#Here's to many more jumpscares and pizza for years to come
rustylumoria · 2 months
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Okay, babz, we're talking about Springtrap and evil purple men today.
I know FNAF has veered off into its own sci-fi saga, but as someone who has been enjoying these games pretty much since their initial release in the early-to-mid-2010s (Number 1 being in 2014- thank you to @plantainsame for the info in the replies :)), I am not really feeling this direction. Now, I know Scott is a sci-fi man, and I know there are people out there who are enjoying the way this franchise is heading, and all I can say is... Good for you, guys! Go on and enjoy it! Whilst it may not be for me, you are very welcome to enjoy the whimsical chaos that is 'The Adventures of Peepaw Afton and his Refusal To Die (lol).'
However, my personal headcanon is that FNAF 3 is the ending. I think I enjoyed FNAF most when it was more barebones, pretty much no names and no faces, bar the uncanny ones of the pizzeria mascots. I just love the ironic ending the killer has. The ghosts get their ultimate revenge: having the antagonist get a taste of his own medicine, feeling the pain and torture they have felt for all these years. And when you come along to help start Fazbear Frights, you become a witness to his punishment: his purgatory. He's helpless as a babe, slumped against the wall of a storage room, having previously been shut away for many years. When he is found and supposedly unleashed, he doesn't taste freedom. The killer is forced to wander throughout the halls, fighting the animatronic's will to hurry after childish giggles and failing (as shown by the player's ability to hinder Springtrap by distracting him with Balloon Boy's laughter).
I remember, way back when, watching a Dawko video where he showed an unscramble version of Springtrap's audio (can't remember if it was just a scrapped audio file or his jumpscare sound) and you could hear "help me". He's been trapped here for so long, he's practically no longer a vicious killer... the man has been stripped away to his bare bones, literally and figuratively. The antagonist is no different to the children he slaughtered, aimlessly trudging down the halls like a lost kid, looking for someone, anyone, to come and find him. Essentially, Springtrap is a lost child at a supermarket looking for his mummy, he just wants to see a human face and hear a human voice, something to break the monotony and loneliness of existing in an empty metal shell trapped within the confines of a ruined pizza place.
It's poetic. It rhymes. He gets the ultimate comeuppance. That's where I think FNAF should end.
I didn't really care for named characters or backstories because, for me, I really felt the horror from the fact that there was so little context. It made the events of the game feel like they could happen in real life, anywhere and to anyone. It grounded the horror; as well as making the story straightforward enough to avoid plot holes, contradictions, and/ or a timeline that winds around like spaghetti... I won't even delve into the madness that is timetravelling ballpits and giving birth to a baby springbonnie like it's a chestburster from Alien????
Anways, I digress. Basically, there are no names, no faces and only mystery. No Afton. Just Purple Guy. He was just a man. You didn't know why he did what he did and you didn't know what he wanted to do with you in FNAF 3. What you did know, however, was to save the the theorising for after the shift because he screamed danger.
I think my favourite interpretation of Springtrap has to be 'Springtrap and Deliah'. It's clear the guy is craving human connection after being holed up in b-tech Chuck. E. Cheese for decades, and you almost feel bad for him... until you remember this man killed and he could do it again. He's not a good person, even though he's trying to be... that man is dangerous and him doing little about the danger he poses to Deliah, and everyone around him is only making it worse. He's selfish. He wants Deliah for himself. This care he shows for Deliah may come from a place of wanting to be better, but it's being done from a place of greed and possessiveness. He controls Deliah like he controlled those kids' lives, as shown by him ending them prematurely. And that's terrifying. Springtrap in this comic deceives you into thinking he's a harmless, lonely man when in reality he could very well slaughter someone and not think twice if it means keeping Deliah to himself.
That is who Springtrap is to me. A miserable, lonely man who is craving human interaction, but can't escape the consequences of his actions. He did what he did, and whether we feel bad for him or not, he's getting punishment for it. Springtrap is purgatory.
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saltygilmores · 2 years
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 1/Episode 8 (“Love And War And Snow”)
What Happens in This Episode: This episode was jam packed with so many minor situations that I can't summarize everything in one paragraph. Town meetings, friendships tested, jealousy, boys, frozen pizza, Creepy Forrester, a disappearing concession stand, and much more.
