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bunny-bun-draws · 2 days ago
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so... anyone else watched the end of Kyo's Hetaoni gameplay?
all that info changed my view on this game. solved questions that little bunny inside me had for years. gave me an ending and plot that i could've only ever dream of.
hetaoni is one of the reasons i am in this fandom. i hold it so dear to me, and i am so shocked but happy at the same time for this information. i am so very thankful
and, now, i just hope you enjoy a guy lost in the void.
you were never meant to go home...
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italyveneziano · 2 days ago
Wait the planned ending of Hetaoni was revealed?? Or did someone make an ending?? What did I miss 👀
Sort of, yeah!!
From my understanding Kyokoon64, who knows HetaOni's original creator Tomoyoshi, recently did a Let's Play of the first complete HetaOni english version, and in its final part (which you can watch here) shared some information on why it wasn't continued beyond what's mostly already known.
And then!! About 2:30:00 into the video, she shared a big summary of what she'd been told by Tomoyoshi in the past regarding plans for the rest of the game - both the stuff immediately after where it stopped up to like chapter 20, as well as some of the overall plans for the ending (since from what I gather it wasn't set in stone yet).
As much as I've more of less accepted HetaOni's lack of an "official" ending at this point, and in a way enjoy the freedom that gives you to wonder how it could go and come up with possible endings yourself, I've wondered about the original planned route for over a decade at this point (as I'm sure many of us have lol), so it's incredibly exciting to get to hear some info on the matter!!
It's A Lot and I'm still processing it and losing my mind, but there's some really intriguing stuff in there that I'll be chewing on and rotating in my mind for the foreseeable future for sure
(Also shout out to this fanart which is really pretty and how I found out about this in the first place)
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willyhoos · 3 months ago
i cant. Stop thinking about hetaoni. its classic literature. i just sit in the dark and think about hetaoni italy for hours at a time.
it's shown in veneziano's scenes in vol 1 that his struggles are:
1) that he doesnt have Any friends (that don't benefit from/use him in some way); he hates being alone
2) that he is a massive coward (probably because he's been kicked around so much) and is VERY easily sent into hysterics
3) that he is a terrible liar and could not be less suited to combat/espionage/military management. this is stated outright (credit hetarchive)
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ok. do you understand this character? now put him in a situation where he is forced to
be alone all the time. because . yknow. his friends keep dying in the timeloop. also his friends don't remember that they ever became his friends because, again, they keep dying in the timeloop
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2. keep a cool head IN SPITE OF everyone else panicking, face a giant horrific monster time and time again, and deal with things that he is, to speak frankly, used to delegating to other people.
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3. LIE. lie to his friends, lie to himself. lie about what he does and doesn't know. lie not just in what he says, but in how he acts. he also has to try and coordinate not his own actions, but the others' actions too, and keep them "on script" (idk if you know this but the nations are a bunch of hotheaded and arrogant people, and they're not really eager to be "directed" by their Actual Enemy, esp one they think so little of as italy, so this is a miserably difficult task)
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literally NO ONE could be less qualified for the role of ryuuzu than italy. and a huge portion of the (delicious) tragedy of hetaoni is that the expectation of "maybe it will help italy mature!! y'know, character development through horrific trauma!!" is never realized. he HASN'T evolved into a suave, detached time-loop master. he's tired and frustrated and in grief and so so confused and completely and utterly hopeless... AND HE'S NOT EVEN GOOD AT TIME-LOOPING. HE CONSTANTLY MAKES MISTAKES AND GETS PEOPLE KILLED.
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the reason it works is BECAUSE italy is in the wrong genre here. when you think "timeloop protag" you think of a certain jaded, cool character. italy is neither of these things. he's hysterical and the furthest thing from collected. he doesn't have answers. he doesn't have a concrete plan. he barely knows how to tie his shoes.
it's so delicious. veneziano's flaws and weaknesses come into play as running jokes in the original series, but in this kind of situation they leave him directly to blame for so much of the events of hetaoni -- and he knows this -- and it's such a sick twist. i love it !!
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lemonsilly · 2 months ago
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canon italy meets hetaoni italy.
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cookies-hetaoni · 10 months ago
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Guess who's working on the game again 👀
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ironicorange · 2 years ago
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Cookie is currently remaking their version of Hetaoni, a Hetalia fan game based off Ao Oni, a Japanese horror game.
A commission for @cookies-hetaoni from an anonymous fan
you guys should definitely check it out!!
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skaradupa · 7 months ago
playing hetaoni in 2024
@cookies-hetaoni thanks for your hard work on this, we had a blast
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mentalmeles · 6 months ago
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Welcome to The Panic Room.
Randomly remembered HetaOni the other day and I’m here to make it everyone’s problem ✨
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fuckitupconnie · 25 days ago
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sobbinghorses · 11 months ago
you wouldnt last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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daydenmax-drawings · 1 year ago
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Classic hetaoni experience
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italyveneziano · 2 days ago
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The fact that this was Italy's motivation to tell America about the mansion which led to the events of HetaOni is so. Isn't fate so cruel
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koriauditore · 7 months ago
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"I will get everyone out THIS TIME :D!!!"
Quick drawing made in my friend's house because I live more there than in my own and I was bored as fuck
Yes I love hetaoni yes I love aph italy oh yeah yeah yes I love him he's my favorite character you can tell
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i'm truly heading back to my 2014.
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coralcatsea · 1 year ago
HetaGame List:
Unfinished vs Complete
There aren't many lists or wikis that clearly list the games' statuses. Most say "ongoing" even if they're discontinued, and I can't easily find the last update.
So I did some digging to try and figure out which games were complete, discontinued/abandoned, or ongoing (meaning the creator is active). I also tried to figure out which were unplayable.
However, I couldn't figure out all of them, so if I made a mistake or you have information on one that I don't, please let me know!
HetaOni (Tomoyoshi/Pianodream) (discontinued)
RomaHeta (Tomoyoshi) (unplayable, discontinued)
Escape from Siberia (Miryuha) (discontinued)
HetaHospital (Atomic-Crayon)
Hetalia Islands (Jezzica95)
Hetapocalypse (Schwer-von-Begriff) (unplayable, discontinued)
England's Disappearance (Maggy-Neworld)
Reconditis Mysterium de Olympus (MsEirtaku) (ongoing)
Mnemophobia (Asahi)
HetaGeist by (Atomic-Crayon) (discontinued)
HetaFear (Atomic-Crayon)
Project Espanya (Quasi-Harkness)
HetaOrigin: Redraw the World (Jpopkitty)
Ibtalia (Mayburger) (discontinued)
Dreamtalia (Kyokoon64)
Lincantropo (Itou Itsuki)
HetaFire (LeanneVlogzFilmz)
Blood of the Rose (animeArtluvr469)
Imaginary Nightmare (KingDespair)
Hetalia Floral Orchestra (Dream-thunder)
Hetà: The Last Age (Acquazzone)
Cancel a Format (Tomoyoshi)
Late For A Very Important Date (FandomDrowning)
Hetaipseity (Lilica)
Freedom (MapleSweater)
HetaOni (Cookie) (remake of the og w/ fanmade ending)
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