#Helga Rabl-Stadler
loopofeatfelixpig · 3 years
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Unsere Helga Rabl-Stadler, die ewige Frau Präsidentin der #SalzburgerFestspiele, gibt, heuer und wie jeden Abend, exklusiv für Sie, die Rolle ihres Lebens: DIE MARSCHALLIN. "Ja, ja. Die alten Leut.." (Kleiner Tip an die Präsidentin zum Don Giovanni - die Ratte hatte ihren Grund)
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demoura · 3 years
.GIOVANNI SALZBURGO 2021: A MÚSICA DE MOZART E O PATHOS IMAGETICO DE CASTELUCCI :depois do êxito da Salomé de Richard Strauss em 2018 Romeo Castellucci regressou a Salzburgo para encenar um novo D. Giovanni tendo como parceiro o maestro Teodor Currentzis coqueluche iconoclasta do público do Festival .Assisti ao streaming no canal Arte com gosto embora não lhe dê 5 estrelas como a muito credenciada crítica do Financial Times Shirley Apthorp . A encenação de Castellucci também autor dos cenários , figurinos e iluminação, da sentido à arquitectura vazia do espaço de uma igreja dessacralizada : “através de uma dramaturgia precisa de objectos adequados e inadequados que caem, aparecem e se dissolvem”. Chovem bolas de basquetebol que são apunhaladas por Ottavio; Um piano cai com estrondo e Giovanni toca ; Um carro topo de gama cai do céu com impacto brutal ; no duelo erótico entre Giovanni e Zerlina, uma carruagem desce para sua viagem imaginária ao castelo; Leporello usa uma fotocopiadora durante a ária do catálogo.”Gosto dessa ideia de que uma imagem tem o poder de nos fazer parar, de nos fazer pensar e reconfigurar a nossa atenção, o nosso olhar, o nosso ouvido”.Diz Castelucci “O teatro é a única linguagem artística a que podemos chamar ‘arte de contacto’. Sem contacto não há teatro e o espectador não é só o destino do teatro, mas o seu reflexo, o outro lado do próprio teatro. Por isso é muito importante que o corpo de todos os espectadores seja alvo do que alguns chamariam provocação, de que não gosto, ou de escândalo, de que gosto porque vem do grego ‘skandalon’, que significa uma pedra no caminho que tem de se ultrapassar. Um obstáculo.Mas na verdade não quero saber dos rótulos no meu trabalho.” . O outrora espaço sagrado de uma igreja velado por uma ténue cortina e atravessado por um bode, símbolo da virilidade e a partir daí torna-se o campo de batalha do dissoluto …Giovanni e Leporello entram em cena como doppelgangers, e o servo como “natureza excremental” é o alter ego de seu patrão .Donna Anna é dominada por Don Giovanni - não violada porque tenta segurá-lo. Isso demonstra-se pela atitude da dupla no colchão na cena em que Anna relata a Ottavio o que sucedeu . Tudo isto em imagens de enorme beleza plástica . ..Helga Rabl-Stadler correu riscos com este Don Giovanni de Castelucci como aliás- se espera num festival com esta história e este orçamento : 60 milhões de euros ( 15 de subvenção do estado austríaco !) Foi grande o sucesso . Não houve apupos na noite de estreia .O iconoclasta director italiano durante quase quatro horas desfilou um catálogo de imagens fascinantes . Leporello é um clone do sedutor . As mulheres de Don Giovanni tem várias versões - primeiro o grupo de criadas espanholas acompanhando Donna Anna vestidas de negro, depois bailarinas e, finalmente, um "coro de movimento" de tirar o fôlego de 150 mulheres de Salzburgo numa coreografia de Cindy Van Acke impressionante na gestão de” multidão” em palco. Este símbolo das vítimas do
do sedutor ninclui crianças, idosas e mulheres com deficiência, abrangendo aqueles que muitas vezes ficam sem voz em face do abuso. As Salzbuger Freuden destacam-se no 2o Acto fechando-se figurativamente sobre D. Giovanni. O todo, é meticulosamente elaborado e ensaiado. e uma reflexão visual sobre a música de Mozart, não uma realização dramática do libreto de Da Ponte . Mas as imagens são tão requintadas .as sequências tão conseguidas , a beleza tão aguda, que ultrapassam tudo . Castelucci cria um mundo abstracto , numa luz nebulosa onde toda a ação ocorre atrás de uma cortina de gaze. Os homens estão vestidos com fatos brancos , excepto Don Ottavio, que surge na fantasia bizarra, de um