#Heavy Kinks
thatonepixie · 3 months
Hello!! Hope you're having a good day :] I just read your pinned and had a gen question (and apologies if it's a "piss on the poor" bad comprehension on my part lol):
What's the difference between Non-con, rape, and assult?
Thanks in advance, and I hope something nice happens to you soon!!
Hello! Im glad you asked! Granted, I had made an error in my main post, forgot to group Non-Con and 'Rape'. Thing is, in the world of kink, Non-con is a fanasty or scene played out. 'Rape' kinda falls under that in the whole fanasty thing. Both things are discussed between consenting partners beforehand and a safeword or signals is used during the play. Assault in this context is physical beatings used during play. I dislike Assault as a kink personally.
Real Rape and Assault is a terrible thing, no one should experience it. But im a sadomasochist. Granted, I will never let someone actually do such a thing to me. Id rather die. But as a scenario in a safe place with someone I trust, with a safeword or signals that can be used at anytime? Sure. Its not real in that setting, its just havin fun with a partner. And aftercare is a must with such things!
Also! When involved with such kinks, one must always be cautious! Ensure neither you or your partner(s) are ever uncomfy with it and regularly do mental and physical checks on both yourself and your partner(s)!
Note: This is all said in the context of kink and BDSM! Hence, why kink Rape has '' around it and I refer to actual Rape as Real Rape with no ".
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scumgh0ul · 2 months
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charliemwrites · 10 days
Unfamiliar Nobody
You are a witch preparing for winter. Luckily, you have an extra set of hands - if they'd ever help.
Content: Possessive behavior, Semi-Safe/Semi-Sane/Consensual Intimacy, implied (pseudo) cannibalism, Violence and Death, Unhealthy but Happy Relationship
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You haven’t been the same since the ritual.
Souls are tricky things, somewhere on that rickety fence between the Seen and Unseen, a bit of practical magic so common that people don’t think much of it.
Souls are like stones or plants. Abundant, but varied. Some are rare and precious, some are beautiful, some are poison. One soul does not weigh the same as another, and the beings that deal in their collection and sale value them differently. Souls aren’t rare and only some of them are powerful.
It’s a narcissistic misconception of humans - even the ones that can perceive beyond the physical world. That a soul is considered precious and coveted and powerful by all things of heaven, hell, and beyond.
Not so.
That said, like a bit of gold or a well-woven blanket, a soul can be commodified. Reshaped and displayed, butchered for parts, sold…
The selling of a soul has its merits, though not many. High risk, high reward sort of gamble. Tempting for clever witches - or desperate ones.
You were neither when you built the summoning circle that night.
You weren’t looking to forge any contracts or make deals beneath that moon. Didn’t expect to invoke any infernal beings or heavenly apparitions with the stars.
Well, best laid plans and all that - not that it had been an especially well laid plan anyway.
Baring your soul that deep into midnight had not yielded the results you intended. Or maybe it had and your expectations were just skewed. Souls are tricky things.
And yours hasn’t been the same since.
You always rouse as the sun begins to set. Late afternoon at the earliest, when most everyone else is finishing their suppers.
You can manage stark daylight, but poorly. It hurts your eyes and prickles your skin. A deep hood and long sleeves does the trick when required, but you don’t make a habit of it if you can help it, if only for the teeth that bury in your throat when you return.
Tend the garden in the dying rays, light the shop candles before night nestles in. Say your blessings, leave your offerings, wriggle out from beneath clingy weight to secure any provisions or materials from the town.
As the temperature cools and the shadows deepen, you settle into your work.
The shop once belonged to an apothecarist. Died in a plague some four decades ago, or so you’ve been told. No one of any skill or natural talent replaced them afterwards. Too frightened, perhaps, of what could be lingering within.
It wasn’t haunted until you (and your shadow) occupied it.
You’ve stocked it up quite nicely now. Herbs and spices, vegetables and fruits, roots and seeds. Thistles hang from the ceiling and bones rattle in the drawers. Mortars and pestles line a wall, weights and measures beneath the counter. Not a single thing labeled or organized, the latter of which disconcerts your… companion.
Fickle is not the word for him, but it’s the one you use.
(And he is a he, at least according to the long, thick cock he crams into you every chance he makes for himself. Though you suppose such trifles as gender are superfluous to nonhumans. A categorical fallacy for your own ease of reference.)
You told him once, that if he did not like the disarray of the shop, he was welcome to rearrange as he saw fit. In response, he left teeth rings around the base of each of your fingers, telling you how easy it would be to bite them off. He didn’t, of course - wouldn’t - but you spent a good portion of that evening updating the inventory logs (sat on that long, thick cock.)
The shop was never reorganized.
Tonight you wake to his tongue, a dark and wicked thing, improbably dexterous, lapping at your thighs.
“Winter comes,” he drawls into your skin. His voice is dredged up from the deepest pit in his chest, scrapes against his throat before nuzzling into your ears.
“I thought so,” you sigh, sleep laden and languorous. “Felt it on the wind yesterday.”
He hums. Or maybe it’s a growl. It’s hard to say when he’s sinking his teeth into the plush of your thigh, though he does it without hurry. 
For a creature without definite expiration, there is little need to be hasty.
You click your tongue when he threatens to break skin. His jaw locks like that, just on the verge of taking without being asked. This is his price for greeting the evening with you - or so he claims.
“We’ll have to begin preparations,” you muse to the inky ceiling. “I’ll make a list over tea. You’ll help, won’t you? What kind of winter will it be?”
He relaxes his bite, laps at the iridescent fluid left on your skin. His saliva, or what passes for it in this vaguely human form.
“Long,” he drawls. An unseen thumb rubs circles into your calf. “And frigid.”
You hum, can already see it in your mind. Howling winds and a silent earth. Still and peaceful, little creatures huddled down and hibernating. It was a good, warm, lush summer that promises a sweet, abundant harvest.
“A lot of snow?” you ask, fingers buried in something almost too coarse to be hair. 
He unseals his mouth from a fresh, livid mark on your hip. “Da. Snow.”
Your fingertips trail over the gnarled, raised topography of long-healed wounds. Marks that go beyond flesh, wounds of essence. No matter his appearance, he will always be scarred - disfigured, even.
Sometimes you fancy that he was some fearsome fae king or warlord of hell before retiring to become yours.
Sensing the direction of your thoughts, he nips at the meat of your thumb. Draws blood the time. You hook your index finger around a too-sharp canine and shake a bit. He grunts and slides his tongue over the pinprick of blood.
“Any storms?” you ask.
“Two,” he rumbles around your finger. “Maybe three.”
You didn’t used to love winter so. But this will be your third with him. As the climate chills and the nights lengthen, he comes into his patron season. It’s helpful to have a thing of the cold and dark when times are lean and everything (even people) lose their pretty foliage.
“Shall I expect more pelts, then?”
You balked the first time he brought (more) death to your door. Thought him cruel and ruthless. Perhaps he is without you to metamorphose the slaughter into necessity.
Furs for warmth, meat for food, bones for your work. Nothing gone to waste under your care.
“Pelts,” he agrees, “skins, down.”
You trace your thumb over the bridge of his crooked nose, press between his brows when he tries to tilt his head into the warm apex of your thighs. He bares his teeth against your wrist but cannot defy you.
“Tea for that drop of blood,” you bargain.
He sighs deep and vexed. “Mistress.”
Before slithering from your blankets, though, he buries his nose against your pubic mound and takes a deep, noisy inhale.
A village girl comes a little after the sun has fully set.
You finished your tea (and bread, for the price of a wet, filthy kiss) while making a list of preparatory chores. Have started grinding up rosemary to replenish your stock.
Nikto senses her before you do, pthalo eyes flicking up. She hesitates at the closed door, poised to knock, then decides against it and simply pushes in.
You pretend as if you’ve just glanced up from your mortar, an easy smile at your visitor.
“Good evening,” you call.
“E-evening,” she replies, lingering in the door.
While you’ve taken measures to keep the air of the shopfront clean and light, it’s something of a fruitless endeavor when Nikto’s made his den here. (Or more accurately, in the room behind the shopfront, where you dwell.)
Still, she only wavers another moment, finding nothing immediately alarming or perilous. She can’t see him lounging on the back counter like a lazy cat.
