#Henderson Nevada USA
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Nichole Antoinette Salazar, 19
Last seen in Henderson, Nevada in 1995.
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The Best Coffee Roasters in Las Vegas
 Dark Moon Coffee Roasters - a world-renowned coffee roaster known for its top-quality coffee beans and unique blends. As a local, I am proud to have such a top-tier coffee roaster right here in Henderson, as it adds to the vibrant and lively coffee culture of the town. Today, let's explore the amazing range of coffee Dark Moon Coffee Roasters are the best coffee roasters in Las Vegas. One of the standout things about Dark Moon Coffee Roasters is its extensive range of coffee beans. The roastery offers a wide range of coffees from around the world, each with its unique flavor profile and character. Whether you're looking for a bold and richly flavored Arabica blend or a delicate and fruity Ethiopian blend, Dark Moon Coffee Roasters has you covered. The range of coffee options is truly impressive, with something to suit every taste and occasion. Another great thing about Dark Moon Coffee Roasters is their dedication to sustainability. The roastery sources its coffee beans from fair-trade farmers around the world, ensuring that the farmers get a fair price for their hard work.
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They also use sustainable and environmental-friendly practices in their roasting process and packaging, reducing their carbon footprint and making them a more eco-friendly business. But it's not just the quality of the coffee beans and sustainability practices that make Dark Moon Coffee Roasters stand out. The roastery also employs a team of master roasters, each with their own unique skill set and expertise. From roasting to blending, packaging to customer service, every step of the coffee-making process is done with care and precision. The result is a cup of coffee that is not only delicious but also has a consistent and recognizable flavor profile. In addition to its range of coffee beans and sustainability practices, Dark Moon Coffee Roasters is also known for its innovative approach to coffee. The roastery regularly collaborates with local chefs and food entrepreneurs, creating unique and flavorful coffee blends that are sure to satisfy even the most discerning coffee connoisseur. These unique blends are only available for a limited time, making them a true treasure to find and enjoy. As someone who loves coffee, I am always excited to try new blends and flavors. Dark Moon Coffee Roasters is one of my favorite roasteries in Las Vegas.
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Why is regular pool cleaning service essential for your swimming pool ?
Owning a swimming pool comes with many responsibilities like regular swimming pool cleaning, proper chemical balance in water, control the Ph level of the water, and reducing skin problems. Complete pool servicing company provides weekly and monthly pool cleaning services in las vegas nevada/henderson, southeast las vegas, western las vegas, Clark nevada, North las vegas and many more locations in nevada and henderson. Swimming pools need regular pool cleaning service because the water of the swimming pool creates many types of skin problems and other health issues. Pool cleaning service is also essential for the pool to remove debris and algae, clean filters and pumps, remove greenery from pool and dust. Complete pool servicing experts measure the whole pool and clean every part to reduce pool maintenance cost.Our Monthly Pool Service includes visiting your pool each week. During that visit, our trained technicians perform a water chemistry test to ensure your pool stays balanced and sanitary. The technicians will thoroughly brush the walls, steps, and benches to remove any debris.We also empty the pump baskets, in-line leaf catchers, and clean the skimmer to ensure proper filtration.
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letsjonebenblog · 10 months
In the competitive realm of kitchen design, our client, a prominent firm in Henderson, NV, sought to revolutionize their approach by incorporating 3D rendering services into their offerings. This case study delves into the transformative journey, outlining the challenges faced, the solution implemented, and the remarkable outcomes achieved. The area that we need the interior shot is the kitchen, see attached photo view we want to use for the Interior Rendering. The existing ceiling is dropped to 9′-2″ and we are going to raise it to 10′ in the ceiling plan with a perimeter soffit at 9′-4″. Set up appropriate lighting to simulate natural or artificial light sources. Experiment with different lighting conditions to achieve the desired atmosphere.Position the virtual camera to capture the best views of the kitchen. Pay attention to details such as textures, finishes, and lighting. Consider different angles to showcase various aspects of the design. Render the 3D scene to produce high-quality images or animations. Adjust rendering settings for resolution, quality, and other parameters.
