#High End Corporate Farming Company
henarikat · 2 days
Can you tell us more about your farmer? What is she like how does she meet mr qi how do they fall in love? Tell us everything!!!!
Omg the girl of all time?? You want to hear about my silly little guy?? And her blue man aaaaaa??? I have suddenly forgotten all of the lore I've ever conceived for them oh my goodness but um uh.... i will put it under a spoiler bc it'll probably be dumb and ramblyyyyy and I will absolutely regret posting in 5 seconds if I don't lmao
I guess, her dad is like the CEO of Joja or whatever, some really intense and high-up position. Idk anything about corporations. And he gets her a job after she graduates from college, she has some "dumb" (by his standards) artsy degree that he deems relevant enough to give her a very easy but very high-paying receptionist job. She doesn't have to do anything except for field calls and usually customers don't make it that far calling, so it's usually like... business deals or something. She also has to get donuts and lunch and coffee for the office, which, whatever. And anyway, she meets this guy and he seems cool. He works for her dad and he gets,,, close to her. And she gets,,, close to him. And anyway, it turns out he was using her for like, access to her dad/insider information about the company and then the night he dramatically breaks up with her, she feels like a FOOL and she cannot go back to work the next day. She remembers her dead grandfather's farm and the deed he sent her, so she spends the night packing up her things and leaves for the train station first thing in the morning, no word to anyone!!!! Obviously her dad is SO MAD and he just like... pulls her inheritance? Is that a thing that happens? Idk. And anyway, he doesn't talk to her ever again. She is very depressed when she gets to the valley and she's used to drinking every weekend in zuzu so she... kind of... drinks a lot?? every day?? she gets really close with shane, and they hook up once just before his heart event on the cliffs and after that, they both decide they're better off as friends, at least until they can both get clean. joja ends up firing him because he's so sick after he stops drinking and she hires him to work for her and pays him what he made a joja in a week for just a day's worth of work, so it's beneficial for him! She makes friends with Leah also because they both love art and Leah also majored in the same silly thing that Nora did and funny enough, that guy that Nora "dated" was Leah's ex. Crazy world we live in. Uhhhh and no one really has any romantic interest in Nora, they all sort of pair themselves up with each other?? Harvey has a silly crush on her (bc I hc Maru to be sort of an acespec lesbian in Nora's world), but she is not interested and doesn't want to break harveys strict doctor/patient rule anyway, even if she were. Uh and then 5 years into her stay in the valley, she gets a package with a note attached. I am a hopeless romantic, personallyyyyyy, so like, in my HC Mr Qi never sent her on any quests. He saw her on his screens when she arrived in the valley and he was like oh....ok um wow ok she's going to ruin my life cool cool cooooool. he was so infatuated with her aaaaaa. he never sent her on the quest for the battery or the rainbow shell for his club card, he didn't wait for her on floor 100 in the skull caverns. he coooouldn't. he tried to distract himself with flings, but even still, he could not stop thinking of her. so finally, he invited her to the casino to meet him. he sent her a gorgeous fitted gown and shoes and flowers and!!! and she came!! to meet him! and she was not scared of him or intimidated by him (she didn't even know who he was to be fair) and she thought he was cuuuuute aaaa. and I made up some heart events for him and them and I just!! they're my silly guys they mean everything to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And anyway here is a really cheesy dumb art I drew also because I’m stupid and I love them 😩
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seravphs · 1 year
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ੈ♡˳·˖✶ — KITA x FEM READER 
You’re doing a good job of convincing yourself you don’t miss your hometown until Kita drops back into your life. 
wc — 1k
tags — hometown blues, past Suna x reader (he’s a bit of a dick but he’ll grow out of it dw…just not with u), drinking, mildly angsty, title from my tears ricochet by taylor swift 
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Running away from home can be more than packing a go bag and skulking off in the middle of the night. 
Sometimes it’s playing nice until graduation and then fading out of each other’s lives. If it’s your ex-boyfriend and he’s an asshole, it’s zero contact the day you walk across that stage with your diplomas. It’s getting blocked on all socials, even the public one you know his manager runs. It’s seeing his high school volleyball captain years later and resisting the urge to hide even though you were the one done dirty by his teammate. 
Sometimes it’s cutting out the pieces of you that belonged to your hometown. It’s leaving behind crowns of sweet wheat and picnics scrounged from convenience store snacks. It’s taking the promise ring he gave you with the coordinates of your high school engraved in it and flushing it down the toilet. 
Sometimes running away becomes running towards something else. You ditched Hyogo the second you realized Rintarou really wasn’t coming back, gave no one but your parents your new address, and went off to work in the big city where you would hopefully never see any one from your town again. 
It’s a reasonable assumption. After all, the people from your hometown were geniuses, but in very specific ways. So many members of the sports team went pro, but going corporate? They’d rather die. So you count yourself safe, letting your work act as a buffer between you and your former classmates. Each passing year, the distance between you grows wider and wider as you adjust to the different circuits you live in now. 
The appearance of Kita Shinsuke at your work party feels like a fever dream. 
“It’s been a while,” he smiles politely. 
He looks different and familiar all at once. You’ve never seen him in a suit before, so there’s that. All your past interactions with him have been relegated to brief courtside meetings when you came to support Suna at games. You barely recover in time to murmur a polite greeting back. It’s a battle to make idle conversation until you finally get to the burning question - what he’s doing here. 
“Are you a doctor?” Your company is doing a partnership with a hospital at the moment. It would make sense, and Kita is certainly smart enough to go through medical school. 
“Something like that,” he says. “I study social pain at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.” 
This is unexpected of him, who everyone had thought was going to take over his family farm. You remember jokingly writing ‘name a chicken after me!’ in his yearbook. 
Going by the look on his face, he seems to recall that memory too. A corner of his mouth lifts ever so slightly as he says, “I didn’t get to name a chicken after you after all, but we have a pet mouse in the lab. Kaoru rescued it from the animal testing lab.” 
You shouldn’t be as pleased as you are to have a man name a rodent after you. 
It’s easy to let down your defenses around him. He’s warm and comforting and somehow, he still feels like home, even though he tells you he’s been away for almost as long as you have. When you lean in too close, he smells like sun warmed grass. It’s tragic, the way you cling to him, to home. He’s just easy to talk to. You keep drinking as you unload all of your worries on him. 
“I know how you feel,” he says. His eyes are clear, even though he’s drunk as much as you have. It’s those farmer boy genes, you gripe. He absorbs liquor like a sponge. “Did I ever tell you how I ended up at the Institute?”
You shake your head, feeling your cheek catch against the sticky mess on the table. It makes you grimace, thinking of the way you’re going to break out in the morning, but you’re too dizzy to lift your head. At the moment, nothing feels better than the cool linoleum against your forehead. Kita pushes a bottle of water towards you. 
“I went to college late,” he said. “Everyone had graduated already. I was the only one my age in my core classes, but I couldn’t go back. Granny had died. There was nothing left for me on the farm. I could only move forward.” 
Even when you had been young and naive, you had thought Kita made a great orator. If he was the type to run, he would’ve won countless elections. It wasn’t what he said, but the way he said it. Like there was a core of solid oak at the center of his statements, solid and unshakable as his own character. As it was, everyone knew the only reason Kita wasn’t student council president was because he preferred volleyball. He’s only grown better with practice and age. You hang off his every word, feeling them strike you in your heart. 
It pains you, a little. 
Kita’s so straightforward. In some ways, he hasn’t changed at all from the boy you knew. He’s as steadfast and resilient as ever, chugging along the course he set out for himself with dogmatic patience. For someone so gentle, he gave off the impression that he could shoulder any burden and hold his hands out for more. 
If you were like that, your life would be so much easier. 
You tend to become overwhelmed by the little tasks. Every day, your job brings you to the brink of tears even though you begged and prayed for it. It makes you feel small and unworthy. You’re too old to not have your life figured out by now. 
