe before the plumber arrives, and then release the pre-pressurization when the plumber arrives. This helps to avoid the potential cost and inconvenience of a service call by the plumber, and also prevents damage to the pipes if the pre-pressurization is not released between customers. The valve manufacturer designedaneedle valve in India as per the requirement of customers, and industries needs.
Needle valves are a type of valve that is distinct from the other valves commonly used in plumbing and industrial applications. By using a long, threaded stem and a sharp, tapered needle, these valves can provide precise control over the flow of fluids, compared to the more binary actuation of typical valves. This needle valve is composed of a screw-in body that contains a perforated seat and a needle-shaped valve stem, which is usually made from stainless steel. The precision and accuracy of the valve make it popular for applications like controlling pressure and flow in chemical processing plants.
Needle valves are different from other valves, as they possess a long, slender cone-shaped disk that is used to regulate the flow of fluids. The disk is perforated with multiple holes which are used to control the rate of flow. This is why Needle Valve Manufacturers in Chennai are often used in industries where precise control is required over the flow rate of fluids. Needle valves are also known for their superior performance in high-temperature and pressurized applications, making them perfect for the extreme conditions found in many industrial settings.
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There are few points to be considered:
The needle valve in the nozzle is shut off so that no fluid can leak out, and so that any extra fluid in the system is forced back into the system to help prevent contamination.
The needle valve is a small valve used to regulate the flow of fluid. It consists of a small steel disc with a hole (called a needle) through which fluid flows, and a spring-loaded valve stem that opens when the needle is pushed.
The operation of the needle valve is easy and simple. You only need to press the button and the valve will open. This makes it a great option for people who are not comfortable with traditional faucet valves. You can also adjust the flow of water with the needle valve, which is not possible with faucet valves.
The needle valve has a small size diameter and can be closed to control the flow of solution through it. The needle valve is of small size, it is available to customers as per requirement need to approach theNeedle valve manufacturer.
One while selecting a needle valve one should consider material, temperature & pressure rating, size of the valve, and many other criteria as per their requirement.
The role of the needle valve is flow control, pump start, pressure regulation, and turbine by pass, flow discharge, air regulation, reserve inlet, etc many other roles.
A needle valve is used to regulate water pressure, flow rate, reservoirs, power plant, and water distribution and by many industries as per their requirement.
Yakshita Engineering is the leading needle valve manufacturer and has great experience in manufacturing of valves in India.
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smithbrothers67 · 2 years
Transmission Shop in Topeka KS
At Smith Brothers Transmissions in Topeka we specialize in high-performance transmissions. It’s not all about the engine, a high-performance car or truck with a well-maintained transmission has the ability to crush the competition right out of the gate. Avoid catastrophic transmission failures by getting the expert mechanics at Smith Brothers Transmissions to install your C eliminator kit, high-torque converter, or extra strong, bulletproof flexplate.
At Smith Brothers Transmissions in Topeka we make auto repair easy. Replace your standard clutch with a clutch designed to provide higher torque and preload for lightning-fast, torque-sensing traction when you need it most. A car or truck transmission carries the engine’s power to the drive axles and without it, your vehicle simply will not run. Don’t get sidelined because of a transmission problem. Bring your high-performance car or truck to Smith Brothers Transmissions in Topeka at 2647 SE 6th Avenue or call today to set up an appointment at 785-357-7770.
 Popular Transmission and Auto Repair Services
·         Valve Body
·         Accumulator Piston
·         Torque Converter
·         Gasket Set
·         Overhaul Kit
·         Clutch Kit
·         Transfer Case Actuator
·         Transmission Control Module
·         Electro-Hydraulic Control Module
 Transmission Rebuilds and Auto Repair A transmission rebuild is a great opportunity to replace multiple OEM parts with new high-performance grade parts without incurring the costs of a total transmission replacement. Discover Smith Brothers Transmissions’s custom transmission services that help save money by only replacing the parts you need. During a transmission rebuild, we remove your entire trans mission, take it apart, and replace multiple damaged parts with new parts that will allow you to compete instead of just drive.
Transmission Replacements and Auto Repair When the majority of the transmission is worn beyond repair, a total transmission replacement is necessary. Look at a failed transmission as an opportunity to let the expert mechanics at Smith Brothers Transmissions give you a custom-built transmission that can handle up to 1200 horsepower and 1000 feet per pound of torque. Transmission replacement cost is more expensive than a repair or rebuild but is often a longer-term fix and a bigger advantage on the track.
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