#Head-up Display Market  growth
imirmarketresearch · 11 months
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paul1-1 · 1 year
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aviationdefence122 · 2 years
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vee-vee-writes · 2 years
Floral Arrangements (Thorin x gn!reader)
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A/N: I have been working on this for ages but couldn't finish it, so here is part one. Hopefully I can get on to writing part 2 soon if people are interested.
The reclamation of Erebor by the company of Thorin Oakenshield had come with mixed emotions for (Y/N). You were excited to return to your childhood home with your two brothers. The three of you were given standard family quarters and small allowance to help you to settle in. The only downside was that so many who returned were also skilled in dressmaking, crafting, and forging leaving the three of you out of the job. To honour your fathers’ memory, the oldest of your brothers joined the royal guard, fulfilling your fathers’ old position. Both you and your youngest brother had no desire to follow suit.
Instead, the two of you decided to set up your own business outside of a stall in the market square. Flowers were neither common nor traditional in gifting practice within Longbeard culture. But the two of you were counting on the clans’ heavy involvement in the human world. It wasn’t uncommon for dwarves to adopt foreign human practices, even those of gifting and courting means. Thus, the two of you decided to adopt and adapt.
You took care of the purchasing, finances, displays and arrangements for the stall. There was limited private garden space within the mountain and requests for a private plot outside of the mountain for flower growth going unanswered, you had resorted to buying fresh flowers from a farmer just outside of Dale. Your fresh floral arrangements and bouquets proved popular enough amongst the mountain residents and its visitors, but they certainly were not what set your business apart.
The true jewel of your enterprise was the flowers crafted of precious metals and jewels of the most vibrant hues you sold. A sign of un-wilting and passionate love was the motto associated with them. Such a product was much more suited to the nature of dwarven love and courtship. You designed singles, arrangements and bouquets while your brother brought them to life.
With the introduction of said product, the popularity of the stall had doubled. The word had soon spread of the glittering creations and dwarves from across the seven kingdoms travelled to visit your stall. Within its first year and a half of operation its notability had grown to such heights that you were able to move from a stall to a rather comfortable store. This notability had additionally brought the attentions of the royal family upon you.
It was a warm afternoon when you received word from a steward that Princess Dis would be stopping by to look at your wares. After his departure you had bustled around the store preparing for the royal visit. A visit by a member of the royal family to look at your joint creations was incredibly humbling. Your bustling was disrupted by the sound of a customer entering the store. Peering up from where you knelt behind the counter you were shocked to see Princess Dis herself was already here.
“Pardon my lady, I was not expecting you yet” you politely greeted while stumbling up to your feet. “There’s no need please” Dis gestured at you kindly to continue what you were doing. “How can I be of service to you? Would you just like to browse or were you looking for something in particular” you gently prodded. The last thing you wanted was to drive away a customer like Dis Durin by being overbearing and pushy.
“I’d heard of the brilliance of your jewelled flowers and decided to come and have a look at the crafts myself” she praised glancing around, “do you make them yourself?” “No Ma’am. I design and arrange them, but my brother is the one who crafts them” you answered in earnest. “Well, you are both truly talented. The delicacy with which your brother has crafted them and your eye for colour are truly well paired together” she praised. Embarrassed by the praise you bowed your head in thanks and smiled shyly at the Princess in return.
Dis fluttered gracefully about your store for the next half hour inspecting the different florals on display, making conversation with you as she went. Eventually though she asked about whether you took custom orders. The two of you had never actually made a specified custom order for a client, instead you typically just sold the premade stock. Every piece was one of a kind so most customers were content by the uniqueness that the piece they choose offered. However, this was the future Queen mother, the honourable Lady Dis which had ruled in Thorin’s stead while he was on the quest to Erebor. So, you agreed that the two of you would be happy to make her a custom piece. Dis had been excited by the offer and promised to come back in several days’ time to plan out what she would like. With her departure you shut up shop and rushed home to tell your brothers of the great news.
  ----Several days later ----
You hadn’t seen nor heard from the Princess. You both were disappointed that Dis hadn’t followed through and placed an order but kept your heads up. After all the reason that you had moved to the shop was because of the influx of other noble and rich customers. Instead of dwelling on Dis’ missed order, you carried on organising and designing to pull your previous customers back.
It was late one evening while you were preparing to close the shop for the evening when a surprise visitor appeared in your shop. With your back to the doorway, you had failed to hear the quiet footsteps making their way up behind you. It was the unfamiliar gruff tone of a clearing throat that alerted you to the other presence. Whipping around you stepped back in surprise. Before you stood Thorin, Son of Thrain, son of Thror, King under the Mountain.
Remembering your manners, you were quick to greet and bow to the King with all of the Court courtesies you had been taught as a child. Thorin nodded in acknowledgement of the respectful gesture as you rose. “My sister visited you store a few days ago and has been raving about the crafts you sell ever since” the King began, “I convinced her out of investing in one because my nephews and I would like to get one for her birthday.” You smiled broadly as you dwelled on the King’s words. Princess Dis had not forsaken your store nor had forgotten your arrangement. Instead, she had gushed about to the rest of the royal family.
Switching back into business mode you got straight to work, “Were you interested in buying one of our premade arrangements or were you looking to commission a custom piece as your sister was looking into?” Almost instantly Thorin answered, “a custom, if you are free now then I would like to go over the details while I have time.” His curtness took you slightly off guard, but you tried not to let it show, “of course, I will just close the shop front so that nobody comes in and disturbs us. Then we can begin.”
You had been quick to close the shop front as you had done many other nights and then led the king to your workstations in the rare of the shop. After settling in you had questioned him rigirously about what he was looking for. From the types of flowers, sizing, number, types of jewels, and colouring of the joinery the two of you had discussed it all. Thorin’s demeanor had relaxed the more the two of you spoke, seeming almost as if he was enjoying the informalities of the conversation. He had even asked personal questions of you while you had jotted down notes of the details, he fed you; who had come up with the idea for the shop, how many of you run it daily, where you had lived during the clan’s refugee years, if many of your family members had been able to return to the mountain, your age, and even if you were married.
By the end of it you had come up with a comprehensive plan of what the Durin’s were looking to have done for the matriarch. You promised Thorin that over the next few days you would come up with several design compositions to showcase to him. He smiled warmly at you and promised to return in a few days’ time as he bid you, his farewells. Giddily, you found yourself looking forward to a visit from the mountain king, a man truly unobtainable to you due to his status and yet had asked about your marital status out of curiosity. A dwarf could dream.
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ravensliterature · 1 year
Jealousy and Birthdays
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A/N: I am finishing these requests if it is the last thing I do!
pairing: Madara Uchiha x Reader
warnings: Fluff
w/c: 656
Prompt: You and Hashirama search for a gift for Madara. He sees you both and gets a little jealous. 
The sun shone brightly over the bustling streets of Konoha as Y/N walked through the streets from theirs and Madara’s home. Madara Uchiha, the powerful shinobi and leader of the Uchiha clan, was known for his stoic demeanor and fierce loyalty. Y/N admired his strength and determination, but also knew that beneath his tough exterior, he had a softer side.