Kita presses a hand to your forehead. “Are you alright?” 
With regret, you realize you’ve been too busy wallowing in self-pity to listen to the rest of his story. You’ve only caught flashes of it here and there, something about how it was actually Atsumu who encouraged him to come, telling him it’s never too late. 
“Maybe I should send you home,” he says, frowning. “You don’t seem well.” 
“No, please,” you say. You indulge yourself in letting him touch you for just a while longer before you push yourself upright with a great deal of effort. “It’s good to see someone from Hyogo.”
You hadn’t realized how much you missed it. 
“I think ya- Oh,” he says, covering his mouth. For the first time all night, he seems flustered. “Oops.” 
He’s been hiding his accent. You hadn’t even noticed, because you do the same thing. 
“It’s okay,” you squeeze his hand encouragingly. “Just between us.” 
Talking with a Kansai accent feels unnatural at first, like shrugging on an old coat that feels too small for you now. It takes a little bit before the consonants warm up beneath your tongue once more, begrudgingly taking you back. You still miss home, but there’s something comforting about your loss when you talk to Kita. He’s slipped into your life to shoulder the burden alongside you as he always does, without fanfare, as subtle as the way he drops the ends of his words. 
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eaglesnick · 4 months
"I wouldn't be here today if it were not for the NHS. I have received a large amount of high-quality treatment without which I would not have survived." - Stephen Hawking
When a politician accepts funds from private enterprise and big corporations it is only natural to suspect they want something from that politician  in return for their money. Last year The National (05/06/23) told us:
“Keir Starmer, John Redwood and Wes Streeting have all earnt or been donated six-figure sums from firms or individuals linked with private healthcare."
Streeting, the Shadow Health Secretary received £22,500 in “donations” from private healthcare firms. Concerning these "donations" VOX political  (30/04/23) asked:
“Why would he end NHS privatisation and stop that money from coming to him?”
Why indeed! Are these payments the reason Wes Streeting is so keen to farm out more of the NHS to private healthcare providers?
“I don’t want working class people in pain: so I’d use private hospitals to bolster the NHS” (Guardian: 08/12/22)
and more recently:
“NHS should 'seek to use' private healthcare capacity, Wes Streeting says."
This raises the question “Why shouldn’t the NHS make more use of private healthcare providers?" I think there are several very good reasons why not.
First, private healthcare providers exist to make a profit for their shareholders or owners. Billions of pounds already leave the NHS for the coffers of private enterprise. For the period 2021/22 the Kings Fund (20/09/23) reported that the NHS spent £19.7billion on “Non-NHS- health care.”  This is money that could have been spent to provide better services WITHIN the NHS.
Second, the private sector does not train its own doctors. It relies upon  NHS money to train doctors and then lures them away from the NHS to make profits for themselves. In short, the British taxpayer is subsidising private healthcare profits.
Third, the NHS treats everyone, no matter how serious or complex his or her health needs may be. The private sector cherry-picks which medical services it provides, deliberately choosing the easiest, and therefore the least expensive, medical conditions to treat. This maximises profits, leaving the cash-strapped NHS with the most expensive cases. This leaves the NHS open to claims that it is inefficient when patient costs between NHS and private healthcare providers are compared.
Fourth, the more we use private healthcare providers to deliver medical treatment the greater the risk that we will end up with a two-tier system of health care. No less a person than Professor Stephen Hawking warned of this in March 2018, just before his death. He warned that the government was taking the NHS:
“towards a US-style insurance system, run by…private companies", and insisted: We must prevent the establishment of a two-tire system."  (The Week: 10/03/22)
The Mirror newspaper (03/06/24) points out today that 94% of private healthcare contracts are set to expire by July 2029. The next government will inherit 7452 outsourcing contracts, 6983 of which are set to reach the end of their term between July 2024 and July 2029.
If Keir Starmer and Wes Streeting are not in hock to their private healthcare “donors", then they have the perfect opportunity to save the NHS from creeping privatisation by not renewing these contracts and not signing any new deals with the private sector.
 Only time will tell if Starmer and Streeting are any different to the Tories when it comes to saving our NHS.
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lunarsilkscreen · 7 months
Value of Money
"When demand on [currency] goes up, its value goes down." - shameless self quote
I've written at length about the axiom I'm claiming to have invented. Now; I wanna go into the chain of events that lead to this axiom.
Many will decry Bernie Sander's and the Democrats, and socialists, and liberal media for using [minimum wage increase] as a key position. This is because arguably; the price of the things that those living on minimum wage might buy will increase in value.
Like food stuffs; which doesn't increase in purchase rates when consumers have more money to spend. It increases in price when it costs more to produce. However; a lot of food {nearly half in America} goes to waste (it goes bad before use). Which suggests; that farmers overproduce expecting that most of their produce goes to waste.
This ensures that ingredients are really available when you or I go to purchase them. Prices on unprocessed raw ingredients and bulk foodstuffs remain fairly stagnant. Because most prices that Farmers have to pay are to their corporate overlords, like Monsanto, or their local credit Union. (And to a lesser extent property taxes on land zoned for agriculture)
What we are seeing now isn't a price hike on the low end raw ingredients; but on processed foods, sodas, alcohol, fish, meat and dairy.
Why is this?
Well; we must first ask: why are those working minimum wage jobs asking for wage increases at all?
This has to do with the total cost of living. Electric and water prices remain a concern for your average person; and since the entire world is digital now; electricity usage rates are at an all time high.
Then the fact that the housing market is at an all time high, and prices to rent, along with discerning landlords; means that the bottleneck is at these prices (housing) overall, and to a lesser extent; prices of food that pay money to individuals who work in the supply chain after it leaves the farm.
Brand new video games after all are still 15-60$. So it's not entertainment's fault. Tesla might've increased the cost of their newest car; but that's more likely because Tesla's sales overall have dropped.
The value of money drops when demand on it increases.
What causes higher demand on currency? One could say that it's greedy people being greedy. Asking for more money because they can and that's it. They want the latest iPhone and Tesla Truck! Every year! (As opposed to when you need to buy one and can afford new)
It's not that. It's Debt. When the bank comes knocking, then the Lendees (the ones who borrowed money) need to pay it back; and before you go off on college students who are still working minimum wage because jobs can't afford to hire them; remember--This is affecting corporations like Tesla, Apple, Google, and Disney
All of who have cut back spending, and are still having trouble meeting their obligations.
(But record profits!)
Profits include money made over money spent, but not necessarily money borrowed. Because money borrowed is an operating cost. With a monthly payment to repay the loan; record profits could be made, and the company still needs to worry about paying back that loan.
Which means they (the corporations) expect sales to continue decreasing.
The National Debt (the amount of money currently in circulation, including bonds and other obligations) is *not* the same as the cumulative debt in the nation (the total amount of debt held by individuals and company's and any-entity-else the banks have lent to) which is a far more important indicator.
The National Debt goes down as tax money is collected and returned to the federal government. But the cumulative debt only goes down as people make a profit, and pay theirs back. This includes workers at minimum wage (who need to afford homes and a vehicle to get to work on time, or a bus pass if they live near a bus station that also goes to their place of work.)
Web search about the ease (or difficulty) to get a loan right now returns results like this article from CNN that talks about the decrease of loans being given out. Loan rejections are up for people with low indicator of default (failure to make payments.)
The banks aren't giving money as freely because they also have met their limits. And so we have this [inflation] issue. Debts can't be paid, so people raise prices in order to pay their debts on time; rising prices mean less sales, less sales mean more defaults, and the cycle continues.
Which again suggests outright; demand on currency is high. Demand on goods? Very low. Luxury Goods? Even lower.
Will increasing minimum wage help? Will forgiving debts? Will we be able to escape this black hole? Find out on the next episode of; "Somehow the entire world is in debt to itself, and it can't pay itself back."
