#Hex writes
pumkinbones · 1 year
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Ran had come over to the Mist per a very adamant request from a certain Viera over linkshell. Varian had finally finished moving in and wanted his friend to admire his decorating. To which a small tour was in order.
It didn't take long but Varian insisted there was one more thing. He moved the Au Ra to the one bare spot against the wall instructing him not to move. Ran obliged with a raised brow and a smirk, leaning against the cool stone pillar as the other ran off in search.
"Ah ha! See here, I think you'll appreciate this." Varian said as he carried over a lalafellin step stool and placed it at his feet. He swiftly jumped on top and leaned forward, his hands clapping against the stone on either side of Ran's head.
At first Ran desperately wanted to laugh, but he found the close proximity rather distracting and his face mirrored this, only finding focus in those bright green eyes. "Yes, I do... But why not just make yourself a little taller?" He swallowed thickly.
"Actually... I may have gotten smaller so I could do this." Varian leaned closer, hovering just above his lips. His soft face fitting perfectly between the pale horns.
He wanted to linger and tease but that was not in the cards. Ran seized his chance and closed the distance with the lightest touch. Varian pressed back into those heather lips, full of desire, yearning for this closeness. How he wished for this moment.
For a real kiss.
Ran belongs to @discountdps
:> <3
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hexesncherries · 7 months
I was born to care and to nurture, to see the flowers bloom but remain in place myself, to see people come and go, to stay firm even when those around me don't.
I was born to give but never take, to gather whatever others can spare, to be a second choice but never the first.
To watch from the sidelines and be proud, so proud it makes me sick. To die down and wilt with the flowers each passing spring, to fall with the leaves each time autumn hits.
I was made in hopes that someday, someone would need me. I am nothing but a prize to win, no value of my own. Only that of sentimental attachment, that does not grant an applause. I was made to care, to guide but not to take the spotlight, not to shine, just stand.
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hornytime6969 · 1 year
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Fandom: Persona 5
Relationship: Akechi Goro/Takamaki Ann
Characters: Takamaki Ann, Akechi Goro
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 735
Summary: One night Ann and Goro decide to have some fun, Goro get pushed to his limit.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48352081
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coolnonsenseworld · 9 months
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I've heard there are people who don't know what HEX klance is...... so lucky.....
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hexiewrites · 2 years
I’ve been thinking a lot about late-deafened Steve, and what that actually would have looked like. Because the thing is: I love this head cannon. Boy got bashed around so much, ESPECIALLY on his left side, theres no way he didn’t come out of that with some long term damage. And I’ve been thinking about what that means for him, when his hearing starts to go, and how isolating that would be.
Except. Then I keep thinking about Robin.
Give me child-of-Deaf-adults Robin. Robin whose parents met at Gallaudet. Who were confused and upset when the doctor said, relief clear on his face, oh thank god, how lucky, your baby is normal, she can HEAR. Robin who grows up a in a Deaf home with a Deaf family. Who learns ASL before she learns English. Who never learns to be quiet because at home it doesn’t matter, so she can blast trumpet all day long to no complaints, and forever feels uncomfortable in places where she has to try to keep it down. Robin who grows up learning ASL and English and thrives, loves the way her brain works when it’s parsing languages, and starts teaching herself French and Spanish too, blasting day time Spanish soap operas constantly whenever she’s at home, shouting along with the screen. Robin who interprets for her parents, taking on burdens no seven year old should when she’s the one who has to tell her mom the cancers back. Robin who, four years later, gets to tell her dad that the surgery worked. The cancers gone. Moms gonna be ok. Robin who, at eleven, doesn’t know the sign for remission but she signs CANCER-one hand eating at the other like the disease that almost took her Mom-and signs FINISH, signs NONE, signs MOM-OKAY, MOM-SAFE, and is glad her dad can’t hear how loud her sobs are because even she’s embarrassed at the noises she’s making. 
Robin who doesn’t quite fit at home, the loud little girl in the odd quiet house (not that her house is ever quiet: if you dont realize you’re making noise you don’t do anything to tamper it), and who doesn’t quite fit at school, when she shows up in kindergarten signing instead of speaking and all the other kids make fun of her for years, call her spazzy Buckley and imitate the signs, crude and heartbreaking and she can’t even cry here because everyone can hear her. Robin who teaches herself to speak without signing, sits on her hands and tries not to internalize the hatred, but her fingers still twitch constantly along with the words. Robin who thinks she’s never going to fit in, and tries to separate out the two different parts of herself because it’s easier, most days, to pretend to be “normal” even though that feels wrong too.