Disclaimer: Don't take anything I say seriously or literally. If I say something you don't like, please remember that this is all supposed to make you laugh, my opinions are my own but ultimately meaningless and at the end of the day this is still just a 22 year old fictional TV show 🙂 The episode opens with a town meeting, the first of the series. I'm not sure which is the corniest element of this show, the town meetings or all the dopey festivals. Then sometimes they have town meetings about their dopey festivals which opens up a whirling vortex into the corn world. Memorable Quote "There is no use for a lava lamp unless you're on drugs." -Taylor Luke is yawning and sighing through the mayor's speech. Who is forcing him to go? Luke is not there voluntarily, that's for damn sure, so do I really want to know what happens to people who refuse to attend these meetings? I'm sure it's not pretty.
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Release him, can't you see he's in pain? Ah, Luke just popped his top and exploded at Taylor! Magnificent! I really want a remake called Grownup Gilmore Girls where Luke swears like a fucking sailor. Lorelai is listening to an answering machine message from Max on repeat. Where would this show be without answering machines? They play a vital role in so many episodes. Memorable Quote:
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Speaking of weather, someone on Twitter pointed out that it only rained once in Stars Hollow in the entire series (the last episode).
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IMPENDING DOOM. I hope the cookies that Rory will be bringing Dean are poisoned.
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JFC he did it again! #JumpScare
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....... Dean: "Wow, she brings me cookies, how can I repay her?" Run Rory, Run! There's still time! Save yourself!
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Yo! Writers! Amy Sherman Palladino! Stop trying to make Dean Jess before Jess exists! IT IS NOT WORKING.
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She doesn't need your literary suggestions, butthead. Stop reminding me that Jess isn't here yet and I have to put up with your ass for a whopping 63 episodes. Thankfully, if I recall, this "Dean likes to read" characteristic is about to be forgotten shortly. He'll be moping & complaining while Rory browses the book fair in no time. Lane's facial expressions while Rory and Dean are being idiots is the best thing in this episode.
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Maybe I'd take pity on Lane here, but in the last episode she called Dean "sexy" so honestly she deserves to be horrified. I'm still enjoying watching her disgusted face.
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"The Hollow" is what I'm going to title my gritty adult reboot of Gilmore Girls where people swear and we see Jess' ass. THE HOLLOW. Coming soon to HBO. Luke: "Harry, stop this before someone drives through here and thinks the local mental instituion has bad padlocks." Taylor probbaly siphoned money from the town funds to pay for the bridge repairs, so there wasn't enough money left for padlocks. Fuck the Stars Hollow Bridge. Memorable Quote
"Tradition is a trap that allows people to stick their head in the sand, the past was so quaint & charming. Times were simple, kids didn't have sex. Neighbors knew each other, it was a freakin fairy tale, things sucked then too, it just sucked with no indoor plumbing." -Luke Luke Danes bringing some humanity to this corny affair called Gilmore Girls.
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We get it, you like snow!
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Really want to do this to Milo Ventimiglia's hair.
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It's not delivery, it's Mastrolia.
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A menu to pick apart: Fiesta Burger, Hamburger, Cheeseburger, Bar-B-Que burger, french fries, onion rings, sausge/onion/pepper, hot dog, soda. And just like Shane after the dance marathon, that random window-service concession stand in Stars Hollow mysteriously vanishes, never to be seen again.
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For anyone keeping score, Christopher has proposed to Lorelai three times.
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That looks nothing like the actor who played young Christopher or the one who played adult Christopher (please don't take me seriously when I say shit like this, of course I know they likely hadn't casted either actor yet when this was filmed. I literally just write what I observe). I had forgotten that we're still waiting for the unfortunate debut of Clown #2, Christopher. I loathe him. The actor who plays him is a butthole in real life too.
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A pager! Nostalgia point!
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The first appearance of this bookstore that screens movies.
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Baby Lorelai. That's a very high quality photograph for 1967.
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Kirk's Jobs Thus Far: DSL Installer, Swan Delivery Boy, Grocery Store Assistant Manager, Historical Reanactor.
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Oooh, somebody's jealous. Samantha Leigh's Bakery will of course become Weston's. Lane is staying at the Gilmore household and crashes Max & Lorelai's make out session, giving Lorelai a taste of what Rory and Jess felt every time she barged in on them.
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The Gilmores wear the cutest pajamas. The Good: Luke explodes at town meeting. Lane has to watch Rory and Dean kiss, which is what she deserves. Lorelai's cute pajamas. The snowy setting was beautiful. The Bad: Rory didn't poison the cookies she fed to Dean. At least not lethally. Boo. Rory is a shitty friend to Lane (but she does apologize). The Meh: Max and Lorelai make out. Lorelai's obsession with snow was getting really fucking annoying. The New: First town meeting. First time Luke loses his temper at a town meeting. First appearance of the local bookstore/movie place. Lorelai and Max's first date & kiss. First time Luke appears jealous to see Lorelai with another man. The confusing: Dean pretends he knows how to read. Disappearing concession stand. "Baby Lorelai"'s picture was clearly taken in the 90's. Nostalgia: Rory uses a pager. Lorelai's Paul Frank pajamas.