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commiegoth · 1 year
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Hiii friends I just wanted to take the time to recommend some recent comedy tv I've been enjoying recently! I feel like I hardly see anyone ever talk about these shows, so if any of these sound interesting to you, please check them out!
Killing It: This show is an insanely good satire of class and capitalism in modern America I can't praise it enough! After being denied a loan and losing his job, Craig (played by Craig Robinson) teams up with Uber driver Jillian (played by Claudia O'Doherty) to kill invasive pythons in the Everglades to make enough prize money to start his own business. Season two sees the pair try to run a saw palmetto berry farm as bosses on the swampland their prize money bought. It covers everything from the gig economy to social media influencers to companies that buy peoples' debts to the myth of the self-made man itself. It's even got Tim Heidecker!
This Fool: Another excellent satire, This Fool centers around Julio (played by Chris Estrada), a self-pitying pushover who works at a non-profit helping ex-felons get back on their feet. When his cousin Luis (played by Frankie Quinones) is released from prison, Julio's desires to be seen as a good person are put into conflict with his existing biases. I'll be honest the pilot does not do a great job of setting up what makes the show so great, but if you get past all the "isn't it funny these tough guys are doing soft shit" jokes in the first ep, it has a ton of great character-driven comedy! This show shares a writing team (sans Estrada) with the show Corporate, which I also love, so check that out too if you haven't!
Kevin Can F**k Himself: A kinda high-concept show about what the archetypal sitcom wife goes through outside of the multi-camera setup. Allison (played by Annie Murphy) is sick of her husband Kevin's pranks and schemes, and decides the only way to escape is to kill Kevin and make it look like an accident. This show actually ended last year, but I'm genuinely surprised this doesn't seem that well known on tumblr because the metatextual commentary and experiments with format (and yuri slowburn) are all things people on here seem to love. It's only 16 episodes check it out!!
How To With John Wilson: This show has probably seen the most critical praise of all these so you may already know about it but it's honestly incredible. Each episode follows John Wilson as he delivers meandering commentary vaguely related to the topic of each episode (eg. "How To Make Small Talk"), laid over footage he has taken of the streets of New York City. He interviews people he finds on the internet, and reflects on the human condition. It's silly, sad, gross, and beautiful all at once! Recommended for fans of Nathan Fielder and Joe Pera.
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notwiselybuttoowell · 2 years
Wildtype’s co-founder and CEO, Justin Kolbeck, a former diplomat who has worked on food insecurity abroad, worries about how current practices would feed a growing population’s demand for seafood.
“The scope of what we’re facing is so massive that if we don’t all succeed, we as a species will collectively fail,” he said. “We can’t fix this when we’re at that point – we need to fix it now when there’s still time for oceans to recover.”
In many cases, seafood products travel multiple times around the world before reaching the end consumer.
"We’re one environmental disaster away from extraordinary disruption to the supply chain and the global consumption of seafood is at an all-time high,” said Lou Cooperhouse, founder and CEO of BlueNalu, which is initially focused on growing bluefin tuna toro. In the next decade, he envisions factories being built around the world that can meet consumption demands and says they are ready to scale quickly.
Sustainable sources of seafood are needed to meet the demand from a growing global population that is on pace to reach 10 billion by 2050. While plant-based alternatives that look and taste like fish are gaining traction, cruelty-free cultivated seafood products could be on dinner plates in the next year or two, pending regulatory approval from the US food and drug administration.
But critics say in order for cell-cultivated seafood to be a better bet for the planet than fishing or farming, the industry would have to make their expensive products cost-competitive and get consumers to willingly substitute it for wild-caught fish.
It also needs to be eaten in numbers high enough to replace wild-caught fish. Researchers say this is unlikely, given the fact that aquaculture, the farming of aquatic organisms, hasn’t succeeded in replacing global wild-caught fisheries but is simply adding to seafood production.
“I’m really skeptical of claims that cell-based seafood companies will make a difference for fisheries and ocean conservation,” said Benjamin Halpern, a marine biologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara, who has researched cultivated seafood’s ability to reduce fishing pressure.
The state of California recently made the largest single investment in alternative protein research of any US state. The $5m (£4.4m) in funding is being split between three University of California schools: UC Berkeley, UC Davis and UCLA. And the Biden administration is backing lab-grown meat as referenced in a recent executive order.
When grown indoors, cell-cultured seafood like salmon and tuna can be optimized for taste, texture and nutritional content, and cooked like traditional fish or eaten like sushi. But it remains unknown if consumers will embrace lab-grown fish.
“We talk a lot about price, taste and convenience as the three core aspects the alt-protein industry needs to focus on,” said Marika Azoff, a corporate engagement specialist at the Good Food Institute, a non-profit advocacy group that promotes alternative proteins. “They need to taste the same or better, they need to be priced the same or cheaper, and they need to be widely available.”
“I see a role for alternative seafood production in the sustainable seafood equation, just as I do for sustainably harvested wild fisheries and sustainable aquaculture,” said Rob Jones, global head of aquaculture at the Nature Conservancy. “Both cell-based and plant-based seafood can be a part of that future.”
Jones said alternative seafood products could achieve a similar 1% to 2% of the overall market, similar to plant-based meats, but that the full environmental and social effects of the production methods, such as carbon emissions and ingredient sourcing policies, must be considered.
Most alt-seafood companies won’t share their intellectual property and it’s unknown just how energy-intensive cell culturing is at this stage. BlueNalu’s Cooperhouse likens it to beer or beverage production and says it’s important to remember that the current seafood industry is incredibly resource-intensive.
“Your resources are labor on ships, oil, massive transportation and the many animal lives lost for a very inefficient 50% to 70% yield depending on species,” he said. “Let’s address the global supply chain issues and solve them one species at a time.”
BlueNalu and Wildtype say there’s no single solution to meeting the world’s demand for seafood, but believe their presence can lead to greater sustainability in the industry.
“Fish farms recognize that their current practices need to change and commercial fishing operations know something needs to change,” said Wildtype’s co-founder Aryé Elfenbein, who is also a cardiologist. “Our role is to assist with that transition – that’s really what we’re there for.”
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mariacallous · 2 years
Twenty years ago, we lost Paul Wellstone, his wife and daughter, three campaign workers and two pilots in a tragic plane crash. Hardly a day goes by that I don't think of him. Some politicians disappear quickly from the public imagination once they are no longer with us. Others have a legacy that lives on in the people they impacted and the values they upheld. Their light continues to shine beyond their time in office or on earth. Their influence even magnifies over time. That is true of Paul Wellstone.
I first met Paul as a 19-year-old student at Carleton College. He was my faculty adviser and political mentor and became a lifelong friend. No one had more influence on me than Paul. I worked on the 2002 campaign that ended so tragically and helped to found Wellstone Action. This is how I remember him.
Paul Wellstone loved and respected working-class people. He honored their dignity and their struggles to support their families. The Iron Range — indeed the entire Eighth Congressional District — was his second home. He was comfortable in union halls, church basements and on the picket line. He fought for the rights of steel workers, autoworkers, public sector workers and mine workers. These already strong relationships were cemented in the fight against NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Paul understood that any trade agreement that did not protect U.S. jobs was certain to cause dramatic dislocation for many workers, wrecking families and entire communities, as jobs were shipped overseas. What a different world we might have today had that fight not been lost. Huge swaths of voters might not have been attracted to Donald Trump's fake populism.
As the son of Jewish immigrants, Paul had a natural affinity with immigrants, whether they be Hmong, Mexican, Liberian or Russian. Having watched his mother work for years in cafeterias and his father in jobs far below his education level, Paul knew what immigrants give up when they come to the U.S. and how much they contribute to their new home. He never held himself above anyone and honored all communities who were finding a place in the fabric of our state. His was not a phony appeal to working people or immigrants, but rather a deep and abiding respect for who they were.
