#Hester Huckabee
Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R) has signed a bill that bans state and local governments from mandating COVID-19 vaccines for workers after a similar ban expired last month.
The legislation signed Thursday is aimed at defending citizens’ “individual liberty,” Sanders said at a press conference prior to its signing.
The legislation also prohibits COVID-19 vaccinations from being required as a condition of education, or for obtaining a service or licensure, permit or certificate of some kind. Any potential risks and harms associated with the shots must also be recorded and published by the state.
The bill is different from the state’s prior ban on vaccine mandates, which first went into effect in 2021, in that it covers vaccines or immunizations for any subvariants of the coronavirus, according to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.
The latest COVID-19 vaccine, which was federally authorized for use this week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration, is specially designed to reduce major illness and illness from omicron virus variants that are currently circulating.
In total, Sanders signed 11 bills on Thursday.
A separate bill she signed restricts the public release of her travel and security records. That bill, which went into immediate effect, shields details about the security that the Governor and other constitutional officers receive.
These details include who travels on the State Police airplane and the cost of individual trips. Sanders argued that it was needed for her and her family’s safety, though some critics said it eliminates government transparency.
State Sen. Bart Hester (R), who co-sponsored the bill, said at Thursday’s press conference that all of the state’s elected government leaders are still able to see the travel receipts through audit. The law also requires the state to file a quarterly report listing the monthly costs of protecting the Governor.
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sirfluffig · 5 years
HPMA Character Profile: Theodore Ceccere (OUTDATED)
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Art by the amazing and more than adorable @jayrart
Profile made by @hogwartsmysterystory​
Name: Theodore Logan Ceccere
Gender: Male
Age: 11
Birth Date: 26th September
Species: Human
Blood Status: Pureblood
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Lawful / Neutral Good
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: Scottish
Residence: Dundee, Scotland
Myer Briggs Personality Type: INFJ- The Advocate
~The Mage~
1st Wand:
Wood: Strawberry
Core: Kelpie Hair
Length: 13 ¼ ”
Flexibility: Flexible
→ “Witches and wizards who lack confidence or are riddled with insecurities may find themselves chosen by a strawberry tree wand. This wood likes to play a supporting role, and wands with this wood tend to pick people who need someone (or in this case something) in their corner cheering them on.”  (Extract from cloverywands Wand analysis! Check them out!)
→ “These witches and wizards tend to be lonely. It can be difficult for them to make friends.They are cautious when meeting people and it takes them a while to feel comfortable around a person enough to open up to them. They can be incredibly sweet to those close to them. They may unintentionally push other people away. Awkward outbursts are also common when theyare feeling pressured or afraid of their feelings.” (Extract from cloverywands Wand analysis! Check them out!)
2nd Wand - (Year 3+) :
Wood: Blueberry
Core: Kelpie hair
Length: 14 ½”
Flexibility: Flexible
→  “Blueberry wands weave together practicality and caring. The witches and wizards chosen by wands of this wood are most famous for their nurturing nature, stoicism, and reliability.  Persistent as well, these people will trudge through any difficulties or obstacles they face on the way to their goals.
They are great to have in a crisis, as they tend to react calmly and sensibly. Comforting and caring for people comes naturally to them. They care deeply about their loved ones, and are very protective of them. Being overprotective can be an issue.” (Extract from cloverywands Wand analysis! Check them out!)
→ “These witches and wizards tend to be lonely. It can be difficult for them to make friends.They are cautious when meeting people and it takes them a while to feel comfortable around a person enough to open up to them. They can be incredibly sweet to those close to them. They may unintentionally push other people away. Awkward outbursts are also common when theyare feeling pressured or afraid of their feelings.”  (Extract from cloverywands Wand analysis! Check them out!)