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tae-cup · 4 years
Last Delivery | KNJ Drabble
Hope everyone is well! 
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“Y/N.” Your boss called you to the backroom and you felt your stomach drop. The local pizza shop, known as Sliceroni, had been losing money recently. There was a new pizza place coming into town and people had begun to go more and more to them, though you doubted their quality. So far, three of your 10 coworkers had been fired or quit due to the issue. 
With a sigh, you took off your apron and shot your coworker, who manned the cash register, a frown. She looked at you with a sympathetic smile. You walked over to the door and rapped your knuckles on the hard wood. The place was dusty, old and rotting wood. 
“You wanted to see me?” You chirped. Please don’t fire me. You didn’t have any other job lined up, despite your coworkers trying to talk you into it. They all saw that the business was failing and they wanted to be ready to jump ship. 
“Ah, yes, Y/N.” The manager smiled, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes. It unnerved you. “Please sit.” 
You nodded and took a seat on the cushioned chair. The man sighed and clasped his hands together on his desk. 
“You’ve been a wonderful employee for these past two years. You’ve been hardworking, loyal, and all the customers love to have you deliver their order.” He massaged his forehead. “But, as you know, there have been budget cuts and we’re not able to pay for a delivery person anymore. I know you’ve been working the kitchen in the meantime, but you aren’t the dedicated chef and we can’t ask you to work for free.” 
You frowned. “Are you...firing me?” 
“We prefer the term releasing you.” He smiled gently. “I’d love to write you a referral if you need it.” 
The rest of his words were drowned out. It felt like you were underwater. You were being fired. A wonderful employee, but obviously not good enough. What would you do now? You numbly nodded at his suggestion of a referral. 
“Do you...where do you want me to put my uniform?” You choked. 
“You can return it to my desk.” He responded, a sad expression on his kind features. You bit your lip, gulping back your tears. 
“Is there anything else?” You murmured, wanting to leave as soon as possible. 
“Well, we have one more delivery set up.” 
You tilted your head, curiosity overcoming your emotions. 
“To who?”
You knocked on the door. Never again would you have to do this. You tried to keep the frown off your face. 
“I think that’s the pizza.” There’s a muffled shout. 
“Be there in a second!” Another voice responded and you fought to keep a smile off your lips. It wasn’t like you were in a rush or going anywhere else. After this, you’d be free. In fact, you only had on your name badge with the logo of Sliceroni. The boss had claimed it was a souvenir and to keep it. So now you stood, dressed casually, holding seven boxes of pizza. How many boxes did this man need? The door swung open to reveal a rather disheveled looking man. His hair was poking out every which way and his clothes were rumpled. He had a nice smile with dimples. Adorable. You internally slapped yourself. 
“Hi! Are you from Sliceroni?” He questioned. You peered over the boxes. There was the sound of thundering footsteps and then six other faces crowded the doorway. 
“What do you think, Hyung? Are the seven boxes not proof enough?” A sweet looking boy said. 
“Jimin-ah, shush.” The man scratched the back of his neck. “Thanks for the delivery, I’ll get your money in a moment. Please, come in.” He moved aside and you went in gladly, arms aching. 
“You can set them down there.” He gestured to the kitchen counter and you placed the heavy boxes onto the marble. He rummaged around his pockets, pulling out a leather wallet. Unbeknownst to you, he was observing you carefully. The pizza girl is kinda cute. You brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, trying to keep the frown off your face. This was it. Two years of dedication to be ended here. He handed you the money, now more concerned by your glistening eyes. 
Still, you took the money with a small thank you. Then you murmured a goodbye and started out the door. He just couldn’t understand why you seemed so down and his heart just couldn’t let you leave without knowing why. 
“Hey! Wait!” He quickly jumped out the door and you turned around, an eyebrow raised. You had already let your shoulders droop, your employee badge in your hand. You couldn’t bring yourself to throw it out. 
“Is-is there something wrong with the order?” You asked, trying to masked the tears on your cheeks. 
“No, no, not at all. I’m just concerned something is wrong with you.” He said quickly. You tilted your head and he rushed to amend his words. “No, not that anything is wrong with you, I mean, I just saw you looked down and I wanted to know what’s wrong and-” He rambled. 
You wanted to laugh at his clumsy words, but you could barely bring yourself to smile. You held up a hand, trying to stop his rambling. “It’s okay, I just got fired.” You said quietly. 
