#Heavy Vehicle Driving Jobs in Europe
abroadjobsineurope1 · 2 months
Find Your Heavy Vehicle Driving Jobs in Europe
Are you interested in finding rewarding Heavy Vehicle Driving Jobs in Europe? Abroad Jobs in Europe provides an opportunity to secure a position through a transparent lottery system. Submit your CV for a chance to win a free visa and explore job openings in various European countries, including Lithuania, Malta, Bulgaria, and Slovenia. For more details, visit our website.
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thelostconsultant · 24 days
Let her go
pairing: Lando Norris x MotoGP rider!reader
summary: You have a massive crash on a weekend when you're both racing. And that crash was really massive.
warnings: major character death (surprise, surprise)
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Every time your race weekends took place at the same time, you both promised to watch the other’s sessions live if they weren’t at an ungodly hour that would screw up your sleep schedule, and in every other case you would watch it later when you had the time. It worked well so far, and this weekend wasn’t any different. You were both in Europe, the sessions’ start times were aligned perfectly to make sure fans could watch both F1 and MotoGP.
Lando was sitting on a couch in front of a TV, watching you make it into Q2 from Q1 with the best lap time with a proud smile on his face. Some members of the team joined his little watch party, although he knew perfectly well most of them had their favorite riders, who weren’t necessarily you. But it didn’t bother him. He was one of your biggest fans, and the same way you were one of his.
Four minutes into the qualifying you were in P6, a decent result that would give you a second row start, but there was time for several flying in the remaining time, so he knew you had to improve in run two to keep that position. The Ducatis were fast, and you were riding a GP23 that wasn’t as fast as the newest model, but still gave you a chance to fight for a first row position. Well, Marc was there to snatch it again, but maybe you would stand a chance against the eight-time world champion if you put together one amazing lap.
It was your first flying lap in run two when the cameras began to follow you. You were pushing yourself hard, it was clear, but you had a great first sector and at the moment you were estimated to finish in P2. But then he saw you being catapulted off your bike, landing on the track while the vehicle crashed into the barrier on the side of the track behind the gravel trap. Lando’s breath caught in his throat as he waited for you to jump up and walk away, but you didn’t move.
At all.
The race was immediately red flagged and luckily the other riders noticed you in time and didn’t hit you to make things worse. But the cameras quickly turned to find other parts of the track and the pit lane, the only thing shown related to the accident being the reactions of the team in the box and on the pit wall. Lando could feel his colleagues’ gazes on him, everyone sitting in heavy silence as they waited to find out what was happening. He sent a message to your assistant to make sure she called after getting any news about you, but according to her no one knew anything.
After fifteen long minutes his phone rang, and as if the others could sense he wanted to be alone now, they left without a word. “Hey, you have news?” he asked, voice trembling badly.
The young woman on the other end of the line took a deep breath, then said, “She was airlifted to the hospital. It’s bad, Lando. We’ll only know the exact details after they examined her there, but she’ll be in surgery for a long time apparently. The doc said there might be a spinal injury among the other things. I’m about to book a flight for her parents so they can be there with her.”
He gulped in hopes this could hold back his tears. Your job was dangerous, he had always said those guys in MotoGP were crazy, but having to witness the love of his life crash like that was a little too much. He always assumed the worst that could happen to you was a broken bone in your hand or a cracked collarbone, but a little metal could fix that, just as it had fixed dozens of riders on the grid over the years.
“I’ll be there as soon as I can. Can you keep me updated?” he asked her.
“Sure. FP3 is coming up for you, right? Be careful, the last thing we need is you getting hurt too.”
They said goodbye and Lando leaned back on the couch, looking up at the ceiling. She was right, his next session was just about to begin, but how could he focus on driving when you were in such a bad condition? Maybe he would get in, then get out if his head wasn’t in it. There was no reason to force this.
He felt the couch shift on his side, and when he looked over there, he noticed Oscar sitting next to him with a worried look in his eyes. “I heard what happened,” was all he said.
Lando let out a deep sigh as he ran a hand through his curly hair. “I don’t wanna be here, I wanna be there with her,” he said, his voice breaking as he struggled to keep the tears back. “I’m so stupid, I always thought she was invincible, but in reality she is so fragile, I don’t even know how I could assume she would never get hurt.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” his teammate began as he put a hand on his shoulder. “This was a terrible accident, nothing more. She’s in good hands, there are great doctors there.” When he nodded, Oscar forced a barely visible smile on his face. “I have an idea. Spain isn’t that far away, maybe you could fly there after qualifying, and come back tomorrow before the race. Maybe seeing her could help you focus on driving again.”
It wasn’t such a bad idea, it could actually work, so he nodded and jumped up, moving towards the exit without saying anything. He could hear Oscar following him without missing a beat, and the Aussie soon caught up with him as they headed to find Zak in hospitality where he was last seen. Lando could feel everyone’s gaze on himself, so he assumed the news of your accident had spread like wildfire in the paddock. A journalist tried to approach him, but his teammate was kind enough to get him to leave with an annoyed come on, mate.
Zak was chatting with a VIP guest, but the moment he noticed them arrive, he excused himself and walked over to them. “I heard what happened. How is she? Do you know anything?” he asked worriedly.
Lando shrugged as he tried to find the right words to say. “All I heard is that it’s bad, there might even be a spinal injury.”
“You think you can focus on driving?”
With a nod, he looked down at his hand. “I’ll get in, do a few laps, and we’ll see. I don’t want to miss the weekend unless…”
“Don’t even think about that,” Oscar was quick to say, understanding what the rest of the sentence was supposed to be. “Zak, I’ve been thinking. What if he gets on a plane after qualifying, goes to Spain to see her, then returns tomorrow before the race? Maybe it would be good for him.”
Looking over at his teammate, Lando couldn’t help but feel grateful for his calm personality. He could think straight in even the most stressful situations, and now he could sense that he wasn’t in the right state to come up with these ideas. And Zak seemed to be understanding, because he nodded and agreed to let him do it.
From Lando’s point of view, the practice session just… happened. His head wasn’t in it, he only focused on testing a few settings just to see how the car felt and reacted, but he only did one or two fast laps. Between runs on the track, he kept checking his phone to see if there was any news, but all he saw was a message that you were still in surgery with no new information about you.
Shortly before qualifying, he gave your assistant a call to tell her he would fly there soon, but he wasn’t expecting to be greeted like this. Because she was crying, her voice muffled as she talked, and he had trouble understanding her. Then there were words exchanged in the background, and the phone was obviously taken by someone who wasn’t a crying mess. It was your crew chief, he recognized his voice when he greeted him, but it was also full of sadness.
He knew something was terribly wrong, and he felt nauseous at the thought. “What’s going on?” he managed to ask after some silence.
The man on the other end of the line took a deep breath. “She’s out of surgery, but… she’s hooked on machines and the doctors say she’ll stay that way. The staff in the medical center assumed she only had a severe concussion, but tests showed that the brain injury was much more serious than expected.”
“Her parents aren’t here yet, but we talked to them the moment we got new info. They understand what’s happening, and they wanted us to tell you they will wait for you to get here tomorrow so you can say goodbye before they turn off the machines,” he said, his voice cracking by the end.
Lando felt like fainting. His head was spinning, he wanted to throw up, he wanted to scream, but at the same time his body froze entirely. He just stood there in the back of the garage, staring straight ahead as he thought about what he should do. It was only after a minute or two that he took a deep breath and said, “I’m going there right now.”
But Paolo was quick to speak up again. “Lando, listen, she would want you to get in that car and go on with the weekend as if nothing happened. You will come here tomorrow after the race, and you will have time to let her go,” he said, forcing himself to keep his calm.
“What do you mean let her go? Apparently everyone, including her own parents, gave up on her. There has to be at least one person there who fights for her, because the doctors need to do something to fix her!” he yelled into the phone, earning a few worried looks.
“Listen, there’s no fixing her. She’s brain-dead. If it weren’t for the machines, she wouldn’t be alive now.” Silence fell between them, and it was your crew chief who broke it. “Lando?”
“Fuck this,” was all the Brit said before ending the call.
His vision was blurred by the tears, but he wiped them away and headed to where Zak was talking to one of the engineers. At this point he wasn’t about to take no for an answer, so he approached him with the intention to state his intention to leave immediately before actually doing so. When his boss’ eyes fell on him, it was clear that he knew something was wrong, because the moment he got there, Zak grabbed his arm and gently led him to a more private part of their garage.
He didn’t say anything, only waited for his driver to talk to him. But Lando hesitated, having absolutely no idea where to begin and how to tell him the truth about you. Paolo had been right, you would want him to continue, but how could he do that when they were ready to pull the plug without trying to make things right? There had to be something they could do.
Zak seemingly had enough of the silence. “What’s wrong? Bad news about her?” he asked, his voice unusually soft.
Lando nodded. “They say she’s brain-dead and can’t be saved,” he said, once again fighting his tears. “I–I don’t think I can do this. The qualifying, the race, the whole fucking media circus… I just can’t do it, I’m sorry.”
“Okay, try to calm down. Get in the car, do a few laps, and see if you can focus on that. Maybe it will even help you clear your mind,” he tried, but all he got in response was a murderous look. “She would understand if you arrived a few hours later. Just like we agreed; you go there after qualifying, then return tomorrow before the race. We need points to beat Red Bull this year. We need you on the track, Lando, even if it sounds terrible now. Dedicate this weekend to her.”
He agreed, but only because of you. Only because the people around the two of you were right, and as a professional athlete you would focus on your race too. So, he did everything he could to focus, he pushed himself to the limit, and eventually managed to finish the qualifying in P2. First row behind Charles. You would be proud. Their press officer warned the reporters that they should not ask questions about you, so he could focus on the session alone, although mentally he was already on his way to the airport.
A few hours later he met your assistant in the hospital’s lobby after fighting his way through the army of photographers and reporters outside. She guided him to the room you were in without saying a single word, and when you reached the door, she stayed outside, even though everyone was inside. He gave her a questioning look when he turned back, but she only shook her head and wiped away her tears.
Your mother jumped up and hugged him tightly when she noticed him, and your father also stood up to do the same. Lando didn’t know what to say, but neither did your parents. Paolo was watching him with a worried look in his eyes, the memory of their previous conversation probably vivid in his mind. But he wasn’t about to make a scene. He had time to think, he had time to do some research, so now he understood the chances of you coming back to them was close to none.
With hesitant steps, he walked to the side of the bed and took your hand, his thumb massaging your skin the same way he had done so many times in the past. But now you wouldn’t react, you wouldn't wrap your delicate fingers around his hand with that adorable smile on your face. He started crying, for the first time letting himself go and not holding it back, and he began to tell you between sobs how sorry he was for not coming sooner, for all the times you fought over stupid, meaningless things, for not proposing before it became too late.
He told you how much he loved you, how he couldn’t imagine ever loving anyone else the same way he loved you. Then he leaned down to kiss your lips, probably for the very last time, and he kept repeating I love you like it was a mantra that kept him sane.
After God knows how long, your mother put a hand on his shoulder to make him look at her. By now he had stopped crying, but after seeing her watering eyes, he had a feeling he would be crying again soon. Because he could tell what was coming, he could feel it in his bones. That grave sadness in her eyes could only mean one thing, and even though he wasn’t ready to hear it, he paid close attention to every word.
“I think it’s time to let her go,” she said hoarsely.
To his own surprise, Lando nodded and let her take his place, then he stood in a corner and watched as your parents said goodbye to you. He didn’t want this, he couldn’t accept that he lost you, but a rational part in his mind told him it was over, and it was time to let you go. Your mother was right, it was better to turn off the machines now, because seeing you hooked on them for a few more days would only drive them crazy.
He said goodbye to your parents in the hospital after the doctor announced the time of your death and went to his hotel to spend the night crying and suffering on his own. He saw the messages on his phone, and he noticed the way their number increased after your team announced your death on official channels. But he didn’t want to talk to anyone, and even at the race the next day, he avoided everyone as long as he could. If he talked, he only talked about the car and the upcoming race, everything else was a taboo at the moment.
