emmanelson · 3 years
Chapter 3: Feelings and First Times
A little prequel that takes place during 2.01-2.02 when Devi is dating both Ben and Paxton. The first time they have sex, it isn’t in a friends-with-benefits relationship. It’s bordering on the brink of something real, something special, at least in Paxton’s retrospect.
tw: rated M for sexual content 
In the days that followed Devi deciding to date both Ben and Paxton, their relationship moved at a quicker pace than expected. Paxton meant what he said by wanting to make the time they still had together count, even if it would only be for a couple more weeks. So when Devi is invited to the Hall-Yoshida household that Friday night with the implicit instruction to stay over, she tells her mom she is sleeping over at Eleanor’s and is maybe even a little too eager to get there, the walk feels more like a sprint. They had tried taking the next step a few times, and then realized they wanted to live long enough to actually see each other, so doing it at the Vishwakumar residence was out of the question.
She isn’t expecting much, a pizza, maybe some video games in the garage and then she’d retire to Rebecca’s room and try to raid her closet unsuccessfully. But what she arrived at was a whole other story.
She was greeted at the door with a long, slow kiss and Paxton’s lit up face as he ushered her inside.
“We’ve gone on enough dates for me to get that it means one on one, so tonight it’s just us.” He was biting the inside of his cheek.
“Do you have protection?”
“Yeah I-Why, do you?” Leave it to Devi to be the first one to bring up sex. She did say that Paxton brought out her mega-horny side after all, and never thought she would actually get this close to having sex before being moved halfway around the world.
“Yeah, I kind of panicked and asked Kamala to buy me some at the drug store and drop it off a block away so my mom didn’t catch on.” For talking a big game, Devi knew next to nothing about sex. She only knew what she saw in tv shows, read about in weird Wattpad-fanfiction-turned-best-selling-novels, and researched on the internet. She had tried watching porn once but she clicked play when her airpod was off and you couldn’t pay her to relive that experience and the horror of her mom asking what she was doing.
“I kinda asked my parents to take Becca out for the night. I wanna show you something.” Paxton lightly took her head as they walked up the staircase towards his bedroom. Not the garage, not the couch, his room.
“If this is going to be one of the last weekends we have together, I wanted it to be special and shit.” She had been in Paxton’s room before, but had never seen it so clean, and was that the smell of fresh sheets? Upon taking in Devi’s widened gaze, he quickly backtracked and shook his head vigorously. “Not that we have to fool around or do anything that you don’t want to.”
Devi was shaking her head and stifling a laugh for a whole other reason.
“I just wanted you to have something that was something out of the stupid chick-flicks that Becca makes me watch. Something that you can think about while you’re in India and I’m stuck here. I had to use these dumb environmentally friendly light bulbs that my mom buys because the last time we had real candles, there was an incident with Trent and the house almost burned down.”
He had lit candles, or at least light bulbs in the shape of candles, ushered his family out of the house and seemed rather hesitant about asking for sex. She couldn’t believe this was her life right now. Her relationship with Paxton had always been somewhat based on physical attraction. When they first talked and she asked him for sex, to when they started dating and moved onto beyond chaste kisses and lingering touches over clothes to long makeout sessions and bruised lips and body parts.
If anything it only made her want him more and she eagerly hooked her arms around his neck. “This is perfect. More than perfect actually, you didn’t have to go through all the trouble, but I’m glad you did.”
Normally Devi was the one rambling and Paxton was the one initiating things between them, it was kind of a rush to be on the other side of things for a change.
“I want my first time to be with you, here, just like this.” She whispered against his mouth, watching as his lips curved upwards into a wide smile.
He took his time kissing her, familiarizing himself with her body, teasing things out in her that she figured laid dormant. He was moving so slow that Devi was getting frustrated as they fell back onto his bed.  
“I know I’m the virgin here, but doesn’t it usually move a lot quicker than this?” She was trying to unbutton his jeans, lift up his shirt to feel his abs, anything to speed things up but Paxton simply continued pushing his tongue past her lips and making her head spin.
A hand snaked under her shirt and Devi immediately moved to cover her breasts, insecurity surfacing at the worst time.
“What’s wrong?”
“I know I have small boobs and I’m not like Zoe or Shira levels of hotness. So if this isn’t, you know up to par with the sex you usually have, I understand.”