It was a special day for Madara. His birthday was approaching, and Y/N wanted to surprise him with a thoughtful gift. They had enlisted the help of Hashirama, Madara's longtime friend and rival, to assist in finding the perfect present. Y/N knew that Hashirama's presence would make the task easier, as he had known Madara for many years and understood his tastes well.
As Madara prepared for an important meeting, Y/N and Hashirama headed to the local market. The stalls were filled with a variety of items, from rare weapons to exquisite jewelry. Y/N scanned the displays, hoping to find something that would resonate with Madara.
Unbeknownst to them, Madara's meeting had finished earlier than expected. On his way back, he caught a glimpse of Y/N and Hashirama walking together through the market. A pang of jealousy surged through his heart, causing his steps to falter. He couldn't help but wonder what they were doing together.
Curiosity got the better of him, and he followed them discreetly, keeping a safe distance. He watched as Y/N and Hashirama examined various trinkets, occasionally sharing a laugh or engaging in animated conversation. Each shared moment stoked the fire of jealousy within Madara.
When Y/N and Hashirama finally concluded their search and headed home, Madara raced ahead, his mind consumed with questions and anger. As Y/N opened the door to their house, they were met with Madara's intense gaze.
"What were you doing with Hashirama at the market?" Madara demanded, his voice laced with suspicion.
Taken aback by Madara's sudden accusatory tone, Y/N tried to remain calm. "I was actually looking for a birthday gift for you," they replied softly.
Madara's expression softened slightly, his jealousy momentarily overshadowed by curiosity. "For me?" he asked, his voice tinged with surprise.
Y/N nodded and retrieved a small box from their bag. "I wanted to find something special, something that reflects your strength and wisdom. Hashirama was helping me because he knows you well."
Madara's eyes widened as they handed him the box. He slowly opened it, revealing a beautifully crafted pendant in the shape of a Sharingan, the Uchiha clan's unique eye ability. The pendant gleamed with a deep red hue, capturing the essence of Madara's power.
For a moment, Madara was speechless. The depth of Y/N's thoughtfulness and their effort to find a gift that held such meaning overwhelmed him. He looked up at Y/N, his eyes filled with gratitude.
"I... I didn't mean to jump to conclusions," Madara stammered, feeling a pang of regret for doubting Y/N. "I should have trusted you."
Y/N smiled, a hint of mischief dancing in their eyes. "Apology accepted, but your delivery could use some work," they teased, their laughter echoing in the room.
Madara's cheeks flushed, a rare sight for someone so composed. He couldn't help but join in Y/N's laughter, realizing the absurdity of his earlier jealousy. In that moment, he felt a deep appreciation for the love and understanding they shared.
As the sun began to set, Madara and Y/N sat together, basking in the warmth of their reconciliation. The pendant now hung around Madara's neck, a constant reminder of Y/N's love and the strength of their bond.
In the end, jealousy had been replaced by laughter, and a simple birthday gift had become a symbol of forgiveness and growth. And in the heart of Konoha, Madara and Y/N's love story continued to unfold, unyielding to any obstacle that came their way.
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hjohn3 · 1 year
Sh*t Show at the F**k Factory*
Sunak Loses his Party and the Plot
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Source: conservatives.com
By Honest John
WHEREAS NO Conservative Party Conference in recent years can be described as entirely sane, the gathering in Manchester this month, if it is actually remembered at all, will surely go down as one of the most weird. On display we had open leadership bids by swivel eyed partisans of various right wing persuasions; performative politics by Ministers taking place in a world that seems to exist entirely in the fevered imagination of the Tory faithful and GB News, and probably one of the most bizarre conference speeches ever heard (and by one of the alleged Conservative “grown ups” to boot). And, oh yes, we had Rishi Sunak gamely, if wanly, smiling throughout a barely concealed car-crash of a conference, attempting to wield authority no one believes he actually possesses and presiding over one of the biggest political unforced errors in recent years (and that’s saying something). Welcome to the F**k Factory.
Perhaps there was a clue that all might not be going according to plan when one of the most feted politicians at Conference turned out not to be a member of the Conservative Party at all. Like a reanimated Ghost of Brexits Past, Nigel Farage hove into view, allegedly as a GB News anchor. In typical Farage style, the newsman swiftly became the story, with Tory delegates queuing up for selfies and journos interviewing the architect of Britain’s singular act of self harm, seemingly for the job of Conservative Party leader. Just about disguising the twinkle in his eye, the predatory populist opined he would be very happy to lead the Tories if only they could become a little bit more right wing, thereby putting forward his candidature for a vacancy that doesn’t exist. The excruciatingly embarrassing video footage of Farage later bopping with a breathless Priti Patel to Robbie Williams’ Angels will have been small comfort to Sunak, seemingly upstaged on day one.
Altogether more serious were the ideological challenges thrown down at Conference by a curiously unrepentant Liz Truss and an entirely repellent Suella Braverman. Truss, seemingly unaware that she and Kwasi Kwarteng permanently crashed the British economy as well as the Conservative brand during their disastrous tenure as Prime Minister and Chancellor this time last year, swaggered into Manchester Central to address a packed fringe meeting of the “Great British Growth Rally”, which sounded like a cross like Brands Hatch and Nuremberg. Her speech was peppered with the same hubristic nonsense that brought the bond markets crashing down around her ears last autumn and which saw her ludicrous premiership end after just 49 days. Without insight, contrition or political intelligence, Truss nonetheless signalled that the Chicago Economics wing of free market Leninism remains in contention for the post election battle for the soul of the Conservative Party and Truss herself clearly believes her tax-cutting zealotry will find an audience in a party that has almost entirely lost its way. Truss 2.0 cannot be ruled out - at least in opposition.
If Truss’ ego trip had an element of the comic about it, the Home Secretary’s speech entered altogether more sinister territory. One of the many catastrophes of Brexit was the infiltration of the Conservative Party, once the political expression of bourgeois civic values and British business, by rank English nationalism as Boris Johnson purged the party of its Macmillanite liberal wing in order to force through the hardest Brexit deal he could. What Braverman’s speech revealed was that tendency on full display - paranoid, dishonest, divisive, racist and filled with fear and hatred, made all the more ironic by the fact its standard bearer is a woman of colour and the daughter of immigrants. It would take a panel of psychiatrists to truly get inside Suella Braverman’s head, but what her speech articulated, with its talk of a ‘hurricane’ of immigrants heading to the U.K., was the essence of English fascism, now safely ensconced in the formerly respectable colours of Tory blue, but as intolerant, nativist, authoritarian and hate-filled as it has ever been. This, I fear, is the rising tide within Toryism, and Braverman, with her nasty following congregating within the National Conservatives, is likely to be the coming woman.