On the track he was powered by his rage, which resulted in a couple of aggressive moves, but in the end, he managed to win the race. When he stood in front of the reporter after getting out of the car, he was terrified of a question regarding you arising, because he was damn sure he would break down at that very moment, but apparently his press officer had previously told them not to bring it up. So, all he said was a simple I did it for her at the end and nothing more.
It would be a long process to move on, he knew that.
His parents told him to come over until the funeral so he wouldn’t be alone, which would surely help him calm down a bit, then he would lock himself up in his home and his focus would shift back to racing again. But deep down he knew he had to let his friends close again too, because they kept assuring him that they were there, and he could always count on them. Maybe that was the key. Maybe letting others support him would speed up the grieving process.
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itsmrshamilton · 3 months
If you can take a request for a Lewis Hamilton falling in love at first site for a fan he just met at a GP and eventually saw her again during the summer break she was taking a Europe solo trip & they kik it off #fluff
First Sight | LH44
a/n: Never been on holiday so my imagination worked overtime to get this right.
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Lewis Hamilton had not slept a wink. It was 4:59 a.m., and his alarm was about to go off, and he had not slept all night. This wasn't like him. Yes, he had nights when he felt too anxious to sleep well, but never had he laid in bed and still been awake more than 6 hours later. His eyes were burning, and his limbs felt very heavy each time he turned over to get into a new position. The bed was too hot but his room was too cold. The discomfort was slowly driving him insane.
The phone alarm rang loudly but failed to do its job of waking its owner up because he was already wide awake. Sighing in great annoyance, Lewis grabbed the device off the nightstand and silenced the blaring noise. Upon unlocking his screen he saw messages from his assistant updating him on his schedule for the day. He swiped the blocks then hesitated as he stared at his wallpaper - a recent picture of Roscoe lying on Lewis' chest as they rested on his bed. Roscoe's sweet face rolls were squashed upwards by the force of his big grin exposing his silly tongue. Lewis smiled softly as he looked at his best friend and made a mental note to video call home later and check in on Roscoe.
Peeking at the time, he sat up and began the process of getting ready for the day. He hadn't been looking forward to this race for a long time. His last qualifying race for the season in his second year with Ferarri. Things weren't going as well as he had hoped. Fred, his engineers and the car were all great but Lewis still hadn't won his 8th world champion title despite pushing weekly and winning more than a handful of the races. Despite his performance improvement from Mercedes, Lewis still had Max Verstappen breathing down his neck, chasing him down at every corner. The races were exhilirating for Lewis because this was what he loved, but the stress was creeping up on him. The Ferarri car was great, the strategies were another story.
When he was done preparing and packing, Lewis left for the car outside. Slipping on his sunglasses to try hide his dark eyebags, he prayed to his God that the day would go in his favour.
The screams and noise could surely be heard from the next town over. Yet they somehow increased in volume when Lewis stepped out of his vehicle at the track parking lot. He was exhausted and slightly grumpy but he knew that many fans had travelled from far to meet the drivers so he trudged over to the metal barriers to sign and pose for photos. Papers, magazines, helmets, caps and phones were shoved at his face by arms waving frantically. He smiled, complimented and signed. Colourful beaded bracelets were slipped onto his wrists, artists handed over their creations and photographers snapped away at his every movement. Overwhelming was an understatement but Lewis was incredibly grateful to have a fan base as supportive as his. The move from Ferarri was not easy but it had enjoyable moments created by those who wore the number 44 with pride every weekend. For these people, he would smile til his cheeks hurt and his teeth fell out.
"Thank you all for being here. I appreciate you all!" He shouted as he waved and retreated to the paddock entrance. Cameramen tripped over themselves as they made to move with him. Lewis Hamilton Fashion Week was still going on. Their flashes illuminated his soft sleeveless yellow cardigan, his sheer yellow tracksuit pants and his white sneakers. The irony only he could laugh at was the meaning of the colours against his current feelings.
Having had enough of the cameras, he turned right into a passage and began weaving his way between buildings to get to his destination. The photographers took the hint and disappeared but Lewis kept using the passages and gaps. Getting closer to the Ferarri building, he took a sharp left round a corner and walked right into someone who was looking down at their phone, completely unaware of their surroundings.
"Oof, excuse me. Apologies!" She exclaimed as both their phones went tumbling onto the paved ground. Lewis winced at the sound of his phone screen hitting the floor. He bent down to pick it up at the same time as she bent to get hers.
Lewis noticed that they had the same covers but as he straightened up to mention this, their heads knocked together. This time she winced at the sound it made.
"Oh, jeez. Ouch. Are you okay?" Lewis asked her when she yelped. He rubbed the side of his head tenderly. He took the time to look at her.
"Ow! Im sorry! Omg, this can't get worse. I'm okay. Are you-" She stopped when she looked at his face. She had the most beautiful eyes Lewis had ever seen on anyone. Her lashes framed them perfectly, making him want to stand there all day and study them intently til he could draw them from memory. Not that he needed all day, just these 10 seconds were enough to ensure that he would never forget her face.
Her braids were falling out of the high ponytail she had them in, and her necklace sat askew at the base of her long neck on her exposed bronze collarbones. He felt a little light headed at the sight of them. Her small mouth was downturned in a pout which made him slighlty upset that he was the cause of it. He took the time to eye the rest of her. She was all limbs. Tall, bronzed goddess in a yellow and red Ferarri top, jean shorts and sneakers. He couldn't remember where he was or what he was supposed to do today.
"Oh wow, you're Lewis Hamilton." She muttered to herself.
He snapped out of it and managed to send her small smile. He was still trying to remember how to use his mouth to produce coherent words. At his damn age he was standing there like a fool.
"I'm sorry about that. I didn't know where to go and felt a little embarrassed, so I stepped here to gather myself and contact Sheila, but my phone's acting up - my phone!" At that, she dropped down to pick up her phone but hesitated when she realised that both devices looked the same. Picking up both, she turned them over and grimaced at the sight of the cracked screens. She turned them on to differentiate by wallpapers. The one in her left hand had a picture of a cute dog.
"Uh, that's Roscoe. My dog." Lewis stated as he finally figured out how to work his tongue. He reached out to receive it from her.
"He's very cute." She smiled at him. He stared back. She raised her dark brows at him in slight amusement. "I'm sorry about your screen."
"Oh, uh, don't worry about that. Its always cracked. I'm sorry about yours."
"It's okay, mine is always cracked too." She laughed softly and looked down at it. Lewis noticed that the wallpaper was of her and another woman around the same age taking a selfie.
"Uh, you, uh, you mentioned being lost?" He cleared his throat. He didn't know why he was still standing here talking when he had somewhere to be for something very important. But to be honest, nothing felt more important than being here now, with her, whoever she was. It felt right.
"Yeah," she frowned. "I came here today with my friend Sheila but we got separated in a crowd and I stepped into this passage to call her but my phone is freezing up. I dont know where to go." She sighed in frustration.
Lewis hated seeing her upset. He questioned why he felt like he could move the moon and stars just to make her smile again again. His stomach was tingling in an uncomfortable way. He had spoken to many women in his lifetime so why was he finding it hard to function normally around her?
"You can use my phone." He offered it to her. "Or I can take you to the garage, and we could send out a broadcast for her to find you there? Might be easier that way." He smiled sheepishly and hoped she would take the invitation. He really wanted to spend just a bit more time with her.
Her gorgeous eyes lit up and put him in a trance once more. "The Ferarri garage?! With you! Oh my gosh, I would love that." She handed back his phone and his fingers brushed hers. His knees nearly buckled. He leaned on the wall next to them to seem cool and poised but really he was trying to regain stability after a bolt of electricity shot through him. He noticed that she jumped back slightly as well after contact.
"Cool, so we'll head there then? I'm sorry, I never got your name..." He said softly.
"Y/n L/n. Pleasure to meet you." She stuck her right hand out to shake. If he had looked away from her eyes for a second, he would have noticed that it was trembling softly. His big calloused hand grasped her small one and he shook it but held on afterwards, rubbing his thumb against the back of her hand.
"The pleasure is all mine." He murmured as his eyelids lowered sexily. His eyes darkened as another jolt of energy ran through him. The air around them in that narrow passage way crackled with electricity and the noise of the paddock vanished. In that moment it was just the two of them. Her eyes held his gaze but her smirking full lips put up a great fight to draw his attention away. He was mesmerised, enchanchted, gobsmacked. Utterly and completely in love with this Y/n L/n.
"Y/n? Y/n! Is that you? Hun, I've been looking all over! Where have been hidi- oh my lord." Another woman entered the thin area they were in and interrupted the moment. Lewis painfully dragged his eyes off of Y/n to look at her and recognised her as the lady in the wallpaper. Who he now assumed was Sheila, her friend.
"Y/n. Jesus, what are you doing...omg. Is this Lewis Hamilton??! What are you doing with Lewis Hamilton!?" She whisper-shouted at Y/n who had now released herself from Lewis' grasp and turned around. Sheila's eyes were huge with shock.
Y/n took her hands and shushed her quickly. "Sheila, this is Lewis. Lewis, this is Sheila." She pointed from the one to the other. "Lewis was going to help me find you but now that you're here, we can go. Can't waste these paddock passes anymore than I accidentally have." She laughed from embarrassment.
Lewis wanted to reassure her and promise to buy all the paddock passes to every race she wanted to attend. Instead he smiled at her and tried to think of something cool to say. "Hello Sheila." He greeted and received a squeak in reply. He opened his mouth once more but was interrupted.
"Thank you for the offer. I really do appreciate it. I'll see you up on the podium, yeah? Bye!" Y/n gathered her shocked Sheila and they walked quickly out of the narrow space and into a crowd. She looked back once to wave at him before they disappeared. Lewis stood there dazed.
There was a slight ache in his chest now that she was gone. And he rubbed his forehead when he realised that he didnt get any of her contact details. He would have to find her somehow, she had to be on at least one social media platform. He nearly jumped out of his skin when his phone rang loudly. Answering it, he was greeted by his assistant's voice questioning where he was. Lewis answered that he'd be there in a minute then began to make his way. He kept his head high so he could look for Y/n's hair. Unfortunately he didnt see her for the rest of the weekend despite asking around as well.
His grievances with Ferarri from that morning were forgotten. He ended up on the podium that Sunday, 1st place and did his best to squint into the crowd in hopes of recognising her face. Nothing.
It was with a very heavy heart that he accepted that he would never see her again.
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The humidity in the air was going to kill you. It felt like it was forcing its way into your windpipe and filling it to the brim so you couldn't breathe in any useful oxygen. You were being extremely dramatic but you couldn't help it. It was difficult to be in a good and optimistic mood when your hair had shrunk to tiny curls on your head. All that effort to blowdry an afro, gone.
"Sheila, I don't know where to go. It's so hot every where!" You whined into your phone.
Your best friend clicked her tongue at you in annoyance. You had been complaining since the first flight got delayed and had been 6 hours since.
"Y/n if you whine about one more thing, I promise you I will block your number. You are on vacation! Enjoy it!"
You sighed in mock annoyance. "I'm alone, though. Travelling isn't that fun without you."
"Uh uh. We are not doing this. You've been planning this solo trip for weeks, okay. You said it yourself that you need to experience solo living to better yourself. It's easier to grow without the influence of others. Remember, I tried to tag along, but you insisted!" Her reminder was gentle, but you felt like reaching into the phone and pinching her.
"I hate that you're right. I'm a big girl, I can do this." You said mainly to yourself.
"Atta girl! Now go find some hunky european natives and enjoy 3 weeks of bliss! I love you!" She squealed. You laughed at her nonsense and repeated the phrase back before ending the call.
She was right. You had gotten a job straight out of university and worked your ass off daily. The excitement of doing what you loved for a living was overwhelming, and it carried you through the first 6 years of work. But the excitement ran out, and you found yourself struggling to get out of bed due to burnout. Considering a change of career and lifestyle, you planned a solo trip to cleanse yourself of the stress. And now, here you were. Ready for 4 day stays in 5 gorgeous countries.