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nando161mando · 1 year
"🚨 #Vegas Goyim Defense League (GDL) neo-Nazi unmask featuring VegasWaffen aka 777vivian aka Tamara Sandoval, 47 years old from Henderson, Nevada.
Welcome to the light scumbag."
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leilahale · 2 years
Leila Hale is an attorney practicing in Henderson, Nevada. She has managed a prolific career and has practiced in multiple states including California, Idaho, and Nevada. Ms. Hale was born in the Philippines and attended the Law School of Moscow in Idaho. She enjoys ballroom dance and is an avid reader. She founded Hale Injury Law and strives to provide unmatched customer service and legal representation.
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WIP Intro: Steel Horses and Hot Irons
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As requested by @tea-and-mercury, i am writing up a wip intro for the big ‘un. 32k words deep as of writing this. Sooo:
Genre: Action
Setting: South USA, Arizona-Texas-Nevada area. The Mojave, pretty much.
Tropes: Bigass guns, physics that doesn’t really get addressed, a whole bunch of mental illness (poor Becca), romantic sideplot, big plot twist, secondary antagonist scarier than the primary.
Tag (so i can see it): #STHI (it’s gonna work a bit like a signature for me)
Imma just put the prologue and the character work i did in because it’s just that much easier.
5 years ago, 2035, the atom bombs were dropped. First at the USA, then Afghanistan, Russia, China, most of the EU, France shone like a strobe light before the nuclear power stations finished exploding. They all fell in the face of nuclear armageddon. All that was left were craters, rubble and uranium. A few survived and began reclaiming the barren, toxic wasteland. In Utah, there was a lot of this. The Krugers, based in Arizona, were dangerous and silent assassins that disappeared into the night when they left. The Mob, the surviving criminals from the surviving prisons. The lowest of the low and barely organised. The Survivors, who can walk off just about anything and were mostly left alone by everyone else. Wandering bands of close friends also formed, finding work as hired guns.
The Motliest Crew were renowned the best. A group of 5; 3 men, 2 women, all balls-to-the-wall insane. They had no known names, only specialties. The Marksman, Rebecca Johansson “Pew.” A sniper who allegedly never missed a shot, but was very shy, anxious and probably depressed. This is to be confirmed as there are no therapists left in Arizona, or in Alberta, Canada. The Scout, aka, Sorren Clark. “Keep up, $#§/stain.” A speedster with a mouth and a shotgun, one get’s him into trouble, the other get’s him out. Not the most useful combo in Australia, but out in the wastes, invaluable. The Brawler, aka, Claudia Vander. “I’m gonna punch him.” A large frame packed with muscle and grit hailing from South Korea and California. Her fighting skills are near unmatched. 
The Demolitionist, aka, Callum Henderson. “I had a dog and his name was… Bingo!” A drunk, black, tartan-clad Scotsman with a grenade launcher and a rocket launcher. And a claymore, he has a sword too. The Gunman, aka, Rasputin Romanov. “Shoot first, ask question while reloading. Spetsnaz 101.” A man of few words and a Spetsnaz soldier from Russia, with a really heavy accent and a really heavy gun. 
Each of these wandering guns-for-hire wore a face mask or helmet to both obscure their identities and filter the noxious cocktail of chemicals in the air in some places. They were all armoured to various degrees with assorted run-down military kit that had been scavenged. The Gunman was clad in hulking Juggernaut military gear, the Demolitionist in assorted pads and plates, the Scout in Moto leathers and a bulletproof vest, the Brawler wore similar kit to the Scout and the Marksman was in ill-fitting, minimalist spec-ops kit. Minimalist because only a third of what they found came close to fitting her. Each suit was tailor-made (except the Marksman) by it’s wearer, each adding their own personal flourishes and decorative elements, like sketchily-woven tartan, tally marks, oil crayon, the works.
Now, the character work i did (and added):
Rasputin and Becca:
Callum, Sorren and Claudia split up to go and have fun, leaving Becca with Rasputin. They sat in the hotel room, looking at each other quizzically. Becca had curled herself up in a blanket nest across the room from Rasputin’s massive frame that was posted on a bed, leaning into the wall, staring blankly into the space between air molecules. He looked around, registered Becca’s comfort ball, cracked his back and shifted his posture to something more relaxed.