Paxton only furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Did she really not know how he felt about her?
“Not only are you beautiful on the outside, but you’re gorgeous on the inside, something that they...are lacking.”
His words always made her flush, and this time was no exception. “I like your body. Now can I continue to appreciate it the way it deserves?” He chuckled under his breath and with one hand, grabbed both of hers and pinned them above her head. Her eyes widened in surprise and anticipation, she bit down on her bottom lip and if things weren’t already well on their way, he would have muttered something about wanting to do very dirty things to her. Repeatedly.  
“If this is the first time, and quite possibly the last time we have to do this, you better believe that I am going to be taking my time with you.” He caught her lower lip with his teeth, slowing his movements which only made a whine emit from deep in her throat.
Paxton’s free hand moved between her legs and brushed her core through her underwear. Without breaking eye contact he moved her panties aside and inserted one finger into her, and then another.
The sudden pressure made Devi suck in a breath, no amount of YA novels or research could have prepared her for what it would actually feel like. Her whole body lit up, as if she was covered in gasoline and Paxton had lit a match, starting a fire that only seemed to spread.
“So tight.” His breath came out ragged, his jeans tightening against him. Paxton thought that guys thought about sex more than girls, and he hadn’t heard anything to the contrary until he met Devi. She had stared at him one too many times past the point of charming and made remarks about wanting to “climb him like a jungle gym.” Mostly through text to Fabiola and Eleanor that he may have happened to stumble upon when he used her phone to play Candy Crush.
In the days that followed their kiss in the park, Paxton wanted to nail his next history while Devi made it increasingly difficult to concentrate with all the short skirts she would wear, and don’t forget about the constant sexual innuendos she would make that went over his head because they had to do with whatever subject they were learning about.  
“Is this okay?” He asked, his eyes searching hers for any hint of hesitation. One word, and he would gladly stall his movements. “Do you want me to stop?”
“No, just go faster. I want more of you. All of you.”
This night was all about making her comfortable, making sure she was getting the most out of this, that her needs were met. A selfish part of him hoped that if he made a lasting impression, she wouldn’t come back from India with a smarter, hotter, boyfriend or worse, fiance. His fears only made his grip on her tighten and tilt her chin up so she was forced to meet his eyes.
“Tell me, in words or else I’ll just assume and that’s a really shitty thing to do.” He spoke slowly, deliberately as her eyes fixated on his chest.
“I want you inside of me.”
Paxton breathed out a sigh of relief, or was Devi breathing out her own? He withdrew his hand and her body instantly shivered at the loss of contact. Within the time it took for him to shake off his jeans, Devi had regained control of her hands and grabbed a fistful of his T-shirt into her hands, yanking it over his head in record time.  
“Do you want me to touch you?”
“Shh, this is about making you feel good.” He mumbled into her hair, dragging his lips towards her ear as she ground her hips into his. He took a condom out of his jeans pocket and rolled it on before positioning himself in between her legs.
He pushed into her slowly, the movements stilling as Devi dug her nails into his back in retaliation. She grimaced at the feeling, her body was tightly wound up and only when Paxton began to move his body at a quicker pace, did hers relax in response.
They laid in bed after, Devi’s legs felt like the jello and even if she had to be home in a few hours, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to walk without falling or at least looking like a klutz. “Is that a picture of Gigi Hadid on your ceiling?”
Now it was Paxton’s turn to almost flush to an unseemly red color.
“I’ve had that up there forever, just forgot to take it down that’s all.”
“Do you look at it when you, you know?”
“I was just inside you Vishwakumar, I think we’re as intimate as two people can be. You can say the word masturbate.”
“Well, do you?” She pressed, ignoring the way nerves once more fluttered against her stomach. “Do you ever think of me, when you touch yourself?”
“If only you knew.” He murmured against her neck, not wanting to give away just how many nights he spent relieving himself to the memory of their first kiss, or more recently, to their makeout sessions that didn’t just leave her hot and bothered, but him as well. “That was your first time right?”
“Is it that obvious? Should I just have had the word virgin written across my forehead?”
“I think it’s cool that you waited or whatever. Did what was right for you.”