You arrived at your first destination about 2 hours ago, checked into your first hotel and unpacked already. The afternoon sun was blistering, which was surprising to you because, well, it was europe, but you guessed that the temperatures might be due to a heatwave. Of course, it was your luck to plan a 3 week stay during a heatwave.
Your stomach gurgled loudly. "That's a sign to get out of here and go eat." You mumbled to yourself.
After packing a beach bag and attempting to resuscitate your afro, you made your way downstairs to get directions to any nearby restaurants. The receptionists were very helpful, so you found yourself seated at a table under a large umbrella with a gorgeous view of the blue waves. Your beef with the stifling humidity was forgotten as you took it all in while having big bites of your meal. Life was good, and you didn't believe it could get any better than this. You ordered a drink to go and then made your way to the beach, which was slowly starting to empty out as the day went on.
Glass of sweet juice in one hand and your shoes in the other, you took your time walking the length of the beach to find a spot. The sea smelt divine, the sand between your toes was soothing, and the cool breeze that was picking up dried the moisture off your dark skin as well as your hair. Once you found your spot in a clear area, you began to unpack your colourful bag. Bending over to unroll your beach towel, you heard shouting before someone bumped into you, and you went tumbling face first into the sand.
"Oi! What is-" You were wiping sand off your face.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry about. I didn't see yo..." The familiar voice trailed off. "You! It's you!"
You cleared your your vision and opened your eyes to a shirtless Lewis Hamilton crouching before you. His hair was tied up, allowing you to stare straight into his honey brown eyes. His beautiful face was one of surprise, and his big smile was so contagious that you found yourself beginning to smile despite your previous frustration.
"I can't believe it! I searched everywhere for you after the grand prix. It's Y/n, right?" He offered you his tattooed hand as he stood up. You hesitated for a moment, trying to remember how your limbs worked before taking it and letting him pull you. It's like you weighed nothing to him.
"Yeah, it's Y/n." You confirmed breathlessly. His tattoos up close were delicious.
"That's great because I thought I was typing the wrong name into every social media app I know about." He laughed in embarrassment, and you couldn't help but keep glancing at his pearly whites, which were decorated with gold jewelry.
"Oh, I don't have social media anymore. It became too much at one point, so I deleted it. I rely on my friend to update me." You tried not to talk too much. His brows met for a second.
"Sheila, right? Yeah, I found hers, but you weren't even featured on her feed. Im sorry, by the way, for bumping into you -"
"Again." You inputed. Making him grin and chuckle softly.
"Yeah, again. We really should stop meeting like this."
"I don't mind it." You hadn't really thought of him much since meeting at the grand prix because you thought you'd never see him again. Sheila had nearly picked you up and thrown you into a trash can when she found out you didn't exchange details with him. If you closed your eyes, you could still perfectly see her flabbergasted expression.
The air crackled between the two of you, and the humidity that you thought you had gotten away from was suddenly back again. Sweat dripped slowly down your neck and into your cropped top. You could feel dampness on your palms. One of which was still firmly in his grasp.
There was a shout in the air.
He turned around briefly to investigate, and that's when you took notice of the american football in his other hand as well as a group of people waiting on the beach.
"Oh gosh, I'm sorry. I didn't realise I was keeping you away from the game. I'll move my stuff, and you can get back to it." You didn't really mean that, but you thought that if you moved to a better spot, you could watch him play without being caught ogling him.
"No, don't do that. Come join us." His thumb began that thing of rubbing circles against the back of your hand. You felt your knees buckle a bit.
"I don't understand the rules of the game. But I can sit and watch?" You offered. His brows met in the middle once more before he shook his head and turned around.
"Yo, Miles!" He threw Miles the ball. "Carry on with the game, I'm out." Miles smirked as he caught the ball and nodded.
"We have a fire going nearby. It's going to get cold soon." He suggested. You tried your best to fight your smile and play hard to get. Which was unserious of you because Lewis was the man of your dreams currently.
"Is that how you ask a girl out, Lewis?" You raised an eyebrow and dropped his hand.
"Uh, no, I- um. I was trying to be casual with it? I wasn't sure if you wanted to have dinner with me. Ahem, I- I'm usually so much better at this." He scratched his neck, and you giggled at his flustered state. The Lewis Hamilton was stumbling over his words while trying to ask you out. He took a deep breath.
"Y/n, would you like to go to dinner with me later?" He looked nervous.
"I'd love that. Let me get my stuff, and we can leave." You smiled.
He crouched and picked up your bag as you rolled your towel and grabbed your shoes. He gently took the towel and shoes out of your hands and led the way to the fire his group had set up. You felt giddy with excitement and fought the urge to skip behind him.
Sitting side-by-side at the fire, you felt his eyes on you. The sun had set, the stars were bright, and the air was becoming colder around you. His friends had settled around the fire as well. There was soft chatter and laughter in the air. Lewis had arranged a blanket for the two of you so you sat wrapped up in it. You had chatted for a while about work, family, and friends, then fell into a comfortable silence. He was easy to talk to, and you found yourself laughing louder than you should have. You laughed even harder when he laughed at your laugh because his laugh was so contagious. Never in a thousand years did you think you'd be at a beach, cozied up with one of the greatest motorsport athletes of your time. You weren't a big F1 fan, but you sometimes watched races and read articles about it, so you knew enough to pick a team to support and drivers to cheer on. Lewis was one of those drivers, so the urge to fangirl violently when you first met was there, but now, after a mere hour or two, it felt like you'd known him all your life. There was a strange buzz in the air just like the one in that narrow passageway. You felt drawn to him. And safe.
"Earlier, you mentioned that you were looking for me?" You asked softly, turning to meet his gaze.
"You're really beautiful. I couldn't get you out of my mind that weekend. I had been struggling with the sport for a while, but after meeting you, things suddenly started to go right. I won every race after that, I'm on track for another championship. It's like my life turned completely around. Like you were the catalyst. Like you're meant to be in my life, like I was meant to meet you." He laughed humourlessly. "I may sound crazy but I feel alive around you. There's something here between us."
You were cuddled up so close that you could feel his heart pounding in his chest. "I feel it too." You whispered.
"I'd really like to figure out what it is. Find out what life with you could be like." He slotted his hand into yours. You couldn't hold back your grin anymore.
"I'd like that too." You leaned in and pressed your lips against his. He reciprocated immediately and pulled you closer. You felt fireworks go off inside your head. Your whole body was tingling.
He pulled back slowly but pecked your lips again. "Are you ready for dinner?" You grinned in response.
Sheila was going to be so proud that you had bagged THE ultimate european hunk.
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Whew! This one took a while. Can you tell I've never been to the beach, lol. Take note that Y/n did not swim in this fic! Cause I hate the thought of swimming in an ocean, lol. I struggled to write the last part👎but its done now so be nice. Dont forget to suggest a song!!
Thanks for reading! Please interact before you leave. Don't alter, translate, or repost onto another platform.
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open-hangar · 23 days
Prison Force Chagger Ep. 3
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Name: Wolfgang Baumer
Place of Origin: Nordschwarzwald region, Western Europe
Birth date: Unknown
Height and Weight: ~155 cm, ~90kg
Criminal Record: Harboring a Fugitive, multiple counts of Grand Theft Auto, Grand Larceny, Money Laundering, Voluntary Manslaughter
Etc: Prisoner records are not to be destroyed by the order of the Wardens. Who we are and what we’ve done are not a secret, but also do not define us.
“Could you hand me the CH.Welder?”
I looked down at the hairy hand reaching out from underneath the truck with a bit of confusion, and then to the wide array of tools laid out on a greasy towel on the ground.
“Uh, yeah, sure… The CH.Welder… It’s…”
“About 25 centimeter long curved pipe with the cylinder on the bottom. Covered in a novel’s worth of warning labels.”
Ah. Of course. What else could it have been? I lean over and pick up the-
“Nah, the other one. Easy mistake to make.”
Last week I was moved into a cell in the main holding building. It’s not really as bad as it sounds, since they had all of the bars removed and placed with a normal wall and a door that locked from the inside. It’s honestly way better than the shack I used to live in on the outskirts of the Solna LBZ, at least this place keeps heat reasonably well. Doc even recommended that I talk to some guys who love to build cottages, but I felt weird asking for favors already. After all, they’ve already got me working with Wolfgang because I apparently know which way to turn a socket wrench.
As I hand the device, I look down under the truck at my… manager? Co-worker? I still haven’t figured out how exactly this was supposed to work. He’s flat on his back, most of his face covered in a heavy-duty chargon mask, in case a gasket pops and he gets a face full of green and purple gas, but his giant salt-and-pepper beard sticks out from the bottom.
“Hey, should I be wearing one of those masks?”
“Nah, you’re probably fine. Just stay out of the way in case something pops.”
Cool. Glad to be useful.
As the short, wide Warden tinkers on the chargon drive of the truck, I absent-mindedly wander around the space. It’s not super clear if this massive garage existed before the revolution, because it’s clearly designed to service a giant complex with a fleet of vehicles, but for whatever reason, the only truck here was the one being worked on. There were also only a small handful of car lifts. What, exactly, was the point of this place?
I figure I might as well make my question known out loud in a way that Wolfgang might hear it. It takes long enough for him to answer that I almost repeat the question.
“Don’t worry about it.”
Don’t worry about it? I mean, if this is my new job, it seems like something I should worry about. Where are all the other trucks?
“I’m telling you not to worry about it because you don’t need to worry about it.”
For a second, I worry to myself that the Warden had already figured out my game. Grab a truck while he’s not looking, and hoof it to the wall surrounding this place to get the hell out. Don’t ask me how I’m planning on getting past the wall since I didn’t see any gates, I’ve always been good at thinking on my feet. Usually.
The Warden slides out from under the truck, the wheels on his sliding board making clanking sounds on the seams of the concrete.
“We have trucks. Lots of ‘em. But the thing about tools is that people like to use them, because that’s what they’re for. And if they want to keep using them, that’s fine too. There’s vehicles that have been borrowed for years, and I honestly don’t even know what happened to the guys who borrowed them. And if they need repairing, then they’ll wind up back here.”
It’s obvious that I’ve been on the outside for too long.
“Yeah. But you’ll figure it out. Just forget about stuff like pers-”
A loud klaxon suddenly starts blaring, the sound echoing off of the distant walls of the garage’s massive interior. What the hell…? Wolfgang clambers up to his impressive 1 and a half meters and speedily trundles over to a nearby intercom.
“What’s the emergency?”
He listens intensely, his face grimacing with each passing word from the other speaker. He looks around awkwardly, and makes quick eye contact with me.
“Okay, look, I got the newblood here. Fine, yeah. I’ll be out in a jiff.” He smashes a button on the intercom to end communication, and turns to walk towards me.
“Stand back, you’re about to get a hell of a show.” He then places his calloused hand on my arm, and points towards a door near the bathrooms that says Managers only.
“Take that elevator and head to the top floor, and mind the ‘old person’ smell. Whatever you do, don’t leave. I promise it’s the safest place on the continent right now.”
I’m clearly puzzled as the ground begins to rumble, and the center of the floor begins to slide open like a concrete grocery store front door. On a rising platform sits… a jet? But instead of being a sleek machine designed to dogfight, it’s built like a bulbous insectoid semi truck with wings and a massive translucent chargon battery for an abdomen. I’ve never seen a battery that big, and Wolfgang marches straight towards it. There’s no way in hell he’s actually going to get IN that thing, is he?!”
“Elevator! Now!”
My legs instinctively, obediently carry me towards the doorway opposite the room as the Warden climbs into the machine, and the strange device emits the telltale green and purple of a chargon engine’s exhaust. Crap, crapcrapcrap gotta get out of this room immediately! I slam the “up” button on the inside of the elevator, and watch the insectoid apparatus slowly take off from its launch bay. A woman’s voice comes over the elevator’s speakers, and speaks with a calm voice.
