#HeatwaveAU [StarBurst]
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thatmaxcontent ยท 8 months ago
Give me everything you got from this sunburst is obsessed with starlight au NNOOOOWWWWWW.
Thanks bub xoxo
Tysm for being my first ever ask ever, also!!!!! I am on my knees bowing ๐Ÿ™‡โ€โ™‚๏ธ
This AU progresses much like the canon up until Sunburst joins, and a bit after that (long enough for Sunburst to make friends with Twilight, Trixie, Maud, y'know!), HOWEVER!!! There are differences! Buckle up, this could sound a bit confusing! (This is written in story form! Other general info at the end of post!)
Let's start with Sunburst backstory in this AU:
Sunburst was a single child, as was Starlight. Ever since he picked up his first book he was invested in literature, history and magic. He mostly taught himself to read after his single mother taught him the basics. He was highly intelligent from a very young age, which caused him to feel left out and too different to make friends.
He was four-years old when he met three and a half-year old Starlight. They shared the same struggle, felt they had so much in common they immediately connected underneath the tree casting shade to that golden brown wooden bench. Books in air they didn't notice one-another at first, but once they did the questions and recommendations began.
The children became inseperable. They read together obviously, frequent library trips leading up to their spot. They played board games, practiced magic and then eventually started doing more traditional friend-stuff. They made bracelets, went to the playground, they had so much fun they forgot the other kids even existed.
At this point both of the little children were completely normal, healthy, happy. So they were until they both turned nine.
One day, when the two were hanging outside of town on a hill over water practicing magic and reading, Starlight picked up a book from a tall stack to catch up on a hard spell. The other watched as she tried to perform it, succeeding for the first time! However the toll took over as she bumped into the books and fell off the cliff with them. The stream of terror caught Sunburst as he began performing a spell he had only read once. The adrenaline of fear led him to succeed, each book and Starlight teleported back up. He fell to his feet, wobbly, going over to his best friend to check on her. Panicked, she took some deep breaths. She was helped up, both of the kids swaying weakly.
"That... That was incredible! We didn't have time to study the spell properly, how did you manage to cast it?! You saved the books, you-... you saved me..." She breathed, looking to him hesitantly. "... Thank you."
He tried calming himself down like her. Eventually he let out a breathy huff as he hugged her tightly. "I- I don't know how, but I'm- but I'm so glad it worked. I'm so glad you're safe." He felt her hug him back, the connection unbreakable. "Me too, bff!"
Suddenly a bright ray of sunlight shone on the two, framing Sunburst as he began glowing a fantastical shade of orange. The two never separated, up until the scene was over and the glow faded. They both looked to his flank/back*, a radiant cutiemark filling his veins with magic and purpose.
(*In my humanized versions their cutiemarks are tattoo-like pictures on their upper back, between the back bone thingies :D)
The two hopped around with joy, gathering up the books as they ran back to town to tell his mother and her father. The parents raved at this knowledge, and without further ado Sunburst's mother signed him up for magic school.
Starlight didn't admit it, but she was jealous. It was even a surprise to Sunburst once he was told about magic school. While he was excited Starlight felt a sense of betrayal, the two sat down for one last hang-out before he left. On that hang-out they talked about how they felt about the situation, it ended with a promise to meet up every month at least once until Starlight got in as well.
That promise was never fulfilled, and letters weren't sent or received.
Now we transition to Sunburst's school years:
In magic school he started off excited. It only took him a week to be loaded up with so much work he had no time for years. Worst part was most of it he already knew, but had to do again.
Year after year he was burnt out more and more. A's after A's after A's he kept overworking, the enjoyment of studying was being wasted on things that seemed useless to him, boring. He had forgotten what home was like, he had forgotten everything about fun and comfort, reminded only every now and then as he found time to read up on new and advanced studies, ancient history, poetry.
He turned 21. He had finally moved to actual advanced studies, and after three years of that he figured it was things he already knew. He had exhausted his enjoyment completely. Dark times only got darker as sunlight didn't shine to his soul. Impulsive, intrusive, agressive thoughts had haunted him since a few months into school. It all felt completely pointless, and that was when it happened. He got his first ever B on an exam.