Paul loved rural and small-town Minnesota. One of his first organizing projects as a professor at Carleton was to create Organizing for a Better Rice County. This project enabled him to bring issues of local poverty to his students and to bring skills and organizing tools to his neighbors. Later he would forge alliances with farm families, whose livelihoods were being threatened by large utility companies, corporate agriculture and politicians who just didn't care. Paul walked their land, sat at their kitchen tables and listened to their stories. Then he would help turn that knowledge into action to improve people's lives.
Paul did not believe there was a contradiction between defending the environment and the need for good, high-paying jobs. He didn't change his position from audience to audience on these and other issues. Rather, when he was with a labor audience, he talked about the urgency of environmental protection, and when he was with environmentalists, he helped them to understand the real and immediate concerns of workers. He educated all sides and helped people see connections.
Remarkably for a politician, Paul admitted when he was wrong, and then sought to make amends. Early in this country's debate about marriage, Paul took the position that marriage was a right to be afforded to only a man and a woman. He believed civil union should be available for all. Later, after listening to the hurt and anger of his gay and lesbian friends, he changed his position. He evolved. He admitted that he was wrong and became a champion for same-sex marriage. This takes courage.
Paul Wellstone was authentic. He found joy in politics and in turn people felt his warmth, his genuine concern and his interest in finding solutions with them. "We all do better when we all do better" was not just a slogan for Paul; it was a core belief. He worked with his friend and Republican colleague, Jim Ramstad, to promote mental health parity and to see addiction as an issue worthy of legislative action. He worked with colleagues across the aisle on domestic violence.
He fought vigorously to protect workers and the environment, but after a fierce political battle, he could be friends with those with whom he disagreed. He could laugh with them, ask about their families and sympathize with personal setbacks. He was so certain of his convictions, that he was able to be both fierce and compassionate.
Paul is remembered for his friendships on the Senate floor, but also with the Capitol police, the elevator operators, the cafeteria workers, the custodians and the legislative staff whose jobs it is to make government work. These people were never invisible to Paul.
Long before Barack Obama, Paul understood that a multiracial, multigenerational coalition was not only an effective way to win elections, but also the only way to advance social change and strengthen our democracy. He believed in collective power and grassroots organizing. I witnessed dozens of gatherings where he shifted the focus from himself to the work being done by others in the room. He understood one person does not make change. Organized people do.
As I sit with the current ugly state of politics, the cesspool of lies, the rise of authoritarianism and racism, and our inability to get anything done, I remember Paul. A beacon of hope when he was alive, his legacy is still a beacon of hope. I believe we can learn to respect each other again, to come together to solve serious problems and to build a future worthy of our children and grandchildren.
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jointhekings · 2 years
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There are many factors and forces behind the movement of currencies in the FX market. Given the unique and complex nature of each and every economy around the globe, it is almost an impossible task to identify all the forces that drive currency prices.
Forex market reacts to all the supply and demand factors such as interest rates, gross domestic product (GDP), inflation, government policy, economic health, and many other factors. People read these facts and each interprets them differently and takes positions based on their interpretation of the fact.
Of course, opinions and interpretations differ from one person to another and they all draw different conclusions from the facts they see. Therefore, this causes prices to go in a different direction to where generally majority of the traders think they will.
There are generally fundamental factors that move the currency market.
Below are the four most important economic releases that move the forex market.
1) Interest rates
Interest rate movements are among the most powerful fundamental factors that move the forex market. They are set by central banks.
Generally, higher interest rates increase the value of a country’s currency. Higher interest rates tend to attract foreign investment, increasing the demand for and value of the home country’s currency.
Conversely, lower interest rates tend to be unattractive for foreign investment and decrease the currency’s relative value.
One of the most anticipated interest rate decisions is released by the federal reserve followed by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting that releases a statement to inform the general public of its monetary policy decision, regardless of whether or not rates have been changed. It is scheduled 8 times a year and it is released at 2:00 pm ET.
This specific economic release has a high impact on the Forex market and has a direct impact on the US dollar currency pairs (Major Pairs).
Federal Reserve interest rate decisions can move the market substantially in a very short period of time usually seconds after its release. Thus traders have to take extra caution when such important economic news is about to be released.
2) Non-Farm payroll
Another very important economic news is Non-farm payroll. Non-farm payroll figures refer to any job in the economy with the exception of farm work and other situations such as those employed within the military and intelligence agencies.
This release holds such influence because it provides a gauge for investors to determine whether corporations are hiring. If the report comes strong and improving, it can suggest that companies are expanding and hiring new labours and the new labours have money to spend, which will, in turn, fuel broad economic growth.
Growing workforces and a strong economy will often lead to a strengthening currency.
It is released by the Bureau of labour statistics and it is released monthly, usually on the first Friday after the month ends at 8:30 am ET.
It usually comes out at the same time as the Canadian unemployment rate, thus it can move the market substantially. The currency pair affected directly by both of these releases is the US dollar versus the Canadian dollar (USD/CAD).
3) Retail Sales
Retail sales is another high-impact economic release, it is the primary gauge of consumer spending, which accounts for the majority of overall economic activity. Retail sales are important economic indicators because they measure consumer spending, which drives the economy and signals its health.
Retail sales data is compiled differently according to each country and their bureau of statistics.
For the United States, the data is divided into US Retail Sales and US Core Retail Sales, which excludes autos and gasoline.
4) Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
GDP is considered the broadest measure of a country’s economy, and it represents the total market value of all goods and services produced in a country during a given year. GDP is one of the most-watched economic indicators in the forex market because it signals whether an economy is expanding or contracting and how much it is changing relative to the opinion of analysts.
However, one has to consider that GDP is known to be a lagging economic indicator.
5) Consumer Price Index (CPI)
The consumer price index (CPI) measures inflation. Inflation is important to currency valuation because rising prices lead the central bank to raise interest rates out of respect for their inflation containment mandate.
When inflation is too low, a central bank like the Federal Reserve may cut interest rates to spur economic activity.
When inflation is too high, interest rates may be raised to stabilize prices.
Higher interest rates tend to be attractive for foreign investment and increase the value of a country’s currency.
Conversely, lower interest rates tend to be unattractive for foreign investment and decrease the currency’s relative value.
Besides the above-mentioned indicators, other major indicators that traders should watch closely include the purchasing managers index (PMI), durable goods report, industrial production, employment cost index (ECI), and producer price index.
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entrepreneurstreet · 18 days
How to Invest in Managed Farmland in Bengaluru, India: A Comprehensive Guide
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Investing in managed farmland is one of the most sought-after modes of portfolio diversification because it ensures strong financial returns. Besides, the concept of sustainability helps attract many investors. It is a beautiful investment because Bengaluru is a region with hugely fertile land and proximity to urban markets. The comprehensive guide takes you through all that one needs to know when investing in managed farmland in Bangalore—from what managed farmland is to how one can choose the right partner.
Know Managed Farmland Investment.
What is managed farmland?
There is managed farmland, referred to here as investor-owned agricultural land, that a third-party company proactively manages. These companies operate all the aspects of farming, from crop selection, cultivation, and harvest to the sales of the produce. In such a setup, an investor benefits from agricultural produce and land appreciation, while the day-to-day management is left to experts.
What is the benefit of Investing in Managed Farmland?
Passive Income: Professionally managed farmland ensures that one enjoys income from agricultural activities passively, without actually dealing with the day-to-day activities.
Professional Management: The work is taken care of by professionals who ensure proper crop yields and full land utilization.
Land Appreciation: Farmlands appreciate over time, adding value to an investment portfolio.
Diversification: Managed farmland generally offers good diversification opportunities for investors looking to add a real asset to their portfolios.
