#Her nickname is Petty. Literally. Petty. 😂
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thelonestrider · 10 months ago
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I uh.. Might have made another flower child based on one of my old FO4 bbys. Meet Petunia!
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sweetestpopcorn · 1 year ago
How would you rank Jaehaerys and Alysanne’s children in terms of greatness/potential? For me, Baelon was best out their children with Saera being second. I also think Viserra was a waisted potential. I think she could have done interesting stuff had she lived. Do you think perhaps maybe Baelon should’ve married her after Alyssa’s death? Obviously, no one could replace Alyssa in his heart.
Hi there :)
I have already kind of answered this regarding my thoughts about Saera and Viserra and none of it is good. I will just link them here and here . Legit they are just portrayed as mean girls with no real depth to them, though of the two, Saera is much, much worse. Viserra I can at least sympathise with since her parents seem to not give half a f_ck about her and did not even extend to her the same courtesy they did her siblings of having a say about her marriage (more here), but that's about it. I don't find anything else likeable about her she's just... empty.
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I will go from least favourite to favourite.
Saera and Viserra go right to the bottom of my list. Followed very closely by Vaegon by obvious reasons. Like Vaegon, it literally costs you 0 golden dragons to not be so unlikable.
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Then I would say Daenerys, she has a lot of sweet moments but dies young so I don't really know how she would have turned out. Besides, I know it's petty of me, but I don't like other characters having Dany's name. I do like Daenerys, Naerys's daughter but... yeah no more. You don't need more Daenerys, we have our Mother of Dragons. Yes, I know I am petty.
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Then Gael because... poor baby 🥺 seriously what was George thinking writing a character who is Alysanne's comfort, with some degree of cognitive disability be r...... by some random singer, give birth, lose her baby, and kill herself?! Like enough's enough. It's literally just to add tragedy to her story and honestly Turtle man it's getting f:cking OLD. I swear this man gets his rocks off by adding tragedy and terrible abuse to female characters. This when he can bother to make them more than a walking womb.
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Then I would say Aemon. Maybe he would be higher but at times I just feel he's too perfect if that's a thing. There’s just nothing wrong with him like 😂 he literally does nothing wrong.
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Daella comes next because I find her funny. She's such a drama queen 24/7 making everyone around her want to protect her XD even Alyssa. I kind of got the vibes at times from her that she kind of knew what she was doing to get attention. Like the fact that she and Alyssa are Rhaenyra's grandmothers just makes so much sense no matter how you look at it. In a way Rhaenyra seems kind of a mixture of both? With tons of stubborn and style added. Another moment that really endeared me to Daella was her very tragic death, and how despite all her suffering she still wanted to be given Aemma and to feed her. Prime mom material right there -> like you can tell both from her and Alyssa that Rhaenyra got some top notch mom genes.
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Then Alyssa of course, because she was THE queen. Literally she was just a better behaved version of her son and I'm here for it! I love how despite the fact that she was clearly a tomboy she still wanted to marry Baelon and give him an army of kids X'D because these two things are not mutually exclusive and liking or enjoying traditional boy things does not have to say anything about your sexuality or your desire to be a mother - just like being very feminine and liking traditionally feminine activities does not have to say anything about your sexuality or desire to parent. These are rules a society that does not understand nuance and in a sense is deeply sexist and stereotypical likes to put in place and that I find deeply harmful to people. But Alyssa is the BOMB, so funny, so bold, the way she embarrassed Vaegon who was a little sh:t *chef's kiss*
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Then there's the best man ever -> Baelon Targaryen
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Had his own cool nickname, The Spring Prince, funny, charming, sexy, single dad who never once forgot about his lady with the mismatched eyes, entered a tourney under the name of the Silver Fool... I don't feel like a need to say more, and in an era where all men were literally so problematic, Baelon was IT.
Baelon is what this fandom thinks Corlys is. Sorry not sorry.
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And that's it :D
Also no, and more important that should Baelon remarry, the question is did he want to remarry? And the answer is no, and any Baelon fan would respect the Spring Prince and his undying love for his lady with the mismatched eyes <3
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mayosmultiverse · 3 years ago
Spencer woke up because of a thunderstorm and his first thought was to check up on Birdie. Bruh. Slow burn or not, He. Woke. Up and the first thing he did was check up on Dove. I am in love with this!
*Also totally recording this, need it for..research purposes..*
Birdie is the Cat whisperer..Ironic. Stump the food chain Birdie! DO IT! *She would've been a phenomenal vet in another universe*
Also I love Birdie's priorities, Cat above all else. Furniture? Never heard of it. 😂 And Spencer's nickname for the cat- that's another level petty, kind sir! 🤣 Like Satan, Manson (the comparison with Hitler-) and my personal favourite..Dahmer..my dude it's a cat..we don't drop kick it to another sheltor
Grimm waiting to attack Spencer, that made my day..this is why you don't call them serial killer inspired nicknames doctor..