“Have you need of something?” you ask.
Your easy, friendly tone loosens her shoulders, coaxes her from the doorway.
“I’m here for something for my grandmother?” she says.
You tilt your head. “Anna?”
She blinks. “How did you know?”
Because Nikto grumbled it just now.
“You have her eyes,” you lie. “I have her medication just over here. One moment.”
You turn away to collect the little parcels that make up Anna’s bi-weekly order. Brews for her tea, ointment for her joints. You’ll mix extra as the chill sets in, fewer trips while seeing her through the harsh season.
“Usually Alexei comes to collect these things,” you say.
She rocks back and forth on her heels, a more curious eye trailing over your wares now.
“Mama and I have come to take care of nana. She’s getting older, you know. And this town has better prospects than our old village.”
You hum in agreement, neatly bundling all the items in a cloth and tieing a length of twine to secure it.
“Uncle Alexei is away with papa to finish sorting matters back there.”
“So you and your mother have come ahead, then,” you summarize.
“Well, Anna is lucky to have you. She speaks fondly of you and your mother,” you say.
The girl lights up, cheeks rosy with pride. You slide her grandmother’s order across the counter.
“Anything else?” you ask.
“No, thank you!” she replies, dropping coins into your palm.
You glance at them (overpaid as usual, oh Anna) and sigh fondly.
“Hold on,” you call, “here.”
You pass her a little jar sealed in wax. She accepts it with a bemused smile.
“What is it?”
“For travel sores, when your father and Alexei return.”
She absolutely beams. Any apprehension she had when entering your shop is long melted away.
“Thank you, Miss!” she chirps, waving, and sweeps out the door.
Niko pounces in an instant, arms so tight around your waist that you don’t even stumble from the force.
“What’s gotten into you this time?” you ask.
“You were thinking of those men,” he grumbles. You’d call it childish if he wasn’t damn near mauling your neck.
“They’re well-paying customers,” you scoff, “and more good will is never remiss.”
He snarls, but moves on quickly. “You were so kind to that little girl. She had stars in her eyes.”
You hum in question, surprised.
“Makes me think of you with little ones. Younger ones.” He’s near rambling, drool soaking into the collar of your dress. “My brood. Clinging to your skirts and your hips. Getting sticky hands in the beeswax.”
You huff out a startled laugh. “You’re thinking of babies?”
He moans into your ear, pressed tight to your back. Broad palms knead at your lower abdomen.
“Little voices calling ‘mama’. They would all adore you, want to be just like you. Mother is god in the hearts of children.”
“All?” you repeat, twisting to stare owlishly. “How many is ‘all’?”
“As many as you will let me breed into you.”
Another laugh escapes you, a bit bewildered. He’s never spoken like this before, never seemed interested at all by the women (or their husbands) that come to the shop to ease their pregnancies or births.
“You couldn’t stand to share my attention,” you scoff. Which is to say nothing of it even being a possibility. You’re not sure that you and he could produce viable offspring.
He pauses, nose in your hair, considering.
Finally, he grunts, “Maybe.”
You’d thought so.
It’s not just the change in your natural sleep rhythms. You crave the iron of raw meat and inhale deep the burn of black smoke. Sometimes, you’re too preoccupied with the spill of ink on parchment, or the length and depth of shadows.
Subtle things, perhaps. A change beneath the skin, in the dark parts of your eyes.
You used to ask your questions in the sun, and look for the answers in the bloom of flowers or swirls of clouds. Now you whisper into abyssal shadows and they whisper back with a man’s rasp.
Not everyone can see it, the unusual glint in your eyes or the sharp edge to your smile. For those that do, it’s something of an open secret - that you provide more than helpful tonic and tinctures for common ailments.
A serum against pregnancy. A syrup for unkind spouses. Cut cords for bad friends and bent coins for poor business partners.
Tonight it’s the smith’s daughter. She’s just come into adulthood this past spring. A crown of youth on her brow, vitality draped around her shoulders. Darkened, this eve, by deals made with her as the currency. You see it beneath the sweep of her skirt, a chain of her father’s own making, a key in the hand of the mayor’s son. It drags her step in your doorway, rattling along the wood floors.
“Irina,” you greet.
She doesn’t admit it right away, demuring to purchase her father’s usual burn salve. You don’t pry, instead taking your time to spoon the thick, cloudy mixture into a small jar.
You tilt your head to show your attention, expression open. She clears her throat, smooths her skirt, tries again.
“My father designs to wed me to Boris.”
She blurts it like the words escaped between the gaps in her teeth, looks shocked in their wake You flick Nikto a reproachful glance.
“Is that so?” you reply mildly, as neutral as you can manage.
“I don’t want to,” she whispers, as though it is a shameful secret. But there is little shame to be found in your presence, and when your expression only reflects polite interest, she repeats herself, stronger. “I don’t want to. Boris is a coward and his father is…”
Mean. Lascivious. A bastard with a heavy hand and wine for blood, kind only to coin.
You don’t make her say it all aloud, you’ve heard it just fine.
“Is it an ear you’re after?” you ask. “I’ll listen.”
You do not offer more. It is something she must request of her own will. For your sake as much as hers.
It only takes another breath for her to gather the courage.
“Would you help me?”
“I would.”
You don’t jump as Nikto pours himself over your shoulders, teeth already scraping the nape of your neck. He’s hard and insistent against your spine, where scars of his teeth have begun to blossom. You sense that you’ll have a new notch for the collection soon, already feel slick and achy with the promise of his maw.
“What will it cost?” Irina asks, fidgety.
Your cunt three times over. Your blood on my tongue. Your juices down my throat.
“That will depend on our solution,” you say over Nikto’s sibilant entreaties.
Irina’s brow furrows. “Not coin?”
“Maybe coin,” you correct. “Do you want any of these three men dead?”
She startles, pales. Nikto groans in your ear, hips jerking hard, cock catching on the laces of your corset. Irina mistakes the sound for your shop settling, eyes flicking nervously around as if either of you will be caught.
“N-no!” she answers. “No, that’s too - I just want papa to change his mind. O-or for Boris to… to wed someone else. Is that wicked of me?”
You shake your head, soften your smile to ease her conscience. Once upon a time, you stood on the other side of the counter like she is now.
“Then coin won’t be necessary. I have a different price.”
Her shoulders lower, just a bit, curiosity where she should be wary. Coin is a paltry payment in comparison to things a creature like you could request instead. 
“What is it?”
“Scrap from your father’s forge, as much as you can manage, and whatever Boris gave you for your hand. Bring them to me tomorrow night.”
You fish a shirt button from beneath the counter. Prick your thumb on a needle and press the droplet of blood that wells into the smooth surface.
“This is a contract of my services,” you explain as it dries in the open air. Nikto inhales deep and ravenous, tongue flicking over the shell of your ear.
“If you take this, there is no going back. Do you understand?”
Irina hesitates; she’s always been a smart girl. That’s why she knew to come to you.
“What happens if I don’t come back with the payment?”
You flick a glance at Nikto, but he’s too busy toying with the ribbon around your throat. Patience fraying with each beat of your heart.
“Even I don’t know, but I’d rather neither of us find out, yes?”
“Alright. I understand.”
She accepts the bloodied button and drops it into the pocket of her frock.
“Tomorrow,” she promises, and steals out into the night.
Nikto bends you over the counter, heavy body flattening you to the polished wood. It’s unnaturally warm beneath your cheek. You suck in as much air as you can while he paws at the hidden parts in your skirts. He growls to find you wet and willing (always, regardless of what your mouth says) between your thighs. 
“Tithe,” he rasps, sinking to his knees.
Massive arms snake around your thighs as he finds his home between them. Buries his nose in the soft crop of curls so that his tongue and lips and teeth can partake in the sweet offerings below.
“All this for a severed tether?” you gasp, hips twitching in a bid to escape the too much, too fast, too good of it all.
His grip does not relent. On the contrary, it only tightens, dragging you down to smother himself in your cunt.
“Yes,” he hisses.
He takes and takes and takes. Sucks your clit until it’s throbbing at the slightest touch. Licks at the rim of your cunt, forcing his tongue deeper and deeper. Impossibly deep, until you feel the tip of it curl against the hard wall of your cervix, the root of it as thick as two of his fingers.
