#Headcanons: Rio Mason Busujima
smol-sirens-garden · 1 year
Rio Mason Busujima Tag Dump
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guiraguira · 1 year
The hypmic guys sleeping with you.
💜 They hug you all night without moving an inch, with their chest on your back and burying their nose in your hair: Rio, Jakurai, Gentaro, Ichiro, Rosho
💜 They sleep on their backs and it is you who rests your head on his chest, feeling his heartbeat: Samatoki, Jyuto, Kuko, Rei, Hitoya
❤️ They need you to hold them all night and pat them gently on the back until they fall asleep on your chest: Doppo, Dice, Jyushi, (Saburo)
💜 It's impossible for them to stay still, they both change positions all the time and end up awkwardly with their arms and legs mixed together: Hifumi, Ramuda, Sasara, (Jiro)
Regardless of where I put them, I think Ichiro, Rosho, and Hifumi also really enjoy it if you let them sleep on your chest while you pat them gently.
(Actually, I feel a strong need to serve as a pillow to any of the hypmic guys)
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hebimoonlightwrites · 2 years
plsss headcanons for dice (hypmic), hajun, riou and kanata on how "they would act jealous" with their adorable darling who usually doesn't pay attention around her jdbdjsbs for example that a stranger is flirting with her or they are taking pictures of her without her noticing bill
Writer's corner: Ohh! This one is going to be fun to write! Thank you for requesting! Here, hope you like it! If not, please, let me know so I can write another one for you! Enjoy~
Warnings:What anon has asked for and a some bad words, sorry about it!
⋆𝓓𝓲𝓬𝓮, 𝓗𝓪𝓳𝓾𝓷, 𝓡𝓲𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓪𝓽𝓪⋆ 𝓱𝓸𝔀 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝔂 𝓪𝓬𝓽 𝓳𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓪𝓷 𝓸𝓫𝓵𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓯𝓮𝓶!𝓼/𝓸
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⋆Dice would show his jealousy so clearly!
⋆We always see him as a clumsy, loud and sometimes fool gambler, especially in the anime (like in the episode with the MTC when he loses his money again..)
⋆But I’m sure that if he was in a relationship with some sweet and maybe-too-much innocent girl, he’d protect her so much!
⋆Like, seriously.. we know how Dice really loves money and winning, so probably she’d be like a giant treasure box to him.
⋆So if his s/o talked to a guy, at first Dice wouldn’t really mind it. I mean, she’s free to talk to friends, of course, he’s not that yandere-type guy who keeps his girlfriend just for himself!
⋆So he’d look at her smiling, happy that she has a friend to talk to while he’s busy gambling.
⋆After a while, realizing that the stranger actually isn’t her friend, because he’s being too clingy or taking some pictures of her without asking, he’d stand up immediately and left the table where he was gambling, only to reach her as soon as possible.
⋆I’m sure he’d approach and put his left hand on her shoulder.
⋆It’d be surely awkward at first, ‘cause he’d say something like:
“Yo, babe, who’s this?”
⋆He’d be just there, looking at the stranger with an angry expression on his face.
⋆Also he’d try so hard to make that stranger understand that she’s his and only his.. He’d kiss her in front of him and things like this.
⋆He’d be still beside her until that guy goes away and then ask her to stay next to him until they both leave the casino.
⋆But if the guy is still behaving like a creep and seems to have the intention to keep bothering and disrespect his s/o, Dice would immediately shout at him to let her be.
⋆”You creep, let my girlfriend be, or you’re gonna regret it!!”
⋆Actually I do imagine him also getting into a fight with that creep, if it’s necessary.
⋆That’s because Dice’s Riou’s friend so I pretty headcanon him training with that soldier sometimes! Why not?
⋆Anyway, contrary to what some people could think, I personally imagine Dice being a protective boyfriend in this kind of cases.
⋆After the creep goes away, I also imagine Dice having a cute annoyed face, maybe also forgetting that he was playing some minutes before.
⋆”Ugh.. 𝓗𝓸𝓹𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾’𝓻𝓮 𝓯𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓱𝓮’𝓼 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓱𝓾𝓻𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓲𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝔂𝔀𝓪𝔂, 𝓫𝓪𝓫𝓮.... wait- MY MONEY-!!!!”
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⋆Hajun is so good at hiding his actual emotions and thoughts (that’s why I also think he’d be one of Gentaro’s good friend- lol).
⋆So his jealousy wouldn’t be so clear, at least for his dear adorable and oblivious s/o.
⋆But it’d be pretty clear and also a little bit scary to the creep who’s decided to bother her.
⋆Contrary to what I’ve written about Dice before, Hajun would be a little bit jealous also finding his s/o talking to one of her actual male friend.
⋆He has some insecurities about himself even if he’s a famous model and rapper, as we know..
⋆So he’d be sadly hoping to himself that she wouldn’t find anyone more flawless than him. He doesn’t want to feel unwanted anymore.
⋆But I don’t think he’d talk about it to his s/o, but try to hide it as much as he can.
⋆On the other hand if there was a creep bothering her with flirting or secretly taking some pictures of her, then he’d be surer to do something.
⋆The last thing he wants is to see his sweet girlfriend being harassed by a random bastard.
⋆Then imagine him seeing his adorable s/o by herself among the fans at one of BAE’s signing event. Then a complete stranger starts to take some pictures of her and seems to talk to some other guys, maybe his friends, keeping staring at her like a lion would do with a gazelle.
⋆Among the crowd Hajun would notice it, then he’d decide to reach her and cover her, putting his white, blue and red jacket on her shoulders.
⋆”Darling, there are some sweet paparazzi who have understood that you’re my girlfriend~”
⋆He’d speak loudly, staring at those men with a scary look.
⋆I do imagine Hajun starting a fight with creeps like those, but in this little scenario I’ve just imagined, maybe those men would go away without keeping bothering that cute girl.
⋆Perhaps if so, though, Hajun wouldn’t attack, but try to keep her safe, while Anne and Allen would call the police.
⋆Anyway after those men go away, Hajun would hug his darling tightly, happy that she’s okay.
⋆Then he’d put his usual smiling face and say:
⋆”Next time we’ve a signing event, you’ll sit next to me. Only to be sure that 𝓪𝓷𝔂𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓮𝓵𝓼𝓮 𝔀𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓽𝓻𝔂 𝓽𝓸 𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓶𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓻𝔂 𝓫𝔂 𝓱𝓾𝓻𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔂𝓸𝓾~”
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⋆Rio’s so adorable and kind-hearted! But he’s also strong, since he’s an ex-soldier, so his girlfriend would be pretty lucky! (lol)
⋆As a soldier as he actually was, he would keep an eye on the situation, if there was any guy behaving suspicious and bothering Rio’s s/o.
⋆He wouldn’t immediately do anything, but keep an eye on that guy and, if necessary, then he’d act as consequence.