DOVE WITH DAISY!! DOVE WITH DAISY!! Damm, I just wish that her future would be as happy as her name.
AND Their bonding time!!! Bruh I'm literally waiting for the 'Now Kith' moment. Our oblivious future couple..the both deserve an astronomical amount of happiness..
The Dove and the Agent | Ch.20 - Broken & Sweet Hearts
✨My Main Masterlist | 18+ | AO3 | Wattpad✨
🕊Masterlist | Soundtrack | Aestethic Trailer🕊
✨previous chapter✨
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Chapter CW: Mentions of Diana/Maeve/Max/anxiety/break-up/love, angst, negative self-talk, a cat, massive pining/fluff, only one-bed trope, Canon typical Case (Obduction/torture/SA/Baby/c-section/coma)
"A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not." — Ernest Hemingway
The sound of thunder had woken me. For a second I laid in bed confused but then got up to check on Dove. I wasn't sure if she was afraid of rainstorms.
We had decided that she would sleep on my couch tonight, having all day just laid there wrapped up in a blanket, reading a book anyway.
When I didn't find her on the couch — where I had left her hours earlier — I became worried. It was only 11 p.m. on a Saturday but I knew Dove wasn't one to go out on the weekend and once again, she was fast asleep when I went to bed.
I heard someone walking up the staircase just as I left my apartment to walk over to Dove's, turned around, and ran into my little bird.
"Oh. Hi.", she tried saying nonchalantly, a closed umbrella in her hand, hair damp from the rain. "Hi, Sweetheart.", I greeted her back.
Pushing her go-bag to her back so I couldn't look at it for too long she greeted me again. "Hi."
Okay. She was hiding something.
"What you got there?", I asked, pointing at her bag. She promptly answered with a quick, "Nothing.".
Just as this word had left her heart-shaped lips, a meowing from the bag exposed it to be a lie.
"Your 'Nothing' just meowed.", I observed, following Dove into her apartment.
While she took off her jacket, putting the bag on the kitchen island the meowing appeared again. She had seriously gone out into the storm to get the fucking cat from earlier this morning.
"It's raining.", she told me, while opening the bag and letting the grey tabby out, which jumped onto the counter looking curiously around.
"Dove it's dirty...", I started, making her blink at me as she started patting the dirty thing. "So?" "Do you know how many diseases-"
I took a step towards the island and got growled at by the cat.
Dove ignored that, including my concerns for her health. "I don't care. She'll just take a bath."
"Dove, that's crazy. Just give her to a shelter.", I sighed. "They'll know what to do with her."
Shaking her head, my little bird stayed stubborn. "I know what I'm doing.", she assured me, hands still on the aggressive, furry bastard on her island.
"Dove.", I tried sounding authorial, earning an irritated look and just as sassy answer. "Spencer."
As we stared at each other, trying to get the other to back down from their opinion, it knocked on the door.
"Hey, Hey.", Penelope chirped, bursting the door open as she and Luke walked in with large, blue Ikea bags. "Late-Night delivery.", Luke joked, greeting me as he walked past me.
They put the bags in the middle of the empty apartment, Dove kneeling down and starting to unpack them with Penelope.
"Okay. Here's the bill. That's the kitty litter, the scratching post-", Garcia blabbered, suddenly stopping and looking around. "You don't have furniture."
Good. I wasn't the only one confused by that.
Dove nodded. "I- I know."
"That's not normal.", Penelope lecture her, while Luke helped her open the carton with the small scratching post with platform on top in it. "You need a bed."
Dove nodded again. "I know. Thanks for the stuff, Penny.", she answered sweetly, unpacking the cat food and snacks.
"You're supporting that?", I asked Luke who nodded, and Penelope who was already looking around making chh-chh-chh sounds to call for the cat.
"Now where's the cat?", she asked bubbly as always, watching the cat – who had previously stood behind Dove – walk in front of her and sit down.
As Garcia walked up to it and leaned down to pet it, it tried scratching her, growling dangerously angered about it.
"Dove, it's aggressive.", I exclaimed as our friend took a few steps back from the little monster.
"No, she's not.", my little bird pouted, standing up and lifting the tabby up in her arms like a baby.
"Then how would you define that behavior?", I asked her while she scratched its ear. "Moody. She's just stressed." "Because you force it to be inside." "She'll like it here."
Seeing that the cat started to purr Penelope tried her luck again, the cat hissed as she came closer, trying to jump attack Luke as he stepped next to his girlfriend.
Squirming, growling, and screaming in Dove's arms as she tried to hold it back from going complete berserk. Reaching out with its paws and trying to scratch the couple, it surprisingly never turned on Dove.