Your knees have long given out, your voice but a weak trill in your throat. It’s only when he hears you sniffling that he wrenches himself away.
“Give me,” he demands, surging up.
Laves that slick, black, inhuman tongue up your jaw, over your cheek. Doubles back to swipe at half-dried tears that dripped down your neck and onto your hands. He makes an obscene sound when the salt mixes with the dried blood on the pad of your thumb.
“I want to eat you,” he snarls, baring his teeth against the tender veins of your wrist.
“Maybe one day,” you pant, “when I’ve passed on. You can have my corpse.”
His eyes snap open, a manic rage burning so hot it feels cold. 
“Never,” he snarls, cruel fingers plunging into your tender cunt.
You cry out and grip onto his shoulders, fresh tears sliding down your hot cheeks. There is no mercy in Nikto, not even for you. He strokes and pets your walls relentlessly, abusing all the sensitive places he’s long mapped out. Brutal as the muscles in his arm bunch and jump with the pace and force of it.
“Never,” he repeats. Teeth in your throat but you can still hear his voice. It’s so loud and rough that glass rattles. “Just like this. You stay just like this for me. Mine, all mine. Always. My little witch.”
He makes you cum on his fingers, then jerks his angry cock using your release to ease the way. Spends himself in burning, sticky ropes directly onto your clit. As you drag in ragged breaths, he draws his sigil inside your cunt with your mixed fluids.
The bond has long been formed, there is no need to renew it. Your soul is no more or less his than before. You still shiver with the memory, an echo of the sublime sensation of your soul taking new shape. Making room for something else to lace through it.
“S-someone is coming,” you whimper, weak in every sense.
“Dmitiri,” Nikto answers. You knew who it was, of course, but you don’t think he would abide you saying any other name right now.
“Leave his order on the counter and make sure he pays,” you sigh, limping away in search of water.
Nikto may be a bastard, but he manages to follow your orders most of the time.
Irina returns the next evening with all that you asked. A bucket of metal scraps and shavings. In a little velvet pouch, a simple gold engagement ring.
“The button too,” you request.
Nikto, raven-shaped this evening, swoops in to snatch it from her fingers. She yelps, moon-eyed as he perches on a tall shelf and swallows the button down his scarred gullet.
“Should… should it eat that?” she asks.
You don’t even glance at him. “Too late now, isn’t it?”
She doesn’t look amused so you laugh softly and assure her, “He’ll be alright. He’s done it before.”
You turn away, scooping up the items for the spell.
“Now then, take this pin. Carve your name into one candle, and Boris’s name into the other,” you instruct.
“Which one is which?” she asks, a green candle in one hand.
“Your choice,” you reply simply.
When she’s done as you ask, you tie a piece of twine between the two, about halfway down. Set them on a metal plate facing each other and light first Irina’s, then Boris’s.
“Pull up that stool. Watch the candles burn down to the wick.”
It takes nearly an hour. You keep half an eye on it. Watch the candle meant to represent Boris start to eat at the twine, a slow encroachment towards the midpoint. Only for Irina’s flame to latch onto its end of the tie and scorch through the knot, the remaining length falling away.
Irina gasps softly, glances up to find you already watching. Studiously turns back to observe the remainder of the melt.
In the meantime, you continue forming the other half of your spell. Irina has been too preoccupied to notice the raven’s disappearance. Nikto is behind you again, guiding your hands to carve the woodblock in neat little peels. His fingers are threaded between yours, dripping raw power that you shape with intent. If Irina were to look, it would just seem that the candlelight casts strange shadows down your forearms.
When the candles have burned down to nothing, and Irina turns to you expectantly, you press a finger to your lips.
“Do not speak again until sunrise. When you get home, throw this into the hearth, as deep as you can get it. No trace of it will remain, rest assured.”
You press the carved wooden key into her palm. Her eyes trace the unfamiliar runes in wonder, but she keeps her silence and takes her leave with one final, grateful nod.
It is only just past midnight, but you yawn. The connection between Irina and Boris was not a strong one, but severing the covetous teeth of the mayor’s greed was tedious.
He has a weakness for fair hair and light eyes - both qualities passed down to Irina in lovely spades. Qualities his own wife doesn’t possess, but he would gladly see in his son’s if he had his way.
“All for a severed tether,” he purrs.
You tsk at him, shove his face away when he tries to steal a kiss.
“Finish the spell and then you will be rewarded,” you huff, waving him off. “Useless thing.”
He moans softly, eyes burning into you. “Useless,” he agrees, sharp teeth grazing your cheek. “Worthless.”
“Out with you. We’ve not all night,” you chastise.
He sinks slowly into the shadows; his eyes are the last to disappear.
Winter preparations are well under way.
A small mountain of firewood is steadily accumulating in the backyard, stacking higher and wider by the day. You’ve already finished harvesting the last of the garden, drying, preserving, and pickling by the jar. Have knitted half a dozen more shawls and socks with thick wool yarn.
Cough medicines, warming tinctures, lotions and ointments. You’re accumulating your winter remedies along the back wall and in crates beneath the counter, well-stocked for the town and smaller surrounding villages that frequent your shop.
Thus far, Nikto has brought you two pelts, and promised two more before the season truly sets in. A new pillow has also been added to your nest bed, a puffy, heavy thing of feathered down and cotton.
You like it so much that you bounce on Nikto’s cock until morning when he brings it to you, spitting into his mouth whenever he opens it in supplication. You drop lavender buds into the casing and breathe it deep as he lays you down after daybreak. It makes an excellent throne for your pelvis when you’re too worn (or over-pleasured) to hold yourself up any longer.
Still, as promising as your preparations are, you need items unavailable even in town. The journey to the nearest city is one day's (or night’s) walk there, and another back. Well worth the trouble.
Nikto has no particular affection for any dwelling, so long as it’s yours. He’s just as eager to travel as you are.
Before nightfall, you drop off any orders expected in your absence, and receive well wishes from your customers. No one asks why you are traveling alone at night. No one warns you that it would be too dangerous.
Nikto accompanies you along the well-trod road, a hooded figure more likely to be mistaken for the grim reaper than your familiar. He’s human enough if you don’t look at him for too long. A tall man thick with muscle, broad-shouldered, built for labor. Likely malformed beneath the scarf hiding his features below those blue eyes - or perhaps just shy.
Just don’t try to peer into the depths of that hood, or ponder that mysterious scarf for too long. The moon acts as a strange prism, waters down the light into eerie refractions. One might start to imagine sharp teeth peeking through ripped lips. Or glimpse poorly sewn hills of flesh, nothing but dark, empty space between the seams.
Luckily, there are no travelers on the road this late into the night. Any errant gaze is that of night creatures, and those know well to avoid the shadow at your side - and you by extension.
The trip into the city is no great adventure, but you weren’t looking for one. Nikto, you sense, is something almost like disappointed. You arrive in the small hours of the morning, just as the earliest risers have begun their day.
The innkeeper seems surprised by such an early (or late) guest, but is happy enough to welcome you in. Bread has yet to be bought from the baker, but there’s stew that’s been simmering overnight. It’s warm and hearty and thick. You eat two bowls with a cup of peach wine, pay for food and board for the next two days, and retire to the second story of rooms.
The bed is not nearly as comfortable as yours. The blankets are thin and woven, though they are layered enough to be warm. The mattress and pillow are both straw - comfortable by most standards, but a poor substitute for your cotton and wool and furs and down.
You make due on Nikto’s rumbling chest (prideful that you miss what he has so diligently provided) and let yourself drift into slumber.
At midday, you wake. City merchants aren’t accustomed to your odd hours, and you don’t want anything to be out of stock - you’re not the only one that’s made the journey for winter.
Luckily, it’s an overcast day and the sun isn’t too obnoxious when you venture out. You get a sweet bun from the bakery to tide your hunger while you shop. Follow Nikto’s whispering for directions, or to pick the best items of any selection. Spoil yourself a bit on honey from abroad and a new grimoire.
Return to the inn at the brightest part of the day for a nap. Rouse again in the late afternoon for more exploring and shopping, as well as a drink at one of the alehouses.
