#Henry H. Dobbin
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chinatownstreetscape · 2 years ago
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Ross Alley, pre-1906, no date. Photographer unknown (from a private collection).
Legendary Ross Alley
Telling any story about Ross Alley remains difficult because so much material has been written or produced about one of the most iconic small streets of San Francisco’s pre-1906 Chinatown. The Chinese referred to the old Stouts or Ross Alley as “old Spanish lane” or 舊呂宋巷 (canto: “Gauh Leuih Sung Hong”). The literal translation today would be “Old Luzon Lane.” This may have represented the use of a Chinese colonial name for the Philippine archipelago in referring to the Spanish-speaking residents who inhabited this part of the city before the Chinese became the dominant population of today's Chinatown neighborhood.
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An urban pioneer family of four walks north on Ross Alley toward Jackson Street, no date. Photographer unknown (from a private collection). Wooden planks covered the alleyway's surface during the 1870's.
Unfortunately, the origins of Ross Alley have been muddled, even by mythologizing by Chinatown organizations in the 20th century when Ross and other alleyways were remodeled and several historical plaques were installed. Contrary to Chinatown revisionism, the Chinese did not create and construct Ross Alley.
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Street in Chinatown, San Francisco. Completely Burned. No. 2168,” published c. 1906. Photographer unknown for the Photo. Co. of America, Chicago. The street is the pre-1906 pawnshop row along the north side of Washington Street at the southern entrance to Ross Alley. The pawnshop signage for the On Wing (安榮) store at 828 Washington appears in the center of the photo.
In an attempt to dispel the confusion about the alleyway's origin story, Hudson Bell writes in his walking tour blog as follows:
“While it is true that an exploration of Chinatown reveals a maze of alleys unlike other districts of San Francisco, the reason has nothing to do with the factors mentioned on Ross [Alley’s historical] plaque. The truth is that most all of the alleyways in Chinatown date back to the time of the California Gold Rush of 1849, when the exploding population was centered around and pushing out from the Plaza, that is Portsmouth Square, otherwise known as ‘the cradle of San Francisco.’ “Ross Alley is named for Charles L. Ross, one of the city’s pioneer merchants, who built a house next to where the alley is all the way back in 1847, when the town was still known as Yerba Buena. The alley itself was not instituted until the later part of 1849 however, and was originally called Stout’s Alley, as at the time Dr. Arthur Breese Stout, one of San Francisco’s pioneer physicians, had turned the old Ross residence into a hospital.”
Bell’s concise article about Ross Alley’s origins may be read here: https://fernhilltours.com/2016/06/28/ross-alley-the-truth-about-chinatowns-side-streets/
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The southern entrance to Ross Alley on the north side of Washington Street, flanked by pawnshops. Photographer unknown, no date (from a private collection).
The alley was a hub of activity for Chinatown’s underground economy, with at least 21 gambling houses operating openly by the time the City of San Francisco released its “vice map” in July of 1885.
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Ross Alley as depicted on the July 1885 map commissioned by the San Francisco board of Supervisors (from the Cooper Chow collection at the Chinese Historical Society of America).
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“The Street of the Gamblers (by day)” c. 1896 -1906. Photograph by Arnold Genthe (from the Genthe photograph collection, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division). For this southerly view of Ross Alley from Jackson Street, historian Jack Tchen wrote as follows: “As evidenced by the traditional papier-mache garlands hanging above the doorway on the building to the right, this photograph was taken around New Year’s, when seasonal workers were laid off, inundating Chinatown streets with thousands of idle workers. Their cotton tunic tops and cloth shoes are Chinese, but the pants and felt homburg-style hats are strictly Western. Genthe’s title . . . is accurate insofar as Ross Alley had many gambling rooms, but it unfairly ascribes a sinister quality to these men.”
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“The Street of the Gamblers (by night), c. 1896 – 1906. Photograph by Arnold Genthe (from the Genthe photograph collection, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division). Based on the position of the lanterns and small awning structures, the nocturnal view of Ross Alley appears to look northerly toward Jackson Street. As befitting the gambling locale in Chinatown, Genthe captured in the lower left corner of the frame small signage bearing the Chinese maxim: 接財梅引財神, literally “receive the God of Wealth” (canto: “zeep3 choy mui yan choy sun”). Historian Jack Tchen writes about this photo as follows: “Genthe tried to capture scenes of Chinatown’s active nightlife with shots like this of Ross Alley. Here he was able to photograph who were obviously in a relaxed, happy mood. In [his book] As I Remember, Genthe writes about Ross Alley’s ‘rows sliding solid iron doors to be clanked swiftly shut at the approach of the police’.”
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“Dupont St. Wood Carriers of Chinatown Sf Cal.” c. 1890. Photograph by A.J. McDonald (from the Marilyn Blaisdell collection). Wood carriers appear poised to turn left onto Ross Alley from Washington Street. The signage in the upper left-hand corner of the frame advertise the location of the Hang Lee & Co. pawnshop or “Pervasive Profit” pawnshop (亨利押; canto: “hung lei aap”), at 830 Washington Street, at the northwest corner of Washington Street and Stouts (or Ross) Alley. Also, the barely discernible signage for the On Wing (安榮) pawnshop slightly down the eastern incline of the street at 828 Washington can be seen in the upper center of the photo.
The residents of old Chinatown preferred to hold liquid assets in the form of gold or gems because of the relative ease with which they could arrange loans from pawnshops when they needed cash urgently. The neighborhood’s pawnbrokers located their shops in strategic proximity to houses of gambling and/or prostitution, with particular concentrations of shops on Washington and Jackson Streets.
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The below-street grade location of the Hang Lee & Co. pawnshop at 830 Washington Street on the northwest corner of the intersection of Washington Street and Ross Alley, c. 1900. Photograph by Henry H. Dobbin (from the Marilyn Blaisdell collection).
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“Ross Alley from Washington Street (Arnold Genthe’s title: “The Alley”). A pawnshop’s sign appears at the right of the image. Historian Jack Tchen wrote about this image as follows:
An underground culture flourished along the narrow alleys and in the back rooms of Tangrenbu.[*] While the merchants controlled the major avenues of commerce and transportation, the tongs controlled the alleys. Ross Alley was lined with establishments for playing popular gambling games, such as pi gow* (baigepiao) – lottery tickets, or the “the white pigeon ticket,” much like the American game of keno – fantan [*], in which bets were waged on how many of a pile of beads would be left when reduced by fours; and caifa, a riddle guessing game. . . . For many outsiders, this underground culture had an air of the sinister about it. For the Chinese it was simply an everyday fact of life, bound up with the survival of the community.” -- From Genthe’s Photographs of San Francisco’s Old Chinatown, Selection and Text by John Kuo Wei Tchen. [Notes: * 牌九 = (canto) paai4 gau2; ** 唐人埠 = (canto) tong4 yan4 faauh; *** 番攤 = (canto) fan1tan1]
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“Ross Alley Chinatown 1904.” Photograph by Henry H. Dobbin (from the collection of the California State Library). At right, the sign for the 巨興 (canto: “Geuih Hing”) or “Great Prosperity” pawnshop can be seen.
The sheer volume of press accounts of gambling and homicides occurring on Ross Alley complicates understanding of the alley’s history. Throughout the early 1900s, Ross Alley remained embroiled in gang-related activities, including several high-profile assassinations and robberies involving prominent members of the Chinese community. The alley was a hotspot for gambling dens and opium use, which attracted the attention of law enforcement, leading to numerous raids and arrests.
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As documented in a representative sampling by Andy Chan (a former CHSA.org registrar) from news articles from the San Francisco Call newspaper between 1900 and 1906, Ross Alley became the focal point of conflicts between the Hop Sing Tong and Suey Sing Tong, two rival Chinese organizations vying for power and influence. Police collusion with the criminal combines hampered public safety management of the escalating feud, as the police were suspected of accepting bribes from Chinese men, leading to the suspension of patrolmen.
In March 1900, a high-profile murder occurred in Ross Alley when Chin Ah Suey, a member of one of the Tongs, was assassinated by a “highbinder” (a non-Chinese term for Chinese gangsters). This incident brought attention to the growing violence and crime within the Chinese community. The tensions between different Chinese factions and the police corruption issues in Chinatown came to a head in 1903 when several Chinese merchants and community members filed lawsuits against the Chief of Police, accusing him of being involved in fraudulent activities related to gambling dens.
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“164 Highbinders’ Retreat SF. Calif”c. 1890. Photographer unknown (from the collection of the San Francisco Public Library).
In 1904, another major event occurred in Ross Alley when Lee San Bow, who claimed to have information about a Chinatown scandal, disappeared mysteriously. In 1905, a tong war erupted between the Hop Sing Tong and the Hep [sic] Sing Tong, resulting in several murders and a wave of violence in the area. The police were implicated in providing protection for gambling dens, thereby fomenting more distrust between the Chinese community and law enforcement. The Louie Poy homicide as reported in the San Francisco Call on September 27, 1905, typified the cases in this era (and also illuminated one of the occupational hazards to pawnbrokers who advanced bail money).
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From the San Francisco Call of September 27, 1905:
Louis Poy, one of the most desperate and feared Highbinders in Chinatown, was shot and instantly killed last night in Ross Alley near Jackson Street by Highbinders. The murders had their plans well laid and made their escape without leaving a clue.
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Poy was walking along Ross alley at about 7 o'clock in the evening when two highbinders stepped out of a doorway, and one of them fired point blank into the victim's head. The bullet entered his right temple and he fell face forward to the street. To be sure of their prey they stood over their victim and fired two more shots at Poy as he lay lifeless on the sidewalk. One of them entered his back and the other penetrated his hand. The highbinders made their escape through a pawnshop nearby. Detective McMahon, Sergeant Ross and Policeman George Downey were on the scene a few minutes afterward. It was evident that the plot was well laid as the homicides made good their escape. The only evidence left behind was the 44-caliber revolver which was used to do the deed. Poy lived with his mother and sister at 742 Washington street, and was 26 years old. He was considered one of the most desperate Highbinders and had been one of the ringleaders in many tong wars that have occurred in the Chinese quarter for the last eight years. He was a member of the Suey Sing Tong for many years until a few months ago, when he and twenty other Highbinders were expelled from the organization. The police believe he was murdered by Suey Sing Tong highbinders. Though they called a meeting last night and offered a reward for his layers it is though that this is done to mislead the police. He recently testified for the prosecution in a case the Educational Society was prosecuting and this is believed to have led to his death. In March 5, 1900, in the trouble with the Suey Sings and Sing Luey Yings, Poy was a ringleader. A Sing man was killed by a Ying highbinder and a suspect was arrested. He was afterward released on bail. The Suey Sings suspected Tuck Wo, a Jackson street pawnbroker, as having furnished the bail money. Wo was killed shortly afterward and Poy was suspected of having done the deed. In March 29, 1904, Poy and another highbinder, Quan Yim, fought a pitched battle with Low Ying and Low Sing on Baker alley, in which fifty shots were exchanged, but no one was wounded. Poy was accused of having shot at Yup Sing last January. The police have connected him with numerous murders in Chinatown, but were unable to convict him. Invariably when a good case was against him the witnesses were bought off and would leave the city or refuse to testify.
Despite law enforcement efforts to combat gambling and other illegal activities in Chinatown, the situation persisted, leading to further arrests and clashes between different Chinese factions. The history of Ross Alley during this period is characterized by a complex web of rivalries, violence, police corruption, and illegal activities, making it a notorious part of San Francisco's Chinatown. It serves as a reflection of the challenges faced by the Chinese community in the city during the early 20th century, as they struggled to maintain their cultural identity while dealing with exclusion, segregation, discrimination in virtually all aspects of American life, and the resulting social and political pressures.
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“Ross Alley from Jackson Street,” c. 1898. Photograph by Arnold Genthe (from the Genthe photograph collection, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division). Historian Jack Tchen has written about this photo as follows: “The wooden box affixed to the wall on the left was for disposing of paper scraps. [Arnold] Genthe inaccurately entitled this photograph “Reading the Tong Proclamation.” According to many guide pamphlets and books written during this time, these notices proclaimed who would be the next victims of tong “hatchet men.”* In actuality, they reported a variety of community news.” [*斧頭仔; canto: “foo tau jai”]
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Chinese merchant with his two children in Ross Alley of pre-1906 San Francisco Chinatown, c. 1902. Photograph attributed to Charles Weidner. This image would be often be reproduced with the growth of the tourist postcard industry.
In 1906, the San Francisco earthquake and fire devastated the city, including Chinatown. The neighborhood was slow to recover, and Ross Alley was no exception. Practically all of the buildings were destroyed. In the years that followed, the neighborhood struggled to regain its former vibrancy.
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The northerly view on Ross Alley toward Jackson Street, March 28, 2024. Photo by Doug Chan.
Today, Ross Alley is not only a means for Chinatown residents to move efficiently to the neighborhood’s principal streets but also a popular tourist destination and a symbol of the vibrancy of San Francisco Chinatown's once and future street life.
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Southerly view of Ross Alley, July 22, 2023. Photo by Doug Chan. Today, the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory draws visitors to the alley and Chinatown from around the world.
Coda: Ross Alley's Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory
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The northerly view of Ross Alley from mid-block during tourist season, July 22, 2023. Photo by Doug Chan. Patrons line up to experience the Golden Gate Fortune Factory. At center, red-colored saw horses used for lion dance routines help maintain pedestrian circulation through the alleyway.
