#Headcannons for Gravity Falls
triannel · 1 month
I just could not let the day pass by without writing something about this triangle guy. Please, do send more requests, I will greatly appreciate it.
Bill Cipher with Feelings
-Establishing a relationship with him will truly be a very difficult challenge, but once you do, he'd become quite a tsundere towards you. Just in his likeness, he will be obnoxious whenever he would feel the butterflies flying about inside of him. How dare you make him feel this way...
-He would rarely give you gifts though, but do not expect him to admit that it is one when he gives you something. There will always be a justification as to why he gives you such things, so much so that it sometimes feel like all he's fooling, is just himself.
-Although that is the case sometimes, other times he would drop off very arbitrary and strange gifts to you...in the dreamscape, be it a very disturbing painting, a necklace stringed eye, a song or even very rarely, a favor.
-Of course he is still a toxic character though, so you must have enough patience and kindness but also bravery and determination to be with this maniacal triangle. He'll test your patience, ruin your sleep schedule, make you distraught, make mistakes, make you upset, and perhaps even make you want to run away or try to manipulate you to stay.
-His emotions can go from 0 to 100, he just can't decide what to do with you. On the first hand he could have you as a true companion, a lover, a comforter, a puppet, ...perhaps even a toy... But on the other hand, you could just trick him, be the reason for his downfall, be his weakness and make him actually change.
-He is constantly going to a yo-yo state of mind at times, one time he'd become manipulative, then he'd threaten to kill you, but then he'd just act like nothing ever happened the next meeting. His indiciciveness will become one of the bundle of problems you'd need to deal with when you're trying to build a good connection with him.
-So good luck and bless your soul if you do stay....perhaps talking with a certain amphibian might help.
-But through it all, after the fight, the sadness, the arguments, the disagreements, if you do still find yourself coming back to him despite it all, to go to him not because he manipulated you to do so, but because you truly do love him enough to go through such trivial and difficult hardships, then he'll end up breaking right in front of you.
-He doesn't understand. He can't understand. Why are you being so kind to him? He just can't understand. (Flowey ref?)
-Why are you still here? Can't you see he's the worst person you'll ever be with? He's the worst person you'll ever be friends with.
-But Bill would still be in absolute ecstacy to know that you'll choose him no matter what. It feeds his ego. It makes him feel superior, and more possessive though.
-But still, deep inside he just doesn't feel worthy. Why, why would you choose him? It would rattle his brain to no end. For an all knowing being he just can't get his mind wrapped around it to be honest. Your kindness and all for what?
"Do you really expect me to change?" Bill spoke to a picture of you.
"I'LL NEVER CHANGE. DO YOU THINK I CAN'T SEE THROUGH YOU?" he spoke, shaking the picture.
"WHAT..?" Bill started to speak in a sarcastic manner. "WILL THE...POWER OF 'FRIENDSHIP' HELP YOU, YOU REALLY THINK YOUR STUPID DETERMINATION FILLED HEART CAN CHANGE ME?" Shaking, he gripped the picture of you.
"YOU...you idiot." Floating lower to the ground, he loosens his grip on the picture.
-Perhaps though, he'd change, very slowly but surely, you'll help him without noticing. With your kind gestures and bottomless love for him, he'll eventually come around.
-Through the trials and tribulations, he'll slowly learn to like you, to grow fond of you, to finally love you. His ego will be hard to battle but it will be worth it in the end.
-Perhaps...one day, on a nice dreamy day, you'll find yourself holding his hand. Your fingers intertwined with each others as the sun shades the scene with a beautiful cozy colour of orange.
Please, if you'd like to read more, then send an ask/request. I would honestly be very grateful if you do so.