“Why? What was your first time like?” Devi didn’t want to pry, or ask something too personal, but she would be lying if she said she wasn’t curious.
“Um, I think I was 14.”
“14? As in like freshman year of high school?” That was one year younger than her current age, it made bile rise to her throat at the thought.
“Eighth grade. It was the summer before high school and the JV and Varsity swim teams invited us incoming freshmen to a party, to get to know each other and whatnot. It was chaperoned by this one guy’s sister, I think she was 21. Her name was Stacey or Stephanie, something with an S. She brought us all beer and acted cooler than any of our parents at the time.” Devi didn’t say anything, but silently nodded and urged him to continue.
“Anyway, one night like the first week of school, we all get wasted right? Some more than others I guess, because I woke up not remembering anything that happened or even how I got so intoxicated. I was mostly drinking Coke the entire night, with some rum here and there sure, but nothing too extreme. I passed out on the couch and when I woke up, she was on top of me, stroking my hair, touching me, and telling me to stay quiet so we didn’t wake anyone up.”
“I-Is that all?” Her eyes were wide, almost glassy, and Paxton instantly felt years older than her. Like she was too innocent to be hearing this and yet here he was, exposing her to it anyway. Exposing her to the harsh reality that he didn’t want her to know, yet she was already familiar with after what happened to her dad.
“She started whispering in my ear. Tell me how I seemed really mature for my age and how college boys are so rowdy and they didn’t listen to her like I did. I don’t even remember us having any kind of in-depth conversation.” His voice dropped to a low whisper. “She said that it wasn’t cool to go into high school as a virgin, especially if you were a guy. The other guys on the swim team would just turn it into some kind of contest to see who could get laid the fastest. She said I would have a leg up on all of them and be able to show off.”
A bitter chuckle passed through his lips. “Except, I didn’t feel superior or like a man or wanted, I just felt empty.”  
“Did you tell anyone?”
“Only Trent.”
Not wanting to sound rude, Devi bit her tongue and remained nonchalant. “Is Trent really the best person to be telling your secrets to?”
“He’s actually cool once you get to know him, okay? He told me that if I wanted to go to the cops and quote ‘make her a prison bitch’ unquote that he would back me up. He may act stoned 90% of the time, but he has a good heart. I trust him with my life.”
“Did um, did you ever see her again?” She asked patiently, as her fingers ran up and down the length of his torso.
“At that point, it didn’t matter. When I got back to school on Monday everyone had heard, turned me into the big man on campus and whatnot, whether I earned the title or not. I wish I had waited, you know? For my first time to be with someone that I really cared about.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“I know I’ve been with other girls before and you know, I’m some ladies man or shit. But that’s all it was you know, just sex. It’s isn’t like that with you.”
“Well if it makes you feel any better, this was better than what I had in mind. It was better than any rom-com or YA novel.”
“This doesn’t mean nothing okay? It would never mean nothing, not with you.”
Devi immediately wanted to correct his use of a double negative, but she refrained. She was speechless, too raw, first from the sex they just had and then hearing Paxton’s story. She was touched that he felt comfortable sharing such a private event with her.
“Would you have done things different? Your first time I mean.” She asked quietly, finding her voice again after letting all the information she had just heard sink in.
“Well I definitely would have waited to do it when I was sober.”
“Everyone deserves a second change, a do-over. And you aren’t drunk or high or impaired in any way right now are you?”
“So take your do-over.” Sure she didn’t handle her own trauma in the best manner, but she was surprisingly insistent in helping others overcome their own turmoil. Plus with her big brown eyes, Paxton felt like he was saying no to Bambi.
“I want you to feel good.” His own words hung in the air between them uttered by her soft voice, only a silent nod of his head and Devi had pressed her lips against his and rolled them over so she was now flush against his chest. “We can go as painfully slow as you want.”
“So now you aren’t in a rush to jump me?” The warmth in his features returned, he seemed to have a genuine smile on his face and was raising an eyebrow at her in slightly amusement.
“Something tells me this won’t be the last time, we’ll get there.”
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emmanelson · 3 years
She hadn’t realized that to be able to relish in his warmth, she had to endure the frost that followed his departure. An alternate Season 2 in which Devi agrees to tutor Paxton, but he has a whole other arrangement in mind.