⋆So imagine him and his girlfriend having an excursion together. After a while, if he realized that his adorable girl doesn’t have any more water, he’d stop at a bar to buy some..
⋆He’d be so purely happy to find also even those snacks his girlfriend really loves, so he’d also grab some, even if she already has some packed up sandwiches into her own backpack.
⋆That’s when I imagine a stupid and maybe even slightly drunk guy approaching that girl and starting to talk to her.
⋆At first Rio wouldn’t do anything but stare at him, trying to fully understand what’s happening. Is he her friend? Maybe not? But does he need anything? Maybe he’s lost..?
⋆But then he’d immediately run to his girlfriend, when he realized that that guy is disrespecting his adorable s/o.
⋆At first Rio would try to bring her away from him, without fighting, ‘cause he stans dignity in people and doesn’t fight to people who aren’t his enemies.
⋆But if that guy keeps bothering his girlfriend or even slightly touch her, Rio would immediately beat him so damn hard-
⋆That guy would become his enemy, and we know how merciless Rio is to his enemies.
⋆”Don’t you dare to disrespect my girlfriend anymore! She’s not an object!”
⋆After that he’d finally bring her away from that place.
⋆I imagine his girlfriend being so oblivious about what’s just happened, that she even asks for explanation.
⋆That’s when Rio would explain that that guy wasn’t friendly but actually dangerous and was trying to do something bad to her.
⋆I also see Rio being so sweet to stare at his girlfriend with puppy eyes.
⋆”You’re okay... right?”
⋆Then he’d also suggest her to train with him sometimes.
⋆”I’m serious, sweetheart.. 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓶𝓮, so you can also be strong enough to protect yourself... not that I mind protecting you, of course-!”
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⋆One word: tsundere.
⋆It’s funny how I always start writing about Kanata, pointing out the fact that he’s a little tsun-tsun guy!
⋆Well, that’s what we all need to keep in mind to go on reading about him.
⋆I think he’s the one among these four characters who’d show his jealousy so much more evidently, even more than how Dice would!!
⋆If someone tries to flirt with his girlfriend, he’d show to be angry at him and even try to get him away by grabbing him by his t-shirt’s collar.
⋆”What are you trying to do?! Don’t you see she’s taken?! You’re blind?!”
⋆In this kind of situation with a normal guy who’s been attracted by that girl’s beauty, this guy would be scared by Kanata and run away after that, so the tsundere rapper wouldn’t do anything else and just keep his dear s/o closer to himself.
⋆But in more serious situations, things would change.
⋆We know Kanata lives in the slums with his dear Nayuta-nii, so he has to face a fight with strange people or criminals sometimes, even only to protect himself and his brother by being robbed.
⋆Imagine if he and his dear innocent s/o would get into a fight with a bunch of idiots who flirt with that girl or even try to touch her body.
⋆Kanata would be so pissed off that he’d be the one to start the fight with them.
⋆No matter how big those guys are, he wouldn’t fear them, he’d beat their asses, instead!!
⋆”Don’t you dare to touch her!!!”
⋆So he practically would fight against them as he did a lot of times to protect his brother.
⋆Kanata is quite protective to those he really cares about, so he’d try to cover his darling and keep her distant while he’d punch those guy’s ugly faces or kick their stupid d####-- uhm... yeeess...! You’ve understood.
⋆He’d keep trying to fear them also with pointy objects, maybe found there, like a piece of metal, and perhaps he would even wound one of them, if that piece of shit actually tries to approach Kanata’s girl again!
⋆”I told you to let her be, asshole!!”
⋆After those guys go away, Kanata would look at his girlfriend, who’d be terrified, and cover her with his own jacket.
⋆Then he’d start walking with her again and, putting his hands into his white trousers’ pockets, he’d say:
⋆”..What? Stop looking at me like that. You thought to have a weak and useless boyfriend? 𝓘 𝓬𝓪𝓷 𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓬𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾, 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀..!”
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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wrapnrappp · 9 months
does anyone care?? no! but. heres my hypmic body headcanons👍 possibleeee cw for mentions of weight, eds, gender dysphoria, and self harm
ichiro - pretty strong, but most of his muscle is covered up by chub. you can only really see the muscle in his arms. has broad shoulders. tanned and has some light freckles on his shoulders. also i hc him and the rest of the yamadas as half puerto rican👍 has some stretch marks on his arms but they arent super noticeable. has a few scars from when he worked for stairway to heaven. he was considerably scrawnier at that time, but has gained quite a bit of weight & muscle since then. used to have his ears pierced but the holes have closed up now. has a kind of big crooked nose. hes got a little bit of stubble, leg hair, arm hair, a happy trail nd a little bit of chest hair. tbh now that im describing it hes built pretty similarly to rei... hes not a big fan of how much he looks like him.
jiro - the only skinny yamada family member. verryyy lean, a lot stronger than he looks. tanner than ichiro and has more freckles than him. also has a little bit of acne. doesnt have a lot of body hair cause. hes 17 duh. he just has a little happy trail nd some leg hair. tiny boobs, like u almost dont notice them. so he thankfully doesnt have to bind... god knows hed never remember to take his binder off if he did. also the only yamada family member with a flat ass. dude is built like a rectangle. kuko pierced his nose for him (despite ichiros protests). he pierced his eyebrow aswell but that got infected... had to take it out. has a small scar there now.
saburo - shes pretty chubby, kind of pear shaped. carries most of her weight in her thighs and stomach. also has stretch marks on her thighs, love handles, and stomach. has a rounder face with a slight double chin. they dont go outside nearly as often as their brothers, so theyre noticeably paler. also has vitiligo. she has some INSANE eyebags... stays up too late playing video games or arguing with ppl on reddit & 4chan. not a lot of body hair, just a little bit of leg & arm hair nd a small happy trail. they bleached the underside of their hair themself... did a shitty job so its a little fried but its fine. usually has her nails painted black but chews on her nails whenever the polish chips off. their ears are pierced but they never wear anything other than simple black studs. shes completely fine with her body, she might go on estrogen when shes older but like. thats it.
kuko - pretty strong but not like. SUPER bulky yaknow? like even though hes stronger than ichiro his muscles r much smaller than his. no matter how hard he tries dude just CANNOT bulk up. cursed to be a little chihuahua forever. has like. average size boobs. he doesnt like binding at all and he doesnt mind them, hes pretty much fine with them. i hc him as lightskin blasian + hes outside a lot so on top of that hed also tan a bit. has some freckles across his nose & cheeks and on his shoulders. has some scars from his time with stairway to heaven and just from. kuko being kuko nd getting into fights. in addition to his canon piercings, he also has snakebites, medusa piercing, cheek piercings, bridge piercing, tongue piercing, nipple piercings, andddd a navel piercing. yes he did them all (except for the tongue... knew hed fuck that one up REALL bad if he did it) himself yes he is insane yes they all somehow didnt get infected. dont ask too many questions! paints his nails black and they always end up chipping super fast. has sharp canines.