“Mm?” Becca mumbled from her nest, poking an anxious head out into the dim light.
“Why are you hiding?” 
Becca paused in thought, eyes darting from Rasputin to the floor, to the roof before finally talking, her own indecision caving to his patience.
“I’m worried.” She whispered into her blankets, “I’m worried about them.”
“Hmm. In Spetsnaz, we had a good cure for worries. We would sit and talk about worry. You want to try?”
“Mhm” she slowly heaved her miniature frame out of the blanket nest and towards Rasputin, who lay down on the bed fully, shuffling along to make space, further dwarfing Becca. She curled up next to him, heart rate going from cardio to moving. Listening to his huge heart slowed down hers, his relaxed body position relaxing hers. There was a security in being so close to something so large, like swimming with a whale.
“So. Why are you worrying, Becca?”
“I- I’m worried for Callum and Sorren and Claudia. I don’t know what might happen to them. Even if I was there with them, I would just slow them down, but I like knowing where they are so that I know they can protect me if they have to.” Rasputin’s huge bald head turned around
“I will tell you this, Becca: I have protected all of them before. I can protect you.”
“There are monsters out there than can hurt them?”
“But none them can hurt me. I am Russian. I am Spetsnaz. Nothing hurt me.” Rasputin’s gravelly, broken English was somehow comforting. 
Another cold, dark night came as the red sun plummeted below the horizon. In the town, there was a bar. A man sat alone, at the end of the bar, drinking from a flagon of foamy beer and people-watching and checking his watch, waiting. For something or someone to spur him into action. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. 
An hour passed and he finished his beer, ordering another from the barkeep. The night crept on fruitlessly for the man. The stream of people coming in and out slowed to a trickle as he waited in the dark bar, wooden flagon in hand, beer getting colder, patience wearing thinner. Finally, one man entered who caught his attention. A tall, burly figure with a tartan kilt and sash over his impressive armour and helmet. The man held himself proud and tall, confident in himself and his abilities, but not arrogant. He walked with a muted swagger as he progressed to the bar and made his order, shifting the claymore on his back to avoid the seat. Some whiskey or other on the rocks. He had an enormously Scottish accent and as he removed his helmet to drink, it was revealed that he wore an eyepatch and had a nasty burn scar plastered on the left side of his face, sprawling under the eyepatch and barely visible in the shadow. 
The man stalked forwards silently, sitting beside the Scotsman without making a single quiet sound. 
“So, is it really you?” The hooded man had a smooth, melodious voice, with a noticeable Mexican accent.
“Who’s really who?” Callum replied, unflapped by a stranger randomly appearing beside him. In the better light, the man saw belts of grenades wrapped around the scot’s waist and bulges from beneath his sash. 
“You. Are you really the famous Callum Henderson? Legendary demolition man for the Motliest Crew?” The stranger’s voice somewhere between admiration and mockery.
“So tha’s what they’re callin’ us. ‘The Motliest Crew.’ ‘Bit demeaning, no?”
“Not at all. I’m a huge fan of yours. I’ve been watching your antics for a while now and i was wondering if I could get an autograph?” The strange man spoke from beneath a hood, eyes glinting red in the gloom, a crocodile grin on his face as he reached i to his poncho and coat,
“Aye, sure. Tell me where tae sign.” Callum turned to get a pen from his pocket and when he turned back around, a tattered, sun-bleached “wanted: dead or alive” poster of him was placed on the dark wooden bar. The wind whistled as the man tapped the ‘dead’ part, “Just here, please.”
“Yer a bounty hunter, eh?”
“I am. One of the best, too. The Wolf of District 13.”
“So, wolf, is this the best yeh have? Vague, indiscernible threats and uncanny looks?” Callum replied, showing no fear of the man beside him, as he downed his scotch, putting a 5€$ bill beneath the glass. The Wolf chuckled for a second, before going dangerously calm, retreating into the dimly lit bar and drawing himself up to his full, enormous height. 
Cybernetics whirred to life from beneath the wolf’s poncho and hood, as his eyes glowed red and a hiss of steam whistled from his elbows. Callum stood, grabbing his sword, “So this is how yeh wannae do this?”