The first time it happens, it’s a few days after he starts doing his schoolwork on his own. He comes to her with the idea and at first, she thinks it’s a joke. Him suggesting a friends-with-benefits relationship? Her having sex with the Paxton Hall-Yoshida?
“I’m sorry, what?” Devi had glanced up at Paxton in shock, trying her hardest to stop her mouth from dropping open from his request. She had to blink a few times to make sure she wasn’t dreaming up this scenario.
“You doing my homework for me, that was weak okay? I can admit that. It didn’t actually do me any favors because when it came time to take the exams, I still didn’t know shit. I do my own work from now on, but you are going to be my stress relief.” He could find other ways to punish her, something that benefited the both of them. Actually, he wanted to punish her, so what if had the chance to bring pleasure to her at the same time?
"So what can I do?"
"Think of it as incentive for me doing well in school." He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He wanted Devi, but he didn't trust her anymore. How could he crave her touch when his heart literally ached at the sight of her? This was the only logical solution he could come up with. "Isn’t this what you wanted to begin with? No strings-attached, only sex?”
Yes, initially she did only see him as a sex object and hastily wanted him to take her virginity. But things changed, first for the better and then for the worst. “That was before we were friends. Before we kissed, before...” I cheated on you . It hung in the air as Devi’s heart hammered in her chest.
“I’m not interested in being your friend. Not right now anyway. And I don’t see that changing anytime soon.”
He would never admit it, but finding out Devi had cheated on him with Ben Gross? That was one of the lowest points in his life.
“Won’t this get complicated?”
“Why would it? You already told the entire school that we slept together.”
Her faces flushes at the memory and she bites down on her lower lip as her cheeks threaten to turn scarlet. It only makes him want to see that look when he’s on top of her, her body withering underneath his, emitting sounds from her by his touch and his touch alone. He has to shake himself out of his own thoughts and remain nonchalant.
“Again, sorry about that.”
“Unless you’re all talk?” He raised an eyebrow, staring at her in amusement.
“Me? All talk. No, you’ve got it all wrong. This was my idea to begin with. You were the one that called it off, I was all ready to go.” She wasn’t sure if she even believed the words coming out of her very mouth, let alone if he did, but she was able to sell it the first time, why should this time be any different?
“So you’re in?”
“We can’t right now, my grandma’s home.”
“That’s part of the fun though. Seeing how quiet you can be with your grandma or mom right downstairs. If we do this correctly, you won’t even need to take off a single piece of clothing.”
Her body clenches at his words, moisture already traveling to her core.
“You could have any girl you want, what do you need me for?”
“You ruined my swimming career, caused everyone at school to give me these looks of pity, cheated on me, and worst of all with Ben Gross?”
Her silence said more than anything else so he continued, fighting back a smirk.
“Not that I give a shit, but even you could do better than that.” And then to her surprise, he leans across the kitchen table and kisses her. It had been a while since they kissed, since her party, and the accident. It hadn’t been too long that she forgot what his lips on hers felt like, but long enough to miss the sensation. Long enough to crave it in the pit of her stomach when she’s laying awake at night scrolling through his Instagram.
When they pulled away, Devi almost wanted to pout at the loss of contact. Yet she tried to stay neutral and instead shook her head. “Shouldn’t this only happen if you actually see an improvement in your grades? How is that going to work if I’m actively giving you the thing that you want?”
“I’d have an easier time forgiving someone if I wasn’t forced to only associate them with turmoil and pain.” Okay, so he was starting to be a little more than dramatic, but as her face fell, Paxton felt a satisfaction in her reaction. It served her right.
So he would actually forgive her in a quicker manner if they had sex? It sounded like a load of bullshit, but Devi chose to see the positive.
“So that whole being your overbearing Indian mother tactic won’t work?”
“Why would I want to fuck my mother Devi?”
“Let’s see how you do on your next test okay?”
“Please, you’re going to be the one begging for me to come back with a higher grade just so you have an excuse to jump me.”
“Maybe I’ll want to jump you even more after you’ve earned it.”
“I’m going to hold you to that.” Devi’s stomach fluttered, she honestly hoped that he would.
When Devi lets herself into his garage the following week, PopTart in hand, Paxton actually seemed happy to see her.
“Is that my reward for doing better in school?”