That grade served as his breaking point, all those years of talking to himself and repeating things he excelled at, and now he stumbled at something he could do with a flip of his head? He took time off of school, and it was during that week of free-time that he found himself locked to his bed. Book after book after book, notes after notes, he studied things he actually wanted to. But it felt different. The sentences in his head never silenced, and he had no one to reach out to.
In the light of an oil-lamp he reached for a book, knocking over his old bags. The ones he never fully had time to unpack. It was like a time capsule, he brought the oil-lamp close and began looking through.
His favorite books on history, magic... and his favorite ever poetry and short-story book. His head quieted as he saw it, he sat to the ground atop scattered literature and papers. He opened the book, seeing text written on the hard-cover's first blank page. That, and a photograph.
"I hope this book brightens your days as much as it has mine!!!"
ใ€‹ Starlight Glimmer โ˜† BFF
The photo, of him and her, just young little kids. The way they smiled so brightly, the way she looked at the camera so kindly.
A window was slammed open, the curtains aggressively swaying in the wind as sunlight shone radiantly in his soul. His eyes wet, wide. His head was completely silent. A smile slowly crawled up to his lips as he detached the photo from the book. His head spoke. He and it were in agreement for once.
That agreement was simple.
"... Starlight..."
His head exploded as he found himself chuckling, he read the book while keeping the photograph in his grasp. He looked at it every few seconds, smile never-fading. His soul bumped as the sunlight was shifting from gentle oranges and reds to something much different. A hue of brown and grey light hit his heart as it was coated in purple. His brain, it scratched at his skull. He grabbed a fistful of his coat and buried his face into it. The smile was so wide it hurt. He loved every second the sentences circled his thoughts, no objections to them.
And so he dropped out in the middle of his advanced studies.
What happened after? Where did he go? Well:
He went back to his hometown. He might've forgotten her, but he'd never forget again. Each and every spot reminded him of her. The library, the park, the playground, their homes.
Once his mother learnt he had dropped out she questioned him, however he assured he was more than fine. He assured he had a purpose, a plan, and what he needed was to see Starlight again.
"Oh, honey... she moved away a long time ago." She informed him. His breath stopped, but nontheless he continued looking around. He met Starlight's father, who gave him some of their old books, toys, artifacts as reminders. "If you find her, please tell her father's waiting for a visit!" He radiantly smiled, met with an equally big one from the younger. However, not related to him. Rather, to her.
He had recovered many memories, but there was one more place. With his bags he walked to the cliff where he got his cutiemark. He reminisced that day. His smile was uncontrollable, until his nose scrunched. He was suddenly hyper-aware of where his mark was. For the first time ever, he truly despised feeling it on his person.
And so he left, finding a home in the newly reformed Crystal Empire at age 25.
He made it his sanctuary, performing and functioning as any normal citizen. The library that was his home was overfilled with books, however there was one room that completely differed from the rest. His bedroom.
The shelves, full of each item he and Starlight ever interacted with. Pages, drawings, pictures hung up on the walls, even on his bedframe. His sheets were the color of her skin, pillowcase her hair, tables coated with old fabrics and sheets that used to belong to her. Most items he gained honestly from the town, from her father. Some were gathered through more particular means.
Now that was the true sanctuary part of his home.
No matter how much he studied, how much he did, how much he spent, it felt mild compared to the thought of her. Looking for her proved far more difficult, the only comfort in the world those bracelets she had made for him. They stayed on him religiously. He looked for her religiously. Her diary was his bible. She was his burst of sun, but it wasn't enough.
So he took looking for her far more seriously.
For some years he traveled. He finally found someplace with her footprints, a town at the edge of Equestria. He interviewed the people there, and the people spoke of her with hesitance and hatred. His head boiled at the despise, but his eyes glimmered at knowledge of her, especially as he was let into her old house to inspect. He grabbed her sheets, carpets, abandoned books, everything he could find. The scent of lavender and eucalyptus never retired as her signature fragrance. He then left for his home, still not knowing her whereabouts.
For the next year he didn't find any new leads. Her sheets were his world. Her scent was his brain. He studied and read, danced with a figure shaped after the most recent photograph of her he had gotten from the village. His only interactions were with he, himself and the projection of her. He daydreamed, spoke to the image of her, she was the only thing that pulled that genuine of a smile out of him. His room was almost the perfect temple. All he needed was...