jyushi - superrrr skinny. almost to the point that its concerning... theyre sickly pale, you can faintly see their veins in their hands. they have freckles but they usually cover them up with makeup so u cant see them. always covers their eyebags with makeup as well. they also have a FUCKTON of self harm scars on their arms and thighs... someone get them a better coping mechanism pls theyre running out of room. having body hair makes them dysphoric so they shave regularly, and since theyve been on estrogen (thanks for helping them get on that hitoya !) they dont need to shave as often now. shaves the tails of their eyebrows too. has anophthalmia, so they have no right eye. theyve been ruthlessly bullied for it, so they always hide it. hitoya and kuko r basically the only people who know theyre partially blind. has a lot of piercings but, unlike kuko, actually got them professionally done‼️ has angel bites, spider bites, left eyebrow piercing, right nostril piercing, anddd a navel piercing. always has their nails done, usually painted either black or dark red. them and kuko paint eachothers nails from time to time. has a long, hooked nose. hands r long 2. theyre like those goofy looking long ass dogs.
hitoya - hes got a dad bod. very soft belly, thats where most of his weight is distributed. has kind of high cheekbones but its not obvious cause of the chub. he used to have big boobs but he got top surgery awhile ago so. rip hitoyas fat tits jakurai will miss u guys🪦🕊️ has stretch marks on his stomach and chest. hes darker skinned and i also feel like hed tan very easily. has a couple of beauty marks and freckles on his body. used to have a couple of ear piercings, but the holes r closed up now. occasionally lets jyushi and kuko paint his nails.. even let jyushi do his makeup once for funziez #bestdadevr . hes a pretty hairy dude, like even before transitioning he never shaved... dude was just ALWAYS meant 2 b a bear ig. hands r calloused.
samatoki - his muscles arent super big or anything, but DAMN is he strong. he pretty much always has been, on top of his yakuza work i feel like hed also lift weights nd shit. hes blasian but VERY lightskinned. like. you almost cannot tell. has light freckles on his shoulders, chest, and across his nose & cheeks. also has quite a few scars cause. yakuza. duh. its honestly surprising he doesnt have ANY canonically. had smaller boobs before he got top surgery, i feel like he wouldve gotten it sometime between tdd breakup and mtc forming. dude got his nipples pierced as SOON as he recovered hed been waiting to get those pierced for so long. also has snakebites and a bridge piercing. sometimes paints his nails... used to let nemu paint them when she was around.
jyuto - weak ass twink!!! has veryyyy little muscle. so hes skinny but hes got a little tummy and his thighs touch when he sits. slight pear shape?? yeah. only has a few stretch marks on his inner thighs. dude is like incapable of growing body or facial hair. has a SLIGHT happy trail nd thats about it. hes half french. oui oui baguette bitch. pretty pale and has more of an olive undertone. has a thin, kind of hooked nose. has little red marks on the sides of his nose where his glasses sit... blind bitch!!! has quite a few beauty marks on his face & body.
rio - dude is HUGE. extremely muscular with veryyy broad shoulders, inverted triangle shape basically. surprisingly not that hairy. hes blasian (half african american specifically) and hes def tanned quite a bit and has a lot of freckles since hes outside all the time. has tons of scars from being in the military. prob has some burn scars on his hands too from cooking, hands are also very calloused. hes got a few stretch marks on his arms and pecs. has bushy eyebrows
sasara - hes been chubby for most of his life, but while he was with samatoki he lost an unhealthy amount of weight. started smoking and didnt eat as much. he was struggling overall man rosho dumping him really fucked him up😭 but its ok after he left mcd & got over rosho (no he didnt.) he gained all the weight back and then some. stopped smoking too. his weights pretty evenly distributed with a little more of it going to his belly. his face is pretty round, he also has a double chin. has stretch marks on his love handles, stomach and arms. hes half columbian and tans VERY easily. has quite a few freckles, and a couple beauty marks. also has some scars from his time with samatoki... he hates taking abt them. has a small snub nose, and has smaller hands.
rosho - average weight with slight muscle in her arms and small boobs #transgender. very sharp facial features, much like samatoki. has thicker eyebrows & higher cheekbones, unlike samatoki. she also has dimples in both cheeks. used to have an eyebrow piercing, lip ring, and a couple ear piercings, but took em out #teachermoment. only kept her earlobe piercings. shes darkskin blasian👍👍 has a couple beauty marks on her body. didnt realize she needed glasses until sasara made her try them on... just thought it was normal for everything to be blurry. well surprise surprise rosho you actually need to wear glasses all the time!!! nearsighted loser. she likes her glasses a lot though, has some fun glasses chains that she switches out from time to time. she def has eyebags... grading papers takes a stupidly long amount of time. cannot get a good nights sleep. realized she was trans a bit after she broke up with sasara, shed been questioning it for a very long time beforehand but never rlly did anything abt it cause. strict parents. she doesnt need to worry about them anymore though sooo shes basically fully transitioned now. she still gets dysphoric abt her height sometimes, but sasara makes her feel a little better about it. tells her he actually prefers tall women and that never fails to cheer her up.
rei - ... i dont have that much to say abt him (cause i dont like him). he kinda just looks like an older harrier ichiro👍 hes a little skinnier than ichiro aswell, nd he has broader shoulders. has a fuckton of scars, if u ask him about them hell make up some bullshit story for funsies. his right eye is actually a glass eye.
ramuda - sorry guys but i dont like twink ramuda... ill always b a fat ramuda truther‼️🔥 shes hourglass shaped, most of her weight is in her thighs, boobs, and ass. his face doesnt look THAT different compared to how he looked when he first popped out the test tube, his cheeks are just a little chubbier and he has a slightttt double chin. like. u barely notice it. has stretch marks on her thighs, stomach, love handles, and boobs. has freckles, not from sun exposure though theyve just always been there. he gets sunburnt SO easily... its that pasty ass clone skin. has some surgical scarring that she does not like to talk about, she gets very defensive if u bring it up. he naturally has perfect skin and grows like. no body hair. at all. has her ears pierced, likes wearing all kinds of different cute earrings. has some slight scarring on her fingers from accidentally stabbing them with needles nd shit #fashiondesignermoment. he generally just has "cute" facial features. dont think too hard about how he ended up with boobs it doesnt have to make sense cause bigender transfem ramuda is REAL!!! the party of words is def not a fan of her appearance cause... obvi, the ramuclones dont look like her anymore... but ramuda doesnt really care. he likes how he looks and hes not letting the party of words take that away from him. he loves painting his nails fun colors and is rarely ever seen without makeup on. has painted dice and gentaros nails on multiple occasions (after A LOT of begging)
gentaro - chubby, she basically always has been. has like NO tits or ass tho... its ok babygirl ramuda and dice still love u ❤️ her face is kind of like?? oval shaped?? ive drawn her before butttt. idk how to describe it. she has a couple beauty marks on her face & body. darker skinned but like. lighter than hitoya. has slight eyebags from staying up late to meet deadlines #authorlifestyle. also has a callous on her right ring finger #authorlifestyle. wishes she could socially & medically transition but... kind of cant since. yaknow. shes pretending to be her brother. ramuda and dice r rlly the only people who know shes trans. has a hooked nose and thicker eyebrows. fingers r kinda long compared to the palm of her hand. her nails r rlly nice, like they NEVER break. has very soft skin.