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snakewithawitchhat · 18 days
Bill Headcanons
I have enough of these to fill up my guts whatever that means
Includes: Normal, readerxbill platonic, readerxbill romantic, freaky stuff he into
He definitely said skibidi once because he had no idea what it meant or where it came from
He would probably honest to god enjoy interacting with an iPad kid because he thinks they're fucking funny
Tea person over coffee
Probably reads books on the randomest subjects. Mostly they all have human psychology in common, though. Or anatomy.
His favorite kids movie is Wreck It Ralph, favorite adult movie is Shawn of The Dead (He doesn't believe British people are actually real and finds the movie funny), favorite horror movie is probably something really obscure and is just plain goreporn or something like that.
(In my opinion) I feel like if he had a more anthropomorphic form (legs and arms and body) it would probably be something VERY weird core or something like that. Like, extra limbs, weird ass colors, and random effects. He'd probably keep the triangle imagery, though.
Would definitely just say random ass shit to freak people out
He has a thing for teeth. Not, like, a weird thing or a sex thing. He just really thinks they're cool.
If he had an iPad... he'd spend all day either being your standard reddit user or an iPad kid.
Probably like King from The Owl House sometimes.
Speaking of TOH, he met The Collector once. He thought the kid was neat and played a few games of chess with him before leaving. Probably one of the inspirations for The Collector's insaneness
He also met The Core from Amphibia. Or at least knew the core existed.
His favorite human color is either red, yellow, or orange. It's really everything on the hot side of the color wheel tbh.
Platonic X reader
Dream invasion time-- He would SO rummage through your mind if you made a deal with him.
If you pissed him off, he'd probably jab a fork in your arm while possessing you. He wouldn't be as insane as he was with Stanford's body, though. He wants yours to work properly.
Dream demon or not, he probably had a Drea- NIGHTMARE... it was SO a nightmare... about having more fun with you if you built the portal.
Would be touchy. Not in a weird way (if you ask, he'll stop) but he'll just, like, pat your shoulder or something like that.
If Weirdmageddon 2 happens he is SO finding you and inviting you to his party. You're coming, too. You don't got a choice. Womp womp.
If one of his friends were to eat you, he'd probably be disappointed as all hell, but it really depends on how close you are with him. Besties? He'd kill that monster and resurrect you with the parts left. Just acquaintances? Who are you again?
Would still possess you even after he gets a physical form. (he likes to prank you)
Romantic X reader
Clingy bastard. If your insert is mortal, he'll be by your side 24/7 if Weirdmageddon is happening. Even if your insert ISN'T mortal.
Would be even MORE touchy.
He'd set up boundaries and be clear with his own while probably ignoring yours. (he isn't a great partner)
It's probably a toxic one-sided relationship at first. Bill is NOT a good person at ALL. He always had a goal in mind. He sees his romantic interest of you as a little thing that just ALSO happened.
Probably gets flustered by affection really easily if you're the one showing it.
He won't know much about human affections, so you'll probably have to show him the ropes.
Before you do THAT, though, he'll probably just bite you (with his freaky fucking eyeball mouth thing). Not even as a sexual or possessive thing. He just likes to bite you. It's like an awkward thing he can't control. Get too close and he can feel your warmth? Bite. Bite. BITE. It's not light stuff, though. It's always hard enough to draw blood. Purposeful or not. (It's not on purpose)
He doesn't get JEALOUS, but he does get a little insecure if you start getting infatuated with someone else.
If you're hurt from someone, you BEST know he's overprotective as fuck. Your puny mortal body is pathetic, but if you lose it, he loses you, too.
You aren't aging ever again. You aren't DYING ever again. No. He won't let you die ever. Body is giving out? Here's a new one. Forgetting...? No, he'll plant more memories in your mind. He's too late and you're dead...? No you aren't... You'll always be conscious. Whether your body is rotting around your mind or not.
Sex junk
Sadist. 100% all the way. Not even light things, like slaps. No, if you consent, he will full on break your bones.
He doesn't feel sexual gratification like humans do, so it's more of just something he'll do to either please or displease you. Whichever one, it's almost always about how you feel.