Good for it, else I'd turn the little asshole into a very small, very dirty rug.
"You know, Kitten. I actually thought you found a kitten or at least something that doesn't snap when I get close.", Penelope admitted terrified, stepping back and watching the cat relax again.
"She just needs to get to know you.", Dove defended it, while I shook my head.
Stepping closer, trying to back up my next assumption, the cat lost its temper again, this time trying to attack me. "Dove. I'm pretty sure it has rabies."
"No.", she said firmly, setting it down on the counter and wiping its mouth with paper towels. "Why else would it have foam in front of its mouth?"
"Because you make her angry. And that's no foam, that's just spit.", she explained, cleaning the cat's face who just let it happen without resistance.
"There you go, Baby.", she cooed, getting her face close to its, while it licked her nose.
This was not cute, although Penelope 'aw'-ed at it. "Dove. It's dirty.", I repeated, making Dove roll her eyes.
"Stop saying it. It's a girl."
While Luke and Penelope finished unpacking the bags, Dove continued to cuddle the dirty stray. Needing to throw away some trash, Luke was the first one to feel its claws as his head seemed to have come too close.
While Dove apologized, glad that he had been able to move his head away in time so there was only a tiny scratch on his cheek, the cat sat down, licking its paw and looking at us condescending.
This thing was dangerous.
I quickly walked up to it, grabbing it by its neck as it screamed and growled. "That's it. I'm gonna bring it to a shelter-" "No. Leave her alone.", Dove yelled at me, trying to get my grip to loosen. I was fast to yell back. "Dove. That thing is- Argh!"
The little asshole had somehow managed to turn into the girl from 'The Exorcist'. It turned its head and bit me as hard as it could, making me drop it as its teeth had drawn blood.
Then it bolted to the other side of the apartment, Dove running after it.
Just as I wanted to try catching the bastard again, Luke grabbed me by the shoulder. "Spencer, come for a second."
He and Penelope dragged me into the hallway, closing the apartment door.
"Let her keep it.", Luke said seriously. "No chance."
"What do you know about pets and mental health?", he asked, triggering one of my information dumbs.
"Pets, especially dogs and cats, can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, ease loneliness, encourage exercise and playfulness, and even improve your cardiovascular health. Caring for an animal can help children grow up more secure and active. Pets also provide valuable companionship for older adults."
I stopped myself thinking 'Fuck.' as I just disarmed myself with my own facts.
"But that thing in there isn't a pet.", I added, Penelope shrugging. "It seems to like Dove."
Luke nodded agreeing, pointing out the elephant in the room. "You can't take it away from her anyway."
True. I technically had no control over this and the last thing I wanted was for Dove to be sad but still... "It's a potential source for several zoonotic diseases including rabies, toxoplasmosis, cutaneous larval migraines because of various nematode parasites, plague, tularemia, and murine typhus. I don't want her to get sick."
"Just take it to the vet.", Penelope suggested, making an idea pop up in my mind.
"Good idea. If they tell her it's dangerous, she'll listen and I won't be the bad guy.", I nodded, opening the apartment door and walking back in.
There sat Dove on her bay window seat, the cat laying happily on her lap and purring while getting petted.
"You're kidding.", I blurted out as she smiled at me merrily.
Garcia quickly pulled out her phone, running up to them. "Oh my god, that's cute. Just let me-", once more the cat went absolutely crazy, making her stop and step back horrified.
"Evil little thing.", she muttered, hiding behind Luke.
Grabbing the pale pink, hardshell cat carrier and putting it on the island, I opened its bars. "C'mon, Sweetheart. Put Satan in the cage."
"Why?", Dove asked suspiciously. "We're driving to the animal hospital to have it checked.", instantly her eyes became big. "So I get to keep her?"
I sighed. "Would you listen if I say no?", she shook her head. "Thought so."
Coming back from my apartment, dressed in a shirt, dress pants, and coat, I met Dove, Penelope, and Luke in the hallway.
"Is Manson locked in?", I checked, making my little bird nod.
"Yep.", she chirped happily, the tabby crying afraid in the cat carrier. "I know, Baby. I promise it won't take long.", she cooed, holding the cage up so it could see her face.
Luke chuckled at the now so helpless sounding animal, trying to touch it through the bars. "Hey, caged in it's not even that scary-", as it started to growl and tried to bite, he promptly removed his hand. "I take that back."
Hugging Dove goodbye as we reached our cars, Penelope avoided the carrier at all cost. "Okay. We're gonna drive home. Keep me updated on... the cat. Call if you need anything."
She nodded and thanked our friends for their help, and once they had driven off and we sat in my car, I said out loud what I had been thinking for the past thirty minutes.
"You have a savior complex, Dove." "And your first instinct is to always look for the bad in everything.", she replied just as sassy as me.