explorador polar sueco com um cão poodle - um dos de animais vivos que aparecem incluindo o rato que foge do esconderijo de Leporello . As mulheres têm um pouco mais de cor. No primeiro Acto, a sensação predominante de vazio é aguda, refletindo “the hole in the heart “ de D. Giovanni, apenas interrompida de forma abrupta pela queda de objectos e pela chegada da festa de casamento de Masetto e Zerlina, acompanhada por centenas de maçãs, .Masetto e um boneco de trapos e descodifico a carruagem como o fiacre de Emma Bovary.A nova produção do “Don Giovanni” de Mozart no Grosses Festspielhaus atinge tensão máxima nas cenas finais .A encenação de Castellucci assume o conceito deleuziano da imagem, como matéria sinalética que causa um choque um encontro que pode forçar o pensamento. No clímax da cena da ceia,, Giovanni é deixado sozinho enquanto mergulha no seu próprio inferno , despindo-se e se contorcendo cobrindo-se de tinta branca símbolo de um inferno de gelo para onde a mão do Comendador o arrasta. É um tour de force do barítono italiano David Luciano de grande impacto dramático . Quanto a música -embora não goste do estilo do maestro Current reconheço que tem vindo a melhorar a estatura musical .Que diferente o músico grego em Salzburgo deste ano daquele que vimos na Gulbenkian com longa cabeleira. O seu Mozart, aparte alguns momentos de” histeria “ teve virtudes. O conjunto musicAeterna, conhece o repertório a fundo com destaque para Sabashova que liderou o contínuo com inteligência e originalidade.O jovem elenco teve excelentes actuações.Muito bem o D.Giovanni de Luciano e o Leporello de Vito Priante .Esplêndido o Ottavio de Michael Spyres que cantou de forma refinada. A D.Anna de Pavlova foi o destaque nas mulheres e Federica Lombardi foi uma intensa Donna Elvira. Anna Lucia Richter brilhou como Zerlina ao lado do vigoroso Masetto de David Steffens. O baixo finlandês Mika Kares foi um excelente Comendador.(tal como tinha sido um excelente Rei Marke no Tristao de AIX 2021 ).E saudável existirem diferentes opiniões sobre o trabalho de Castelucci mas o que é difícil para mim aceitar e a crítica cega de alguns “ omniscientes do FB” e de outras redes sociais. A esses aconselho a leitura de J.P.Figueira “Laissez-vous toucher... A portrait by Romeo Castellucci, Lisbon, KKYM, 2017, e de Semenowicz, The Theatre of Romeo Castellucci and Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio, trans. P. Cichon-Zielinska, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016,
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isfeed · 3 years
After a Quarter-Century, the Queen of Salzburg Calls It Quits
After a Quarter-Century, the Queen of Salzburg Calls It Quits
Since 1995, Helga Rabl-Stadler has ruled the Salzburg Festival, classical music’s premier annual event, as its president and public face. Source: New York Times
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berlinphil · 7 years
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Begrüßung durch die Präsidentin der Salzburger Festspiele, Helga Rabl-Stadler.
Welcome by Helga Rabl-Stadler, president of the Salzburg Festival
Photo: Markus Weidmann
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Der Tod und wir
Der Tod und wir
FALTER RADIO Der Tod und wir – #379 vom 22.08.2020 01:58:57 Wie wir mit der Tatsache umgehen, dass wir sterben werden. Ein Symposium der Salzburger Festspiele zur Verdrängung des Todes in unserer Kultur, die in der Pandemie immer weniger haltbar ist. Eingeleitet von Helga Rabl-Stadler und moderiert von Michael Kerbler sind zu hören: Erich Lehner (Theologe und Sterbebegleiter), Johanna Adorjan…
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opsikpro · 4 years
Salzburg: We don’t want to be an exception
Salzburg: We don’t want to be an exception
Helga Rabl-Stadler, outgoing president of the Salzburg Festival, said last night on Austrain television that she would go along with whatever the rest of the country does, a strong indication that the full festival will not take place. She hinted at generously-spaced concerts being held outdoors in the cathedral square as one alternative option.