He doesn't have a dick, so you'll be on the receiving end always. Unless you REALLY want to give.
He has a giant eyeball on him. He definitely likes to watch.
Always tops because there isn't much you can do to dominate him. He'll try to let you if you really wanna, but it probably won't be the easiest.
Blood kink. That's it. He thinks it's so pretty on you. Especially if it's yours.
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saturn-star-light · 11 days
i love love love trans ftm stanley pines headcannons like imagine him and ford as little kids and they’re playing a little pretend game and stan “pretends” to be a boy.
“i still wanna match names with you! hmm… how about i’m stan-ley !”
and they both giggle about it and then later he comes to ford like “hey you know how we were playing that game earlier wheee i was stanley… well i really liked that name. could you maybe call me that and not tell mom and dad?”
fucking dies on the floor
and then that makes the trans dipper headcannons even more wholesome because stan could see that part of himself in dipper
your honor i’m gonna sob
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endlesspaint · 1 month
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My version of a Semi-Human!Bill :3
He's just a silly (evil) guy hellbent in throwing the biggest party in the whole universe. Had fun designing him!
Just Bill 👇
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Bill didn't care about Ford before, but he found out he fell for him in the theraprisim and is regretting everything
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papirussian · 1 month
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I don't think I gave them enough flare in their 40s, help
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countlessimagines · 13 days
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I just thought of this…
Do you guys think another reason that Dipper and Mabel wanted to leave on their first night (and stayed because the magic 8 ball said yes)…
Is because they didn’t expect Stan to be the way he is??
Because think of it this way: their parents were sending them to STANFORD, not Stanley - who was already considered dead.
Their parents probably told them that Stan was nerdy and there in gravity falls for research, but instead got a Grunkle that was a con man and not at all what they described.
Just a food for thought
(Also if someone has already said this pls just ignore me it is late at night lmao)
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bluejay757 · 1 month
spoilers for the book of bill
Gravity Falls has some of the weirdest fannon vs. cannon I've ever seen
Cannon: Ford views Bill as a friend/ colleague, a person he trusts, whose God like power he was intrigued by. Whereas Bill filled his head with lies, inflated his ego, gained sympathy for him by making him believe an evil monster destroyed his dimension leaving him homeless, tells Ford he is the only person who truly understands him and that without him he will be misunderstood and alone forever, isolated him from his only friend because he was obsessed with Ford and wanted him only for himself, and the minute Ford stops giving Bill what he wants, he goes bat shit fucking insane, invades Fords body without his consent and tortures him, drives a fucking nail into his hand and eats spiders.
Fannon: umm... actually it's hinted at to be cannonical that Ford had romantic feelings for Bill. 👉👈
Don't even get me started on the people who think Bill destroyed his dimension on accident and that he's the good guy.
"Bill's whole deal is lying, he wants you to think he's more evil than he is, he didn't mean to kill them all."
Dude do you hear yourself? Throughout the book Bill tells the story as if he was in the right, like he wasn't trying to kill people. Bro Bill wants you to think that he's the good guy so you'll feel bad for him. Bill destroying his dimension in order to "liberate" them feels like a Christian cult leader who killed all of their followers in order to "save" them.
"People who think Bill is the bad guy are the kind of people who would let him possess them, their the kind of people he wants."
Yeah, unlike Ford, who trusted Bill and believed him to be a good guy, people like Ford would neeeeever let Bill invade their mind. Once more,do you hear your-fucking-self? You're eating right out of his palm like he wants you to. In the book he addresses the reader as someone who trusts him and will let him into their mind, and you think that he really is telling the truth? And that you, the one who believes everything he says is true is the kind of person Bill wouldn't want??