I shook my head. "Not true." "Yes. You're bitter.", she giggled.
I wasn't bitter. I was careful.
The cat meowed heartbreakingly, wanting out. After five minutes of it, my little bird's hands moved to the bars.
"Dove leave the-", I started but she had already let the cat out, having her sit on her lap. "Why, Sweetheart?", I asked at a loss, making her shrug. "She doesn't like the cage."
Stroking its head, Dove got the cat to roll into a ball and purr happily. I let out a deep sigh.
"Just make sure Dahmer doesn't jump me."
"So, everything's fine. Healthy cat, about two years old. You said you found her in an alley?", the veterinarian asked. Dove nodded, picking the cat up, cradling her like a baby. "Yeah, next to a bunch of old furniture."
"She doesn't seem like a born stray. Her previous owners probably left her there after moving. Happens more often than I'd like it to.", the grey-haired man sighed.
Just to make sure, I asked for the ninth time now, "So that thing is safe to be near her?" To my disliking, the vet nodded. "A little bath and she's good."
I held my hand close to the cat which went berserk just like the whole last hour as Dove and four assistants tried holding her down. Every single one getting bitten and scratched.
Even Dove, it bit once. After she yelped in pain, I was ready to drop-kick that little monster into the nearest shelter but as it licked the finger it at bitten as an apology, Dove had already forgiven it.
"You sure? Cause I'm pretty sure it shouldn't growl like that.", I asked again, having him laugh. "You know, this simply seems to be a case of AAC." I raised a brow. "AAC?"
"Aggressive asshole of a cat."
I and the veterinarian started laughing. He had gotten his complete underarms torn to shreds as he tried to examine the little asshole earlier. Dove just rolled her eyes, making him stop and point in her direction.
"But she seems to like your girlfriend, so maybe she just needs to grow accustomed to you."
I went pale. Actually glad that he hadn't assumed me to be Dove's father but still embarrassed.
"She- We're not...", I began stuttering, Dove nodding at my words. "My apologies then.", he answered. "I'll give you some shampoo for her, making sure she's clean and they're no vermin in her fur but else you're good to go."
The cat back in the carrier and a big bottle of shampoo in her hands, Dove wanted to take out her wallet and pay but was quicker, handing the assistant my card.
"Keep that money. That's for buying you a bed.", I said, having her protest. "But I-" "No. I insisted on this, I pay.", I interrupted her, the assistant handing me back my card.
"Thank you.", my little bird whispered, making me chuckle. "No problem. But I will not help you bathing Bundy."
Fine. Maybe the cat liked Dove. Hitler had friends too, people like Gandhi for instance... Not that Gandhi was a good person either but at least he wasn't an insane dictator.
I had stood there, watching Dove sit on the floor of her bathroom washing the cat in the shower.
It had murder written all over its face but let it happen. It cried, trying to get her sympathy but that was all.
"Clean baby.", Dove cooed happily, sitting the cat down on the kitchen island after drying it with a towel.
Finally, she turned to me, smiling so happily that my hatred for the little, furry bastard was almost eliminated.
God, was Dove beautiful when she was happy.
"Can I invite you for dinner?", she asked me but I was only barely able to keep my eyes open. "No thanks, Sweetheart. I'm really tired."
She nodded, opening her fridge and taking out the fresh chicken we had bought at the farmer's market. She planned on eating more than a chocolate bar.
"Do you want me to stay till you're done cooking?", I offered her, scared that since didn't like eating alone, she would scrap her plans.
To my astonishment, she waved me off. "No, I'm okay." "Sure?"
Putting out two pans she smiled. "Yeah. I'm just gonna make some chicken sandwiches for me and Grimm.", I couldn't help but wonder if she had bought the meat with the intent to share it with the cat.
Wait, had she just named the cat?
"Grimm?", I asked, making her nod. "Yeah, after the Brothers Grimm."
My smart girl named her cat after two German cultural researchers and authors, who together specialized in collecting and publishing folklore during the 19th century.
Cinderella, Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel, Rumpelstiltskin, Sleeping Beauty, and Snow White were just some of the tales still around thanks to them.
If she had these tales read to her as a child or learned about the brothers when living in Germany? I honestly couldn't imagine her mother telling her bedtime stories...
"Okay. If you need something, anything, or just feel lonely, you know where to find me.", I told her, watching her share some slices of bacon with the cat. "Kay.", she replied half-heartedly, completely focused on it.
Opening the apartment door, I looked back once more. "Goodnight." "Night, Night.", Dove chirped, turning to her stove.
Smiling, I closed her door and walked into my apartment. Seemed like Dove had a cat now.
I don't like being wrong. I never did. That is why I always try my best not to be.
Yet, I was not afraid of admitting it when this rare assurance happened.
