#Heems traumatized <3
silent-scribbs · 7 months
Decided to take a moment during my insomnia (/hj) to go back to the concept of my two lil WH AUs, Lucid Dream (that one comic I have) and WaterFallen (which is just Cloud 9 but bad end sorta?)
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And I… man. I really go off with wordplay with this kinda stuff, sorta.
Waterfallen, due to Cloud 9, encompasses so many idioms when I think about it, particularly involving water, but also just generally. I just (re)learned some because of a lil sketch, too.
On Cloud 9, Down in the Dumps, those are specifically locales. Everything after is from actively trying to come up with things to describe the events I have down.
Mans falls a lot tbh lmao, he fell 3 whole times already! Poor guy. But it is in the name… Water Fallen.
I wish I could get more. But I only know that he may want to burn the cult to the ground. Turn the dark cloud into rain, if yk what I mean
Prepare for the storm, the smoke clears, uhh… etc etc.
✨Clear Skies✨ = 👍
The pieces are THERE, I just. Haven’t tried materializing it. Fully. But I think you get the picture :3
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mi niñito lindo traumatizado <3
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emetkoto · 3 years
when they're more established and comfortable with each other, what do emet-selch and k'oto talk about when they're alone/relaxing?
even though he has absolutely no new ground-breaking discoveries to share emet really likes listening to k'oto tell stories about his journeys so far.....it just kinda takes him back to those days where apollo would bust in the door of his office and go on about where he'd been for hours.....sure he knows every ilm of the source and all the reflections but to hear them recounted again as if they were new by someone who just experienced them for the first time is nice <3 its fun to joke around with him too like "oh you went there and didnt even notice this??" and sorta push him towards more adventures :)
it helps k'oto focus less on the extremely traumatic parts of it all too and more on the excitement and wonder he felt getting to see so many amazing things that nobody else ever has, really makes him appreciate everything! in return he sometimes asks questions about The Days of Paradise(tm) and if emet is in a good enough mood he can usually get a few stories out of him <3 in general he just. really wants to know more about emet and where he came from, hes really putting in the work for that "cooperation" even if sometimes emet is just like 'no fuck you why would i tell you anything remember it yourself'...hes trying so hard king give him something to work with, anything,,,,
this just has me thinking of happy ending emetkoto going off on all sorts of adventures together...only to the other shards though all source-based adventures are already promised to g'raha altho he wouldnt object to emet taking him back and showing him things he definitely missed while he was too stressed to go sightseeing..aheem heem whimper
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