dice - was very scrawny with a surprising amount of muscle, but now that he has a consistent source of food (ramuda and gentaro) hes gained a bit of weight. like have u seen the way he eats how could he NOT. so now he has a soft tummy nd his thighs touch. has stretch marks on his stomach as well. hes blasian‼️ average size boobs iguess... hates bras with a burning passion, only thing u can get him in is a sports bra. he obvi wouldnt shave, so hes got a decent bit of body hair. i dont think hed want to shave even if he could teebeeeh. has snakebites and nipple piercings, and a couple ear piercings. he did some of them himself, and he got the rest done by random ass people at casinos. has NEVER had a piercing get infected (lucky little bastard..). has a couple scars from getting thrown out of casinos nd shit. its not uncommon to see him with a couple bruises from the night before. has sharper canines... so hes kinda got lil fangs.
jakurai - built VERYYY similarly to jyushi, just has a little more muscle. she used to be a lot stronger, but she just. isnt anymore. is naturally a little darker, and she tans well. has slight eyebags. she has a lot of scars that she hates talking about, so she usually tries to cover up. she also just generally doesnt like showing skin. has a couple beauty marks on her face and body. she has her ears pierced, usually wears cross earrings (shes so christian girl autumn). has a gaunt face with high cheekbones. has to wear reading glasses. has really nice nails, theyre a little long. has a callous on her right ring finger #doctormoment. has NO tits and shes totally fine with it, only ever rlly gets dysphoric about her voice.
hifumi - TWINK. hes got a slight hourglass shape, and is a LOT stronger than he looks. dude can even pick doppo up (with a lot of effort and only for a couple seconds, but still!!). if u look up sleeper build he is the first result. he didnt always look like this though, before he got his job at fragrance he was actually a little chubby. pudgy twink if u will. had pretty soft thighs nd a softer belly, and his cheeks were a little chubbier. after he was hired though, his boss rlly got on him abt his weight. so he started working out A LOTTTT so he wouldnt get fired. he enjoys exercise, but despises how much he has to do it to keep his job. liked his old body more (its ok hell get it back when he quits his job). hes half hawaiian and tans very well, also has some freckles. shaves often bcause of his job, but he also just doesnt like having body hair. hes naturally blonde, but he dyed the green parts to match with doppo (i know what u r.) has a belly button piercing and snakebites; has to take the snakebites out for work. has a few self harm scars on his stomach and left thigh, gets very sensitive if you bring them up (high school.. need i explain more?). generally just has VERY conventionally attractive facial features, wears makeup to enhance them. he loves playing around with makeup, begs doppo to let him do his makeup. also enjoys painting his nails! cant use all the fun colors he wants to though cause... work </3 . if it wasnt for his job hed def grow his hair out, his hair used to be longer but he had to cut it for work. hes actually very good at cutting hair, he cuts doppos and his own hair.
doppo - easily the heaviest member of the main hypmic cast, hes a pretty big dude. hes been chubby for his whole life, which he got bullied for quite a bit. this completely destroyed his self esteem, and he ended up developing some... less than healthy coping mechanisms!! yeah, lets just say that... struggles with self harm and binge eating. both of which got A LOT worse when he went to college. living on his own for the first time was extremely stressful, there was a shitton of homework to keep track of, nd he had to try to navigate a decent social life without hifumi... overall was a very bad time for him. ended up gaining a lot of weight through a combo of binging often due to stress anddd generally not having the time or energy to care that much about what he ate. HES FINE NOW THO!!! hifumis helped him get back to normal eating habits thankfully... doesnt rlly binge anymore he just like. sometimes stress eats if work is particularly bad that day. but hes nowhere NEAR as bad as he used to be. its just very, VERY hard for him to lose weight cause of all the medications (almost all mental illness related) hes on. hes more concerned with just eating healthier anyways, doesnt rlly care if he loses weight. ANYWAYSSS... hes kind of pear shaped. dudes thighs have ALWAYS touched, cannot remember a time where they havent. has very soft arms and an even softer belly... hifumi very much enjoys resting his head on doppos belly. vry comfy. for his size his boobs r pretty average. doesnt bind and hasnt gotten top surgery cause most people just mistake his boobs for moobs, he passes perfectly fine. he still doesnt like them, but hifumi has helped him feel a little better about them. his face is pretty round nd he has a double chin. he is a PASTY motherfucker and cannot tan to save his life. gets the nastiest sunburns ever. has a bunch of freckles everywhere, and has stretch marks in basically every place u can get them. also has a lot of self harm scars all over his arms and thighs. has rlly bad eyesight... has had to wear glasses since elementary school #blindbitchclub. hes been on testosterone for awhile so hes a pretty hairy dude. even if he had the time to shave i dont think hed want to. has stubble nd a bit of body hair. bear doppo is so real guys trust💪 has a tongue piercing and his ears pierced. tongue is also a little too big for his mouth, it randomly pokes out sometimes. has the most INSANE eyebags ever like no matter how much sleep he gets they NEVER go away. hifumi calls him his little raccoon (silly). has very chapped lips, he chews on them a lot (nervous habit). is naturally very warm all the time, so he usually sleeps naked (hifumi DEF doesnt mind). has kinda yellow teeth from hygiene neglect (mental illness.).
this is so long fuck😭 if u read all of this thank u. its kind of obvious which characters i like the most based off of how much i wrote... nd i might add more to this later. idk.
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mtc-4life · 1 year
。゚・MTC gifts their S/O on Valentine's Day – Headcanons・ 。゚
✩ Warning: slightly suggestive content.
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☆ Author’s notes: For this post I'm using the western idea of Valentine's Day, not the japanese one. I'm also assuming S/O and each of the boys have been in a relationship for a while. Enjoy!
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Samatoki Aohitsugi:
• He is edgy and cute in his gift choice: some cool sunglasses and a bouquet of pink roses.
• Sunglasses to make you match with him and hold up to the title of “Yokohama’s power couple”; pink roses to remind you of all his love and admiration for you.
• And of course, you loved to see these two sides of him in your special gift!