Animagus: Thanks to his afflicted lycanthropy, Theo lost the ability to change his shape willingly already at young age. Therefore he is more or less incapable of becoming an Animagus. Well technically he could become one, but that would just be way too hurtful for him to endure on a longer basis, because, something not many wizards and witches know is that the werewolf gene manipulation of a person would play into his Animagus form as well, making him some kind of a mutant or abomination. So this inability leads to the inflicted being damned to become a nightmare for other children, over and over again, every full moon night. A sad fate for such a free spirited and innocent child, that was ripped out of his own life, way too early.  This..situation isn't exactly the kind of shape-changing Theo hoped he would achieve in his later life. He traded his greatest wish, for his greatest regret. 
Misc Magical Abilities:
→ Legilimency: Like his father and their father before, Theo is a born Legilimens. It's a blessing and a curse to have this as one of the dominant traits of the Ceccere Bloodline, though you wouldn't suspect the youngster to be a mind reader at all, because he usually takes great respect in anyone's privacy. Especially since the only times Theo actively and knowingly uses his legilimency on others is to find out what they wish for their birthday or what kind of cookies they prefer to eat. Otherwise it would just be disrespectful to search in the minds of unsuspecting bystanders for information, that doesn’t belong to him. 
→ Lycanthropy: Some might think that this curse originates from his mother, who herself suffers from lycanthropy, but you couldn't guess more wrongly. Chiara took no part in the boys fate, even though she wishes, she could have protected him from becoming what she is, that very night. Theo afflicted lycantrophy at the age of 7 when the young boy sneaked out of the gigantic manor at midnight to search for the unicorn that was said to roam the forest around the property. Between a few trees, Theo hid, to make sure, the majestic beast wasn't scared of his appearance before the unsuspecting Ravenclaw was attacked by a rampaging werewolf . Theo only survived because his attacker was scared off by a white furred werewolf, which Theo of course didn't knew, was his mother. This was the moment, that basically, turned Theo’s entire life to the worse in his eyes.
Boggart Form: Theo’s boggart takes the form of a particular small blonde haired girl with charming green eyes and colourful freckles centered around the nose, which wears a thick  red woolen sweater with some white letters adorned to it. If looked at it correctly, you can discern that the letters form the word “Monster” under her dark blue overall, which reminds you kind of a farm girl. She wears this outfit paired with a pair of worn out and poorly tied brown leather boots. Her youthful eyes are widened in shock, her mouth formed as if she wanted to start screaming something and just start crying alone from the pure sight of the Ravenclaw. Something must have happened in the past of the yet so soft student, that traumatized him like that because the boggart starts running away from Theo, while ominous sounds of “Monster! Monster! Monster!” slowly surround the boy, trying to break his composure and lastly his mind. 
Riddikulus Form: Considering all the negative feelings that Theo connects to this very “special” and emotionally hurtful event, which also can be counted as the begin of all his senseless self-loathing and his overly prominent insecurities, there is no possible way for this young boy to cast a successful Riddikulus spell on his cruel and unapologetic boggart, at least for now. He is just too emotionally invested and fed up in his own pain and feelings to really cope with that problem and the feelings he still has towards that girl per say. It will probably get better in the following years, but his inability to cope with this rejection because of his natural behaviour or him just being a werewolf will always stay somewhere in his mind. 
Amortentia (What he smells to others): If Theo was smelt in one other’s Amortentia he would have rather nostalgic scents paired with other, really absurd smells. This includes but is not limited to the sweetest and most sticky bubblegum toothpaste that burns into the nose of the student.The toothpaste is not only the most prominent but also the most nostalgic scent provided in the entire potion. It’s also paired with fresh baked gingerbread cookies, adorned with all kind of sweets and christmas atmosphere. But these two only increase the smell of something the student connects with warmth and coziness, like their favourite blanket or a jacket that was handed to them on a specific occasion. On the other hand, people might catch a whiff of old and weathered books, like the ones that are towering in the Ceccere Family library back in Dundee, Scotland or the cold and windy midnight air outside of the Hogwarts castle that Theo always carries a few days after a full moon. There are endless possibilities. Just find it out yourself. 