You’ve no friends in the city - or anywhere, really, for that matter. But being surrounded by good spirits and bright noise provides an unusual source of energy. There’s a band to watch and strong drink, some gambling that you amuse yourself meddling in from afar.
There are eyes on you, but there always are in such a busy place. You tend to attract very few gazes, but the ones you do will return time and time again, musing at the lone figure by the wall. None are brave enough to approach - especially not when it grows dark enough for Nikto to reveal himself.
Even he is in unusual form, telling you stories of a bygone time. A time when perhaps he was more finite than he is now. He uses names you’ve heard before, in passing, and chuckles at exploits more mortal than he deigns to participate in now. You like to hear it, like to provide him with the excess buzzing in your veins.
When the crowd begins to thin, you take your leave. He stays at your side (always too close, nearly underfoot) all the way to the inn, and is waiting in your room when you come up with the meal. He manhandles you into his lap and feeds you with his fingers, pours water into your mouth from his.
You stave him off until your food settles, and then he’s taking you into his lap. Has you twice before you doze off. Wakes you three hours later with his tongue lapping at your swollen folds. Has you twice more before you settle in properly until dawn.
The second day passes in much the same fashion as the first. Your indulgence this time is a pretty, slender knife, a length of ribbon, and a simple burgundy frock. The combination has Nikto salivating by the time you return to your room to rest. Not that there’s much to be had with you splayed out over your new garment, his hands and mouth and cock working you over until a puddle of slick and cum forms beneath your writhing bodies.
You send him to wash the stains in annoyance, and it’s returned seemingly pristine - though he gloats that the scent of your coupling remains. At least to him.
Nasty creature.
“If I get tired, you will be carrying me,” you huff on the road home.
He nuzzles his nose into your temple, a silent assurance that you need only say the word.
Halfway there, a band of highwaymen makes the fatal mistake of trying to ambush the two of you. Aware that anyone coming from the city will be laden with coins or goods, they would be correct if you were anyone else.
You click your tongue, steps never faltering.
“Kill anyone that’s taken an innocent,” you call over your shoulder.
“Mistress,” Nikto churrs into the air, breath so cold it sinks in the chilly air.
An unnatural growl reverberates off the trees. You don’t spare a glance behind you, steps easy and light, crunching over dead leaves and dry twigs.
A hand lands on your shoulder - heavy… and then not. Heat splatters and soaks into your sleeve, dripping down towards your wrist. The severed arm falls with a wet, fleshy thump.
Always so messy.
You tilt your head, veer off the road and follow your intuition until you find a stream. Humming, you shed your clothes and saunter into the gentle current. It’s frigid, only just unfrozen. You sigh, minding your step for slippery rocks as you wade deeper. The water rises past your scratched calves, over bitten thighs, soothes your well-used cunt and the bruises on your hips. Tingles over the silvery flesh of your scarred back until it’s nearly to your breasts.
Only then does the water darken around you.
Nikto’s hand closes around your wrist, draws your arm back until he can lick away the smears of a stranger’s blood.
Feast before the season’s famine.
You moan softly at the drag of his serpentine tongue along your skin. The ball of your shoulder, the curve of your tricep and bicep. Tickling the bend of your elbow… up your forearm… and wrist. Twisting between each digit. You lean into the sturdy pillar of his body until his other arm curls around your waist. You stand with him in the water like that, cradled by shadow and bathed in moonlight.
He is never hasty, but tonight he’s unusually slow. Almost lazy.
Wait, no. Not lazy. 
Each flick of his tongue, scrape of teeth, brush of lips is applied with the same care and reverence afforded to an altar.
You tilt your head to rest against his shoulder, bare your throat. Peer through lidded eyes at the thick fingers twining with yours.
It’s as if he plunged his hands into a fireplace and didn’t care to dust away the charcoal and ash afterwards. It fades at the forearm into alabaster. In the crease of his elbow, it looks like he has ink for blood. You know from experience that it tastes of almonds and tannins, heavy on the tongue like thick wine.
You let him lay you down on the bank, dry and clean. He pampers you on his cock with slow, languid rolls of his hips. Grinds deep, pulls out only halfway to massage the head into that sweet spot over and over until you’re shuddering apart with a deep, heavy moan. He finishes on your stomach and thighs, drawing symbols into your skin before rubbing it in.
“Nikto,” you croon, thumb drawing a line down the left side of his face. From forehead, over his eye, down to the corner of his mouth where there’s an unnatural split. He lets you scrape your nail against the big canine, amusing yourself on the sharper bicuspid just beside it. “My Nikto.”
He purrs into your chest, drooling down your sternum.
“Who do you belong to?” he asks.
You smile, indulgent.
“I belong to Nobody.”
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There is a possibility of a second part. Maybe. If that's something people want.
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xmomokosx · 2 months
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Someone didn’t expect to get so big
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xobellybaeox · 3 months
ask and you shall receive… more jiggles for the people
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Worship her fat gut because she grew it for you.
Worship her fat gut because she grew it.
Worship her fat gut.
Worship her.
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chubote · 2 months
Fat puppy wobbles for your Friday.
Give treats? 🐶
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charliemwrites · 13 days
Nobody. You wish it weren’t so apt. But he’s not a person, not anything of Earth.
Content: Dub-Con, Biting, Scratching, Exhibitionism, Possessive Behavior, Toxic Behavior
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You must have pissed something off in a past life. Or they’re planning on giving you something really good in the next one. Because this… this is too much. He’s too much.
We are exactly right for you, khozyain.
It’s not just the taste of leather and oil on the back of your tongue each morning. Or the crimson smears on your sheets before bed. You could live with the shit sleep, the centuries of foreign memories, and the occasional hankering for raw meat that thins your appetite to nothing.
“You’re KorTac’s best operative?”
It’s a question you’ve heard a dozen times before – and will likely hear a dozen times more. The criticism is valid. You’re not an imposing figure; nothing impressive about you. Look more like a child in a Halloween costume than anything resembling a soldier. The question never bothers you because the unofficial title is as ill-fitting as the gun strapped to your thigh.
It’s not you they need to worry about bothering.
“We are. Problem, soldat?”
“There’s no problem, Nikto,” you answer in Sebastian Krueger’s place.
No, Krueger is too busy wondering where the big, dark figure behind your shoulder just came from. He could have sworn you stepped out of the transport alone. In broad daylight, no less. (That doesn’t mean there aren’t shadows.)
Nikto grunts, nearly tripping you with how closely he walks, toes of his boots nipping at the heels of yours. A stride twice the length of your own but doggedly following, not leading.
“Thought there was only one ‘a ya,” Declan O’Conor muses.
“Paperwork issue,” you lie, smiling.
Nikto grunts, pressing into your back as you stop in front of your temporary captain. You have to brace against his oppressive weight, feel yourself flush a bit when you don’t quite manage.
“Who’re you, then?” Declan asks, eyes on your shadow.
“Nikto,” comes the gruff reply.
You wish it weren’t so apt.
But he’s not a person, not anything of Earth. You don’t know if he ever was; he never gives you a straight answer when you pluck up the courage (or frustration) to ask. Last time, he told you that if he ever wanted to feel human, he’d just be inside you. (You’d flushed, didn’t know if he meant in your mind, where he often takes up unwanted residence, or… elsewhere. Couldn’t make yourself ask him to clarify, afraid of the answer. Jumped whenever he touched you for a week.)
You don’t know the exact bounds of this pact either. He listens to you only sometimes. When it suits him – or when it least suits you. And you’re not immune to his cruelty either, as the bruises and bitemarks and scratches can attest. Nothing like the romanticized crossroads deals you see in tv shows and movies.
Truthfully, you’re not even sure if he’s a punishment for you or if you’re a reward for him. What’s that line you read online once? Dog heaven is squirrel hell. Did he make a deal with you, or did he make a deal with something else, and you’re just collateral?
You never bother to ask. He’ll just click his forked tongue and tell you that it won’t get rid of him either way. The worst part is that he’ll be right. You’re pretty sure the Christian God as you know Him has nothing to do with any of this.
The mission doesn’t matter, not really. You only listen for objectives. Whoever needs killing, whatever information needs gathering, wherever the hostages are. The rest is all useless extra, so much noise to Nikto, not even listening. He’s too busy bullying his way between your thighs, sinking his teeth into the meat through your cargos.