Give me Robin, who knows Steve inside out and who knows what it looks like when someone can’t hear you but pretends they can. Robin who clocks Steve immediately, even though he tries to brush her off like he’s been doing to everyone. Robin who finally takes him home to meet her parents, explaining it all in the car (into his right ear, which is better than the left though still starting to fade). Robin who gives Steve the gift of understanding and hope for the future. Who holes up with him and teaches him sign, slow at first (because Steve has never been good at grammar, and he constantly furrows his eyebrows despite her pleas that eyebrows are important in ASL and he needs to use his face more or he’s going to confuse everyone, it’s the visual equivalent of lilting your voice up like every sentence is a question and it’s weird, Steve!) and then faster as he starts to realize how useful it is, starts to bring her lists full of signs to learn, starts to lean on and cherish the experience of this new way to communicate. Robin, who helps him practice lipreading even though she’s terrible at it. Robin, who finally convinces him to get a hearing aid and lets him sob into her shoulder when the doctor says it’ll help for a few years, but long term there’s probably nothing they can do, and then tells him to buck it up because there are way worse things than being a little deaf and besides, now the Buckleys will just have to adopt him for real because they did always talk about adopting a deaf child or two, if there was ever one in need.
Give me CODA Robin, whose never felt like she belonged until she nearly gets murdered by Russians with her best friend. Who brings Steve into her life, shows him Deaf culture, gives him a place where he fits. Robin who finally realizes that this is her place too, and it’s so much sweeter for getting to share it with the people she loves.
And then, after, give me Eddie knocking on the Buckley door and begging to learn ASL too. Give me Robin’s mom, somehow roped in to teaching him and the party, as they try to learn in secret to make Steve’s life easier (and their own, because ASL is god tier for pulling pranks from opposite sides of a high school cafeteria). Give me Dustin, excitedly telling Miranda Buckley to FUCK-OFF every week for months because he thinks he’s saying THANK-YOU and she finds it too funny to correct him. Give me Eddie trying to surprise Steve and ask him out on a date, but instead of signing HUNGRY, WANT YOU&ME GO AFTER WORK? he signs HORNY, WANT YOU&ME GO FUCK?
And give me Steve, who thinks about it for a long minute (partially because Eddie totally botches the grammar, but partially because he looks so hot, standing there nervous and trying to communicate with Steve in a way that will make him the most comfortable) before he smirks and signs back YEAH, and takes Eddie on the best goddamn first date of his life. 
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bimoonphases · 5 months
@wolfstarmicrofic May 1 - prompt 1: Accidental Eavesdropping [word count 487]
“Come on, Remus,” Lily nudged him with her foot. “Tell me.”
Remus opened one eye, narrowing it under the bright spring sun barely shielded by the tree they had settled under, not too far from the banks of the lake.
“Why? You hate him.”
“I don’t,” Lily waved her wand in the air. “Do I think Black is as obnoxious as Potter? Yes. Do I wish them harm? Only occasionally. Do I judge your pining after Black? Of course no, it wouldn’t be nice of me. Besides, it’s not like you actively chose to have a crush on him.”
Remus chuckled and looked at the banks of the lake, where May lay sprawled in the sun and Marlene sat with her feet in the water, quite blatantly eying Dorcas Meadowes who had left her group of Slytherin friends behind and was now swimming in lazy strokes not too far from them.
No, he definitely hadn’t chosen to fall for Sirius Black. Of course, he didn’t agree with Lily’s opinion of him or James but that was because she had never gotten to experience the fierce loyalty the both of them were capable of. Lily didn’t know about his furry little problem, as Sirius called it, and the lengths to which the Marauders had gone to help him and stand by his side. Still, she was right about him not actively choosing to have a crush on Sirius fucking Black of all people. Who in their right mind would subject themselves to endless pining after the handsomest guy in their year, always popular, always the centre of attention, always with a cohort of girls following him around.
“I don’t have a crush on Sirius,” he sighed.
“Right,” Lily rolled her eyes. “And Dumbledore has notoriously cropped hair.”
“That’s not what I meant,” Remus forced himself to look into Lily’s green eyes. “I think I’m in love with him.”
“Oh,” Lily stared back at him. “Oh, shit.”
She twirled her wand between her fingers and opened her mouth again in the same moment a loud crack came from above them. In the following second they managed to move away before a huge branch fell between them, along with a tangle of limbs and robes. Remus stared, recognising the human-shaped tangle on the grass.
“Pete said it would end up like this…” James’s voice groaned, half-muffled by Sirius’s stomach.