“Yes.” Hissed the wolf, as his mechanical legs grew a third joint, making them look like the legs of a wolf, lean and strong and good for chasing. Callum stood, taking the poster to inspect it. He looked for a while, put it on the bar, signed it, pocketed his pen and walked out of the bar. The Wolf lowered his guard in disbelief, hunching back over to examine the wanted poster. He had circled “Dead” and signed it at the bottom. The wolf finished his beer and sulked off into the night, after paying his tab.
The Wolf of District Seven stalked down the back alleys of the Last City, following the cheering to a dingy looking warehouse with lights and shouts coming from within. Loud, aggressive music blasted from huge speakers, the bass shaking the walls. The Wolf entered the building by walking through the front door guarded by bouncers without being noticed at all. In the centre of the building, a ring had been made, inside of which, there were two fighters. One was a large man with massive arms and cybernetic reinforcements on his elbows and shoulders and he wore brass knuckles on his ham-fists and a metal plate on his jaw. The other fighter -the Brawler- was a smaller woman with broad shoulders and strong, lean arms. Claudia was still tall, but this other fighter was massive, yet her confident stance, and side-guard indicated extreme proficiency in her trade. The large man wore brass knuckles, she wore steel boxing gloves haphazardly manufactured from scrap sheet-metal and cast-iron. 
The man brought a standard boxing guard up and his opponent steadied herself before bouncing on her toes. The large man angled himself to his opponent and swung a huge haymaker which was caught by the woman, pinned to her side and she started slamming him with crushing blows to the liver and ribs. Each blow made a cracking and a clanging as steel smashed bone. With one final powerful uppercut, she released the mans arm and slammed him in the chin, knocking him unconscious before he hit the cold stone floor.
The Wolf came through the crowd without detection or suspicion of a tall, hunched figure in a black poncho and hood hiding the figure’s face. She called into the crowd, “Who’s next? C’mon, dude! It said fight ring on the poster, not warm-up gym!” The Wolf took his chance and approached Claudia, weaving through the crowd, “I will fight you, if nobody else wants to, that is.” The Brawler looked at her new opponent, weighing up the fighting skills of this strange hooded figure, “Bring it, big dude!” she tapped her chin with her glove, taunting the Wolf. “You know, I’m a big fan of you and your crew, Brawler. Before we start, can I please get an autograph?” The Wolf asked, crocodile grin spreading beneath his hood, red eyes catching the light as he withdrew a pen and wanted poster from the folds of his poncho. His metal limbs glinted in the spotlight, clawed steel fingers on full display. He handed her the pen, “Just here please.” He tapped under ‘DEAD’ in ‘Dead or alive.’
Claudia signed the poster in pen before she realised what it was, stepping back as she realised, “Trying to bring in the reward money?”
“Have to make a living somehow. It’s not personal.” The Wolf removed his black poncho to reveal a body made mostly of metal and machine parts. Steam hissed in the shining pistons operating the Wolf’s arms and legs. Guards were raised and it began.
The Wolf dropped low, correctly anticipating a jab to the face, claws grating on the cold stone floor. “Slow.” He cackled with glee, swerving past a knee aimed to the gut and sweeping the supporting leg from below her. “Sloppy.” He taunted from behind Claudia as she got up and readied herself to fight properly. He took the next punch that came for him, a misdirect left hook into an elbow to the chin and a slam to the ribs. Both massive blows made a sickening clunk as metal was slammed together violently. “Weak.” Growled the Wolf, as steam hissed. Before she could process it, the Wolf’s metal fist was an inch before her face, and promptly slamming hard into said face, pushing her backwards. The next blow came before she was done staggering. A monstrously powerful ridgehand to the lower back, snapping the Brawler back up, only to take a huge uppercut to the liver and a sweeping kick to the back of the knee, bringing her down into a spinning back kick. She was out before she hit the floor. The Wolf drew his clawed hand into a stabbing blade, winding up to deliver the killing blow, before the referee stepped in, stopping the fight. “That’s enough. You’ve beaten her, prize ‘s in the pot.” 