Braverman’s speech perhaps indicates a dark future for British Conservatism, but there were other Ministers to remind us what a literal joke the Tories have become under Rishi Sunak. In his desperate attempt to win a General Election on culture wars issues alone, his cabinet were encouraged to excoriate “policies” (implemented by whom was not always clear, seeing as the Tories are allegedly the government) that don’t exist or “crack down” on situations that, equally, don’t exist, turning the conference into even more of a theatre of the absurd than it was already. We had Steve Barclay bizarrely assuring a British public, infuriated by lengthening elective waiting lists, despairing of ever getting to see a GP and terrified at the non-arrival of ambulances, that there would be no admission of trans women to female wards. We watched bemused as Jeremy Hunt promised that benefits claimants who turned down a job offer would have their benefits reduced (they already do, Chancellor), and Transport Secretary Mark Harper promise to save us from the controlling malevolence of “fifteen minute cities” (an urban planning idea to place city centre facilities within in walking distance of each other) despite the fact that, as yet, they don’t exist anywhere in the world. Perhaps the most idiotic contribution was by the unfailingly unimpressive Energy Security and Net Zero Secretary, Claire Coutinho, who told us to much hearty Tory laughter, that Labour was keen to introduce taxes on meat. Coutinho was later ridiculed into silence by the conference press pack who repeatedly and gleefully demonstrated to her that she had made her meat story up. Finally, the most unintentionally hilarious contribution to this sh*t show of ridiculous posturing, was the toe-curling speech of Penny Mordaunt who stood on the stage, waving her fist heroically and urged the assembled Tories to “stand up and fight” - continually. Quite who the Blue Army was intended to come to blows with, Penny didn’t make particularly clear apart from some vague exhortation to “freedom”. It is hard to believe Mordaunt is considered the great centrist hope of Toryism and the potential future leader Labour allegedly fear. On the evidence of that speech, Mordaunt seemed not only to lose Conference, but most of her marbles too.
But perhaps the best was saved for last. With probably little more than twelve months to go before a General Election, this conference speech, his first as Tory leader, was Rishi Sunak’s opportunity to provide some direction, principle and purpose to what has seemed like an exhausted and rudderless government, out of ideas. Instead what we got was a bizarre concoction of unrelated intentions that seemed to owe more to Sunak’s own personal wish list than any re-launch of Conservative philosophy. There was a promise to scrap A-Levels and replace them with a Baccalaureate, for what reason, Rishi never got round to telling us; he wants to ban children from smoking; he loves his family and the last 30 years (eighteen of them under the Conservatives) have been a political failure. He sounded much of the time like a really cross parish councillor. But the denouement of this plotless speech was Sunak finally confirming the scrapping of the northern branch of HS2. This was announced in the city it was designed to benefit most, a short sighted decision of monumental proportions that neutralises any further network expansion in the north and turns high speed to low speed once the trains get north of Birmingham. If Labour needed any further proof of the systematic Tory failure to deliver “levelling up” to the Red Wall, Sunak provided it to them in Technicolor. The whole sorry saga is political naivety and weakness at its most miserable - an announcement that was meant to show the public the Prime Minister can make “tough” financial decisions in the national interest has pleased virtually nobody. Sunak’s keynote moment was to tell the country what he was not going to do. Nothing sums up Sunak’s failed premiership better than the dog’s dinner of the cancellation HS2 for the north.
Sunak’s speech was weak and vision-free, but to be fair, what else could it be? There is a reason why Rishi’s showpiece was an embarrassing combination of personal dislikes, tired populism and broken promises. The British people are paying the highest personal taxes for seventy years because Hunt’s budget is trying to fill a £40bn hole in the public finances recklessly inflicted by Liz Truss, the context also to the HS2 decision; Britain’s public services are now collapsing as the consequences of a decade of needless and destructive austerity under David Cameron are finally felt, and the inflation-wracked British economy barely grows, fatally and permanently held back thanks to folly of Boris Johnson’s Brexit. That is the real story of over 13 years of Tory rule, but Sunak’s problem in Manchester was that he couldn’t possibly tell it.
*With acknowledgements to Series 1 of the HBO TV drama Succession
7th October 2023
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cathkaesque · 2 years
Hello Cath! Wanted to say firstly that you look great! In one of your tags you said that the UK was heading the same way Venezuela was. I think you’ve posted about it before but I can’t find the post 😔 would you mind elaborating on it? It’s okay if not
Hey! Sorry for the delay on this, and thank you so much for your kind words! I had been working on a post about this for some time, but it got overly long so this is a great excuse to put my notes on display.
The UK is essentially a rentier economy that isn’t too dissimmilar from other rentier economies such as Venezuela.
A traditional industrial economy (like Britain in the 1970s) has a wide variety of industrial sectors that sell products to its domestic market and competes with other similar industrial economies for exports abroad. These exports bring in a basket of foreign currencies, which are then used to support imports to make up what can’t be produced locally. This is why issues such as balance of payments deficits (where more good were imported than exported) were such a concern in the 70s and 80s. This industrial system was destroyed in the 80s and replaced with a rentier system based around the financial system and pound.
Rentier economies are based on a single or small number of highly profitable sector specific to the country in question. This sector brings in a large flow of foreign currencies (something of a resolution to the balance of payments question) and gives rise to an overvalued currency relative to the productivity of other domestic industries, which in turn allows this sector to support all classes in the country by making imports very cheap. It also in turn sabotages and distorts the growth of other industries by making them internationally uncompetitive, and encourages domestic capitalists to invest primarily as a means of claiming a slice of the more profitable pie rather than for the sake of developing other industries. This set up encourages a port economy based on services and circulating imported goods rather than an industrial economy based on domestic production. It also means everyone is extremely vulnerable if the value of the commodity in question drops.
In Venezuela, the sale of oil gives the country access to a large amount of dollars. These dollars are circulated through the economy via state redistribution, the financial system, and an overvalued Bolivar (pegged in the 2000s at 6 BSF to the dollar and enforced through a state control exchange system) used to import finished goods from abroad cheaply. Class struggle in Venezuela mainly centred on the redistribution of monetary wealth mediated by the state. The high price of oil in the 2000s essentially allowed for a class compromise between every section of Venezuelan society (the popular classes got social benefits; radicals got cooperatives and communal councils; the big importing corporations could swindle the exchange system by overcharging for imports; the military got control of key industries; the middle classes enjoyed a rapidly growing economy). When the oil price collapse in 2014 and sanctions prevented Venezuela from selling oil to its main customer (the US) and borrowing money at normal rates on the international market, the flow of dollars to support this exchange rate was cut off and the Bolivar rapidly lost its value. This in turn made it more difficult to import goods, leading to shortages, and further excarcebating inflation.
With the UK the commodity in question is the pound itself. The pound has historically been one of the world’s reserve currencies connected to a financial system with links throughout the former British Empire. The British financial system is used as a major thoroughfare for American capital to access Asian and African markets that it did not have the same connections to. The high value of the pound and its international acceptability as a method of payment has allowed the UK to live off imported goods and create an economy based on services and circulation rather than production.