“Yeah, well, we never listen to him,” Sirius’s voice answered from the grass, a bit clearer.
“What the fuck, Potter?”
Lily had gotten to her feet and was glaring at them.
“Alright, Evans?” James managed to smile as he removed Sirius from his chest.
“You could’ve killed us! And you were eavesdropping on a private conversation!”
Remus felt his cheeks heat up as Sirius managed to sit up, the echo of his declaration of love still ringing in his ears.
“Come on, Evans…” James raised his hands in an appeasing motion.
“Fuck no!” Lily pointed her wand at him. “You’d better run.”
For once, James did as he was told and scrambled to his feet, ending up running along the bank with Lily on his heels.
“You arsehole!”
“It was innocent, Evans, I swear!”
Remus grimaced at the thought of what ugly spell-induced boils he would have to remove from James’s face later on and turned away from the scene, coming face to face with a grinning Sirius, still sprawled on the ground in that annoyingly elegant way of his even if he had literally just fell out of a tree.
“So…” Sirius cocked his head. “How about Hogsmeade next weekend, just the two of us?”
Remus’s heart skipped a beat.
“You mean like… a date?” he managed to whisper.
“Yes, unless you were lying to Evans about your feelings for me.”
“I wasn’t,” Remus forced himself to say. “But I didn’t think…”
He saw Sirius’s cheeks redden, and his grin soften.
“I just didn’t think you’d ever like me this way,” he said. “I thought you’d go for someone calmer, less… chaotic. I mean, I’m always around causing some mischief or trying to get a party together.”
“Yeah, that’s probably why,” Remus smiled.
He saw Sirius hesitate then he leaned slightly forward, carefully putting his hand over his.
“So… Can I take you out on a date to Hogsmeade?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Remus nodded, his heart pounding in his head. “Definitely.”
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blenselche · 18 days
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Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch Miku on Marickdaag (or heading to KU folk fest, whichever does it for you) for that cultural Miku exchange.
("It's a nice day, isn't it?" in Pennsylvania German/die Mudderschprooch)
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mythtakens · 2 months
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Angel - Epiphany (2.16) + 9-1-1 - Dumb Luck (5.14)
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kittyt-hexxed · 17 days
So let me get this right- We’re going from this fine ass of a woman in Season 1.
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They really said we’re giving all of our characters a change. INCLUDING SEVIKA 👀 She’s got a labret piercing now! I’m- Ugh, once again I’m going to be dying over these characters. How did they make her face more rideable? 🤭
This is “I didn’t hear a “Yes, Sir” civil war Sevika. Down for business, ready to get dirty and fight for her people. I guarantee it. And I AM SO READY FOR THIS SEASON!
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hexgaywire · 4 months
hello! (◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノI hope you're having a great day! i wanted to ask if it's okay to make a request (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)
I'd like to request where reader is also a streamer and whenever a collab horror stream with vox and hex and (separately), reader's heart beat always speeds up at the start (the game is not on yet and chat can see since she's already set up her heart beat monitor) like at some point chat notices it's a recurring thing that only happens during horror collabs with vox or hex and the chat kinda outs reader to them, and their reaction to that information.
i dunno if that makes sense exactly 😭🥹 (also please do not mind the request it if you're not up to writing 🥹 it's just me projecting how how my heart beats absolutely fast when i hear these two 😞)
I'm here to deliver Hex and Vox brain rot! One thing about me I will always write for Hex if given the opportunity. To preface I have not watched a Vox stream in a moment so I apologize if he seems a little OOC. Mentally I'm still in his ASMR era. Also shout out to Hex Haywire for currently, as of writing this, unable to go live on YouTube bc he posted horny on main.
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Heart Monitor Shenanigans with Vox and Hex
Rating: SFW
Pairing: Streamer/Vtuber Reader / Vox, Hex (separate)
Warnings: Implied hidden crush. That's it that's the intro.
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"Are you excited chat?" Vox entertains your combined chats as you struggle to set up your heartbeat monitor; horror game menu lopping every couple minutes that ticks by. "I'm so sorry guys, this happens every time. I even tested it out a couple hours before the stream so we would have this issue." You sheepishly say. " That's quite alright, Y/N, your chat is lovely and so are my Kindred. They get a Zatsu, a collab and a heartbeat monitor all in one stream." He chuckles. Finally after restarting the program and refreshing it on OBS your heartbeat monitor springs to life. " Thank God!" You exclaim. "Thanks for your patience everyone!" "We are finally ready? Let's gooooo! No 'Shupport' needed, nice work Y/N!" Vox praises you. Your heart jumps in your chest at the praise.