Weekend Getaways and Exclusive  Amenities:  Most  managed  farmland projects, including Mytan Farms, offer a host of amenities including clubhouses with stay and organic farming experiences, making the land a valued retreat apart from the investment in it.
Why Invest in Managed Farmland in Bengaluru?
Bangalore's Agricultural Potential
Bangalore's moderate climatic condition, together with the soil's fertility and plenty of water resources, makes the place suitable for most agricultural activities. Professionally managed farms around this area can produce several high-demand crops, such as organic vegetables, fruits, and even speciality items like medicinal plants and sandalwood.
Increasing Demand for Organic Produce
The increasing consciousness about health and environmental sustainability has sparked increasing demand for organic produce. Often, managed farmland projects suit such needs, ensuring higher returns to investors through organic farming.
Why invest in Mytan Farms for your managed farmland investment in Bangalore?
Investing in managed farmland in Bangalore requires a company that is credible and experienced to work with. That is where Mytan Farms comes into play- a corporate agro-realty company floated by IIM alumni. Here's why Mytan Farms stands out:
Strategic location selection: Mytan Farms selects and acquires farmland at locations where economic development is taking place rapidly, thereby securing your investment in growth.
Transparency and Compliance: Transparencies in all transactions are viewed whereby all farmlands are fully compliant and have clear titles. This is a professionalism that secures the investment.
Affordability and Value-Driven: Mytan Farms operates on the philosophy of "Minimum Cost—Maximum Benefits." Its competitive pricing for farmlands includes necessary development to give owners maximum returns.
Scientific and Sustainable Farming Methodology: Mytan Farms offers scientific and sustainable farming methodology by hiring agricultural experts who enable the farming community to maximise profits and manage crop yields to maintain environmental sustainability.
Hassle-Free Ownership: The company undertakes end-to-end services in maintaining the land, including upkeep and crop harvesting to make your farmland ownership hassle-free.
Lifestyle Benefits: Beyond the profitable investment, exclusive amenities at Mytan Farms include weekend getaways that add to the personal enjoyment of owning farmland.
Mytan Farms is helmed by Mr. Harish Babu M L, an IIM alumnus with over 22 years of experience as a research scientist and project management head in global pharmaceutical companies. His leadership focuses on the 3P's that assure a profitable and sustained investment—Profits, Passion, and Planet.
Things to Consider Before Investment
Choosing the Right Management Company
Your success in a managed farmland investment depends partly on the management company you select. You are seeking a firm with a track record, transparency, and sustainability in farming practices, for example, Mytan Farms.
Understanding the Management Agreement
Study the management agreement before investing. This document describes the terms, conditions, and responsibilities between the investor and management company. It should spell out the profit-sharing terms, management fees, and the duration of the contract. Review this to make sure it aligns with your goals.
Land Quality and Location
Even if farming operations are outsourced to a management company, the quality of land remains a factor. Ensure that your farmland is in good soils, has an adequate supply of water, and has access to markets either by road or waterways.
Legal Check
Perform proper legal due diligence before investing. Check on the title of the land whether it is clear of any encumbrance, and see if all permits and licenses are obtained.
Managed Farmland Investment Models
Co-Ownership Model
In this model, different investors jointly own one farmland and share the cost and profit of the investment in proportion. This greatly reduces the amount of money that an individual investor invests. This enables the person to undertake.
much bigger and value-accentive farming projects.
Leasing model
Some firms operate on a leasing model, whereby the investors lease land for a defined period. The management company handles all farming activities, while the investor receives returns on the yield of that particular lease period.
Revenue-Sharing Model
The revenue-sharing model allows the management company to take a certain share of the net income generated from the sale of crops. This model completely aligns the interests of the management company with that of the investor. Both will need higher yields and better prices for their crops.
Steps to Invest in Managed Farmland in Bangalore
Research and Shortlisting Management Companies
First, study farm management companies in Bangalore. Shortlist companies that have shown competence in their work, are transparent about their operations, and committed to the sustainable form of farming, such as Mytan Farms.
Site Visits and Due Diligence
Actually visit the shortlisted farmland sites to assess the quality of the land and the farming operations. Engage with other investors and local experts to gain insights into the company's performance.
Management Agreement Review
Carefully go through the management agreement to understand how the profits will be shared, by what margin, and how long the contract will last. This is important in finding out whether the agreement is transparent and fair enough; thus, seeking the services of a legal expert will be handy.
Finalize the Investment
After Due Diligence, finalize the investment by signing the contract and transferring the money. Make sure that all documents are duly recorded.
Monitor Performance
While managed farmland is a passive investment, it is important to stay on top of your investment performance. Read reports regularly that are provided by the management company. Keep up-to-date with market trends that will affect returns.
Return Potential and Risk
Anticipated Return on Investment
The returns on investment will vary depending on the crop, demand in the market, and efficiency of operation by the management company. Generally,
investors can get returns that range from 10% to 18% annually, with land appreciation as an added bonus.
Risks Involved
Investing in managed farmland involves risks on crop failure, market volatility, and the vagaries of government regulations. These can be hedged off through a good choice of management company, diversification of investment, and keeping oneself updated on agricultural trends.
Strategies for Risk Mitigation
Therefore, investment into diversified crop options, insurance cover, and selection of a management firm based on sound sustainable farming practices can lead to lesser risks.
Taxation and Legal Framework
Investing in managed farmland around Bangalore offers tax-efficient benefits, as agricultural income is generally tax-exempt in India. Ensure legal compliance with local agricultural laws and regulations. Companies like Mytan Farms provide opportunities for passive income, land appreciation, and lifestyle perks like weekend getaways, making it an attractive option for portfolio diversification and reconnecting with nature.
 Investing with MytanFarms: What sets them apart
MytanFarms provides full-service investment management, allowing clients to focus on other interests. With a proven track record and positive client testimonials, they ensure skilled, reliable management for agricultural investments.
Why Choose Mytan Farms for Your Farmland Investment
Mytan Farms offers personalised investment plans tailored to financial goals and risk tolerance. Investors can choose plans that align with their objectives, whether seeking long-term capital growth or short-term profits. Mytan Farms provides full support throughout the investment journey with professional coaching and ongoing management. This ensures clear communication and tactical counsel, helping investors stay informed and engaged. For both seasoned and new investors, Mytan Farms offers a hassle-free way to benefit from agricultural investment in Bangalore, combining stability, growth, and diversification without the need for direct land management.
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industrynewsupdates · 24 days
Aluminum Casting Market Size, Share, Growth Analysis And Forecast, 2030
The global aluminum casting market size was valued at USD 90.97 billion in 2022 and is estimated to exhibit a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.1% from 2023 to 2030. 
The increasing use of aluminum in automobiles owing to its high strength and lightweight is likely to drive the market over the coming years. Nearly 30-40% of aluminum is being used per lightweight vehicle every year and is likely to reach 70% over the coming years owing to stringent regulations on reducing fuel emissions across the globe. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, the global sales of lightweight vehicles reached 17.385 million units in May 2019. Thus, increasing demand for lightweight vehicles on account of soaring environmental pollution, rising disposable incomes, and changing lifestyles of consumers is anticipated to boost the demand for aluminum casting.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Aluminum Casting Market
Increasing demand for general utility and sports utility vehicles is anticipated to drive product demand in the U.S. For instance, according to the automotive consultancy firm, LMC Automotive, the U.S. is likely to have more than 90 mainstream SUV models by 2023. Moreover, automobile manufacturers in the country are under increasing pressure to meet the regulatory requirements pertaining to the environmental impact of vehicles. As per Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE), passenger cars are required to reach a fuel economy target of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2026 owing to the increasing emission of greenhouse gases, which, in turn, is anticipated to augment market growth.