‘We don’t want to be an exception,’ she…
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78682homes · 5 years
Le festival de Salzbourg va célébrer ses cent ans 78682 homes
Le festival de Salzbourg va célébrer ses cent ans
Helga Rabl-Stadler, sa présidente, et Markus Hinterhäuser, son directeur artistique, ont présenté lundi 18 novembre à Paris, la programmation du prochain Festival de Salzbourg. Cent ans après sa création, la mission des fondateurs est poursuivie : promouvoir la paix avec des spectacles de la plus haute qualité.
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latestnews2018-blog · 6 years
Placido Domingo steps up for 150th role
New Post has been published on https://latestnews2018.com/placido-domingo-steps-up-for-150th-role/
Placido Domingo steps up for 150th role
The great tenor Enrico Caruso sang about 60 roles; the storied diva Maria Callas, roughly 50. Renee Fleming, the most famous soprano today, says she has sung about 55.
But Placido Domingo has blazed past them all. When he takes the stage for a concert performance of Bizet’s The Pearl Fishers at the Salzburg Festival in Austria, Domingo will reach a virtually unheard-of milestone in opera history: He will sing his 150th role.
“If you look at the history of singers in opera, he stands by himself,”Joseph Volpe, the former general manager of the Metropolitan Opera, said. “If there was ever a giant in any industry, it’s Placido Domingo. He’s unmatched.”
Now 77, well past the age at which most star singers retire, Domingo has performed nearly 4,000 times in a six-decade career, recorded more than 100 albums, and become a household name as one of the Three Tenors and in appearances on Sesame Street and The Simpsons.
And he has continued to add voraciously to his repertoire, choosing roles to match his changing voice, while also becoming a prominent conductor and arts administrator. It’s as if Tom Brady were still winning Super Bowls in his 50s while playing three sports at once.
Domingo’s resilience has had its detractors. As early as the 1970s, he was told to slow down or risk burnout. (In a 1972 New York Times Magazine profile, Callas told him, ‘You’re singing too much.) As he entered his 60s, then his 70s, critics and peers repeatedly suggested he should retire with dignity.
Nothing has stopped him. “When I rest, I rust,” he said in an email interview, and when his tenor high notes began to give out, he moved down to baritone roles. Domingo’s debut in his 149th role, as the baritone Miller in Verdi’s Luisa Miller at the Met last spring, was sold out — as are most of his performances around the world — and widely praised.
“His voice sounds healthy; he moves with fluency,”Zachary Woolfe wrote in his New York Times review. “If he’ll never be a true Verdi baritone, and always an aging tenor in baritone’s clothing, it is still a display not to be missed: someone of Mr Domingo’s stage of life taking on a new Verdi role at a great opera house and doing himself no small degree of honour with it. You almost don’t believe your eyes or ears.”
Peter Gelb, the Met’s current general manager, said that Domingo’s recent appearances with the company have shown that people haven’t lost their appetite for his performances.
“He’s a legend,”Gelb said. “If you’re a baseball fan, who wouldn’t want to see Babe Ruth in the final years of his career? And, like Babe Ruth, Domingo has delivered.”
Domingo, who was born in Spain but moved to Mexico with his zarzuela-singing parents as a young boy, swiftly rose to fame after what he considers his debut, in Verdi’s Rigoletto, in Mexico City in 1959. Within a decade, he arrived at the Met unexpectedly, filling in for an ailing Franco Corelli in Cilea’s Adriana Lecouvreur alongside Renata Tebaldi.
“As that performance went on,” said Volpe, who was a carpenter at the Met that night 50 years ago, “everybody realised that this was history in the making, no question.”