> Ayo why is Y/N BPM so high lololol
>Y/N!!!! You do this every collab with Vox
> That's kinda high....
You watch in horror as your chat blatantly drags you under the bus. You cough awkwardly and quickly try to divert the conversation. "With the scuff out of the way, why don't we get started?" You glance over at Vox's POV and his chat and man the Kindred's are also throwing you under the bus.
> Y'all are seeing what I'm seeing right?
> Love how the game hasn't even started yet and their heart rate is off they hearts HAHA
> My tsundere oshi and oblivious oshi
Vox, you can tell, is trying his best not to tease you you can tell by the tone in his voice. "Thank you for the Supa, remember to follow rules chat, this is a collab Y/N is a guest." Vox starts the game and also tries to take the attention of you, which makes your heart rate spike again. The chat goes nuts. Both you and Vox continue as normal though and begin the game.
"Thank you all for watching and thank you to Vox for the collab! I can't wait for the next one!! Say bye chat!!!" You say enthusiastic as you both prepare to end your streams. Once you end stream Vox immediately starts to haze you. "So are we gunna talk about the high BPM or was it just the anxiety of the monitor not working?" He asks smugly. "It's uh gotta be the anxiety thing..." You mumble. "Yeah, I think Kyle said the same thing last time though, Y/N... " " Vox I-" " I'm teasing you, it's fine. Honestly I find it flattering." You roll your eyes but the heat rises to your cheeks. " Thanks for the collab today, we'll definitely have to do this again soon." " Hey maybe next time we can do an off collab? " Vox suggests. A million thoughts run through your head and before you can respond Vox cuts in. "Think about it. I'd love to do it sometime. Have a good one Y/N! " Vox leaves the call. You sit there staring at your monitor which once again, spikes.... You don't know if your heart can handle an off collab.
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"Chat I think Hex forgot about us." You sigh dramatically. You frantically message him over Discord for the third time asking him if he's awake. Hex wasn't streaming his POV and did warn you he might be a few minutes later but as you sit here, dedicated sicklings and your own chat, anxiously waiting.
"I'm giving him 5 more minutes then we are jumping in without him." You huff. You hear the discord " join" noise and you don't register it until you hear his voice. "You'd really start without me?" His voice as raspy as ever cuts in. Your heart pounds in your chest, partly because you weren't expecting him to join so suddenly. "H.. hex Haywire everyone!"
> Hexy!!!! Welcome
> Hi Hex!
> Woah morning voice TSKR
"Sorry for the wait... I over slept..." He admits. "You're stupid." You giggle. "You leave your collab partner and your chat, alone, unsupervised, we could've been planning to overthrow you." You joke. " You wouldn't do that, you're too sweet." He yawns. " Right chat? Aren't they the sweetest." You can see your heart rate monitor skyrocket.
> They are the sweetest!!! So true Hex
> Sus monitor
> Y/N Did you forget you have a monitor on? Www
Man the sicklings don't let anything slide. "Let's uh... Start the game." You cough awkwardly.
"Sicklings please remember to thank y/n for streaming their POV today." Hex hums out. " And thank you to Hex for coming on! Everyone say bye to Hex!!! Thank you all for coming to today's stream and I'll be back tomorrow with some more Stardew Valley! Byee!!" You say as you mute your OBS and change to your ending scene. "You're resting heart rate is concerning Y/N." Hex comments nonchalantly. "I.... pump blood really fast?" You try to avoid this topic like the plague. "Listen thanks again for breaking your sleep schedule for me, next time we'll stream in your time zone." You say. "Next time huh? Already excited for the next one." You can hear the smugness in his voice. "So what." You huff. He chuckles. "Just let me know, you know I love collabing with you. Good night Y/N" Hex hangs up and you're left with a huge grin on your face.
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Psst down here... My requests are open 🗣️
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Accidentally paused on a fantastic frame from the latest Game Changer episode
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Apparently Game Changer is now an analog horror series on YouTube/a straight-to-DVD found footage horror movie.
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pumkinbones · 1 year
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It was finally that time of year: The Moonfire Faire! One of Varian's favorite times of year where he could test his skill during the day and view the beautiful rainbow of fireworks at night.
This year he was beside himself with joy at the idea of being able to see them from his new cliffside home. Varian wanted to share this with someone, and stole Ran away for the evening by insisting he take a break from his daily duties. It didn't take much convincing, and the Au Ra contently let the smaller Viera tug him along.