Amortentia (What he smells): The young Ravenclaw prefers so said aesthetically pleasing scents in his Amortentia, a lot of the smells that run through the thick magical liquid therefore are rather unique, the best examples for that are freshly grown orchids. Theo developed his affection for that kind of scent through the time he spent in the gardens back home, which featured orchids especially. Another possibility would be croissants, which remember Theo of the time, he, his sibling(s) and parents were on vacation in france. It was the first and probably last time, that the family did something together but that doesn’t mean it's not important to the shy and reserved young boy. When his father smelt old books and coffee in his amortentia, the next generation Ravenclaw has a similar taste. His amortentia includes a thick and almost burning scent of parchment and ink, that only gets outdone in strength by the hot and steamy feeling and smell of Theo’s favourite tea.
Patronus:  Great Grey Owl
→ The patronus of a Great Grey Owl symbolizes a strong aura of wisdom, and individuals with it shine intellectually. They are not very social people, but they tend to be very admired for the impression their blatant knowledge of the world. Others tend to be comfortable going to these persons for advice, because they know they are trustworthy.
Patronus Memory: Theo’s patronus memory plays around the evening of the first november 2006, when he and his mother sat down in a corner, adorned with blankets and pillows and they read Theo’s first book together, it was nothing less than the story of “The beauty and the beast”. Till today, this book is his all time favourite and one of the cornerstones of his happiness.
Mirror of Erised: Theo sees himself standing in front of the mirror, the three scars that run across his face and usually are concealed by a spell beginning to glow in a celestial white light before the bright light and with it the scars begin to shrink and shrink until they entirely fade. This symbolizes Theo’s deepest desire to be a normal student and not someone others need to be afraid of.
Specialized/Favourite Spells:
Calidum potum para: A modified version of the spell “Capulus para” which was invented by his father, who works as a high ranked ministry member. While “Capulus para” only conjures coffee cups with hot and steaming coffee and dissolve  as soon as the cup is empty, “Caldium potum para” works with every hot beverage and comes was more in handy for the most people, who just don't like coffee.
Orchideous: Theo loves flowers, orchids especially since they have such a beautiful colouration, so it's no wonder that he wants to use this spell on every possible occasion especially when people around him feel bad. He might be a bit naive and not think through what he is doing in that moment, because his father-senses are moving in. He just likes to make people happy and there is nothing better to make people happy than showing that someone else cares. Some though, get the wrong idea of this gestures and cut the connection to him off.
Stupify : You wouldn't suspect it but even this timid, young boy can be a fierce warrior in times of fear and danger. He often resents from using offensive spells against others especially in friendly duels or during everyday activities but! should his friends or ...someone special be in acute danger, he would stop at nothing to save them, even if it would cost his own life in return. The people loyal to him are more worth to him, than his own health and their safety is his highest priority. He doesn't want others to be hurt when he could be instead.
Face Claim: Axel Auriant (without his white streaks of course)
Voice Claim: Taylor Henderson
Game Appearance: Not existing yet.
Height: 5’4” feet -  (163 cm)
Weight: 115 lbs - (52 kg)
Physique: Theo’s build is rather slim and somewhat scrawny and he lacks of strength in the arms.
Eye Colour: Glowing light blue with black elements that were caused due to the lycanthropic stains in his genes.
Hair Colour: Theo has fluffy and somewhat orderly combed chestnut brown hair with a natural white tone at the peaks of his hair streaks and his fringe.
Skin Tone: Pale ivory
Body Modifications: None
Scarring: Theo has three claw scars straight across his face, which he usually conceals with a lot of different charms, that he learned from his mother in early years. He also has a few deep scratches on his forearms which he often hides under bandages and long sleeves.
Outfit: Theo’s signature looks contains a dark grey cardigan, worn open as some kind of a sweatshirt jacket with rolled down sleeves as well as a white shirt paired with his house tie and most of the time his house scarf. Around his neck hangs a silver chain that ends in the form of a purple full-moon,a gift from his mother, after he was attacked by the werewolf and recovered in the hospital. Theo’s legs are covered in fine tailor-made black pants and adorned with a wand holster which fall onto his black suede shoes.
Inventory: (what do they carry on them?):
→ His loyal wand: A simple yet someone intriguing looking wand made from Strawberry (Blueberry at 3rd year +) wood. The combination of its magical reddish wood and the purity of the unicorn hair string was exclusively meant for Theodore Ceccere.