You’re never sure if he’s visible or the other operatives just avoid looking at him in these moments. Regardless, you flush and kick at him when his jaw locks too hard. It’ll bruise livid and ugly, and he’ll fuck the head of his cock into the aching ring of teeth prints left behind.
He’s insistent when the briefing is over, riled up by the promise of bloodshed. Pushy and growling, nearly snapping through his “mask” as he herds you like a rabid shepherd to your temporary quarters.
He fucks you in the doorway though, using one thick arm to bounce you like a personal fleshlight. The other keeps your jaw forced open so he can spit and lick into your mouth, obscene and filthy.
You push and squirm, but he just laughs that awful, maniacal rattle and grinds your clit into his pelvis. Until you start to mean it when you whimper “no” and “stop.” It always makes him cum so hard that you taste ichor in the back of your throat.
It’s too much to hope that you’ll eat in the mess hall uninterrupted. Nikto’s presence attracts the worst, and Krueger is compelled to pick at the weakness you exude. It’s no question that he’s a bigger, stronger, meaner beast than you. But like a dying soldier left to scream in the field, there’s a muzzle hidden out of sight, awaiting whatever is lured in – for mercy or to feast.
Krueger takes the seat across from you, one of his boots landing heavy and threatening on top of yours. You eat quietly, picking at your mashed potatoes and rubbery chicken. Listen to him jab and jeer.
Nikto is there but he’s not. He’s laughing in your ear at all the true but derisive things Krueger is taunting you with. All the sins he boasts of and the reactions he takes as proof of your inadequacy for the assignment you’ve been brought for. It would hurt more of you didn’t know it was true – and if your nerves weren’t rattling.
There’s a line, always a line. Some fault hidden beneath the surface that you don’t see until the ground splits and swallows up the unfortunate soul above.
This time, it’s a comment about how much more useful you’d be as a cockwarmer.
The plastic fork is an inch from his eye by the time you finish blinking.
“Nikto, stop!”
It snaps in his tight fist – but stops. Krueger hasn’t even processed how close he was to losing half his sight before you’re yanking Nikto back by the straps. He’s growling, snarling, half-crazed over a comment he’s made himself. You abandon your mostly full tray and the table altogether, putting all your weight and strength into dragging him from the cafeteria.
“Calm down, that’s enough!” you shout over the animalistic sounds ripping from his throat.
He turns on you instead. Pins you to the wall just outside, in full view of anyone passing on their way to dinner.
“Mine, mine, mine,” he’s chanting. Ripping through your pants (that’s the second pair this week) and thrusting against the seam of your ass. Already leaking precum from an obsidian tip at the small of your back, the corpse-pale base nestled between your cheeks. If he had the coordination through the frenzy, he’d stuff it into you dry and tight. As it is, it’s all he can do to buck against you, fingers digging divots into the cement wall, dust raining down on your face.
Mine, mine, mine, he chants inside your skull in languages known and unknown. You’re leaking through your underwear, too overwhelmed and bewildered to be anything but turned on. Fear is synonymous with attraction, those two wires soldered together and circuited to your pussy.
Copper fills your nose, warmth drips down your lips. Nikto scents it like a hound, yanks your head back to lap at the blood, groaning into your mouth.
Yours, yours, yours as his cock splutters against your spine, too hot. Tingly, almost caustic. You can barely breathe and he’s hauling you over one big shoulder, scooping your slick to prod at the hole he was just grinding against.
Us as you’re pinned with nowhere to go and no voice to praise or protest. In a room darker than a void. Suspended on an endless continuum of pleasure and pain, phantom claws raking your skin and phantom mouths filling whatever holes his cock isn’t occupying.
Sometimes you wonder if the plural “we” and “us” he tends to use is in reference to you and him, or…
The mission is going to be a success, it always is. You separate from the rest of the KorTac squad, shooing Nikto’s hands out from under your shirt. The claw marks still sting; the sooner you can get out of tac gear, the better.
He cracks his neck as the two of you approach the infil point. It sounds like snapping bone. A crescent moon carves into the night sky, sharp enough to cut yourself on.
“Is it time, khozyain?”
Those cajoling whispers caress your ears again. To let him run rampant, to let him fill your bath with blood. He’d be a scourge on the earth if you let him, a one-man apocalypse. The death of the world for a slip of the tongue.
Your hold on his leash is so tight that it’s imprinted past the skin, down into muscle. But on nights like tonight, for things like this… you let out the lead.
“Stay clear of Point B,” you remind into your com.
“Roger,” all others agree.
If they know what’s good for them, they’ll abide by the plan like holy writ. Not even you can promise their lives if they stray.
Shadow looms behind you, grows with each beat of your heart, spills over your shoulders, threads down your arms. You don’t dare glance at the inhuman head hovering right by yours, the maw parting for vicious, pearlescent teeth and pooling saliva. Hungry. Starving.
A rolling, ravenous churr vibrates through your skull. The lowest windows of your target begin to crack.
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lilacbumps · 5 months
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Oh Baby - Mayternity
“Have a kiddie pool ready at my baby shower. I have a feeling my water will break in the middle of the party.” Kellie teased waddling past her guests to go into the kitchen. She grabs a tray of cookies to bring outside; placing a cookie or three in her salivating mouth. Her bestie calls for her from outside, making Kellie turn quickly. Her massive belly knocks over several bottles of water like a bowling ball hitting the pins for a strike. Kellie stands there looking at the bottles on the floor with a defeated expression upon her face. Her mother walks into the room chuckling and gently rubs her daughter’s belly.
“I got this dear, Denise is calling for you outside.” Mother starts to pick up the water bottles off the floor.
Kellie waddles outside, feeling extreme heaviness on her bladder. She approaches Denise to see what she called her outside for.
“Someone sent these flowers for you. He didn’t say his name, but he’s a tall, dark and handsome man.” Denise smiles handing her the bouquet.
“They’re so lovely, he could have stayed if he wanted.” Kellie blushing as she knows whom it was that sent the flowers. She takes the flowers and smells them. They smell sweet and fresh from the floral shop. Kellie began to think about that night with him. It was all a blur, but she remembers how she gotten pregnant. His strong arms held her up on the kitchen counter of her place, the room smelled of cookies baking in the oven releasing more endorphins. Her hormones were all over the place that night.
Kellie sneezes abruptly followed by a sudden gush between her thick thighs. Kellie gasps as her water has just broken and her hunch was right. It’s happening now!
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honeyshiddendesire · 5 months
He’s So Mean 🥵
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Warnings: rough sex! Vaginal sex! Praise & Degradation! Choking! Oral sex!(m)! Daddy Kink! Dom/Sub! Chokehold! Doggy style! Rough oral(m)! Huge Size difference!!! Obviously unrealistic but oh well!!
18+ Minors Do Not Enter !! 18+
Summary: Thinking of the Meanies of One Piece 🤭🥵😮‍💨🤤🥴 might be self indulgent who knows lol 🤭
Characters : Zoro! Eustass! Doflamingo! Akainu! Sir Crocodile! Smoker! Law! Whitebeard! Katakuri! X Female! Reader
*New Author's Note: Copied from my previous blog! I love when I find my old works!! Thank you to everyone who reblogged all my old stuff cause I love finding it all !! Thought I was gonna have to rewrite this whole thing again lol so I'm super happy that I found it *
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Zoro ⚔️ & Eustass 💀
The ones that have you in a head lock as you sit on their cock, their lips nipping your ear as they give you brutal encouragement.
“Love fucking this pretty cunt you got!” His voice growling in your ear making your cunt drool even more. Juices dripping down your folds to land on his heavy balls. “Sloppy ass pussy.” He groans nipping at the lobe while you whine with watery eyes.
Lips sucking under your ear softly were a total contrast to his tight hold, your gelled nails clawing at his iron grip. “Even this cunt knows who the fuck it belongs to huh?”
“Y-yes~!” The position he had you in was tight but not as tight as the way your walls held onto his massive cock. “Uh! Puh~lease~!” The appendage hitting deeper than you ever thought possible, making you choke out whimpers. “S-so go~od~!”
“Damn right my dick is good.” He’d laugh with a wide grin pressing against the side of your face making you whine in the back of your throat. “But your pussy ain’t so bad either.”