That stopped him. He tilted his head now, confused. “But you seem so...so nice.” 
“Nice observation, wise guy.” You snorted, swiping at your wet cheeks. “Business hasn’t exactly been booming.” 
He noted your bitter words and softened. “Well I guess since you’re off work...” He scratched the back of his neck. “Do you want to join us? We’re just going to watch a movie and eat an ungodly amount of popcorn.” 
And oddly that seemed very appealing; to wallow in your misery with popcorn and a movie. But you didn’t know these people, as nice as they seemed. 
“What’s your name?” You questioned, wondering why he was being so inviting. 
“I’m Namjoon, but every just calls me Joonie.” He sighed. 
“I’m Y/N.” 
“I know.” 
When you raised an eyebrow he shook his head. “No! No! Don’t misunderstand! I’m not a stalker or anything, I just saw your name tag inside.” 
You smiled softly. “Oh, I see.” 
The breeze picked up and you shivered in the cold. 
“Would you like to come inside? It’s getting chilly.” He smiled warmly. 
You took a deep breath, then you glanced up to the sky. It looked like there was a storm heading your way. Then you looked at him and he seemed so happy. 
“Yeah, sure. That sounds great, actually.” You responded after a moment. He kept his distance, though he wanted to grab your hand. 
“Great!” He laughed, showing you inside where you were bombarded with questioning stares. He subconsciously placed a hand on the small of your back. 
“Who’s that?” A pale man drawled. 
“Is that the pizza girl?” Another asked, deep voice making your ears prick up. You looked to him and he shot you a wink. 
“Yup!” Namjoon smiled. Then he introduced you to the other men in the room. 
As you settled in to watch the movie, you didn’t even notice how close you were to Namjoon. Still, he was a gentleman and let you have your space. You felt bad, yes, but it was unlike your other jobs when you had been fired. Usually you would curl up in the dark and cry or drink wine and binge a show. Instead, you were snuggled against a bunch of strangers. And no, it was not as erotic as it sounded. It was pleasant. 
Namjoon instinctively pulled you closer, arm wrapped around your shoulder, about half way through the movie. It was a horror movie and you spent most of the time hiding your face in your hands and Namjoon spent most of the time grimacing every time a jumpscare happened. Hoseok was screaming and holding onto Yoongi, who he’d already brought to the ground with him after the first jumpscare. Then Taehyung watched, amused, as Jin and Jimin were whispering to each other, trying to hype each other up to not be scared. Jungkook was holding onto Taehyung, but it wasn’t in a scared way, he seemed comfortable, even smiling at some scares, as if they were fun to watch. 
What an odd assortment of people. As Namjoon pulled you closer, you found the courage to pull your hands away from your face. Every time a jumpscare occured, you just burrowed your face into his chest. Dignity be damned, that ring lady was scary as fuck. Namjoon simply smiled and his thoughts were so preoccupied by you that he didn’t notice the movie ending. He was just focused on your exhausted form, both mentally and physically. His eyes scanned the room, seeing how most of his friends were passed out except Jimin and Jin who excused themselves back to their rooms. Namjoon tried to do the same, but you instantly clutched his shirt and he was forced to the couch with you. With a sigh, he fell into a deep sleep as well. 
You were awake, of course you were, but you were drowsy and Namjoon just smelled so good. He felt good too, to hold. It was peaceful. Maybe being fired wasn’t so bad after all. 
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starkaer · 4 years
it’ll last longer.
my @starkerkink prompter was @demons-sing-me-to-sleep, and i choose the third prompt. this was both all of the place and so much fun to write! hope you like it, though i didn’t manage to fit as many of your kinks as i’d like to. i might post it on ao3 later, but here we go!
tags: underage (peter is sixteen), incest, unnegotiated kink, mildly dubious consent, exploration of kink(s), unbetaed bc i’m a mess tm.
Nice! Peter will have the whole Stark Tower for himself, for more than a couple of days, for the very first time in his sixteen years. He had plans of inviting over Ned for the whole weekend, maybe bringing over Liz or Harry to try and impress them - maybe even invite that cute pizza boy in and let the things he saw online become reality. But, on the first day, he is going to do what he had been wanting to do for oh-so-longnow.
The tv in his room is indeed huge and he would never complain about it, but nothing could ever compare to the one in the living room. 4k porn. God, he is going to be living the teenage dream. Computer on the coffee table, a towel on his side, clothes not even on after the shower a couple of hours ago.
God, he is actually feeling nervous! He sighs to get the anxiety out, and gets to work. Connects the two screens, opens the secret folder he had put a password on, finds that nearly 3gb sized file (one of the ones he downloaded when he learned his dad had a meeting out of the state), and waits a few seconds for the show to start.