• Samatoki was all blushy when exchanging gifts. He was trying hard not to kiss your entire face before it was appropriate ♥
• You got him a Hawaiian shirt (since he wears those every single day) and a tiny heart-shaped box of chocolates.
• Samatoki felt so happy about it that he immediately wanted to change his shirt to try on the new one. It fit him perfectly.
• Needless to say you felt flustered to see him showing his bare chest so unexpectedly ~ (//ω//)
• After seeing himself in the mirror, Samatoki turned round and embraced you, shyly whispering in your ear:
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
(Jyuto and Rio under the cut)
Jyuto Iruma:
• You guys are an expensive couple, and your gifts to each other certainly show it.
• Jyuto got you a gold bracelet and a pair of silver rings that you would both wear to represent your relationship from now on.
• You got him a fancy watch since he loves wearing them everywhere.
• You guys couldn’t help but laugh at the fact both gifts came from the same store, their logo present in the packaging.
• “I suppose we share the same taste for elegance, darling” – Jyuto said with a smirk.
• He took you to his apartment to spend the rest of the day together. When you got there, something was very different from last time.
• His bedroom was decorated with red rose petals and warm candles.
• You stood still, surprised at what he had prepared. Jyuto walked towards you, hugging you from behind:
“I thought we might as well have this type of fun, dear”, he said slowly after kissing your neck.
• You knew what he was up to ;)
Rio Mason Busujima:
• For Valentine’s Day, you both decided to go camping. The best quality time required some nature around. That’s the sort of activity that united you as a couple.
• Once your tents were set up, it was time for exchanging gifts.
• Rio gave you a puppy! You have mentioned before you were considering adopting one, and since you both love animals, the puppy was a way of symbolizing the relationship.
• The puppy slept peacefully as you stroked its soft fur and thanked your boyfriend with a kiss ♥
• You got a cookbook and a hiking kit for Rio. With a new cookbook to encourage his hobby, you expected he would start making some normal recipes for you as well (it was hard to deal with his usual ingredients lol).
• The hiking kit was a way of showing how much you enjoyed the adventurous lifestyle you led together.
• Rio loved your well thought choices, and you both agreed to go hiking the next day.
• Walking around the forest was your relaxing afternoon activity when camping, so of course you two went for it. But this time, a small companion made little details exciting: the puppy wanted to sniff at everything he could find.
• You and Rio couldn’t help but laugh at how cute the tiny dog was!
• At night, laying near the fire, Rio held you close with his strong arms and kissed your forehead, whispering sweet words as he looked inside your eyes:
“Love you, my Valentine.”
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ivant1ll · 1 year
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sleepover headcanons for all the divisions ,, a/n : it's been.. a while!!! im sorry for taking such constant long breaks finding motivation to write has been getting quite hard as of recently. i tend to write more for fun than anything but i don't wanna be leaving my page dormant. here's the sillies as compensation for my absence ! word count : 1,437
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The brothers probably have a couple nights like this on weekends where they don't got much to do. Someone (that someone either being Ichiro or Jiro) would suggest they have a little sleepover where they whip out some sleeping bags and all chill out in the living room.
They'd pull out a couple of video games, Jiro and Saburo would begin arguing in the game, Ichiro ends up winning. They play a game on a console, Jiro and Saburo would begin arguing, Ichiro ends up winning. But when the pillow fight of the century happens, all hell breaks loose. Suddenly the living room is a war zone and the siblings are all out for blood
In the attempt at seeming as cool as can be for Ichiro, Jiro and Saburo probs don't realize that their older brother is landing all the big hits on them until they finally realize and team up on him. Ichiro is quite proud that they could work together even for such a thing like that
Winner of whatever board game they play chooses what they all order to eat
Ichiro can't help but excitedly show the others some cool clips from some new anime he's watched or a Miku mv (autistic ichiro cause i said so), at some point they'd all get together and probably laugh at shitty low quality shows
Jiro SWEARS that he will stay up the longest just to fall asleep the fastest, much to Ichiro and Saburo's humor
One night the guys must have been out late and realized it would be most convenient to crash at whoever's place was closest, that being Jyuto's
Matching pajamas. Don't know who got them (maybe Rio tbh that would be adorable), don't know why. But matching pjs for everyone, Samatoki pretends to hate them but he can't help but like how soft and comfortable they are.
They'd end up chilling on some balcony in Jyuto's place as they have a smoke and just talk about whatever comes to mind.
They made sure that before getting there Samatoki suggested they ordered food so that they could hopefully avoid the inevitable cooking situation with Rio there seeing as he wouldn't wanna waste money on food. Thankfully Jyuto's fridge was just filled with cheese, so ordering food it is.
"How the fuck do you even make yourself meals???" Samatoki would ask with the most confused look ever.
"I tend to find some way to make it happen." Jyuto's response did nothing more than make things more confusing.
Best of all, they play Splatoon on Jyuto's Splatoon themed switch (i will not be convinced otherwise that at the MINIMUM 40% of the hypmic cast plays Splatoon
Honestly just a chill night overall, great bonding time for everyone other than the screaming in Splatoon
Literally like every little girls dream sleepover
Ramuda gets bored one day and gets the others to spend the night, to no protest of course cause how fun would an idea like that be
Ramuda whips out PILES of candy and snacks for everyone to dig in on throughout the night, more snacks than actual food is all I can imagine they'd eat
EVERYONE is given makeovers by Ramuda, it's almost like a whole fashion show, whether it's hairstyling, outfits, any of that. Ramuda is on it!!
Gentaro ends up telling scary stories at 1:30 in the morning which sends Ramuda and Dice into a frenzy and they almost ran outside in the cold and in their pajamas
Speaking of pajamas, Ramuda made custom made sanrio ones for everyone in preparation for an event like this, they're beyond fluffy and in tons of pretty colors just to the other members likings
Ramuda get's the most basic white girl idea and has Gentaro and Dice film tiktoks with him doing the most generic dances ever, cringe from the view of normal eyes, but funny as hell when seeing them film it
In response to the ghost stories Dice is first to fall asleep, he ended up hoping if he fell asleep the ghost wouldn't be able to get him since "If I can't see them, then they can't see me either!"