Grimm, the fury bastard of a cat, did wonders to Dove's mood and I was very glad that I hadn't had the last say and she instead kept her.
Although she was still a monster that liked to attack me at any given chance — waiting behind the kitchen island to attack, scratching me when I walked past her, and so on...
Therefore I didn't feel as guilty as I should have when I stepped on her tail on Tuesday while I and Derek built Dove's bed.
Dove, however, the cat adored. No matter how aggressive and dangerous, Dove picked her up and talked to her and the monster turned into a little kitten.
They even shared meals. When Dove was cooking for herself, Grimm got her own plate with the cat-safe version of it. It was weird, adorable, and I was a little jealous of the attention this cat got but Dove started eating properly. Still not as much as I'd like – But she ate.
As we were now sitting in the jet, flying out to a suburb near Nashville, Dove was easing Penelope's reservations about feeding the cat.
Technically, it was Garcia's own fault. She had suggested taking care of her.
"Penny, I promise Grimm doesn't bite... Just don't try to touch her. Her plate is on the counter and the food in the cupboard above. She knows the sound of her food packets, you don't even need to talk to her... Okay. Thanks, Penny."
Hanging up and leaning back in her seat, Dove sighed exhaustedly before giggling and looking at me. I smiled back at her.
"She's putting up with Gacy while we're gone?", I chuckled. She nodded, nudging my arm. "Yep... But don't call her serial killer names. She's my baby."
I nudged her back. "Stockholm Syndrome kicked in fast, huh?"
Dove rolled her eyes, grabbed one of the case files, and started reading it.
This was my last case for a while again. 30 days. The next thirty days after this case I was a Professor at college again... Solely a Professor.
I had procrastinated thinking about it but what was I doing about Dove?
She was supposed to be wherever I was, I couldn't just have her go on cases without me... I didn't want that. I trusted my team with my life... But not with Dove's. There would be no calm second for me, knowing she could be in danger and I wouldn't be there to protect her.
What to do? What to do? Perhaps I should simply take her to my classes. She could simply be auditing since she was far ahead with her studies... Maybe she would like to be my TA?
It wasn't much work since am a perfectionist and like doing everything myself, and she could use the extra money to pay back her loan.
We could spend the day together, talking about the assignments, the talked-about cases, we could eat lunch together, and go to the bookstore on campus...
It would make these boring days something to look forward to. I actually felt excited about this idea already.
If Dove liked cake pops? The coffee shop near the campus had about a dozen or so different flavors. I never had gotten one before, feeling quite silly about ordering a pink unicorn cake pop but with Dove... Maybe one of these days I would get all flavors and in my office hours or my break, we could try them together.
Two cases at the same time. Ironic when thinking that last week nothing was going on.
While JJ, Tara, Rossi, and Emily were in New York investigating the murder of three young men, Professor Reid, Luke, Matt, and I were in Gellisville near Nashville.
I had been given the chance of joining the other in New York – Not like I was actually counting as a real agent yet – but this case... It was different.
It was awful. It wasn't a murder but that just proved that humans were able to conduct in all sorts of cruelty. The second I had been given the choice, I knew I had to be part of this investigation.
Did that sound wrong? Was I too fascinated and eager about this? Maybe a little... But I think this morbid interest was what just egged me on to be solving this case. It helped me work through the terror the victim had been through.
Lana Greene had gone missing with eighteen. Now, ten years later, she suddenly - completely out of nowhere - showed up heavily pregnant on a camping site in the middle of woods.
Scars from years of torture marking her body, she collapsed, exhausted from her escape, and was brought to a hospital nearby.
Looking up from my notes, I watched Professor Reid coming from the hotel's reception with two key cards in his hand.
"Hey, Sweetheart. Seems like we're sharing a room."
I forced myself to stay calm about this although I was a reader, very aware of the sharing a room trope. That didn't have to concern me since we weren't lovers or secretly pining for each other, just waiting for the other to make a move.
It was just a room. We were friends, colleagues, this wasn't weird. I had stayed at his apartment a couple of times now, had even slept in his bed. The others shared rooms all the time. We had slept in the same room in Miami.
I had to be an adult about this.
"Oh, really?", I replied as adult as possible. He looked at me with a slight smile. "I hope that is okay for you. The bureau only got two rooms for us."
There it was. The reason. It was sharing a room with my Professor because the other two options were Luke or Matt. He didn't want me to be uncomfortable.
That, I could work with. This made the trope completely irrelevant.
I shook my head at his concern. "No problem. That's probably like a pajama party.", I chirped as Professor Reid took our go-bags, and I followed him to the elevator.
"Now that would be a first for me.", he admitted about. "Never been at one either... I think. Sharing a room with Ellie doesn't count, right?"