“Top floor: Dr. Ishikawa’s office.”
Art by @menacing-marshmallow
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trainsinanime · 2 years
Induced Demand
The concept of induced demand sounds incredibly silly at first glance, because most explanations are just the effect and ignore the cause. If someone tells you that widening roads or building new roads doesn’t relieve congestion because there’ll just be more cars, it makes sense to be skeptical. Where are these new cars supposed to be coming from? Do people go "more road, let’s drive around with no goal"? Surely not.
To understand induced demand, it’s important to think about what a road (or lane) really does: It gives you more options for everything in your life. If a new road allows you to travel to a place in thirty minutes that used to take an hour (or similar), then suddenly your world has become bigger.
You can now regularly go to stores that used to be a special occasions hassle. You can visit friends at that place more often. You can find a better job in that newly accessible place. Or alternatively, you might find better housing and move there.
And it’s not just places and activities, it’s also temporal. If you know a road is always going to be incredibly busy at rush hour, you might depart home early to beat the rush, and depending on your companies policies, also leave for home early or stay longer to avoid the evening rush. If there’s a new road or more lanes, you don’t have to do that and can leave at a time much closer to when you want to. Even if you’re in the peak hour traffic jam, it might be shorter now.
These are all real effects, and they’re all on some level good things. There are certainly a lot of exceptions and nuances, and I do mean a lot, but on a very broad level, better connections mean more options for how to live your life. As a result, if there is more road capacity, then people will eventually use that new road capacity because they shift their every-day travel patterns to make use of that new opportunity.
(There is an upper limit to this. If the road only connects you to places that are not that interesting, well, who cares. Not that interesting in this context means few jobs, few people living there and few useful housing opportunities. You will find this limit much earlier in e.g. Europe, where population isn’t growing much in most places, and actively declining in a lot of areas, than in e.g. North America, where population growth is still going strong, and also more in rural areas than in urban centres.)
None of this is exclusive to cars. A new or improved rail line, a bus service, even to a small degree an airport or a ferry all have the same effect. And that is good, and often by design: You build roads or rail links or whatever in order to make places attractive for homes and businesses that weren’t before.
The real problem with induced demand is not that the demand is being induced. The problem is that cars and roads are terrible at meeting it. Cars are heavy, noisy, large and carry, on average, just a little over one human person. They need quite a lot of space for themselves, and then even more as a safety distance to the car in front. The number of people that a lane of highway can move per hour is fairly low, and if there’s a traffic jam, it drops even further.
To put this in numbers: A highway will, under ideal perfect conditions, move about 1900 passenger vehicles per hour per lane (source: https://www.mikeontraffic.com/numbers-every-traffic-engineer-should-know/ ). That’s a figure for "people leaving a concert all at the same time"; rush hour traffic with its jams and different origins and destinations will be lower. Still, if we use that figure, that’s theoretically close to 10,000 people per hour assuming four people per car. But since even two people per car are rare, realistically, it’s probably much closer to 2000 people.
On the other hand, consider a high-end rail system: With just two tracks, it can run between 24 and 30 trains per hour per direction, each with capacity for about 1500 people, for a total of 45,000 people per hour per direction. The figures I’m citing here come from the central section of the S-Bahn in Munich. Systems like the Elizabeth Line in London or RER A in Paris are in the same ballpark.
To move the same number of people with cars, you will (under perfect conditions, but assuming a little over one person per car) need about twenty lanes of highway per direction. In reality that would not be one twenty-lane highway, but rather five to ten highways with two to four lanes per direction each, as these rail lines collect people from a wider area; but still, that is an awful lot of road space, even before you think about on and off ramps and interchanges. Oh, and many of the rail lines I mentioned are already heavily crowded (again, they’re also subject to induced demand), and new relief lines are being built partially in parallel in Munich and Paris. Those are big expensive long-term projects. But imagine the cost of adding twenty more highway lanes, no matter how you distribute them, and it’s actually pretty cheap.
So the problem with new or wider highways isn’t that they induce new demand, it’s that they are terrible at dealing with this demand.
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infinitiresearch · 8 months
Earth Moving Equipment Market| Analysis and Forecast
Originally published on Spendedge: Earth Moving Equipment Market Overview and Top Earthmoving Companies
Earth moving Equipment, designed for heavy-duty operations in construction sites involving earthworks, is crucial for tasks such as foundation digging and surface layer movement. This equipment, ranging from heavy machines and trucks to construction vehicles, is provided by renowned earthmoving companies globally, known for the excellence of their products. The construction industry worldwide commands the highest demand for earth moving equipment, followed by the mining sector. Anticipated growth in public infrastructure construction activities, particularly in developing regions like APAC, MEA, and South America, is the primary driver for the increased demand during the forecast period.
Market Overview:
Factors such as population growth, urbanization, and industrial development contribute significantly to the escalating demand for earth moving equipment globally. The reconstruction of aging public infrastructure in developed regions like Europe and North America is a major catalyst for the rapid surge in demand. Additionally, the adoption of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) models for infrastructure construction globally plays a crucial role in driving demand for earth moving equipment. However, challenges such as rising prices of raw materials like steel and aluminum, used in manufacturing components, and the swift increase in freight charges for transporting this equipment pose potential challenges during the forecast period.
The shortage of drivers for heavy-duty vehicles in regions like North America and Europe is expected to contribute to an increase in freight charges for transporting machinery, including earth moving equipment. While these challenges persist, competition among numerous earthmoving companies with offices in major demand centers like North America, Europe, and APAC is likely to mitigate potential price rises in these regions.
Top Earthmoving Companies:
1. Caterpillar Inc. (Founded in 1925): An American Fortune 100 corporation, Caterpillar is a leading global construction equipment manufacturer. Known for its commitment to safety, quality, and cost competitiveness, Caterpillar also provides digital-enabled solutions to enhance customer loyalty.
2. Komatsu (Founded in 1921): A Japanese multinational corporation engaged in the manufacturing of construction, mining, and military equipment. Komatsu has expanded its capabilities through strategic acquisitions and partnerships, including a recent collaboration with NVIDIA to integrate AI in construction job site operations.
3. Hitachi (Founded in 1970): A renowned company in the manufacturing, development, marketing, and sales of construction equipment. Hitachi's mining equipment portfolio includes loaders, excavators, cranes, compactors, bulldozers, and dump trucks. The company has entered partnerships, such as the one with Trimble, to enhance fleet management capabilities.
4. XCMG Group: A Chinese government-owned multinational known for heavy machinery manufacturing. Ranked 5th in the world's construction machinery industry, XCMG has a global presence and focuses on innovation and machine-building excellence.
5. Terex Corporation: A global manufacturer offering lifecycle solutions, lifting, and material processing products across diverse industries. Terex serves construction, manufacturing, infrastructure, shipping, transportation, energy, refining, utilities, mining, and quarrying sectors.
In conclusion, the earthmoving equipment market is poised for growth, driven by increasing construction and mining activities globally. Top players in the industry are adapting to challenges through innovation, partnerships, and technological advancements to meet evolving industry demands.
For more information please contact.
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trailerdriver · 9 months
Trailer Driver Jobs in Europe
Are you considering a career as a trailer driver in Europe? Do you want to explore the opportunities and benefits that come with being a professional driver? Look no further, as this article is your ultimate guide to trailer driver jobs in Europe.
What are Trailer Driver Jobs?
Trailer driver jobs involve operating heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) to transport goods across various destinations within Europe. As a trailer driver, your responsibilities will include loading and unloading goods, planning efficient routes, and ensuring the safe and timely delivery of products. This vital role keeps our economies running smoothly by facilitating the movement of goods throughout Europe.
Why Choose Trailer Driver Jobs in Europe?
Abundance of Opportunities: Europe boasts a thriving transportation industry, and trailer driver jobs are in high demand. From delivering goods to well-known international corporations to supporting local businesses, the opportunities for trailer drivers are endless.
Travel and Adventure: If you have a sense of wanderlust, trailer driver jobs in Europe offer the opportunity to travel to different countries, experience new cultures, and explore beautiful landscapes. With each journey, you’ll embark on a new and exciting adventure.
Stability and Job Security: With the constant need for goods to be transported across Europe, trailer driver jobs provide stability and job security. As long as there is a demand for products, there will always be a need for skilled and reliable trailer drivers.
Competitive Pay: Trailer driver jobs in Europe offer competitive salaries, allowing you to earn a comfortable living. Moreover, many companies provide additional benefits such as insurance coverage and retirement plans, ensuring financial security for the future.
How to Start a Career as a Trailer Driver in Europe
Obtain the Right License: To embark on a trailer driver career in Europe, you must possess a valid commercial driver’s license (CDL). This license showcases your proficiency in handling heavy goods vehicles and your commitment to adhering to traffic and safety regulations.
Get Proper Training: It is important to receive proper training to ensure you have the necessary skills and knowledge to operate a trailer safely and efficiently. Various driving schools and training programs across Europe offer courses specifically tailored for aspiring trailer drivers.
Benefits of Working with Anywherejobs
If you’re looking for trailer driver jobs in Europe, Anywherejobs is the perfect platform to kickstart your career. Here’s why:
Extensive Job Listings: Anywherejobs provides a vast database of trailer driver job listings in Europe. Whether you prefer short-haul or long-haul routes, local or international deliveries, you’ll find a range of options tailored to your preferences.
Simplified Application Process: Anywherejobs streamlines the application process, allowing you to easily browse and apply for trailer driver jobs with just a few clicks. You can conveniently upload your resume and cover letter, increasing your chances of landing your dream job.
Employer Verification: Anywherejobs thoroughly verifies employers to ensure they meet high standards of professionalism and reliability. This gives you peace of mind knowing you’ll be working with reputable companies that value their employees.
The Importance of Professionalism in Trailer Driver Jobs
As a trailer driver, professionalism is of utmost importance. Here are some key traits that will help you thrive in this field:
Reliability: Employers and customers depend on trailer drivers to deliver goods safely and on time. Being reliable and punctual is crucial in building a positive reputation and fostering long-term professional relationships.
Strong Communication Skills: Clear and effective communication with employers, colleagues, and clients is vital in the transportation industry. Whether it’s discussing delivery details, addressing concerns, or coordinating with coworkers, excellent communication skills will set you apart.
Strong Work Ethic: Trailer driver jobs require a strong work ethic. Long hours on the road can be physically and mentally demanding, but maintaining a positive attitude and a strong commitment to your responsibilities will ensure success.
Trailer driver jobs in Europe offer exciting opportunities for those seeking a fulfilling career in the transportation industry. With a stable job market, competitive pay, and the chance to explore Europe’s diverse landscapes, becoming a trailer driver can be a rewarding choice. Remember to start by obtaining the necessary license and training, and utilize platforms like Anywherejobs to simplify your job search. Embrace professionalism, communicate effectively, and showcase a strong work ethic to excel in this field. Get ready to hit the road and embark on a fulfilling journey as a trailer driver in Europe!
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adityarana1687-blog · 9 months
Power Tools Market Expected To Achieve Lucrative Growth By 2030
The global power tools market size is anticipated to reach USD 54.39 billion by 2030, expanding at a CAGR of 7.2% from 2023 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Demand for compact, flexible, and mobile tools is increasing in the industrial as well as residential applications. Power instruments play a crucial role in reducing manual efforts, especially in heavy duty applications; this is projected to have a positive impact on the market.
Increasing use of the instruments in residential applications is projected to escalate the market towards growth trajectories. The surge in popularity of the Do-it-Yourself (DIY) technique is observed as a trend globally. Moreover, the unavailability of household workers has forced people to take up DIY jobs for household repair and maintenance. House repair, gardening, etc. is easier with the help of user-friendly and ergonomic tools which has led to increased demand for these products. Rising disposable income of the people is also a major factor influencing market growth.