Ramuda and Gentaro made an art piece on the poor gamblers face
Doppo is quick to remind Hifumi to stash away all of their loose bottles of alcohol before Jakurai comes over to spend the night, both wouldn't want a near death experience during a harmless sleepover
Once Jakurai arrives, Hifumi is ecstatic to get to test out making some new meal plans for everyone to eat. It's almost like his ultimate test as the trained malewife he is, and he loves the chance to make a nice meal for everyone
It's normally quite hard to find a weekend where everyone isn't working to make plans like this, even during the week. So, during these kinds of nights the trio gets to take this time to just catch up with each other and talk about things
As quite the ongoing trend here, every division has one person that is the equivalent of that one mom at the mothers slumber party that happens once every century, Hifumi got them all matching pajamas
Jakurai always can find himself interested in the playful banter amongst Hifumi and Doppo, so there never really tends to be that dull of a moment amongst them all even if they're just talking
Hifumi ends up taking LOTS of selfies of everyone
Much to the others shock, Jakurai is actually quite the night owl and he is able to stay up impressively late with the others
Matenrou seems like that group of adults at parties that could be up until 4 in the morning just laughing obnoxiously loud at each others jokes until they suddenly realize time is a thing and they all finally decide to knock out for the night
Now, there is little variation of context as to how dh would get together for a sleepover. It's either they had spent the night at the bar and in Rosho's drunken state Sasara and Rei carry him back home and just decide to crash at his place, in that case not much happens for the night other than the vandalism of Rosho in his drunken sleep state. OR, on the other hand they all decide to just hang out at Rosho's place and stay the night which THEN leads to a night of drunken fun and banter.
The amount of teasing that would happen throughout the night, the perfect chill, laid back chaotic fun
Sometimes Sasara is able to convince Rosho to have little sketches with him in the house and put on little shows for Rei, it's quite interesting but it's hard to get Rosho to agree. Rei seems to really like them though
Don't know why, but it seems like they'd do funny dubbing over random low budget movies they can find
Kuko and Jyushi already have their fair share of sleepovers in their own time, but at times if Hitoya isn't busy and he's forced coerced into coming, things tend to take quite the drastic turn
Jyushi has the matching onesies ready on deck for when any of his teammates tend to sleepover seeing as they always agree it'll happen at his house, Kuko likes them, Hitoya finds it quite hard to admit how much he likes them aswell
Jyushi's bed is COVERED in plushies
They'd jam out to Jyushi's cds and have screaming karaoke nights, once Hitoya joins in it's OVER. They all end up going off eventually having the most sore throats afterwards but damn is it fun as hell
It's all fun and games until Kuko and Jyushi suddenly turn to Hitoya revealing part of their motive for inviting him....
Hitoya orders them food
They all end up playing a bunch of switch games, some of which being.. Splatoon, the bane of everyones existence and cause for a new found rage in a casual round of rainmaker. Mario Party, a physical fight almost started. Mario Kart, Jyushi mains Lime Green Inkling girl, Kuko mains King Boo, and Hitoya mains Wario.
They all watch My Little Pony and enjoy it, don't ask me why I don't make the rules
Jyushi tries to convince Hitoya joining in as he whips out the nail polish and goes ham, usually Hitoya refuses but VERY rarely he'll agree and just take it off later
Jyushi makes little doodles of everyone in their onesies, Kuko joins in and draws all of them in their onesies on a monster truck. The truck is in a strange amount of detail
Very hectic but honestly fun night, I'd kill someone to have a sleepover with them
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@ru1-png : please do not repost or claim my accounts as your own
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
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Ramuda Amemura from Hypnosis Mic is an aroace intersex ambonec transneutral xenogender person!
Dice Arisugawa is an abrosexual transmasculine boyflux person!
Gentaro Yumeno is a demibiromantic asexual genderfaun transneumasculine person!
Jakurai Jinguji omniromantic asexual transneumasculine agender person!
Doppo Kannonzaka is a biromantic asexual transmasculine demiboy!
Hifumi Izanami is a binotrix enbyflux person!
Sasara Nurude is a floric asexual transmasculine demiboy!
Rosho Tsutsujimori is a graypolysexual agender person!
Ichiro Yamada is trixen!
Jiro Yamada is pansexual!
Saburo Yamada is a transmasculine questioning person!
Kuko Harai is a diamoric nonbinary person!
Hitoya Amaguni is an eclipsic bigender person!
Jyushi Aimono is a uranic asexual transmasculine magiboy!
Samatoki Aohitsugi is a bisexual trans person!
Jyuto Iruma is a vincian asexual transmasculine paraboy!
Rio Mason Busujima is a pansexual genderfluid transneufeminine person!
Tom Whisper Weathercock is an omnisexual transmasculine demiboy!
Iris Innocent Traiter is an aromantic aceflux transneutral genderfluid person!
Taromaru Rex is a zoric xenogender person!
Nemu Aohitsugi is a girlby aromantic lesbian!
dni link
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hypnomicimagines · 10 months
Hi there! May I get headcanons for MTC + Kuko and Jyushi with a fem!s/o who doesn't want to engage in sexual activities (doing intercourse) before marriage? Like s/o really cares about her purity and is really careful with her body? Thank you !
Aimono Jyushi:
Jyushi is overall more emotionally focused on building up your relationship, the physical aspects not even manifesting in his brain until you mentioned wanting to wait until marriage. He’s a virgin himself so he doesn’t have any complaints or rebuttals, knowing he’d wait for you forever if you asked him to.
Aohitsugi Samatoki:
Samatoki is interested in sexual intimacy with a partner so he might make a move before he’s aware that you want to wait, but he respected your wishes once you did stop him. Courting him was a feat in itself so now that you had him, he had already decided he was going to marry you regardless, just waiting until he finds the right ring.
Harai Kuko: 
Kuko, as blunt as he can be, doesn’t really seem to mind. If those are the ideals you believe in and you truly want to wait until marriage he’s not going to go out of his way to change your beliefs. His monk training helped him stave off any more desperate needs, able to meditate it away and move on without even bothering you.
Iruma Jyuto:
Jyuto is also a man with a healthy interest in sex but he’s not pushy, and his busyness does prevent there being a conversation about it until a little bit into your relationship. Jyuto doesn’t really consider it a big deal but he does respect what you want, knowing he’d taken care of himself for years and that he could easily continue to do so if needed.
Rio Mason Busujima:
Rio nodded his head as he listened, saying that sex was natural. He thought it was interesting how human it was to attach so much emotion to something that occurred in nature without thinking, but he doesn’t think it’s a bad thing. He wanted to earn your trust and respected your personal feelings, agreeing that waiting until the night of your wedding would make for a wonderful memory.
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reotacchii · 1 year
Earth Meal
✦ ⌜ 001. pairings ⌟ ✦ ⌜ 002. genre ⌟ ✦ ⌜ 003. note ⌟ ✦
⌗ 001 ⸝⸝・rio mason busujima x sweet s/o ᵎᵎ
⌗ 002 ⸝⸝・fluff headcanons : a sweet reader celebrating their beloved bday ᵎᵎ
⌗ 003 ⸝⸝・in honour to our bday boy (which a days ago-), I dedicate a headcanons to our special soldier boy ᵎᵎ
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“ Even if the earth is broken, let us sing all the time I’m sure we’re two people, I can laugh at meteorites and fine weather ”
❤︎ Rio is a sweet person; just like you. He may seemed stoic and emotionless, even stood in menacing demeanor to some people - surely people would be afraid of him.