“It could be.” She handed it to him, expecting him to tear into the package as she set down her backpack but instead he put it down and motioned for her to side beside him.
“What if I’m craving something else.” He showed her his newly graded history test with a glint of something she couldn’t quite pinpoint. His eyes couldn’t help but travel to her lips and she gulped.
“You did raise your grade two whole grade letters.” Their eyes met and Devi suddenly felt a flash of heat scorch her entire body. She wanted nothing more than to rid them both of the layers of clothing that stood between them. If he was a fire, she didn’t mind getting burned.
This time, she was the one that closed the gap between them and pressed her lips against his. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer as their tongues slowly met. Her body flush tightly against his as they leaned back into the couch, Paxton pressing himself on top of her.
His hands were lightly gripping her hips, inching near her thighs, lips moving to the side to trail kisses down her neck, her body shivering under his touch. Their legs tangled together as they sank further into the couch, she didn’t know where she began and he ended. He almost wanted to leave marks on her body, just to see the look on Ben’s face when he sees them, knowing that he wasn’t the reason why. But Ben would be the least of their problems if her skin even looked a different hue, this much he knew. Not wanting his attack on her neck to last long enough to give her a hickey, their lips met once more as his tongue invaded her senses. Breaking apart for air, Paxton looked at her so intensely that she thought she would melt.
“Devi...tell  me to stop.” He panted, eyes searching hers for any sign of hesitation or refusal. Instead she peeled off her bomber jacket and dropped it below them, kicking off her shoes in the process.
“I don’t want you to.” She returned his gaze, a sly smile slowly forming on her lips which only made him to want to kiss her until they were bruised and red.
"Are you sure?" He asked, wanting to make sure she wanted to do this and wouldn't come to regret it.
"Unless you rather take care of that little problem yourself and take a cold shower." Internally, she was basically a puddle, ready to swoon that he was being so considerate. Yet she had to remind herself that this was some kind of sick punishment Paxton thought of. He probably just wanted an excuse to get laid.
"You don't need to tell me twice." She smirks against his lips when he kisses her again and soon her doubts are swallowed by his kiss. This arrangement really could benefit them both.
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emmanelson · 3 years
Chapter 2: Nose Rings and Nightcaps
you guys asked for a follow up chapter so here you go
takes place during 2x04: ...Had an Indian Frenemy
Devi tried not to let Aneesa get under her skin. And for most of the day, she was good at faking a smile or a laugh when she needed to. 
“We still on for tutoring this week?” Paxton had caught up to her in the hallway and Devi attempted to send him a smile.
“Yeah. But let’s go to your house. I think my grandmother has a crush on you.”
Paxton was glancing over at Aneesa and Devi saw red. 
“Saw you talking to Neese. She’s dope. You guys friends?” Not you too, Devi thought to herself in horror. Would Paxton call her Devi 2.0 as well?
“Yeah, pretty dope.” Devi muttered under her breath before turning on her heel and walking away with an eye roll. 
Not wanting things to end on such a bad note, Devi slowly walked back up to Paxton and dropped her voice to a whisper. “Do you want a quickie in the janitor’s closet?”
His pulse sped up as he blinked, staring at her in disbelief. “Aren’t you worried about being late to class?” People had begun to disperse, the hallways emptying as students ran in different direction and they were the only ones left that Devi could see. 
“If you don’t want to, that’s fine. I’ll see you later then.” Just as she was able to make a dramatic exit and turn back to give him a flirty smile, he had secured her wrist and pulled her back towards him. 
“Five minutes enough time?” 
‘If you can last that long.” The two stared at each other, equally cocky expressions forming as they practically ran towards the vacant closet trying not to laugh. 
“So what subject should we start with?” Paxton inquired as soon as Devi situated herself at his kitchen table. 
“But with History, all you have to do is rap and suddenly it makes sense. Can you do something like that for me with Bio?”
“Look at biology in terms of swimming.” The look Paxton gave her was one of confusion and incredulous. 
“The last thing I want to think about is swimming while I still have this damn cast.”
Devi’s mouth opened only to close a few seconds later as she tried to change the subject, he made a valid point. 
Devi leaned up to an upper level in the pantry and Paxton was pretty sure he stopped breathing for a good minute or two when he saw her bare skin.  