While the UK has largely been living off consumption based growth (a t-shirt made in Bangladesh and sold here will add more to the UK’s GDP than it does to Bangladesh’s) it has let most of its productive and social infrastructure rot. In fact, the releasing of money from the UK’s old unionised industrial infrastructure was an essential part of this process. My favourite example of this is London Rhodesia and Hadfield Steelworks in Sheffield, which employed 10,000 unionised steelworkers. Owned by LonRho, this was shut in 1983. In the 90s LonRho rebranded itself as LonMin, listed itself on the British stock exchange, and began investing in platinum mines in South Africa. The LonMin mine at Marikana was the centre of the Marikana Massacre where 34 miners were shot by the police while striking for a payrise from $280 to $840 in a facility that was making millions for its British owners. The site of Hadfields Steelworks is now Meadowhall shopping centre, where a similar number of almost entirely unorganised workers (8,000) work largely for the minimum wage selling goods largely assembled under sweatshop conditions abroad (you can see the same in many pit villages too - go to the sites of former mines, and you will now find Amazon and Sports Direct warehouses, shopping centres, and new housing developments). Put simply the UK is rich simply because it has always been rich, because its currency has always been seen as a safe bet, and it shut most of its domestic industries so it could send the money saved from this abroad to countries where shooting workers and forcing children to work was still an accepted part of life, in industries largely oriented towards the needs of western consumers.
The current inflation is as a result of energy and fuel price increases which increase the price of the production and transportation of everything. This will have a series of knock on effects that will lead to a spiral. A pound with a lower value will make imports more expensive; there will be shortages and price rises, so more inflation. This will reduce the consumption based growth as people will buy less tat; GDP will fall, Britian will no longer appear as rich, the value of the pound will drop so more inflation, etc etc...
Furthermore, since the 2008 crisis the Bank of England has been printing this currency through Quantitative Easing programmes to ensure that banks had money to lend after the credit crunch (where banks exposed to the sub prime mortgage market in the US suddenly found they had lost huge sums of money and could no longer continue lending). The way this works is that the Bank of England creates ('prints') digital money which it then uses to buy government bonds from large investment banks and pension funds. The treasury then pays interest to the central bank on these bonds. These large firms now have the funds available to invest. Furthermore, the buying of government bonds by the central bank reduces the amount of available for purchase on the market, keeping the price high. This means when the government sells bonds to fund spending (this is what the government is doing when it borrows money), it can still get a good price, and the funds which still hold government bonds can still regard their asset portfolios as valuable and confident enough to continue lending to others. Between 2009 when the programme started and November 2020, £895bn of government bonds were purchased by the Bank of England, about 30% of the total available.
In the asset classes this money has been invested in (stocks and property) QE programmes have contributed to a huge inflation in their monetary value, a reinflation of the pre-2008 financial bubbles. It has also essentially suspended risk and penalty for investors by giving them an essentially infinite supply of money, which they've spunked on all sorts of vanity projects. The reinflation of the property bubble has also buttressed the Conservative government by creating a class of millionaire homeowners who have seen the value of their property increase exponentially. Ownership of housing is essentially how the proceeds from the financial sector are distributed to the wider population.
Added to this is the index linked bonds that make up 25% of government debt, where interest payments go up with inflation. Coupled with the legacy of covid debt and the QE programmes this has resulted in the UK government making its highest interest payments ever this month. You then add in the interest rate hikes which the UK is deploying as a countermeasure to inflation - these are designed to reduce the amount of money circulating in the economy by making borrowing more expensive, which will reduce investment and increase unemployment, which will act as a break on wages and reduce inflation. However wages, which declined by 10.8% after the 2008 crisis, and are declining at an even faster rate now, are not the cause of inflation - this will just hasten the collapse of unprofitable zombie companies (companies which are only making enough money to make their interest payments and make up around 20% of UK companies) and throw a lot of people out of work, and further increase the cost of the borrowing which is supporting so much of the financial system. All of this suggests that the UK will face a sovereign debt crisis, where the government is unable to borrow the money necessary to support its expenditures as a consequence of the inflationary spiral.
I wrote that last paragraph prior to the recent crash, but now we can see how that process will unravel itself and also why Truss' decision was so disastrous. Paying for tax cuts for already extremely rich people by selling government bonds threatened to flood the market and crashed the price of index linked bonds. This crashed the value of the portfolios of pension funds which hold these bonds. To ensure they still had the cash to continue lending, they started dumping their index linked bonds, further excarcebating the problem. The Bank of England made £65bn of QE money to purchase bonds and prevent a crash in the price and a credit crunch. The rate of purchasing has slowed down considerably now, only £3.3bn has been purchased so far and only £22m was purchased today. I think the price is likely to crash again soon.
I have more to add to this, specifically on how this crisis will play out and how the state will respond, but I am tired and this is already way too long. I'm also aware I haven't really answered the question (probably because the similarities stopped at 'they're both rentier states with inflation going up'), but hopefully there is something useful in here.
Also I am wondering whether you know me irl in Sheffield! I like to let people settle on their own shortened versions of my name and that's the one most have settled on round here. So hi! Hope you're having a good evening!
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vrankup · 1 year
Unveiling the Secrets of SEO: Tips to Get You Started.
Hey there It's your best digital marketing agency in dwarka, vrankup! let's get real about social media reporting and those KPIs that guide the ship. We're keeping it simple and AI-free, so buckle up, and let's dive in.
KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators, might sound like some techy jargon, but think of them as your compass in the vast sea of social media. They're your trusty tools for measuring how well you're doing, without drowning you in a sea of AI gibberish. Picture this – you're on a road trip, and KPIs are like your road signs, showing you the way and telling you if you're headed in the right direction.
First up, we've got **Engagement Rate**. It's like the popularity meter of your posts, measuring how many people are interacting with your stuff
Then there's **Reach and Impressions** – these are like the speakers at your party, making sure your music is heard. Reach tells you how many folks saw your content, while Impressions count how many times it was displayed. They're like the footprints of your content, showing you how far it's traveled and who's checking it out.
 It measures the percentage of folks who clicked on your links after seeing your content. Imagine you're a street performer – your CTR tells you how many people dropped a coin in your hat after enjoying your act. A high CTR means your content is intriguing enough to make people want more.
The conversion rate is like the grand finale of your social media show. It's the percentage of people who actually do something meaningful after clicking your links – like signing up, subscribing, or making a purchase. This is where your audience goes from being spectators to active participants. It's like turning your audience into die-hard fans who want to join you on tour.
Let's not forget **Follower Growth** – it's like keeping track of your party guest list. Are new people showing up at your social media bash? This KPI helps you see if your content is attracting fresh faces or if it's time to switch up the tunes.
Audience Demographics are like knowing the tastes of your partygoers. It's about understanding who's vibing with your content – their age, gender, location, and interests. Imagine you're a DJ, and you know exactly what tracks will get your crowd dancing. Audience Demographics help you customize your content to match your audience's preferences.
Last but not least, we've got **Sentiment Analysis**. This is all about the vibes people are giving off. Are they cheering, booing, or just nodding along? It's like having a backstage pass to the crowd's emotions. Sentiment Analysis digs into comments, reviews, and mentions to give you a sense of how people feel about your brand.
In a nutshell, these KPIs are your party essentials for social media reporting. They're like your party checklist – making sure you're engaging, getting noticed, and turning bystanders into party animals. Engagement rates, reach, CTR, and conversion rates – these are the tools that help you host the best social media party in town.