“Fu~ckme~!” You sobbed out in bliss at the feel of his muscled legs pumping up into your sopping heat. The sounds your soaked cunt made were embarrassing to your ears but silently you loved it. You couldn’t believe how wet he was making you.
“Already am. Ha! Look~I fucked you silly!” He barked out a laugh before clicking his teeth, “Awe so cute baby~” He tauntingly cooed, making your eyes roll back thigh’s quivering. Both cumming so deeply to the vicious taunts and your wet walls.
Doflamingo 🦩 & Akainu 🌋
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Or the ones that give the meanest back shots. Ass so far up in the air with your hair pulled in a makeshift ponytail due to the tight grip of their fists pulling.
“Fucking whore.” He says through gritted teeth as his other arm is pinning your arms behind your back holding you in place.
Rough lips leaving harsh love bites against your neck. “You’d better take every inch.” His voice raspy as his cock bullies your cervix like no tomorrow. “Oooh fuck~” You’d whimper cutely when he’d lift your head up so he could look at you.
Loving the way your mouth hung open with drool hanging sloppily like the fucked out whore he wanted you to be. “Perfect.”
That’s the face he loved to see when he came but not yet- no, he never rushed. So fucking your gooey walls deeper and harder, he kept up his pace. Your ass rippling with each pound of his strong hips, your body screaming at the weight of him on top of you.
Caging you in like a tower of strength that he used to split your pussy open. “Making such a mess. You dirty slut just look at you. Ugh~ It’s incredible.”
“Cumming~!” You’d whimper making him laugh as he’d tug on you hair harder. Biting at your lower lip making you hiss before he gave a devious grin.
“Who said you could?” The laugh he’d give seeing your pout was bone chilling yet it made your pussy flutter with desire.
Wetness pooling out making you moan and scream even more, his cock punching your stomach so sweetly. He was a cruel man but he left you a trembling puddle underneath him.
Body bruised and ass red at the end of the night but it was worth it every single time when you heard the whisper to you, “Rest love.”
Sir Crocodile 🐊, Law & Smoker 💨
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What about those scowling meanies that are actually complete teases playing daddy behind closed doors.
Grumpy pout or stoic expression completely erased and switched to something of total mischief. Lips spilling out sweet praise as he pressed your legs to your chest, the strokes were ridiculously deep but torturously slow.
Gasping and begging for more you lay underneath them, back bent so far your ankles we’re practically by your ears. “Daddy~” You’d whimper for the first time with tears leaking from your equally shocked eyes.
“What was that?” He’d taunt you, making you bit your lip, hands coming to cover your face in embarrassment.
With quick reflexes though he’d quickly pin them above your head. “Hey princess~” He would coo back looking down with a wide grin that had you clench his cock tighter. “Oh don’t be like that. Come on-Shit! Say it again, doll.” He would groan out and to most it sounded like a beg but it was far from it.
Using his other hand to rub insanely fast at your sensitive nub causing your legs to shake, “Uh! Fuck! Oh -fuckyes-! Daddy~!” Your screams were stolen from your throat by the feral assault his fingers were committing. It made you dizzy and fall in love, going cock drunk with each deep stroke.
“That’s my pretty girl. Takin’ daddy’s dick so good~” He’d moan as his eyes drifted down to the sweet cream your pussy was dripping out for him. Collecting some on his thumb to rub faster on your swollen clit.
“Look at your cunt swallowing me whole.” Hips suddenly taking on a more frenzied speed at the gooey contraction your walls were making. Milking his lengthy cock that had you whimpering and panting for air.
Eyes glazed with the sight of your tight walls sucking him in, knees to your chest squishing your jiggly breasts together. “Fuck sweetheart you take daddy so fucking well.”
“Ah! It’s s-so big~fuck~!” You whine trying to look in his eyes but fail as your eyes roll back with a loud moan. “Yeah I know you can handle it though.”
“Right there daddy! Pleasepleaseplease~daddy!” You’d babble with broken moans and screams making him chuckle.
“Daddy’s girl likes it right there huh?”  He’d smirk as he’d lean down to capture your lips, relishing in the way you squirmed at the deeper angle. A scream flooding his mouth that he ate, hips drilling you so amazingly deeper than before.
Leaning back slightly after the heated kiss he grins down with a promise, “Well then just relax and take daddy’s cock like my good girl? I’ll make you feel real~ nice.”
Whitebeard & Katakuri
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Or the insanely sweet meanies, the unrealistically gigantic ones that took weeks to slowly get your body used to them.
“T-to~Ah!-mu-uh-ch~!” You’d croak out with a hoarse throat that had the man smile fondly moving hair from your face.
“Just a few more okay. You’re taking it really well dear.” A soft smile of reassurance making you literally melt in his touch, “Oooh cumming~!”
“Very good Y/N. Very good ~” Smiling proudly at the way you were squirting on two of his insanely large fingers and palm.
The day you even gave them head was a whirlwind that lead to your throat being wrecked. Fingers tangled deeply in your locks as saliva drenched your face and chest.
“Oh dear c-careful love.” He warned as he resisted the urge to thrust into your tight heat. He could probably kill you with it and that’s a chance he’d never take.
You wanted to bring him pleasure hell you wanted to feel something more but he was so…
Licking up the entire length with cute eyes, wrapping both hands and pumping his length as best you could had him moaning deeply.
“Easy little one.” He warned when he noticed you trying to hover above him. “No way.” He’d tell you and you’d respect it and continue. 
Sucking and licking making him hiss at every gag and gurgle your tight throat was doing. Trying to swallow every last drop his cock gave when he started to cum but nope.
Hair, face, tits, were drenched and it made your pussy the same. You wanted him so bad.  But you also adored his care to keep you safe.
So after more time you finally got to take the tip which had you screaming all night long. You felt amazing to him even without him being fully inside of your tight heat. “Taking it well love”
“Breath- that’s it little one.” He would coo to you when he first entered again but deeper with a new angle.
“Ah~! Fuckfuckfuck! Fu~uhh~ll!” You'd moan and the gargantuan man would smile as he rubbed at the bulge in your tummy. “Look at you~”
It didn’t matter how big you were they were bigger and they gained confidence in the fact they were so large.
Cock protruding your stomach unbelievably so, but it had you drooling. Giant meanies who can’t even kiss you cause they’re so big.
Fingers in your mouth as a way to send their love to you, knowing if they bent over they’d wreck you. Though the thought was weirdly tempting.
“It-bwig~uh~!” You’d slur sloppily around their thick veiny fingers you loved.  Kissing the tips of his finger in your mouth while a couple of inches of his cock kissed your cervix.
“I know little one, I know.” He would smile at your pleading eyes wanting to cum, silently begging him to take you there.
Large hands engulfing your breasts and kneading the flesh making you whimper around his digits. “Cum with me Y/N. Go on little one.”
Hips shallowly rolling into your spongy cunt that threatened to pull his girth inside. It was a tight fit, and impossible fit, but it felt great.
Legs shaking as your pussy squirt over his monstrous cock, screams of his name leaving you. Choking on moans and his large fingers as he drowned your pussy.
Cunt overwhelmed and filled to the brim with sticky cum as you quivered with rolled eyes. How could any man resist?
“Ah~!T-o much!” Cries would fill the room as his hardness would push his cum further into you.
Going deeper thanks to your relaxed walls and his copious amounts of spunk. “I know love, but you feel so good I know you can take just another inch.”
Thumb caressing your cheek sweetly with eyes full of love that had you nodding your head rapidly. “Y-yes please!” You’d whine making him smile.
“I love you so much.” …okay…
Maybe he wasn’t so mean.
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677 notes · View notes
It feels so good to eat, and eat, and eat until I’m out of breath and I can no longer focus on anything but gasping and trying to get up. 
It feels so good to eat, and eat, and eat until I can’t think about anything anymore but how stuffed full and overfed my heavy belly is. 
It feels so good to eat, and eat, and eat until my brain shuts off and all I desire is to digest my weighty haul so I can have relief from the discomfort. 
It feels so good to eat, and eat, and eat until nothing past what’s stretched out right in front of me matters. 