We shrugged at each other and got out of the elevator walking to our room.
"Let's get settled in and afterward we're driving to the station.", he suggested. I nodded as he opened the door. "Kay."
There was only one bed. Where was the other bed?
In Miami, there had been two beds.
"Well, Uhm...", Professor Reid started but then stopped talking, simply putting our bags down.
There were no comments to give. It was a bed. We were adults. End of discussion.
The awkward silence was broken by a knocking on the door. Luke and Matt came in with the files, looking at us.
"Change of plans. We need to go to the hospital first and talk to the doctors. The baby was just retrieved with an emergency c-section." I looked at Matt. "But they're okay, right?"
"Lana's vital signs went down suddenly, most likely due to her malnourishment. There were complications during the c-section, they had to induce a coma. But doctors say that she and the baby are gonna be okay.", he explained to me.
Luke handed Professor Reid one of the keys for the SUVs. "We're still waiting for the police to be able to get into contact with the Greene's. After Lana went missing ten years ago and wasn't found, they moved to start over."
"Were there any suspects on the case ten years ago?", Professor Reid handed me his - not censored file - starting to give me the information as followed then through his highlights and notes. "Her boyfriend, a twenty-year-old called Harvey Kent. They had an on-off relationship and according to Lana's parents separated a week before she vanished because Lana was going to college."
"But there was never any evidence, right?", I asked as he snatched the graphic pictures of Lana's scars and injuries away before I could look at them.
"No. His alibi was solid and he even insisted on Lana and him still being together. He said they got engaged days earlier and he wanted to buy them a house close to college."
Wanting to know my Professor's opinion I sat down on our bed and simply asked. "What do you think?"
He exchanged a look with Matt and Luke. I was getting a watered-down answer now, wasn't I?
"She was chained somewhere. I mean, the scars on her wrists, ankles, and back... The sexual sadism, the fact that she was pregnant... Not like there's much room for speculation."
That wasn't an answer. How was I supposed to gather experience in this field when all I was allowed to do was read about the cases in my textbooks and Rossi's books?
When Professor Reid was faster than I, I didn't even get to see the crime scene pictures for our cases. I didn't like being babied like that. It was like he tried to wrap me up in bubble wrap and keep everything gruesome away from me.
But gruesome was this job.
"Sheriff Breaker takes us to his cabin tomorrow morning. The camping site she ran to is close to it. From there we'll have a starting point to check out the area from."
I nodded at my Professor, trying to lean over and grab the pictures he held, making him hold them further away from me and shake his head.
"Hey, Dove."
Matt's voice pulled me out of my thoughts as I had looked through the window into the newborn nursery of the hospital's maternity ward.
"Hi.", I whispered, eyes still locked on the neutrally dressed baby having 'Baby Greene' standing on the little tag with a stork on above its head.
"You're okay with this case? There's no shame to admit when it is too much for you."
I shook my head, ripping my eyes from the baby. "Yeah, no. I'm fine. It's just... Her family left this town probably thinking she had either run away or was dead... But she was here. The whole time she was here in somebody's attic, basement, or wherever. It's just sick..." Laying his hand on my shoulder, Matt sighed. "I know."
"Do you think she wants to keep the baby?", I finally asked after biting my lip for a while. "Hard to say. Depends on how her trauma stands to the child. It's either a reminder or a light that got her through it."
I swallowed hard. "I hope she wants to keep them.", I murmured. "It's not their fault that they were born under those circumstances." "She. It's a girl.", Matt told me with a smile. "Oh.", a little girl.
This nursery thing seemed so lonely. The babies just lay there all alone. I wouldn't want my own to ever be further than an arm's length away from me.
Wow... My abandonment issues were really showing.
Handling me a tea, Professor Reid wrapped his arm around me. "Here, Sweetheart." "Thanks."
"What did I miss?", he asked, looking into the nursery. "Baby Greene is a stupid name." "I thought you liked 'Dirty Dancing'.", all three of us chucked a little.
"You guys know what I mean." "If you want we can ask the nurses to give her a name as a placeholder.", Matt suggested, making me shrug. "I don't know. What if Lana already has a name for her?"
"It's just a placeholder until she wakes up.", Professor Reid said, and I looked at the newborn again.
She was so cute, so tiny. I had never seen an infant before, weird given that I have three little brothers but mom had always kept me away from them.
Looking down on my turtleneck top with the one little daisy stitched on the higher center of my chest, I smiled. "Daisy... It's a happy name. The baby deserves a happy name."
The Professor must've seen my longing look at the baby. "Do you wanna hold her?", he offered but I shook my head.
"N-No.", I had never held a baby before. I actually didn't even know I liked them until now... Never thought about wanting one myself.
"You sure?", he asked while Matt walked into the nursery talking to the nurse in there and picking up the little girl. God, was she tiny.