And then it started. A redhead twink, laying on a bed, flipping over a random comic book, only wearing the skimpiest of red speedos. He’s already so damn hard, and the muscled step-dad wasn’t even on the screen yet- oh, there he was. Bulging muscles, skin a dark-ish shade of golden, eyes clearly hungry.
That went on for nearly two hours, Peter stroking himself to the cliff but making sure to never fall in, since he wanted to enjoy as much of this as possible. He had watched all the highest quality porn he managed to download, but maybe he was in the mood for something new.
Maybe some amateur videos? Those typically had great positions. Or perhaps one of the spanking ones? He liked the whimpers from those, they did great things for him.
But then his eyes set down on something else, and his finger doesn’t take long to follow. A few seconds, and there were two men on his screen, the lighting not good enough for him to make every single detail out, but he didn’t mind. He knows very well what happens.
“Do you like that, Stark? Like a big man destroying your ass?”
That first line almost did push him down the cliff, his hand flying away from his pulsing red cock in order to avoid it; now it was becoming almost a game. That man was Steve Rogers, one of his father’s most long-lasting boyfriends, he later learned.
“Yeah, please, ruin me, sir! Fuck me until I can’t walk, please!”
That second line almost pushes him down the cliff, and his hand was still away from his pulsing red cock. That begging whore was his dad, he thought with a smirk, and his dick twitched in response.
Two videos later, his dad has two men deep in both of his holes, one with the best dirty talk of all the sextapes and the other with the longest dick he had ever seen. The moans his dad was making was unholy at best, and he knew this was going to be it - it was the last one, and he barely lasted through the one before with the long-haired one, the most brutal one who got Tony nearly in tears with his pounding.
Oh, it was coming! Oh, he was coming! This is-
“Peter, what the fuck is that?!”
Peter loves horror games, even liked the ones with the cheesy jumpscares - they got the adrenaline flowing, it was fun. But none of those ever made him jump quite as much as he did when his father’s voice came from behind him instead of from the screen.
He shoves his finger on the computer’s button so fast one would think he has superpowers, but it was clearly long past that point. “Hey, dad, you’re, um- You’re not supposed to be home.” His heart keeps drumming on his ears and brain, as he tries to cover his junk.
“What the fuck are you watching Peter? Why?! Why would you watch that, that’s-”
“I know! I know, dad, I know, and I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry-”
If whoever was that cold man had his father nearly in tears of pleasure, his father had him apologetically bawling on the floor. All it took was the slight tone of disgust on Tony’s voice to get him sobbing, begging for forgiveness. He was disgusting, and he knew it. All he could do is hope his dad would see how truly sorry he was, and maybe put him in a mental hospital, so those gross thoughts could go away and he could be a normal person, a normal teenager.
“Pete, don’t- don’t cry, it’s- It’s okay, it’s okay... You were just curious, that’s all, it’s okay, come here...” Oh, he was very much not just curious. That was nothing on those videos for him to be curious about anymore, he knew every detail very fucking well - but it felt so great to be hugged and apparently forgiven by his dad, he wouldn’t mind if that’s what Tony would have to believe in order to forgive him. “I just hate those videos, but you did nothing wrong, okay? I shouldn’t ever have filmed them, but that’s not on you.”
It took more ten or fifteen minutes of calming and soothing and tranquilizing for him to say anything. And, if he had his mind in place, those probably wouldn’t be his first words.
“Why do you hate them, though?” Head on his father’s lap, feet hanging off the couch in misery, it takes some seconds for him to get a response from above.
“They just don’t represent me well, I guess. Or at all, really.” There’s a good-humored tone to it, but then it gets a bit more serious. “I just... Now I just relate more to the other man, y’know?”
“You’re a top now, that’s what you’re saying?” The question is genuine, but not even Peter himself can’t help but laugh along with his dad when he realizes how simplified it was.
“I guess there’s also that, but...” The man takes a long breath, his face clearly showing he is trying to pick just the right words. “The thing is that... The things those men said to me... Now I prefer to say than to hear them. You know what I mean?”
“So... You’re a dominant, is that it?” There could have been some laughing again, since it was also apparently simplifying Tony’s answer, but the man just stared at him for a few seconds, almost admiring his words.
“Well, yeah... I didn’t know you knew what a dominant is, but yeah, that is what I mean, I guess. But also I’m just a very different person overall.”
“How do I know what I am?”
“Well...” There are butterflies in his stomach, and he tries not to think about how good his father’s thighs are as pillows. “When you watched those videos, did you like to hear what those men said? Do you, well, wish they were being said to you?” 