→ “La Belle et la Bête” : A book with dark blue cover and golden linings. With big golden letters the name “La Belle et la Bête” is engraved on it, while on its back, the initials T.C. find their place.
→ 3 wine red-purple Notebooks all having the crest of the family Ceccere on its covers. They magically add pages to it, once all pages are written full without growing physically or getting heavier.
→ Wolfsbane-Potions which he got from his mother before he boarded the train to Hogwarts. The flasks are filled with a silvery thin liquid that contains slight stains of a full moon’s light. These apparently should help one with their lycanthropic condition.
→ Full Moon-Necklace: This necklace is a basic replica of his mothers necklace with some added silvery ornaments and sorts of magical properties . The necklace itself, represents the full-moon but in another stage. Instead of the usual shining light blue stone set into it, this stone has a beautifully mysterious purple colour. As for magical properties this beautifully crafted necklace has the ability to predict in how many days and hours the next full moon will arrive over Hogwarts.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Ilvermorny House: Pukwudgie
Great Britain
Family Ceccere
Family Lobosca
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
House Ravenclaw
Freelance Historian (Often working together with archaeologists)
Professor at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry
Transfiguration Professor
~Hogwarts Information~
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ (E)
Charms: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ (O)
DADA: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ (E)
Flying: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ (A)
Herbology: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ (A)
History of Magic: ★★★★★★★★★☆ (O)
Potions: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ (E)
Transfiguration: ★★★★★★★★★★ (O)
Divination: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ (O)
Arithmancy: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ (E)
Quidditch:  Judging by Theo’s figure and the muscles that are placed upon his arms, it's highly unlikely that he will ever be able to play Quidditch also, by that amount of extracurriculars it's unlikely for him to even be able to attend the training .
Extra Curricular:
Book Club - [President]
Magical Theory Class
Ghoul Studies Class
Wizarding Chess Club
The Slug Club
Favourite Professor: Professor Felix Fiddlewood.
→ Professor Fiddlewood is a rather new teacher, so energetic and enthusiastic that he sometimes reminds Students of Professor Flitwick. As the successor of Professor McGonagall, he tries to keep the Transfiguration class as entertaining as possible with little games and quirks, because he fears that his students would fall asleep in his class, as he did back then as a Student in History of Magic. Theo really likes him, not only because Professor Fiddlewood is caring and empathic but he also has a knack for teaching. His calm and soothing voice makes it easy to understand what he says, so the notes taken in class, even by the greatest jocks, are pretty detailed.
Not only does Professor Fiddlewood teach very well, he also supports Theo on a personal level. He lets Theo stay after class, first to the Students shock, later to his enjoyment. The Professor then tries to help the werewolf, to feel more comfortable being himself and to say what he thinks, without closing off. This man has done so much for Theo and he could never repay that.  
Least Favourite Professor: Madame Hooch
→ An unlikely choice but not an unexpected one. Theo as a very timid student has a problem with people that yell and scream. That's just a fact. But it's ten times worse when the person sounds like an angry bear and yells at you, to stay safe and keep calm. It just doesn't work like this for him. The young Ravenclaw would often slip and fall, just because he gets scared or startled by Madam Hooch’s Voice droning up to him,  yelling to do something more or less right or wrong.
It's not that Theo thinks she’s a horrible student eating monster (like him…) or he hates her class, it's just the fact that she has such a loud and imposing voice that often rips Theo out of his new won courage and makes him slip and fall…
Younger Sister: Annabelle “Anna” Ceccere
Pureblood Witch
Natural Occlumens, Future Animagus [Tonkinese Cat]
Chestnut-brown long straight hair with white streaks that falls down on her shoulders paired with teal eyes which almost invisibly squint and light freckles over her cheeks and especially prominent on her nose. Lowkey a tomboy
Anna is the life of the party, she is the charming, outgoing and social student, everyone has heard about once at least and that not only hence her father's reputation.  She is rather imaginative and a bit naive but she plays it cool every single time, with her incredible improvisation talents.
