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zzzzleepyuwu · 1 month ago
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hat thief
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amemenojaku · 2 months ago
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Happy New Year @kschocobeer! I was your secret santa. I'm sorry this is so late, I hope you like it still! Wishing you the best and many more great Hifuu for 2025 :-)
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poropo1133 · 4 months ago
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Nov. 3 AM2:30:00(UTC+9)
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monikatouhou · 10 months ago
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psi-hate · 4 months ago
Merry has gone missing, and Renko feels like she's hot on her tail. Join Renko as she explores the connection between this strange mirror world and her own, solving puzzles to make your way closer to finding your girl.
I just finished my entry for Touhou Fan Game Jam 14! Big thanks to @perfectcherrybomber for the programming and @ariane-ashen for the writing!
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We've also made it web-browser compatible for ease-of-use. Please feel free to give it a play!
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hifuu-yuri-club · 4 months ago
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This could work on some of you
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llamasyes · 4 months ago
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Hifuu ✨
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sukimas · 1 year ago
The Yukaribel Theory
Perhaps you've heard of it. Most Touhou fans who have read the stories of ZUN's Music CDs are aware of it— the "theory" that Maerieberie Hearn (Merry) and Yukari Yakumo are the same person in some way. But why do people believe this? What is the evidence for it? And how much of a leap is really being made in interpreting the base text?
For these purposes, I have compiled an exhaustive document collecting all the evidence in favor of the theory that I could find (that was of suitable quality) into one place. Sections are dated in chronological order of the evidentiary works' release dates.
If the idea of this theory has been bothering you for years, or if you believe in it but you're not familiar with exactly how much evidence there is to support it, or if you're somewhere in between these two extremes, please take a look at it. It's my belief that if you enter with an open mind, you will leave with at least the understanding of how someone could view this to be not just theory, but the obvious and intended way for the text to be read.
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astrobowie · 1 year ago
You stare into your beloved partner's eyes. "What's your fursona," she said? What does that even mean? [Scholar of the 21st Century - Success: Easy] - A fursona is what you would look like if you were an anthropomorphic animal. [Whimsy - Success: Easy] - It is a matter of utmost importance. 1. That sounds lame. 2. That sounds rad. 3. So what's our fursona?
[Gensou Premonition] - A fox. Regal and dangerous. Easily the most youkai-like animal. [Relativistic Psychology - Success: Challenging] - The self contains multitudes upon multitudes. Singling out a single animal to represent that flowing river of consciousness is a losing battle. Renko begins to stare at you, as though she's trying to trace your mental process through the movements of your face. You've been silent for a while now. [Lily Vision - Success: Trivial] You can't just leave her hanging! Just say something, anything. [Beyond the Border - Success: Impossible] A rat. A rat. A rat. I think you'd be a rat. You'd be a rat. [Gensou Premonition - Success: Medium] Hush, that's overplayed. [Scholar of the 21st Century - Success: Easy] Best not to dwell on this-- you don't want to know what happened to him. Renko - 'Hello? Merry are you feeling alright?' 1. 'I think I'd be a rat.' 2. 'I think I'd be a fox.' 3. 'Sorry, what'd you say?' 4. 'What animal I would be? What an odd question. It's not like I think about eating people.' 5. 'Do you remember what happened to Jerma?'
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every1sno1fangirl · 1 month ago
Happy Hifuumo Friday everyone!
My week was actually pretty bleh again, though this time it wasn't really because of my health acting up until just now as I'm writing this because I made the horrible mistake of trying to eat pizza again.
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I feel kind of weird about it. I'm not sure how common of an experience it really is to fall out of love of something you ate all the time as a kid and sit there wondering whether or not you even truly liked it or if you just did because you were expected to.
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Either way I don't anymore, and I'm tired of testing "Well, maybe I just didn't like THIS pizza..." and getting the same results, even ignoring how my stomach very much doesn't agree with any of it anymore.
That's a pretty minor thing overall, I'll admit that...
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But I'd honestly rather not delve into the deeper, more worrying political stuff or even just my general life situation. Doomposting doesn't really do anything to make me feel better; I have to prioritize my time and energy better than that.
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I go out and I take these pictures and write what are essentially diary entries—these posts—and I do that to put a smile on my face and have a good time doing something I really enjoy.
Ruining that wouldn't make me feel better about any of it. Just worse. So I won't!
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Instead I'll ruminate on and introspect about changing myself and getting out more again since I'm no longer completely incapacitated by my Crohn's disease.
A good first step will be setting an actual schedule for the whole week.
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It should help me be more productive and get more enjoyment out of my life, if I stick to it.
Especially when it comes to the fun things—you can expect a bunch of Civilization VII posts from me soon!
Anyway, as always, I love you all, have a great day/night!
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kangaerunamiyo · 2 months ago
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An interesting take on how the Hifuu Club came to be, involving boba tea and a certain fairy.
Available for free on Pixiv!
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zzzzleepyuwu · 1 year ago
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double battle
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amemenojaku · 1 year ago
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I'll be tabling at comiket 103 tomorrow (day2) with hungrybookworm, space 西う28a!! I compiled some of the ship requests I did over the years + other recent stuff in a little full-color booklet. feel free to come say hi!!
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poropo1133 · 1 year ago
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Activities at a conveyor-belt sushi restaurant
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monikatouhou · 1 year ago
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16star · 1 year ago
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