Cheeks turn bright red immediately. “Yeah.” It’s almost nothing, and his dad has to make a questioning sound to get a clear and louder version. “I think I did, yeah.”
“Well, that means you’re probably a submissive. But, like I said, those things can change with time. I used to enjoy those things being said to me, but now I prefer to say them. You’re too young to know for sure what you prefer, anyway, Pete.” He hopes ‘those things can change with time’ would include his taste for his own father’s sex-tapes.
“I’m really sorry, dad. I should never have watched them.”
“It’s okay, Pete, it’s okay. You’re a kid, you’re supposed to be curious about that kind of stuff. Do you... Do you have any other questions about them?”
“When was the one with uncle Bruce filmed? And who was the long-haired dude?”
“Oh, you do. Was hoping we could wrap things up. Okay, um...” He motions to Peter to get up, which he does, sitting on the couch like his father, heart beating fast.
“The one with uncle Bruce… Do you like that one?” He shyly nods, feeling even more gross, but...
But, ugh, that one was definitely his favorite one. He loved when those men called his dad the filthiest names - but that one was completely different, and so much better. Tony sets up the camera, eyes dark in lust and smirk on his lips, then turns on his back and drops to his knees and sucks Bruce dry. Once, twice, thrice, in twenty minutes. The simple image of the man adjusting his glasses while looking down to his father, shaking and trembling and whimpering for some reason, had powered many of his late-night jack offs.
His father lets out a long breath, but Peter can’t tell if it’s good or bad. The thought of ‘is he disgusted again?’ nearly brings tears to his eyes.
“Yeah, that is indeed a good one...” Like they’re talking about pizza toppings, not the man’s own sex-tapes. His dick is spasming and growing and redning, and he wonders if his father’s eyes are actually going from his face to his cock or if that’s his horny, gross imagination. “Do you know why uncle Bruce was crying like that?”
After some moments of nervous silence, he shakes his head, swallowing hard and waiting to see what his father is up to. “Do you want to find out?”
There’s another nod, but never a sound — Peter's mind is turning on itself, really. It hits him: his father, at that moment, was hitting on him. Without a doubt. And, with that question, his cock can’t get any harder. The image of him trembling and moaning while Tony works on his cock like the hungriest, meanest slut hits him like a truck, turning his cheeks bright red.
“Say it, then. Say that you want daddy to suck you off.”
Despite the request of a confirmation still in the air, his father is sliding down to his knees, and he can’t breathe for a second. He doesn’t say it, but he spreads his legs. He doesn’t say it, but he bites his lips. And then he says it, voice shaking more than uncle Bruce. “I want daddy to suck me off, please.” The ‘please’ was out of habit, and he would have laughed for it, if his father wasn’t about to give him the very first blowjob of his life.
His dick was standing nearly straight by now, hardened by his father’s words, and yet Tony’s big hand wrapped around it like it was a pencil. It was so agonizingly slow, but oh so fucking good. Up and down, up and down, always with a twist of his wrist — he wasn’t sure if he was wanting to scream in pleasure because it was someone else, or because it was his father, or really just because that technique was better than his basic quick-up-&-down-strokes-until-he-cums one. Probably all three.
Some more seconds of only masturbating, and his father’s lips were approaching his crotch. Tender kisses to his thighs, which felt both burning erotic and way too intimal (like when a whore has sex, but doesn’t kiss a client), and his father’s eyes are staring into his soul, but he doesn’t pay it much attention. He can deal with his soul later.
“Should I talk like them?” It clearly takes a few seconds for Tony to understand, and he’s scared he’s ruined the moment. “The men, on the videos?” And his father looks up to him, grinning like the devil.
“No...” A long, wet, epically slow lick to his cockhead has him squiming his hips forward for more, but his father doesn’t allow it. “But tell me, Pete, do you want daddy to make this little dick of yours warm?” Oh. That’s right. He was Tony in the videos, and Tony were those men. So he was the little whore, the cockhungry slut, and the fucking faggot — even if he was the one being sucked off. And that thought almost made him cum on the spot.
He didn’t know if Tony would wait for his confirmation this time, but he gave it immediately, nodding quickly, eyes closed in desperation and need. And so, he can’t see when his dad places his mouth around his throbbing dick, but he lets out a moan nearing a scream, and the edge is so close.
The mouth worked up and down his shaft, making lewdy, wet sounds all the way, and Peter looks to the edge he’s being pushed to. This feels so good, he doesn’t want to fall in yet. “Yeah, oh, dad…” He wasn’t required to make those noises, they come from somewhere between his very soul and his genitals.