Once Anna showed her courage and loyalty to her family when Theo was attacked by a wild dog in an alley and she took up an improvised weapon, which she can't even remember herself and made the beast turn tails. Obviously she loves to tell that story over and over again because that was in her eyes, her first act of “heroism”
She is the living and bubbly opposite of her one year older brother with a bit of a teasing side as well. She likes to annoy Theo on a daily basis because that's how she shows her big brother her affection and Theo of course knows she does mean well after all, even though she caused the one or other embarrassing moment in his life.
Father: Flavius J. Ceccere
Pureblood Wizard
Former Ravenclaw
Natural Legilimens, Animagus [Crow], Trained Occlumens
Short and spiky dark coffee brown hair on a very pale complexion with dark brown eyes and a very prominent pair of brown glasses. Has a bit of a stubble instead of a beard, but that still has time, doesn't it?
Head of Obliviator Headquarters and Head of the Department for Magical Accidents and Catastrophes.
Flavio seems like a rather cold and distant person, his colleagues could swear they have never seen him blink or even smile, because of his usually so monotone and indifferent face. Sometimes Flavio appears as if he wants to murder you, when he is actually pretty proud of you, you can't really discern that other when he wants you to.  That doesn't mean he is like that all the time though. Mostly this behaviour appears on important meetings or dangerous situations.  He doesn't want others to be manipulated by his emotions and stop working to comfort him for example. In a familiar environment, for example on a mission with his well attuned team, he can be seen as a more or less emotional person, even if these emotions cut down to the most simple ones.
Yet he is a more than caring and understanding father at home. Flavio only wants the best for his children , especially since his job asks so much of him and consumes hours over hours of time and dedication which leads to Flavio coming home late at night or rather early in the morning, in the most cases. He tries to spend every free minute with his family, he gave up parts of his job and let others direct these operations, just to see Theo and Anna growing up and not be the distant relative, his parents were to him.
Mother: Chiara Lobosca
Supposedly Pureblood Witch (Doesn't like to talk about that.)
Former Hufflepuff
Lycanthrope, Extraordinary Healer
Soft white hair hanging down the sides of her head in medium length. Soft and soothing light blue eyes and a clean complexion without any sign for wrinkles. The most catching though is her charming and heart melting smile.
Healer at St. Mungos. Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
Chiara was often known as an isolated and shy girl. She wanted nobody around her and she spent most of her time alone in the forest, making her a rather special student at Hogwarts.  
But once she found someone,who wasn't afraid to be around her and she wasn't afraid to be around she became a bit more positive and open about herself and her situation. She started to spent more time with others, even though she still needs time to get familiar with it...but the way for a new, more positive future was made for her.
As a healer Chiara is nobody else than the altruistic and motherly woman, she is at home. She takes care of her patients as if they were her children and tries to make them their stay as comfortable as even possible. Yet she isn't the greatest at solving loud and vivid conflicts but that doesn't mean she wouldn't try to calm the situation after all. Through the entire stress at St. Mungos, Chiara often is very tired when she comes home and has little to no energy to take care of her kids, but she does it nonetheless, because she knows how it is when nobody is there to take care of you.
Love Interest: None at the moment, but that may change in the future.
Rival: None to the current moment
Enemy: Dennis Fayez : A young black haired Gryffindor with lime green eyes that meant it would be fun to pick on Theo’s friends, when Theo began to defend them, Dennis pushed the Ravenclaw on the ground and laughed at him.
Dorm Mates:
Daniel Pages
Unnamed Ravenclaw Student
Unnamed Ravenclaw Student
Unnamed Ravenclaw Student
Pets: Theo's best friend is his small rabbit named Mr. Nibbler who has a fluffy and soft white fur with a few dark brown specks upon it, one of the brown spots is around Mr Nibbler’s right black beady eye. Theo got this little baby for his eleventh birthday, because his parents were concerned that Theo might not be the most social person and make the most friends. To prevent that their son, is alone like they were, Flavio and Chiara decided to buy him a little bunny to spend him support.