In his book, San Francisco Chinatown: A Guide to its History & Architecture, the late historian Philip P. Choy wrote about the precursors to Ross Alley’s most prominent business in the late 20th and 21st centuries, the Golden Gate Fortune Cookies Co., as follows:
“Today Ross Alley is famous for the Golden Gate Fortune Cookies Co. [sic], where the only remaining old-fashioned fortune cookie machine in Chinatown is still use [sic]. This is a “must-see” for tourists. “With the popularity of Chinese dining came the fortune cookie. Like “chop suey,” no one knows when it was introduced into Chinatown. Both the Chinese and Japanese take credit. Thus the legend of the Chinese fortune cookie crumbles. “Jennifer B. Lee, in her article in the New York Times (1/16/08), reported the researcher in Japanese confectioneries Yasuko Nakamachi uncovered an 1878 book illustrating a man attending multiple round iron molds with long handles resting on a rectangular grill over a bed of charcoal, much like the way fortune cookies were made for generations by small family bakeries near the Shinto shrine outside Kyoto, Japan. “Confectionery shop owners Gary Ono of the Benkyodo Co. (founded 1906) and Brian Kito of Fugetsu-do of Los Angeles (founded 1903) claim their grandfathers introduced the fortune cookie to America. Erik Hagiware-Nagata mentioned his grandfather Makato Hagiware [sic] made the cookie at the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park. The daughter of David Jung claims her father the cookie at their Hong Kong Noodle Co. founded in 1906 in Los Angeles."
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Locals and tourist mix outside the Golden Gate Fortune Coookie Factory, the last of its kind in San Francisco Chinatown, July 26, 2023. Photo by Doug Chan.
“At one hundred years old, Eva Lim remembered that while visiting the Tea Garden in the 1920s, her father bought her a package of the cookies but they were flat, not folded, without the fortune. She was fascinated watching a woman baking the cookies with two waffle-like irons through the window of a market at the northeast corner of Dupont and Pacific Avenue. “Originally the batter was baked in individual molds made In Japan, and the cookie was folded by hand when it hardened. The late dentist Dr. Gene Poon described his father’s home operation in the early 1930s, with seven to ten electrically heated units set in a U-shaped assembly line. Each unit was like a waffle iron with two round castings. During World War II, his father, Bing Cheong Poon, went to work in the shipyard but continued making cookies at night. Gene used to deliver them Fong Fong Bakery (established 1937), Eastern (established 1924), and the sidewalk stalls. “Apparently in Chinatown, fortune cookies were a homemade commodity until the mechanized carousal [sic] machine was invented by the Japanese and manufactured in Los Angeles. Kay Heung Noodle on Beckett Alley (founded 1933) by Charles Harry Soo Hoo used such a machine, which had multiple molds placed in a roughly seven-foot-diameter circle. Workers sat outside the circle, individually picked the soft pliable cookie, and folded the fortune. Eastern Bakery bought the machine began to make its own cookies in 1940. “Coming to America in 1952, Franklin Yee worked for ten years before saving enough money to go into business for himself. Yee started his Golden Gate Fortune Cookies Co. in 1962, when most existing fortune cookie bakeries had already switched to a completely automatic system. Lacking funds, Yee stayed with the old-fashioned machine. He remembers clearly that in his initial operation, his sales were only $5.00 a day. From this humble beginning, he turned the business into a main tourist attraction. “How and when the Chinese fortune cookie remains a mystery but it is clear that the Chinese made the cookie.”
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Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory proprietor Kevin Chan (in ball cap) poses with (l. to r.) CHSA president Doug Chan, Myron Lee, and documentary producer Contessa Gayles during filming of the Vox documentary about San Francisco Chinatown’s aesthetic as part of its “Missing Chapter” series. (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiX3hTPGoCg)
As old as Chinese America itself, Ross Alley remains a testament to the resilience of the city's Chinese community and a reminder of the important role that Chinatown played in the history of San Francisco.
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“Ross Alley, Chinatown” 1886. Oil painting by Edwin Deakin. The painting depicts a Chinese New Year’s celebration at the southern end of Ross Alley as viewed from Washington Street and the pawnshops flanking the entrance to the alleyway. Deakin included at the top of the painting the triangular standard of the Qing emperor flying from atop a building on Jackson Street.
In its latest incarnation, legendary Ross Alley is known now as one of Chinatown's "cute date" venues. See reporter Han Li's feature here: (or go to the following URL: https://sfstandard.com/2023/08/15/chinatown-date-ideas-san-francisco-cookie-boba-art/?fbclid=IwAR2IHBKCMJff2QZWEA7_3u5m9jKcjpv-3gTnRYl8P9vhsN4EQjGqAARh1vI)
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leagueofleaguesff · 2 years ago
ILL FL 1st Round Playoff Recap 🏉🏈
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Week 15 has us in the first week of the postseason in the NFL league. Laura hung onto the top seed and Jermaine came out of nowhere to snag the other bye week. The rest of the playoff teams were 8-6 (Demetri, Jermaine, & Professor). The wildcards were both 7-7 as Carla got in with massive points while Johnny backed in to just barely make it over Slick for the final spot.
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First Round saw Demetri VS Carla, as well as, Johnny VS Professor.
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Demetri 🏆 Carla
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Demetri surged in the latter half of the season as Carla had done. She definitely was the queen of points and would need that in her match against him.
Demetri took a gamble on Taysum which initially paid dividends. Home team players Fields and Montgomery came thru as well for Demetri team.
Sanders came up super short for Carla but her team aside did very well for her. A hiccup at Kicker was not enough to hold her back as she took the lead.
Demetri got near duds with Devante- who has been on fire but had a tough matchup with the Pat's D. Chubb has not been himself late, which hurt Demetri too. To make matters worst, Diggs trending down most of Saturdays game slate. Despite the barely double digit scoring for most of his team, Demetri had to count on Packers Def (rival home team defense) to win or lose him this week.
Packers did great, but it wasn't enough to overcome Carla's lead.
Certainly, Mahomes 75 points is what took it over the top. Adding salt to the wound, King Henry and Higgins came thru big time for her.
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Looking at the bench for Demetri, he still would have loss in Carla left her team as is and he played Theilin & Dillon. He would have been 5 points short in a hindsight optimized lineup 🤏
Digging deeper into the wound, even with better outputs of Packers rival players on his fantasy team, in an ironic twist, a former Packer Davante poor point outing is what cost him his season smh 🤦
Carla's bench was so deep it almost didn't matter. Her bench actually could have beaten other playoff teams....thats how awesome her team up h down did 👏
Kudos to Demetri for making it this far and a good season overall. Congratulations to Carla for advancing to the semifinals 🎊
Professor 🏆 Johnny
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Professor doing his usual, made the playoffs once again. Johnny backed into the playoffs with a small point tie break over Ricky to get the last wildcard.
The 3 seed vs the 6th seed was a tight battle. Both of these competitors are waiver wire masters. Always dipping weekly to improve thier team, both gentlemen played snarky bets on players based on trends, matchups, and schemes. Perfect example:
Professor played TE from the Titans. In recent weeks he has been getting a lionshare of targets due to the lack of playmaking ability from thier wide outs. Woods is not a number 1 WR prototype and the rookie has been hurt or inconsistent. This has led the Titans offense to play underneath pass options which is great for TEs with pass catching abilities. He ended up with double digits for Professor in this PPR format.
Johnny gambled on Dobbins who admittedly had no interest in fornthe draft. The play was simple. The Browns Defense is top ten in yards allowed to opposing run offenses. Add the fact the Ravens too lack depth and true playmaker at the WR position. Their team motto to stick the run helped ease Johnnys decision in a trending Dobbins who has produced albeit dealing with injury. He is also doing it with a timeshare with other RBs on the team.
Both bets paid off initially for Professor & Johnny. Savy these guys🧐
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As we can see on the bench, Professor got screwed by not putting in Stevenson at RB. Problem was he didn't have the info as it was a late game. Combine that with Zonovan low output, that player basically cost him the season. Ouch. Johnny was also eliminated in another Core 4️⃣ league (Sleeper) because of the same player in another tight game. I wonder how many teams were eliminated because of playing him 🤔 He had seemingly took over that position but the Lion's did improve on Defense in that particular area after getting run through earlier in the season.
Other than that costly mistake, Professor made all the right moves. By the end of Sunday, Johnny was in the lead. He pulled Watson in case of a disastrous negative point game from the rookie that could have cost him the season. Sure, a dangerous chance for point adjustments could have wreaked havoc, but luckily for Johnny all ended well.
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While Demetri & Professor face off for 5th place, the final four teams present an interesting take.
The trophy will return to a Williams household as the ladies (Mrs) will face off against each other while the brothers Duke it out in the semifinal family affair. Should be interesting 👀
Brother VS Brother
Sister VS Sister
Williams Week 16 to see who will etch their name in the coveted trophy 🏆 of the ILL FL🏈
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espn-draft-cheat-sheet-i1 · 2 years ago
espn draft cheat sheet free 97B!
