#High Stakes Club
vitikko1 · 3 months
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mrmorzn · 4 months
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HEAR ME OUT i want daraku for the next fortnite festival. please?
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danshou · 6 months
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Lucien x Joni
I honestly love how this one turned out still.
@jonithescarlet is my Joni <3
( Instagram | Ko-fi )
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divaplex · 3 months
for a request - literally anything of lucien. especially w/ his shorter hair from his formal style (but can be whatever outfit)
we're a DID system and have a lucien fictive and we never find art of him with his short hair :')
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sweetexhume · 17 days
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Been a long time since I posted anything on my art blog, so here's a screenshot of something I'm working on 😅 It still needs a lot of rendering but I've learned a lot from this! I also want to come up with a final art username to go by but I have no idea what ^^;
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cinnamon2tyx · 9 months
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Sometimes the heart want to draw what the heart wants to draw... Heart wants fortnite skin.
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lucilassie · 1 year
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Her songs eased his pain. 🦇🐺
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picklejarofpencils · 1 year
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High Stakes Club comic page #1
Based on my take of the current (nonexistent) lore
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tofukleb · 2 years
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i like to imagine this is their dynamic
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unafillyated · 8 months
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Joni Fortnite hello
She is then so the it is the woah yeah hello everyone Joni Fortnite I am here hello everyone hat big hat glove and hello happy happy funtime yippee what if there was a giant pit and you couldn’t see it or find it but you just felt like it was there and it was horrifying and you lived in a perpetual state of terror at your knowledge of the pit’s existence would you cower from the world you do not yet know to escape it or would you risk falling forever and ever and never knowing when you will find the pit or when it will find you can it find you do you know if it searches for you or do you in fact search for the pit itself despite the dread it brings upon you microwaved fruit punch
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glitzfang · 11 days
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🦴 Lucien West (Fortnite) headcanons!
Warnings: none, I think. Might be OOC... Info: These are a little corny and not pieced together as smoothly as I'd wanted... Also they're in college (or just leaving senior year of highschool) here, I'm not sure what canon has confirmed, but I'm comfortable assuming they're at least 18 with the information I do know.
Here's my first official attempt at writing for the first time in several years! I hope it's not too bad, and that you can excuse details I might get totally wrong- Feel free to offer criticism, as long as its productive! 🪶
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Lucien who’s intimidating until he smiles —
Calculating amber eyes seemingly sizing you up, uncertainty keeping you in place, until his expression spreads into a sincere smile. So warm and genuine you can’t help but return it with one of your own.
Lucien who prefers the outdoors —
Especially when it’s a cool kind of muggy… Where fog just barely dusts the edges of the horizon (as far as you can see, anyways) and a breeze that has you acutely aware of the humidity; lowering the feels-like temp to something more appropriate for the early fall season.
Lucien who always finds a way to include Louie —
Carrying the plush wolf with him on his back, setting it up on the back couch cushions for movie nights, keeping it nearby while he studies to keep himself calm and motivated. Fidgets with the ears if he’s idle too long, restlessness a common occurrence for him. He will lend it to you to help you sleep if you ask, with the addition of himself. He doesn’t sleep without Louie, and Louie doesn’t sleep without him.
Lucien who listens to Weezer —
That’s it, that’s the post. Just kidding… like the rest of the group, he loves his music. And he loves to share it, an ideal hangout would definitely include sharing headphones and just vibing. Maybe surprising to some, but on top of the many, many Starfang concerts he’s attended with his friends, he also enjoys artists like Weezer, Bowling For Soup, and ABBA.
Lucien who tried to learn guitar —
Spent a good few months putting in a genuine effort, but ended up giving the guitar he’d gotten to Helsie. He couldn’t wrap his head around chords and the tab sheets he was practicing from… always had Louie as his audience. Now he’s perfectly content sitting with Helsie while she strums idle patterns over the strings.
Lucien who is a walking heater —
Lucien naturally runs on the warmer side, perfect for clinging to at night, especially in the colder seasons… not so much in the summer, however. This man is the cuddliest ever, and took up eating popsicles in the hopes it’d cool him down enough to continue having you casually wrapped around him in your shared downtime.
Lucien who insists on doing the cooking and snack prep for hangouts —
While Helsie is likely the most qualified for this, being extraordinary in her position as a bobarista, Lucien won’t have it. He says it’s because she shouldn’t have to do more of the same she does for work, but he actually just likes seeing everyone excited for snacks (everyone knows). Pins his hair up in an attempt to keep it out of the food, but… somehow at least one strand always ends up in someone’s share. It’s become a game of sorts, like pulling straws. Victim of Lucien’s hair is exempt from any after-hangout clean up.