Catch you later,
Digital marketing agency in Dwarka | Digital marketing company in Dwarka, vrankup
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strangemusictriumph · 2 years
Transparent Display Market - Forecast (2022 - 2027)
Transparent Displays Market size is forecast to reach $7.9 billion by 2026, at a CAGR of 44.9% during 2021-2026.  Growing demand for liquid crystal display based transparent displays for various verticals, increasing usage of transparent display for Head-Mounted Display (HMDs), and Head-Mounted Display products is analyzed to enhance the Transparent Display market share. In addition high growth for OLED based transparent display devices and high adoption of transparent display for digital signage products are expected to create significant growth opportunities for players in the market during the forecast period. In 2020, JDI developed transparent display with 87% high transparency, which is nearly the same as looking through a clear glass when the display is turned off.  In 2020, Panasonic has released commercial 55-inch transparent self-illuminating transparent OLED display panel that does not require a backlight. Hence these developments are analyzed to drive the Transparent Display industry in the forecast period 2021-2026.
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Report Coverage
The report: “Transparent Displays Market Report– Forecast (2021-2026)”,by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Transparent Display market
By Type: LCD, OLED, E-Paper, Others
By Product: HMD, HUD, Digital Signage, Smart Appliance
By Display Size: Small, Medium, and Large
By Resolution: HD, Full HD, UHD, Others
By End User: Industrial, Retail and hospitality, Automotive, Aerospace and defense, Transportation, Healthcare, Sports and entertainment, others.
By Geography: North America (U.S, Canada, Mexico), South America(Brazil, Argentina and others), Europe(Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and Others), APAC(China, Japan India, SK, Aus and Others), and RoW (Middle East and Africa)
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Key Takeaways
Transparent Display market in APAC region held a significant market share of 39.2% in 2020, due to the increase in demand for transparent displays in various end users, such as automotive, Electronics, healthcare.
OLED segment has held significant share of 38% in 2020, rise in demand for OLED display technology due to advantages such as improved image quality, better contrast, higher brightness and much faster refresh rates with lower power consumption as compared to liquid crystal display technology is analyzed to drive the market growth.
High adoption of transparent display for digital signage products is analysed to drive the market growth.
Healthcare sector in Transparent Display Market is expected to witness a highest CAGR of 45.8% the forecast period. Increasing technological advancements in the healthcare industry is paving the way for the use of transparent displays in applications, such as surgery and patient check-up.
Transparent Display Market Segment Analysis - By Type
OLED segment has held significant share of 38.2% in 2020, rise in demand for OLED display technology due to advantages such as improved image quality, better contrast, higher brightness and much faster refresh rates with lower power consumption as compared to liquid crystal display technology is analysed to drive the market growth. Transparent OLED maximizes the advantages of OLED and can be used in various places from stores to autonomous vehicles. Moreover several companies have been launching advanced transparent OLED displays to gain the market traction. In 2021, LG Display has announced its plans to launch its transparent OLED screen. In 2020, Panasonic has released commercial 55-inch transparent self-illuminating transparent OLED display panel that does not require a backlight Hence, OLED display technology expected to provide ample opportunities for the transparent display market during the forecast period 2021-2026.
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Transparent Display Market Segment Analysis - By End User
Healthcare sector in Transparent Display Market is expected to witness a highest CAGR of 45.8% in the forecast period. Increasing technological advancements in the healthcare industry is paving the way for the use of transparent displays in applications, such as surgery and patient checkup. Transparent displays are being deployed to assist surgeons during critical operations. In addition, the healthcare industry is exhibiting a substantial growth Y-o-Y, moreover several companies and research institutes are developing these displays for various applications. In 2021, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) has developed a transparent display surgical navigation system that can reduce the risk of surgery. This system provides high accuracy direct view type virtual-real fusion image information to meet the needs of preoperative communication and intraoperative navigation. In addition this can also be used in medical teaching and smart surgery in the future. Similarly, Companies such as LG, Planar and other are providing digital signage and display technology for the healthcare industry ranges across applications in hospitals and medical offices abound. Hence these global trends are analyzed to create demand for Transparent Display industry in the forecast period 2021-2026.
Transparent Display Market Segment Analysis - By Geography
Transparent Display market in APAC region held significant market share of 39.2% in 2020, due to the increase in demand for transparent displays in various end users, such as automotive, Electronics, healthcare and so on is driving the market growth. In addition, high demand for transparent display panels in South Korea, China, and Japan is a major contributor to the growth of the market. The presence of display panel manufacturers gives it a prime benefit of adopting the latest technology-based display devices, which provides ample opportunities to the transparent display market. In 2019, LG Electronics Inc. completed the construction of its new transparent OLED screen production plant in China. This would extensively increase the production of transparent OLED screens, in display sizes of 55 inches and above, by 60,000 units per month. In 2020, Chinese electronics company Xiaomi has launched Mi TV LUX an edge-to-edge transparent display. Hence these factors are analyzed to drive the transparent display industry outlook.
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Transparent Display Market Drivers
Growing number of product launches with advancements is analyzed to drive the market.
Transparent displays are expected to change the way of using displays as this technology helps in displaying or transferring information. Many companies are investing in huge amount in R&D activities of transparent display technology. For instance, Samsung to launch a new triple foldable tablet and a transparent display phone in 2021. Similarly in 2021, Crystal Display Systems are planning to introduce the curved transparent liquid crystal display for retail displays that really give that unique edge that stand out from the usual displays. Japanese scientists invented intelligent glasses that remembers the place where people saw their keys, mobiles, and other things for the last time. Moreover, emergence of virtual reality devices compatible with smartphones supplements growth of this market. Furthermore, increasing awareness and adoption of advanced technologies are the factors that drive transparent display market share in the forecast period 2021-2026.
Miniaturization of Electronic Devices Drives the Need and Development of Transparent Display Technologies
These days, advanced technologies are growing faster where in each technology is renewed with implementation of new one. The transparent display came to solve major problems related to the device miniaturization. This lack of space on screen-based displays provide an opportunity for the development of transparent displays. The growth in transparent display market can be attributed to presence of major manufacturers and increasing R&D investments towards technology and product development by research universities and major manufacturers.  In 2019, Samsung has announced to invest $11 Billion into Next-Generation Displays. Similarly LG has committed to invest heavily for the development of this technology. Hence these investments are analyzed to provide opportunities for the Transparent Display market in the forecast period 2021-2026.
Transparent Display Market Challenges
High Capital Investment Required for the Development of Transparent Displays
Although Transparent Display market is analyzed to grow at a significant rate, the high initial investments required for the R&D of this technology is set to hamper the growth of the market. The competitive display technology segment, new functionalities will increase the cost of development of the products related to this technology. On the other hand most of the technologies required for the outward of transparent display are in development stage only. The high initial investments and slow development process will hinder the Transparent Display market size in the forecast period.
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Transparent Display Market Landscape
Product launches, acquisitions, Partnerships and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in the Transparent Display market. Transparent Display top 10 companies include Apple, Inc., AU Optronics Corp., Google, Inc., LG Electronics, Samsung Electronics, UDC Corp., Panasonic Corp., Sony Corp, Pioneer and Philips Corp. among others.