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Get everything you need to prepare for your fantasy football drafts here, including rankings and analysis from ESPN's team of experts. The weekly fantasy football cheat sheet provides a rundown of the best tips Draft a league now and start fresh with a record and a. Cheat Sheet - ESPN. fantasy football rankings. Table Draft Board Our full cheat sheets are reserved for RotoWire subscribers. Get a single Cheatsheet for Fantasy Rankings from dozens of experts with rankings that are updated regularly. 9 BUF 7 2 Jackson,L. BAL 10 3 Herbert,J. LAC 8 4 Mahomes,P. KAN 8 5 Murray,K. ARI 13 6 Hurts,J. PHI 7 7 Brady,T. TB 11 8 Wilson,R. DEN 9 9 Burrow,J. CIN 10 10 Prescott,D. DAL 9 11 Stafford,M. LAR 7 12 Rodgers,A. GNB 14 13 Lance,T. SFO 9 14 Carr,D. LVR 6 15 Cousins,K. MIN 7 16 Tagovailoa,T. MIA 11 17 Fields,J. CHI 14 18 Ryan,M. IND 14 19 Lawrence,T. JAC 11 20 Jones,M. NWE 10 21 Tannehill,R. TEN 6 22 Winston,J. NOR 14 23 Wentz,C. WAS 14 24 Goff,J. DET 6 25 Wilson,Z. NYJ 10 26 Jones,D. NYG 9 27 Mills,D. HOU 6 28 Mayfield,B. CAR 13 29 Mariota,M. ATL 14 30 Brissett,J. CLE 9 31 Trubisky,M. PIT 9 32 Smith,G. SEA 11 33 Flacco,J. NYJ 10 34 Pickett,K. PIT 9 35 Watson,D. CLE 9 36 Taylor,T. NYG 9 37 Lock,D. SEA 11 38 Darnold,S. CAR 13 39 Huntley,T. BAL 10 40 Ridder,D. ATL 14 41 Garoppolo,J. SFO 9 42 Corral,M. CAR 13 43 Bridgewater,T. MIA 11 44 Willis,M. TEN 6 45 Dalton,A. KAN 8 2 Andrews,M. BAL 10 3 Pitts,K. ATL 14 4 Waller,D. LVR 6 5 Kittle,G. SFO 9 6 Schultz,D. DAL 9 7 Hockenson,T. DET 6 8 Goedert,D. PHI 7 9 Gesicki,M. MIA 11 10 Knox,D. BUF 7 11 Freiermuth,P. PIT 9 12 Ertz,Z. ARI 13 13 Kmet,C. CHI 14 14 Smith Jr. MIN 7 15 Henry,H. NWE 10 16 Okwuegbunam,A. DEN 9 17 Fant,N. SEA 11 18 Njoku,D. CLE 9 19 Higbee,T. LAR 7 20 Tonyan,R. GNB 14 21 Engram,E. JAC 11 22 Uzomah,C. NYJ 10 23 Brate,C. TB 11 24 Everett,G. LAC 8 25 Hooper,A. TEN 6 26 Trautman,A. NOR 14 27 Arnold,D. JAC 11 28 Thomas,L. WAS 14 29 Hurst,H. CIN 10 30 Conklin,T. NYJ 10 31 Jordan,B. HOU 6 32 Smith,J. NWE 10 33 Howard,O. HOU 6. IND 14 2 Henry,D. TEN 6 3 Harris,N. CAR 13 5 Ekeler,A. LAC 8 6 Mixon,J. CIN 10 7 Cook,D. MIN 7 8 Fournette,L. TB 11 9 Kamara,A. NOR 14 10 Conner,J. ARI 13 11 Swift,D. DET 6 12 Williams,J. DEN 9 13 Chubb,N. CLE 9 14 Elliott,E. DAL 9 15 Jones,A. GNB 14 16 Barkley,S. NYG 9 17 Akers,C. LAR 7 18 Dobbins,J. BAL 10 19 Mitchell,E. SFO 9 20 Etienne Jr. JAC 11 21 Hall,B. NYJ 10 22 Jacobs,J. LVR 6 23 Montgomery,D. CHI 14 24 Dillon,A. GNB 14 25 Harris,D. NWE 10 26 Singletary,D. BUF 7 27 Gibson,A. WAS 14 28 Penny,R. KAN 8 30 Patterson,C. ATL 14 31 Pierce,D. HOU 6 32 Sanders,M. PHI 7 33 Hunt,K. CLE 9 34 Edmonds,C. MIA 11 35 Stevenson,R. NWE 10 36 Robinson,J. SEA 11 38 Pollard,T. DAL 9 39 Gordon,M. DEN 9 40 Henderson,D. WAS 14 42 Carter,M. NYJ 10 43 Cook,J. BUF 7 44 Hines,N. IND 14 45 Williams,J. DET 6 46 Pacheco,I. KAN 8 47 Ingram,M. NOR 14 48 Edwards,G. BAL 10 49 Mattison,A. MIN 7 50 Mostert,R. MIA 11 51 Allgeier,T. ATL 14 52 Gainwell,K. PHI 7 53 Robinson Jr. WAS 14 54 Wilson,J. SFO 9 55 Foreman,D. CAR 13 56 Williams,D. ATL 14 57 Johnson,D. CLE 9 58 Haskins,H. TEN 6 59 Abdullah,A. LVR 6 60 White,Z. LVR 6 61 Drake,K. BAL 10 62 Hilliard,D. TEN 6 63 Hubbard,C. CAR 13 64 Michel,S. LAC 8 65 Scott,B. PHI 7 66 Bernard,G. TB 11 67 Warren,J. PIT 9 68 Evans,C. CIN 10 69 White,R. TB 11 70 Spiller,I. LAC 8 71 Herbert,K. CHI 14 72 Williams,D. SFO 9 74 Burkhead,R. HOU 6 75 Badie,T. KAN 8 77 Kelley,J. LAC 8 78 Breida,M. NYG 9 79 Jones,R. KAN 8 80 Perine,S. CIN LAR 7 2 Jefferson,J. MIN 7 3 Chase,J. CIN 10 4 Adams,D. LVR 6 5 Diggs,S. BUF 7 6 Samuel,D. SFO 9 7 Lamb,C. DAL 9 8 Evans,M. TB 11 9 Hill,T. MIA 11 10 Pittman Jr. IND 14 11 Allen,K. LAC 8 12 Brown,A. PHI 7 13 Higgins,T. CIN 10 14 Moore,D. CAR 13 15 Johnson,D. PIT 9 16 Waddle,J. MIA 11 17 Metcalf,D. SEA 11 18 Cooks,B. WAS 14 20 Sutton,C. DEN 9 21 Mooney,D. CHI 14 22 Williams,M. LAC 8 23 Godwin,C. TB 11 24 St. DET 6 25 Jeudy,J. DEN 9 26 Moore,E. NYJ 10 27 Brown,M. ARI 13 28 Robinson,A. LAR 7 29 Thomas,M. NOR 14 30 Bateman,R. BAL 10 31 Cooper,A. KAN 8 33 Smith,D. PHI 7 34 Renfrow,H. LVR 6 35 Davis,G. BUF 7 36 London,D. ATL 14 37 Thielen,A. MIN 7 38 Lockett,T. SEA 11 39 Burks,T. TEN 6 40 Kirk,C. JAC 11 41 Hopkins,D. ARI 13 42 Aiyuk,B. SFO 9 43 Lazard,A. GNB 14 44 Gage,R. TB 11 45 Parker,D. NWE 10 46 Olave,C. NOR 14 47 Woods,R. TEN 6 48 Claypool,C. PIT 9 49 Wilson,G. KAN 8 51 Watson,C. GNB 14 52 Hardman,M. KAN 8 53 Landry,J. NOR 14 54 Gallup,M. DAL 9 55 Pickens,G. PIT 9 56 Moore,R. ARI 13 57 Chark,D. DET 6 58 Moore,S. KAN 8 59 Doubs,R. GNB 14 60 Meyers,J. NWE 10 61 Boyd,T. CIN 10 62 Toney,K. NYG 9 63 Pierce,A. IND 14 64 Hamler,K. DEN 9 65 Jones,Z. JAC 11 66 Dotson,J. WAS 14 67 Shepard,S. NYG 9 68 Williams,J. DET 6 69 Palmer,J. LAC 8 70 Davis,C. NYJ 10 71 Anderson,R. CAR 13 72 Jefferson,V. LAR 7 73 Golladay,K. NYG 9 74 Jones,M. JAC 11 75 Tolbert,J. DAL 9 76 Green,A. BUF 7 78 Pringle,B. CHI 14 79 Collins,N. HOU 6 80 Agholor,N. NWE CIN 10 3 Gay,M. LAR 7 4 Bass,T. BUF 7 5 Carlson,D. LVR 6 6 Succop,R. TB 11 7 Butker,H. KAN 8 8 Prater,M. ARI 13 9 Blankenship,R. IND 14 10 Sanders,J. MIA 11 11 Koo,Y. ATL 14 12 Folk,N. NWE 10 13 Elliott,J. PHI 7 14 Gould,R. SFO 9 15 Myers,J. DEN 9 17 Crosby,M. GNB 14 18 Boswell,C. PIT 9 19 Lutz,W. NOR 14 20 Zuerlein,G. NYJ 10 21 Hopkins,D. LAC 8 22 Gano,G. NYG 9 23 Santos,C. CHI 14 24 Joseph,G. MIN 7 25 Bullock,R. TEN 6 26 York,C. CLE 9 27 Fairbairn,K. HOU 6 28 Gonzalez,Z. CAR 13 29 Pineiro,E. CAR 13 30 Maher,B. DAL 9 31 Santoso,R. FA 0 32 Garibay,J. ARI WR Smith Jr. Etienne Jr. Walker III,K. Robinson Jr. Pittman Jr. Tampa Bay. Kansas City. San Francisco. New Orleans. Los Angeles Rams. Los Angeles Chargers. New England. Green Bay. New York Giants. New York Jets. Las Vegas.
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yahoo fantasy football cheat sheet 2022 working NC0J!
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Our fantasy football draft kit has all the resources you need to prepare for draft day, from complete position rankings to sleepers and. Fantasy Football Draft: Cheat sheet for last-second strategy tips for NFL season · Tips to follow · For Salary Cap League Players. Scoring Cheat Sheet Rankings, Yahoo! scoring and league starting lineup rules, using Fantasy Football Diehards rankings. @YahooFantasy. Don't forget to have this tiers cheat sheet handy for your draft! PM · Sep 3, ·Twitter Web App. View weekly RB projections & top value picks for this week's fantasy football contests at Yahoo. BUF 7 2 Jackson,L. BAL 10 3 Herbert,J. LAC 8 4 Mahomes,P. KAN 8 5 Murray,K. ARI 13 6 Hurts,J. PHI 7 7 Brady,T. TB 11 8 Burrow,J. CIN 10 9 Wilson,R. DEN 9 10 Prescott,D. DAL 9 11 Stafford,M. LAR 7 12 Rodgers,A. GNB 14 13 Lance,T. SFO 9 14 Carr,D. LVR 6 15 Cousins,K. MIN 7 16 Tagovailoa,T. MIA 11 17 Fields,J. CHI 14 18 Lawrence,T. JAC 11 19 Ryan,M. IND 14 20 Jones,M. NWE 10 21 Winston,J. NOR 14 22 Tannehill,R. TEN 6 23 Wentz,C. WAS 14 24 Goff,J. DET 6 25 Wilson,Z. NYJ 10 26 Jones,D. NYG 9 27 Mills,D. HOU 6 28 Mayfield,B. CAR 13 29 Mariota,M. ATL 14 30 Brissett,J. CLE 9 31 Trubisky,M. PIT 9 32 Smith,G. SEA 11 33 Flacco,J. NYJ 10 34 Pickett,K. PIT 9 35 Watson,D. CLE 9 36 Taylor,T. NYG 9 37 Lock,D. SEA 11 38 Darnold,S. CAR 13 39 Ridder,D. ATL 14 40 Huntley,T. BAL 10 41 Garoppolo,J. SFO 9 42 Bridgewater,T. MIA 11 43 Corral,M. CAR 13 44 Willis,M. TEN 6 45 Dalton,A. KAN 8 2 Andrews,M. BAL 10 3 Pitts,K. ATL 14 4 Kittle,G. SFO 9 5 Waller,D. LVR 6 6 Schultz,D. DAL 9 7 Knox,D. BUF 7 8 Goedert,D. PHI 7 9 Hockenson,T. DET 6 10 Smith Jr. MIN 7 11 Henry,H. NWE 10 12 Freiermuth,P. PIT 9 13 Gesicki,M. MIA 11 14 Ertz,Z. ARI 13 15 Njoku,D. CLE 9 16 Okwuegbunam,A. DEN 9 17 Tonyan,R. GNB 14 18 Fant,N. SEA 11 19 Higbee,T. LAR 7 20 Kmet,C. CHI 14 21 Engram,E. JAC 11 22 Uzomah,C. NYJ 10 23 Brate,C. TB 11 24 Thomas,L. WAS 14 25 Everett,G. LAC 8 26 Hooper,A. TEN 6 27 Hurst,H. CIN 10 28 Trautman,A. NOR 14 29 Jordan,B. HOU 6 30 Otton,C. TB 11 31 Arnold,D. JAC 11 32 Woods,J. IND 14 33 Likely,I. BAL IND 14 2 Henry,D. TEN 6 3 Harris,N. PIT 9 4 Mixon,J. CIN 10 5 Ekeler,A. LAC 8 6 Cook,D. CAR 13 8 Conner,J. ARI 13 9 Chubb,N. CLE 9 10 Kamara,A. NOR 14 11 Akers,C. LAR 7 12 Williams,J. DEN 9 13 Fournette,L. TB 11 14 Dobbins,J. BAL 10 15 Elliott,E. DAL 9 16 Mitchell,E. SFO 9 17 Jones,A. GNB 14 18 Swift,D. DET 6 19 Harris,D. NWE 10 20 Etienne Jr. JAC 11 21 Hall,B. NYJ 10 22 Penny,R. SEA 11 23 Barkley,S. NYG 9 24 Dillon,A. GNB 14 25 Montgomery,D. CHI 14 26 Jacobs,J. KAN 8 28 Gibson,A. WAS 14 29 Singletary,D. BUF 7 30 Stevenson,R. NWE 10 31 Patterson,C. ATL 14 32 Pierce,D. HOU 6 33 Sanders,M. PHI 7 34 Hunt,K. CLE 9 35 Robinson,J. JAC 11 36 Gordon,M. SEA 11 38 Henderson,D. LAR 7 39 Edmonds,C. MIA 11 40 Edwards,G. BAL 10 41 Pollard,T. DAL 9 42 Cook,J. BUF 7 43 Carter,M. NYJ 10 44 Ingram,M. NOR 14 45 Pacheco,I. KAN 8 46 Williams,J. DET 6 47 Foreman,D. CAR 13 48 Mostert,R. WAS 14 50 Wilson,J. SFO 9 51 Hines,N. IND 14 52 Allgeier,T. ATL 14 53 Mattison,A. MIN 7 54 Robinson Jr. WAS 14 55 Gainwell,K. PHI 7 56 Johnson,D. CLE 9 57 Haskins,H. TEN 6 58 Williams,D. ATL 14 59 Abdullah,A. LVR 6 60 White,Z. LVR 6 61 Scott,B. PHI 7 62 Michel,S. LAC 8 63 Hubbard,C. CAR 13 64 Hilliard,D. TEN 6 65 Drake,K. BAL 10 66 Bernard,G. TB 11 67 Warren,J. PIT 9 68 White,R. TB 11 69 Herbert,K. CHI 14 70 Spiller,I. SFO 9 72 Evans,C. CIN 10 73 Badie,T. BAL 10 74 Williams,D. KAN 8 76 Jones,R. KAN 8 77 Burkhead,R. HOU 6 78 Murray,L. BAL 10 79 Breida,M. NYG 9 80 Kelley,J. LAC 8. LAR 7 2 Chase,J. CIN 10 3 Samuel,D. SFO 9 4 Jefferson,J. MIN 7 5 Adams,D. LVR 6 6 Evans,M. TB 11 7 Diggs,S. BUF 7 8 Lamb,C. DAL 9 9 Hill,T. MIA 11 10 Metcalf,D. SEA 11 11 Higgins,T. CIN 10 12 Pittman Jr. IND 14 13 Brown,A. PHI 7 14 Williams,M. LAC 8 15 Allen,K. LAC 8 16 Moore,D. CAR 13 17 Johnson,D. WAS 14 19 Moore,E. NYJ 10 20 Mooney,D. CHI 14 21 Cooks,B. HOU 6 22 Jeudy,J. DEN 9 23 Sutton,C. DEN 9 24 Waddle,J. MIA 11 25 Godwin,C. TB 11 26 St. DET 6 27 Davis,G. BUF 7 28 Cooper,A. CLE 9 29 Brown,M. ARI 13 30 Smith,D. PHI 7 31 Lockett,T. SEA 11 32 Thomas,M. NOR 14 33 Thielen,A. MIN 7 34 London,D. ATL 14 35 Lazard,A. GNB 14 36 Renfrow,H. KAN 8 38 Robinson,A. LAR 7 39 Aiyuk,B. SFO 9 40 Burks,T. TEN 6 41 Bateman,R. BAL 10 42 Kirk,C. KAN 8 44 Hopkins,D. ARI 13 45 Olave,C. NOR 14 46 Claypool,C. PIT 9 47 Parker,D. NWE 10 48 Woods,R. TEN 6 49 Gage,R. TB 11 50 Wilson,G. NYJ 10 51 Watson,C. GNB 14 52 Gallup,M. DAL 9 53 Pickens,G. PIT 9 54 Landry,J. NOR 14 55 Chark,D. DET 6 56 Hardman,M. KAN 8 57 Moore,S. KAN 8 58 Doubs,R. GNB 14 59 Hamler,K. DEN 9 60 Toney,K. NYG 9 61 Boyd,T. CIN 10 62 Pierce,A. IND 14 63 Dotson,J. WAS 14 64 Jefferson,V. LAR 7 65 Davis,C. NYJ 10 66 Williams,J. DET 6 67 Palmer,J. LAC 8 68 Moore,R. ARI 13 69 Meyers,J. NWE 10 70 Anderson,R. CAR 13 71 Shepard,S. NYG 9 72 Cobb,R. GNB 14 73 Pringle,B. CHI 14 74 Jones,Z. JAC 11 75 Green,A. ARI 13 76 Tolbert,J. BUF 7 78 Callaway,M. CLE 9 80 Agholor,N. NWE CIN 10 3 Gay,M. LAR 7 4 Bass,T. BUF 7 5 Carlson,D. LVR 6 6 Succop,R. TB 11 7 Butker,H. KAN 8 8 Prater,M. ARI 13 9 Blankenship,R. IND 14 10 Sanders,J. MIA 11 11 Koo,Y. ATL 14 12 Folk,N. NWE 10 13 Elliott,J. PHI 7 14 Gould,R. SFO 9 15 Myers,J. DEN 9 17 Crosby,M. GNB 14 18 Boswell,C. PIT 9 19 Lutz,W. NOR 14 20 Zuerlein,G. NYJ 10 21 Hopkins,D. LAC 8 22 Gano,G. NYG 9 23 Santos,C. CHI 14 24 Joseph,G. MIN 7 25 Bullock,R. TEN 6 26 York,C. CLE 9 27 Fairbairn,K. HOU 6 28 Gonzalez,Z. CAR 13 29 Pineiro,E. CAR 13 30 Maher,B. DAL 9 31 Santoso,R. FA 0 32 Garibay,J. TB WR 11 56 St. ATL WR Smith Jr. Etienne Jr. Walker III,K. Robinson Jr. Pittman Jr. Tampa Bay. Kansas City. San Francisco. New Orleans. Los Angeles Rams. Los Angeles Chargers. New England. Green Bay. New York Giants. New York Jets. Las Vegas.