Closest Canon Friends:
Closest MC Friends:
Alaire Whitecross ( @hogwartsmysterystory​ )
Almeta Yu ( @phyl-the-gryffinclaw )
Belladonna Moonweaver ( @jayrart )
Dafne Arcano (Also Lari’s)
Elvira Damon ( @montdiarts​ )
Estella Lovegood ( @raeamtrick )
Gavin Rohesia ( @catherinestark-hphm )
Hester Huckabee ( @insufferablegryffindor )
Kiri Amaryllis ( @kathrynalicemc )
Mara Malin ( @zuulosdovah )
Nessi Lucerne (Also Lari’s)
Rana Caplan ( @cursed-ice-spirits )
Sophia Alexeev ( @hanihonii )
If you want to be his friend, please tell me!!
Theo comes from the noble House of Ceccere associated with extraordinary intelligence and quick wit, but especially prominent for the apparent supernatural ability to discover and manipulate a persons mental state and even their dreams. These are mostly rumours but as anyone knows, there is always a bit of truth in a rumour
His parents both have more than mentally and physically stressing jobs and have problems with being at home all around the clock hence the importance of both their occupations so Flavio's younger sister Sarah often took care of the Ceccere kids when their parents weren't home on time or had to work extra shifts.
When the Obliviator and the Healer were home though, they tried their best to spend the entire time with their beautiful and creative kids and fulfil their every wish. That often included reading old and dusty books to Theo about mighty knights and cunning wizards that defeat dragons and monsters that come right out of the darkness, while Anna prefered to draw or build things with boxes in her room.
While the Manor of Family Ceccere actually stood on top of a hill which was surrounded by a gigantic graveyard, it was relatively close to the scottish muggle cities and therefore Theo even had the possibility to befriend a few of the non magical inhabitants of this world, which he did, rather careful but not too careful, he was curious after all.
He got to know a charming girl with sunlight blonde hair and green eyes whose name was “Aliciana” but prefered to be called Alice, they became friends quickly, because they shared so many interests while being so different people. While Theo was a full blooded nerd, she was more of a jock-y fellow. They grew on each other rather quickly, They had sleepovers at Theo’s place and Alice took him to one of her soccer games. It was bound to be a great friendship.
At the age of six years old Theo heard a strange sound from outside, he decided to be like one of the chivalrous and brave knights he heard so much about and investigate, to maybe even save a princess! As he left the door and strived through the forest, he noticed an odd little ball at the sky. It was white and round… his fascination distracted him so much he didn't even noticed the creature that doomed him once and for all coming
When Theo stood eye to eye with the roaming free werewolf he startled and froze in the stop, which didn't stop the lycanthrope of course. It stroke at Theo with its paw and hit the boy in the face, knocking him out. Luckily it only left a few scars
When he woke up in a hospital his parents looked at him concerned, slightly admonished him before telling him that they were glad he was safe. As soon as Theo saw what the creature did to him though, he panicked. He couldn't go out like this. People would be scared of him, so he asked his mother to conceal his scars with a concealment charm when he leaves the house, she agreed.
This did work out until Chiara and Flavio weren't at home due to work and Alice asked Theo over phone if he wanted to come to play Knight and Princess in the big forest. Even though, he still was a bit scared of that forest, Theo agreed. As soon as he arrived at the forest, not only wanting to play but also...telling Alice how much he actually likes her, she saw him… and his scars.
She began to tear up, scream and run away, yelling “Monster! Please don't! No! Mom!!” over and over again. Theo was heartbroken, why did she react like that? Then he realized that he had his scars showing. This event was a bit traumatising for both of the ten year old children.
As soon as Theo was home, he wasn't the same anymore. His curiosity had brought him more doom than luck, he became highly insecure about his appearance and wanted to seem perfect for everyone.