❤︎ And then there's you, smiles as bright like the ray of sunshine - may as well give warmth to whoever sees it. This also applied to our soldier.
“ At the dramatic cinema, yesterday’s video stream Someday I’ll propose, I’ll give you the earth ”
❤︎ You'll be the one who appear with an idea of what to do on Rio birthday. The rest of MTC members would agreed with yours in order to put the best birthday for their crewmate.
❤︎ As the MTC boys bringing out Rio to have a trip around Yokohama, while you prepare a special dinner near the camp (finally no more odd ingredients on a cooking, am I right-).
❤︎ As soon as Rio came back from his trip, you'll surprise him by peppering some hugs and kisses on his forehead.
❤︎ An initial shock drew across his face, but a realization hits him once you sung him a birthday song, his usual stoic face would soften into a smiles.
❤︎ Food ready? Time to have a dinner together!
❤︎ Though he appreciates the food, he mostly enjoys your company.
❤︎ Every smallest thing you do such as chuckling, smiling, or even laughing always sends flutter to his hearts.
❤︎ After both of you had a dinner, you'll take him explore the forest together. Casually conversate and having nostalgic about the times you both spent there.
“ The night is dawning for two people. The last morning will surely look like this ”
❤︎ Within the night full of starry skies, you'll stargaze upon it and holding hands together.
❤︎ He's not the best at words, but Rio would like to share his feelings of affection and appreciation for what you did today.
❤︎ He'll cuddle up against you, wrapping you securely around his arms. Embracing the warmth of your body with his. His fingers trailing through the locks of your hair, the scent of your hair always leave a memorable accent to his sense.
❤︎ That's when you realized, you feel safe wtih him. Through his actions, you would know he thanked you for everything today.
❤︎ Kissing your forehead, Rio whispered under his breath "I really care for you, s/o".
❤︎ A sweet smile grew upon your face, staring back to his genuine smiles.
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seangelfish · 1 year
Angst, fluff, headcanons, NSFW
✦ = general/platonic, ♥︎ = romantic
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✦ Buster Bros w/ a younger sister
Ichiro Yamada
♥︎ Relationship headcanons
♥︎ How they would please their partner (18+)
Jiro Yamada
Saburo Yamada
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Samatoki Aohitsugi
✦ Samatoki w/ a younger sister
Jyuto Iruma
Rio Mason Busujima
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Ramuda Amemura
♥︎ Matching keychains
Gentaro Yumeno
Dice Arisugawa
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Jakurai Jinguji
♥︎ How they would please their partner (18+)
Hifumi Izanami
Doppo Kannonzaka
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Kuko Harai
♥︎ How they would please their partner (18+)
Jyushi Aimono
♥︎ Showing each other's plushies
Hitoya Amagumi
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Sasara Nurude
Rosho Tsutsujimori
Rei Ayamado
Sorry, not writing for Rei as I probably won't know how to! Thanks for understanding.
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jackieparty · 2 years
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doing this thingy because i can 
1. favorite character: rio mason busujima; i adore this stupid puppy of a man so dearly 
 2. least favorite character: jyushi's bully or rei 
 3. favorite division: bat bat bat bat bat 
 4. favorite buster bros member: saburo,,,, 
5. favorite mtc member: rio duh 
6. favorite fling posse member: ramuda?? 
7. favorite matenrou member: none of the above 
 8. favorite character song: pretending this means overall song so naniwa sake paradise bc rosho is adorable in it and i want to smooch him so bad 
 9. favorite rap battle: song? joy for struggle fs 
 10. favorite tdd member: samatoki 
 11: otp: sasarosho and jyurio, i feel so much for both those ships all the mf time its so sad im always in brainrot for them 
 12: notp: anything illegal, also hate samajyu SORRY LMAO they're so concerning
13. how did you get hooked on hypmic: my friend jay (thanks jay) dragged me and my discord server into it and we all got stuck 
 14. a character you identify with: sasara. way too goddamn much its so painful. 
 15: favorite character design: jyuto bc of the red accents 
 16: a character you'd cosplay: sasara 
17. a character you thought you'd like: sasara, and i ending up hating him bc he reminds me of myself :l 
 18. a character you thought you wouldn't like: rei and i was right 
 19. buster bros or mtc: mtc 
 20. fling posse or matenrou: fling posse 
 21. matenrou or mtc: mtc 
 22. favorite hypmic seiyuu: shinichiro kamio, hes so funny and really just adorable 
 23. a song you don't like: all of rio's solos, he was done so dirty 
 24. a hypmic headcanon: dotsuitare hompo interviews consist of sasara and rosho laughing their asses off at every little thing and rei sitting there expressionless like a rock 
 25: favorite solo song: own stage i cry 
 26. favorite mc name: tragic comedy or 45 rabbit 
 27. most attractive character: ROSHO TSUTSUJIMORI SEXY MF MAN 
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Sketchie's Fandom Archives
Welcome to the brainrot directory/catalogue~
=== Basically a comprehensive masterlist of everything I've done. Have fun~
Headcanons: Hypnosis Microphone:
iFunny || HifuDo Headcanons!!
Ensemble Stars!!:
Class 3A || Class 3-B || Marine Bio // OCEANS || Tea Club // FLAVOR|| How the ES!! Boys Text {Starmaker Productions Edition} || Valkyrie Photoshoot || Roach Spray || Puns
Fire Emblem:
Pink hair!Inigo
The problem with Hoods || Gilgamesh Punching Booth
Twisted Wonderland:
Word Association Drabbles Pt. 1~
Incorrect Quotes:
Hypnosis Microphone:
Time can Heal a Broken Heart- || Truth or Dare || What Makes Someone Interesting || Gender
Ensemble Stars!!:
Moral Compass || 3 People, 1 Braincell || They told me I could do Anything- || I'm Outside- || Toaster || Not gay-! || Bby Girl || Allergies || Trans
Arash and Ozy || Beloved by God || Sibling Bonds || You should be addicted to shutting tf up-! || On Sight || Stella || Coffee
Fire Emblem:
Mark || Catching up || Brains
Sprite Comics:
Hypnosis Microphone:
Under Arrest || Therapy
Ensemble Stars!!:
Not gay-! [Visual edition] || Toaster [Visual Edition] || Subahokke Dump!! || Allergies [Visual Edition] || Prayer || Sometimes I still hear his voice... || Enstars {Discord} Textposts Part 1
Twisted Wonderland:
Loveable || Twisted Wonderland as Dumb Things We Say~
You should be addicted to shutting tf up [Visual Edition] || Beloved by God [Visual Edition]
Helios Rising Heroes:
I wanna plug in my bass and lay a slap riff on this!!