From there, Domingo deftly navigated new roles across diverse operatic styles, from Wagnerian weight to bel canto lightness. Among his signatures was Verdi’s Otello; Fleming, who sang Desdemona with him in the 1990s, said that even when she was supposed to be playing dead onstage, her “tears were running” at the beauty of his voice.
The public came to know him as one of the Three Tenors, along with Luciano Pavarotti and Josa Carreras. Their first album together is one of the best-selling classical records of all time. Children saw him on Sesame Street, which had a singing bird character named Placido Flamingo.
Domingo became an opera company’s rarely realised dream: an effortlessly bankable star. Volpe recalled that while he ran the Met from 1990 until 2006 it wasn’t unusual for full subscription series to sell out on the strength of Domingo’s presence. (That he continues to sell out the nearly 4,000-seat house is a fact that Gelb said Domingo makes no secret of.)
Helga Rabl-Stadler, the president of the Salzburg Festival, said she had no hesitation about inviting Domingo this summer for his debut as Zurga in The Pearl Fishers,an opera he has already both sung in (as Nadir, a tenor role) and conducted. He is a bit too old for the character, but Rabl-Stadler said that “he is such a handsome man, you never think about his age; he’s so seductive onstage.”
Domingo said he has spent his summer preparing for the role, as well as for his recent conducting debut at the Bayreuth Festival in Germany, where he received largely negative reviews for Wagner’s Die Walk. In learning Zurga, he played the opera alone at the piano until he had it in his head.
“I can tell you that it’s much harder to memorize text and music now than it was 30 or 40 or 50 years ago,” he said. “But I won’t let that stop me.”
Only after internalising the score does he begin to sing in earnest. This, he said, has helped throughout his career to conserve his voice and energy. (Other habits, he added, include nothing out of the ordinary: sleep, only occasional alcohol and a balanced diet without too many sweets, which he loves.) He also doesn’t talk much the day before a performance. Gelb recalled Domingo sitting in his dressing room, sombre and more nervous than usual, before the Met’s live broadcast of Luisa Millerthis spring. Domingo said he’d been up since 4am, praying the performance would be a success.
In the coming season, he plans to unveil his 151st role, in Manuel Moreno Penella’s El Gato Montes at Los Angeles Opera, where he is general director. He has a new album with the young Spanish guitarist Pablo Sainz Villegas and is scheduled to return to the Met in November as Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of his debut there.
After that, who knows? Opera is an art form often scheduled up to five years in advance, but booking Domingo comes with obvious risks. That is why Gelb keeps the Met’s otherwise taut schedule a little loose for Domingo.
“I will open things up for him, which has meant sometimes changing things around,”Gelb said, adding that Domingo has assured him he will say when it’s time to stop.
Domingo, for his part, still has singing at the centre of his life. “I want to do it,” he said, “as long as I can do it well.”
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Salzburger Pfingstfestspiele ziehen positive Bilanz
New Post has been published on https://topday.info/kultur/salzburger-pfingstfestspiele-ziehen-positive-bilanz.html
Salzburger Pfingstfestspiele ziehen positive Bilanz
Die Salzburger Festspiele sind mit dem am Montag zu Ende gehenden Pfingstfestival, das zum siebten Mal unter künstlerischer Leitung von Cecilia Bartoli stand, sehr zufrieden. “Die Vielfalt des Programms gepaart mit der bewundernswerten Qualität hat die Pfingstfestspiele zum gleichwertigen Partner der Festspiele im Sommer gemacht”, sagte Festspielpräsidentin Helga Rabl-Stadler.
Das Festival unter dem Motto “1868 – Zeitenbrüche” hatte mit sieben Veranstaltungen knapp 12.400 Besucher aus 52 Nationen angezogen. Nach Österreich, Deutschland, Schweiz und Frankreich, Großbritannien, USA, Spanien, Russland und Italien sei erstmals mit Argentinien ein südamerikanisches Land unter den Top-10-Nationen. Die Auslastung lag bei 97 Prozent.