Lucien who chit-chats when he can’t sleep —
Everyone has nights where they just can’t seem to get to sleep, and with how restless Lucien can be, it happens more than just occasionally. It’s hard not to notice the way his breathing never evens out as it fans across the back of your neck, and the way he’s fidgeting with the hem of your his shirt. It doesn’t take long after the fidgeting starts for him to offer up quiet conversation.
Lucien who worries —
He cares a lot for his family, for you, and for everyone’s future. Keeps the groups hunting gear properly stored and maintained — with the exception of Joni’s… she’s not comfortable with the idea of swapping her things around. The club trusts each other with their lives, but they still have personal boundaries. Lucien keeps you especially updated on the maintenance that goes into the gear, as well as every safety precaution he could cram into the couple hours you spend brushing up. Stifling at times, but he does mean well.
Lucien who is reserved —
As much time as he spends expressing his concern for the club members, he never seems to give himself that same grace. It doesn’t seem to be out of a lack of respect for himself, but rather an excess amount of respect for his friends. He struggles with the idea of giving anyone else his own burdens, and it takes time to get him to open up about certain things. Be patient with him and he’ll appreciate it.
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Feedback is greatly appreciated! And I don't just mean tips for me personally... Send me your own headcanons, my asks are open! I want to get a feel for how the community characterizes him so I can improve :) Also... I want friends. 🪶
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vitikko1 · 5 months
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mrmorzn · 1 year
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-joni the red
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danshou · 6 months
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So I got into fortnite.
( Instagram | Ko-fi )
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aerosai · 1 year
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「Adventure seeker」
「Vampire staker」
「Dance master」
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my-fortnite-blog · 11 months
Shimmerdusk and her relationship with The High Stakes Club.
Crepuscularia y su relación con El Club de las Estacas Encadenadas.
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The new crew skin did nothing more than expand the Lore of The Chained Stake Club, their dialogues revealed new information about them, especially about Joni, well, when talking to Joni she tells us that Joni will learn a lot from Victoria Saint.
La nueva skin de crew no hizo más que expandir el Lore de El Club de las Estacas Encadenadas, pues sus diálogos nos revelaron nueva información respecto a ellos, especialmente de Joni, pues, al Hablar con Joni nos dice los siguiente:
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Because of this dialogue we know that Victoria Saint is Joni's mentor, and that Joni will have to make sacrifices if she really wants to be a true hunter.
Gracias a este dialogo sabemos que Victoria Saint es la mentora de Joni, y que tendrá que hacer sacrificios si realmente quiere ser una autentica cazadora.
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A fact that is also confirmed when going to talk to her wearing Victoria Saint skin. Plus the fact that we find out that Victoria was her apprentice.
Dato que también se confirma al ir a hablar con ella llevando la skin de Victoria Saint. Además del hecho de que nos enteramos que Victoria fue su aprendiz.
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If you take Lucien or Helsie, we will be given a dialogue in which Shimmerdusk asks them not to intervene in her friend Joni's process of becoming a true hunter, that is, that in the future she will have to choose between being a true hunter or among your friends/family.
Sí llevas a Lucien o Helsie nos arrojara un dialogo en el que Shimmerdusk les pide que no intervengan en el proceso de su amiga Joni de convertirse en una verdadera cazadora, es decir, que ella en un futuro tendrá que elegir entre ser un autentica cazadora o entre sus amigos/familia.
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I sincerely doubt that Joni puts hunting as a priority before her friends because, as her character description specifies, "Rumor has it that she'll do anything to protect a friend".
Sinceramente dudo que Joni ponga como prioridad la caza antes que sus amigos pues, tal y como su descripción de personaje especifica "Se dice que haría cualquier cosa por proteger a sus amigos".
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I only have a small theory regarding it that I will share with you in the next post. On the other hand, we knew that she was hunting Kado Thorne and that almost at the end of the season she fulfilled her objective, so yes, Kado Thorne is dead and we hope to see more of her in the future.
Solo tengo una pequeña teoría respecto a ella que les compartiré en el próximo post. Por otra parte sabíamos que ella estaba dándole caza a Kado Thorne y que casi al final de la temporada cumplió con su objetivo, así que sí, Kado Thorne esta muerto y esperemos ver mas de ella en un futuro.
thanks for reading me, until the next post.
Haru Out!!
Es todo por el post de hoy, gracias por leer!!
Haru fuera!!
The English isn't my native language, if I write something wrong, please leave me a comment, that would help me a lot because I'm still learning. Thanks for your help.
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