But it doesn’t last one minute, and he’s being pushed off the edge, falling into the delicious, bright abyss, and screaming all the way down. When he opens his eyes, Tony's face is painted with his seeds, and seeing that is a thousand times hotter than watching any of those videos could ever be. In fact, one second of that blowjob was hotter than any of his thousand hours of jerking off to those videos.
“Oh, that was a lot, Pete.” He could get hard just from watching his father cleaning his hand, sucking the cum out of his fingers like it’s vanilla ice cream. Like giving his kid a blowjob is just his thursday.
“Yeah, I was, uh- I was jerking off for, like, two hours before, so, yeah, that’s why.” He wants to ask if that, the blowjob, will ever happen again (and also why dad isn’t cleaning his face), but knows he shouldn’t. This shouldn’t have happened, but he is so glad it did. “DAD, AH!”
Tony is back to sucking; and, instead of the blessing that was falling from that cliff, he’s falling from grace. It’s burning and cramping and hurting, and he is shaking and trembling and whimpering. Exactly like uncle Bruce.
“Please, dad, ah! It hurts, please!” It seems the more he tries to squirm away, the harder Tony sucks — for one second it hits that, perhaps, he is indeed sucking harder the more he struggles, perhaps he likes him to struggle, but that thought won’t make the cramps stop, so it’s of no real use for him. “Please, daaad!”
But, both as sudden as a lightning and as smooth as a cloud, the anguish leaves, and he is welcomed with another hard-on, and his hurt twitching and whimpering turns into jerking and asking for more. He now opens his eyes, but the sight of his father in his knees, looking deep into his eyes with a pulsating cock in his mouth takes all of his air away, so he closes them again.
He feels proud of passing the one minute mark, but it’s just some more minutes until the gagging sounds and the slick warmness take him down the marvelous cliff once again. There’s more of his semen on his dad’s face, but it seems like just when he's done squirting cum out, he’s falling from Mount Olympus for the second time, and it might be worse.
The cramps return with all force, drowning him in ache, all throughout his legs and his wrists and his elbows — and he can’t wait for the sweet release of sudden pleasure, but it doesn’t seem to be coming. He gives in to begging, “Dad, dad, please stop, please, ah!” And it still doesn’t come for what feels like days on end.
There’s tears falling down his cheeks, and he is grabbing the couch so hard it might break his fingers. His cock is getting hard again — but none of the sweet pleasure that came the first two times hits him, the cramps never go away. He continues to beg and cry and ask, until he comes again, and this time he realizes no more jizz really comes out. He doesn’t even open his eyes, waiting for the ache again, until his father speaks.
“Already dry, kid?” That’s when he allows himself to wake up, and is faced with the man’s face covered in his own cum. There’s quite a nice amount on his forehead and his right cheek. His nose, left cheek and goatee also have some of his liquid, and he thinks one of the eyes is red-ish, so he guesses some landed on there too. “Wanna clean me up or should I?”
He gives no response, breathing deeply from both relief and tiredness. His eyes are starting to weigh, and Tony must have taken it as a no. If he wasn’t so done with the cliffs and the edges for tonight, the sight of his father brushing his cum to his mouth and licking his lips and fingers clean of it like it’s vanilla — that would definitely get him hard. “You know why uncle Bruce was like that?”
Just a tired nod, and he’s dozing away. “You were even prettier than him...”
Just a warm smile, and he’s nearly gone. “Hope you don’t mind me recording it...”
Just a pair of closing eyes, and he’s done, but- “Maybe later I’ll explain the Bucky one to you…”
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The 5 Biggest Scares in M Night Shyamalan’s SIGNS
16 years ago, I had a formative experience: I watched the movie, Signs. I was a kid of divorce and the way I bonded with my dad was through horror. Yes, I was too young by most standards, but I’ve turned out fine. Every Friday night, we would hop in the car, drive to the local Blockbuster, and peruse the aisles for the latest horror releases. Once we made our choice, we would order pizza, grab some snacks and Pepsi Blue (yes, Pepsi Blue), and pop in a DVD. One of the most memorable experiences was on a Friday night in 2002 when we rented M. Night Shyamalan’s alien horror film, Signs. I was no stranger to horror movies as a nine-year-old, but this film scared me to pieces.
    If there was an extraterrestrial involved, I loved it. I watched The X-Files through my fingers, devoured any books about UFO experiences I could find, and looked at UFO conspiracy theories online. Yes, I was a normal child, thank you for asking. So when Signs’ trailer was released, my dad and I immediately made a plan to see it.