My vision can’t see past my enormous, soft, overladen stomach. My sagging, engorged, fleshy globe of a gut. My blubbery, swollen, squishy slab of solid fat. My huge, heavy, stuffed sack of meat. My massive, flabby, hanging orb. My monument to gluttony. My idol of hedonism. My overfilled prize. My overfed pride. My most precious possession. The center of my life. The controller of my pleasure. My master.
My belly. 
It bulges out before me, warming my bare thighs. It fills my lap. It dominates my frame. It forces my legs apart so it can rest on the couch. It makes it hard to move. It weighs me down. 
My stomach.
My gut.
My belly.
720 notes · View notes
Why am I not being bred right now? Like my pussy is practical begging to be filled with cum, stuffed over and over until my belly swells and I'm carrying your baby. Please I want it I need it
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xokaus · 2 months
i need something like dave lizewski’s gf with really big boobs and he is veeery obssesed with it and cant stand without touch them, lick them, play with them… and yk, maybe fucks them ;)
꒰ too hot. dave lizewski ⊹ smut, eighteen plus. twitter link warning. not really taken requests rn but this was too goood.
summer has been killing him. it isn’t the hot weather or the fact he’s showered more than twice today already, but the fact the hotter the days become, the more sheer and small your shirts get. don’t get him wrong, he adores the look of your breasts in sheer shirts, especially when you discard your bra elsewhere after a long day, allowing his darting eyes to see the perk of your nipples. but, he likes the shirts a little too much—he nearly always finds himself breathing heavily, cock jumping and twitching at the sight of you no matter where he is.
he isn’t new to seeing them, touching, sucking, but he is new to the feeling of fucking them. of course he’s thought about it. the soft, squishy balls of fat feeling amazing in his hands so to imagine them wrapped around his cock burdens his mind constantly. but, he hadn’t expected this: his cock head a roaring pink as he drills his cock in between your breast in your pretty swim suit top. trembling, whining above you as you hold them together for him, praises spilling from your lips.
“you’re so good for me.”
“want you to come for me. just for me.”
he’s not sure how you persuaded him into getting on top of you, but he can’t help but feel embarrassed by the position. his cheeks a soft pink, hair messy, forehead sweaty and sticky just like your tits. he can feel himself becoming sensitive, his legs slightly shaking from it.
“please, please, please— aah, please,” he whines, eyes shut in pleasure. he’s unsure of completely why he’s pleading and what for, his head too focused on how close he is to put it together. before he can even mumble to tell you he’s about to cum, strings of cum shot from his tip onto your face, tits and bathing suit top.
“dav, that was favorite top,” you playfully frown.
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charliemwrites · 1 month
Mean Simon, Part 5
Another thing in the queue done 😎 also plan on reformatting this so it has a proper title and pretty dividers tonight.
Content: Established kidnapping situation, dub-con touching, Fear Play/Kink
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Simon and Johnny come home from deployment to you snoozing in the den. The house is clean as always, smells like lemons and linen, but there are signs of you everywhere. A half-finished puzzle on the coffee table, a book on the arm of the couch, a cup left on the kitchen counter. Not the spick and span catalgouesque space they left.
Simon’s a little surprised to find he doesn’t mind. Something in his shoulders eases at the sight of you. A soft thing to come home to, nesting up in his and Johnny’s territory. A novelty that hasn't worn off.
“Oh, pretty girl,” Johnny coos, dropping his bags in the entry and beelining for you.
The sound of him startles you, fingers curling tight into the blankets. You make a nervous sound of protest, disoriented as you blink against the afternoon light. Not that he cares, smothering you beneath his weight and kissing your face.
“Johnny…?” you yawn, slow to release the fabric. Take a moment to calibrate and then nudge gently at his chest. “S’mon doesn’ like shoes on the carpet.”
“That’s right,” Simon rumbles, “so I’m having a hard time understanding why the fuck they’re there.”
Johnny jolts, shoots him a sheepish look over his shoulder. All it takes is a narrow glare for him to skitter away, mumbling apologies and excuses about missing you. Simon ignores him for the moment.
“Here, pet.”
It takes you an extra beat to realize he's talking to you, but then you’re up and padding over to him, rubbing at your eyes. You stop within arms reach (progress, he notes) and peer at him through your lashes.
“Hi, sir,” you chime.
Not quite what he had in mind, but it’s a start.
“Good while I was gone?”
You tilt your head. “Yes? Unless… there was something I was supposed to do…?”
He huffs in amusement. Such a nervous, sweet thing. He pats your head, smirks a bit at how you fluster, hands fidgeting.
“House looks fine,” he says by way of answer.
“Oh, I-I left some things out…” you mumble, glancing at the few unobtrusive items. “Sorry.”
“Just keep it under control, yeah?”
“Yes, sir.”
Johnny, just finished removing his boots and gear, wraps himself around you from behind. You place a hand slowly on his arm in return, hiding that you don’t melt into him the way he does to you.
“Are you hungry?” you ask.
Not especially, but Simon’s never hungry fresh off a mission, belly warm with more than his share of slaughter. But the thought of your cooking is appetizing.
“Make something.”
“Okay.” You wiggle a bit and tap at Johnny’s tight arm. “Johnny?”
Simon bites back a chuckle at the helpless look you shoot him.
“Shower, Sergeant. Now.”
“Yessir,” Johnny grumbles, slow to unwind from you. Petulant little shit.
As soon as you’re clear, Simon snatches him by the scruff. You jump, eyes rounding.
“Off to the kitchen, little one. The mutt needs one more run ‘round the yard I think.”
Johnny whines, but Simon’s watching your face, noting the fear that flickers across it while you inch away. Just as he suspected, even seeing Johnny disciplined is enough to shake you.
“Yes, sir,” you reply more fervently, turning on your heel and nearly bolting.
He lets out a breath. One thing at a time. For now, he’s got a spoiled pup to bring to heel.
Simon’s been busy these last two weeks.
Johnny on his own is nearly a full time job. Even after he got you, the pup is high energy and too clever for his own good. A working dog, that one. And finding “work” for him to do (especially since he’s been banned from entertaining himself with your pretty holes) has kept Simon rather occupied during this leave.
Add you to the mix and Simon’s bloodlust has been slower to boil over than usual - too busy to miss his guns.
He’s been acclimating you. The No Touching directive seems seared into your muscles, a good lesson to have, an important rule for your own safety as much as Simon’s preference. But it doesn’t serve him any longer. He’s trying to retrain you to Johnny’s rule, No Touching Without Permission - but of all your apprehensions, this one seems the worst.
You’ve gotten braver about speaking to him. Only stutter over every other sentence rather than every other word. You still pick and choose carefully, tune your voice to the notes of conciliation, but not silent unless spoken to anymore. Simon’s almost proud.
But the touching issue. That’s what he really wants to break.
You can at least share space with him now without startling at every little thing. Curled up on the couch, you’re folding laundry. Johnny’s gone off to shower, busy in the garden all afternoon. The telly is on, a sci-fi movie that Simon isn’t interested in but you seem to enjoy.
You're cross-legged in a loose pair of shorts and the jumper Johnny stuffed you into (with his own name across the back, the little shit). Quiet, calm. He likes the way you fold clothes - imprecise, a little messy. Not the perfect squares he and Johnny make.
You turn to him, expression curious. Much better.
You pause. “Can I finish this shirt?”
He nods. There’s only a tiny shake in your hands as you do. Then you stand and shuffle to close the small distance.
Still not touching.
Lazily, he spreads his knees apart, feet planted wide and beckons you closer with a finger. This time you do hesitate, knee bent to step forward for one beat… two… then you finally force yourself to squeeze between his legs. You don’t even brush against him. It’s almost impressive.
“Told you to c’mere, didn’t I?” he drawls.
You brow furrows, confusion turning your plush lips into a cute little pout.
“I - am I not… here?” you ask.
He practically purrs. “No.” He gestures again. “Here.”
You suck in a tiny breath as it seems to click. “Y-your lap?”
He hums. You open your mouth, close it. Fidget and then open your mouth again. Nothing comes out.
“Not gonna say again, pet,” he rumbles.
You inhale deeply. And then, as if he’s a bear trap about to snap closed, you start to climb over him. Slowly, so slowly, you ease each of your legs over his, hands hovering until you nearly lose your balance and have to use his shoulders for support. You’re straddling him, but none of your weight is on his thighs; you’re up on your knees and trembling.