Die Rossini-Oper “L’Italiana in Algeri”, die am Freitag Premiere hatte und vom Publikum mit frenetischem Applaus gefeiert wurde, wird bei den diesjährigen Sommerfestspielen wieder aufgenommen. Für das Pfingstfestival 2019 hat Bartoli das Thema “Voci celesti – Himmlische Stimmen” gewählt. In der Zeit vom 7. bis 10. Juni 2019 wird es sich dem Andenken der großen Kastratenstimmen widmen.
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demoura · 3 years
D.GIOVANNI SALZBURGO 2021: A MÚSICA DE MOZART E O PATHOS IMAGETICO DE ROMEO CASTELUCCI (2) : Helga Rabl-Stadler correu riscos com este Don Giovanni de Castelucci como aliás
se espera num festival com esta história e este orçamento : 60 milhões de euros ( 15 de subvenção do estado austríaco !) Foi grande o sucesso . Não houve apupos na noite de estreia .O iconoclasta director italiano durante quase quatro horas desfilou um catálogo de imagens fascinantes . Leporello é um clone do sedutor . As mulheres de Don Giovanni tem várias versões - primeiro o grupo de criadas espanholas acompanhando Donna Anna vestidas de negro, depois bailarinas e, finalmente, um "coro de movimento" de tirar o fôlego de 150 mulheres de Salzburgo numa coreografia de Cindy Van Acke impressionante na gestão de” multidão” em palco. Este símbolo das vítimas do
do sedutor ninclui crianças, idosas e mulheres com deficiência, abrangendo aqueles que muitas vezes ficam sem voz em face do abuso. As Salzbuger Freuden destacam-se no 2o Acto fechando-se figurativamente sobre D. Giovann. O todo, é meticulosamente elaborado e ensaiado. e uma reflexão visual sobre a música de Mozart, não uma realização dramática do libreto de Da Ponte . Mas as imagens são tão requintadas .as sequências tão conseguidas , a beleza tão aguda, que ultrapassam tudo . Castelucci cria um mundo abstracto , numa luz nebulosa onde toda a ação ocorre atrás de uma cortina de gaze. Os homens estão vestidos com fatos brancos , excepto Don Ottavio, que surge na fantasia bizarra, de um explorador polar sueco com um cão poodle - um dos de animais vivos que aparecem incluindo o rato que foge do esconderijo de Leporello . As mulheres têm um pouco mais de cor. No primeiro Acto, a sensação predominante de vazio é aguda, refletindo “the hole in the heart “ de D. Giovanni, apenas interrompida de forma abrupta pela queda de objectos e pela chegada da festa de casamento de Masetto e Zerlina, acompanhada por centenas de maçãs, .Masetto e um boneco de trapos e descodifico a carruagem como o fiacre de Emma Bovary…..(CONTINUA)
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opsikpro · 5 years
Austria publishes arts chiefs salaries
Austria publishes arts chiefs salaries
The ones you need to know: Helga Rabl-Stadler, president of the Salzburg Festival: 212,700 euros in 2017 rising to 218,300 euros in 2018.
Markus Hinterhäuser, artistic director, and Lukas Crepaz, commercial director, it was an average of 235,100 euros in 2017 and 226,900 euros the year after.
Bregenz Festival, artistic director Elisabeth Sobotka made 194,800 euros (2017) and 211,700 euros…
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opsikpro · 5 years
Salzburg shame as festival surrenders to Russian gas
Salzburg shame as festival surrenders to Russian gas
The Salzburg Festival has rolled out a new sponsorship deal with the Russian oil company Gazprom.
It replaces former sponsors Nestlé.
Festival president Helga Rabl-Stadler said: ‘The connection between Austria and Russia has always been particularly intense about art and culture. If our festival has the reputation of being the best in the world, it owes much of that to Russian artists.’
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opsikpro · 5 years
Salzburg Festival speaks out on body shaming
Salzburg Festival speaks out on body shaming
A statement by Salzburg Festival President Dr. Helga Rabl-Stadler on the subject of Bodyshaming:
Congratulations to Kathryn Lewek on her extraordinary artistic achievement as well as on her courage against body-shaming.
A rather influential German critic whose appearance I don‘t comment in order not to put myself on the same level has accused Kathryn for being too fat as Eurydice in…
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