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tkmedia · 4 years ago
Fantasy football mock draft: 10-team, 1/2 PPR
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12:56 PM ET- ESPN.com staffWe're officially in the vacuum of space between OTAs and training camp. Seems like a good time for everyone to chill and enjoy summer, right?Not if you're aiming to win a championship.You know the top NFL competitors are hard at work right now. So, too, are fantasy folks who want to own their drafts when they count. That means taking part in some mock drafts to get a feel for things and work out the kinks, which is exactly what our experts did with our latest mock.
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More people play on ESPN than anywhere else. Join or create a league in the No. 1 Fantasy Football game! Sign up for free >> Following our first one, a 10-team PPR format, we're back with this 10-team 1/2-PPR mock. For the uninitiated, that means your players will score a half-point for each catch they make.You can take a look at the results below to see where you may find good values, which positions are shallow or deep, and which draft strategies our experts tried at this point of the offseason.The participants, in order of draft position, were: Marcel Louis-Jacques, Matt Bowen, Kyle Soppe, Eric Karabell, Tom Carpenter, Field Yates, Daniel Dopp, Tristan H. Cockcroft, Mike Clay and Mike Triplett.
Round 1
1. Christian McCaffrey Car (RB1) -- Louis-Jacques 2. Dalvin Cook Min (RB2) -- Bowen 3. Derrick Henry Ten (RB3) -- Soppe 4. Alvin Kamara NO (RB4) -- Karabell 5. Saquon Barkley NYG (RB5) -- Carpenter 6. Ezekiel Elliott Dal (RB6) -- Yates 7. Jonathan Taylor Ind (RB7) -- Dopp 8. Austin Ekeler LAC (RB8) -- Cockcroft 9. Travis Kelce KC (TE1) -- Clay 10. Nick Chubb Cle (RB9) -- Triplett
Round 2
11. Aaron Jones GB (RB10) -- Triplett 12. Tyreek Hill KC (WR1) -- Clay 13. Davante Adams GB (WR2) -- Cockcroft 14. Cam Akers LAR (RB11) -- Dopp 15. Joe Mixon Cin (RB12) -- Yates 16. DK Metcalf Sea (WR3) -- Carpenter 17. Stefon Diggs Buf (WR4) -- Karabell 18. Antonio Gibson Wsh (RB13) -- Soppe 19. Najee Harris Pit (RB14) -- Bowen 20. Miles Sanders Phi (RB15) -- Louis-Jacques
Round 3
21. Calvin Ridley Atl (WR5) -- Louis-Jacques2 Related22. DeAndre Hopkins Ari (WR6) -- Bowen 23. A.J. Brown Ten (WR7) -- Soppe 24. D'Andre Swift Det (RB16) -- Karabell 25. Clyde Edwards-Helaire KC (RB17) -- Carpenter 26. Justin Jefferson Min (WR8) -- Yates 27. Terry McLaurin Wsh (WR9) -- Dopp 28. J.K. Dobbins Bal (RB18) -- Cockcroft 29. Michael Thomas NO (WR10) -- Clay 30. George Kittle SF (TE2) -- Triplett
Round 4
31. Josh Jacobs LV (RB19) -- Triplett 32. Allen Robinson II Chi (WR11) -- Clay 33. Mike Evans TB (WR12) -- Cockcroft 34. Chris Carson Sea (RB20) -- Dopp 35. David Montgomery Chi (RB21) -- Yates 36. Darren Waller LV (TE3) -- Carpenter 37. Keenan Allen LAC (WR13) -- Karabell 38. Amari Cooper Dal (WR14) -- Soppe 39. CeeDee Lamb Dal (WR15) -- Bowen 40. Diontae Johnson Pit (WR16) -- Louis-Jacques
Round 5
41. Josh Allen Buf (QB1) -- Louis-Jacques 42. Travis Etienne Jax (RB22) -- Bowen 43. Chris Godwin TB (WR17) -- Soppe 44. Adam Thielen Min (WR18) -- Karabell 45. Patrick Mahomes KC (QB2) -- Carpenter 46. Julio Jones Ten (WR19) -- Yates 47. Robert Woods LAR (WR20) -- Dopp 48. Myles Gaskin Mia (RB23) -- Cockcroft 49. DJ Moore Car (WR21) -- Clay 50. Cooper Kupp LAR (WR22) -- Triplett
Round 6
51. Kenny Golladay NYG (WR23) -- Triplett 52. Chase Edmonds Ari (RB24) -- Clay 53. Courtland Sutton Den (WR24) -- Cockcroft 54. Mark Andrews Bal (TE4) -- Dopp 55. Kyle Pitts Atl (TE5) -- Yates 56. Kareem Hunt Cle (RB25) -- Carpenter 57. Tyler Lockett Sea (WR25) -- Karabell 58. Mike Davis Atl (RB26) -- Soppe 59. Ja'Marr Chase Cin (WR26) -- Bowen 60. DJ Chark Jr. Jax (WR27) -- Louis-Jacques
Round 7
61. Brandon Aiyuk SF (WR28) -- Louis-Jacques 62. T.J. Hockenson Det (TE6) -- Bowen 63. Odell Beckham Jr. Cle (WR29) -- Soppe 64. James Robinson Jax (RB27) -- Karabell 65. JuJu Smith-Schuster Pit (WR30) -- Carpenter 66. Tee Higgins Cin (WR31) -- Yates 67. Robby Anderson Car (WR32) -- Dopp 68. Raheem Mostert SF (RB28) -- Cockcroft 69. Javonte Williams Den (RB29) -- Clay 70. Chase Claypool Pit (WR33) -- Triplett
Round 8
71. Lamar Jackson Bal (QB3) -- Triplett 72. Kyler Murray Ari (QB4) -- Clay 73. Dak Prescott Dal (QB5) -- Cockcroft 74. Brandin Cooks Hou (WR34) -- Dopp 75. Deebo Samuel SF (WR35) -- Yates 76. Jerry Jeudy Den (WR36) -- Carpenter 77. Logan Thomas Wsh (TE7) -- Karabell 78. Tyler Boyd Cin (WR37) -- Soppe 79. Curtis Samuel Wsh (WR38) -- Bowen 80. Dallas Goedert Phi (TE8) -- Louis-Jacques
Round 9
81. David Johnson Hou (RB30) -- Louis-Jacques 82. Russell Wilson Sea (QB6) -- Bowen 83. Damien Harris NE (RB31) -- Soppe 84. Leonard Fournette TB (RB32) -- Karabell 85. Kenyan Drake LV (RB33) -- Carpenter 86. Justin Herbert LAC (QB7) -- Yates 87. DeVonta Smith Phi (WR39) -- Dopp 88. Michael Gallup Dal (WR40) -- Cockcroft 89. William Fuller V Mia (WR41) -- Clay 90. Marquise Brown Bal (WR42) -- Triplett
Round 10
91. Laviska Shenault Jr. Jax (WR43) -- Triplett 92. Melvin Gordon III Den (RB34) -- Clay 93. Michael Carter NYJ (RB35) -- Cockcroft 94. Noah Fant Den (TE9) -- Dopp 95. James Conner Ari (RB36) -- Yates 96. Jaylen Waddle Mia (WR44) -- Carpenter 97. Ronald Jones II TB (RB37) -- Karabell 98. Marvin Jones Jr. Jax (WR45) -- Soppe 99. AJ Dillon GB (RB38) -- Bowen 100. Zack Moss Buf (RB39) -- Louis-Jacques
Round 11
101. Henry Ruggs III LV (WR46) -- Louis-Jacques 102. Nyheim Hines Ind (RB40) -- Bowen 103. Tom Brady TB (QB8) -- Soppe 104. Jarvis Landry Cle (WR47) -- Karabell 105. Michael Pittman Jr. Ind (WR48) -- Carpenter 106. Jamaal Williams Det (RB41) -- Yates 107. Trey Sermon SF (RB42) -- Dopp 108. Robert Tonyan GB (TE10) -- Cockcroft 109. Antonio Brown TB (WR49) -- Clay 110. Devin Singletary Buf (RB43) -- Triplett
Round 12
111. Gus Edwards Bal (RB44) -- Triplett 112. Jalen Reagor Phi (WR50) -- Clay 113. Aaron Rodgers GB (QB9) -- Cockcroft 114. Jalen Hurts Phi (QB10) -- Dopp 115. Nelson Agholor NE (WR51) -- Yates 116. Rashod Bateman Bal (WR52) -- Carpenter 117. Ryan Tannehill Ten (QB11) -- Karabell 118. Tony Pollard Dal (RB45) -- Soppe 119. Darnell Mooney Chi (WR53) -- Bowen 120. Mike Williams LAC (WR54) -- Louis-Jacques
Round 13
121. J.D. McKissic Wsh (RB46) -- Louis-Jacques 122. Corey Davis NYJ (WR55) -- Bowen 123. Buccaneers D/ST TB (DST1) -- Soppe 124. Matthew Stafford LAR (QB12) -- Karabell 125. Alexander Mattison Min (RB47) -- Carpenter 126. Russell Gage Atl (WR56) -- Yates 127. Mecole Hardman KC (WR57) -- Dopp 128. Kadarius Toney NYG (WR58) -- Cockcroft 129. Elijah Moore NYJ (WR59) -- Clay 130. Latavius Murray NO (RB48) -- Triplett
Round 14
131. Darrell Henderson Jr. LAR (RB49) -- Triplett 132. Tarik Cohen Chi (RB50) -- Clay 133. Irv Smith Jr. Min (TE11) -- Cockcroft 134. Joe Burrow Cin (QB13) -- Dopp 135. Rondale Moore Ari (WR60) -- Yates 136. Ravens D/ST Bal (DST2) -- Carpenter 137. Steelers D/ST Pit (DST3) -- Karabell 138. Harrison Butker KC (K1) -- Soppe 139. Rams D/ST LAR (DST4) -- Bowen 140. Washington D/ST Wsh (DST5) -- Louis-Jacques
Round 15
141. Justin Tucker Bal (K2) -- Louis-Jacques 142. Terrace Marshall Jr. Car (WR61) -- Bowen 143. Mike Gesicki Mia (TE12) -- Soppe 144. James White NE (RB51) -- Karabell 145. Younghoe Koo Atl (K3) -- Carpenter 146. Broncos D/ST Den (DST6) -- Yates 147. Bills D/ST Buf (DST7) -- Dopp 148. 49ers D/ST SF (DST8) -- Cockcroft 149. Patriots D/ST NE (DST9) -- Clay 150. Colts D/ST Ind (DST10) -- Triplett
Round 16
151. Wil Lutz NO (K4) -- Triplett 152. Jason Myers Sea (K5) -- Clay 153. Matt Gay LAR (K6) -- Cockcroft 154. Matt Prater Ari (K7) -- Dopp 155. Jason Sanders Mia (K8) -- Yates 156. Read the full article
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biblioncollection · 5 years ago
Dramatic Reading Scene and Story Collection, Volume 002 | Various | Dramatic Readings | Audiobook full unabridged | English | 1/4 Content of the video and Sections beginning time (clickable) - Chapters of the audiobook: please see First comments under this video. Librivox readers present a collection of their favorite chapters and short stories, with the original author’s words all brought to life with different reader voices for each character in our popular Dramatic Reading style. This volume includes Various Detectives, Cute Animals, Talking Fireworks, and Interesting People and Situations: See cast list for authors and book/story names. - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: 01. Adventure of the Dying Detective by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; Run by:: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Sherlock Holmes: Peter Yearsley Mr Culverton-Smith: TJ Burns Butler (to Mr Smith): Leanne Yau Mrs Hudson: Foon Inspector Morton: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Dr John Watson: johnnyenglish : 02. An Unexpected Result by Edward P. Roe; Run by:: LikeManyWaters Narrator: LikeManyWaters Jack Ackland: johnnyenglish Will Munson: Chuck Williamson Eva van Tyne: thestorygirl Mrs Alston: Availle Eva’s Aunt: Foon “Half a dozen voices”: Larry Wilson A friend: Sonia : 03. The Purloined Letter by Edgar Allan Poe; Run by:: Chuck Williamson Mr C Dupin: Seamus Dobbin Prefect G: Joe Bly Narrator: Chuck Williamson : 04. The Stolen Bacillus by H. G. Wells; Run by:: Sonia Narrator: Availle Bacteriologist: johnnyenglish Anarchist: ToddHW Minnie: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Old Tootles: Rob Marland Ostler Boy: Eitel Tommy Biles: Adrian Stephens Cabman: Scott Caulkins Another Cabman: Sonia : 05. The Wind in the Willows, Chapters 3 and 4, by Kenneth Grahame; Run by:: Peter Yearsley Narrator: thestorygirl Rat: TJ Burns Mole: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Badger: johnnyenglish Otter: Foon Hedgehog: Jasmin Salma Rabbit: Peter Yearsley : 06. The Remarkable Rocket by Oscar Wilde; Run by:: Rob Marland Narrator: Rob Marland Rocket: Joe Bly Prince and Dragon-fly: lorda Page, Squib, and The People: Jasmin Salma Princess, Catherine Wheel, and Goose: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) King and Frog: Adrian Stephens Roman Candle, Workman, and The People: Lynette Caulkins Cracker: Hannoria Bengal Light, Duck, and The People: TJ Burns First Boy: ToddHW Second Boy: Grace Buchanan Fire-balloon: Grace Buchanan : 07. The Diamond Necklace by Guy De Maupassant; Run by:: Campbell Schelp Narrator: Betsy Walker Mathilde Loisel: Sonia Monsieur Loisel: Larry Wilson Jeanne Forestier: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Jeweler: Foon : 08. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald; Run by:: Lynette Caulkins Narrator: James K. White Roger Button: Rob Marland Doctor Keene: Larry Wilson First Nurse: Lynette Caulkins Second Nurse: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Benjamin Button: Adrian Stephens Store Clerk: Grace Buchanan Mr. Hart: KevinS First Undergraduate: lorda Second Undergraduate: Patrick Glenn Hildegarde: Availle Townspeople: ToddHW Roscoe Button: Chuck Williamson Sentry: lorda Colonel: Scott Caulkins : 09. The Tale of the Pie and the Patty-Pan by Beatrix Potter; Run by:: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Narrator: johnnyenglish Ribby (a cat): Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Duchess (a dog): Betsy Walker Dr Maggotty (a magpie): Larry Wilson Cousin Tabitha Twitchit (a cat): Devorah Allen : 10. A Retrieved Reformation by O. Henry; Run by:: Larry Wilson Narrator: Sarah Hite Jimmy Valentine: Adrian Stephens Warden: Availle Mike Dolan: Rob Marland Ben Pierce: Joe Bly Mr Adams: ToddHW Annabelle: TJ Burns Mother: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) This is a Librivox recording. If you want to volunteer please visit https://librivox.org/ by Priceless Audiobooks
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junker-town · 5 years ago
4 trends that were in, 3 that were out during the NFL Draft
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Handout Photo-USA TODAY Sports
Over draft weekend, retired NFL lineman Geoff Schwartz noticed a priority on speed, rumors that never panned out, and Roger Goodell being ... human?