Against my actual wishes, I nodded. "Yeah, I'm good."
All of Professor Reid's shielding hadn't helped my mind to slow down. We had gotten back to our room at 8 p.m., after having some sandwiches at the diner nearby.
I had taken a shower and changed into my pajamas, black hot pants, and my favorite crop top with daisies on it. It showed a little much skin but I was covered by the blanket anyway.
Laying down in bed, Professor Reid had been very sweet, dividing us by one of the pillows and making sure I had enough of the blanket.
He was still reading as I had just laid there, waiting until he would go to sleep since had this habit of wanting the other people in the room to sleep first before I could.
I blame my anxiety and the superglue and permanent marker attack of my brothers in 2016 for that.
Too tired from the day, I had, however, fallen asleep before he had put away his book and woken up at half-past five in the morning.
He had left the lamp on his bedside table on. I was convinced it was because of me.
Not much else to do, I simply rested my head onto the pillow dividing me and Professor Reid, looking at him and appreciating his calmness and how his nose twitched from time to time.
"Dove, stop watching me sleep. It's creepy."
Startled at his sleepy morning voice, I backed away a little. "S-Sorry."
My Professor then opened his eyes, rolling to his side and facing me. "Can't sleep?" "Nope.", I whispered.
"Wanna tell me what's on your mind?", he asked, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear, brushing over my cheek with his thumb.
"Lana's parents and how they reacted when they found out.", I admitted, remembering the mix of happiness and terror they went through within minutes.
"I know what you mean. Must be awful for them. The people in this town are their friends, people they grew up with... And now one of them held their daughter captive for a decade and did all those things to her."
An angry sigh left my lips. "If that would be my daughter, I would kill whoever did that to her." Professor Reid tsked at me. "Dark, little bird."
I shrugged, rolling on my back, staring at the ceiling. "Guess those are my maternal instincts kicking in... And I always wished that somebody would've been protective over me when I was younger.", a dark chuckle escaped me. "Look at me projecting again."
Grabbing my waisted, Professor Reid rolled me into his direction again, leaving his hand right there on the exposed skin my crop top offered. His voice laced with a darkness I didn't recognize but not feared. "I would do the same and then sleep at night without problems."
Why was this kinda hot? This attracted me way more than it should.
There was so much protectiveness in this darkness. Although I perceived him to be a gentle giant I just knew he would not hesitate to kill to protect those he loved.
Maybe this had been the reason he'd been to prison...
Our silent stares became louder than any words could've been, as his thumb stroked over my stomach I just blurted out the first thing on my mind.
"The baby was cute." He chuckled. "Uh-huh. Daisy's a sweet name. Your favorite flower?" I nodded, loving his warm hand in my skin. "Yeah."
At my stomach growling, he removed his hand, making me sit up in embarrassment and become red as a tomato. "I'm sorry. I'm hungry."
"Don't apologize for that.", he cooed, propping himself up. "I knew you didn't eat enough yesterday."
I nodded, still embarrassed as he brushed over my hot cheek with his knuckles. "Wanna see if we find a 7-Eleven?" "You don't have to.", I whispered, making him smile. "But I want to, Sweetheart."
The lack of distance between us felt dangerous. Who had allowed the atmosphere to change like that?
I nodded roughly enough to make him remove his hand. "Kay.", I chirped, jumping out of bed, almost tripping and having my Professor laugh at me.
He got up as well, grabbing a big grey hoodie and throwing it at me. "There. It's cold outside."
Then he put on his shoes and jacket as I smothered myself with the lovely smell of his hoodie.
After buying a bunch of unhealthy crap at 7-Eleven, we had agreed on eating in the car. At a little lookout point with a picnic table full of gravity, Professor Reid parked the SUV, having us sit in the open trunk and eat.
"I have never seen a sunrise without being completely stressed out from learning all night.", I chuckled at one point, my legs thrown over his lap, while he was rubbing them lazily up and down to make sure I stayed warm in my hot pants and giant hoodie.
He hummed happily. "Nice, isn't it?"
"Yeah... Speaking of nice...", I started. "Max seemed nice.", she really had, she also had been extremely pretty but I was sure that didn't need to be said out loud.
Professor Reid nodded. "She is... We never talked about that, huh?" I shook my head, in a burst of envy asking, "Do you miss her?". Quickly I saw my error and started to backtrack. "Sorry, that was way too nosey."
He wasn't mad, that much I knew. He was still letting his hand run over my leg. After a while of staring at the sunrise, he sighed.
"I think I miss being in love. I- I don't think I was ever fully in love with Max though."
I looked at him with raised eyebrows. "There's something like being fully in love with someone?" My Professor nodded. "Oh, absolutely, little bird. It's what happens after the initial crush you have. You know? This realization that in every scenario you picture for your future, they have to be in it. Right there by your side."