Listen, I'm not dawging on anyone's headcannons. And I'm not saying you can't ship BillFord just because it's toxic, I know you know it's toxic, and I know that that's the point. Believe what you want ship what you want, it's a free country. I'm dawging on people who have zero media literacy and then accuse everyone else around them of having zero media literacy. I am genuinely confused as to how anyone could interpret Bill and Ford's relationship as romantic, and I DON'T MEAN as a head cannon, I mean the people who read TBOB and genuinely think that it's CANNON. It's not. Bill had an OBSESSION with Ford, and Ford was amazed with Bill because he was a literal fucking god. I promise you Ford did not want to the fuck the triangle. Yes, it is comparable to/ a metaphor for an unhealthy toxic ex, but it's not meant to be a literal ex. That's how metaphors work, they aren't literal.
Edit: "it's unlikely he (bill) was lying about it (destroying his dimension) being an accident." Yes because bill is famously known for telling the truth always. Quick question, were you born with that railroad spike in your brain or did Bill put it there?
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I was gonna turn the sketch into line art, but I ended up giving blood today so the energy was non-existent lmao.
Anyways, happy valentine day. Have my HC story of Fiddlestan, as today is the day for shipping!
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mystery trio college stuff
my brain is rotting like Fidds' i stg. anyways I can't stop thinking about a slightly happier version of gf where Ford takes Stan to bmu with him and they and Fidds become the mystery trio and it won't leave my head so here are the dumb thoughts:
Stan still gets kicked out like usual cause his dad is still an ass but Ford goes after him and convinces him to come to college with him, Stan is super against it at first cause he doesn't think he's smart enough but Ford convinces him he can do it.
Ford studying what he usually does and Stan studying business management to become an even better conman.
Alternatively Stan studying law and so knowing allll of the legal loopholes and being able to talk his way out of any problems Ford gets them into.
Fidds being unable to tell the two apart for like the entire first month.
The rest of the college not being able to tell the two apart at all cause Ford still holds his hands behind his back a lot of the time.
Like fr the only way they could tell them apart was by asking them to recite the digits of pi and seeing who could actually do it.
Then one day Stan starts memorizing the digits of pi just to fuck with the rest of the school.
Stan knowing that Fidds and Ford liked each other before they even realise themselves.
And Stan teasing the everloving hell out of Ford for it
And Ford is all "I have no idea what you mean Stanley!?" until one day it clicks and he's all "...oh shit you're right."
Stan calls Ford "Stanford." And Ford calls Stan "Stanley." And Fidds calls them both dumbasses.
Okay but Fidds giving them both a million and one nicknames to help himself distinguish at the start because "who tHE FUCK HAS TWINS AND CALLS THEM BOTH STAN???" but the names just stick and get progressively more cursed and just make everyone else at the college more confused.
Like Fidds has used: Stan jr, Stan snr, Ford, Lee, Wizzlord, Conman, Speccy, Firecracker, Fluff, The short one™, The hot one, The hotter one, Pillow, Nut, The Oracle, Jar, 10 Marshmallows, 20 Marshmallows, Curse bringer, Beef, Harbinger of death. And no I'm not going to tell you which twin has which names (Stan gets called Dumbass, Ford get's called Dumber-ass)
Fidds doing mechanical engineering or something and being the unwilling catalyst for all of the twin's crackhead invention ideas.
And yes I said twins plural. Because Ford is academically smart but Stan is creatively smart (legal loopholes yo, you gotta be creative) and gives crucial input on the designs that the other two spend loads of time overthinking then Stan points out the Ockham's razor and they feel like idiots (cause they are) (affectionatly.)
ahdhudshsawejskl I have too many feeling about these old men that deserved better
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triannel · 1 month
hello! Bill and a deaf-mute reader?
Alternatively, for the sake of attention and trying to impress, could Bill try to learn sign language or speak to them telepathically? I'm not sure about his telepathy. At least in the dream world, can hear him???
A funnier option: BILL CREATES SUBTITLES. When someone speaks, subtitles appear around them. Of course it takes a while to read, but the reader tries his best and probably laughs.