“Are you good having a snack break? Our brains need food as well.”
He felt like shoving her against the door of the pantry and fuck her until her entire body was shaking, but his mouth felt like cotton so he found himself nodding. 
Devi moved further into the kitchen and made her way towards the fridge. She got out the filtered water, placing it on the counter and filled up two glasses before setting it back where it was prior. When she shut the door, her body jolted in response as two strong arms wrapped around her waist and turned her so she was now facing him.
Within the time that Devi had gotten the Britta back in the fridge, Paxton pressed his body against hers so she was placed between the firmness of his body and the sturdy metal of the fridge door. 
“Shouldn’t this wait until after we get through your assignment?” Devi murmured against his lips, exhaling a shallow breath as she fought to curve into his body and let school be damned. 
“Sex is basic biology isn’t it?” His breath was hot against her ear and her knees threatened to buckle out from under her. “A primal instinct. An animalistic urge.” He nipped at her collarbone, teeth and tongue switching off as his hands went underneath her shirt to cup her breasts. 
“Pheromones are detected through the hippocampus.” She shuddered against him as she spoke, the words coming out slowly as she struggled to level her breathing. 
“How do you make biology sound so sexy?” Her lips parted as he let out a low chuckle. She only buried her face against the fabric of his flannel, trying to hide the blush that now painted her cheeks. With his only good arm he lifted up her body and pushed her against the cool metal, an involuntary squeal slipping past her lips as her legs wrapped around his waist. 
“Say something else.”
“Hormones are produced and secreted by the endocrine glands.”
“Why is this turning me on?” Paxton grunted, his throbbing lower region rubbing against her core, only fueling her desires. 
“What can I say? I know what I’m talking about.” She never thought that being smart would lead to this kind of situation. 
“I need to learn how to apply this stuff right?” His voice dropped to a husky tone as Devi once again gulped, her brain turning to mush as her legs began to shake. 
“Where’s Rebecca? Your mom?”
“Work, and my mom is tending to her garden out back. She usually plays 60’s music or listens to Christian audiobooks.”
“So she won’t be able to hear us?” Her fingers toyed with the zipper on his jeans, his hard-on poking through the fabric. 
“Not if you’re quiet enough.” Her eyes widened at the tone his voice now took, it was almost demanding and harsh against her skin, the intensity of his gaze never wavering. 
Paxton almost scoffed at her doe-eyed gaze but then kissed her so he wouldn’t keep feeling like a dick. With that, his jeans dropped and he was pulling her shorts down, her underwear following soon after, the wetness seeping from it was felt on her ankles. 
Soon he was inside her and each time she lifted her hips to meet his, her shirt rode up and the cold hit her back, causing goosebumps to raise on her arms. She didn’t mind this kind of tutoring.
The following Friday, Devi and Paxton were texting back and forth while she sat with Aneesa and Eleanor in her bedroom. 
And they still texted as Devi got to know Aneesa and decided that she wasn’t all that bad after-all. Ben had stomped away from her after she had gotten her nose pierced, Eleanor and Aneesa were probably blocks ahead of her by now and all she wanted to do was sit down on the bench and listen to her dad’s voicemail until the sun came up. She didn’t want to go home, but she knew she couldn’t stay in an abandoned parking lot so she walked until her feet had carried her straight to Paxton’s house.
She had walked, rode by on her bike, and memorized every turn her mom took in the car for so long now that it was basically muscle memory. 
She hesitantly knocked on the door to his garage, and his face came into view as he rubbed his eyes. 
“Were you sleeping? Do you fall asleep in the garage a lot?” She furrowed her eyebrows as she took in his disheveled form. He still looked hot even in a T-shirt and sweats. 
“Nah, I was up playing Fortnite.” The glow from the TV hit Devi’s eyes as soon as she stepped in and he shut the door behind them. “Is that a nose ring?” He took a step closer to her and leaned in, inspecting the new piece of jewelry she was sporting. 
“It looks nice.” Devi was glad it was pitch black outside because she was surely turning beet red. It looked badass actually, but Paxton wasn’t about to be singing her praises just yet. He still felt like he was getting a bucket of ice poured on his chest whenever she came into view. 