Acquisitions/Product Launches
In 2020, Panasonic has released 55-inch transparent OLED display module. The new Panasonic product uses a self-illuminating transparent OLED display panel that does not require a backlight.
In 2020, LG has partnered with Assa Abloy to supply transparent OLED automatic doors.
For more Electronics related reports, please click here
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sudeepkedar · 1 day
Automotive 3D Map System Market to surpass USD 12.8 Bn  by 2032
Automotive 3D Map System Market size will reach USD 12.8 billion by 2032. The growing focus on vehicle safety and efficiency is a significant driver in the market. According to WHO, the number of annual road traffic deaths has seen a slight decrease, now standing at 1.19 million. As governments and regulatory bodies worldwide implement stricter safety standards, automakers are increasingly incorporating advanced 3D mapping technologies to enhance vehicle safety features. These systems provide real-time, precise mapping data that supports various safety functions, such as lane departure warnings, collision avoidance systems, and adaptive cruise control. Additionally, the push for greater fuel efficiency and reduced emissions is driving the adoption of 3D map systems, as they enable optimized route planning and efficient navigation, helping to minimize fuel consumption and reduce overall vehicle wear and tear.
Request for Sample Copy report @   https://www.gminsights.com/request-sample/detail/8233
The augmented reality segment will witness decent growth through 2032, as the integration of AR into navigation allows for a more immersive and intuitive driving experience. This technology enhances situational awareness by providing drivers with real-time, context-aware information, such as turn-by-turn directions, hazard warnings, and points of interest, directly on the windshield or head-up display (HUD). The augmented reality navigation is gaining traction as it offers a safer and more engaging way to navigate, reducing the cognitive load on drivers and helping them make better-informed decisions on the road.
The software segment will grow rapidly through 2032, driven by the rise of autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles. Automotive manufacturers and tech companies are investing in sophisticated software solutions that can process vast amounts of data, providing accurate and detailed 3D maps. These maps are essential for safe and efficient navigation, especially in complex urban environments. The software not only supports real-time updates and integration with various sensors but also enhances the overall driving experience by delivering high-resolution, interactive maps that are crucial for advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving technologies.
Request for customization this report @  https://www.gminsights.com/roc/8233
Europe Automotive 3D Map System Industry size will expand significantly over 2024-2032, driven by a strong automotive sector, coupled with stringent regulations around vehicle safety and emissions. European automakers are at the forefront of integrating 3D map technologies into their vehicles, supported by a well-established infrastructure for autonomous and connected vehicles. Moreover, the region's focus on innovation and sustainability is encouraging the development of more efficient and accurate mapping solutions that cater to the needs of both conventional and electric vehicles. Countries like Germany, France, and the UK are leading the charge, with significant investments in research and development, as well as collaborations between automakers and tech companies.
Partial chapters of report table of contents (TOC):
Report Content
Chapter 1   Methodology & Scope
1.1    Market scope & definitions
1.2    Base estimates & calculations
1.3    Forecast calculations
1.4    Data sources
1.4.1    Primary
1.4.2    Secondary   Paid sources   Public sources
Chapter 2   Executive Summary
2.1    Industry 3600 synopsis, 2018-2032
Chapter 3   Industry Insights
3.1    Industry ecosystem analysis
3.2    Supplier landscape
3.2.1    Component supplier
3.2.2    Technology providers
3.2.3    Software providers
3.2.4    Distributors
3.2.5    End users
3.3    Profit margin analysis
3.4    Vendor matrix
3.5    Technology & innovation landscape
3.6    Patent analysis
3.7    Key news & initiatives
3.8    Regulatory landscape
3.9    Impact forces
3.9.1    Growth drivers   The proliferation of autonomous driving technology   Rising advancements in sensor technology   Integration with cloud computing and connectivity   The rise of Electric Vehicles (EVs) and shared mobility services
3.9.2    Industry pitfalls & challenges
                          High cost associated with developing and deploying advanced 3D mapping technology   Data privacy and security concerns
3.10    Growth potential analysis
3.11    Porter’s analysis
3.11.1    Supplier power
3.11.2    Buyer power
3.11.3    Threat of new entrants
3.11.4    Threat of substitutes
3.11.5    Industry rivalry
3.12    PESTEL analysis
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Global Market Insights, Inc., headquartered in Delaware, U.S., is a global market research and consulting service provider; offering syndicated and custom research reports along with growth consulting services. Our business intelligence and industry research reports offer clients with penetrative insights and actionable market data specially designed and presented to aid strategic decision making. These exhaustive reports are designed via a proprietary research methodology and are available for key industries such as chemicals, advanced materials, technology, renewable energy and biotechnology.
Contact us:
Aashit Tiwari Corporate Sales, USA Global Market Insights Inc. Toll Free: +1-888-689-0688 USA: +1-302-846-7766 Europe: +44-742-759-8484 APAC: +65-3129-7718 Email: [email protected] 
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lizseyi · 6 days
As London Fashion Week SS25 Looms, What To Expect And Look Forward To - Skywire London
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For significant numbers of the high-end businesses that work alongside our own digital marketing agency for fashion brands at Skywire London, the “Big Five” global fashion weeks continue to serve as crucial bellwethers for the future direction of this fast-moving industry. 
Speaking of fast-moving, it might seem like it was only yesterday when many of us were discussing the implications of the collections on show at the February 2024 edition of London Fashion Week. That particular event kicked off LFW’s 40th-anniversary celebrations. 
Anticipation is building for the return of London’s fashion spectacular 
The next iteration of the trade show – putting on display all manner of exciting apparel for Spring/Summer 2025 (SS25) – will continue the usual twice-a-year pattern of this long-lived and much-celebrated fashion week when it takes place from 12th to 17th September. 
Of course, LFW is still a showcase of style-forward looks that can be relied upon to turn heads around the globe. This is despite most of its shows being invite-only, and therefore not open to the public to buy tickets. 
But as anticipation rises for the involvement of such big fashion names as JW Anderson, Burberry, and Manolo Blahnik at LFW SS25, what are some of the big issues and challenges for the trade show today – and what could its future look like? 
Societal and cultural concerns will shape LFW’s prospects, not only fashion ones 
While many observers connected to the fashion industry salute the influential role that LFW still plays in the direction and conversation around this specialised industry, they have also drawn attention to profound issues beyond the sector that need to be acknowledged and dealt with. 
In the words of George Kafka, the Design Museum’s Future Observatory Curator: “Fashion week is probably the most powerful platform for the discourse around fashion… I think [LFW] has an important responsibility to face up to this situation and be a part of the conversation.”
He continued: “Fashion week could be a really important ambassador and instigator of these conversations by platforming designers who are putting these practices at the centre of their work.” 
Caroline Rush, chief executive of the British Fashion Council (BFC) – which runs and curates LFW – has said the event has “taken significant strides towards sustainability by becoming entirely fur-free, starting with the 2024 season.” 