This went on, till Theo got to board the Hogwarts Express at Kings Cross…
Insecure: Theo almost drowns in insecurities as much in public as with his few friends and it already began to control his life. He feels more than uncomfortable being himself and showing his flaws around people, no matter how good he knows them than it would be normal for a teenager. This can be dated back to the first time Theo showed someone how he really looked without concealment charms that keep his outer image. The reaction from then, still traumatised the young Ravenclaw and he tries his best not to relive that. That's why he often uses concealment on every part of his body, that could spark negative attention or disdain .
Socially Awkward: Because both of his parents were introverts and all the outgoing genes were apparently used on his little sister, Theo is a mental wreck in company of any other humanoids. He feels so pressured to count as a member of his peers and tries everything to an unimaginable extend that they accept him. Sadly, he has little to no real social competences, so he often causes awkward situations in his peer groups without any intention to do so.
Curious: Curiosity killed the cat, but the satisfaction of knowing didn't bring back this one. Theos naturally nosy personality was a big part of the way he interacted with the things and people around him in his younger and more foolish years. When he didn't need to worry about anything. But since the accident, the creative and curious aspect of the boy seemingly disappeared….Something many don't know...some aspects of a personality… never vanish for long.
Caring:  After everything that happened, all the times I told you that Theo is a useless wreck around others, I dare to claim he is social and caring? Yes I do.  He might be very anxious around interacting with people but he actually is the absolute mom friend and as soon as you befriend him, he’ll show you that. He will bake you cookies, brink blankets and good books if you feel lonely and over all, will jump over his own shadow so that others feel good and loved. But sadly he can't accomplish that for himself.
Theodore actually means “God-given” and is a reference to the generally pretty pure personality and how others in his peer group see him.
Logan is Theodore's second name as an homage to Flavio’s older brother Logan. Funnily the name fits Theo pretty good anyways. After all it means “Hollow” and represents how Theo sees himself. He doesn't accept himself, he feels dump and insignificant … just empty.  
Theo has an incredible memory of names. He could tell you the names and a few characteristics about every of his 100+ family members from the most ridiculous branches because he connects something with their names, which makes it in return easier to remember them.
He is not capable of cursing. Like literally, as much as Theo would like to, something inside of him denies it. May it be his education or even a physical disability , sadly this takes away a lot of intimidating aspect, the otherwise tall and mysterious looking student would have.
Something not many know is that Theo absolute favourite colour is a cold-ish type of purple, the only people that know it already were at Theos home because this purple is also the colour his walls are painted at home.
Theo learned how to play the piano very early because he always was interested in music and how its made. He studied the most different songs and was more or less naturally gifted at it, sadly he involuntarily abandoned  this hobby because he lacked the time to actually continue practicing. But the proficiency is still somewhere in him.
The Ravenclaw is really talented at Calligraphy which leads him to having a really beautiful and orderly yet unique handwriting. Nobody asks Theo anymore if he can do their homework because the teachers always recognize when Theo wrote something. But his graceful hands and fingers won't protect him from his overall clumsiness
More to be added!
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HPMA MC: Hester Huckabee
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(Credit to @irisgallowayart on instagram and @sangled​ for these pictures. I made them on picrew!)
I used @hogwartsmysterystory​‘s character template for this!
Name: Hester Dorcas Huckabee
Gender: Female
Age: 11 - 18
Birth date: 15th June
Species: Human
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Lawful Good
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: British
Residence: Ambleside in the Lake District of England
Myer Briggs Personality type: ISFP
The Mage
Wand: Walnut wood with a unicorn hair core, 10 ½ “ and supple flexibility
Animagus: Not an animagus, but her Maledictus curse lets her transform into a chestnut mare
Boggart Form: Her mother losing control over her transformation and being stuck as a half human, half mare
Riddikulus Form: Her mother transforming back into a human and doing a silly dance
Patronus Memory: The applause after her first successful Quidditch match
Patronus: Chestnut Mare
Mirror of Erised: Her mother as a human standing behind her, hands on her shoulders
Face Claim: Kristine Froseth
Game Appearance: N/A
Height: 5’0” in first year, grows to be 5’6” until seventh year
Weight: 100 lbs in first year, increases with her height to 115 lbs in seventh year
Eye Colour: Deep blue
Hair Colour: Light brown with a tint of ginger when the sunlight hits it
Skin Tone: Fair
Body Modifications: Golden ear studs in second year, smiley piercing in fourth year, dimple piercings in fifth year
Scarring: None
Inventory: Wand, Broom polish, several hair ties and bobby pins, chocolate frogs
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Affiliations/Organisations: Gryffindor house, major fan of the Appleby Arrows Quidditch Team
Professions: N/A
Hogwarts Information:
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: O
Charms: E
Flying: O
Herbology: A
History of Magic: A
Potions: A
Transfiguration: A to P (over the years)
Electives: N/A
Quidditch: Gryffindor Keeper from Year 3
Extra Curricular: Astronomy club and Charms club
Favourite Professors: Professor Longbottom
Least Favourite Professors: Professor Binns
Mother: Millicent Huckabee (née Budd), now constantly a chestnut mare due to her Maledictus curse.