I loved the NFL Draft this past weekend. It was so fun, and so needed while we’re all stuck at home without live sports.
After three days, what lessons did we learn? Which trends were in or out? Here are seven that stood out to me.
In: Speed, speed, speed
The Chiefs won the Super Bowl this past season with speed on offense. They were fast at every wide receiver position, plus tight end Travis Kelce. So what do their division opponents and teams with high aspirations do? They drafted and traded for speed.
The Raiders took Henry Ruggs III, Lynn Bowden, and Bryan Edwards. The Broncos added Jerry Jeudy and KJ Hamler. The Ravens landed J.K Dobbins, who’s a fit for the offense but also can blaze. The Eagles drafted Jalen Reagor and traded for Marquise Goodwin. The 49ers got Brandon Aiyuk with their second first-round pick.
It’s clear that getting faster was a big priority this year.
Out: The Packers’ plan
It is reported the Packers drafted with the intention of moving to more of a ground-and-pound offense, with the goal of winning close, low-scoring games. This is backward thinking in 2020, when the value of the pass game far outweighs rushing the ball.
I understand the 49ers just made the Super Bowl after focusing on the run game, but they had the eighth-ranked passing attack and the 12th-ranked rushing attack, according to DVOA. So even for a team that dominated on the ground, their passing game was more important.
The Packers drafted quarterback Jordan Love with their first-round pick, which I talked more about here. They spent their next pick on a downhill running back. Yikes. And their third pick on an H-back. Oh man. In a draft with an exceptional class of wide receivers, the Packers didn’t draft one. How do you miss on that? It makes no sense.
In: Rich get richer
I want to focus on three teams in particular that helped themselves most this weekend.
San Francisco 49ers: They drafted defensive tackle Javon Kinlaw, who I didn’t necessarily love but does fit a spot of need. Then they took Aiyuk, a speedster from Arizona State.
And not related to the draft, but possibly the best move of the weekend was the 49ers trading for Washington left tackle Trent Williams. With Joe Staley’s surprise retirement announcement, the 49ers got the best tackle in the market, including any draft picks. This trade was so impressive that rival Rams head coach Sean McVay commented he needed a few more beers after hearing about the trade.
Baltimore Ravens: Everyone mocked Patrick Queen to the Ravens. Guess who the Ravens drafted? Patrick Queen. In the second round, they added Dobbins, who excelled in gun/pistol runs at Ohio State.
But I want to highlight two undrafted free agents they managed to sign. The first is tight end Jacob Breeland from Oregon. Breeland was on the way to first-team All-American honors this season before tearing his ACL. If he’s healthy, he’s going to be extreme value. The Ravens also signed Tyler Huntley, the quarterback out of Utah. Huntley can move, is accurate, and would be a good fit in their offense.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers: The Bucs signed Tom Brady. Big win. They just signed Rob Gronkowski. Another win. And then the draft occurred and they landed my favorite pick of the first round, Tristan Wirfs. Wirfs is a right tackle and will be an elite right tackle. Position of need, boom, yet another win — and also at pick No. 13, and I doubt the Bucs thought he’d be available there.
Then, in the second round they got Antoine Winfield Jr., a versatile safety who projects perfectly into their system.
Out: The Eagles’ strategy
Here’s the deal. I understand the Eagles’ desire to have a backup quarterback who can play if Carson Wentz gets hurt. But, Wentz has missed eight games during the regular season in 64 total opportunities. It feels like an overreaction to draft a backup for a young quarterback like Wentz. If the Eagles hope to win another Super Bowl, it will be because Wentz is playing.
What Nick Foles did in 2017 was remarkable and in my opinion, not something you can hope for again if Jalen Hurts had to play for Wentz. In the best-case scenario, after four years Hurts has started minimal games and Wentz has continued to improve and become elite. If the Eagles drafted Hurts with the idea that he’s a gadget player until needing to play QB, that seems short-sighted as well. You use a two-round pick on a gadget player? I don’t see it.
In: Smokescreens
For weeks, maybe even longer, we heard the Dolphins liked Justin Herbert. As we approached the draft, the Dolphins told media members they were considering him, and mock drafts were adjusted with Herbert being their first pick. Then, about 48 hours before the draft, it was reported the Dolphins were looking to trade up to No. 3 for an offensive tackle. No one believed the offensive tackle rumor, but it appeared the Dolphins were sincere in trading up for a quarterback, which again, was assumed to be Herbert.
I spoke with someone in the organization and he sold their love for Herbert, which might have been accurate. But then the Dolphins drafted Tua Tagovailoa. The goal of the smokescreen was clearly trying to get the Chargers to trade up for Herbert. In the end, the top of the draft went chalk.
Out: Bill Belichick
Belichick isn’t out per se, but on draft weekend, he was literally out of the picture when the Patriots drafted in the second round:
Bill Belichick looks different pic.twitter.com/iOqFkyAcsz
— SB Nation (@SBNation) April 24, 2020
He wanted NO part of being on the camera this weekend. He couldn’t even be bothered to sit quietly at his Nantucket breakfast table for three minutes while the Patriots drafted.
On a more serious note, the Patriots coming away with no quarterback wasn’t ideal, but they can turn to Andy Dalton or Cam Newton this season if they are looking for a veteran. I do believe, and they admitted it afterward, this wasn’t by design. I do wonder who they hoped to get and how they were going to make it happen.
In: Roger Goodell
Goodell is a human who drinks and gets bored and tired while watching the draft. Goodell might also be jacked, which I didn’t expect. He’s even auctioning off his basement chair so people can watch Monday Night Football with him for a night:
Want to join @nflcommish in his Fan Cave? Bid now to watch a Monday Night Football game with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell — and win two tickets to a regular season game of your choice! Proceeds will benefit COVID-19 relief: https://t.co/TI8yd88lNt @ESPNNFL pic.twitter.com/764cYMMnEZ
— NFL (@NFL) April 25, 2020
Goodell came away from the draft looking like a normal human and not just a corporate leader. Who knew?
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itsfreeaudiobook · 5 years ago
Librivox readers present a collection of their favorite chapters and short stories, with the original author’s words all brought to life with different reader voices for each character in our popular Dramatic Reading style. This volume includes Various Detectives, Cute Animals, Talking Fireworks, and Interesting People and Situations: See cast list for authors and book/story names. - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: 01. Adventure of the Dying Detective by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; Run by:: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Sherlock Holmes: Peter Yearsley Mr Culverton-Smith: TJ Burns Butler (to Mr Smith): Leanne Yau Mrs Hudson: Foon Inspector Morton: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Dr John Watson: johnnyenglish : 02. An Unexpected Result by Edward P. Roe; Run by:: LikeManyWaters Narrator: LikeManyWaters Jack Ackland: johnnyenglish Will Munson: Chuck Williamson Eva van Tyne: thestorygirl Mrs Alston: Availle Eva’s Aunt: Foon “Half a dozen voices”: Larry Wilson A friend: Sonia : 03. The Purloined Letter by Edgar Allan Poe; Run by:: Chuck Williamson Mr C Dupin: Seamus Dobbin Prefect G: Joe Bly Narrator: Chuck Williamson : 04. The Stolen Bacillus by H. G. Wells; Run by:: Sonia Narrator: Availle Bacteriologist: johnnyenglish Anarchist: ToddHW Minnie: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Old Tootles: Rob Marland Ostler Boy: Eitel Tommy Biles: Adrian Stephens Cabman: Scott Caulkins Another Cabman: Sonia : 05. The Wind in the Willows, Chapters 3 and 4, by Kenneth Grahame; Run by:: Peter Yearsley Narrator: thestorygirl Rat: TJ Burns Mole: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Badger: johnnyenglish Otter: Foon Hedgehog: Jasmin Salma Rabbit: Peter Yearsley : 06. The Remarkable Rocket by Oscar Wilde; Run by:: Rob Marland Narrator: Rob Marland Rocket: Joe Bly Prince and Dragon-fly: lorda Page, Squib, and The People: Jasmin Salma Princess, Catherine Wheel, and Goose: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) King and Frog: Adrian Stephens Roman Candle, Workman, and The People: Lynette Caulkins Cracker: Hannoria Bengal Light, Duck, and The People: TJ Burns First Boy: ToddHW Second Boy: Grace Buchanan Fire-balloon: Grace Buchanan : 07. The Diamond Necklace by Guy De Maupassant; Run by:: Campbell Schelp Narrator: Betsy Walker Mathilde Loisel: Sonia Monsieur Loisel: Larry Wilson Jeanne Forestier: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Jeweler: Foon : 08. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald; Run by:: Lynette Caulkins Narrator: James K. White Roger Button: Rob Marland Doctor Keene: Larry Wilson First Nurse: Lynette Caulkins Second Nurse: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Benjamin Button: Adrian Stephens Store Clerk: Grace Buchanan Mr. Hart: KevinS First Undergraduate: lorda Second Undergraduate: Patrick Glenn Hildegarde: Availle Townspeople: ToddHW Roscoe Button: Chuck Williamson Sentry: lorda Colonel: Scott Caulkins : 09. The Tale of the Pie and the Patty-Pan by Beatrix Potter; Run by:: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Narrator: johnnyenglish Ribby (a cat): Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Duchess (a dog): Betsy Walker Dr Maggotty (a magpie): Larry Wilson Cousin Tabitha Twitchit (a cat): Devorah Allen : 10. A Retrieved Reformation by O. Henry; Run by:: Larry Wilson Narrator: Sarah Hite Jimmy Valentine: Adrian Stephens Warden: Availle Mike Dolan: Rob Marland Ben Pierce: Joe Bly Mr Adams: ToddHW Annabelle: TJ Burns Mother: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) via Libricox
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the-record-newspaper · 7 years ago
July 25, Obituaries
 Mollie   Handy, 94
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Mrs. Mollie Wilkins Handy, age 94 widow of Rex Handy passed away Saturday, July 21, 2018 at Wilkes Senior Village.