He meets your eyes. Waits.
“Sir… I…”
“All the way.”
Embarrassed heat radiates off you as you lower slowly, until your soft ass is pillowed on his broad thighs.
“Good girl,” he soothes. “See, that’s not so bad, is it?”
You shake your head, but you’re not able to meet his eyes. He’s starting to see why Johnny fawns over you so much. You make such precious expressions.
“Eyes up.”
You drag your gaze to his - and this time he does coo. You’re all teary and overwhelmed, nearly holding your breath, fingers twitching on his shoulders.
“You’re doing so well, lamb.”
You’re struggling to maintain eye contact, so he takes pity, appreciating the entirety of you on him instead. Admires the round pudge of your thighs and bent hips, the curve of your spine staying upright. He thumbs your ribs, feels your heart rabbiting against them.
“Breathe,” he coaxes.
You inhale sharply, blinking hard. His cock jumps against the waistband of his joggers.
“I-is there…?” You stop. He nods for you to try again. “W-why, um… this?”
“Think you ‘n I could use some exposure to each other, eh?”
You blink. “E-exposure?”
“Mm.” He raises a hand, gradually so you can see it coming. Twists a strand of your hair around his trigger finger - lets it bounce back. Does it again. “Can’t have you skitterin’ about like a kicked dog.”
“Oh.” You blink. “I-I thought…”
He waits for you to finish the sentence, but you just press your lips together nervously. Still a work in progress, then.
“‘F I wanted that, you wouldn’t be up here.”
Never mind the months he spent ignoring your presence and scowling when you got too close. Or the week he made a game of spooking you just before this all began. He doesn’t want that anymore.
You may be Johnny’s toy, but Johnny belongs to Simon. Besides, he got you for Johnny. Only right that he plays with you too.
“Alright, little one. Off you go before the pup comes back and makes a fuss.”
You scramble as quickly and carefully as you can back to your end of the couch. Simon turns back to the telly and lets you be.
Johnny, bless him, doesn’t notice that you’re any quieter than usual.
The next time he has you climb into his lap, he’s drinking bourbon. You’ve cast him one too many glances from your side of the couch, keep losing your place in your book.
When Johnny eventually shuffles off to shower and prep his pretty ass, Simon calls you over again. You crawl across the couch and sit back on your heels at his side, more curious than frightened for once.
“You want a sip?” he asks, tilting the glass towards you.
“…please?” you ask.
He hums. “Tilt your head.”
You only jolt a little when he cups the nape of your neck, urging your head back. Understanding, you part your lips - though you must be expecting the glass. You squeak a little as he seals his mouth over yours, golden drops of bourbon sliding off his tongue onto yours.
He lingers, the taste of you mixing with the alcohol into something heady. Your mouth is so sweet and yielding, tongue shy as it grazes his. He licks across your dull canines, relishes in the noise trapped in the back of your throat, before pulling away.
“What do you think?” he asks.
“It burns,” you mumble, a bit high-pitched.
“You’ll get used to it.”
With liquid courage in your tummy, you make the journey into his lap a little quicker this time.
“What’re you lookin’ at, huh?” he asks, leaning back to watch you through lidded eyes.
“You, um… your jaw. You usually wear the mask,” you explain, flushing.
“Pull it up to eat,” he points out.
“‘M usually eating too, though.”
He snorts in amusement. “Nosy little thing.”
You must hear that he doesn’t mean it because your voice isn’t especially sincere when you mumble, “sorry.”
Your eyes keep roaming what little of his face is available, though. And your twitchy little fingers keep flexing in his shirt.
“Can I touch?”
He hums. “Ask nicer.”
You blink, consider. “May I please touch your face, sir?”
He grunts the affirmative, mouth dried by the honeyed lilt to your voice. Sugar would taste bitter in comparison.
Your fingers brush featherlight across the point of his jaw. Follow the line of it until you reach a nasty scar from a hunting knife. Trace it twice before creeping along to his chin. You repeat it for the mark there, all the way up to the corner of his lips. He snaps his teeth, making you yelp and jerk back.
“That was mean,” you complain quietly.
“Poor dear,” he croons, flashing his canines again.
“D-don’t bite… please.”
He makes a noncommittal noise, but you still take the chance of skimming those gentle fingers across his mangled cheek. It’s a strange sensation, charged. Sends odd prickles across his entire face, down his spine. Not even Johnny touches him this softly.
Simon’s teeth and jaw ache with the urge to sink in and shake. You’d give like a ripe peach, he just knows it. Would taste just as good. His mouth waters.
You instantly pull away. Not even a squeak of protest. He flutters his eyes open; you’ve got both hands clearly visible and to yourself. Smart thing.
“You scared ‘o me?” he wonders.
You don’t answer, but the indent your teeth press into your bottom lip is answer enough.
“Good. Should be.”
You swallow, start to lower your hands, intending to get off his lap. He snatches up one of your wrists before you get far, the bones so delicate in his grasp. You gasp quietly, but know better than to try to escape.
“Didn’t tell you to go yet.”
“O-okay,” you breathe.
Eyes on yours, he drags your hand closer, brushes his lips across the tender meat of your thumb. Your fingers stay lax, but your pupils are blown out. Slowly, deliberately, he presses his teeth into the flesh and closes his jaw until you twitch, expression tightening with discomfort. There.
He stays like that for the count of three, then lets go.
There’s a perfect imprint of his teeth in your skin. Might even bruise. Pretty.
He twists his wrist, flattens your palm against his. So much smaller than his, more elegant. More delicate. A much different animal from him, but still you belong in his den.
“Breathe,” he reminds without looking away.
You inhale shakily. Practically squirming now. He drops his hand and presses the bourbon glass into yours.
“One more for the road.”
You take the tiniest of sips. He chuckles at the face you make as you hand it back.
You don’t like the taste as much as from his lips.
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meltedheartz · 6 months
yan!paul atreides is such a freak :(
you’re one of the emperor’s kids, introduced as his daughter despite insisting you’re a boy. you’re so pretty in his eyes :((
he loves you sm, presses kisses on your face, hands in yours, all gentle and adoring :(((
but you know for a fact there’s an underlying, deep obsession that he has with you under all that tenderness.
paul follows you like a lost puppy — constantly lingering around like he’s your second shadow
is he apologetic? not at all! he needs to make sure you’re safe at all times!! even when he’s out and about, too busy to watch you himself
‘course, the aloof idiot gives you all sorts of gifts. he buys you flowers, clothes, food, and anything you’re even remotely interested in, despite you not needing all of it :(
how else are you gonna end up dependent on him and solely him! he has to prove he can properly take care of you, duh.
not to mention how whenever he’s near you, he’s callin’ you dumb things. his pretty boy, his star, his fucking everything.
it should be unsettling — but you’ve been around him long enough to be used to it! it’s all good!!
paul also loves to visit you. a lot. stays for a few days, talks with you, does any and everything he can possibly do with you.
nd when the weirdo seeks to become the emperor? shit, best believe you’re the best candidate for that.
he does everything in his power to make it happen. and fuck, does he make it a reality, forces fate, changes his and your path when he’s wed to you :(
paul’s starin’ at you like you’re the only person in the room, clinging to you like he wants to never let go.
and paul really, really doesn’t wanna let go of you. not ever.
so when he ends up alone with you? no one else around, everyone gone home or elsewhere?
he immediately falls to his knees and takes off all your attire, pressing kisses on your tummy, all the down to your cunt.
the entire time, he’s drooling all over you, lickin’ and sucking while praising you.
“you’re so fuckin’ pretty.”
“all mine now, yeah? yeahhh, that’s it.”
“you gotta loosen up if you want me to put a baby in you, y’know. can you do that for me?”
he makes you cum all over his fingers, knuckle deep inside of your cunny with hearts in his eyes.
it’s the way he talks to you — praising you all nice nd sweetly despite the filthy words he’s saying :(
when he’s done, paul licks his fingers and stands up. he came in his pants twice just from tasting you, how many times is he gonna cum when he’s inside?
the thought has you shuddering.
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chubote · 4 months
Full and feeling like an overfed prize hog…
Feed and fatten me even more? 🐽
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