In addition, Ms Rush said, the BFC was putting in place minimum sustainability standards for up-and-coming designers through such initiatives as BFC NEWGEN. However, with a recent report from Collective Fashion Justice having stated that just 3.39% of BFC brands have any targets to reduce emissions, a lot of work clearly remains to be done on sustainability. 
There is a lot that LFW can still offer to brands, designers, and consumers 
Whatever the challenges may be, LFW retains considerable power to inspire people through fashion. In an era in which designers need to appeal simultaneously to trade and consumer audiences, fashion week remains a crucial channel for many ambitious brands. 
There is still a lot that can be said – and that needs to be said – through fashion, including through the styles exhibited twice a year at LFW’s many and varied shows. 
As Victoria Jenkins, founder of the socially responsible Unhidden fashion brand has been quoted as saying: "Fashion is a crucial expression that should reflect the true diverse tapestry of our society. This anniversary is not just a milestone: it serves as a call to action for brands to broaden their horizons and consider how they can serve all communities.” 
Those are sentiments that we can only very much agree with here at Skywire London. For a deeper conversation about the part our digital marketing agency for fashion businesses could play in powering forward your brand’s digital growth and offline success, please don’t be afraid to reach out to our London-based, but outward-looking team. 
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semiconductor-hub · 8 days
Virtual Visor Market Future Growth, Scope, Price, and Forecast 2032
Virtual Visor technology represents a significant advancement in automotive safety and driver comfort. Unlike traditional sun visors, which obstruct the driver’s view, Virtual Visor uses advanced display and camera systems to dynamically adjust and reduce glare while maintaining an unobstructed view of the road. This innovative solution enhances driving safety by eliminating the need for physical visors and providing a more seamless and adaptive driving experience.
The technology integrates a transparent LCD panel that can selectively darken areas of the windshield where sunlight or glare is most intense. By using real-time data from cameras and sensors, the Virtual Visor ensures that drivers have clear visibility and are not hindered by the conventional sun visor.
Virtual Visor Market Size was valued at USD 0.214 billion in 2023 and is estimated to reach USD 1.57 billion by 2032 and grow at a CAGR of 24.79% over the forecast period 2024-2032.
Future Scope
The future of Virtual Visor technology is promising, with potential developments focusing on increasing the sophistication and integration of this system. Advances in display technology and sensor accuracy will further enhance the adaptability and performance of Virtual Visors. Future iterations may include augmented reality features, providing additional information overlays to improve situational awareness and navigation.
Additionally, as automotive manufacturers continue to explore autonomous driving technologies, Virtual Visors could play a crucial role in optimizing driver interaction with automated systems, ensuring that drivers are aware of critical information without being distracted from the road.
Several key trends are influencing the development of Virtual Visor technology. The shift towards advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous vehicles is driving innovation in this space, as manufacturers seek to enhance driver safety and comfort through advanced technologies.
The integration of augmented reality (AR) and heads-up displays (HUD) with Virtual Visor systems is becoming increasingly common. These technologies work together to provide a more immersive and informative driving experience, improving both safety and convenience.
Additionally, there is a growing emphasis on user personalization and customization. Virtual Visor systems are being designed to adapt to individual driver preferences, providing a more tailored driving experience.
Virtual Visor technology is primarily used in automotive applications, enhancing the driving experience by providing improved glare reduction and visibility. It is particularly beneficial in various driving conditions, such as bright sunlight or low-angle glare, where traditional visors fall short.
The technology is also being explored for use in other transportation modes, such as aircraft and marine vessels, where glare reduction and improved visibility are crucial for safety and operational efficiency.
Solutions and Services
Manufacturers of Virtual Visor systems offer a range of solutions, including advanced display panels, camera and sensor integration, and software for real-time glare reduction. These solutions are designed to seamlessly integrate with existing vehicle systems and provide a superior driving experience.
Support services typically include installation, calibration, and ongoing maintenance to ensure optimal performance and reliability of the Virtual Visor system. Manufacturers also offer consulting services to help automotive companies tailor Virtual Visor solutions to their specific needs and vehicle designs.
Key Points
Virtual Visor technology enhances vehicle safety by reducing glare without obstructing the driver’s view.
Future developments include integration with augmented reality and advanced driver assistance systems.
Trends include increased use of AR and HUD technologies, along with user personalization.
Applications extend to various transportation modes, including automotive, aircraft, and marine.
Solutions and services encompass advanced display panels, sensor integration, installation, and maintenance.
Read More Details: https://www.snsinsider.com/reports/virtual-visor-market-4210 
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Akash Anand — Head of Business Development & Strategy
Phone: +1–415–230–0044 (US) | +91–7798602273 (IND)
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LG Electronics unit looks to B2B prospects - Information Global Internet - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/lg-electronics-unit-looks-to-b2b-prospects/?feed_id=197919&_unique_id=66e3bd780e6d3 Mr Amnaj says the company is targeting sales of 16 billion baht this year, up 7% from 2023.LG Electronics (Thailand) Co Ltd will focus more on the business-to-business (B2B) market, whose growth is expected to outpace the consumer market.Amnaj Singhachan, head of marketing at LG Electronics (Thailand), said the company views the B2B market as having high growth potential due to the country’s economic recovery coupled with the post-pandemic recovery, which has led to strong demand in the B2B sector in areas such as offices and hotels.The company believes there is still room for growth in the information display and air conditioner market, he said.“We will closely monitor the year-end tourism season. If the country’s tourism booms this year, the hotel operators might opt for property renovation, which could open the door of opportunity to the company in the year to come,” said Mr Amnaj.He said the company’s products are being distributed through three channels: business-to-consumer (B2C) through its dealers and sub-dealers, business-to-business (B2B), and direct-to-customer (D2C) via online e-commerce platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, NocNoc, or LG’s website.The B2C channel accounts for 80% of the company’s sales, while B2B and D2C each account for 10% of overall sales.Mr Amnaj said the company aims to increase the proportion of B2B and D2C to account for around 15% each, while reducing the proportion of B2C down to 70% next year.“In five years, the company aims to reduce its B2C channel to account for 50% of overall sales, and increase B2B sales to 20% and D2C sales to 30%,” he said.Mr Amnaj said even though the company is focusing more on the B2B segment, it will maintain its partnerships with B2C dealers.Moreover, the company also aspires to transform into a “Smart Life Solutions Company” that can connect and expand the customer experience across various spaces, including home, commercial, mobility and virtual.This goal is in line with its Future Vision 2030 to showcase its innovative efforts beyond the home appliance space, he said.Regarding the flooding in Chiang Rai province, Mr Amnaj said the situation has directly affected around 10 of its 30 local dealers.In the aftermath, the company is considering launching a relief scheme, such as a not-for-profit repair service for damaged electrical appliances and marketing campaigns with longer instalment plans for new appliance purchases.The company is targeting sales of 16 billion baht this year, up 7% from the previous year, he said. LG Electronics unit looks to B2B prospects - Information Global Internet - #GLOBAL BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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LG Electronics unit looks to B2B prospects - Information Global Internet https://www.merchant-business.com/lg-electronics-unit-looks-to-b2b-prospects/?feed_id=197918&_unique_id=66e3bd76e2318 #GLOBAL - BLOGGER BLOGGER Mr Amnaj says the company is targeting sales of 16 billion baht this year, up 7% from 2023.LG Electronics (Thailand) Co Ltd will focus more on the business-to-business (B2B) market, whose growth is expected to outpace the consumer market.Amnaj Singhachan, head of marketing at LG Electronics (Thailand), said the company views the B2B market as having high growth potential due to the country’s economic recovery coupled with the post-pandemic recovery, which has led to strong demand in the B2B sector in areas such as offices and hotels.The company believes there is still room for growth in the information display and air conditioner market, he said.