           No services will be held at this time.  A private family burial will be held at a later date at Mountlawn Memorial Park.
           Mrs. Handy was born June 18, 1924 in Yadkin County to William S. and Dinah Talley Wilkens.  She was a member of the First Baptist Church of North Wilkesboro.
           In addition to her parents and husband; Rex Handy, she was preceded in death by a sister; Victoria Wilkins Wendland, two brothers; William Wilkins and John Wilkins,step-son; Gene Handy and nephew; Warren Shore.
           She is survived by a niece; Lillian Shore Gambill, step-son; Larry Handy, step-grandson; Michael Handy, great nephew; Charles Gambill and great niece; Lisa Forehand.
           In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the donor's choice.
 Edna Barber, 94
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Mrs. Edna Neal Barber, age 94 widow of Malcolm Julius Barber of Wilkesboro passed away Saturday, July 21, 2018 at Curis at Wilkesboro.
           Funeral services were held  July 24, at Rickard's Chapel AME Zion Church with Rev. Richard Watts officiating.  Burial will be in Rickard's Chapel Cemetery.  
           Mrs. Barber was born June 12, 1924 in Catawba County to Hartie and Lara Jolly Neal.  She was a member of Rickard's Chapel AME Zion Church.  She was a member of the Rickard's Chapel Missionary Senior Choir, Missionary Society and Mother of the Church.
           In addition to her parents and husband; Malcolm Julius Barber, she was preceded in death by six sisters; Eva Whicker, Ida Shuford, Cora Wilborn, Carolyn Barber, Mary Harris, Rebecca Wilborn and five brothers; Edward Neal, Jim Wilborn, Bill Wilborn, Henry Wilborn and Ike Wilborn.  
           She is survived by two daughters; Angela Adams and husband Charles of Ellenwood, GA, Joyce Shelton and husband Gary of Sacramento, CA, five sons; Julius Barber and wife Susie, Floyd Barber and wife Katie, Marvin F. Barber and wife Jacquelynn, Malcolm C. Barber and wife Brenda, Johnny Barber and wife Joann all of North Wilkesboro, fifteen grandchildren; Julio Barber, Lili Barber, Tressie Barber Harter, Tyson Barber, Patricia Jenkins, Christal Mack, Sherman Boles, Deenene Boles, April Vannoy, Sasha Harrison, Amanda Redmon, Elijah Hubbard, Zack Barber, Kiaya Barber, Nakia Harris, fifteen great grandchildren; Kayla Barber, Jordan Johnson, Addison Barber, Nicholas Barber, Payton Barber, Tia Joyce, Atalya Jenkins, Alicyn Jenkins, Markayla Barber, Travis Harrison Jr., Kai Dobbins Harrison, Maria Gilreath, Jalan Boles, Alex Gilreath, Olivia Boles and four great great grandchildren; Brooklyn Kate Barber, Bon Boles, Emory Gilreath, Jayden Gilreath.
           Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Rickard's Chapel Missionary Society, Old US 421, Wilkesboro, NC 28697.
Donald Beamon, 62
Mr. Donald Wayne Beamon, age 62 of North Wilkesboro passed away Friday, July 20, 2018 at his home.
           Funeral services will be held  July 25, at Cub Creek Baptist Church with Rev. Brian Sampson and Rev. Scotty Roten officiating.  Burial with Military Honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1142 will be in Scenic Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends from 4:30 until 5:30 PM prior to the service at the church.    
           Mr. Beamon was born February 15, 1956 in Forsyth County to Donald Royce and Ruby Mae Burchette Beaman. He serviced in the United States Navy.
           He was preceded in death by his parents and brother; Thomas Winford Beaman.
           He is survived by two sons; Martin Wayne Beamon, Jacob Nathaniel Beamon both of Wilkesboro, Jamie Ashley Beamon; mother of his children of Wilkesboro, sister; Margaret (Sue) Rhoades and husband Tommy of North Wilkesboro, two brothers; Robert Beaman and wife Natalie of North Wilkesboro, Jimmy Beaman and wife Tammy of Roaring River, and step-father; James LeFevers.and step-brother; James Daniel Lefevers and wife Julie of Crumpler.
           Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Piedmont Chapter, 1401 Old Mill Road, Suite B, Winston-Salem, NC 27103.
Andrew  Kilby, 92
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Andrew Lomax Kilby, Sr. (Bud) passed away July 18, 2018 at the age of 92. He was born January 13, 1926 to Andrew Franklin Kilby and Grace Lomax Kilby. Mr. Kilby was predeceased by his wife of 69 years, Betty Summers Kilby, and his sister, Grace Frank Mayberry.
           Mr. Kilby is survived by his children: Andrew Lomax Kilby, Jr. (Mary); John Asbury Kilby Sr. (Phyllis); and, Betty Ann Kilby. He is also survived by his grandchildren: Sarah Kilby Munson (Scott); Anne Kilby; Elisha Grace Kilby Jernigan (Justin); John Asbury Kilby, Jr. (Lacey); Jenni Foster Roope; Beau Foster (Katy); and by his great grandchildren: Drew Roope; Grey Roope; Harrison Jernigan; Pierce Jernigan, and Lizzie Foster.
           Mr. Kilby was President of Yadkin Valley Motor Company, North Carolina's oldest Ford dealership established in 1915. He worked there six days a week, arriving by 6:30 AM, until 6 days before his death. He was a member of the First Baptist Church in North Wilkesboro, NC and served as superintendent of the Children's Building there for 20 years. He was also a past member of the Board of Directors of Wilkes General Hospital serving as its Chairman during a major expansion. He was a charter member of Oakwoods Country Club, the North Wilkesboro Elks Club, the Kiwanis Club, and a past member of Ford's Dealer Council.
           He attended Davidson College prior to his voluntary enlistment in the US Army Air Force on December 7, 1943. He proudly served as a bottom-turret and waist gunner on a B24 Liberator bomber during World War II in the 2nd Bomb Squadron of the 22nd Bomb Group of the 5th Air Force. The majority of B24s were made at Ford Motor Company's Willow Run Plant. When the war ended, Mr. Kilby served as part of the US occupation force in Japan.
           After leaving the military service, Mr. Kilby attended college in Bowling  Green, Kentucky. He returned from there in 1948 to work as a partner with his father at Yadkin Valley Motor Company in 1948. He worked at Yadkin Valley his entire life beginning in his early teens.
 A graveside service with Military Honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1142 was held at Mountlawn Memorial   July 20,  with Dr. Bert Young and Rev. Steve Snipes officiating.  
           The family requests no food.
           In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorials be made to the First Baptist Church in North Wilkesboro.
 Brian Curry, 49
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Mr. Brian Everett Curry, age 49 of Moravian Falls passed away Tuesday, July 17, 2018 at Forsyth Medical Center following a long battle with Diabetes.
           Funeral services were held    July 20, 2018 at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Mitch King officiating.  
           Mr. Curry was born May 29, 1969 in Wilkes County to JoAnn Curry.  
           He was preceded in death by his maternal grandmother; Mary V. Kerley.
           He is survived by his wife; Tammy Watcher Daniels, his son; Matthew Brian Curry, and wife Kimberley, mother; JoAnn Curry, three brothers; Paul Curry and wife Shea, Mark Curry and wife Tina, Chad Curry and wife Kaycee and three grandchildren; Lucas Curry, Gaven White and Haiden Jarvis.
           Brian was employed at Tyson Foods for 25 years.  He was a loving father, husband, grandfather and was a Christian. He took great pride in his family and his favorite pastime was riding his Harley on the parkway.
           Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the American Diabetes Association, PO Box 11454, Alexandria, VA  22312.
 Eula Foster, 83
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Mrs. Eula Huffman Foster, age 83 widow of Harold Hayes Foster of Wilkesboro passed away Tuesday, July 17, 2018 at SECU Hospice Home in Yadkinville.
           Funeral services were held July 20,  Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Sherrill Wellborn officiating.  Burial was in Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church Cemetery.    
           Mrs. Foster was born October 21, 1934 in Wilkes County to Everette Monroe and Matilda Minton Huffman.  She was a member of Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church and was the owner-operator of Foster's Lawn and Garden Center.
           In addition to her parents and husband; Harold Hayes Foster, she was preceded in death by eight sisters; Ina, Vera, Erie, Esther, Veoria, Marge, Etolia and Wyona and four brothers; James, Glenn, Theodore and EM.
           She is survived by three daughters; Sheila Nichols of Winston-Salem, Yvonne Ewing and husband Wayne of Clemmons, Denise McIntyre and husband Jim of Sparta and one son; Harold H. Foster, Jr., of Winston-Salem, nine grandchildren; Gary Hamby, Jr., Sonya Brooks, Thomas Nichols, III, Derek Nichols, Sean Nichols, Crystal Brooks, Shannan Foster, Clarice Foster, Nadine Foster, ten great grandchildren Cade Hamby, Justin Nichols, Jacob Nichols, Rachel Nichols, Dylan Nichols, Kayla Nichols, Ethan Nichols, Zach Nichols, Hannah Nichols, Jared Nichols, Tori Nichols, Connor Lockey and three great great grandchildren; Lily Nichols, Thomas Nichols, IV and Jace Gunn.
           Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to SECU Hospice Home, 243 North Lee Street, Yadkinville, NC 27055.
Herman Brown, 64
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Herman "Freeman" Brown, age 64, of Hays, passed away Monday, July 16, 2018 at his home. He was born June 11, 1954 in Wilkes County to Rufus and Emma Wagoner Brown. Mr. Brown was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Teresa Ann Royal Brown.
           Surviving are his daughter, April Delbert and husband Jason of North Wilkesboro; grandchildren, Brea Delbert and Kyle Delbert; brothers, Rex Brown and wife Judy, Travis Brown and wife Aliene all of Statesville, sisters, Gay Shaw of Harmony, Faye Roten and husband Howard of Troutman, Eula Mae Haynes, Louise Billings and husband Morse all of Hays, Patricia McDaniels and husband Auddie of Wilkesboro; sister in law, Shiela Wilmoth and husband Jerry of North Wilkesboro; brothers in law, Gary Royal and wife Joyce, Terry Royal all of Hays.
           Graveside service was held   July 18,   at Pine View Baptist Church Cemetery with Rev. Travis Brown officiating. Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Wake Forest Baptist Health Wilkes Regional Dialysis Center, 1370 West D Street, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.               Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
  Jameson Levi Reid
Jameson Levi Reid, infant son of Tyler Joe Reid and Savannah Jo Walsh Harris, passed away Saturday, July 14, 2018 at Forsyth Medical Center.
           He is survived by his parents, Tyler Reid and Savannah Walsh Harris; paternal grandparents, Herb and Sandra Reid; maternal grandparents, Norman and Jo Lynn Walsh Harris; great grandparents, Brenda Trivette, Stan and Connie Walsh, Gwyn Harris and Edgar Harris.
           Graveside service was held  July 21, at Mountlawn Memorial Park with Rev. Donnie Shumate and Rev. David Dyer officiating. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
  Juan Alvarad
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Mr. Juan Antonio Arnoldo Pena Alvarado passed away Thursday, July 12, 2018.
           Funeral services were held July 21,  at Rein-Sturdivant Chapel.          
           Mr. Alvarado was born March 8, 1957 in El Salvador to Tiburcio Pena and Cervanda Alvarado.  
           He was preceded in death by his parents.
           He is survived by a daughter; Cindy Pena of North Wilkesboro, two sons; Elvis Omar Pena and wife Elsa of North Wilkesboro  and Geovani Pena of Long Island, New York and four grandchildren; Melanie Pena, Jennifer Pena, Angie Pena and Elvis Leonardo Pena.