Increased use of fastening instruments in the automotive and construction industry has led to significant adoption of the instruments in the industrial application. Increasing sales of commercial vehicles and growing urbanization drive the demand for the instruments in the automotive and construction sectors. Power instruments offer enhanced efficiency making them the preferred choice of workers in the industrial sectors.
The outbreak of the pandemic COVID-19 has impeded market growth in the first quarter of 2020, especially in North America and Europe. The pandemic has led to the slowdown of the manufacturing industries across the globe. However, the revival of industries and the adoption of tools in non-industrial sector are projected to upkeep market growth over the forecast period.
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 Request a free sample copy or view report summary: Power Tools Market Report
Power Tools Market Report Highlights
Based on product type, wrenches are expected to exhibit a significant growth owing to several household and professional applications and affordable prices
The electric mode of operation segment dominated the market with the share of 65.30% in 2022. The high revenue share is attributed to the increasing adoption of cordless instruments as they are ergonomic, mobile, and portable
Based on application, industrial segment held more than 62.84% of the revenue share in 2022 and is expected to continue its dominance throughout the forecast period. Rising number of construction activities across the globe is anticipated to drive the segment growth
Asia Pacific held the largest market share of 34.63% in 2022 owing to the growth in infrastructure and construction activities in the region
Power Tools Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global power tools market based on product, mode of operation, application, and region:
Power Tools Product Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Power Tools Mode Of Operation Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Power Tools Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Power Tools Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
List of Key Players of Power Tools Market
Emerson Electric, Co
Hilti Corporation
Ingersoll-Rand PLC
Koki Holdings Co., Ltd.
Makita Corporation
Robert Bosch
Stanley Black & Decker
Techtronic Industries
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hgvdrivertraining1 · 1 year
In 2023, Here Are 10 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Consider A Career As An HGV Driver In The UK
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It is no secret that the world of transport and logistics is continually changing, and as a result, the demand for qualified drivers for heavy goods vehicles is ever growing. There are ten reasons why a career in truck driving could be one of the best career choices you can make in the UK in 2023 if you live in rural areas.
Availability and Security of Jobs in a High Demand Industry
It is clear that the transport sector is a vital part of the UK economy, and there will always be a demand for drivers for heavy goods vehicles. A significant increase in online shopping demands has resulted in increased job security for HGV training near me, with a number of vacancies and employment opportunities coming up.
Benefits and a competitive salary are offered
It is not uncommon for a lorry drive training to earn a substantial salary, which increases with experience and includes many perks, such as pension schemes, health insurance, bonuses, etc. The annual salary for an entry-level driver with no prior experience can be in the range of GBP25,000-GBP35,000. Drivers who work for large corporations can expect to earn between GBP60,000 a year if they have experience.
No degree, no problem, no problem at all!
There is no formal qualification that you need to start a career as an HGV driver because you do not need any. A driving license for a Class C+E vehicle (formerly known as Class 2) is enough, and you can receive training that will prepare you for the role.
Vacancies in the travel industry
The exciting aspect of being an HGV driver is that you get to travel across the UK and possibly Europe, giving your career an unforgettable experience. It's an excellent opportunity to explore different cities and rural areas, meeting new people and getting to know different cultures.
Being flexible
In fact, it is a common practice for HGV drivers to work flexible hours, so that they can easily balance their work and personal lives. Currently, the demand for HGV drivers is high, so you will be able to pick either a full-time, part-time, or flexible shift pattern that will suit your needs.
There are opportunities for growth in this industry
If you are considering a career as a HGV driver, you will have multiple opportunities for both growth and advancement. It is possible to achieve supervisory or managerial positions through experience and by expanding your skill set, that you may become a transport manager or even start your own transport and logistics company.
There are always challenges to overcome
An HGV driver's job isn't the same as a typical office job. Every day comes with new challenges and opportunities to learn, like navigating new routes, delivering goods to different locations, and handling various loads.
Work Environment that is Positive
The transport industry places a high emphasis on teamwork, which contributes to the industry's reputation of valuing every member of staff. In order to create a positive working culture and environment, HGV drivers are closely supervised by other transport department and logistics employees.
The Path to a Long-Term Career
The need for HGV drivers is going to continue to increase as long as there is a need for goods and services. It is a career in HGV driving which is a long-term investment and a profession that is future-proof and sustainable.
Achieving a work-life balance is crucial
As a HGV driver, one of the most significant benefits to you is that it allows you to maintain a work-life balance, which enables you to spend quality time with your family and friends, and to participate in other activities outside of work.
For this reason, becoming an HGV driver can be an excellent choice if one is looking for a profession that is stable, rewarding, and challenging at the same time. We have a strong demand for drivers, an attractive salary and benefits package, the chance for you to explore new places, and endless opportunities for you to grow in your career. You can be confident that you will have a fulfilling and rewarding career ahead of you with ourselves.
Join HGV Training Network for a rewarding career in HGV driving, by pursing your educational goals
With our extensive network of training providers, there is a wide range of career opportunities available for those who enroll in HGV training with our company. Our training schedules are flexible, so as to ensure that you get the best possible training, we tailor our schedules to meet your needs.
Let us help you begin your journey towards a rewarding career in the field of HGV by getting in touch with us today. Call us at 0203 869 9001 or send an email to [email protected] to learn more about our courses and how we can help you achieve your career aspirations. The HGV Training Network has trained thousands of successful drivers over the years, and we encourage you to join us and take the first step towards a brighter future with us.
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Delivery Driver Jobs in the UK
Delivery driver jobs are in high demand in the UK, with an increasing need for drivers to deliver goods and packages to different locations. If you enjoy driving and want to explore employment opportunities in this field, this article will provide you with valuable information on delivery driver jobs in the UK.
Types of Delivery Driver Jobs
There are various types of delivery driver jobs available in the UK, including:
1. Courier Drivers
Courier drivers are responsible for delivering packages and documents to various locations, including offices, homes, and businesses. This type of job is ideal for those who enjoy driving and are comfortable with frequent stops and deliveries.
2. Delivery Van Drivers
Delivery van drivers are responsible for transporting packages and goods from warehouses to different locations. This type of job requires a valid driver's license, excellent driving skills, and the ability to handle packages of different sizes.
3. HGV Drivers
HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicle) drivers are responsible for transporting large quantities of goods across the UK and Europe. This type of job requires a special license, excellent driving skills, and the ability to handle heavy loads.
4. Food Delivery Drivers
Food delivery drivers are responsible for delivering meals and snacks from restaurants and takeaways to customers' homes. This type of job is ideal for those who enjoy driving and have good customer service skills.
Skills Required for Delivery Driver Jobs
To be a successful delivery driver, you need to have the following skills:
1. Good Driving Skills
Delivery drivers need to have excellent driving skills and a clean driving record. They should be comfortable driving in different weather conditions and on different types of roads.
2. Time Management Skills
Delivery drivers need to manage their time effectively to ensure timely deliveries. They should be able to plan their routes and schedule their deliveries efficiently.
3. Customer Service Skills
Delivery drivers need to have good customer service skills and be able to communicate effectively with customers. They should be able to handle complaints and resolve issues quickly.
4. Physical Fitness
Delivery drivers need to be physically fit and able to handle packages of different sizes and weights. They should be able to lift and carry heavy loads and maneuver them safely.
How to Find Delivery Driver Jobs
There are various ways to find delivery driver jobs in the UK, including:
1. Job Search Websites
Job search websites such as Indeed, Monster, and Reed have filters that allow you to search for delivery driver jobs in specific locations and industries.
2. Company Websites
Many delivery companies advertise their job vacancies on their websites. You can check their websites for job vacancies and apply directly.
3. Recruitment Agencies
Recruitment agencies can help you find delivery driver jobs that match your skills and experience. They can also provide you with valuable advice on how to improve your CV and prepare for job interviews.
Top UK Cities for Delivery Driver Jobs
Some of the top UK cities for delivery driver jobs include:
1. London
London has a high demand for delivery drivers, especially for courier and food delivery drivers. The city is also home to several logistics companies that offer delivery van and HGV driving jobs.
2. Birmingham
Birmingham is a hub for logistics and transportation, making it an excellent location for delivery driver jobs. The city has several distribution centers and logistics companies that offer delivery van and HGV driving jobs.
3. Manchester
Manchester has a high demand for delivery drivers, especially for courier and food delivery drivers. The city is also home to several distribution centers and logistics companies that offer delivery van and HGV driving jobs.
4. Glasgow
Glasgow has a high demand for food delivery drivers
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wabashmfginc · 2 years
Custom Material Dealing With Specialty Forklifts
Like most youngsters in the course of the Nineteen Sixties, lengthy before video games and hand-held units, I spent my summers atop a dirt pile enjoying with Tonka backhoes, low boys, and tow vans. Most of us outgrow the dirt pile, however some youngsters by no means outgrow the love of heavy gear. Truck Cabs manufacturers, service corporations and distributors are listed in this trusted and comprehensive vertical portal. The comprehensive directory supplies entry to full contact and skill data for sourcing professionals, engineers and researchers wishing to get info on Truck Cabs.
It's why we're trusted by many main commercial truck manufacturers to supply the specialty parts that construct their vehicles. We do greater than manufacture and promote components and accessories for vans. We also provide a full complement of design, engineering, and prototyping companies to develop the custom elements and elements our customers need to journey in fashion, mile after mile. FSW is a custom shop custom truck manufacturers, so contemplating the excessive degree of variation in truck construct time , it was little marvel the assembly team spent a minimal of 20 minutes a day huddled round a whiteboard. They wanted estimates from each meeting tech about the place the truck stood in assembly. When customers called, no one could inform them exactly when the vehicles could be ready.
Don’t attempt to undercut a reputable manufacturer by threatening to have your custom physique job carried out at a cheaper place. And much more probably, that cheaper place won’t use high-quality components or will do a poor job that falls apart after a couple of hundred miles. The right manufacturer will be ready to quote you a fair value for high-quality work. If you wish to know how to decide the proper manufacturer, perceive that budget shouldn’t be a deal breaker if you custom truck manufacturers strategy completely different firms. When you need a super-charged, highly specific truck to add to your fleet of automobiles, it’s advised that you simply don’t attempt to outfit a truck on your own. This physique presents all of the options and benefits you find on their metal body together with the superior efficiency of aluminum construction.
UN Forklift has a wide gross sales and repair community on the planet, with UN forklift sales and service companions in Europe, South America, North America, Africa, and Asia. UN Forklift is certainly one of earliest factories to produce reach truck, double deep reach truck and VNA in China. Adopting international advanced expertise and ergonomic design ideas, it has the traits of comfy operation, secure driving, excessive efficiency and handy upkeep. Paint—Prep/prime and custom paint and undercoating; we provide many choices for paint. When the application is unique – you need an organization able to out-of-the ordinary solutions you want a group of experts to understand and develop a solution for your hardest challenges. Comvoy is dedicated to serving the business automobile market by helping industrial car consumers discover the proper vehicle, at the right place, on the proper time.
To proceed expanding our physique choices, we acquire America’s Body Company . This move allows us to begin manufacturing Rugged American brand aluminum, fiberglass bolstered plywood dry freight our bodies, panorama & dump bodies. After being acquired by LLR Partners, we become The Reading Group, LLC to raised focus on our manufacturing and distribution capabilities. We added Reading Fleet Services to serve business fleets and major leasing companies as an end-to-end solutions provider, with ship-thru capabilities for OEM chassis manufacturers.
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Truck our bodies can be found in galvannealed steel, stainless steel, and aluminum. Trucks may be personalized with numerous choices for specific purposes. Manufacturer of cabs for hearth trucks, crane & heavy equipment carriers & particular purpose vehicles together with backhoe, bulldozer, tractor, building tools, fork lifter & off-road gear. Materials used embrace aluminum, galvaneal, mild metal & stainless steel which may be corrosion resistant.
Whether you want a state-of-the-art cellular manufacturing studio or a cell marketing/sales demonstration unit, we have intensive knowledge to attract from. Serving mobile markets across the globe, we now have what it takes to construct you a custom-made truck tailored to your wants. Functional, straightforward to make use of and well-equipped cell medical vehicles!