Bill and deaf-mute reader headcannon's
-Perceiving the world only by sight, your life was exceptional, your family loved you dearly but unfortunately they could not yet afford any treatment for your disability.
-You enjoy all you have though, not letting it upset you. The colors of the world making you feel functional at least. Although, you would be lying if you said you loved being like this.
-At times though you wished for your voice to come, for you to speak and hear all the sounds you could. You wanted to experience what other people had, you wanted to be normal... But until then you just had to be patient, the savings of your parents giving you more hope than ever.
-Then you met him, a strange creature that one day appeared in your dream. The three sided creature, Bill Cipher.
-He suddenly just appeared one day and for once in your life you heard something. When he spoke, you truly did hear him speak, although it did take some time for you to properly understand him. Your reading comprehension is great, but hearing and understanding was something you thought you never could attain, but here you are.
-Before you could properly understand him, he actually used sign language to speak, although it was not perfect you appreciated it.
-He messed around for a bit as well. After trying sign language, he also tried different methods to communicate. Charades, writing in different languages, drawing and even adding subtitles when he talked.
The vibrant colour of yellow brightened slightly as he spoke, subtitles appearing under him as he does so. The words flashed by quickly so you had to read fast in order to understand, but suddenly he stopped, and started drawing different pictures on the air that slowly transitioned to Morse code.
Like little bells, you started to laugh at his antics. Was....was that you, did you do that?
Surprised, you froze on the spot and tried to speak. A mess of jumbled sound was heard.
"JEEZ FINALLY! YES THAT'S YOU WONDER EYES," the subtitles under him read.
Right after you understood, a quick explosion happened inside of you. With a big toothy smile, you could not believe this was happening.
"WELL YOU BETTER BELEIVE IT, CAUSE' IF YOU WANT TO KEEP THESE YOU JUST NEED TO GIVE ME A SMALL favor IN RETURN," he spoke, using different methods that made it hard to decipher.
-You would ultimately reject his offer though, making a deal with him sounded quite sketchy.
-But despite your refusal, he surprisingly did not at all revoke your ability to speak and listen. He just kept coming back with no reason.
-His power would only work inside your mind though, as his reach to your dimension is too thin to have a direct effect on you.
-Overtime you would grow fond of him though, becoming quite a bit attached to the dreams that grants you the abilities you lost long ago. However, you can't help but feel it's all just a dream. It just feels so surreal, but even so you'd like to savour this as long as you'd like.
Waking up from your consciousness, you return to the mindscape. A few feet away from you, Bill sits in front of a piano.
Pressing one key, a musical note emenated from the instrument. Raising both his hands for a moment, he then started playing a song. Slowly, the notes colided with each other, creating a beautiful harmony.
The melody started to dance in your ears, your heartbeat slowing down as he started to sing.
"Daisy, daisy, give me your answer do..." He sang in unison while playing the piano.
Humming along with the tune, you approached him. Sitting down beside the long stool, you closed your eyes, humming and listening with your heart and ears as you both enjoyed each other's company.
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leonardoeatscarrots · 2 months
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allies-diary · 2 months
book of bill comes out and now everyone wants my man stanford filbrick pines.....
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awweshuuks · 1 month
Stan twins but Ford understands and speaks Hebrew completely and Stan can understand most of it but speak it at a 1st grade level when.
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ultraarat · 3 days
we can all agree everyone here is transgender so HERES
fiddleford just wore a binder then forgot that he was wearing one [memory gun] and now has worn a binder for like 30 years. bro is still wearing it as old man mcgucket dipper uses raw fucking ductape. like. straight up ductape. someone help him. stanford did his own top surgery with tweezers and a kitchen knife. probably fed the tissue to shifty stanley forced a doctor at gunpoint to do his top surgery.
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sarosthewizarddude · 4 months
as teenagers mabel has these cool elaborate outfits for every occasion with lots of accessories and dipper just wears beat up cargo pants and a flannel 24/7
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