The application scope of aluminum casting is widening to agricultural equipment, construction equipment, mining equipment, and other heavy-duty machinery. The growth in these types of machinery is largely attributed to developing economies such as India and Brazil, where there is a high need for modernizing equipment to attain greater levels of productivity and efficiency. India is among the largest manufacturers of farm equipment like tractors, tillers, and harvesters. Tractor sales in the country are expected to grow by nearly 8.0% from 2018 to 2022, thereby driving the market.
On the flip side, factors such as high prices of aluminum casting machinery, along with high investments in technological advancements in aluminum casting, are likely to hamper the market growth. Moreover, strict rules and guidelines laid down by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the European Environment Agency regarding harmful emissions into the environment during the casting process are likely to hinder market growth in the coming years.
Aluminum Casting Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global aluminum casting market report based on process, end-use, and region:
Process Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Million; 2018 - 2030)
• Die casting
o Pressure die casting
o Others
• Permanent mold casting
• Others
End-Use Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Million; 2018 - 2030)
• Transportation
• Industrial
• Building & Construction
• Others
Regional Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Million; 2018 - 2030)
• North America
o U.S.
o Canada
o Mexico
• Europe
o Germany
o Italy
o France
o Russia
• Asia Pacific
o China
o India
o Japan
o South Korea
• Central & South America
o Brazil
• Middle East & Africa
o South Africa
Browse through Grand View Research's Advanced Interior Materials Industry Research Reports.
• The global sheet metal market size was valued at USD 188.31 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.0% from 2024 to 2030.
• The global mercury analyzer market size was estimated at USD 298.8 million in 2023 and is projected to to grow at a CAGR of 6.3% from 2024 to 2030. 
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
The market is competitive and is likely to expand on account of the growing penetration of aluminum castings in EVs. For instance, in September 2020, Tesla announced the installation of aluminum casting machines for the production of chassis at a German plant, for increasing its EV production. This enables the company to leverage the market growth. Some prominent players in the global aluminum casting market include:
• Walbro
• Alcoa Corporation
• Consolidated Metco, Inc.
• BUVO Castings
• RDW Wolf, GmbH
• Georg Fischer Ltd.
• Dynacast
• Ryobi Limited
• Martinrea Honsel Germany GmbH
• Bodine Aluminum
• Alcast Technologies
• Endurance Technologies Limited
• Aluminum Corporation of China Limited
Order a free sample PDF of the Aluminum Casting Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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novumtimes · 1 month
Lowes Latest Company To Reduce DEI Initiatives Amid Legal Woes
Lowe’s is the latest company to dial back on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies for the LGBTQ community as conservatives target queer representation in the public eye, NBC News reports.  The home improvement retail chain giant told employees in an internal memo that it was ending participation in surveys for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the largest LGBTQ advocacy group in the U.S. As the latest company to alter its diversity programming following the Supreme Court’s 2023 groundbreaking decision to make affirmative action unconstitutional in college admissions, the memo also said the retailer started to review its programs shortly after the ruling and decided to combine resource groups, targeting minority employees, into an umbrella organization. It also announced it would end sponsorship and participation in community events like parades and festivals in reference to Pride. The Mooresville, North Carolina-based company sponsored the Pride parade in Charlotte back in 2019.  According to The Associated Press, the changes came to ensure that Lowe’s policies are “lawful” and aligned with its commitment to “include everyone.” “We may make additional changes over time,” the company’s leadership team said. “What will not change, though, is our commitment to our people.” As other companies are seemingly addressing DEI as a whole, Lowe’s appears to be specifically targeting LGBTQ representation. Receiving high praise as a DEI champion under the leadership of African American CEO Marvin Ellison since 2018, HRC gave the company a perfect score in the corporate equity index that examines policies that protect LGBTQ workers.  Ellison has been an outspoken advocate for social change regarding racism since the 2020 police killing of George Floyd. In June 2024, Ellison received the title of Ethical Leader of the Year by the Society for Human Resource Management, the largest HR organization in the country.  Lowe’s is one of many companies that made changes to its inclusion policies in 2024, following motorcycle manufacturer Harley Davidson and farm supply companies Tractor Supply and John Deere. Home appliance giant Best Buy also fell victim to policy change after the New York state comptroller, who manages the state’s $207 billion public pension fund—with investments in the store—questioned the company’s commitment to inclusivity and support of the LGBTQ community. Critics of DEI policy reversal have taken to social media to blast Lowe’s decision, including HRC. Its Senior Vice President of Programs, Research, and Training, Orlando Gonzales, labeled the changes as “shortsighted decisions contrary to safe and inclusive workplaces” and expressed concern over creating a “snowball effect of negative long-term consequences.”  He continues to take specific aim at video streamer and right-wing online activist, Robby Starbuck, who is celebrating policy changes on social media as well as taking credit for them. On Aug. 26, the streamer claimed he received an email from a Lowe’s executive in response to a warning he sent the company, threatening to “expose” its “woke” policies. “We’re now forcing multi-billion dollar organizations to change their policies without even posting just from fear they have of being the next company that we expose,” Starbuck wrote. “We are winning, and one by one, we WILL bring sanity back to corporate America.” Lowe’s spokesperson Steve Salazar denied those allegations. RELATED CONTENT: Lowe’s and Shark Tank’s Daymond Are Hosting A Virtual Pitch Challenge For Diverse Small Businesses Source link via The Novum Times
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ulistproperties · 1 month
The Best Choice for International Real Estate Canada with Ulist Properties
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International real estate in Canada refers to the buying, selling, or investing in Canadian properties by foreign individuals or companies. These properties can range from residential homes and vacation retreats to commercial buildings and land investments. Canada offers a stable and attractive real estate market with steady appreciation in property values. The country's cities, like Toronto, Vancouver, and Calgary, are popular for their vibrant urban environments, while regions like British Columbia and Quebec offer stunning landscapes and opportunities for vacation properties. Canada's strong economy, transparent legal system, and supportive government policies make it an ideal choice for long-term property investments.
Ulist Properties redefines international real estate Canada with its global reach, unmatched expertise, and commitment to transparency. Connecting buyers and sellers across 57 countries, Ulist properties opens doors to prime real estate opportunities, including some of the best properties in Canada. What sets U-List apart is their dedicated team, offering tailored guidance to help investors confidently navigate foreign markets. Their extensive listings cover everything from luxury estates to commercial investments, all within a user-friendly platform designed for simplicity. Its no-commission approach adds a layer of transparency, allowing sellers to list properties without the usual fees, ensuring a fair and cost-effective experience for everyone involved. Whether you're eyeing a beach house in British Columbia or a city condo in Toronto, it makes international real estate investment easy, affordable, and stress-free.
Canadian Real Estate Options for International Investors
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Residential Properties:
Urban Homes: Invest in homes or condominiums in major cities like Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal, known for their strong real estate markets, excellent infrastructure, and diverse cultural offerings.
Suburban Properties: Consider suburban homes in rapidly growing areas around major cities, offering a balance of affordability, space, and access to urban amenities.
Vacation Homes:
Cottage Country: Areas like Muskoka in Ontario or the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia are famous for their lakeside cottages, ideal for both personal use and short-term rentals.
Ski Resorts: Invest in properties in or near world-renowned ski destinations like Whistler, Banff, or Mont-Tremblant, which have year-round appeal for tourists.
Commercial Real Estate:
Retail Spaces: Purchase retail spaces in thriving urban centers for stable, long-term rental income from established businesses.
Office Buildings: Consider investing in office properties in downtown districts of major cities, benefiting from steady demand from corporate tenants.
Industrial Properties: Invest in warehouses or distribution centers, especially in growing e-commerce hubs such as Toronto and Calgary.
Multi-Family Dwellings:
Apartments and Condos: Invest in multi-unit properties, particularly in high-demand cities, where there is a constant need for rental housing due to growing populations.
Townhouses: These properties are popular in both urban and suburban areas, offering good rental income opportunities with less maintenance compared to larger multi-family buildings.