Approximately 16 companies produce light-, medium- and heavy-duty vans, truck chassis and cab-chassis appropriate for completion as work-performing automobiles. Through truck dealerships, these products are equipped to truck physique and equipment custom truck manufacturers corporations for last assembly and set up procedures before delivery to the shopper. At American Truck Bodies, we do extra than just custom truck body manufacturing.
Here are some products and accessories that could be utilized once we customise your vehicles. When you want a truck bed that works as onerous as you do, come speak to the experienced technicians at Pine Hill. Our Jutland truck beds have been helping hard-working people similar to you get the job accomplished for greater than 15 years. "For years, ATW has partnered with Dakota Bodies on custom service and utility our bodies," stated Steve Courreges, President of ATW Truck Equipment. "By bringing them into the ATW portfolio, we are in a position to extra successfully combine their experience and technology with ATW’s scalability and industrial expertise.
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sudeepkedar · 2 years
Europe Automotive Paints & Coatings Market is predicted to witness over 5.8% CAGR by 2026
Europe Automotive Paints & Coatings Market To Hit USD 2.72 Bn By 2026. Europe automotive paints & coatings market forecast is primarily driven by changing customer tastes toward improving vehicle appearances. Because of the high depreciation rate of new vehicles, easy financing options, and much cheaper costs of used cars, there is a growing predisposition toward the acquisition of pre-owned cars, which is opening up new prospects from refinishing paint & coating applications.
In order to create brand awareness and set a foothold in the industry, key industry players are focusing on various marketing strategies, including product development, mergers and acquisitions, and collaborations. PPG, for example, announced the acquisition of Cetelon Lackfabrik GmbH, a maker of automotive coatings and light truck wheels, in April 2021. The acquired firm develops and manufactures a wide range of wheel coating solutions, including proprietary technology. It has production and sales headquarters in Germany, from where it serves several of the world's top wheel suppliers.
BASF SE, 3M, Axalta Coating Systems, PPG Industries Inc., AkzoNobel N.V., Sherwin-Williams Company, and Eastman Chemical Company are among the leading automotive paints & coatings companies in Europe.
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 Germany automotive paints and coatings industry size is expected to reach USD 480 million by 2026. With significant manufacturing facilities, the nation is an automobile hub comprising of some leading automakers worldwide. The regional government is fully committed to environmental sustainability, with significant subsidies on electric car and plug-in hybrid vehicle sales, which are driving the automotive paints and coatings industry trends. According to the 2030 Climate Action Programme, the government intends to have up to 10 million EVs and 1 million charging stations on German roadways by 2030. Several EV incentives have been extended or introduced in order to meet this  goal.
The market share from the polyurethane-based coating is anticipated to expand at a rate of 6.5% CAGR through 2026 in Europe. Several automobile manufacturers employ polyurethane-based coatings because of their outstanding solvent resistance, weather ability, and mechanical characteristics.
The matte texture accounted for $75 million share of Europe automotive paints & coatings market in terms of sales during 2019. This texture is popular due to its non-reflective and flat look, as well as sandy and rough textures. Several automobile manufacturers, including Lexus, Hyundai, and others, are providing matte textures on recently released vehicles, including Lexus' special edition GS F and RCF. The preference for this texture is increasing amongst consumers in the automotive aftermarket, where several participants are offering custom matte-paint jobs.
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Europe automotive paints & coatings industry share from the powder coating technology is anticipated to expand at a significant rate of about 5.6% CAGR up to 2026. Because of its excellent quality, cost-effectiveness, environmental friendliness, rapid paint applicability, convenience of use, as well as the refinement of paint application methods, powder coating technology is a preferred choice for a range of automotive part end-use applications.
The customer inclination toward sustainable powder coating technologies and products is growing. In 2020, PPG released a number of ecologically friendly new products, such as the PPG ENVIROCRON HTE Max severe corrosion polyester powder topcoat, which protects large truck wheels as well as agricultural, heavy-duty, and industrial equipment.
Several regional economies like Russia, France, and others, are experiencing a significant rise in new passenger car sales. Automobile manufacturers have transitioned from conventional gasoline to electric-powered car production, and significant expenditures in this endeavor are major future developments in the automotive sector. Ford stated in February 2021 that it will invest around USD 1 billion to achieve electrified passenger car manufacturing by 2030. Owing to the growing number of car registrations, the passenger car segment is expected to account for a substantial share of the automotive paints and coatings industry in Europe through 2026.
About Graphical Research:
Graphical Research is a business research firm that provides industry insights, market forecast and strategic inputs through granular research reports and advisory services. We publish targeted research reports with an aim to address varied customer needs, from market penetration and entry strategies to portfolio management and strategic outlook. We understand that business requirements are unique: our syndicate reports are designed to ensure relevance for industry participants across the value chain. We also provide custom reports that are tailored to the exact needs of the customer, with dedicated analyst support across the purchase lifecycle.
 Contact US:
Parikhit B. Corporate sales, Graphical Research Email: [email protected] Web: https://www.graphicalresearch.com/
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newstfionline · 3 years
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Hostile school board meetings have members calling it quits (AP) A Nevada school board member said he had thoughts of suicide before stepping down amid threats and harassment. In Virginia, a board member resigned over what she saw as politics driving decisions on masks. The vitriol at board meetings in Wisconsin had one member fearing he would find his tires slashed. School board members are largely unpaid volunteers, traditionally former educators and parents who step forward to shape school policy, choose a superintendent and review the budget. But a growing number are resigning or questioning their willingness to serve as meetings have devolved into shouting contests between deeply political constituencies over how racial issues are taught, masks in schools, and COVID-19 vaccines and testing requirements. In his letter of resignation from Wisconsin’s Oconomowoc Area School Board, Rick Grothaus said its work had become “toxic and impossible to do.” “When I got on, I knew it would be difficult,” Grothaus, a retired educator, said by phone. “But I wasn’t ready or prepared for the vitriolic response that would occur, especially now that the pandemic seemed to just bring everything out in a very, very harsh way. It made it impossible to really do any kind of meaningful work.”
California fire approaches Lake Tahoe after mass evacuation (AP) A ferocious wildfire swept toward Lake Tahoe on Tuesday just hours after roads were clogged with fleeing cars when the entire California resort city of South Lake Tahoe was ordered to evacuate and communities just across the state line in Nevada were warned to get ready to leave. The popular vacation haven normally filled with tens of thousands of summer tourists emptied out Monday as the massive Caldor Fire rapidly expanded. Vehicles loaded with bikes and camping gear and hauling boats were in gridlock traffic, stalled in hazy, brown air that smelled like a campfire. Police and other emergency vehicles whizzed by. “It’s more out of control than I thought,” evacuee Glen Naasz said of the fire that by late Monday had been pushed by strong winds across California highways 50 and 89, burning mountain cabins as it swept down slopes into the Tahoe Basin.
Hurricane Ida traps Louisianans, shatters the power grid (AP) Rescuers set out in hundreds of boats and helicopters to reach people trapped by floodwaters Monday, and utility repair crews rushed in, after a furious Hurricane Ida swamped the Louisiana coast and ravaged the electrical grid in the sticky, late-summer heat. People living amid the maze of rivers and bayous along the state’s Gulf Coast retreated desperately to their attics or roofs and posted their addresses on social media with instructions for search-and-rescue teams on where to find them. More than 1 million customers in Louisiana and Mississippi—including all of New Orleans—were left without power as Ida, one of the most powerful hurricanes ever to hit the U.S. mainland, pushed through on Sunday and early Monday before weakening into a tropical storm. As it continued to make its way inland with torrential rain and shrieking winds, it was blamed for at least two deaths. But with many roads impassable and cellphone service knocked out in places, the full extent of its fury was still coming into focus. The governor’s office said damage to the power grid appeared “catastrophic.” And local officials warned it could be weeks before power is fully restored, leaving multitudes without refrigeration or air conditioning during the dog days of summer, with highs forecast in the mid-80s to close to 90 by midweek.
Heavily armed criminal group ties hostages to getaway cars after storming Brazilian city (Washington Post) A heavily armed group of bank robbers wreaked havoc across a southeastern Brazilian city early Monday, striking several banks, setting fire to vehicles and tying hostages to their getaway cars, in an assault that left at least three people dead, officials say. Even in a country long accustomed to random spasms of violence, Brazilians reacted with shock and fear. The group stormed Araçatuba, a city of 200,000 in São Paulo state, around midnight to strike several city banking agencies. Gunshots punctured the early-morning quiet. Authorities asked residents to stay inside. Images on social media and local news reports showed at least 10 people clinging to getaway cars, apparently strapped there to deter fire from police. The hostages were reportedly released after the group escaped. The raid bore the characteristics of what criminologists have called a growing pattern: nighttime assaults on midsize Brazilian cities—often elaborate bank heists, intricately planned, well choreographed and executed by well-financed criminal groups equipped with the weaponry and gadgetry of war. The group flew a drone over Araçatuba during the raid, according to local reports, to track movements throughout the city.
EU travel restrictions (AP) The European Union recommended Monday that its 27 nations reinstate restrictions on tourists from the U.S. because of rising coronavirus infections there, but member countries will keep the option of allowing fully vaccinated U.S. travelers in. The EU’s decision reflects growing anxiety that the rampant spread of the virus in the U.S. could jump to Europe at a time when Americans are allowed to travel to the continent. Both the EU and the U.S. have faced rising infections this summer, driven by the more contagious delta variant. The guidance issued Monday is nonbinding, however. American tourists should expect a mishmash of travel rules across the continent since the EU has no unified COVID-19 tourism policy and national EU governments have the authority to decide whether or how they keep their borders open during the pandemic.
Italy’s record droughts (La Stampa) The earth is cracking in Italy’s northwest region of Piedmont: the crops and the animals suffer. Italy has been ravaged by fires and storms, like Greece, Turkey and much of Southern Europe. Italy has recorded 1,200 “extreme” meteorological events—a 56% increase from last year. Wildfires ravaged the southern regions of Sardinia, Calabria and Sicily. The town of Florida, in Sicily, is thought to have recorded the hottest temperature ever recorded in Europe: 48.8 °C. Meanwhile, heavy rainfall devastated other parts of the country. Coldiretti, Italy’s largest agricultural association, has just summed up the bill for this Italian summer: The damages to agriculture, it says, amount to €1 billion. Wheat yields have fallen 10%; cherries 30%, nectarines 40%. Tomato and corn crops have also suffered heavy losses. Giovanni Bedino, a 59-year-old Italian farmer, has been working the land since he was 15. “I love this job, but a year like this takes away your love,” he told Turin daily La Stampa. “We couldn’t water the fields and nothing came down from the sky. I remember, the summer of 2003 was a very difficult one—but it wasn’t even close to this year. I have never seen such a drought.”
In India, a debate over population control turns explosive (Washington Post) Yogi Adityanath, a star of India’s political right wing, stood before television cameras in his trademark saffron tunic and dramatically introduced a bill pushing for smaller families—two children at most. In previous decades, this measure by the leader of the country’s most populous state might have been uncontroversial. Over the past month, it’s been explosive. Critics saw a veiled attempt to mobilize Hindu voters by tapping into an age-old trope about India’s Muslim population ballooning out of control. As India barrels toward a pivotal election in Uttar Pradesh early next year, population bills introduced by the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have become a new flash point in the national debate, vividly illustrating how the issues of religion and identity, spoken or implied, form the most powerful undercurrent in the country’s politics. Since 2011, when official census figures emerged showing Hindus dipping to 80 percent of India’s population compared to 84 percent in 1951—Muslims increased from 10 percent to 14.2 percent during that same period—the question of how to maintain “demographic balance” has gained urgency for the Hindu movement’s leaders. A 2016 national survey finding that Indian Muslim women had, on average, 2.6 children compared to 2.1 for Hindus provoked more concern.