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georgiapioneers · 7 years ago
Buncombe Co. NC Genealogies and Histories #northcarolinapioneers
Buncombe County Wills and Estates
Buncombe county was formed in 1791 from parts of Burke County and Rutherford Counties. It was named for Edward Buncombe, a colonel in the American Revolutionary War, who was captured at the Battle of Germantown. The large county originally extended to the Tennessee line. Many of the settlers were Baptists, and in 1807 the pastors of six churches including the revivalist Sion Blythe formed the French Broad Association of Baptist churches in the area. In 1808 the western part of Buncombe County became Haywood County. In 1833 parts of Burke County and Buncombe County were combined to form Yancey County, and in 1838 the southern part of what was left of Buncombe County became Henderson County. In 1851 parts of Buncombe County and Yancey County were combined to form Madison County. Finally, in 1925 the Broad River township of McDowell County was transferred to Buncombe County. Genealogy Records available to members of North Carolina Pioneers Images of Will Book B, 1869 to 1899 Names of Testators:
| Alexander, George C. | Allen, Autonia | Baird, Eliza T. | Baird, Mary A. | Banks, H. H. | Banks, S. M. | Bell, Thomas | Brand, Hann | Brank, Joseph R. | Brittain, George W. | Brittain, William | Brookshire, Lula | Brown, Nathan | Brown, Nathaniel | Brown, William H. | Buchanan, W. A. | Burnett, Elrige | Burnett, James M. | Burnham, Hiram | Buttam, William | Calloway, Sarah Ann | Carter, Daniel W. | Chambers, William | Chambers, William Sr. | Chunn, Joseph | Clark, Jesse | Cochran, Harriet | Cole, Joel | Coleman, William | Conley, John | Crane, Mary Ann | Cunningham, E. H. | Cunningham, John W. | Curtis, B. J. | Daugherty, Lemuel | Davis, Asbery | DeBrull, Susanna | Duffield, Charles | Dula, Thomas | Edney, James M. | Edwards, Helen Maria | Eller, Adam | Eller, William | Embles, Joseph | Endley, James | Erwin, William A. | Frank, John | Freer, Carolina | Frisbee, William | Garren, Marion | Green, Jeremiah | Green, Katherine | Hall, A. E. | Hampton, Levi | Hawley, Levi | Henderson, David | Henderson, L. D. | Henry, James L. | Herndon, E. W. | Herrick, Edwin Hayden | Hyatt, P. A. | Hyman, Ellen | Ingram, Louis | James, Silas | Johnson, A. R. | Johnson, Henry J. | Johnson, Rufus | Johnson, V. D. | Johnston, Hugh J. | Jump, William | Kennedy, John P. | Kimberley, Bettie | Lanning, John | Lanning, Rebecca | Lee, Stephen | Lenoir, Betsy | Litcomb, Margarett | Love, Lorenzo | Luther, Laura | Luther, Solomon | Lynch, Martha J. | McBrayer, William | McGill, Wardlaw | Mercer, Sarah Ann | Merrell, John | Merriman, Branch H. | Middleton, Henry | Miles, Levin | Miller, Henry | Miller, Peter | Moody, Mary Janet | Mordecai, G. W. | Morgan, David | Morgan, Noah | Morrow, Ebenezer | Murdock, Margaret | Murphy, Laura | Murray, Patience Marcella | Murray, Robert A. | Murray, William S. | Palmer, C. B. | Patton, Eliza W. | Patton, John E. | Penland, M. P. | Pinner, Hugh | Plummer, William G. | Polk, Thomas | Poor, John | Pullium, R. W. | Randolph, Mary | Rankin, W. D. | Ratcliff, M. J. | Reed, Jacob | Reed, William R. | Revis, W. C. | Reynolds, John | Reynolds, John D. | Richards, Charles B. | Roberson, James Alford | Roberts, James Riley | Roberts, Joshua | Roberts, M. | Roberts, Thomas O. | Rogers, Caroline M. | Roselee, Sarah | Rumple, Robert | Russell, W. H. | Saunders, Benjamin F. | Shackleford, P. C. | Sluder, J. E. | Sluder, John | Southee, Joseph | Smith, B. J. | Smith, F. A., Mrs. | Smith, James T. | Smith, J. H. | Smith, Owen | Smith, William A. | Stepp, Rachael | Stevens, Francis M. | Stevenson, Abraham | Stewart, John Curtice | Stroup, Nancy | Swain, Eleanor H. | Taylor, Robert J. | Wallack, Isadore | Weaver, Jesse R. | Weaver, John S. | Weaver, M. M. | Wells, J. R. | Whitaker, Henry | White, David | Woodcocke, J. A. | Woodfin, Eliza | Worth, Frederick | Young, Lewis
Images of Buncombe County Will Book C, 1887 to 1897 Names of Testators:
| Adams, Daniel D. | Adams, Julia W. | Alexander, George Newton | Arnold, Henry | Ashworth, Johnson | Austin, J. H. | Baird, Rebecca | Ballard, Caroline | Barker, Clarence Johnson | Blount, John Gray | Braunch, William George | Broesback, Anna | Brown, Daniel | Brown, Mary T. | Budd, Margaret Anderson | Call, John D. | Cameron, Paul | Carpenter, John | Carpenter, John (1911) | Carroll, John L. | Carter, Melvin Edmondson | Cathcart, William | Cathcart, William (1805) | Cathey, J. L. | Cawble, Jacob | Chambers, John C. | Chapman, S. F. | Chapman, Verina | Christiansen, George | Cole, Ann B. | Clark, Adger | Clemmons, E. T. | Cortland, Mary Katharine | Croft, Sarah Ann | Cummins, Anson W. | Cushman, Walter S. | D' Allinges, Baron Eugene | Davidson, Thomas F. | Dobbins, Mary | Ducket, Margaret | Frady, J. A. | Frady, John | Fulton, Mary | Garren, David | Gask, B. S. | Goodrum, Maria | Haggard, Elliott | Hendry, Theodore | Henry, Robert | Hill, Wylie | Hines, W. F. | Israel, Levina | Johnson, Julius | Johnston, Andrew H. | Johnston, William | Jones, R. L. F. | Lagle, W. S. | Lindsey, Andrew J. | Mason, Lavinia | McHemphill, William | McMerrill, John | McNeal, Florella | McRee, C. E. | Melke, Arthur | Meyers, Sarah Ellick | Meyers, Sarah Thayer | Miller, George | Miller, Joseph M. | Moore, Harry V. | Murdock, David | Murray, J. L. | Neilson, M. A. | Peller, Joseph | Penland, William M. | Pinketon, James | Pinner, Leander | Powell, Martha J. | Price, Linus | Randall, James M. | Randall, Matthew | Reed, John Sr. | Reeves, John | Reynolds, Alice | Roberts, J. R. | Schultz, Andrew | Spivey, B. F. | Starnes, Jacob | Summer, Richard | Swain, Eleanor H. | Tagg, Marcellus J. | Tennent, Charles | Tennent, Marianne | Tompkins, Frederick W. | Washington, Julia | Weaver, M. M. | Webb, S. W. | Weber, August | West, George W. | Whitaker, L. W. | White, Edward S. | Wilson, Alfred
Images of Will Book A, 1831 to 1868 Names of Testators:
| Alexander, James | Alexander, James C. | Alexander, Lorenzo D. | Anderson, William | Arrington, James | Ashby, John | Ayres, C. | Baird, B. | Baird, Hannah | Ball, Joel | Bell, Thomas | Boyd, James | Brevard, John | Burlison, Edward | Call, John | Candler, Zachariah | Carter, Jesse | Carver, Joseph | Chambers, John | Cochran, Harriett | Cochran, William | Cole, Jesse | Cole, Joseph | Collins, Riddick | Cooke, Joseph | Curtis, Benjamin | Curtis, Delilah | Dale, Richard | Davidson, Samuel | Davidson, Sophronia | Davis, John | Davis, Margarett | Davis, William | Dillingham, Absalom | Dilliingham, Rebecca | Dougherty, John | Doweese, Garrett | Edmons, Elizabeth | Edwards, David | Edwards, Isham | Eller, Mary | Flagg, William | Fortner, John | Foster, Mary | Foster, Thomas | Foster, Thomas | Garmon, William | Gaston, Thomas | Gentry, John | Gilbert, Daniel | Gill, Rebecca | Gillispie, Francis | Goodlake, Thomas | Gousley, Hugh | Grantham, Joseph | Green, Jeremiah | Gudger, William | Harper, Lot | Harris, Able | Hawkins, Rachel | Henry, Dorcas | Holcombe, Obediah | Hutsell, Elizabeth | Ingle, Elizabeth | Ingram, Thomas | James, Thomas | Jarrett. Fanny | Johnston, A. H. | Jones, Ebed | Jones, George W. | Jones, Thomas | Jones, Wiley | Jones, William | Killian, William | King, Jonathan | Lackey, John | Lane, Sarah Ann | Livingston, John | Low, Stephen | Lowrey, James | Lusk, John | Marson, William | Martin, Jacob | McBrayer, James | McDonnell, William | McDowel, Athan | McFee, John | Means, John | Merrell, Benjamin | Merrell, Jesse | Merrell, John | Morgan, James | Morrison, John | Murdock, William | Nelson, William | Owens, John | Palmer, Jesse | Palmer, J. T. | Patton, Ann | Patton, James A. | Patton, James | Patton, James W. | Patton, John | Peavy, Bartlett | Peek, Jesse | Penland, John | Pinner, Burrell | Pitman, Thomas | Plemans, Peter | Poor, Isaac | Porter, Edmund | Porter, William | Potter, James | Powers, Brady | Prestwood, Johnathan | Reaves, Malachi | Reed, Eldred | Reed, Jane | Reed, Peter | Reynolds, Joseph | Roberts, John | Robeson, Andrew | Robeson, Jonah | Robeson, William | Robird, Robert | Rogers, Andrew | Saddler, John Roberd | Saunders, Benjamin | Sharp, Thomas | Smith, James M. | Smith, James M. (1864) | Spier, Alexander | Stepp, Silas | Stockton, Richard | Summers, Richard | Thrash, Valentine | Turner, James | Vance, Priscilla | Warren, Robert | Weaver, J. T. | Wells, Leander | Wells, Thomas | West, Henry | West, John | Whitaker, John | Whitaker, William | White, Ann | Whitesides, John B. | Whitmire, Christopher | Williamson, Elijah | Williamson, Elizabeth | Williamson, Richard | Willis, John | Wilson, John | Woodfin, J. W. | Wyatt, Shadrack | Young, John | Young, Rosannah | Young, Sarah
Indexes to Probate Records
Wills 1831 to 1868; Wills 1868 to 1899; Wills 1887 to 1897
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2btore · 8 years ago
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Before CGI  a film ‘Legend Of The Lone Ranger’ Directed by Bill Fraker, a stunt performer’s friend. Doubling “Richie” on Happy Days TV series. Ten of the 12 Ranger stuntmen on “Legend of the Lone Ranger” Abequiu, New Mex.1981.
Lf to right Jim Burk, Mike H. McGaughy ,Bill Hart, Mike Adams, Jeff Ramsey, Greg Walker, Henry Wills. Back row: Bennie Dobbins, Ben Bates, Larry Randalls. Only living today: Ben Bates, Greg Walker & Jeff Ramsey . Those who have left us are a list of the very top stuntmen in film at the time . No deference to the stunt performers of today, this generation are superb & surpass many of my generation in performing skills. But we had more fun!. I miss each & everyone of those gents.