“Fine. I’ll take your bribe, but that doesn’t pull her bounty off the board.” The Wolf growled, cursing under his breath as he left the dingy arena. 
and finally, Sorren:
The Wolf of District 13 sat at the end of another bar with another mug of beer. The MotoGP was on the TV, engines roaring through the abused speakers. One man sat watching, he had a beer in his gloved hand and a confidence in his demeanour. “I know you’re there, mate. I’ll get to you when Ducati finish this lap in first.” The Scout waved a hand in the Wolf’s direction, before retreating it and sipping on a gin. The Wolf stared in awe and bitterness at the scout’s arrogance, he had never been dismissed by a target before. Ignored once or twice, acknowledged every time, but never dismissed. This was not going to fly. The Wolf advanced silently towards his quarry, making no sound, red eyes glowing with malice. The Scout waved his hand again, tutting. “No, I said I’ll get to you in a bit. I keep my word. Sit back down, finish your drink, and put the knife away.” 
“And if I don’t?” The Wolf muttered under his breath.
“Them you’ll go down in history as the most boring assassin ever. If you want to kill me, you’ll do it on my schedule.”
“No, you idiot, I’m reckless. The difference being one is being thick as bricks and the other is having no regard for your own safety.”
The Wolf was a very patient killer, he would wait for days for his quarry to show themself, but after 5 minutes with this intolerable little man he had very much lost it. He went in with his knife and went straight for Sorren’s spine. He missed the spinal cord because of the Scout’s impossible reaction speed, but instead his blade was buried in his lumbar. 
“Ouch. Welp, I’m off to die somewhere pretty. See you in hell.” Sorren groaned as he got up from his stool, blade still stuck in his back, and walked out of the bar bleeding everywhere, hopped on his motorbike, and caned it back to the Hotel California deep within the sprawling city.
Btw i got more wips to do more intros on, since you’re so desicated and insist on reading to the end of these :3
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mugbarista · 1 year
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DAM! (Daily Amazing Mug!) We’ll be posting a different amazing mug every day! Check daily for the new DAM! - Today’s amazing mug is from Hallmark and features Winnie The Pooh. “Nothing To Do Nothing To Do What A Happy Thought.” - Serving up vintage, hard to find, and retired mugs! Please click the link in my bio to visit mugbarista.com where you can see the mug shown above and thousands more! - ALL ORDERS SHIP FREE VIA USPS OR UPS WITHIN THE USA!!! - Visit my website: mugbarista.com - Visit my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/mugbarista - Visit my Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MugBarista - #mug #mugs #coffeemug #mugsofinstagram #muglove #dailyamazingmug #coffeemugs #coffeemugaddict #coffeemugoftheday #coffeemugcollection #tigger #tiggerlovesdisney #tiggerific #pooh #poohbear #poohandfriends #poohcollection #poohlover #poohandpiglet #poohworld #winniethepooh #winniethepoohandfriends #WinnieThePoohDay #Disney #disneyland #Disneyworld #disneygram #disneylove #piglet #eeyore (at Henderson, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSyOMcLtLN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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usamoneytodaynv · 5 days
Fast Cash in Henderson Using Your Vehicle Title
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Need cash fast? USA Money Today in Henderson can turn your vehicle’s title into quick cash—no credit checks needed! Get the funds you need for life’s surprises with our easy, hassle-free service. Ready to steer towards financial freedom? Apply online or call us today! https://usamoneytoday.com/henderson-nevada/
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conandaily2022 · 8 days
Nevada State Police arrests Las Vegas's Kendra Long
Kendra E. Long, 45, of Las Vegas, Nevada, United States and his former husband Anthony Austin Cruz, 51, of Henderson have a son born in 2014. She is also known as Kendra Long-Ypil. Aside from Las Vegas, Long has lived in other parts of Nevada including Henderson. She previously lived in Grosse Ile, Michigan, USA and Harrison Township, Michigan. Why was Kendra Long arrested again? In July 2022,…
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Wanda Joy Sanders, 23
Last seen in Henderson, Nevada in 1985.
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Why Does Your Swimming Pool Need Pool Cleaning Service In a Week ? Swimming pool is a public place for swimming. Many people come to learn and they don't know how to swim. In this case many people can maintain the scenario of the swimming pool. Swimming pool owners also add chlorine in water for its purity. But we need to clean the whole pool 1 time in a week. Swimming pool cleaning services are very important for maintaining pool safety , hygienic, water draining and refilling.