North Korea appears to have restarted Yongbyon nuclear reactor, U.N. body says (Washington Post) North Korea appears to have restarted its main nuclear reactor at Yongbyon in July, a “deeply troubling” sign that the country may be on track to expand its nuclear program, according to a new report by the United Nations’ atomic agency. The finding adds another challenge to the Biden administration’s goal of denuclearizing North Korea. Although Yongbyon is not the only site where North Korea has produced highly enriched uranium, its role at the heart of Pyongyang’s nuclear ambitions made the facility a bargaining chip in previous negotiations. In 2008, North Korea ceremoniously blew up the reactor’s cooling tower in a largely made-for-TV event amid nuclear talks between the United States and former leader Kim Jong Il. (A new cooling tower was built after the negotiations fell through.)
Last troops exit Afghanistan, ending America’s longest war (AP) The United States completed its withdrawal from Afghanistan late Monday, ending America’s longest war and closing a chapter in military history likely to be remembered for colossal failures, unfulfilled promises and a frantic final exit that cost the lives of more than 180 Afghans and 13 U.S. service members, some barely older than the war. Hours ahead of President Joe Biden’s Tuesday deadline for shutting down a final airlift, and thus ending the U.S. war, Air Force transport planes carried a remaining contingent of troops from Kabul airport. Thousands of troops had spent a harrowing two weeks protecting a hurried and risky airlift of tens of thousands of Afghans, Americans and others seeking to escape a country once again ruled by Taliban militants. In announcing the completion of the evacuation and war effort. Gen. Frank McKenzie, head of U.S. Central Command, said the last planes took off from Kabul airport at 3:29 p.m. Washington time, or one minute before midnight in Kabul. He said a number of American citizens, likely numbering in “the very low hundreds,” were left behind, and that he believes they will still be able to leave the country. The final pullout fulfilled Biden’s pledge to end what he called a “forever war” that began in response to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, that killed nearly 3,000 people in New York, Washington and rural Pennsylvania.
Afghanistan’s ‘Gen Z’ fears for future and hard-won freedoms (Reuters) Almost two third of Afghans are under the age of 25, and an entire generation cannot even remember the Taliban, who ruled Afghanistan from 1996 until it was toppled by Western-backed militia in 2001. During that time they enforced a strict interpretation of Islamic law, banning girls from school, women from work and carrying out public executions. Since 2001, the militants fought an insurgency in which thousands of Afghans died. Since re-taking power, the group has been quick to reassure students that their education would not be disrupted, also saying it would respect the rights of women and urging talented professionals not to leave the country. But used to a life with cellphones, pop music and mixing of genders, Afghanistan’s “Generation Z”—born roughly in the decade around the turn of the millennium—now fears some freedoms will be taken away, according to interviews with half a dozen Afghan students and young professionals. “I made such big plans, I had all these high reaching goals for myself that stretched to the next 10 years,” said Sosan Nabi, a 21-year-old graduate. “We had a hope for life, a hope for change. But in just one week, they took over the country and in 24 hours they took all our hopes, dreams snatched from in front of our eyes. It was all for nothing.”
They made it out of Afghanistan. But their path ahead is uncertain. (Washington Post) As the United States winds down its evacuation operation in Afghanistan, the Biden administration is accelerating efforts to resettle Afghans on U.S. soil, where they will be expected to apply for visas or humanitarian protection that could put them on a path to legal residency and citizenship. But the chaotic nature of the enormous airlift means that much is unknown: Officials have not said precisely how many Afghan evacuees have made it into the United States or whether all will be allowed to stay. More than 117,000 people had been evacuated from Afghanistan on U.S. and other flights as of Saturday, and Pentagon officials said the vast majority are Afghan citizens. Thousands have arrived in the United States, while thousands more are waiting in “transit hubs” in Europe and the Middle East. They are a mix of brand-new refugees and families with existing immigration applications that have been pending for months or years. Where the evacuees will end up is “a hard question to answer,” said Mark Hetfield, president and CEO of HIAS, one of the refugee resettlement agencies operating in the United States. “I don’t really know where they stand,” Hetfield said in an interview. “It’s chaos.”
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gabeejavi · 5 years
Blog #6 - TANKS!!! My top 5 favorite tanks from WW2
Now for the 6th blog we’re going to be a little different. Today I’m going to talk about one of my favorite things, and that is about tanks! Yes… tanks… Tanks are formidable weapon in a war, when you have a tank, you have great chances to win a war because they have what we call the big guns. I’m going to share you my top 5 tanks of World War 2 and why I like them.
• Number 5 – The Stug III
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Stug 3
The Stug is a German tank destroyer, it gets to my 5th spot. It is a good tank destroyer, it was effective in both Eastern and Western fronts in the European theatre. It was small, low profile and has a gun that packs a punch. The Germans used this as a tank that would ambush tanks that were being used by the Allies (Americans, Russian, and British tanks) Overall it was one of the most effective tank destroyers the Germans used in the war that did its job.
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Stug 3 with some branches for camo
• Number 4 – M4 Sherman
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Early version of the M4
The M4 Sherman gets the 4th spot. Personally its not the best tank, some say it’s the perfect tank in the wrong war. Still, I find the M4 as one of the most reliable tanks in the Second World War. The reason why is because the tank can be repaired easily. The tank crews just need the spare parts and repair it wherever it may be. This reflects the type of tank United States want. They wanted a tank a reliable vehicle that can be brought anywhere and be repaired anytime. It is also one of the safest tanks because the crews can easily escape the tank when its ammo rack is about to explode. In general, the tank wasn’t the best of the best tanks in terms of firepower or mobility but its reliability and good quality caused it to be the American medium tank that remained to be used in the entirety of the war.
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Later version of the M4 with a T23 Turret and an M1A2 76mm gun
• Number 3 – Tiger
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The Tiger 131 in the Bovington Tank Museum
The Tiger, a tank that strike fear into the hearts of the allies. This tank was a tank that had great armor, a powerful gun, and intimidating looks. Now the reason why the Germans made this tank is because at that time, they didn’t have the capacity to make loads of tanks like what the Soviets and the Americans had. Instead they stuck with making few tanks that had a powerful gun and strong armor. It first saw battle in the Battle of Kursk, the biggest tank battle in history between the Germans and the Soviets. It destroyed many allied tanks, which showed its effectiveness. Unfortunately, the allies looked for ways to defeat it just like the Sherman Firefly of the British, the T34-85 and IS-2 of the Soviets and the M26 Pershing of the Americans. Slowly the numbers started to diminish as more get destroyed until there were few tiger tanks that can be seen in museums. Still, I like this tank because of its gun. It was powerful and can destroy T34s and M4s during the war. It would be great if I can go to the Bovington Tank Museum and see the Tiger 131 one day.
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Tiger 131 when it was discovered by the allies after its crew abandoned it
• Number 2 – Kv-2
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The box boi. A soviet heavy tank armed with a 152mm gun. The tank was effective in the early years of the war. It destroyed the early tanks of the Germans when the Germans invaded Russia. The tank was so powerful that one of the tanks was able to stop a whole advancement of the Germans for a whole day near the town of Rasenai until it ran out ammunition. The Kv2 is like the mad lad of soviet tanks, it was a scary tank that it would make you run away from your tank when you see its 152mm gun pointing at you. It goes to my 2nd spot because its weirdly awesome. Just look at it, its turret looks like a fridge with a gun sticking out. It can destroy lightly armored tanks and can even heavily damage later versions of German tanks like the Panther and the Tiger.
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Big boxy boi
• Number 1 - M18 Hellcat
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Hellcat most likely somewhere in Europe
This may be unusual but I designate the Hellcat as my number 1 tank. The purpose of this tank is to shoot the enemy, reposition, and shoot from another position. It was a tank destroyer, which means its job is to destroy tanks compared to other tanks; where they stick with the infantry. This tank destroyer participated in both the European Theatre and the Pacific Theatre. It destroyed both German and Japanese tanks from the mentioned theatres. Plus, this tank is fast, it holds the record for being the fastest tank in WW2. That’s the reason I like It, it was very fast. Just imagine you’re the enemy, you would see a shell coming to you and all of a sudden you see another one on a different place few seconds later. You think you’re facing two tanks but in reality it was just a hellcat shooting and driving from different positions. Plus, this tank served in the Philippine Army, unfortunately there’s no M18 Hellcats in museums here in the Philippines. Still I like the tank and its just an awesome fast boi.
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Mayor Brainard Timeline - 24 Years as Carmel Mayor is Enough
The mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana has come under criticism for what are perceived to be inappropriate uses of his political power and unacceptable behavior up to and including sexual harassment.   This is what is BELIEVED to be a timeline of Mayor Jim “Crash” Brainard’s behavior over the last four years in office based on multiple sources, news reports and public records. ELECTION SEASON 2015 During the last primary season (Spring of 2015) the mayor pursued a relationship with a younger woman he met at a political event.  His divorce was filed 10/05/2015 in Boone County, presumably to keep it quiet and out of the local headlines.  During this time period Clerk-Treasurer candidate Christine Pauley was also a candidate for office - as were numerous city council candidates the mayor supported in order to drive out existing opposition to his liberal spending and heavy-handed government control agenda. During this same time period the mayor had access to an apartment (that may have been provided by a developer) at One One Six near 116th and College. There are questions about whether the apartment was provided to the mayor by the developer for free, was provided for use by the city or was paid for, in full, by the mayor.  Campaign finance reports show no in-kind contribution by the developer. The woman the mayor was pursuing was assisted by him in finding employment in Carmel and had access to and use of this apartment. The mayor extended an invitation for the woman to secretly accompany him on the first leg of a trip to Europe which she declines. Ultimately, the woman ended the relationship although it is believed he may have continued to pursue her (or that it could have been intermittent) and that she could have been the proximate cause for his divorce filing.  His influence over the local community, the job he helped secure and possible influence over other matters and persistent presence in the community likely being a complication or pressure point to appear loyal and grateful. A source suggested that at least two Carmel City Councilors privately scolded the mayor for his potentially embarrassing pre-divorce affair. He then turns his attention to the newly elected Clerk-Treasurer who he had supported and helped with campaign funds. He had acted as something of a mentor to candidate Christine Pauley who was new to running for office. While grateful for the mayor’s help and guidance, the Clerk-Treasurer finally decides she is not interested in the mayor romantically despite his continued interest and rejects his advances. He persists even including forwarding an adult store’s advertising e-mail to her.  Recommendations by a consultant to increase the pay for city officials are passed with the exception being the Clerk-Treasurer's recommended increase is significantly reduced.   The Clerk-Treasurer makes a claim that this is unfair and could be discrimination or a reprisal and then is viciously attacked by the mayor's long-time supporter and attack dog, city councilor Ron Carter.   The City Council then effectively moves to eliminate the Clerk-Treasurer's regular speaking time at City Council events and remove her from the dais. Also, in 2016 the Council removes the Clerk-Treasurer’s access to legal funds.  Additionally, the mayor’s personal e-mail address shows up on a list of those that had accounts that were compromised at Ashley Madison.  Ashley Madison was a dating service that catered to married people and promoted discretion.   FROM 2015 TO 2019
Carmel's debt increased by between $300 and $400 million to in excess of $1.3 billion. Carmel's debt now exceeds Fishers, Noblesville and Westfield combined. Projects include a government partnership to construct, own and manage a hotel in competition with privately owned hotels. This is pursued despite the hotel industry and lenders themselves not believing it is a good investment.  The mayor's pursuit of city financing for $5 million carousel becomes a reach too far and is rejected by the City Council.   Despite claiming his opponent was lying during the 2015 primary campaign that property taxes would go up, property taxes did indeed go up making mayor Brainard the liar. April 20, 2017:  the mayor avoids taking an alcohol/drug test after crashing his city provided vehicle requiring it be towed away. This is required of all city employees if they are involved in an accident requiring a tow away.  The Mayor quickly walks away form TV Reporters attempting to investigate. A city representative announces that the mayor is exempt from the city policy - an intolerable double-standard. Police camera footage has him acknowledging to an officer at the scene that he is required to take the test.  June 21, 2017: The IndyStar reports that Mayor Brainard’s car has sustained significant damage along one side. The mayor claims it must have been damaged while parked somewhere and suggests he will pay for repairs out of his own pocket.  Public suspects a possible accident while impaired. No parking lot video of an incident is ever pursued or released and nobody is aware of any police report being filed. On December 15, 2018, Mayor Brainard unbelievably pulls his vehicle into oncoming traffic to make a u-turn on Main Street causing an accident. He attempts this u-turn after having just exited one of the round-about intersections where it would have been very safe to just proceed around. 2019 A man named Dan Hennessey speaks to a local, well-connected political volunteer on or about January 28, 2019 about whether he'd be able to make more money working for the Brainard campaign than for the challenger's (Fred Glynn's) team.  He is advised that a meeting can be set up. By January 30, 2019 it is shared in private communications that  Hennessey will now be working for the Brainard campaign (or, getting our facts right as the ridiculous mayor demanded in recent debate, 'the consultant to the campaign'). This arrangement is reported to be for around $40,000 ($10,000 per month during the primary election campaign) - an unheard of sum of money for minor campaign work.  On or about February 3-5, 2019 a meeting takes place where Hennessey's new employer - (in effect if not in fact The Brainard Campaign) claims that Hennessey attempted to request a bribe from The Brainard Campaign in order for Glynn not to pursue the mayor’s office.  A third party, presumably innocent to what is going on, is invited to the meeting possibly to 'observe' what was likely a pre-meditated set-up. Hennessey indeed takes an "offer" to candidate Glynn, who rejects it. Hennessey contacts at least one other person to pressure Glynn to take the Brainard campaign's 'bribe'.  Fred Glynn continues to reject being paid to sit out the election. Some days, perhaps approximately a week later, Hennessey advises Glynn that he is going to make more money working for the Brainard team.  He does not advise Glynn that his deal with Brainard's team was struck up to two weeks prior. April, 2019: It is reported that the IRS is investigating the city's handling of a bond issue used to finance The Barrington which has filed for bankruptcy protection and has many elderly people in jeopardy of losing hundreds of thousands of dollars each. The bond issue is from before the current Clerk-Treasurer was elected. A woman hired during the current Clerk-Treasurer's tenure in that office is terminated. The mayor immediately suggests he might hire the woman elsewhere. Reports circulate that the woman was terminated for violating department policy on sharing documents - possibly by colluding with Mayor Brainard directly to bypass normal department processes. The Clerk-Treasurer, having decided to not pursue a further elected office in the City of Carmel and approaching a time where she can be free from reprisal, levies a harrassment claim against Mayor Brainard and provides evidence of him forwarding inappropriate, unprofessional material to her including an e-mail regarding sex toys. On-line, another woman publicly suggests she, a single mother, had an 'uncomfortable' one-on-one meeting the mayor initiated supposedly to address her concerns about the city.  She eventually deletes the post to ‘avoid drama’ but then she shares the next day that somebody suspicious drove by her house and took pictures of her home and a political yard sign.