The Meeting, and More.
One day someond knocked at his door. The mailperson, most likely. He waited for them to leave, but all of the sudden,
"Sunburst? Are you home? It's me, uhm... Starlight Glimmer."
He nearly exploded. He knocked over his vase, with the dried lavender and eucalyptus. He stumbled over to the door, his breath completely unstable. Nowhere near as much as his head, granted.
He opened the door, appearing as calm as he could.
There she was, right in front of him. She was so, so undescribably beautiful. Breathtaking Goddess, it was his first conscious thought. All of him was in agreement. The sunlight in his soul shifted to shades of purple and mint.
"... Starlight? Is it really you?" He could only say. But he knew.
The small conversation the two struck up, it was so awkward. Silences filled with nothing, hesitation...
So much suppressed passion it almost made him choke. He wanted to lunge at her, grab her into her hold, sink his head into her body so deep she couldn't live without him.
In his awkwardness he shut the door. Tightly clenching his teeth, it hurt him so much. Not the pressure, but what he did. He couldn't stand it, how could he shut the door on HER? On his air, on his water, on his body.
Before long, after much regret, she returned. She came in, and it took every string in his body to not cage her to the safety of his home on the spot. No, he wanted to see her truth before that.
Hours of conversation, of agonizing hiding, until finally the truth was shared. She showed herself to him, and he couldn't be happier. But it hurt, it hurt how he couldn't smile in the serious moment.
(The canonical events happen. Take note of the fact that Sunburst acts as he does in the show as he suppresses himself, so there isn't anything suspicious to anyone else.)
And after those events he had to let her go again. However, though he had responsibilities as a Crystaller he had a goal now.
Ponyville. Visit as much as possible, as quietly as possible.
Undercover, disguised, prepared. His room was flooded with photographs, items, and her very fresh scent. But his life still wasn't perfect. He needed every bit of her, and the pretend-games were taking too much a toll on him.
So one time he scheduled an actual meet-up with her. No extra plans, just hang-out... until he got an idea.
He befriended her friends, pretending not to note her sadness as he got along with them, had so much in common with them. And at the end of the day, when they finally got time together, she was pushed over the edge thanks to a word or two from him. As she ran off he just wanted to chase, restraint saving him in hopes for results.
And results he got. A form of new connection, a missing piece from her. And there it was.
(Things continue like this, stalkerish and subtle manipulation, aside that according to canonical events, until Sunburst becomes the Vice Headmare to Starlight's Headmare.)
From There on Out.
There's no official 'canon' to Heatwave AU from that point. I have fun from there on out!!!! At this point I need to mention this is all so incredibly unhealthy, I know it, and in no way should this behavior be tolerated or romanticized in real life. This is toxic on purpose, more as an outlet!
I don't ship Canonical Sunburst x Starlight Glimmer, because it's extremely one-sided. However I ship my (non-AU) Fanon Sunburst x Starlight, because I have made it not one-sided >:3 and of course the Heatwave AU is EXTREMELY toxic shipping, NOT for the sake of romance but purely as (again) an outlet, creativity and guilty-pleasure :D
I have an alternative where Heatwave!Sunburst traps and cages Heatwave!Starlight, an alternative where they don't necessarily depart, an alternative where Starlight gets her spirit broken and runs to Sunburst, as I said it's just for guilty outlet purposes so there are a bunch of different versions!!! But the one I listed is the most common base, though it can be modified as well!!! Just rather not.
POINT IS, Sunburst is a stalker. He is a sick, obsessed, unhealthy stalker in each version. Someone who got driven into that situation because of lack of outlets, help or options. None of his actions have justifications, no matter how much he speaks about it as 'love'.
Starlight is still Starlight, the same as in the show. However, depending on the alternative, she could fall into that unhealthy lifestyle as well, be broken down, or maybe she could escape his eyes... mmmaybe, best case scenario, evem help him? ๐Ÿ‘€ It's all up to creativity, bb! >w<
Feel free to ask any further questions if you want!!! And my Messages are always open, drop me one if you want to become friends maybe X3
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