For those of you not familiar with Signs, it was released on July 29, 2002 and was Shyamalan’s fifth feature film. It follows a farming family in Pennsylvania who discover mysterious crop circles in their cornfields. They come to find that aliens have come to Earth, and they aren’t friendly little green men. What ensues is a story of family and survival in the face of the unknown.
Mel Gibson (The Expendables 3) plays father Graham Hess. I won’t go into him much, because of Gibson’s awful past behavior. But, I will talk about a young Joaquin Phoenix (You Were Never Really Here), whose youthful and clean-shaven mark a time before he became weary of this world. He plays Hess’ younger brother, Merrill, who is an ex-baseball star who can’t get out of his hometown. Hess also has two children, Morgan and Bo, played by Rory Culkin (Scream 4) and Abigail Breslin (Final Girl), respectively. Each have their own quirks or traits that later come into play, like Morgan’s asthma or Bo’s need to leave water glasses around the house.
So what exactly scared me in Signs? I can’t name just one scene. Rather, it was a series of moments, and jump scares, that created a masterful suspense that I had ever experienced before (granted, I was 9). Instead trying to narrow it down, here are some of the film’s more terrifying moments:
    Alien Leg in the Cornfield
Graham thinks that he’s chasing troublemakers in his cornfield, but what he actually sees is something much scarier: a quick glimpse of an alien. The alien leg in his flashlight beam has scarred me for life. I still can’t look at a cornfield without thinking about it. Despite preparing myself, since this scene is included in the trailer, the anticipation of seeing the leg was just as scary. This scene is part of what makes Signs so scary. Shyamalan only shows small parts and glimpses of the monster, letting your imagination run wild. Leaving you wanting more.
  Knife Under the Pantry Door
Speaking of showing only parts of the alien, this jumpscare sent me flying out of my seat. Graham enters his neighbor’s house after learning he trapped an alien in his pantry. Naturally, Graham must see for himself. Instead of opening the pantry, he takes a kitchen knife and slides it under the door, trying to catch a glimpse of whatever is trapped. Ketchup, mustard, dish soap, no alien life here. Just when he’s about to give up, Graham gives it another look, only to have an alien hand shoot out and try to grab him. Fortunately, Graham has a knife and chops off its fingers.
    Alien on the TV
Merrill watches TV in a closet, since Graham doesn’t want the kids seeing all of the alien news. As Merrill turns on the night’s broadcast, he sees footage of an alien walking through a kid’s birthday party. This is the first time that both the film’s world and the audience are seeing the aliens. While reminiscent of the famed Patterson–Gimlin film that supposedly captured Bigfoot on camera, it is still absolutely startling. Merrill’s reaction, screaming and jumping back, isn’t too different from what I did during my first viewing of Signs.
  Alien On the Roof
What starts as the one of the scariest scenes also becomes the funniest scene in Signs. Bo wakes her dad up, saying there’s a monster outside of her window, as kids do. Graham is about to write her off, and then he sees a large silhouette standing on the barn roof. Queue loud gasps and me burying my head in a pillow because, unlike Graham, I know that’s an alien. Graham wakes up Merrill and says they’re going to chase off the creep. What comes next is the two men running around the outside of the house, screaming, “it’s time for an ass-whooping.” Really, the comedy is perfectly juxtaposed with a scene out of my nightmares.
  Alien Shooting Gas in the Kid’s Nose
As Signs reaches its climax, an alien has entered the farmhouse and is holding Morgan ‘hostage’. Using its long fingers, it sprays a toxic gas into his nose. But, thankfully, Morgan is mid-asthma attack and can’t breath, which is probably the first time someone has been thankful for that. However, I was too stressed in the moment to remember that Morgan couldn’t inhale the gas. As the family fights the alien, all I could think about was if Morgan would survive. Don’t worry, Signs has a happy ending.  
    I would be remiss to not mention Signs’ soundtrack composed by James Newton Howard. The haunting strings moving into a cacophony of woodwinds and horns still gives me goosebumps. The score added to the film’s tension, making each scene even more terrifying as the Hess family tries to escape an alien.
While many of Shyamalan’s films are often met with harsh criticism, this is one of his better films. No matter what you may think about the director, Signs still had a profound impact on my young brain. Yes, we can admit the ending is cheesy in a way only Shyamalan can deliver. But, when it was time to go back to my mom’s house, I couldn’t even walk to my dad’s car — I had to sprint. I also couldn’t even handle the dark roads and have to squeeze my eyes shut the whole way home. It may not hold up as ‘scary’ 16 years later, but there is no doubting the power it had over me and how it brought my dad and me closer together.
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