Come to your own conclusions, but this is a lot of drama and perhaps it really is time for a change in city leadership?
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how-screwed-are-we · 5 years
"Everything runs on electricity in this house," she says.
This is the foundation of a zero-carbon world: Electricity that comes from clean sources, mainly the sun and the wind, cheap and increasingly abundant.
Kiliccote quit her job at Stanford University and launched a startup company, eIQ Mobility, helping companies replace their fleets of vehicles, such as delivery vans, with electric-powered versions.
Last year, the world's climate scientists put out a report showing what it will take to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees C by the end of this century, averting the worst consequences of climate change. It requires bringing the globe's net greenhouse emissions down to zero by 2050.
It's a giant leap for humankind.
So Sila Kiliccote and I take that leap. Sitting in her kitchen, with solar panels overhead and an electric car parked outside, we pretend that it has happened. It's 2050 and we've stopped climate change.
2050: The first step was electric cars. That was actually pretty easy
"By 2025, battery technology got cheaper," she says. Electric cars were no longer more expensive. "At that point there was a massive shift to electric vehicles, because they were quieter, and cleaner, and [required] less maintenance. No oil change! Yippee! You know?"
Heating and cooling in homes and office buildings have gone electric, too. Gas-burning furnaces have been replaced with electric-power like heat pumps.
We needed more electricity to power all this right when we were shutting down power plants that burned coal and gas. It took a massive increase in power from solar and wind farms. They now cover millions of acres in the U.S., 10 times more land than they did in 2020. Huge electrical transmission lines share electricity between North and South America. Europe is connected to vast solar installations in the Sahara desert, which means that sub-Saharan Africa also has access to cheap power.
"It just changed Africa," Kiliccote says. "It actually fueled the economies of Africa."
We now store electricity so that it's always there when we need it. With batteries, of course, but in lots of other ways, too. For instance, cities are using electricity to heat and chill massive tanks of water, which then heat or cool buildings at any hour of the day or night.
Some big cement and steel plants still are burning coal or natural gas, but they also have to install massive plants to capture carbon dioxide from their smokestacks and put it back underground.
"We just had to kind of bite the bullet and say, 'OK, if you're making cement or steel, you are capturing and sequestering that CO2,'" Benson says. "And in some cases we actually had to say, 'We're not going to make those things here anymore'" because it wasn't economically feasible to capture the CO2 emissions from that factory.
Big, long-distance freight trucks were a problem, too. "They're really heavy, and batteries are really heavy, and if you have to put a whole bunch of batteries on a truck it's really inefficient," Benson says.
Some of my guides see "electric highways" with wires overhead, and trucks tapping into the electric power in those wires the same way trains do. Others see trucks running on hydrogen fuel; we make that hydrogen using solar or hydro power.
It appears that aircraft still are burning jet fuel. When you buy a plane ticket, you're also paying to cancel out that flight's carbon emissions, capturing an equivalent amount of CO2 from the air. This makes air travel expensive. Fortunately, we now have much faster trains. Teleconferencing helps, too.
Sally Benson is absolutely convinced about one thing. The hardest part of this journey wasn't finding technical solutions. They all existed, even back in 2019. The hardest part was navigating the social disruption.
Entire industries died — like oil exploration and gas furnace manufacturing. Others rose to take their place, as the country rebuilt its electrical systems. People didn't know what would happen and they were scared. The changes only moved ahead when people were convinced that they weren't getting ignored and left behind. It was the political struggle of a generation.
Now, in 2050, there's a tremendous sense of accomplishment.
"Are there children who look around at all the old buildings and say, 'What are those things they call chimneys? What were they for?' " I ask.
"They do," Benson says with a chuckle. "You know, it's like a historical artifact, but you know, they find it very touching. They are appreciative, because they're living in a world where they don't need to worry about climate change anymore."
It wasn't easy and it wasn't free, Benson says. But it was absolutely worth it.
The air is so much cleaner. Cities are quieter. And we're no longer heating up the planet.
2019: I'm taking a walk through downtown Toronto, in Canada, with Jennifer Keesmaat, the city's former chief planner.
Two years ago, a new set of traffic rules went into effect here. "Basically, what we've done is, we've limited through-traffic for cars," Keesmaat says. It forced cars away from King Street and launched a whole cascade of changes.
The streetcars that run down the middle of King Street weren't stuck in traffic anymore.
They became the best way to get across town at rush hour. "The volume of people being moved is astronomical!" Keesmaat says, as one rolls by. The streetcars, of course, are powered by electricity, and one passes every two or three minutes.
2050: At this point, Keesmaat and I open up our minds and take a leap into a world that could be. Greenhouse gas emissions have dropped to zero.
The vast majority of streets have been pedestrianized; that's how people get around, by walking down the street," she says.
"What has happened to the sprawling suburbs?" I ask. "Are people living there? How are they getting around?"
"Some of the large homes haven't changed at all," Keesmaat says. They've just been turned into multifamily units." Other free-standing houses that once lined suburban cul-de-sacs have disappeared; each one has been replaced with a building that contains five or six homes. With the local population booming, those neighborhoods also attracted shops and offices. Suburban sprawl morphed into urban density.
Cars have mostly disappeared. "There are cars, but people don't own cars," Keesmaat says. "Because a car is something that you use occasionally when you need it." Streetcars and buses go practically everywhere in the city now, and you rarely have to wait more than a couple of minutes to catch one. Fast buses and trains connect towns. For other destinations, there's car-sharing.
"2050? It's a wonderful life!" says Daniel Hoornweg, another one of my guides to this zero-carbon world.
"So, you want an autonomous vehicle? Bless your heart, but it costs you more to drive that autonomous vehicle on the road by yourself. If you ride-share, it's a little bit less."
The basic recipe — densely populated neighborhoods linked by mass transit —has been the same for cities all over the world, Hoornweg says.
In part, people are forced to share things; cars are scarce and homes are smaller.
But the scale of zero-carbon life also makes it easier to share. We're living closer together and run into neighbors all the time. "We have more acquaintances — somebody we met in our ride pool or car pool or whatever," Hoornweg says. "There's no better way to [meet your neighbors] than sitting in a [shared] car and you can't get away from them for 20 minutes or whatever."
Some people hated losing their yards and their solitary commutes at first. Others loved the changes. Eventually, Hoornweg says, it just became normal. People stopped talking about it.
Life now goes on as it always did. But there's one huge difference. We're no longer heating up the planet.
2019: Jacobo Arango was traveling in a forested part of his country, Colombia, when he ran into one big reason for global warming. He didn't see it, but he could hear it.
"You could hear the chainsaw cutting the forest; and the locals [were] telling us that this is nothing unusual for them, that they were hearing that every day," says Arango.
This was totally illegal. But local farmers didn't dare report it. "They said, if you do that, your life could be in danger," Arango recalls.
Usually, what follows land clearing in the tropics is cattle grazing. It's a careless, destructive form of cattle grazing, and Tim Searchinger, at the World Resources Institute, says it's incredibly common. "Grazing land is about two-thirds of all agricultural land, and about a third of that came right out of clearing forests," he says.
It's a climate disaster. First, cutting down trees and tearing up forest soil releases huge amounts of carbon dioxide. Then, cattle release methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, as microbes in their stomach digest grass and leaves.
There are greenhouse emissions from other kinds of farming, too — from plowing and from fertilizer. Add it all up, and growing food accounts for a quarter of the entire climate change problem. That could increase, too, because billions of people around the world are getting richer; they want more beef, too.
"There is no solution to climate change that doesn't dramatically reduce the land use demands and greenhouse emissions of agriculture," Searchinger says.
He and his colleagues at WRI released a report last year that laid out a road map for how to do this. It includes lots of things, from wasting less food to reducing greenhouse emissions from fertilizer.
He's brought me to a farm in the Patía valley, not far from Colombia's Pacific coast.
This pasture is a bovine buffet. The grass is up to my waist. This is not ordinary grass that grows wild in this region. These are varieties with names like Mulato, and Cayman, which researchers at CIAT bred and selected to be top-quality cattle feed.
Angulo Mosquera says that these grasses grow so fast, and they're so nutritious, he can keep four or even six cows on land that used to support just one. He does have to manage the cows more carefully; moving them every few weeks to new pastures when the grass is ready.
"More milk, more meat," he says.
Now, because the animals are growing so much faster, they aren't releasing nearly as much methane per pound of milk or meat.
We're looking at an essential part of a world without climate change.
And as we stand there, Jacobo Arango and I just start imagining it's already happened, and talking as though it's real.
2050: The same way we stopped mining coal to generate electricity, we've stopped mining the soil to grow food.
Farmers aren't letting cows wander across the landscape in search of something to eat. They're treating their pasture like a valuable crop, which it really is.
Another critical change: Americans are eating a lot less beef now — per person, half what they ate in 2020. "That's a really, really big deal," Searchinger says.
But they've been part of something amazing. It's 2050 and there are almost 10 billion people in the world. They are eating better — yet the Amazon forest is still there. It hasn't been sacrificed to grow food.
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