“We will closely monitor the year-end tourism season. If the country’s tourism booms this year, the hotel operators might opt for property renovation, which could open the door of opportunity to the company in the year to come,” said Mr Amnaj.He said the company’s products are being distributed through three channels: business-to-consumer (B2C) through its dealers and sub-dealers, business-to-business (B2B), and direct-to-customer (D2C) via online e-commerce platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, NocNoc, or LG’s website.The B2C channel accounts for 80% of the company’s sales, while B2B and D2C each account for 10% of overall sales.Mr Amnaj said the company aims to increase the proportion of B2B and D2C to account for around 15% each, while reducing the proportion of B2C down to 70% next year.“In five years, the company aims to reduce its B2C channel to account for 50% of overall sales, and increase B2B sales to 20% and D2C sales to 30%,” he said.Mr Amnaj said even though the company is focusing more on the B2B segment, it will maintain its partnerships with B2C dealers.Moreover, the company also aspires to transform into a “Smart Life Solutions Company” that can connect and expand the customer experience across various spaces, including home, commercial, mobility and virtual.This goal is in line with its Future Vision 2030 to showcase its innovative efforts beyond the home appliance space, he said.Regarding the flooding in Chiang Rai province, Mr Amnaj said the situation has directly affected around 10 of its 30 local dealers.In the aftermath, the company is considering launching a relief scheme, such as a not-for-profit repair service for damaged electrical appliances and marketing campaigns with longer instalment plans for new appliance purchases.The company is targeting sales of 16 billion baht this year, up 7% from the previous year, he said. Mr Amnaj says the company is targeting sales of 16 billion baht this year, up 7% from 2023. LG Electronics (Thailand) Co Ltd will focus more on the business-to-business (B2B) market, whose growth is expected to outpace the consumer market. Amnaj Singhachan, head of marketing at LG Electronics (Thailand), said the company views the B2B … Read More
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bravecompanynews · 8 days
LG Electronics unit looks to B2B prospects - Information Global Internet - #GLOBAL https://www.merchant-business.com/lg-electronics-unit-looks-to-b2b-prospects/?feed_id=197917&_unique_id=66e3bd75d8bcc Mr Amnaj says the company is targeting sales of 16 billion baht this year, up 7% from 2023.LG Electronics (Thailand) Co Ltd will focus more on the business-to-business (B2B) market, whose growth is expected to outpace the consumer market.Amnaj Singhachan, head of marketing at LG Electronics (Thailand), said the company views the B2B market as having high growth potential due to the country’s economic recovery coupled with the post-pandemic recovery, which has led to strong demand in the B2B sector in areas such as offices and hotels.The company believes there is still room for growth in the information display and air conditioner market, he said.“We will closely monitor the year-end tourism season. If the country’s tourism booms this year, the hotel operators might opt for property renovation, which could open the door of opportunity to the company in the year to come,” said Mr Amnaj.He said the company’s products are being distributed through three channels: business-to-consumer (B2C) through its dealers and sub-dealers, business-to-business (B2B), and direct-to-customer (D2C) via online e-commerce platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, NocNoc, or LG’s website.The B2C channel accounts for 80% of the company’s sales, while B2B and D2C each account for 10% of overall sales.Mr Amnaj said the company aims to increase the proportion of B2B and D2C to account for around 15% each, while reducing the proportion of B2C down to 70% next year.“In five years, the company aims to reduce its B2C channel to account for 50% of overall sales, and increase B2B sales to 20% and D2C sales to 30%,” he said.Mr Amnaj said even though the company is focusing more on the B2B segment, it will maintain its partnerships with B2C dealers.Moreover, the company also aspires to transform into a “Smart Life Solutions Company” that can connect and expand the customer experience across various spaces, including home, commercial, mobility and virtual.This goal is in line with its Future Vision 2030 to showcase its innovative efforts beyond the home appliance space, he said.Regarding the flooding in Chiang Rai province, Mr Amnaj said the situation has directly affected around 10 of its 30 local dealers.In the aftermath, the company is considering launching a relief scheme, such as a not-for-profit repair service for damaged electrical appliances and marketing campaigns with longer instalment plans for new appliance purchases.The company is targeting sales of 16 billion baht this year, up 7% from the previous year, he said. BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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boldcompanynews · 8 days
LG Electronics unit looks to B2B prospects - Information Global Internet - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/lg-electronics-unit-looks-to-b2b-prospects/?feed_id=197916&_unique_id=66e3bd74e4557 Mr Amnaj says the company is targeting sales of 16 billion baht this year, up 7% from 2023.LG Electronics (Thailand) Co Ltd will focus more on the business-to-business (B2B) market, whose growth is expected to outpace the consumer market.Amnaj Singhachan, head of marketing at LG Electronics (Thailand), said the company views the B2B market as having high growth potential due to the country’s economic recovery coupled with the post-pandemic recovery, which has led to strong demand in the B2B sector in areas such as offices and hotels.The company believes there is still room for growth in the information display and air conditioner market, he said.“We will closely monitor the year-end tourism season. If the country’s tourism booms this year, the hotel operators might opt for property renovation, which could open the door of opportunity to the company in the year to come,” said Mr Amnaj.He said the company’s products are being distributed through three channels: business-to-consumer (B2C) through its dealers and sub-dealers, business-to-business (B2B), and direct-to-customer (D2C) via online e-commerce platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, NocNoc, or LG’s website.The B2C channel accounts for 80% of the company’s sales, while B2B and D2C each account for 10% of overall sales.Mr Amnaj said the company aims to increase the proportion of B2B and D2C to account for around 15% each, while reducing the proportion of B2C down to 70% next year.“In five years, the company aims to reduce its B2C channel to account for 50% of overall sales, and increase B2B sales to 20% and D2C sales to 30%,” he said.Mr Amnaj said even though the company is focusing more on the B2B segment, it will maintain its partnerships with B2C dealers.Moreover, the company also aspires to transform into a “Smart Life Solutions Company” that can connect and expand the customer experience across various spaces, including home, commercial, mobility and virtual.This goal is in line with its Future Vision 2030 to showcase its innovative efforts beyond the home appliance space, he said.Regarding the flooding in Chiang Rai province, Mr Amnaj said the situation has directly affected around 10 of its 30 local dealers.In the aftermath, the company is considering launching a relief scheme, such as a not-for-profit repair service for damaged electrical appliances and marketing campaigns with longer instalment plans for new appliance purchases.The company is targeting sales of 16 billion baht this year, up 7% from the previous year, he said. #GLOBAL - BLOGGER Mr Amnaj says the... BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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