The pop and crackles from the fireworks could be heard as the two made their way to the deck. Varian climbed onto the bench and leaned over the fence in awe. With a beaming smile he beckoned his friend over quickly. Ran rested a knee on the bench and leaned over behind Varian to see what he was seeing.
The bright colors looked as if they sprang from the sea itself. With each cluster of rockets, it would elicit a tiny hum or gasp of excitement. In turn this brought a soft smile to Ran's face, admiring the view and sharing in the wonderment his friend was experiencing.
After some time, with a deep sigh Varian leaned back, looking up wistfully at Ran. "Thank you for being here, and humoring my wishes."
Ran reached out and nudged the other's shoulder playfully, offering a comforting glance with those starlit eyes. "Fireworks shine brighter when they're shared with a friend."
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hexedbug · 10 months
"sfw fetish" discourse is complicated because on one hand you definitely shouldn't be thinking outright fetishes are sfw but what if you genuinely want to draw stuff like pooltoys or transformation nonsexually? at that point it's not a fetish but people are still gonna see it as that
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cosmicskittlez · 6 months
Good evening everyone and welcome to "Judging FNF men based on how they'd react when your on your period"
Agoti: This is an immature 19 year old rapper who isn't even human, he has no idea what a period is and when you tell him what it is he nearly passes out. Afterwards though he'd end up following you around and asking if you need anything every 5 minutes
Aldryx: One might say since he's trans he'd know about them but he's also non human so he's also clueless about it, freaks out at first if you randomly start bleeding but after that he relaxes about it and does his research to help you
Ruv: On the other hand you'd think he wouldn't know a thing about periods buts he's lived with and slept in the same bed as Sarvente for who knows how long so he actually has a lot of experience. Will definitely help you if you need anything and will rob a store for any supplies and cravings you might need
Hex: He has a heat pad named Burnie that he'd lend you every time with full charge and would bake anything your heart desires without so much as asking. He puts on your favorite movie and brings everything to you so you never have to get up. Whether you like it or not you're gonna be a pillow prinxe the whole week and treat you like royalty, and probably do it the next week too
Whitty: He has no idea what a period is and thinks you're dying. After he's calmed down and gets the situation explained to him then he becomes your official hug and cuddle supplier free of charge, which help immensely with him being extra warm
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coolnonsenseworld · 1 year
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(this is part of the calendar 2024 lore, now on pre-order, to know more check out prev posts)
April was Keith's idea of relaxation. He enjoyed parks, the feng shui of them, nature's ability to thrive despite and against anything happening - the silence of it. Watching Keith wind down and relax when he is a strung wire most of the time, would definitely make Lance feel all lovey-dovey and clingy (as he tends to get) and when he’d worry he is disturbing, Keith would comment this is exactly how it should be - the constant yin to his yang, and the yang when he feels yin.
Also - both shirt and hoodie are Keith's (he has way too many hoodies with quotes). Lance took the hoodie for Keith, but Keith insisted he won’t get cold, so he wore it himself. On the way home Lance funds Keith the biggest sushi serving he could find on the menu, and, believe me, nothing lights up Keith's eyes like a table full of rice and algae. Lance just watches with a soft smile. (Keith does end up getting cold)
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hexiewrites · 9 months
sticks, stones, and beavers
happy birthday @thefreakandthehair! this one is for you and our shared highly inadvisable crush on captain ratman himself.
(find it on ao3)
Eddie’s first problem is that he’s at a gay sports bar. It’s not the gay part that’s the problem, though god knows he never wants to drink in a room full of straight people again. It’s not even the sports that’s necessarily an issue, though usually they come for women’s night, and he fucking loves to see the place absolutely packed with ladies who’re so goddamn hype about professional women’s sports. No, it’s not the gay bar and it’s not the sports bar that are the actual issues. (Though, he does want a word with whoever decided to call the place Sticks, Stones, and Beavers because, fucking yikes.) The actual issue is that Chrissy hadn’t realized it was hockey night. And maybe that might have been okay too, except she’d immediately spotted a tall woman with a short cropped brunette bob and went “oh my god, she could snap me in half any day,” glanced back to Eddie to say, “her friend looks fucking hot too, you should get in on that,” and then she’d promptly followed the brunette into the bathroom.  So the problem is that Eddie is in a gay sports bar on fucking hockey night and he’s alone. And even then, that might have been fine. Maybe. It at least wouldn’t have been the first time it had happened. So, he probably would have been alright. If it hadn’t been for the gorgeous man with the perfect hair.
(keep reading on ao3)
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