“Did you come here for a nightcap or something?” He teased, eyes momentarily leaving hers as he scanned his phone to check the time. It wasn’t too often that she was even out this late, let alone showing up to his place in the middle of the night. 
She slowly leaned up and brushed her lips against his. She kissed him slowly, her lips moving against him as if she was burning and he provided the only source of water available. She wanted to savor it, but at the same time knew she had to stick to their arrangement. 
“Maybe more of a late night booty call?” She cringed at her own use of the word, but it brought a smile out onto Paxton’s face, and she would gladly take the embarrassment if he kept looking at her with that smile, with those eyes. 
“Do you always look this good?” He asked, upon seeing the outline of her skirt, how it was torn at the ends and how he wanted to rip whatever remained so it was off her body. 
“If you’re quiet enough, we won’t wake your parents or sister.” She repeated his words from earlier, a finger coming up to hover over his lips. He was about to ask about school, mention that they usually only fooled around when it had something to do with his grades, but he decided against it. She was here, wanting him, offering up her body to him. In the back of his mind, he briefly wondered if she was having a similar type of arrangement with Ben, but from the cold reception and snarky comments the younger guy was throwing her way, he figured he had gotten the better end of the deal. 
His eyes looking at her up and down, fingers playing with the zipper of her skirt as she pushed his shirt up and over his head. She lightly tugged on his hands, steering him towards the couch and climbing on top of him when they finally landed.  
Paxton was tracing the outline of her jean skirt with his fingers, dipping in and out of her inner thighs and her breath hitched. “Do you this could count as my PE credit?” 
“It does burn a shit ton of calories.” Paxton smirked in reply, moving a piece of hair behind her ear as he kissed any exposed skin he could find and peeled off her tank top. “I’ll write you a note.” Was the only response that he was able to form before flipping them over so she was wiggling underneath him. 
Her name vibrated against her own ear as he came, sweat sticking to their bodies as he slumped against her. He moaned her name in a way that felt like the first time anyone had ever uttered it. She had never heard it sound so beautiful. The tension and anxiety she had been feeling earlier in the evening was gone, replaced with a warmth that spread all throughout her body. 
“I should probably go.” She had checked her phone to see it had blown up with text messages and calls from Eleanor and Aneesa, asking where she was and telling her she needed to come back before her mother woke up. She slid her clothes back on with ease, unlocking her phone to see the full extent of the damage. Paxton only nodded in response as he slipped his boxers back on and stood up. 
“This is what you look like in the morning, after sex might I add?” She gawked, eyes hungrily scanning over his shirtless form. 
“Guess so.” He grinned, he couldn’t help his looks anymore than Devi could help the fact that she was naturally good at embarrassing herself at parties. 
“Not fair.”
“It looks pretty badass by the way.” Paxton complimented, biting his lip as he walked them towards the door. “The nose ring.”
“And thank you for the study help today. Or is it yesterday since it’s technically now tomorrow?” A look of confusion set in as Devi let a soft laugh bubble. 
“Thanks for the orgasms.” And before Paxton could search his brain for a reply, Devi had hurried out the door and didn’t even look back to see if he was staring at her retreating form.  
He totally was. 
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emmanelson · 3 years
I can't stop thinking about the sentence: "But Ben would be the least of their problems if her skin even looked a different hue, this much he knew." Idk why it hits so hard, but it hits so hard.
asdfghjkl that was one of the lines i was most self-conscious about when i was writing it
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emmanelson · 3 years
are u doing fics for all of season 2 (every episode)
in the heatwave universe, yep that's the plan! my own rewrite of season 2, starting from 2x03
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emmanelson · 3 years
do i post the 2x05 chapter first or a lil prequel based on 2x02 first ??
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emmanelson · 3 years
UM GIRL THE FIC U WROTE? so so good!! pls tell me we’re getting part two? or at least that you’re gonna write more daxton stuff? ur SO talented! xo
the way i am screaming right now ! the wheels are already turning for 2x05 and 2x08 my friend
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emmanelson · 3 years
I am officially a fan of the Heatwave Universe, please, please, please continue it! 🌶️🔥🥵 I really like the way you write both of the characters.
already working on the next chapter so stay tuned !!!
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emmanelson · 3 years
wait so what is the next episode you’ll be writing?
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