Agricultural and Rural Land:
Farmland: Canada’s vast agricultural lands, particularly in provinces like Saskatchewan and Alberta, offer opportunities for investment in farming and rural properties, with potential for both leasing and capital appreciation.
Eco-Friendly Projects: Invest in rural land or eco-friendly housing developments focusing on sustainability, which is becoming an increasingly popular investment trend in Canada.
Luxury Properties:
High-End Condos: Luxurious condominiums in cities like Vancouver and Toronto offer high-quality amenities and prime locations, appealing to international buyers seeking prestige and exclusivity.
Mansion and Estates: Large estates in scenic areas such as British Columbia’s coast or Ontario’s lake regions provide privacy, luxury, and stunning natural surroundings.
Considerations for International Investors:
Immigration Policies: Some buyers may also explore Canada's immigration programs, such as the Immigrant Investor Program, which can offer residency benefits alongside property investment.
Market Research: Understanding local markets and trends, as well as property taxes and regulations, is crucial for making informed decisions in the Canadian real estate market.
With a wide variety of property types and investment opportunities, Canada’s real estate market offers international investors a stable and diverse portfolio of options.
The Best international real estate Canada market offers a wide range of opportunities for international investors, from urban residential properties and vacation homes to commercial real estate and luxury estates. The country’s stable economy, diverse landscapes, and vibrant cities make it an attractive destination for property investment. Whether you’re looking to invest in a vacation home in cottage country, a high-end condo in Vancouver, or farmland in rural areas, Canada has something for every type of investor. With Ulist Properties, navigating this dynamic market becomes easier, as they offer expert guidance, extensive property listings, and personalized solutions to help you find the perfect investment. By leveraging Ulist Properties' global platform, international buyers can confidently explore and invest in Canadian real estatewith access to the best options across the country.
For more information or to get started with your International real estate Canada investment, contact us 14038896635 and Visit us www.ulistproperties.com.
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creativeera · 2 months
Electrical Enclosure Market will grow at highest pace owing to increased demand from oil & gas sector
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The electrical enclosure market comprises enclosures that protect electrical components from environmental factors such as dust, moisture, and corrosion. Electrical enclosures are manufactured using various materials such as metal, plastic, and Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester (FRP). They provide mechanical protections as well as adhere to safety standards set by regulatory authorities. Electrical enclosures find wide applications in industries such as oil & gas, mining, power generation, and transportation among others. Rising investments in infrastructure development and urbanization are fueling the demand for electrical enclosures. The global electrical enclosure market size was valued at USD 5894.4 million in 2021 and is anticipated to witness a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.20% from 2022 to 2030.
Key Takeaways Key players operating in the electrical enclosure are Adalet (Scott Fetzer Company), Schneider Electric SE, Rittal GmbH Co. Kg., Legrand SA, Nvent Electric PLC, Hubbell Inc., Siemens AG, Emerson Electric Co., Austin Electrical Enclosures, ABB Ltd., AZZ Inc., Eaton Corporation, and Eldon Holding AB. Rising demand from utilities industry owing to increasing investments in T&D networks is a key factor driving the electrical enclosure market. Rapid industrialization and urbanization in emerging economies are also pushing the demand for reliable power infrastructure and safer electrical components. Advancements in material sciences have led to the development of lightweight, corrosion resistant, and fire-retardant enclosure materials. Market trends The Electrical Enclosure Market Demand is witnessing increased adoption of FRP and polycarbonate materials over conventional metals. FRP enclosures offer benefits such as resistance to corrosion, lightweight, and ease of fabrication. This is positively impacting their use in hazardous and wet industrial locations. Enclosures equipped with Intrinsic Safety (IS) / Increased Safety (IS) barriers for Zone 1 and Zone 2 areas of oil &gas refineries and petrochemical plants are also gaining traction. Market Opportunities Growing investments in renewable energy generation projects present significant growth opportunities. Solar and wind farms require reliable electrical enclosures to house control gear and distribution components. Developing infrastructure in countries like India, Brazil and Southeast Asia will further drive the demand. Enclosures with IECEx and ATEX certifications for use in underground mining sites also offer lucrative opportunities. Impact of COVID-19 on Electrical Enclosure Market The COVID-19 pandemic has adversely impacted the growth of the Electrical Enclosure Market Regional Analysis. The imposition of lockdowns across various countries led to the temporary closure of manufacturing facilities. This disrupted the supply chain and logistics network, thereby hampering the production and distribution of electrical enclosures. With the halt in construction projects, the demand from end-use industries such as infrastructure, construction also witnessed a steep decline during this period. Get more insights on Electrical Enclosures Market
Alice Mutum is a seasoned senior content editor at Coherent Market Insights, leveraging extensive expertise gained from her previous role as a content writer. With seven years in content development, Alice masterfully employs SEO best practices and cutting-edge digital marketing strategies to craft high-ranking, impactful content. As an editor, she meticulously ensures flawless grammar and punctuation, precise data accuracy, and perfect alignment with audience needs in every research report. Alice's dedication to excellence and her strategic approach to content make her an invaluable asset in the world of market insights.
(LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/alice-mutum-3b247b137 )
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businessindustry · 2 months
Shrimp Market Survey Insights, Future and Forecast 2024-2032 | Reports and Insights
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The Reports and Insights, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “Shrimp Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2023-2031.” The study provides a detailed analysis of the industry, including the global Shrimp Market share, size, trends, and growth forecasts. The report also includes competitor and regional analysis and highlights the latest advancements in the market.
Report Highlights:
How big is the Shrimp Market?
The shrimp market was US$ 27.5 Bn in 2022. Furthermore, the shrimp market to register revenue CAGR of 5.6% over the forecast period and account for market size of US$ 44.9 Bn in 2031.
What are Shrimp?                                                                                                                                                                            
Shrimp are small crustaceans from the order Decapoda, found in both saltwater and freshwater habitats. They have elongated bodies, semi-transparent exoskeletons, flexible abdomens, and long antennae. Shrimp are vital in aquatic ecosystems, serving as a primary food source for many fish and marine species. They are also a significant seafood commodity for humans, valued for their culinary versatility and high nutritional content, including protein, vitamins, and minerals. Shrimp farming and fishing are key economic activities in numerous coastal areas worldwide.
Request for a sample copy with detail analysis: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/sample-request/2060
What are the growth prospects and trends in the Shrimp industry?
The shrimp market growth is driven by various factors and trends. The shrimp market is a thriving sector fueled by the global appetite for seafood and the growing preference for shrimp as a nutritious and versatile food choice. It includes both wild-caught and farmed shrimp, with major production hubs in countries such as China, Thailand, Vietnam, and India. The market is impacted by factors like trade policies, sustainability concerns, and advances in aquaculture technology. As consumers increasingly seek healthier and eco-friendly food options, the shrimp market continues to expand, driven by innovations in farming practices and supply chain management that improve efficiency and quality. Additionally, heightened awareness of environmental issues and seafood traceability is influencing the market's future trajectory. Hence, all these factors contribute shrimp market growth.
What is included in market segmentation?
The report has segmented the market into the following categories:
By Type:
By Form:
By End-user:
By Distribution Channel:
Convenience Stores
Specialty Stores
Online Sales Channels
By Region: 
North America
United States 
United Kingdom 
Rest of Europe 
Asia Pacific
South Korea 
Australia & New Zealand 
Rest of Asia Pacific 
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia 
South Africa 
United Arab Emirates 
Rest of MEA
Who are the key players operating in the industry?
The report covers the major market players including:
Aqua Star Corp.
Avanti Feeds Ltd.
Clearwater Seafoods Inc.
High Liner Foods Inc.