Pulling the long hoodie-sleeves over my thumbs, I giggled sadly. "I have never been in love before."
"Just takes time and the right person.", he assured me, squeezing my thigh.
Big words for somebody who was single.  "Have you ever been fully in love?", I asked, therefore, trying to understand his certainty.
His lips then formed into a soft smile. "Yeah..." It made me smile too. "Is it as nice as I picture it?" "Definitely.", he chuckled. "That's why it hurt so much when it ends."
I sat up, moving my legs from his lap. Oh, that had been so stupid of me. I had not thought about my words as did do often and now had reminded my favorite person of having lost someone he seemed to have loved so much.
Classic. I was such an inconsiderate idiot.
"Right... I- Sorry. I didn't think that far.", I whispered, my Professor swallowing hard.
"Her name was Maeve." I shook my head, hand moving onto his chest. "We don't have to talk about that."
Laying his hand on mine, he smiled. "It's okay, Dove.", I could feel his heartbeat under my fingers, my own one seeming to match his.
"She was a doctor I consulted because of my migraines due to malnourishment and overstimulation. My twenties were basically never sleeping and a very simple diet consisting out of rice krispie treats and coffee."
"Was she as pretty as Max?", I blurted out without thinking. "Sorry- That's basically like asking if you have a type."
I did not wanna know his type. I wasn't that masochistic... No, I was nosey, I was a little envious, I wanted to know. Thankfully, he didn't seem to mind.
"Very beautiful. But I fell in love with her personality first."
Beautiful people seemed to always end up with beautiful people, and God was Spencer beautiful inside and out... I was by far not a needed equal. Not that I would've cared about it but still made my heart ache a little.
"It's smart women, right? I bet that's your thing.", I joked, making him laugh. "I'm not gonna tell you that."
As our laughs ebbed away, I removed my hand from his heart. It had no right to be there. "When you were fully in love though... What happened?"
"She died.", well, fucking great. I shouldn't be allowed around people I like. "She had a stalker, the situation escalated and she got kidnapped. I tried getting her stalker to take me in exchange for her and from there it went downhill just so fast... How ironic is that the first time I got to see her face, got her to tell me she loved me was when she died?"
The perfect, sad romance. Orpheus and Eurydice. If she had been his equal, she was probably beautiful and so lovely to be around.
Being the ugly duckling sucked. If nothing else, at least he was my friend.
"I think that she loved you so much that she wanted you to know that she did even when she was going to die. Like telling you that she loves you and doesn't blame you in any way.", I observed since I normally wasn't an envious person.
Professor Reid nodded. "I- Max was the first real relationship I ever dared to have afterward. I mean... I had dates and everything... But I was never able to commit to anything because I couldn't allow myself to. Maeve died loving me, there was no chance that me moving on was fair to her and the next person I'd fall for."
I had never been in love but guilt and bad conscience I knew. "You still tried it though."
"Because I wanna be happy. Even though I like to sabotage myself, I want to be happy."
"Ah, I see.", I giggled, nudging his side. "Deep down, you're a very domestic, romantic guy." Professor Reid nudged me back. "You bet I am."
"I think I would be scared that you'd always just see me as the second choice.", I admitted, starting to laugh at myself because it made more sense than crying over a nonexistent love. "Well look at all my issues."
Suddenly Professor Reid placed his thumb and index finger on my chin and made me look at him. His soft hazel eyes looking into my simple blue ones.
"I'm a man of science, Dove.", he chuckled. "Meaning, one loss or one painful experience less... and there is the possibility of me never having even met you. I wouldn't risk that for the world. Falling in love with you would be worth all the loss and pain I went through all my life because it got me into the position of being with you. And if I'd have to go through all of it a hundred times... I would."
A car driving past us ripped his focus off me. These one-on-one moments really seemed to let me imagine things that weren't there. Typical for me and my desperate attention-seeking.
"Theoretically.", I now said, since needed to hear it. And because that was all it was, my Professor nodded. "Theoretically."
Grabbing something from our plastic bag, he nudged me with his elbow. "Wanna share a rice krispie treat? Haven't had one in ages."
I nodded. "Never had one at all." "You're joking.", he asked in disbelief before sighing in fake appall. "Do I have to teach you everything, Sweetheart?"
He took a bite from the treat, handing it to me. I took one bite as well, handing it back to him. "Oh, please. You didn't even know what 'Dirty Dancing' is before you met me."
We laughed and I laid my head on his shoulder. He handed me the treat again, checking his watch.
"Shit.", he exclaimed with a full mouth. "Into the passenger seat with you. We need to get ready for work."
Pressing a kiss on top of my head, he climbed out of the trunk, stretching and sitting into the driver's seat.
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