Father: Adam Huckabee, Muggle.
Grandmother: Liddie Budd, passed away at the age of 75 as a chestnut mare. First case of the Maledictus curse in Hester’s family.
Love Interest: N/A
Best Friends: N/A
Rivals: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Dorm Mates: N/A
Pets: Sphinx Rat named Chickpea
Closest Canon Friends: N/A
Closest MC Friends:
Shay Blunt (@lowtoleranceforyou)
Leon McNully (@death-or-sleep)
Cody Sinclair (@sirfluffelig)
(Hit me up if you would like your MC be friends/dorm mates with Hester <3)
Afflicted with the Maledictus Curse, Hester can turn into a chestnut mare at will. She saw her mother’s struggle as it was harder and harder for her to keep her human form. Hester’s mother Millicent has been a horse permanently ever since Hester was seven.
However, her mother lets her ride on her back, letting the two of them explore the English countryside - and teaching Hester horseback riding without a saddle.
Her father is clumsy and not great at comforting his daughter. He doesn’t understand her, but he tries his best. Hester however just crawls back deeper into her shell and doesn’t enjoy her time around him. She knows that they both feel the same pain about Millicent though.
Her father Adam is from East London, but as her condition worsened, the family moved to the countryside. Hester’s cockney accent is very thick.
She went to a Muggle school up until Hogwarts. Her grades were average, and she was quiet, not drawing any attention to herself.
Her mother was a huge Quidditch fan, mostly of the Appleby Arrows, and Hester carries on that legacy.
Hester doesn’t know who cursed her family, but her grandmother was a Maledictus as well, so she knows that the curse reaches way back.
Resilient: Even with the bad things Hester has going on in her life, she manages to bounce back and fight to be her best self.
Honest: Telling one lie will only lead to more lies, and Hester is not here for it. She is honest, but not blunt or abrasive.
Attentive: Always aware of her surroundings and living in the moment, Hester notices details that might slip from other people’s minds.
Assertive: Even though she doesn’t talk much, Hester knows exactly what she wants and will tell people if things she doesn’t approve of are happening. With each passing year, her presence gets more and more demanding
Impatient: She always feels like she is losing time when waiting for something, and so her patience is easily exhausted.
Impulsive: Despite the way Hester carries herself, she can be quite fiery and lots of her decisions are made impulsively and on a whim.
Stubborn: It’s hard for her to change her ways. Hester often feels like her way is the right way and she will follow it to the end, no matter how much people try to talk her out of it.
Forgetful: This is why Hester struggles in many classes - her forgetfulness also makes everyday life a little harder for her, especially when she forgets the password to the common room.
Hester has a kind of raspy voice that compliments her thick cockney accent.
The body modifications she gains over the years are her way of claiming her body back for herself - she feels like her curse is taking the control of it away from her.
She spoils her rat Chickpea and sometimes takes her to classes in the hood of her robes.
Transfiguration is a class that Hester can’t stomach, whenever a creature is being transfigured, she can only think of it being herself - especially when the transfiguration goes wrong.
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wtffundiefamilies · 3 years
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(Also please tell me that’s not one of those pictures of Michelle and Jubilee the much-exploited miscarriage on his leaflet...)
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