Genshin Impact:
Deez nuts
Hypnosis Microphone:
Playin' With Our Hearts- Perfect Combo!
Ensemble Stars!!:
Lone Wolf-! Blood-Stained Fangs on Sharp Claws
Translations: Charisma House:
Charisma Battle Anthem
Hypnosis Microphone:
Rivals! [Dice and Doppo Duet] MOVE YOUR BODY TILL YOU DIE [Rio Mason Busujima Solo] Positive is my Life [Hifumi Izanami Solo]
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guiraguira · 1 year
The Hypmic boys and if they believe in ghosts
This one was fun, it should have included more categories, because the interaction of the boys with paranormal things is quite broad 😂
💜 Believe in ghosts and spirits, they are not very afraid of them but they don't want to meet one: Ichiro - Hifumi - Rosho- (Saburo)
❤️Yes, he is afraid of ghosts and spirits, on more than one occasion they slept with the light on or ran away from unknown noises: Dice - Ramuda - Doppo - Jyushi - (Jiro)
💜 They don't believe in spirits or ghosts but they respect those who do, for them these phenomena have logical explanations: Samatoki - Jakurai - Hitoya (he was possessed but he just keeps denying it)
💜 They don't believe in anything, but they take advantage of those who do believe by playing practical jokes on them without any kind of remorse. Jyuto - Sasara - Rei
❤️ Spirits and ghosts are afraid of them: Gentaro - Rio - Kuko (this guy works by exorcising them 😂)
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hebimoonlightwrites · 2 years
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⋆𝓘𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓸 𝓨𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓭𝓪⋆
⋆𝓙𝓲𝓻𝓸 𝓨𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓭𝓪⋆
⋆𝓢𝓪𝓫𝓾𝓻𝓸 𝓨𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓭𝓪⋆
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⋆𝓕𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓟𝓸𝓼𝓼𝓮⋆
⋆𝓡𝓪𝓶𝓾𝓭𝓪 𝓐𝓶𝓮𝓶𝓾𝓻𝓪⋆
⋆𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓸 𝓨𝓾𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓸⋆
⋆𝓓𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝓐𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓾𝓰𝓪𝔀𝓪⋆
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⋆𝓜𝓪𝓭 𝓣𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓰𝓮𝓻 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝔀⋆
⋆𝓢𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓸𝓱𝓲𝓽𝓼𝓾𝓰𝓲⋆
⋆𝓘𝓻𝓾𝓶𝓪 𝓙𝔂𝓾𝓽𝓸⋆
⋆𝓡𝓲𝓸 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝓑𝓾𝓼𝓾𝓳𝓲𝓶𝓪⋆
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⋆麻天狼- 𝑀𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑜𝓊⋆
⋆𝒥𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓊𝒿𝒾 𝒥𝒶𝓀𝓊𝓇𝒶𝒾⋆
⋆𝐻𝒾𝒻𝓊𝓂𝒾 𝐼𝓏𝒶𝓃𝒶𝓂𝒾⋆
⋆𝒟𝑜𝓅𝓅𝑜 𝒦𝒶𝓃𝓃𝑜𝓃𝓏𝒶𝓀𝒶⋆
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⋆𝐵𝒶𝒹 𝒜𝓈𝓈 𝒯𝑒𝓂𝓅𝓁𝑒⋆
⋆𝒦𝓊𝓀𝑜 𝐻𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒾⋆
⋆𝒥𝓎𝓊𝓈𝒽𝒾 𝒜𝒾𝓂𝑜𝓃𝑜⋆
⋆𝐻𝒾𝓉𝑜𝓎𝒶 𝒜𝓂𝒶𝑔𝓊𝓃𝒾⋆
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⋆𝓓𝓸𝓽𝓼𝓾𝓲𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓗𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓸 (どついたれ本舗)⋆
⋆𝒮𝒶𝓈𝒶𝓇𝒶 𝒩𝓊𝓇𝓊𝒹𝑒⋆
⋆𝑅𝑜𝓈𝒽𝑜 𝒯𝓈𝓊𝓉𝓈𝓊𝒿𝒾𝓂𝑜𝓇𝒾⋆
⋆𝑅𝑒𝒾 𝒜𝓂𝒶𝓎𝒶𝒹𝑜⋆
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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demonichikikomori · 5 months
Hypnosis Microphone
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Welcome to my Hypnosis Mic Masterlist! This page will link you to collections of fics I've written for the characters listed below fandom wise!
-> Headcanons List
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Ichiro Yamada
Jiro Yamada
Saburo Yamada
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Samatoki Aohitsugi
Jyuto Iruma
Rio Mason Busujima
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Ramuda Amemura
Gentaro Yumeno
Dice Arisugawa
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Rosho Tsutsujimori
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mtc-4life · 2 years
。゚・ MTC as songs they would send to a Crush - Spotify Headcanons・ 。゚
✩ Warning: suggestive content.
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☆ Author’s notes: Here's just a little idea I had after fantasizing about how the boys would flirt online with their love interest. Enjoy! (* ^ ω ^)
Samatoki Aohitsugi:
• After three months of texting and a few dates here and there, Samatoki can't wait anymore and decides to declare his love.
• He is always listening to rap, so of course when confessing he would send a rap song.
"I'm running low so don't play with my time."
"I don't wanna lose myself loving you"
• Samatoki has been hurt too much throughout his life, so even when looking for love, there's still this relying fear he might get hurt again.
• He wants his crush to know how intensely he loves them.
• But he also wants to make sure they clarify their feelings and don't play with his own.
Jyuto Iruma:
• Pop song because Jyuto likes many styles and likes to keep up with trendy music as well.
• I see him sending this to his crush after a lot of suggestive flirting between them (both irl and through texting).
"Wouldn't text you this late unless there's something wrong"
• It's 1 AM and he's sending a suggestive song to his crush. SUURE he's just wondering how they are (LOLOLOL)
"If you wanna be my baby, know I'm gonna drive you mad Probably gonna call me crazy, I'm the best you've ever had, yeah I can turn you on, on, on Why your clothes still on, on, on?"
• Y'all know how Jyuto is, that's just the type of stuff he does to tease his babe ;)
• By sending this he also wants to make sure they know what to expect from him (after all, not everybody would want to go all the way so early on).
Rio Mason Busujima:
• Rio had been hanging out with his crush for some time when he finally had the chance to hold their hand on date.
• The warmth of those fingertips got completely stuck into his mind.
• It made his heart filled by fuzzy feelings and brought butterflies to his stomach (≧◡≦)
"Lonely you're the reason why I can feel those butterflies When I go to sleep at night"
• So, when Rio came across this sweet & dreamy song, he realized it was the perfect way of expressing what he's been feeling.
"You should've seen the way that you bloomed I think I saw your face in the moon I promise I'll be with you as soon as I find a way up"
• It's no surprise that his crush immediately replied calling him the sweetest angel in the world ♡
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