Jeff Ramsey
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biblioncollection · 5 years ago
Dramatic Reading Scene and Story Collection, Volume 002 | Various | Dramatic Readings | Audiobook full unabridged | English | 2/4 Content of the video and Sections beginning time (clickable) - Chapters of the audiobook: please see First comments under this video. Librivox readers present a collection of their favorite chapters and short stories, with the original author’s words all brought to life with different reader voices for each character in our popular Dramatic Reading style. This volume includes Various Detectives, Cute Animals, Talking Fireworks, and Interesting People and Situations: See cast list for authors and book/story names. - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: 01. Adventure of the Dying Detective by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; Run by:: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Sherlock Holmes: Peter Yearsley Mr Culverton-Smith: TJ Burns Butler (to Mr Smith): Leanne Yau Mrs Hudson: Foon Inspector Morton: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Dr John Watson: johnnyenglish : 02. An Unexpected Result by Edward P. Roe; Run by:: LikeManyWaters Narrator: LikeManyWaters Jack Ackland: johnnyenglish Will Munson: Chuck Williamson Eva van Tyne: thestorygirl Mrs Alston: Availle Eva’s Aunt: Foon “Half a dozen voices”: Larry Wilson A friend: Sonia : 03. The Purloined Letter by Edgar Allan Poe; Run by:: Chuck Williamson Mr C Dupin: Seamus Dobbin Prefect G: Joe Bly Narrator: Chuck Williamson : 04. The Stolen Bacillus by H. G. Wells; Run by:: Sonia Narrator: Availle Bacteriologist: johnnyenglish Anarchist: ToddHW Minnie: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Old Tootles: Rob Marland Ostler Boy: Eitel Tommy Biles: Adrian Stephens Cabman: Scott Caulkins Another Cabman: Sonia : 05. The Wind in the Willows, Chapters 3 and 4, by Kenneth Grahame; Run by:: Peter Yearsley Narrator: thestorygirl Rat: TJ Burns Mole: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Badger: johnnyenglish Otter: Foon Hedgehog: Jasmin Salma Rabbit: Peter Yearsley : 06. The Remarkable Rocket by Oscar Wilde; Run by:: Rob Marland Narrator: Rob Marland Rocket: Joe Bly Prince and Dragon-fly: lorda Page, Squib, and The People: Jasmin Salma Princess, Catherine Wheel, and Goose: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) King and Frog: Adrian Stephens Roman Candle, Workman, and The People: Lynette Caulkins Cracker: Hannoria Bengal Light, Duck, and The People: TJ Burns First Boy: ToddHW Second Boy: Grace Buchanan Fire-balloon: Grace Buchanan : 07. The Diamond Necklace by Guy De Maupassant; Run by:: Campbell Schelp Narrator: Betsy Walker Mathilde Loisel: Sonia Monsieur Loisel: Larry Wilson Jeanne Forestier: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Jeweler: Foon : 08. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald; Run by:: Lynette Caulkins Narrator: James K. White Roger Button: Rob Marland Doctor Keene: Larry Wilson First Nurse: Lynette Caulkins Second Nurse: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Benjamin Button: Adrian Stephens Store Clerk: Grace Buchanan Mr. Hart: KevinS First Undergraduate: lorda Second Undergraduate: Patrick Glenn Hildegarde: Availle Townspeople: ToddHW Roscoe Button: Chuck Williamson Sentry: lorda Colonel: Scott Caulkins : 09. The Tale of the Pie and the Patty-Pan by Beatrix Potter; Run by:: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Narrator: johnnyenglish Ribby (a cat): Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Duchess (a dog): Betsy Walker Dr Maggotty (a magpie): Larry Wilson Cousin Tabitha Twitchit (a cat): Devorah Allen : 10. A Retrieved Reformation by O. Henry; Run by:: Larry Wilson Narrator: Sarah Hite Jimmy Valentine: Adrian Stephens Warden: Availle Mike Dolan: Rob Marland Ben Pierce: Joe Bly Mr Adams: ToddHW Annabelle: TJ Burns Mother: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) This is a Librivox recording. If you want to volunteer please visit https://librivox.org/ by Priceless Audiobooks
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biblioncollection · 5 years ago
Dramatic Reading Scene and Story Collection, Volume 002 | Various | Dramatic Readings | Audiobook full unabridged | English | 3/4 Content of the video and Sections beginning time (clickable) - Chapters of the audiobook: please see First comments under this video. Librivox readers present a collection of their favorite chapters and short stories, with the original author’s words all brought to life with different reader voices for each character in our popular Dramatic Reading style. This volume includes Various Detectives, Cute Animals, Talking Fireworks, and Interesting People and Situations: See cast list for authors and book/story names. - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: 01. Adventure of the Dying Detective by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; Run by:: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Sherlock Holmes: Peter Yearsley Mr Culverton-Smith: TJ Burns Butler (to Mr Smith): Leanne Yau Mrs Hudson: Foon Inspector Morton: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Dr John Watson: johnnyenglish : 02. An Unexpected Result by Edward P. Roe; Run by:: LikeManyWaters Narrator: LikeManyWaters Jack Ackland: johnnyenglish Will Munson: Chuck Williamson Eva van Tyne: thestorygirl Mrs Alston: Availle Eva’s Aunt: Foon “Half a dozen voices”: Larry Wilson A friend: Sonia : 03. The Purloined Letter by Edgar Allan Poe; Run by:: Chuck Williamson Mr C Dupin: Seamus Dobbin Prefect G: Joe Bly Narrator: Chuck Williamson : 04. The Stolen Bacillus by H. G. Wells; Run by:: Sonia Narrator: Availle Bacteriologist: johnnyenglish Anarchist: ToddHW Minnie: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Old Tootles: Rob Marland Ostler Boy: Eitel Tommy Biles: Adrian Stephens Cabman: Scott Caulkins Another Cabman: Sonia : 05. The Wind in the Willows, Chapters 3 and 4, by Kenneth Grahame; Run by:: Peter Yearsley Narrator: thestorygirl Rat: TJ Burns Mole: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Badger: johnnyenglish Otter: Foon Hedgehog: Jasmin Salma Rabbit: Peter Yearsley : 06. The Remarkable Rocket by Oscar Wilde; Run by:: Rob Marland Narrator: Rob Marland Rocket: Joe Bly Prince and Dragon-fly: lorda Page, Squib, and The People: Jasmin Salma Princess, Catherine Wheel, and Goose: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) King and Frog: Adrian Stephens Roman Candle, Workman, and The People: Lynette Caulkins Cracker: Hannoria Bengal Light, Duck, and The People: TJ Burns First Boy: ToddHW Second Boy: Grace Buchanan Fire-balloon: Grace Buchanan : 07. The Diamond Necklace by Guy De Maupassant; Run by:: Campbell Schelp Narrator: Betsy Walker Mathilde Loisel: Sonia Monsieur Loisel: Larry Wilson Jeanne Forestier: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Jeweler: Foon : 08. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald; Run by:: Lynette Caulkins Narrator: James K. White Roger Button: Rob Marland Doctor Keene: Larry Wilson First Nurse: Lynette Caulkins Second Nurse: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Benjamin Button: Adrian Stephens Store Clerk: Grace Buchanan Mr. Hart: KevinS First Undergraduate: lorda Second Undergraduate: Patrick Glenn Hildegarde: Availle Townspeople: ToddHW Roscoe Button: Chuck Williamson Sentry: lorda Colonel: Scott Caulkins : 09. The Tale of the Pie and the Patty-Pan by Beatrix Potter; Run by:: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Narrator: johnnyenglish Ribby (a cat): Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Duchess (a dog): Betsy Walker Dr Maggotty (a magpie): Larry Wilson Cousin Tabitha Twitchit (a cat): Devorah Allen : 10. A Retrieved Reformation by O. Henry; Run by:: Larry Wilson Narrator: Sarah Hite Jimmy Valentine: Adrian Stephens Warden: Availle Mike Dolan: Rob Marland Ben Pierce: Joe Bly Mr Adams: ToddHW Annabelle: TJ Burns Mother: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) This is a Librivox recording. If you want to volunteer please visit https://librivox.org/ by Priceless Audiobooks
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biblioncollection · 5 years ago
Dramatic Reading Scene and Story Collection, Volume 002 | Various | Dramatic Readings | Audiobook full unabridged | English | 4/4 Content of the video and Sections beginning time (clickable) - Chapters of the audiobook: please see First comments under this video. Librivox readers present a collection of their favorite chapters and short stories, with the original author’s words all brought to life with different reader voices for each character in our popular Dramatic Reading style. This volume includes Various Detectives, Cute Animals, Talking Fireworks, and Interesting People and Situations: See cast list for authors and book/story names. - Summary by ToddHW Cast list: 01. Adventure of the Dying Detective by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; Run by:: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Sherlock Holmes: Peter Yearsley Mr Culverton-Smith: TJ Burns Butler (to Mr Smith): Leanne Yau Mrs Hudson: Foon Inspector Morton: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Dr John Watson: johnnyenglish : 02. An Unexpected Result by Edward P. Roe; Run by:: LikeManyWaters Narrator: LikeManyWaters Jack Ackland: johnnyenglish Will Munson: Chuck Williamson Eva van Tyne: thestorygirl Mrs Alston: Availle Eva’s Aunt: Foon “Half a dozen voices”: Larry Wilson A friend: Sonia : 03. The Purloined Letter by Edgar Allan Poe; Run by:: Chuck Williamson Mr C Dupin: Seamus Dobbin Prefect G: Joe Bly Narrator: Chuck Williamson : 04. The Stolen Bacillus by H. G. Wells; Run by:: Sonia Narrator: Availle Bacteriologist: johnnyenglish Anarchist: ToddHW Minnie: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Old Tootles: Rob Marland Ostler Boy: Eitel Tommy Biles: Adrian Stephens Cabman: Scott Caulkins Another Cabman: Sonia : 05. The Wind in the Willows, Chapters 3 and 4, by Kenneth Grahame; Run by:: Peter Yearsley Narrator: thestorygirl Rat: TJ Burns Mole: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Badger: johnnyenglish Otter: Foon Hedgehog: Jasmin Salma Rabbit: Peter Yearsley : 06. The Remarkable Rocket by Oscar Wilde; Run by:: Rob Marland Narrator: Rob Marland Rocket: Joe Bly Prince and Dragon-fly: lorda Page, Squib, and The People: Jasmin Salma Princess, Catherine Wheel, and Goose: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) King and Frog: Adrian Stephens Roman Candle, Workman, and The People: Lynette Caulkins Cracker: Hannoria Bengal Light, Duck, and The People: TJ Burns First Boy: ToddHW Second Boy: Grace Buchanan Fire-balloon: Grace Buchanan : 07. The Diamond Necklace by Guy De Maupassant; Run by:: Campbell Schelp Narrator: Betsy Walker Mathilde Loisel: Sonia Monsieur Loisel: Larry Wilson Jeanne Forestier: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Jeweler: Foon : 08. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald; Run by:: Lynette Caulkins Narrator: James K. White Roger Button: Rob Marland Doctor Keene: Larry Wilson First Nurse: Lynette Caulkins Second Nurse: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Benjamin Button: Adrian Stephens Store Clerk: Grace Buchanan Mr. Hart: KevinS First Undergraduate: lorda Second Undergraduate: Patrick Glenn Hildegarde: Availle Townspeople: ToddHW Roscoe Button: Chuck Williamson Sentry: lorda Colonel: Scott Caulkins : 09. The Tale of the Pie and the Patty-Pan by Beatrix Potter; Run by:: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Narrator: johnnyenglish Ribby (a cat): Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Duchess (a dog): Betsy Walker Dr Maggotty (a magpie): Larry Wilson Cousin Tabitha Twitchit (a cat): Devorah Allen : 10. A Retrieved Reformation by O. Henry; Run by:: Larry Wilson Narrator: Sarah Hite Jimmy Valentine: Adrian Stephens Warden: Availle Mike Dolan: Rob Marland Ben Pierce: Joe Bly Mr Adams: ToddHW Annabelle: TJ Burns Mother: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) This is a Librivox recording. If you want to volunteer please visit https://librivox.org/ by Priceless Audiobooks
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georgiapioneers · 7 years ago
Brunswick Co. NC Genealogies and Histories #northcarolinapioneers
Brunswick County Wills, Estates, Probate Records
From 1667 to 1725, a few Englishmen attempted to settle in Brunswick County. One of them was Thomas James who was granted 1000 acres on the west side of the Cape Fear River in 1714. The settlement was disastrous as he was found murdered the following year by local Indians. The earliest legal grant was to Landgrave Thomas Smith on May 8, 1713, with the conveyance of Smith Island (now Bald Head Island). During 1725 a number of land grants were issued to prospective settlers. In 1726 Brunswick Town was settled which became known as the county seat. In April of 1733, James Wimble began selling lots on the east side of the Cape Fear River, called New Carthage. Subsequent names for it was New Liverpool, New Town, or Newton . Newton was incorporated as the Town of Wilmington on February 25, 1740 and designated as the new County Seat. This infuriated those settlers residing on the west side of the Cape Fear River, and they commenced plans to secede from New Hanover County. Brunswick county was officially formed in 1764 from parts of Bladen and New Hanover Counties. It was named after the old the colonial port of Brunswick Town (now in ruins) which was named for the Duchy of Brunswick-Lunenburg, was held at the time by the British kings of the House of Hanover. The images digitized for this site are on microfilm with the Secretary of the State of North Carolina and were combined into three volumes, beginning with the earliest date of 1764. It is not known whether any other records exist. Images of Wills and Estates, Book A, 1764 to 1921 Arnold, Sarah | Atkinson, Aaron | Bell, Ann | Bell, John | Beuton, Henry | Black, Samuel | Bond, Eliza | Bowen, Geneva | Burney, Mary | Butler, Daniel | Butler, Samuel | Cannon, Dennis Carr, William | Carrier, Robins | Clemons, Elizabeth | Corbett, Jacob | Curtis, Walter | Davis, Charlotte | Davis, Isaac | Davis, Joseph | Davis, Robert | Davis, Rollins | Davis, Sallie | Dobbins, Charles | Dosher, Frank | Downing, Nancy | Durant, Thomas | Evans, Jacob | Evans, John B.Foley, Amanda | Frank, Lorenzo | Frink, Sarah | Fullwood, Benjamin | Galloway, Alexander | Galloway, Cornelius | Galloway, Francis Marion | Galloway, Henrietta | Galloway, James | Galloway, Gibb | Garrison, Sarah | Garrison, Thomas | Gaston, Hilliard | Gay, J. W. | Gordon, Frank | Gore, William | Green, Preston | Grissett, John G. | Grissett, William | Grissom, Edgar | Grissom, Sarah Hall, John | Hawes, John | Hawkins, English | Hawkins, Flora | Hawkins, James | Hazzard, Ivey | Hewett, Charles | Hewett, Jeremiah | Hewett, Joseph | Hewett, L. G. | Hewett, Robert | Holden, Thomas Jackson, Nancy | Jones, John | Lee, Moses | Lehew, Samuel | Lewis, Thomas | Little, Nathaniel | Long, Gabriel | Matthews, Jaratt | McCall, Myron | McKeithan, Theodore | McKenzie, John | McRae, John | Moore, Francis | Moore, Lizzie | Moore, Maggie | Moore, Martha | Moore, Mary | Moore, Sarah E. Moore, William | Mueller, Albert | Murchison, Katherine | Murchison, Kenneth | Murray, George Neale, Nancy | Newton, Robert | Olliway, Abram | Parker, Bowden | Patterson, Thomas | Patrick, Scott | Pigott, John | Potter, S. F. | Price, Fuller | Price, Jacob | Price, Samuel Rabon, Erwin | Reaves, Solomon | Reeves, James | Reynolds, Isaac | Reynolds, Mark | Rooks, Alfred S. | Roots, Roger | Rothwell, Mary | Rourk, H. K. | Rourk, Peter | Rowell, Samuel | Russ, Samuel | Russell, Sarah AmandaSellus, Mary | Sellus, William | Sheehan, James S. | Shefeard, Sallie | Smith, Charles | Smith, Cornelius | Smith, Fannie | Smith, John | Smith, Valentine | Stanaland, John | Stanaland, Joseph | Stanaland, Samuel | Standland, William | Stanley, Peter | Stone, William | Swain, George | Swain, Hannah | Swain, Henry | Swain, Samuel | Swain, Saul | Swan, Henry Taylor, Catherine | Taylor, E. W. | Tharp, Peter | Vernon, Harry | Wearing, William | Wescott, F. M. | Whittey, D. W. | Williams, Harry | Wilson, Lewis | Worsham, Peter  Find your Ancestors Records on North Carolina Pioneers SUBSCRIBE HERE
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