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adavenkid · 5 months
Adaven Children's Dentistry
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Adaven Children's Dentistry is a welcoming haven for young smiles in Henderson, NV. In our child-friendly environment, we are dedicated to providing gentle and comprehensive dental care tailored specifically for the unique needs of children. Emphasizing the importance of oral health from a tender age, our practice focuses on delivering engaging and comforting dentist services, ensuring that each visit leaves a positive impact on your child’s perception of dental care.
Our facility is designed with vibrant colors and interactive elements to create an atmosphere where children can feel at ease while receiving treatment. We believe that fostering a relaxed environment plays a crucial role in encouraging good dental habits early on. The suite of services we provide encompasses the full range of Children's Dentistry, including routine checkups aimed at preventative care, cleanings that leave teeth sparkling, fluoride treatments to strengthen young enamel, and sealants to protect against cavities.
Recognizing that dental visits can often be intimidating for youngsters, our caring team goes the extra mile to ensure that every child feels heard, respected, and cared for during their time with us. Educational resources are also available to empower both parents and children with knowledge about maintaining optimal oral health between visits.
Located in the heart of Henderson, NV, Adaven Children's Dentistry is deeply committed to creating an environment that supports lifelong healthy smiles for all our young patients. Our thoughtful approach aims not only to address immediate dental concerns but also to instill habits that will serve children for years to come. We invite you to experience compassionate dentist services here at Adaven Children's Dentistry—where bright smiles begin!
Contact Us
Adaven Children's Dentistry 2843 St Rose Pkwy Ste 100, Henderson, Nevada, 89052, USA 702-492-1955 [email protected] https://www.adavenkid.com/
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joneswilsonus · 8 months
Jones Wilson Injury Lawyers
With over 53 years of experience handling personal injury cases, our team recognizes the importance of attention to detail. Whether you're in need of an injury attorney near you or specifically a car accident attorney near you, our dedicated car accident attorneys near Henderson are here to advocate for your rights. We're determined to secure the compensation you're entitled to.
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Looking for a personal injury lawyer near Henderson, Nevada? Turn to Jones Wilson Injury Lawyers, where personalized attention is our hallmark. Unlike larger law firms that may assign your case to interns or paralegals, our small firm size ensures that we handle each aspect of your case with the utmost care and attention to detail.
Contact Us:
Jones Wilson Injury Lawyers
Address: 1522 W Warm Springs Rd Suite 100, Henderson Nevada 89014 USA
Phone: (702) 405-6000
Website: https://www.joneswilson.com
Opening Hours: 24/7
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walkinnailsalon · 1 year
Best Walk In Nail Salon In Henderson, NV (Nevada) USA
If you’re looking for a nearby nail salon in Henderson, there are many to choose from. From basic manicures and pedicures to elaborate nail art designs, you can find the perfect place that fits your needs. Whether you’re getting ready for a special occasion or just want to pamper yourself with a relaxing spa-like experience, you can find it all at Henderson’s nail salons.
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mugbarista · 2 years
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DAM! (Daily Amazing Mug!) We’ll be posting a different amazing mug every day! Check daily for the new DAM! - Today’s amazing mug is from Dunoon and features the Zodiac sign Capricorn! - Serving up vintage, hard to find, and retired mugs! Please click the link in my bio to visit mugbarista.com where you can see the mug shown above and thousands more! - ALL ORDERS SHIP FOR FREE VIA USPS OR UPS WITHIN THE USA!!! - Visit my site: mugbarista.com - Visit my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/mugbarista - Visit my Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MugBarista - #mug #mugs #coffeemug #mugsofinstagram #dailyamazingmug #coffeemugs #coffeemugoftheday #mugcollection #capricorn #capricornio #Capricorns #CapricornSeason #Capricorniana #capricorne #CapricornUs #capricornsign #capricornnation #Astrology #astrologysigns #Astrologypost #astrologysign #aquarius #zodiac #ZodiacSigns #zodiacsign #zodiacs #zodiacpost #zodiacposts #dunoon #dunoonmug (at Henderson, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjDT6rlrTfV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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