bluewolfapache · 4 years
Hello. :-) I’m trying to help out one of my bestest friends.
Hello everyone. :-) I’m trying to help out one of my bestest friends who’s a streamer on Twitch get more views for her streams. My bestest friend’s name is Semjase Law. How to Pronounce her name is Sem-Yah-Zay. You can also call her Sem or Semmy. Her Twitch channel is twitch.tv/SemjaseLaw . She’s an amazing and a cool streamer. She streams cool content on her Twitch channel. She’s very respectful to her Twitch stream viewers. She’s very respectful to her Twitch stream Subscribers. She’s very respectful to her Twitch stream moderators. And not only that, she’s very respectful to everyone. Because that’s what my bestest friend Semjase Law is. A very respectful person. She’s also loyal and honest. She’s the true meaning of Loyal/Loyalty and she’s also the true meaning of Honest/Honesty. If you want a friend to trust and a friend that has loyal, my bestest friend Semjase Law has that. My bestest friend Semjase Law believes in Loyal/Loyalty and Honest/Honesty. She’s also a good and an amazing friend to have. She is. Semjase Law will be streaming tonight on Twitch. So how about stopping by and checking out her stream? You might enjoy and like her stream. And if you enjoy her stream and like her stream, give her a Follow on Twitch. And if you like her streaming content on Twitch, how about subscribing to her? My bestest friend Semjase Law appreciates all the Follows she gets on Twitch. She does. She loves to stream. Streaming is what my bestest friend Semjase Law loves doing. She loves interacting with the chat and she loves making new friends. She likes meeting new people. Streaming is her passion. Streaming has always been her passion. When she starts up her stream, she’s very happy. I’m posting this because i’m trying to help my bestest friend Semjase Law out by trying to get her more views on her Twitch streams. Because i care about my bestest friend Semjase Law. And because i love her. I wouldn’t’ve posted this if i didn’t but the fact is, i do. I do care about her. I do love her. Me and my bestest friend Semjase Law are Bestest Friend’s Forever. :-)
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