Marine Harvest
Maruha Nichiro Corporation
Nippon Suisan Kaisha
Nordic Seafoods A/S
Surapon Foods
Thai Union Group
View Full Report: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/report/Shrimp-market
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Reports and Insights consistently mееt international benchmarks in the market research industry and maintain a kееn focus on providing only the highest quality of reports and analysis outlooks across markets, industries, domains, sectors, and verticals. We have bееn catering to varying market nееds and do not compromise on quality and research efforts in our objective to deliver only the very best to our clients globally.
Our offerings include comprehensive market intelligence in the form of research reports, production cost reports, feasibility studies, and consulting services. Our team, which includes experienced researchers and analysts from various industries, is dedicated to providing high-quality data and insights to our clientele, ranging from small and medium businesses to Fortune 1000 corporations.
Contact Us:
Reports and Insights Business Research Pvt. Ltd. 1820 Avenue M, Brooklyn, NY, 11230, United States Contact No: +1-(347)-748-1518 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/ Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/report-and-insights/ Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/ReportsandInsi1
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truechaosembodied · 2 months
To Rectify the Past, Pt. 1
It was like any other day. Work was stressful, people were gossiping about me, and the rats in my apartment were particularly annoying. A bad normal, but normal nonetheless. We were supposed to get a new tenant, but I didn’t care too much for my neighbors. I had just walked into the apartment building after work, when I heard a rather high-pitched voice coming from the stairwell. In comes a bounding rabbit girl with the biggest, most optimistic smile on her face. She notices me and immediately comes rushing to greet me. “Hi! I’m Rosemary, but you can call me Rosey!” I could barely keep up with her energy as she spoke, let alone her actions. She kept a rhythmic bounce as she stood on the balls of her feet, constantly trying to keep eye contact with me despite my obvious stature. “I just moved in, and I’ve already made a couple of friends!” She adds before I can get a word in. “These two guys invited me to a party in an alley nearby! They said to come alone, but it’s too exciting to not tell someone else!” Don’t tell me she’s this dumb. There’s no way she missed how those men basically asked “come alone after dark.” I had to step in. “Let me join you, if you’d be so kind.” I cannot let this girl get hurt, especially when I have a chance to save her. “The name’s Nas, by the way.” Rosey tilts her head curiously, a look that makes me sweat even in the cold. “Such an odd name.” She muses softly. “Where did you say this party was again?” I ask, trying to keep the conversation on track. “Oh! Just follow me!” Rosey declares before taking my hand and rushing us out the door. Along the way, Rosey tells me a bit more about her upbringing. She explains how she was born and raised on a farm with twelve siblings, and how she’s the first person in her family for generations to go to college and get a degree. She moved here to the city because she was hired by a big engineering company to work on designs for upcoming projects. To be completely honest, Rosey being an engineer was a shock to me, considering her naïveté when it came to her “invitation”. But she seemed happy, and that’s all that matters. When we arrived at the alley that Rosey was invited to, I looked around expectantly, waiting for those men to show. “Where could they be?” Rosey asked, but not a moment later, her question was answered. “Oh! There you are!” She shouted as two men approached from the shadows. “Well, well, well, looks like we have a double date, Mike,” mused the taller man to his partner. “Indeed, Vic,” nodded the burlier one. “Date? I thought you said it was a party?” Rosey asks. “Oh, it’ll be a party by the end of this,” Mike says in bated breath. Vic comes up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder, sending a chill down my spine. “And who are you, sweetheart?” He asks, his eyes like daggers as he tries to look down my shirt. “Nas,” I answer as I pull away, “and I’m a guy.” Vic just laughs before approaching me again. “Sure you are! And I manage funds for a major corporation.” I roll my eyes, having heard that plenty of times before. I look over to see that Mike is eyeing Rosey with the hunger of a predator. I give both men an equally deadly leer, ready to pounce at the first sign of Rosey’s discomfort. Mike notices my stare and looks at me with annoyance. “What, tough guy? Think you’re better than me?” The comment is simple, and there’s no way that he knows the truth, but it gets to me. I can’t let it show, though, so I just keep my gaze locked to him. Rosey can feel the rising tension, so she tries to keep the conversation going about parties. “So, what exactly are we doing first? Are we getting drinks, playing games, dancing? All of the above?” The mention of drinks actually gives me an idea. “Rosey, take this and go buy us some drinks and snacks from the corner store. It’ll help to keep the party going.” I hand her a fifty, hoping to keep her busy. “Yes, sir!” Rosey beams at me before taking the fifty and beginning to rush out of the alley. I turn to the men once Rosey’s out of earshot, giving them a deadly smile and a view of my usually hidden fangs.
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tmr-blogs2 · 2 months
Adjuvants Market Size to be Worth USD 7.9 billion by 2031
The global adjuvants market is estimated to flourish at a CAGR of 6.7% from 2022 to 2031. According to Transparency Market Research, sales of adjuvants are slated to total US$ 7.9 billion by the end of the aforementioned period of assessment.
Emerging agricultural practices demanding reduced chemical usage have fueled the demand for adjuvants, amplifying their role in optimizing pesticide and herbicide effectiveness. The rise in precision farming techniques, coupled with a growing emphasis on sustainable agriculture, has prompted increased adjuvant use to enhance the performance of crop protection products.
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Key Findings of the Market Report
Microbial products show promising growth, leading the adjuvants market with innovative formulations and sustainable solutions for agriculture.
Insecticides lead in the adjuvants market, fostering efficient formulations to enhance insecticide efficacy in agricultural practices.
North America spearheads the adjuvants market, displaying significant growth due to technological advancements and the adoption of innovative agricultural practices.
Adjuvants Market Growth Drivers & Trends
Incorporating blockchain for tracking and ensuring the authenticity of adjuvant ingredients and formulations.
Adjuvant solutions are designed to work with remote sensing technologies for real-time crop health monitoring and treatment.
Supporting crops combating non-living stressors like salinity, drought, and extreme temperatures.
Tailoring adjuvants per specific crop needs, geographic regions, and farming practices.
Formulations designed to improve seed treatment effectiveness, ensuring better germination rates and early-stage plant protection.
Global Adjuvants Market: Regional Profile
North America remains at the forefront, driven by technological advancements and a robust focus on sustainable agricultural practices. The region's emphasis on precision farming fuels the demand for adjuvants, optimizing crop protection. Stringent regulatory norms emphasizing reduced chemical usage elevate the significance of adjuvants in enhancing the effectiveness of pesticides and herbicides.
In Europe, a growing environmental consciousness propels the development of eco-friendly adjuvants derived from natural sources. This shift aligns with the region's commitment to sustainable agriculture, fostering innovations that cater to environmentally conscious farming practices.
The Asia Pacific region demonstrates promising growth potential fueled by increased agricultural activities and modernization. Adopting advanced farming methods and rising demand for high-quality crops drive the need for adjuvants, leading to market expansion and technological innovations to meet evolving agricultural demands.
Adjuvants Market: Competitive Landscape
The adjuvants market boasts a competitive landscape with critical players striving for innovation and market dominance. Industry giants such as BASF SE, Dow Chemical Company, and Adama Agricultural Solutions are pivotal in shaping market dynamics through extensive R&D investments, product diversification, and strategic collaborations.
Intensifying competition compels companies to prioritize sustainable formulations, capitalize on technological advancements, and expand their global footprint, driving a dynamic landscape characterized by innovation and strategic maneuvers to meet evolving industry demands. Some prominent manufacturers are as follows:
SPI Pharma
Biostadt India Limited
Peptech Bioscience
Croda International
Ora Agri Europe S.A
Aphios Corporation
Mukta Industries
Global Adjuvant Company
Adjuvants Market: Key Segments
By Type
Oil Emulsions
Mineral Salts
Microbial Products
By Application
Human Vaccine
Veterinary Vaccine
By Region
North America
Latin America
Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa
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Transparency Market Research, a global market research company registered at Wilmington, Delaware, United States, provides custom research and consulting services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insights for thousands of decision makers. Our experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools & techniques to gather and analyses information.
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